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Im alison kosik in for k christine romans, another day or two of vacation for her. Im dave briggs. June 27th, 4 00 a. M. In the east. New in the health care battle, Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell still pushing for a vote on Obamacare Repeal and replace this week. That despite developments that leave the Senate Health care bill hanging by a thread. Two senior gop aides telling cnn mcconnell wants that vote but plans to assess sentiment today at a Senate Republican lunch. They say he could change his plans depending on feedback from Senate Republican leaders. The reason the gop bill is barely hanging on an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office showing that the socalled analysis of this bill, showing that 22 million more americans would be uninsured by 2026. At this point, four republican senators already say theyre going to vote against this bill, even beginning the debate process to even get into the bill. Thats enough to kill it for sure. Other senators, ted cruz and mike lee, they say they still have reservations, as well. Lee is among four senators set to meet with Vice President mike pence tonight to talk about health care. Our coverage begins with Phil Mattingly on capitol hill. Reporter its a topline number that seems tailormade to spook republicans on the hill. 22 million uninsured americans over a tenyear period, according to the Congressional Budget Office. The score everybody was waiting for. The repercussions were immediate. Senator susan collins, moderate member from maine, saying after the score was released that she would not vote to move forward on the senate bill. A procedural vote. Thats a musthave if they actually want to get this done this week which still is Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnells prerogative. Thats what he wants to do. She joins rand paul, dean heller, and other senators saying theyre not willing to move this forward without major changes. Threes a magic number. You only have 52 republican senators. If three are not willing to move this forward, you have a serious problem. That makes the behindthescenes all the more important. The real quick is as republicans try and get this done as soon as this week in the wake of such a bad score, will anybody come on board no matter what changes are made. Listen to what alaska senator lisa murkowski, another key, moderate, outstanding senator told my colleague, dana bash. I dont have enough information. I dont have enough data in terms of the impact to my state to be able to vote in the affirmative. So im trying to get the information. This is big stuff. And so making sure that we get it right is something that i have said is an imperative. I dont think its asking to much to say give us the time to fairly and critically analyze these numbers. These numbers that were talking about, these are men and women. These are our families that are being impacted. Lets, please, get it right. Reporter senator murkowski not the only ones raising questions. And on some positive note if you want to take one from the cbo score, it included the senate bill would have 321 billion in deficit savings over the course of a tenyear period. Thats more than 2 hubbe00 bil from what the house had. They have to match what the house had in deficit reduction to move the bill forward in the u. S. Senate. That means Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell has about 200 billion to work with, money to hand out, perhaps more medicaid spending for senators worried for medicaidexpansion states that arent happy with the gradual phaseout. Any number of different issues opioid funding, those things. Thats something Mitch Mcconnell can work with. The question as they try and target a vote by the end of the week, can they get 50 votes . As of monday, as of tuesday morning, theyre not there yet, guys. Thank you very much. The white house also conceding repeal and replace is in deep trouble. A west wing official admitting last night, were right on the threshold of losing health care. The official saying if the effort to replace obamacare collapses in the senate, the white house would simply move on to tax reform. All this following a direct white house attack on the Congressional Budget Office right after he put out new analysis. For the latest, jim acostas at the white house. Reporter the white house is blasting a Congressional Budget Office report on the Senate Version of the bill that would repeal and replace obamacare. The white house savaged that report from the nonpartisan cbo say, the cbo has consistently proven it cannot accurately predict how Health Care Legislation will impact insurance coverage. At a rose garden event with the Prime Minister of india, President Trump refused to answer questions on the cbo score. The president declined to answer any questions of reports despite the fact that the white house set up the event in the rose garden as if it were an official White House Press conference. Thats been part of the erosion of press access here at the white house in recent weeks, with press secretary sean spires insisting on most sean spicer insisting on mostly offcamera meetings at the white house. Thank you very much. Heres a step not in the cbo report. The Senate Health care bill gives the wealthiest americans a quarter milliondollar tax cut, according to new analysis by the tax policy center. It finds that the bill reduces tax revenue by 700 billion over the next ten years. Most of the benefit goes to the top 1 of households. Theyll receive a tax cut of 45,000 a year. The savings even higher for the top. 1 , nearly 250,000 a year. The big discards two medicare taxes that disproportionately affect the wealthy. One on incomes above 200,000 and another on investments. Its why republicans have been criticized for shifting money from the poor to the rich. Repealing these taxes while making drat tick cuts to drastic cuts to things like medicaid. Medicaid covers more than 70 million lowincome americans. Of the 22 million the cbo estimates will lose coverage, 15 million of those are under medicaid. Late last night, the white house issued a warning aimed at syria. In a statement the white house says there are potential preparations for another chemical weapons attack by the syrian regime. That would lead to the mass murder of civilians. It warned Bashar Al Assad that there will be a heavy price to pay if such an attack is carried out. What prompted this warning seemingly out of nowhere . For the latest, International Diplomatic editor Nic Robertson is monitoring developments from abu dhabi. Good morning. Did this come from the pentagon, from what we understand at this point . Reporter from what we know at the moment, this was a statement from the white house. It hasnt been backed up by any evidence so far. But in a situation like this, one would be surprised if the white house or the pentagon were to be would want to publish photographs or evidence that they may have that they believe assad is preparing a chemical weapons strike. They would lose in part the element of surprise. Perhaps surprising in part because President Trump has said in the past that he would not he would not give warnings, he would just act. Thats been the narrative until now. So far, nothing from the pentagon. Obviously waiting to hear what they have to say. Nikki haley, ambassador of the United States nations, being clear that it would be assad responsible, but not just him, as well his backers, russia and iran, as well. To that point, secretary of state Rex Tillerson talking yesterday by phone with his opposite number in moscow, sergei lavrov. Reporter clear if the issue of chemical weapons preparation was in the conversation. We have heard from the russian from Vladimir Putins spokesman this morning saying russia strongly condemns the use of chemical weapons. So they appear to be putting some distance between themselves and whatever the assad regime is doing. This would be a major step if assad was to use chemical weapons again and could lead to another strike, as we saw. 59 cruise missiles back at the end of april. That would be certainly. Ups the ante for that potential putin trump meeting at the g20. Thank you, sir. Other big news yesterday. Not just the health care bill. The president s travel ban will go before the Supreme Court next term. What happens in the meantime . Well break it down next. Welcome back. Key elements of the president s travel ban could take effect in a few days, taking an unexpected approach, the u. S. Supreme court is allowing some people from six muslim majority countries to be kept out of the u. S. By the ban, allowing others in. Until the justices consider this case next term. President trump hailing the ruling on twitter last night, calling it a great day for americas future security and safety courtesy of the u. S. Supreme court. He said, the i will keep fighting for the American People and win. The department of Homeland Security hoping e toing to lear its mistakes and learn from the mistakes at the airports in january. For now, the bottom line, if you have a clear connection to the u. S. , personal or business, you can come in. If you dont, keep out. Where and how will that determination be made . Cnn justice correspondent Jessica Snyder with more from the Supreme Court. Reporter an unexpected decision from the Supreme Court. They will allow parts of President Trumps travel ban to go forward, in particular the Foreign Nationals from the six muslimmajority countries who do not have a clear connection or bona fide relationship with any person or entity in the United States, those people can be banned from the country. However, the court saying that any other Foreign National from those six countries who does, in fact, have a connection here, whether a family member, whether its being admitted to a university, or whether its having secured a job here, those people must be admitted in. And as a result of this somewhat split decision, there have been different outcomes, different reactions. Both sides of this claiming somewh somewhat partial victories. President trump came out with a statement calling this a clear victory for our national security. But lawyers for the plaintiffs as well as organizations like Civil Liberties unions, they are saying that this is just one part of a win, in a much bigger fight. This is not the end of the discussion. Even though parts of the travel ban can go into effect, the Supreme Court still will be hearing arguments as to the constitutionality of the travel ban. Also about whether it might comply or not comply with immigration law. The Supreme Court has let these arguments go forward. They will be hearing arguments next term in october, and at that point, they could address the bigger issues here. They could also touch on whether or not President Trumps statements may factor into the constitutionality of this all. Well keep an eye to this as we move forward to the next term. Certainly a different statement from the white house yesterday. Thank you. Another major case the Supreme Court will consider next term is whether a denver baker broke the law by refusing to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple because of his religious beliefs. Lower courts ruled the cake shop owner violated colorados public accommodations law which prohibits refusing service to customers based on characteristics like race, marital status, or sexual orientation. The owner claims compelling him to make cakes for samesex couples violates his First Amendment right to free speech. For the second time in two months, an Historical Marker about civil rights icon emmett till has been vandalized on the mississippi freedom trail. The damaged sign is outside the Grocery Store where the black teen was accused of whistling at a white woman in 1955. The sign was scratched last month. And this past weekend, as well. The vandals ripped panels containing words and images telling tills story off the marker. Emmett tills kidnapping and murder helped to galvanize the civil rights movement. The selfdeclared capital of isis is crumbling. Next, a cnn exclusive. Inside raqqah. Well show you what life is like inside the city and how locals are trying to force remaining fighters out. Now to an exclusive. Video secretly taken inside raqqa, isis selffacto capital. In syria, the selfproclaimed caliphate looks to be on the verge of collapse with isis terrorists besieged by u. S. Led coalition strikes. This is a rare glimpse at a way of life inside the syrian city isis has controlled for years. Cnn International Correspondent Nick Paton Walsh has more of the cnn exclusive. Nick, good morning to you, sir. Reporter extraordinary image. Weve seen occasional glimpses of life inside raqqa. Now over two years under the control of isis. We havent really had the ability for this activist cameraman whose footage we obtained it to move, it seems, so freely. Hes seen filming isis fighters. Some talking in russian about how theyve lost radios and theyre worried about air strikes. Others searching for people. Another man trying on different types of trousers in a market. Its part, i think, its fair to say, of the crumbling group isis has on the street. Theyve lined the streets with sandbags, covered them with canopies to try and keep coalitions away. They have drones waiting for the americanbacked forces. Heres what one resistance activist said amongst the population, attacking or leaving threats for those who inform for isis. Translator we can only get to them by leaving messages on their door like, we know who you are. This soon stops them. And some of our friends started writing the word free on the walls of isis buildings. Then locals started. The elderly writing it on walls, and children on chalkboards, making isis wonder who are these people. Reporter now that internal desce dissent will grow. Thats what we hear from the local population about who the u. S. Backed forces surrounding the city necessarily are. How safe theyll be when they enter the city. That is a secondary thought. The u. S. Policy focused entirely on kicking isis out of what is their selfdeclared capital of their caliphate. And they now appear, those u. S. Backed forces, to be more or less able to have encircled the entirety, having moved from the south, the battle picking up now. Extraordinary footage. Nick paton walsh live in iraq. Thank you. Amazing to see inside raqqa. An area that we talk about all the time, and we rarely get pictures. Isis on their heels clearly. Another good sign there. A growing number of republican senators say theyre not going to be backing their own partys health care plan. What can the majority leader do to gain their support after a troubling score from the Congressional Budget Office . If you have medicare parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what . You could apply for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan whenever you want. No enrollment window. No waiting to apply. That means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Medicare doesnt cover everything. And like all standardized Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. So dont wait. Call now to request your free decision guide. It could help you find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan that works for you. These types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. Rates are competitive, and theyre the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. Remember these plans let you apply all year round. So call today. Because nows the perfect time to learn more. Go long. The white house is conceding its on the thresholds of losing the health care battle. The score from the Congressional Budget Office has some republicans jumping ship. Now a number of gop senators not only against the bill, they didnt even want to begin debate. The u. S. Says it has concerns another chemical attack could happen in syria. The warning from the white house and why it says it wont just blame the syrians. And both sides claiming a win after the Supreme Court agrees to take up the travel ban in the fall. What it means until then for travelers from six muslim majority nations. The Trump Administration certainly needed some sort of win on this travel ban. They hailed this as a 90 decision split down the middle, compromise. Some sort of win for him. Welcome back to early start. Im dave briggs. Good morning. Im alison kosik. 30 minutes past the hour. New this morning on the health care battle, Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell is still pushing for a vote on Obamacare Repeal and replace this week despite developments that leave the Senate Health care bill hanging by a thread. Two senior aides telling cnn mcconnell wants that vote, but he plans to assess what the sentiment is today at a Senate Republican lunch. Thats happening around 12 30. They say he could change his plans depending on feedback from Senate Republican leaders. The reason the gop bill is barely hanging on, an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office. The socalled score that shows 22 million more americans would be uninsured by 2026. So four republican senators already saying theyll vote against even beginning debate. Thats enough to kill the measure. Others including senators ted cruz, mike lee, say they still have reservations, as well. Lee is among four senators set to meet with Vice President pence tonight to talk about health care. Our coverage begins with cnns Phil Mattingly on capitol hill. Reporter its a topline number that seems tailormade to spook republican senators on the fence. 2 2 million fewer americans ove a tenyear period. The score that everybodiness waiting for everybody was waiting for, and the results were immediate. Susan collins, moderate republican from maine, said she would not vote to move forward on the senate bill. A procedural vote. A musthave if they want to get this week which is Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnells prerogative. Thats what he wants. She joins rand paul, dean heller, and other senators saying theyre not willing to move this forward without major changes. Threes a magic number. You only have 52 republican senators. If three say theyre not willing to move this forward, you have a serious problem. That makes the behinnehindthes all the more important. As republicans try to get this done this week in the wake of such a bad score, will anybody come on board no matter what changes are made . Listen to what alaska senator lisa murkowski, another key, moderate, outstanding senator, told dana bash. I dont have enough information. I dont have enough data in terms of the impact to my state to be able to vote in the affirmative. So im trying to get the information. This is big stuff. And so making sure that we get it right is something that i have said is an imperative. I dont think its asking too much to say give us the time to fairly and critically analyze these numbers. These numbers that were talking about, these are men and women. These are our families that are being impacted. Lets please get it right. Reporter senator murkowski not the only ones raising concerns about the process. Guys, its the policy that matters most here. And on some positive note, if you want to take one out of the cbo score, the cbo included the senate bill would have 321 billion in defense savings over a tenyear period. Thats more than 200 billion from what the house had. The house makes the baseline number. They basically have to match what the house had in deficit reduction in order to move this bill forward in the u. S. Senate. That means senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell has about 200 billion to work with, money to hand out, perhaps more medicaid spending for senators that are concerned for Medicaid Expansion states, that arent happy with the gradual phaseout. Any number of different issues. Opioid funding, those things that Mitch Mcconnell can work with. The real question as they try and target a vote by the end of this week, can they actually get 50 votes . As of monday night, as of tuesday morning, theyre not there yet, guys. Phil mattingly, health care savant there for us. The white house also conceding repeal and replace is in deep trouble. A west wing official admitting last night were right on the threshold of losing health care. The official saying if the effort to replace obamacare collapses in the senate, the white house would simply move on to tax reform. All this following a direct white house attack on the Congressional Budget Office right after it put out its new analysis. For the latest, lets go in to go to jim acosta at the white house. Reporter the white house is blasting a Congressional Budget Office report on the Senate Version of the bill that would repeal and replace obamacare. The white house savaged that report from the nonpartisan cbo saying in a statement, the cbo has consistently proven it cannot accurately predict how Health Care Legislation will impact insurance coverage. At a rose garden event with the Prime Minister of india, President Trump refused to answer any questions on the cbo score. In fact, the president declined to answer any questions of reporters at all despite the fact that the white house set up the event in the rose garden as if it were an official White House Press conference. Thats been part of the erosion of White House Press conferenceses with sean spicer insisting on mostly offcamera briefings at the white house. Thanks. Last night the white house issued a warning aimed at syria. In a statement, the white house says there are potential preparations for another chemical weapons attack by the syrian regime. That would lead to the mass murder of civilians. Also warned president Bashar Al Assad that there will be a heavy price to pay if such an attack is carried out. So what prompted this warning seemingly out of nowhere . For the latest, well bring in International Diplomatic editor Nic Robertson, monitoring developments from abu dhabi. Any sense of where this came from . Reporter really, dave, not at the moment. This has come from the white house until now. The pentagon hasnt put forward any evidence that they may have to substantiate this, put flesh on the bones, if you will. Perhaps that would not be something they would do anyway. Really that would tip their hand to assad, what they know, how they know it, et cetera. President trump, you know, came to office saying that he wasnt going to give warnings, that he was going to act. Certainly assad will be aware that the last time he used chemical weapons, President Trump absolutely did not hesitate in responding. In fact, when they were speaking in the rose garden next to King Abdullah in early april this year, talked passionately about children, potentially children who were the victims back in that attack. The white house has been clear saying that children could be the victims again now. Whats interesting is that nikki haley has also said, ambassador to the united nations, of course, has said its not just assad that would pay a heavy price but russia and iran who back him would be held responsible, as well. Secretary of state tillerson yesterday speaking with the opposite number in the kremlin opposite member in the kremlin, sergei lavrov. Were not sure if the chemical weapons issue came up. Today Vladimir Putin and Dimitri Peskov said russia is strongly against, condemns the use of chemical weapons. Russia seems to be putting some distance between itself and assad and chemical weapons right now. What substantially has the white house seen, what later may we learn from the pentagon . That isnt clear at the moment. And a white house meeting between h. R. Mcmaster and President Trump. Perhaps well learn more. Nic robertson, thank you, sir. Were hearing about a mixed decision on the travel ban from the Supreme Court. Which travelers are allowed in, whos being kept out, and why . Well explain next. Megans smile is getting a lot of attention because she uses act® mouthwash. Act® strengthens enamel, protects teeth from harmful acids, and helps prevent cavities. Go beyond brushing with act®. Theres a new study thats casting doubt on the benefits of a 15 minimum wage in seattle. Seattle was one of the first cities in the u. S. To introduce a 15 minimum wage in 2014. Researchers at the university of washington say the hike may actually be hurting workers. When wages rose last year, the number of hours that workers actually worked dropped. And that meant about 125 less in pay each month. This conclusion undercuts an earlier study that found the hike hasnt affected employment. However, the report, that report actually only looked at restaurant employees, while the Washington Team tracked all lowwage workers. Liberal groups are criticizing the washington studys methodology, but theres still plenty of momentum for a higher minimum wage. Many states are actually taking matters into their own hands. 17 states hiked their minimum wage this year. New york and california are on track to raise theirs to 15 by 2022. Key elements of the president s travel ban could take effect in just a few days, taking an unexpected approach. The u. S. Supreme court is allowing some people from six muslimmajority countries to be kept out of the u. S. By the ballpark and allowing by the ban and allowing others in until the justices consider it next term. President trump hailing it a great day for americas future security and safety, courtesy of the u. S. Supreme court. He said, i will keep fighting for the American People and win. The department of Homeland Security hoping to learn from its mistakes and promising a better rollout than the chaos passengers witnessed at the airports in january. For now the bottom line is, if you have a clear connection to the u. S. , personal or business, you can come. If you dont, keep out. Where and how will that determination be made . Cnn justice correspondent Jessica Snyder has more from the Supreme Court. Reporter an unexpected decision from the Supreme Court. They will allow parts of President Trumps travel ban to go forward. In particular, those Foreign Nationals from the six muslimmajority countries who did not have a clear connection or bona fide relationship with any person or entity here in the United States. Those people can be banned from the country. However, the court saying that any other Foreign National from those six countries who does, in fact, have a connection here, whether its a family member, whether its being admitted to a university, or whether its having secured a job here, those people must be admitted in. And as a result of this somewhat split decision, there have been different outcomes, different reactions. Both sides of this claiming somewhat a partial victory. President trump came out with a statement shortly after the decision calling this a clear victory for our national security. You know, lawyers for the plaintiffs, as well as organizations like Civil Liberties unions, they are saying that this is just one part of a win in their much bigger fight. Of course, this is not the end of the discussion much even though parts of the travel ban can go into effect, the Supreme Court will still be hearing arguments as to the constitutionality of the travel ban. Also about whether it might comply or not comply with immigration law. The Supreme Court has let these arguments go forward. They will be hearing arguments next term in october, and at that point, they could address the bigger issues here. They could also touch on whether or not President Trumps statements may factor into the constitutionality of this all. Well keep an eye to this as we move forward to the next term. Jessica, thank you very much. Theres another major case the Supreme Court will consider next term whether a denver baker broke the law by refusing to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple because of his religious beliefs. Lower courts ruled the cake shop owner violated colorados public accommodations law which prohibits refusing service to customers based on characteristics like race, marital status, or sexual orientation. The owner claims compelling him to make cakes for samesex couples violates his First Amendment right to free speech. For the second time in two months, a Historical Marker about civil rights icon emmett till has been vandalized on the mississippi freedom trail. The damaged sign is outside the Grocery Store where the black teen was accused of whistling at a white woman in 1955. The sign was scratched last month. And this past weekend, vandals ripped panels containing words and images telling tills story off the back of the marker. Tills kidnapping and murder helped galvanize the civil rights movement. The wildfire threat reaching a critical level as the heat wave in the west expands. Meteorologist Pedram Javaheri has the latest. Good morning. Good tuesday morning. You know, these conditions around the southwest still very dire when it comes to the elevated risk, the critical risk depending where youre watching from around the southwest, where excessively dry conditions. Of course, its still very hot outside. Were watching a front trying to cruise by here. Unfortunately, any relief it brings, its going to be kind of mixed in with some isolated, dry thunderstorms. And you think about dry thunderstorms, dangerous scenario. We know about nine out of ten fires are caused by humans. 10 , though, caused by lightning strikes. It is just those 10 that consume about nine times more land just because of the erratic nature of dry thunderstorms and lightning strikes that spark fires New York Stock Exchange an area that is going to be gusty across the southwest and also dry, it is a risk today with thunderstorms possible. Notice, around the northeast, cooler temperatures until at least the latter portion of this week. Then we try to bring it up a notch, closer to average there in boston. Around 80 nature time of year 80 around this time. Year. New york, 85 by the afternoon hours there. Guys . Thank you very much. Tech Companies Face increasing pressure to fight terrorism on their sites. Four of the biggest names are banding together to do just that. Cnns money stream is next. Track your pack. Set a curfew, or two. Make dinnertime device free. [ music stops ] [ music plays again ] a smarter way to wifi is awesome. Introducing xfinity xfi. Amazing speed, coverage and control. Change the way you wifi. Xfinity. The future of awesome. Now to a cnn exclusive. Video secretly taken inside raqqa, isis de facto capital in syria. The selfproclaimed caliphate looks to be on the verge of collapse with isis terrorists besieged by u. S. Led Coalition Air strikes. What youre about to see is a rare glimpse at a way of life in the syrian city isis has controlled for years. Senior International Correspondent Nick Paton Walsh has more of this exclusive. Reporter in the de facto capital, weve seen isis video and snatched glimpses. Now their control is slipping, activists much more relax good filming. You see the remarkable images of how theyre preparing for the onslaught thats soon going to hit in that city center by syrian and kurdish forces. A lot of american support, almost encircled the city. They have sandbags in the streets. Theres defenses, canopies covering the streets, helping fighters stay protected from coalition drones. Also, strange glimpses of life. Two russianspeaking militants discuss how theyve lost radios and are worried about air strikes. A belgian fighter trying to decide what kind of trousers he wants to wear, pants. And an egyptian man with Police Looking for a tunisian. Snaps of daily life you wouldnt normally see outside of isis strict control. And also, too, activists telling us about the tricks theyre playing especial weather it comes to isis informants, leaving threats to try and make those who support isis increasingly uncomfortable. Heres what one had to say. We can only get to them by leaving messages on their door like we know who you are. This soon stops them. Some of our friends started writing the word free on the walls of isis buildings. Then, locals started. The elderly writing it on walls, and children on chalkboards, making isis wonder who are these peopl people. Clearly there is a lengthy conflict ahead. It will possibly be swifter than the brutal eightmonthlong fight for mosul in iraq. Theres a lot of coalition firepower facing toward raqqa. Theyve been dug in for quite some time, isis. You see how the streets are deserted, how were told many cars are actually car bombs. Could be messy in the weeks and months ahead. You know, its an interesting to hear you say that they were talking about even just air strikes. Then you see children in those pictures, amazing pictures that we havent seen. Thank you very much. Seven navy sailors who died when the uss fitzgerald collided with a japanese cargo ship earlier this month being remembered at a Memorial Service in japan. It comes as multiple investigations underway into the cause of the deadly crash. Cnns will ripley joining us live from stwoek witokyo with t. Good morning. Reporter good morning. It was a gray day at the naval base in japan. Certainly reflective of the mood as 2,000 people lined the streets leading up to this private Memorial Service, closed to the press. We did receive video of what was a very emotional tribute to those seven sailors who came from all over the united stat statstate statstates connecticut, california, maryland, ohio, texas, virginia, all of them lost ten days ago in a surprise collision in the middle of the night. 1 30 a. M. On a saturday when a giant 29ton cargo ship slammed into the side of the uss fitzgerald, taking everyone by surprise. There were stories told of heroism in those moments, confused sailors didnt know what was happening, and yet they sprung into action and prevented the ship from sinking. In addition to the memorial today, there are important questions, and there are five investigations happening concurrently right now. Two launched by the navy, one by the coast guard. The Japanese Coast Guard also investigating along with insurance providers, trying to figure out exactly how this could have happened. The fitzgerald is a u. S. Navy destroyer, equipped not only with sophisticated radar, but there should have been several sailors on the lookout on that saturday night to visually see this giant cargo ship loaded with a thousand crates heading toward the fitzgerald. The captain should have been notified, brought to the deck to guide the ship to safety. None of those things happened. The collision happened, and the ship was saved. Seven lives were lost in one of the most deadly naval accidents in the past many years. Certainly deadly peacetime naval accident in calm, good weather, familiar waters, albeit crowded. And so one thing is for sure this is a day to mourn, but there are many more days of investigation ahead. Dave . Sure remains a mystery. Will ripley live. Thank you. Lets check on cnn money stream this morning. Global markets mostly in the red this morning after wall street closed mixed. The dow ending a fiveday losing streak on a rise in bank stocks. They jumped after the Italian Government said it would bail out two of its banks. While the nasdaq closed lower after some bigname tech stocks fell. For example, facebook and google parent alphabet both dropped about 1 . Its really been a banner year for tech. The sector is still up more than 20 this year. Car rental company avis will manage a fleet of selfdriving cars. You wont be able to rent one just yet, darn. The deal with wamo, googles driverless car company, is for maintenance only. It will handle things like oil changes and tire rotations. The arrangement is good for wamo in two ways. Asis serves as a home base for any test runs in the future. It will allow wamo to expand more easily when driverless tech does finally hit the road. And speaking of Tech Companies, they are facing increasing pressure to fight terrorism on their site. Four of the biggest names are actually banding together to do just that. Twitter, facebook, youtube, and microsoft are all forming the Global Internet forum to counterterrorism. The point is to share tools to fight terrorist content and terrorist propaganda. The group will work with policy experts to learn more about terrorism. So youre seeing this initiative as a response to World Governments demanding stricter rules on line. However, Tech Companies are still worried about increasing regulations could wind up violating customer privacy. Still trying to find that balance. All right. A huge day in this Health Care Debate here in the United States. Early start continues right now. Senate republicans backing away from their partys Health Care Proposal after a harsh score from the Congressional Budget Office. Now the white house is conceding it is on the threshold of losing this health care battle. The white house says syria will pay a heavy price if it launches another chemical attack. What prompted this warning out of nowhere from the administration . And the administration preparing yet another rollout of its travel ban after the Supreme Court agreed to take up the issue next term. What changes will happen, and how soon . The New York Post phrases it, yes, we ban, on the cover of the post post this morning. Good morning, and welcome to early start. Im dave briggs. Good morning, im alison kosik. Its tuesday, june 27th. Its 5 00 a. M. In the east. New this morning on the health care battle, senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell is still pushing for a vote on Obamacare Repeal and replace this week despite developments that leave the Senate Health care bill hanging by a thread. Two senior gop aides telling cnn that mcconnell wants that vote, but plans to assess sentiment today at a Senate Republican lunch happening around 12 30. They say he could wind up changing his plans, depending on feedback from Senate Republican leaders. The reason the gop bill is barely hanging on, the score by the Congressional Budget Office. It shows 22 million more americans would be uninsured by 2026. Four republican senators already saying theyll vote against even beginning debate. And thats enough to kill the measure. Others including senators ted cruz and mike lee say they still have reservations, as well. Lee is among four senators set to meet with Vice President pence tonight to talk about health care. For more on the cbo score and the political fallout here, lets turn to kimberly leonard, Senior Health policy reporter for the washington examiner. Welcome to early start. Good to have you this morning. Good morning. Thank you. Were reliant on you to break this down, the cbo, whats new. The topline numbers got all the attention. When you look at this bill and President Trump described it, the house bill, as mean. From what weve seen of the senate bill, which direction is it headed . Meaner or less mean . Slightly fewer people would be uninsured by 2026 than we saw in the house bill. But the numbers are still a lot higher than republicans would want to see. And theyre also high even in the coming years, in the short term. So thats making a lot of people nervous headed into the midterm selections next

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