Terrifying. Good morning, everyone. Good to see you today. Welcome to early start. Im john berman. Im christine romans. It is thursday, february 27th, 5 00 a. M. In the east. Lets begin this morning in arizona, where opponents of a socalled religious freedom bill overjoyed this morning. Governor jan brewer has vetoed the measure that would have allowed businesses to deny service to gays and others, to deny service to their own customers based on religious grounds. Brewer says the bill could have produced unintended negative consequences. Lets get more from cnns miguel marquez. Reporter john, christine, calls for veto and protests turned into celebration here at the arizona capitol. They even produced signs very quickly for, thank you, governor brewer, and they were chanting thank you, jan, after vetoing the bill that the governor said strongly, in a strong statement to say this bill was too broadly written and there was no reason for it to be law in arizona, and therefore, she was not going to sign it. She heard from legislators and from businesspeople all day long about this bill. One thing in particular that she heard from legislators is that she felt it had been rushed through both the house and the senate here. For now, this bill is dead. The people here are celebrating. And people who support sb1062, though, say that they will come back and try again. John, christine . They faced a lot of pressure. Thanks to miguel marquez. The nfl said they would move the super bowl, at least look into it, had they not vetoed that law in arizona. All right, we have some breaking news for you. A scare for passengers on board a delta connection flight from los angeles to oakland. These passengers were quickly evacuated after landing overnight when the smell of smoke filled the cabin. You can hear that right there. We cannot breathe back here. Go. Heres what one of the passengers had to say about it. By the time we got to the gate, the cabin started filling up. Smelled like burnt rubber. And the pilots just immediately put the plane to a stop, just really came to a jolting stop, and the flight attendants were telling everybody to get off, get off the plane, get off the plane. Leave your stuff behind, get off the plane. Dramatic situation. All the passengers and crew were able to depart the plane without injuries. You can see theyre leaving right there. Right now authorities are trying to determine the source of that smell. Now to the brutal news that so many of you are waking up to right now, the big, bad, awful cold. Look at that. Temperatures plunging to record lows. Look at that 30 below up there this is the midwest and the northeast. Also, theres also another potential major winter Storm Brewing for the weekend. Then theres this, theres a huge weather story brewing out west. The droughtplagued region out there finally getting what they so desperately need, rain. Theyre getting lots of rain. In fact, maybe too much rain. Indra petersons is here with the forecast. A lot going on, indra. Good morning. Good morning. Yeah, unfortunately, this cold will not go anywhere. Lets talk about what it feels like again this morning, today even rougher than it was yesterday. Were talking about those temperatures. Currently pittsburgh feels like 16 or is 16, chicago 10. The feels like youre going to notice. It feels a lot worse than this. Were talking about duluth almost feeling like 40 below this morning. Those are dangerous temperatures. Were actually seeing those windchill advisories spread a little bit farther to the east as once again that colder air is progressing even farther to the east. And youre going to see this when you look at departures for the afternoon highs, so how much below normal we are for this time of year. Chicago 31 below normal for this time of year, only 10 degrees by the afternoon, new york city looking for 32. Going into tomorrow, look at that difference. Youre seeing the cold air spread even farther, so new york city goes down to the 20s, a good 20 below where they should be. Notice the south also seeing temperatures below normal. As you go towards the actual weekend and the south recovers, we still talk about this very cold air as another reinforcing segment of cold air makes its way through. So, the upper midwest again, talking 20, 30 below average, definitely not what you want to hear going into the weekend. There are several stories out there. Of course, you have this frigid cold air in the east, but out west weve been talking about how dry its been, but this weekend theyll be talking about chances of rain. Currently raining right now, but what is expected friday into saturday, we are talking about the heaviest rain they have seen in three years, guys. Even the threat for Severe Weather and tornadoes. Sounds like a good thing. Of course, now, the rain does, but flooding potential will be high. Indra, can the ground handle it when theyve had so much drought out there . Can the ground handle torrential downpours . Exactly the point, not at all, especially the burn areas on top of it, a double whammy. Its a huge concern. You want rain, but not all at once like this. Thank you, indra. This morning were learning the Obama Administration wants to hang on to phone records that the National Security agency collected on millions of americans. Those records are supposed to be destroyed after five years, but the Justice Department says they need to be preserved. Why . Because of civil lawsuits over the surveillance program. The information could end up as evidence at a trial. The court is expected to approve this request, but it might want the nsa to agree not to access the material for intelligencegathering. This morning, new word about the possible consequences between the deep freeze and u. S. afghan relations. The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff telling the Associated Press what could happen if afghanistan doesnt sign a security pact with the u. S. Army general Martin Dempsey says its hurting the morale of afghan soldiers, and hes afraid some could end up siding with the taliban. President hamid karzai has refused to sign the agreement. President obama wants the pentagon to speed up plans to pull all the u. S. Troops, but hes hoping karzais replacement will sign the pact. The election is this spring. A very tense situation between these two countries. To say the least. All right, we have nuclear news this morning. Secretary of state john kerry says military action should be a last resort in the effort to get iran to abandon its nuclear activities. The secretary says the u. S. Has an obligation to pursue negotiations with tehran first. Iran struck a preliminary agreement with six world powers, including the United States, to halt its most sensitive nuclear operations, getting relief from some economic sanctions in return. President obama has said that all options are on the table regarding Irans Nuclear program. In syria this morning, hezbollah fighters are said to be taking the lead against rebels in syrias 3yearold civil war. Hezbollah in tandem with Regime Forces prevented a rebel takeover of damascus. Nearly 200 rebel soldiers have been killed in this ongoing battle in a region just east of the capital. A bill aimed at taking the prosecution of sex assaults and other crimes out of the hands of military commanders is expected to come up for a senate vote in the next few weeks. On wednesday, lawmakers heard from victims who said they felt abandoned by their superiors and then attempted suicide. The army, meanwhile, says it has removed nearly 600 soldiers from positions of trust as rape counselors, recruiters and drill sergeants because of infractions ranging from sex assault to child abuse to drunk driving. All right, its a banner day for tea party patriots. Theyll mark the fifth anniversary of the Political Movement with an event in the nations capitol. Speakers include some prominent conservatives, such as senators ted cruz, rand paul and congresswoman michele bachmann. Tea Party Officials say theyll reflect on how the movement was formed, its significant successes and the political road ahead. Just five years old. Think about it, think of the impact theyve had in that time. And the timing, right when the stock market hit that terrible low, right when the stimulus was passed. Housing crisis. All the things happening right then five years ago that were sort of the kruse kbacruci think, for the tea party movement. Eight minutes after the hour and we have huge news this morning about what you eat. The white house set to unveil new food nutrition labels today. This is a very big deal. First Lady Michelle obama will make the announcement as part of a weeklong fourth anniversary celebration of her lets move campaign to combat obesity. Its not known exactly what the changes will be, but it is expected that calories will be more prominently displayed, and this is the really big deal yeah. Serving sizes will be more accurate to what consumers are actually eating. So, you know that bottle of soda will be one serving instead of 2 1 2. Things like that. Right. This is the first update to food nutrition labels in more than two decades. And there have been some who have been hoping that these nutrition labels will tell you how many teaspoons of sugar, for example, are in a product, not how many grams, since you have no idea what that means, really, you know . I didnt know there would be that. There may be a line for added sugar, which is a big deal. Janet yellen back in the hot seat and her testimony on capitol hill could jolt the stock market today. She speaks to a Senate Committee later this morning. And the last time she was on the hill it was the first time on the hill as a fed chief, two weeks ago. This is how investors responded. The dow popped nearly 200 points, briefly topped 16,000 the last time she appeared. Yellen plans to keep the feds marketfriendly policies in place, so thats low Interest Rates and a low withdrawal of stimulus from the economy. But its been two weeks, you know, since she last appeared, and the Economic Data hasnt been all that great. So, wall street wants to know if her outlook has changed. For now, stock futures slightly lower. Overseas markets right now, berman, theyre mixed. All right, we have breaking news this morning in ukraine, something were watching very, very closely. Gunmen taking over a parliament building, raising a russian flag. Could this lead to a standoff with russia . The people there being warned to stay off the streets. Were live with the very latest. And Justin Bieber stumbling his way through a sobriety test. Oh, yeah, you can watch it on video. Weve got it for you next. Predibut, manufacturings a prettin the United States do. Means advanced technology. We learned that Technology Allows us to be craft oriented. No ones losing their job. Theres no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out. The technology is actually creating new jobs. Siemens designed and built the right tools and resources to get the job done. I can download anything i want. [ girl ] seriously . Thats a lot of music. 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Feel the difference, or your money back. Feel the difference, or your money back. A steel cage death match of midsize sedans. The Volkswagen Passat against all comers. Turbocharged engines against. Engines. Best in class rear legroom against otherclass legroom. But then we realized. Consumers already did that. Twice. Huh. Maybe thats why nobody else showed up. How does one get out of a death cage . Vo hurry in and lease the 2014 passat for 189 a month. Visit vwdealer. Com today. Were following breaking news this morning from ukraine, gunmen storming the parliament in the Ukraine Southern premier region. Some 50 armed gunmen are said to be occupying two buildings and they have raised a russian flag. This comes as ukraines lawmakers meet to vote in a new government following the removal of the president , viktor yanukovych. Cnns phil black is live in kiev for us. Phil, what are you hearing . The tensions here between people in this country who are still very torn about its future. Whats happening . Reporter yeah, christine, and this is the strongest example of that so far. Clearly, its very fluid. We could show you live pictures from just outside the Ukrainian Parliament building, where earlier this morning, around 50, we believe, armed men stormed that building, taking control. People who saw them arrive say they were carrying automatic weapons, rocketpropelled grenades. Clearly, they dont look like they want to give it back, give it up easily, and local political leaders are telling us that theyre trying to negotiate with these men and theyre refusing to do so. They are not recognizing the authority of those local leaders. So, at the moment, authorities have set up a perimeter around the building, saying they will not use force to try and retake it at this time. They are trying to keep the situation calm, but it is a direct challenge to the authority of the new government here in ukraine. And in addition to all of this, there remains the question, what will russia do . The ukrainian acting president has warned russian forces, who have a naval base, a leased naval base in this Southern Region of ukraine, not to leave the base. And if they do, if they move beyond the perimeter of their grounds, then that will be interpreted as an act of aggression. So, clearly, the situation is very tense today here in kiev, a new government will be voted on by parliament and interim government. It now has a new crisis to deal with on top of the political and economic problems that this country has, christine. Economic problems. The world is watching and talking about how the imf, the eu, the u. S. And, potentially russia, can try to help fill that 35 billion gap the country needs to fill. Phil black, thank you. Think about what phils saying, theres a Russian Military base, a huge naval base in the area where the ukraine now is trying to maintain control with Russian Troops stationed right there. A very, very tense situation. Other news here in the United States. A defiant Chris Christie says he will not let the hysteria over the new jersey bridgegate scandal distract him from what he calls his real job or his secondterm agenda. The governor has denied knowing anything about the politically motivated lane closings at the George Washington bridge. In a radio interview wednesday, christie was asked about the impact of the state legislatures investigation. Of course it distracts, but it doesnt prevent us from doing our job. I mean, sure, because if you spent any amount of time on it during any day, thats time that you otherwise would be spending on something else. So, of course, to some extent, but its an important thing to have to look into and get to the bottom of, and as ive said before, well spend the time that we need to spend on it, on appropriate investigations, and then when we have all the information we need, well put it out to the public. Governor christie acknowledged that his approval numbers have dropped considerably, but he says theyre still better than most governors across the country. All right, were getting a feel for what a Hillary Clinton president ial campaign might look like and sound like. The former first lady delivering a big speech last night at the university of miami. Her message equality and inclusion. She says the full participation of anyone, including women, poor, young people and disadvantaged, its the only way to get america turned around. And the crowd, obviously, very warm welcome she got at the university of miami. Wow look at that right there. Officials in texas say they will appeal a federal judges ruling striking down the states ban on samesex marriage. The judge says the texas law has no purpose but to demean gays and lesbians. Texas is the largest state to have its marriage ban overturned, like others in utah, oklahoma and virginia, the judge stayed his ruling pending appeals. Governor rick perry has vowed to continue the fight for texans to selfdetermine their state marriage laws. New security plans at the Boston Marathon after last years terror attack that killed three and wounded hundreds more. Runners are no longer allowed to wear costumes that cover their faces. Backpacks for carrying water forbidden. And bags banned on buses carrying the runners. In addition, more exits will be made near the finish line. The new rules were announced wednesday. The race is april 21st. I cant believe its been a year. A federal Appeals Court ordered the antimuslim video pulled from youtube in response to an lawsuit by an actress in the film. You will remember this film, the innocence of muslims that ignited riots across the middle east and left more than 50 people dead. Cindy garcia says her voice was dubbed over by an insult against the prophet muhammad. She started getting Death Threats and ruled a copyright suit. A judge ruled garcia has a right to protect herself from deception and physical harm. Law enforcement scheduled to testify friday in connection with the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. 20 first graders and 6 School Staffers shot to death by a lone gunman. A 16member Advisory Panel has been charged by the governor with making specific recommendations on school safety, Mental Health and gun violence prevention. All right, it is 18 minutes after the hour right now, and we have some new video to show you this morning. Oh, my. Its of Justin Bieber, all right . Take a look at this. Police in georgia found marijuana and Drug Paraphernalia while searching Justin Biebers limousine after they arrested a bodyguard for allegedly stealing a photographers camera. Now, all this happening as video of Police Testing mr. Biebers sobriety was released. This test came after his dui arrest in miami last month. Not moving very quickly, Justin Bieber there. Its the shoes. Those big, red shoes make it hard to walk it is hard to walk in clown shoes. Obviously, a bit of trouble walking the walk. And the police say he failed a series of tests, including horizontal gaze, walk and turn and finger to the nose. In his defense, those are all very challenging. Theyre almost like those dutch wooden shoes, right . What are they . I dont know. Well get to the bottom of it. Incredibly intense moments on the basketball court, two games both giving us heartstopping, lastsecond shots joe carter breaks down what you missed while you were sleeping. I cant wait to see that. Captain obvious im in a hotel. And a hotel is the Perfect Place to talk to you about hotels. Allyoucaneat is a hotel policy that allows you to eat all that you can. The hotel gym is short for gymnasium. The hotel pool is usually filled with water. And the best dot com for booking hotels, is hotels. Com. Its on the internet, but you probably knew that. Or maybe not, i dont really know you. Bellman welcome back, captain obvious. Captain obvious yes i am. All those words are spelled correctly. Everyone. Not one, but two College Basketball games decided in overtime with lastsecond shots. Oh, my gosh, i cant wait because i had this league, but i had to see this. Joe carter, show us in the bleacher report. Thank you, for selling it for me. The tournament starts in about 2 1 2 weeks for those wondering when its time to start buzzing about College Basketball, but this kind of quenches our thirst, if you will. The first great finish came in the michigan purdue game. In overtime, michigan star player Glenn Robinson iii gets the buzzerbeater to fall. Michigan wins 7776. Now, on the same floor 20 years ago, his father was the man at purdue. Theres certainly some poetic element to this for what his son did on this famous fathers old court. The win, by the way, keeps michigan in first place in the big ten. Now, the second great finish came between two instate rivals, unc nc state. By the way, these two schools hate each other. In overtime, the tar heels marcus paige drops a lastsecond layup. Unc trailed for most of this game but came back to win in thrilling fashion, 8584. The tar heels started the season really slow, but theyre now one of the hottest team in the country. Theyve won ten games in a row. According to a cbs sports report, Jonathan Martins agent met with the dolphins at the nfl combine. Dolphin officials expressed interest in keeping martin, but martins agent says his client is not comfortable returning to miami. Martins former teammate at stanford and now colts quarterback andrew luck, he was asked in an interview if hed like martin on his indianapolis team. Luck said hed be in favor of it 100 and that martins a great man. Hey, trending this morning on bleacherreport. Com, you know, we know that nfl teams ask a lot of questions to draft prospects during the interview process at the nfl combine, but heres a new one. What team do you choose when you play madden, the football video game . Now, these questions can sometimes border the, dare i say, creepy zone. Central florida quarterback Blake Bortles said that several teams asked him about his now internetfamous girlfriend. They wanted to know if she would be around if Team Officials visited him in florida and if shed, be there for dinner and stuff like that. We know a few weeks ago, probably a month or so ago, bortles coach at Central Florida said that his girlfriend was worth 6 million googles, and thats about how many googles youll find, or at least views youll find when you google bortles girlfriend. You dont even have to put in her name. You just have to put in bortles girlfriend. Thats how popular shes become on the internet. Thats a pretty creepy question. Pretty creepy. What team are you when you play madden . Denver broncos. What about you . All day. If its not an atari 600, i dont know how to play. If its not pong, johns out. Im out. Thanks, joe. We have breaking news this morning. A Delta Air Lines flight fills with smoke, passengers evacuated. Were going to have that story and all the top headlines right after the break. Discover card. I missed a payment. Aw, shoot. Shoot this is bad. No were good this is your first time missing a payment. And youve got the it card, so we wont hike up your apr for paying late. 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Power. natalie ooooh, i like your style. vo so do we, business pro. So do we. Go national. Go like a pro. Every now and then i get a little bit hungry and theres nothing good around turn around, barry i finally found the right snack [ female announcer ] fiber one. Bill vetoed. Arizonas governor killed a controversial religious rights bill many said was simply antigay. Why she says she had to do it. Breaking news overnight. Panic inside a Delta Air Lines flight. You can hear screaming on this video, smoke filling the cabin. What passengers say happened, next. Trees ripped from the ground, rivers becoming sheets of ice. Millions waking up this morning to bitter cold temperatures. Indra petersons breaking it down from coast to coast. A lot of big weather news this morning. I know, and theres something for everyone in the weather report, guys. Welcome back to early start. Im christine romans. And im john berman. 30 minutes after the hour now. Overnight it was decided. Arizonas controversial religious freedom bill will not become a law. Opponents argued the measure would have given Business Owners license to discriminate against gays and, pretty much anyone. Governor jan brewer ultimately agreed. Senate bill 1062 does not address a specific or present concern related to religious liberty in arizona. I have not heard one example in arizona where a Business Owners religious liberty has been violated. The bill is broadly worded and could result in unintended and negative consequences. After weighing all of the arguments, i have vetoed senate bill 1062 moments ago. All the arguments included so many businesses from around the country saying that they would just get out of arizona, had that law stayed in place. Supporters of the measure say it was wrongly depicted. When you have that many ceos saying hey, i have a big plant in your state or i might have a big plant in your state, and we dont like this law and we dont want to operate where theres this kind of law that talk matters. All right, breaking news, frightening moments for passengers on a Delta Connections flight from los angeles to oakland. Look. As it landed, they were told to quickly get off the plane. We cannot breathe back here. Go. Go, go, go, because the smell of smoke in the cabin. Heres what one of the passengers said about it. We cannot breathe back here. Go. By the time we got to the gate, the cabin started filling up. It smelled like burnt rubber. And the pilots just immediately put the plane to a stop, you know, just really came to a jolting stop. And the flight attendants were telling everybody to get off, get off the plane, get off the plane. Leave your stuff behind, get off the plane. All of the passengers and the crew were able to depart the plane without injuries, thankfully. Authorities are now trying to determine the source of the smell. Millions across the country waking up to Severe Weather. If i had a dollar for every time i said that. But look, in california, really some muchneeded rain, and we have not been able to say that in a long time. But is it too much of a good thing . The concern has now turned from drought to mud slides and flash floods after torrential rains. Theyre going to get a lot more in the coming days. A lot more. Indras going to tell us that in a second here. Trees were no match for violent storms in and around the San Francisco bay area. Heavy rain, high winds bringing trees down. You can see the power lines sagging right there. Such a dangerous job for cleanup crews. Be very careful there. In the midwest, a deep freeze causing ice jams, ice jams, and providing some stunning views of the Kankakee River. Look at that, the Kankakee River in illinois. Impressive as it is, residents tell cnn that when the jam breaks, it could be trouble. How concerned are you what happens when it starts to thaw and it becomes water . Thats when weve got the problem. Thats when youve got the story, because thats when the waters going to come up like a backedup toilet. The ice is going to come up, and its going to take out everything in its path. Like a backedup toilet, wow. Beautiful picture, though. If gary tuchman were a committed reporter, hed get into that river to see how cold it is. Cold extends to the east coast, temperatures 30 to 40 degrees below normal in some places. You know, were all feeling spring. We want it to come in here. What is it, 20 days until spring . Not soon enough. 21 days. Indra petersons is here. Youve got a lot in the forecast, including whats happening in california. Definitely, it will feel like a long ways away with everything currently going on. Talking about actual temperatures this morning, where a lot of you are already below zero, but this is without the windchill. Minneapolis 9 below, chicago 10. Throw in the windchill, because thats where you really get the idea of how dangerous this actually is. We talked about temperatures that feel like almost 40 below. Thats minnesota, detroit, feeling like 1 below, even out towards new york city, currently feels like 11. Boston, just Single Digits at 4 degrees with that windchill. We go through the afternoon. You hope to warm up, but have unfortunately, temperatures really far from where they should be for even this time of year. Chicago, about 30 below average. New york city now spreading into the northeast about 15 below average. So, this is a concern even as we go through the weekend. Were still going to be talking about these temperatures well below normal. Big thing to note, by sunday night in through monday in the northeast, now a chance for a significant snowstorm. So, temperatures rebound. But unfortunately, that does also mean a snowstorm on the way. Thats the story for the midwest and the east, but out west, an even bigger story. Remember, these are drought conditions. They have not had drier conditions since weve been keeping records. Now, one storm making its way through, but it is the second storm that could bring significant rainfall. The biggest storm they have seen in three years, guys. Even the threat for tornadoes, hail, winds as high as 50, 60 miles per hour, heavy snow in the mountains. And of course, all this comes right as we go towards all through sunday. Its timing friday in through saturday, but getting ready on sunday, still the concern will be out there. Soggy red carpet. That doesnt measure against the considerations out there with the drought and the water they need. Thanks, enddra. Were following a breaking story in ukraine. Tensions rising again. Over 50 gunmen seized the parliament. A russian flag is now flying over the parliament building. Thats a big deal. This comes as russian president Vladimir Putin ordered surprise military exercises for 150,000 Russian Troops, including those deployed near the border with ukraine. Also today, ukrainian lawmakers are voting to install a new postyanukovych government. That is the deposed leader just forced out of office and now very much on the run with a warrant out for his arrest. All right, the Obama Administration wants to hang on to phone records the National Security agency collected on millions of americans. Those records are supposed to be destroyed after five years, but the Justice Department says those records must be preserved. Why . Because of civil lawsuits over the surveillance program. The information might end up as evidence in court. The court is expected to approve the request, but it might want the nsa to agree not to access the material for intelligence gathering. The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff warning of a grimed future for afghanistan without u. S. Help. Army general Martin Dempsey says the absence of a longterm security pact would affect the morale of afghan soldiers, and the generals afraid some of them could side with the taliban. Afghan leader hamid karzai has refused to sign the agreement. President obama wants the pentagon to speed up plans to pull all u. S. Troops out of afghanistan. Still, he is hoping that Hamid Karzais replacement will sign the pact. The election in afghanistan is this spring. New developments concerning sex assault in the military. The army says it has removed nearly 600 soldiers from positions of trust as rape counselors, recruiters and drill sergeants because of infractions ranging from sex assaults to child abuse to drunk driving. Meantime, a senate bill aimed at taking the prosecution of sexual offenders out of the hands of military commanders, thats expected to come up for a vote in the next few weeks. On wednesday, lawmakers heard from victims who said they felt abandoned by their superiors and attempted suicide. A celebration today for the tea party. Today is the fifth anniversary of that Political Movement. Theyre marking it with an event in the capitol. Speakers include prominent conservatives, ted cruz there, senator rand paul from kentucky, congresswoman michele bachmann. Tea Party Officials say they will reflect on how the movement was formed and theyll talk about what they believe to be their successes over the last few years. All right, big news today about the label on your food. Those food nutrition labels are about to get a bigtime makeover. The goal here is reflecting how people actually eat and drink. First Lady Michelle obama will announce them today as part of a weeklong fourth anniversary celebration of her lets move campaign to combat obesity. Now, these new labels are expected to show the calories much more prominently on the new labels. The amount of added sugar in a food product. You know how sometimes you get something, it says 2 1 2 servings per can . Right. Then you have to do the math to figure out, wait a minute, how much am i consuming . Maybe theyre going to streamline that. Its the holy grail really of food labelling, accurate serving sizes. You know, ice cream, it gives you this impossibly small serving size. And easier to understand. Big news from two retailers today. From target, the first indications of just how last years massive Security Breach hurt the company. The verdict . Fewer people are shopping at target. Targets fourthquarter sales fell 2. 5 . Its only the second quarterly drop in four years. Profit sliced almost in half. And from jcpenney, a huge jump in its stock price this morning. Those shares, jcp, up 12 in premarket trading. Sales rose 2 last quarter, a big deal for jcpenney, which has been really struggling with a major turnaround here. The year before, jcpenneys Quarterly Sales plunged more than 30 . You know, people who are going to write the Business School textbooks say that jcpenney fired its own customer for a while there. Now theyre trying to get it back. We were ready to write their obituary. Now theyre back. Well see if it can last. Looking at the overall market, stock futures here, markets overseas are mixed. Wall street waiting on testimony from fed chief janet yellen. The last time we heard from her, the dow jumped about 200 points. So, well see what she has to say today. New this morning, two suspected 2016, suspected suspected suspected. Allegedly. Expected, i guess we should say, president ial candidates playing to the people. Hillary clinton and Chris Christie taking questions from the public as new poll numbers reveal what voters want. Were suspecting that Paul Steinhausers going to have more on these suspects after the break. Yeah, hes suspect. Look at that smile. Like i do, you want a way to help minimize blood sugar spikes. Support heart health. And your immune system. Now theres new glucerna advance with three benefits in one. [ male announcer ] new glucerna advance. From the brand doctors recommend most. Try zyrtecd® to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms. So you can breathe easier all day. Zyrtecd®. Find it at the pharmacy counter. Why let erectile dysfunction get in your way . Talk to your doctor about viagra. Ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. 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Late last night, Arizona Governor jan brewer vetoed the controversial bill that would have allowed businesses and individuals to refuse service to gays and lesbians. Take a listen to what she said. Religious liberty is a core american and arizona value. So is non discrimination. Going forward, lets turn the ugliness of the debate over senate bill 1062 into a renewed search for greater respect and understanding among all arizonans and americans. So many people waiting for her to come out and make a statement about what she would do. She took her time. She took her time. Very, very highly watched speech. Cnn Political Editor Paul Steinhauser joins us now from washington. Hey, paul. Jan brewer in the spotlight, paul. Reporter no doubt about it, and it really puts the Republican Party, in a way, in the spotlight over this issue. You saw a lot of senior republicans, both of arizonas republican senators, john mccain, jeff flay coming out and urging brewer to veto the bill. Same thing with their former president ial nominee, mitt romney saying the same thing. The gop touts itself as a party of pro business, right . A pro business party, and this bill, lets be honest, was not good for business. But at the same time, social conservatives are a key part, a very crucial part of the gop base. And on this issue, they have a different opinion, and there is a struggle going on in the Republican Party over gay rights. Take a look at this poll on the related issue of gay marriage. This is a brand new poll out last night on gay marriage, supporting legal samesex marriage. Look at that. Democrats definitely on board. Independents, a majority. A minority of republicans on board for this issue. It is a troubling issue for the Republican Party, guys. Hillary clinton, by the way, did speak out on this issue last night at the university of miami. She topped off her speech talking about this, what the governor of arizona did in vetoing the bill, saying listen, this is a key part of what she wanted to talk about, giving equal rights to all americans and the governments role in doing that. John, christine . You know, paul, she looked, wow, she looked like she was campaigning last night. She looked like she could be on any kind thats just my opinion. She was on stage, really commanded that stage. It looked like the crowd loved her. What else did she have to say, paul . Reporter are you talking about 2016, maybe, and whether she will make another run for the white house . Yes. I think thats what youre getting at. No ones asked her that question, but never before. No one. Maybe its a longshot to consider it, but im wondering if she said anything. Reporter well, she was asked about it by one of the students at the university of miami. Here she is talking to students, maybe trying to tee up the vote for 2016. The student asked her about her bio on twitter which made news last year. Listen. Can you give us some insight to how the tbd in your file will play out . Well, id really like to, but i have no characters left. I will certainly ponder that. Reporter and take a look at this brand new poll. We just talked about the cbs the New York Times poll. They asked democrats, should Hillary Clinton run in 2016 . I think the overwhelming answer you can see it on the left side is yes. What about Vice President biden . Democrats are divided. Christine, john . You know, in that same poll, they asked republicans about governor Chris Christie, and more republicans than not said they dont want Chris Christie to run for president , paul. Reporter look at those numbers right there, and that is interesting. Maybe thats a little bit to do with that bridge controversy, maybe not. Look at the numbers for jeb bush there, the former florida governor. It is a different story. Hey, we still have a long way to go. This race for the white house really doesnt get under way until after the midterms in november. Christine . Its under way right now. I mean, at this point, its on. Reporter all right. Bring it. Paul steinhauser, thanks for coming in. I have a quick question, do they really just ponder . Do they really not know jeb bush and Hillary Clinton, or do you have to kind of know youre going to do it and lay it out . I think theres a middle ground. I think you say im doing everything that i need to do in case i decide to run. So, ive decided to do everything possible, but i can still pull the trigger one way or another down the line. I think thats where they all are right now. Keeping the rest of us guessing. Lets get a look at whats coming up on new day, kate bolduan. Good morning, guys. Well be looking closely at the new nutrition labels. This is fascinating and important for everybody. The nutrition labels will be debuting today. Theyre supposed to make it easier to figure out honestly whats healthy for your family, or at least what youre eating in each of these serving sizes. But of course, the question is, whenever anyone tries to help and correct us, are they just going to make it more confusing with these new labels . Dr. Sanjay gupta will be here to explain what it all means and what you should take from it. But also this. It was a very inspiring moment. No one can forget it, probably the most memorable moment of the state of the union. Army Sergeant Cody rumsberg singled out by the president for battling back after a bomb attack in kandahar, afghanistan, left him seriously injured. Hes blind in one eye, still struggling with movements on his left side. He was in a coma for weeks. Hes fighting back, and he just celebrated his 31st birthday. And we got a chance to check in with him, see how hes doing. Its a remarkable story, and were going to bring that to you on new day. Cannot wait to see that. A special, special person. Thanks, guys. A new warning that a lot of people will want to take notice of, especially men, especially older men wanting to be fathers. The health risk that researchers say your children could be facing. I read every word of this story. Thats coming up next. [ dr. Ronit ] theres a lot of foods and drinks that have acids in them. Raspberries, strawberries, working at your enamel, once its gone, you cant get it back. I would recommend using pronamel. Pronamel will help to reharden the enamel, i use that every day, twice a day, and i know that i am protected. [ female announcer ] we eased your back pain, you turned up the fun. Tylenol® provides strong pain relief while being gentle on your stomach. But for everything we do, we know you do so much more. Tylenol®. Aflac, aflac, aflac [ both sigh ] ugh you told me he was good, dude. Yeah he stinks at golf. But he was great at getting my claim paid fast. How fast . Mine got paid in 4 days. Wow. Thats awesome. Is that legal . Big fat no. [ male announcer ] find out how fast aflac can pay you at aflac. Com. And let in the dog that woke the man who drove to the control room [ woman ] driverless mode engaged. Find parking space. [ woman ] parking space found. [ male announcer ]. That secured the data that directed the turbines that powered the farm that made the milk that went to the store that reminded the man to buy the milk that was poured by the girl who loved the cat. [ meows ] the internet of everything is changing everything. Cisco. Tomorrow starts here. A troubling, new finding suggests that chronic brain trauma more commonly found in violent sports like football and boxing also extends to the soccer field. Researchers posthumously diagnosing the degenerative disease in 29yearold patrick range, the first named Soccer Player found to have this condition. According to his parents, grange sustained a few concussions, but doctors say the damage to his brain seems to have come from repeatedly heading the ball. That was a skill he was noted for. I played soccer my whole life, my kids play. You do these drills where you head the ball again and again and again into the goal, and you do wonder the impact its having. There is another big medical study that has a lot of people talking. Men, pay close attention, particularly older men. Pay closer attention to your biological clocks. Researchers studied 2. 6 million swedish children and found olders fathers have a much greater risk of having kids with learning disabilities and Mental Health problems. The Study Concludes that the older the father, the larger the risk of conditions like adhd, autism and bipolar disorder in their children. The Study Suggests one possibility might be that as men age, the sperm mutates with these genetic issues. Wow, certainly thats important research. Very important. Well be right back. [ female announcer ] right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal a cold sore in as few as 2 1 2 days when used at the first sign. Without it, the virus spreads from cell to cell. Unlike other treatments, abreva penetrates deep to block the virus, to protect healthy cells so cold sores heal fast. As fast as 2 1 2 days when used at the first sign. Learn more at abreva. Com. Dont tough it out. Knock it out fast. [ female announcer ] only with abreva. And a hotel is the Perfect Place to talk to you about hotels. Allyoucaneat is a hotel policy that allows you to eat all that you can. The hotel gym is short for gymnasium. The hotel pool is usually filled with water. And the best dot com for booking hotels, is hotels. Com. Its on the internet, but you probably knew that. Or maybe not, i dont really know you. Bellman welcome back, captain obvious. Captain obvious yes i am. All those words are spelled correctly. Mayo . Corn dogs . You are so outta here aah [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of greattasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. Nutrition in charge™. [ bottle ] ensure®. Predibut, manufacturings a prettin the United States do. Means advanced technology. We learned that Technology Allows us to be craft oriented. No ones losing their job. Theres no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out. The technology is actually creating new jobs. Siemens designed and built the right tools and resources to get the job done. If it doesnt work fast. Youre on to the next thing. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. Neutrogena®. All right, welcome back to early start. Its money time this morning. The s p 500s record high is slipping away. Stock futures are down this morning and european markets struggling a bit, too. But the s p is three points away from alltime closing highs, so dont cry yet. It may get a boost from janet yellen. The fed chief speaks later this morning. This is how investors responded two weeks ago. It popped because she plans to keep the feds easy money policies in place, at least for now. So, stay tuned. Tesla planning to build a giant, 5 billion lithium battery factory and several states want in on the action. Yeah, they do. Arizona, hey, arizona. Nevada, new mexico and texas are the finalists for what tesla is calling a giga factory. Other automakers make lithium ion batteries for electric cars, but tesla says the plant will be much bigger. By 2020, tesla plans to have this one factory produce more batteries annually than were produced worldwide last year. They expect the factory to lead to 6,500 new jobs. Tesla shares at a record high. Thats some big business. A big giga factory. A giga factory, all right. Thank you for watching the giga news this morning. New day starts right now. I have vetoed senate bill 1062. Arizona governor rejects the controversial socalledrily jous rights bill, but now other states may try to pass their own version. Were live with the latest. Breaking news, violence in ukraine as armed suppose important terse of rush seize the parliament there. Major makeover for the new transition labels we all rely on. What you need to know and will serving sizes actually match up with ouch how much we eat . Your new day starts right now. Good morning. Welcome to new day. Its thursday, february 27th, 6 00 in the east. And arizonas socalled religious rights bill is dead for now, but the debate is heating up. Governor jan brewer finally vetoed a measure that would have allowed Business Owners to refuse to serve gays and others. Brewer cited several reasons in doing this. The lack of need under the law in arizona and her fear of unintended consequences. Lets get more live in phoenix. Reporter good morning. The Governors Office said it received more than 40,000 emails and phone calls over the last couple of days that had to do with this bill that would have opened the door to discrimination. Itau

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