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Right . Dave is back. The president is back. Get back to work. Less consequential i return, but well see how the debates all changed now that the president returned. 5 00 a. M. In the east, noon in zimbabwe. Well check in there shortly, thats where the president is under house arrest. But we start with the latest on tax reform healthcare after saying weeks they drnt want to revisit the healthcare debate, Senate Republicans have decided to do it any way. The revised gop tax bill released late last night features a repeal of obamacares requirement that all americans Carry Health Insurance or pay a fine. Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee Voting unanimously to scrap the socalled individual mandate. Now, conservatives in the house are lobbying their leaders to add an individual mandate repeal to the House Republican tax bill. House begins debate on that bill today with a vote on the sweeping overhaul of the tax code scheduled for tomorrow, following all the twists and turns, Cnns Phil Mattingly. Reporter christine and dave, for weeks its been on the table and for weeks Republican Leaders made very clear they dont actually want to actually put it in the tax reform bill. And yet its there at least in the senate version. Thats the repeal of the obamacare individual mandate, something that the Congressional Budget Office would release those with Health Insurance by 13 million and introduces whats been a politically toxic Health Care Debate back into play for Senate Republicans, one that led to so many legislative failures over the course of the last nine months. So the big question is why are they doing this . Here is the simple answer, money, revenue, they need it. The congressional budget also shows repealing the individual mandate creates 338 billion in deficit savings, money that republicans in the u. S. Senate if they want to pass this bill with a simple majority vote will need for their proposal. They made very clear, they searched high and low, this is the best way for them to get such a large chunk of money, for several wary republican members in the senate, providing more options on things like boosting up Child Tax Credit, lowering the individual rates for middle class, those are now options on the table because of that 338 billion. Make no mistake about it, democrats seized on this issue, theyre trying to rally the grass roots like they did throughout the Health Care Debate. The republican play is this, they know this is politically toxic. They know that this is divisive. Their hope based on what theyve seen in the last couple weeks in the tax reform process is that the political imperative of doing something, of doing anything at this point will win out when it comes to the debate over whether or not repealing the individual mandate is good politics. Christine and dave. All right. Phil just mentioned, repealing the individual mandate frees up 338 billion. Republicans plan to direct that money toward middle class tax relief. The revised senate bill boosts the Child Tax Credit to 2,000 and cuts several middle income tax brackets. Now, eliminating the mandate injects muchneeded cash into the tax plan but will also increase premiums and still isnt enough to pay for the across the board tax cuts many thatch is if congress only adds 1. 5 trillion to the deficit, thats the limit to still pass the bill with a simple majority. So individual tax cuts must expire then, right, to pay nor . You have to have them expire by the year 2025. The lower Corporate Tax rate, thats immediate and its permanent. Opening the gop up to criticism it favors businesses over everyday americans. Now the Administration Says Corporate Tax cuts will boost worker pay. Thats the connection between whats good for companies is good for workers, but simply theres no proof. In fact, here is what ceos said at a wall street journal event with the president s economic adviser gary kohn. Watch carefully here, these ceos were asked how they would invest their tax cuts in their companies. If the tax reform bill goes through do you plan to increase investment, your companys invest, capitol investment, just a show of hands, if the tax reform goes through . Okay. Why arent the other hands up . I know. I saw one hand, maybe two. Thats gary kohn said, why arent the other hands up . Very few people raised their hands. That moment was telling. Lets get to gary kohns answers if we could. What is the answer . Why arent they going to hire more, pay more, build more . I mean, if you listens to companies on their corporate earnings calls, well do share buybacks, dividends. We want lower taxes. We want simpler taxes, but its demand. Its demand for their products that causes them to the market drives their decisions. Absolutely. Joining us this morning to discus all this, live from chicago, political economist, greg and zach wolf. Good morning to you gentlemen. Hi, guys. Good morning. Greg, lets start with you and the notion of individual mandate repealing it along with tax reform, an idea that is in the senate now and is going to be discussed in the house. Good idea . You would think if you touch a hot stove enough you would eventually stop touching a hot stove. They keep losing on obamacare, so now they throw this provision in, not only could it delay passage of a tax bill, it could actually jeopardize passage of a tax bill. Greg, when i look at the optics of this, though, i keep hearing the president wants middle class tax relief. Yep. This is permanent Corporate Tax relief, temporary middle class tax relief and if you throw in the obamacare repeal, the obamacare mandate, you have potentially 13 million who will be without Health Insurance and premiums could rise. That in a heart beat takes away the thousands Dollar Benefit for some middle class families of tax reform. How do they sell it as a middle class plan when clearly its a vehicle for Corporate Tax relief . The optics are terrible. The polls could turn against this. My guess is this, that theyre going to show the president and the republican base, which are adamant that they want to kill obamacare. Theyre going to show them they gave one last good old college try. It will fail because there are so many people, susan collins, mccain who may not vote for this, but theyll try one last time. It will fail. Then theyll pass a clean bill at some point in december. But again, it does complicate passage of a tax bill. To that notion there, zach, does it complicate the politics of this for the republicans if they want to get rid of the manda mandate . Yeah. I dont think its may be as controversial as were making it out to be. Okay. Pretty much every you know, for the broad swath of americans it will be. For a lot of republicans, this is exactly what they want to do. They were unable to repeal obamacare, so theyll take it out by some other means. Im not completely sure that republicans will see that as a bad thing despite the very difficult messaging they will face from democrats about lowering tax cuts in exchange for cutting peoples Health Insurance. I mean, that might be an argument that they ultimately want to have the republicans because they promised for so long that they would get rid of obamacare and this is sort of a path into doing that. Plus, they need that savings in order to pass this bill. Right. Dont forget, they want to pass the tax reform bill. They want to pass any bill. They want to pass a tax reform bill, any bill. In order to do it with 50 votes they have to find this 300 billion or more to for the complicated procedural reasons. So its a complicated thing theyre doing, but they have to do it if they want to get something done. Greg the timing has been so aggressive and optimistic from the very beginning, but the markets are telling us now that for the first time, for the first time theyre doubting that something happens here. What do you say the chances are that they get tax reform done . Is it tax reform or is it tax cuts . Well, you could debate that. I would say that theres two problems now that the markets have to look at. Number one is with this new complication we may not get this done by christmas. I think mnuchin unrealistically set that bar too high. So there could be a delay, number one. Number two, the bill may not be quite as grand as the president wanted. If they cant do the obamacare provision, i think then you would have to say the Corporate Tax cuts are less generous. Maybe you dont have a Corporate Tax cut in 2018. Maybe it doesnt go down to 20 . Maybe it goes to 23 or 24. So the markets are starting to look at a bill that looks a little less spectacular than it did two or three months ago. Steven mnuchin said 20 is the number they want. They absolutely want 20 and the earlier house version they delayed that 20 , a tax rate until 2019 and the freakouts on wall street over that, they want their tax cut. They want it permanent. They want it now. They want 20 . Theyll need, christine, every single vote, which makes this roy moore situation, zach, so much more complicated because if the democrat wins there, doug jones, they could afford to lose no more than one in the senate. And from this sound bite from doug moore last night, its clear he is not getting out of this race any time soon. What do you think im going to do . Why do you think theyre giving me this trouble . Why do you think im being harassed by media and by people pushing forward allegations in the last 28 days of this election . But i want to talk about the issue. I want to talk about where this country is going and if we dont come back to god were not going anywhere. All right. Mitch mcconnell, paul ryan, they called for roy moore to get out of this race, even sean hannity of fox news says he has 24 hours to clear up some discrepancy on this. What will the president want them to do when he weighs in on this . We hope he weighs in on this shortly, zach. Yeah, hes back from asia. Hes in the white house. He has to focus, i think, more fully and directly on this very big problem that republicans have, and thats kind of the big, unanswered question. He didnt really want to endorse moores opponent during the primary, and now you can see perhaps trump sees a little of his own problems last november in the problems of roy moore. So, you know, is he going to follow the herd of republicans and call for moore to either step aside or figure some writein system, maybe pull Jeff Sessions out of his cabinet, some complicated thing or is he going to go the steve bannon route, which that seems like its little more in trumps political persona. Greg and zach, dont go away. A lot to talk about including, greg, the president s new position on trade and what we think hell say to the nation about what he accomplished or hopes to accomplish after that asia trip. Thanks, guys. Come back in a few minutes. This amazing story in california, Officials Say some quickthinking teachers helped prevent a Deadly School shooting. This individual shooter was bent on engaging and killing people at random. How a lockdown at a California School kept a shooter out before his rampage turned elsewhere. Announcer early start brought to you by you cant predict the market. But through good times and bad. At t. Rowe price. 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This incident, as tragic and as bad as it is, could have been so much worse if it wasnt for the quick thinking and staff at our Elementary School. Four dead in the shooting spree in rancho tehama, california. Police say Staff Members at a local Elementary School averted an even worse tragedy when it quickly went into lockdown at the school before a gunman tried to storm the building. They immediately locked the doors. Students and teachers took cover. When gunfire rang out near the rancho tehama Elementary School just before the start of classes on tuesday morning. The shooter couldnt get in. Got in a pickup truck, rammed a stolen pickup truck through the schools locked gate and then began firing through windows and walls. It appears that because he couldnt make access to any of the rooms that they were locked that he gave it up and reentered the vehicle and then went on his killing spree and took it to the streets of rancho tehama. One student who was shot and wounded is now in stable condition. The gunman drove off and was shot and killed by police at another location. There were seven shooting scenes with four People Killed and at least ten wounded or hurt. The killer apparently chose most of his victims at random, firing at passing motorists, firing at homes. Police say he had prior contacts with Law Enforcement but did not elabora elaborate. To zimbabwe, political turmoil escalated overnight with an apparent coup. Is 93yearold strong man president Robert Mugabe still in control of the country he has ruled for nearly four decades. In a speech on live tv, a uniformed military spokesman denied there has been a coup, but the situation on the ground suggests the opposite. A senior u. S. Official tells cnn the president mugabe is now under house arrest, all this in the wake of mugabes abrupt firing of his Vice President who had been considered his most likely successor. We are joined live this morning from nairobi, kenya. Mugabe known for decades long human rights violations. Whats his future . Well, at the moment we have to say, dave, that his future looks far less secure than it did 24, 48 hours ago. We are saying that this is an apparent coup, even though the army denies its a coup. Because theyve done all the things that lead any analysis to consider it an apparent coup. They took over the state broadcaster. They heard in the introduction that mr. Mugabe is confined to his residents, under house arrest. Weve seen several pictures imnating of the police and i beg you pardon, the soldiers, thats the army, with tanks on the streets today. So, for all intents and purposes it seems to be a change of the guard in terms of who is running zimbabwe. Now, look, how did we get here . We got here because the Vice President was fired . Why was he fired because mrs. Mugabe mugabes wife, grace mugabe had solid gunning for the Political Office and she wanted that vice presidency for herself. Now this is complete for people who ran in zimbabwe. She has no credentials to lead. She wasnt born when the Vice President was arrested first for political activism in 1960 and this is at the heart of the armys gripe. They think that the party that ruled zimbabwe for so long is being hijacked by what theyre calling looters and people who have been stealing from the country. So were here now waiting to hear the armys next move and to see as our teams arrive now whether or not this will lead to some peaceful conclusion. Already theres been tremors in south africa about how this will be resolved. This has to be resolved peacefully and its going to be a very interesting day indeed for this longsuffering Southern African nation. Thank you for that live report from kenya. So australia now, rainbow celebrations breaking out across the country after a National Postal survey showed overwhelming support for legalizing same sex marriage. 61 voted in favor of same sex marriage, nearly 80 of the population took part in this historic twomonth referendum with every state and territory returning a majority yes vote. The Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull calling for gay marriage to be legalized by christmas. Australia set to begin as early as this week of a same sex bill. Massive turnout. Little different dynamic there. Three ucla basketball players detained in china for shoplifting now free and back on american soil with an assist from President Trump. Andy scholes has more in this mornings Bleacher Report next. You too, unnecessary er visits. And hey, unmanaged depression, dont get too comfortable. Were talking to you, cost inefficiencies, and data without insights. And fragmented care, stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. Every single one of you is on our list. At optum, were partnering across the Health System to tackle its biggest challenges. That goes beyond assumingring beingredients are safe. Ood to knowing they are. Going beyond expectations. Because our pets deserve it. Beyond. Natural pet food. Dear dauwith our used to motherdaughter matches. But ive been taking osteo biflex ease. Its 80 smaller but just as effective. Which means, ill run you off the court. Hugs and kisses, mom. Osteo biflex ease. Made to move. Were back. Three ucla basketball players accused of stealing sunglasses in china are back on u. S. Soil this morning. Andy scholes has more in this mornings Bleacher Report. Hey, andy. Good morning, guys. Three players including liangelo ball, younger brother of lakers rookie lonzo ball returning to los angeles last night and they were greeted by a slew of media hoping to get answers for what happened in china. The players did not speak, but ucla will be holding a press conference later today at 2 00 p. M. Eastern. The players will attend but are not expected to answer questions. Players return came just hours after President Trump said he was hopeful that they would return home soon after he had talked about the situation with chinese president xi in a statement pac12 commissioner larry scott thanked President Trump for his help in getting the players home. We may have got a final four preview last night and its only november. Number one duke taking on number two michigan state. This is a highschooling affair with both teams trading runs all game long. Grayson allen playing every minute of the game scoring a career high 37 points. Duke remaining unbeaten. Kyrie irving returning last night wearing a mask after suffering a broken bone in his face. Kyrie said that masks pretty uncomfortable but didnt stop him from scoring 25 points in celtics win over the nets. 13th straight victory. Kyrie was wearing the special shoes in the game dedicated to his mom who died when he was just 4 years old. The shoes had mom on the tongue instead of diees logo and the big rose on the side of them. In a really cool moment after the win, kyrie took off those shoes and his jersey and gave them to two members of the United States armed forces who were at the game and, guys, you see them, theyre just like little kids, getting those shoes and that jersey because pretty cool gesture there by kyrie. Salute to service. Who thought the celtics team, the best record in the nba at this point, huh . After losing gordon hayward, one of the key pieces. Good stuff. Thank you. Who would have ever guessed. Really surprises you. Spent a lot of time thinking about that one. 26 minutes past the hour. Senate republicans trying to solve two problems at once. Linking a repeal of the obamacare coverage mandate to tax reform. The newest plan released late last night. Will it work . And what does it mean for your family . Next. Hes a nascar champion whos shes a worldclass swimmer whos stared down the best in her sport. But for both of them, the most challenging opponent was. Pe blood clots in my lung. It was really scary. A dvt in my leg. I had to learn all i could to help protect myself. My doctor and i choose xarelto® xarelto®. To help keep me protected. Xarelto® is a latestgeneration blood thinner. Thats proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots from happening again. In clinical studies, almost 98 of patients on xarelto® did not experience another dvt or pe. Heres how xarelto works. Xarelto® works differently. Warfarin interferes with at least six bloodclotting factors. Xarelto® is selective. Targeting just one critical factor, interacting with less of your bodys natural bloodclotting function. Dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor as this may increase risk of blood clots. 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Yeah, were optimistic that inserting the individual mandate repeal would be helpful. A major move by republicans linking obamacares insurance mandate to tax reform. Does the move help or hurt the tax bills chances and why it could mean higher insurance costs. Roy moore says he is not abandoning his senate bid despite years old accusations of sexual abuse. Now the rnc is pulling its funding. Will moores backers at home in alabama stand by him . Countless lives saved when a California School goes on lockdown. Police say it prevented an attack from an armed man who went on an randomly killed others. Welcome back to early start, everybody, im dave briggs. Im christine romans. After weeks of saying they didnt want to revisit the Health Care Debate, Senate Republicans decided to do it any way. The revised gop tax bill released late last night features a repeal of obamacares requirement that all americans Carry Health Insurance or pay a fine. Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee Voting unanimously to scrap the socalled individual mandate. Now conservatives in the house are lobbying their leaders to add an individual mandate repeal to the House Republican tax bill. The house begins debate on that bill today with a vote on sweeping overhaul of the tax code scheduled for tomorrow. Here is Cnns Phil Mattingly with the breakdown. Now, christine and dave, for weeks its been on the table and for weeks Republican Leaders made very clear they dont actually want to actually put it in the tax reform bill. Yet, its there. At least in the senate version. Thats the repeal of the obamacare individual mandate, something that the Congressional Budget Office would release those with Health Insurance by 13 million and introduces whats been a politically toxic Health Care Debate back into play for Senate Republicans, one that led to so many legislative failures over the course of the last nine months. So the big question is, why are they doing this . Here is the simple answer, money, revenue, they need it. The congressional budget also shows repealing the individual mandate creates 338 billion in deficit savings, money that republicans in the u. S. Senate if they want to pass this bill with a simple majority vote will need for their proposal. They made very clear, they searched high and low, this is the best way for them to get such a large chunk of money, for several wary republican members in the senate, providing more options on they thinks like boosting up Child Tax Credit, lowering the individual rates for middle class, those are now options on the table because of that 338 billion. Make no mistake act it, democrats seized on this issue, theyre trying to rally the grass roots like they did throughout the Health Care Debate. The republican play is this, they know this is politically toxic. They know this is divisive. Their hope based on what theyve seen in the last couple weeks in the tax reform process is that the political imperative of doing something, of doing anything at this point will win out when it comes to the debate over whether or not repealing the individual mandate is good politics. Christine and dave. All right. Phil just mentioned repealing the individual mandate frees up 338 billion. Republicans say they want to direct that money towards middle class tax relief. The revised senate bill boosts the Child Tax Credit to 2,000 and it cuts several middle income tax brackets. Now eliminating the mandate injects muchneeded cash into this tax plan. But it will also increase premiums and by one estimate, you know, 13 Million People would forgo Health Insurance. Still isnt enough to pay for across the board tax cuts, that is if congress only adds 1. 5 trillion to the deficit, thats the limit. So individual tax cuts would expire by the year 2025. The lower Corporate Tax rate, thats immediate and permanent. It opens the gop up to criticism it favors businesses over everyday americans. Now the Administration Says Corporate Tax cuts will boost worker pay eventually, but theres no guarantee. In fact, here is what ceo said at a wall street journal event with economic adviser white house economic adviser gary kohn. The ceos were asked what they would do with the money they got from their tax cuts. If the tax reform bill goes through, do you plan to increase investment, your companys capital investment. Just a show of hands, the tax reform goes through. Okay. Why arent the other hands up . Thats gary kohn. Why arent the other hands up . Very few raised their hands. Because presumably they make decisions based on the market. Supply and demand. Not based on profits. Lot of ceos are saying, look f they get their tax cuts, theyre going to put those into share buybacks and dividends, give back to investors. Lets discuss all this with political economist, chief strategist and from washington cnn politics digital director zach wolf. Good morning, gentlemen. Hi, guys. Good morning. Greg, is it crazy . Is it brilliant getting rid of the individual mandate together with tax reform . Which is it . Well, its brilliant if you want to appeal to donald trump and the republican base. But youre desperate to get obamacare abolished or largely abolished. Its really risky, though, if you want to get a tax reform bill done. I thought that was the objective here. I think this really complicates the process. It could delay tax reform and even could jeopardize tax reform. Zach, the politics of it really messy because the optics frankly if the democrats can seize on the idea that you got permanent tax relief for companies, temporary tax relief for individuals, potentially 13 Million People without Health Insurance, that suddenly looks like the middle class is paying and that companies are winning. Right. Funding corporate, you know, tax cuts with, you know, taking Health Insurance from people essentially it will come down to that. Its not a very palatable argument, i dont think. I dont think this is some kind of sneaky thing theyre trying to do. Lets slip a partial repeal or gutting the individual mandate into tax reform. This is something theyre doing because they have to find the money in order to get tax reform done. And they know that they have to get something done. Lets talk about trade, guys. Because the president is back from his 12day trip. Headline the new york times, trumps mixed messages failed to reassure allies. He said, greg, hell come back here and give a big statement about trade. And hes up. Hes up. He just tweeted our great country is respected again in asia. Youll see the fruits of of our long but successful trip for many years to come. What was accomplished there . You have these other 11 nations that are going ahead with a trade deal without the United States. Yeah. I really think, christine, the big story coming out of the this trip was trade, was trumps repudiation of multilateral trade deals. Maybe well get some bilateral ones with canada and the u. S. , uk and the u. S. But i think he sent a signal in his speech in hanoi that he wants to get out of nafta. I wouldnt be shocked if nafta in the next few days looks like its on really thin ice. And here is on irony, who is hurt the most by getting out of naf nafta, the Agricultural Community in midwest where trump needs votes. Those are Electoral College votes that he could perhaps lose. What the president needs to weigh in on after he talks trade is what the wall street journal calls the roy moore mess. Because it is clear, roy moore is not getting out of this senate race, zach. And republicans, Mitch Mcconnell, paul ryan, on down the line called for him to get out, even sean hannity said on his program last night that roy moore has 24 hours to clear up some of the inconsistencies, including why his latest accuser had a yearbook signed by roy moore when he was a 30yearold d. A. What is the best Case Scenario for republicans and how do you expect the president to weigh in . I mean, republicans need to have a republican in that seat. Its a reliably republican place. You saw Mitch Mcconnell sort of hint yesterday that maybe they should put Jeff Sessions in some sort of writein campaign, bring him back from being attorney general. You know, trump doesnt hasnt been happy with sessions. Its not clear if sessions would want to do that, but trump probably is going to have to weigh in on this. Is he going to sort of identify with these problems that moore is facing in the waning days of this, you know, election . Or is he going to kind of follow the republican herd . Thats a very open question. Should be interesting. Lets talk about the Jeff Sessions part of this story. He does not want to get out of the ags office. He wants to stay. Some want him to be the writein candidate there. But meanwhile, hes called before congress yesterday to ask questions about contacts with russia and this was a rerun of the movie total recall from schwarzenegger. Here is what he said or didnt say. I do not recall such a conversation. I dont recall it. I dont recall. I dont recall it. I dont recall it. I dont recall it. I dont recall it that. I dont recall how that exactly occurred. I do not recall, but i did not recall this event. I dont recall i dont recall at this moment sitting here any such discussions. Zach, what did we learn . I think we learned that Jeff Sessions doesnt recall a lot of things until hes presented with photo evidence and then he starts to remember meetings, specifically the one with george papadopoulos, you know, who was the person who pled guilty after dealing with robert mueller. So Jeff Sessions story has essentially changed on russian involvement with the campaign several times now. His meetings with russians on the periphery of the campaign, his meeting with george papadopoulos, so it continues to evolve, i think, is where were at with Jeff Sessions right now. Greg . I think theres another angle to his testimony. He showed no enthusiasm for another special prosecutor to go after hillary clinton. I think that didnt go over well at the white house. And they hastened sessions departure to run as a writein candidate in alabama. So much going on. Zach and greg, nice to see you both bright and early for us. Thanks, guys. You bet. Ahead, one of the worlds longest serving strong men losing his grip on power . Turmoil escalating overnight in zimbabwe with an apparent coup in the mix. Were live in africa next. Ix included. Thats huge. Thats right. Tmobiles got your Netflix Subscription covered. When you get a family plan with two or more lines. Really . Thats incredible. So go ahead and watch however you want. Youre messing with me, right . All at no extra charge. This is awesome another reason why tmobile is americas best unlimited network. Mic drop. Allow you to take advantage of growth opportunities. With a level of protection in down markets. So you can head into retirement with confidence. Brighthouse financial established by metlife. They always refer to me as master sergeant. They really appreciate the military family, and it really shows. Weve got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. 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Four dead in a shooting spree in rancho tehama, california, but police say Staff Members at a local el men tear school quickly went into lockdown before a gunman tried to storm the building. They immediately locked the doors and students and teachers took cover when gunfire rang out near the rancho tehama elementary cool just before classes tuesday morning. The shooter rammed a stolen pickup truck through the schools locked gate and began firing through windows and walls. It appears that because he couldnt make access to any of the rooms because they were locked that he gave it up and reentered the vehicle and then went on his killing spree and took it to the streets of rancho tehama. One student who was shot and wounded is now in stable condition. The gunman drove off, was shot and killed ultimately by police at another location. His motive is not clear, but a dispute with a neighbor who was found dead may have sparked this rampage. There were seven shooting scenes with four People Killed and at least ten wounded or hurt. The killer apparently chose most of his victims at random, firing at passing motorists and homes. He wore a tactical vest with extra magazines for his guns. Police say he had prior contacts with Law Enforcement but did not elaborate. The fbi now conducting home by home searches in tampa seminol heights neighborhood as they look for a killer. Police linked yesterdays shooting death of a 63yearold man to three other unsolved murders in the past month. Relatives say that ronald fellton was shot in the back as he was crossing the street to a church where he regularly helped feed the homeless. Police have swarmed the neighborhood, stopped residents for questioning and warned them not to walk alone at night. Still, no arrests. Man hunt under way for a Hawaii State Hospital escapee officials call a violence psychopath. Police say ran doll saito slipped out of the facility sunday and taxied to honolulu and chartered a plane to maui and took a flight to san jose, california. They charged saito with felony escape and secured a half Million Dollar bench warrant for his arrest. He was committed after being tried for the 1979 murder for 29yearold woman and acquitted based on a mental disorder. 48 minutes past the hour. More legal trouble for wells fargo, this time for targeting members of the military. Details on cnn money stream next. Announcer cnn money stream is brought to you by shield annuities from brighthouse financial, allow you to take advantage of growth opportunities. With a level of protection in down markets. So you can head into retirement with confidence. Brighthouse financial established by metlife. Youre more than just a bathroom disease. Youre a life of unpredictable symptoms. Crohns, youve tried to own us. 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And rising costs, wipe that smile off your face. Were coming for you too. At optum, were partnering across the Health System to tackle its biggest challenges. At optum, were partnering. Has grown into an enterprise. Thats why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. Now, im earning unlimited 2 cash back on every purchase i make. Everything. Whats in your wallet . Throughout history, the one meal when we come together, break bread, share our day and connect as a family. [ bloop, clicking ] and connect, as a family. Just, uh one second voice guy. [ bloop ] huh . Hey . I paused it. Bam, family time. So how is everyone . Find your awesome with xfinity xfi and change the way you wifi. On the heels of President Trumps visit to asia, china is sending highlevel special envoy to north korea. Chi chinas official news actsy will travel to pyongyang on friday. Report on the Partys National Congress Held last month which gave chinese president xi jinping broad new powers, could be seen as a win for mr. Trump, who asked president xi to use chinas influence with kim jongun to resolve the north korea crisis. Political turmoil escalating in zimbabwe overnight in an apparent coup raising the question is 93yearold president Robert Mugabe still in control of that country he has ruled for nearly four decades . In a speech on live tv, uniformed military spokesman denied there was a coup, but the situation on the ground suggests the opposite. President mugabe is now under house arrest, according to south africas president jacob zuma who has spoken to mugabe all this in the wake of mugabes abrupt firing of his Vice President who had been considered his most likely successor. U. S. Embassy spokesperson in zimbabwe said it will be closed today. All urging citizens to stay indoors until further notice. Good morning. Reporter good morning, dave. Yeah, what the situation is, as you just said, it looks like an apparent coup. It is the fact that the army took over the state Broadcasting Corporation and made that statement that they want to arrest what theyre calling criminals and looters in the president s circle. Now, how did we get here . We got here because three years ago mr. Mugabes wife, grace, 53 years old, showed signs that she wanted a higher Political Office and she began to sideline all those people that had created ruling party, Robert Mugabes party, including former Vice President and emerson was fired. It leaves the situation a little tense, but things are quiet. There are soldiers, as we just heard from our team that landed that are checking ids of motorists, all over the airport and of course the sacenes weve seen, there are soldiers on the streets. It looks like that the 37 year rule of Robert Mugabe, one of the most long lasting, 93 years old of africas leaders is about to come to some kind of end. We wait to hear what the Zimbabwe Army has in store for the country and indeed for mr. Mugabe. Farai, thanks so much. Meanwhile, rainbow celebrations breaking out across australia after a National Postal survey showed overwhelming support for legalizing same sex marriage. 61 voted in favor of same sex marriage, nearly 80 of the population took part in this historic twomonth referendum with every state and territory returning a majority yes vote. Prime minister Malcolm Turnbull calling for gay marriage to be legalized before christmas. Australias Parliament Begin diss cussing specifics as early as this week. Lets get a check on cnn money stream this morning. It is that time Global Stock Markets lower after u. S. Stocks fell. It might have another rough day for wall street. Dow features are now nearly 150 points lower. The concern here tax reform. Hopes for tax cuts have fueled much of the current rally and as the debate intensifies this week is do or die here. Any sign of failure could trigger a selloff. In fact, after seven straight months of gains, the s p 500 is now negative for november. Also watching shares of ge had a second very bad day dropping nearly 6 to a sixyear low. Investors are unimpressed after ges ceo outlined steps to turn the struggling company around, a reset year. Theres a good chance you own ge in your 401 k . It is one of the most widely held stocks in the u. S. The company this week also cut its dividend in half. More legal trouble for a wells fargo and this time its more illegally seizing cars from service members. Federal law requires banks get a court order before repossessing cars from members of the military. The department of justice found wells fargo did not do that before seizing more than 800 cars from military members. The bank agreed to pay 5. 4 million. It will repair the credit of the service members. Wells fargo Auto Lending Division no stranger to legal troubles. Wells fargo previously charged as many as 570,000 customers for Car Insurance they didnt even need. Papa johns trying to repair the damage caused by controversial comments about the nfl. Papa johns has been an nfl sponsor since 2010. Two weeks ago, the ceo blamed the National Anthem controversy, the anthem protests, for hurting pizza sales. Claiming the controversy was polarizing their customers. That prompted immediate backlash, so now papa johns is apologizing for its divisive statements. Papa johns says it supports, quote, the players movement to create a new platform for change, but also believes that americans, quote, should honor our anthem. Do you think that pizza sales were hurt by the nfl controversy . I never really understood the argument, but are they still saying that those protests hurt their sales . It doesnt sound like theyre backtracking away from that financial claim. It sound to me like theyre trying to have therapy sa and eat it too. Yes, it does sound like that. That was a terrible pun and you knew it was coming. Thanks for joining us, im christine romans. Im dave briggs. New day starts right now. See you tomorrow. Were optimistic that asserting the mandate repeal would be he helpful. We want to see if they can get that done. They are cutting taxes on the wealthy and taking healthy care away from millions. I have answered every question to the best of my recollection. Youre left with not a lot of confidence that he is being fully apparent. Theres been over 30 million spent. Not fit to be in

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