Transcripts For CNNW Early Start 20120709

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it's 5:00 a.m. in the east. this is cnn breaking news. >> we begin this morning with breaking news. we have learned that president obama is holding a big event at the white house rose garden later today to resurrect the battle over the bush tax cuts. he will be surrounded by working class americans while he calls on congress to extend tax cuts for everyone, making $250,000 a year or less. republicans want the tax cuts extended for everyone, the wealthy included. the white house will be very busy framing the tax cut debate this week with events planned in new hampshire, nevada, colorado and florida. republicans as i mentioned want the tax cuts extended for all americans, even the wealthiest. at 7:00 eastern on "starting point" we'll talk about that position with tennessee republican congresswoman marsha blackburn. >> we have been warning you and now the time has come. hundreds of thousands of people are going to wake up this morning and computers will be dark. no web service. as of 12:01 this morning, the fbi, yes, it was the fbi who was behind this, set to turn off a whole set of servers that were keeping an estimated 300,000 computers safe from the internet doomsday virus. they've been keeping them safe for a long time but it couldn't go on forever. if your computer is infected you're on your own, unfortunately. dan simon live from san francisco this morning. so first of all, give us the backdrop for anybody still waking up not knowing this was coming. how did this all happen? >> reporter: well, it's interesting. this goes back to 2007. this was a sophisticated online advertising scam, ashleigh. cyberthieves from estonia were able to infect about 4 million computers worldwide with this really nasty computer virus. this malicious software. and that software forced unsuspecting users to fraudulent websites and interfered with web browsing.fbi broke up this ring last year but quickly concluded, ashleigh, if you turn off these bad internet servers, these corrupted ones, it would knock people off the internet. they did something clever, pretty unprecedented. they replace ed the bad servers with good, clean servers. if you get didn't gets prepared, unfortunately you're out of luck. >> i was realizing i had checked my computer at home. last night i went to that website, it pops up a full screen green icon. if you're infected it shows up red. for anybody who didn't get the chance to do that, is it too late to do that and what can you do? >> well, it is pretty much too late because if you lost service you can't access that site, right? we have to say this was a pretty effective public service campaign that most people in recent days did go to that site if they had a problem and they got things figured out. we don't know quite yet what the impact is. we believe it was somewhere between 45,000 and 65,000 people who potentially had this problem. if you don't have internet, the best advice, ashleigh, contact your local service provider. they should be able to walk you through things or take it to a local computer repair shop, ashleigh. >> they did tell us over and over again the fix would be a lot tougher after the fact if you didn't go to that website before the fact. dan simon, thanks very much. four minutes past 5:00 on the east coast. a severe storm threat reporting to you again, high wind, hail, maybe even tornadoes set to start this week in the mid-atlantic. the storm tearing through fredericksburg, virginia last night, sending trees down and into power lines and into homes, damaging a gym if you can see on your screen right now. there was a cheerleading practice going on in that gym. seven young girls were injured. they are expected to recover from their injuries. alexandra steele joining us live from the severe weather center. we've been talking about this horrible heat wave and relief coming. the relief came and brought it problems of its own. >> relief at a price. in washington yesterday, 102. this is what they're talking about. here's the storm that moved through. here's fredericksburg, virginia, here's washington, d.c. you can see the storm cell, the red is where the intense winds were. was it a microburst, was it a tornado? you do it after the fact and you look at the way the trees are down and the damage and assess where it is and what happened. here's a look at what we're seeing right now, more showers and storms expected today. you know, you can see this lining up along a front. that's where this cold front is, dropping south, "a," bringing heat relief but doing it at a price, right? here's the severe threat today, south of d.c., virginia and north carolina, the winds are the greatest threat. here the heat relief. 99, got up to 102 yesterday. the front moves through, again, firing off showers and storms today. down to 88 in washington. as we head through tuesday and wednesday, the relief continues with temperatures for the most part out of the 90s and 100s and into the 80s. but there's another heat wave beginning in the southwest that will make its way to the east. so we'll talk about that, too. we are going to be done with this one soon. storming especially through the mid-atlantic today. >> good news, bad news. for a lot of people they were really, really suffering. thank you very much, alexandra steele. deadly blast in afghanistan claims can the lives of the six u.s. soldiers. officials say they were killed by a roadside bomb in eastern afghanistan where fighting's been on the rise in all on sunday, 29 people were killed in afghan violence. sad news to bring you, ernest borgnine has died. he's probably best remembered for his role as the feisty skipper in the '60s tv sitcom "mchale's navy." his career highlight was his performance as a lonely heart butcher in the 1955 film "marty." it did win him a best actor oscar. he died sunned in los angeles. he was 95 years old. >> wow. power play in egypt. the newly elected president is now square lly at odds with egypt's military leadership. mohammed mo mohamed morsi. they called an emergency meeting to discuss the president's move and its repercussions. we'll have more on that in the 6:00 hour. zoraida is in cairo and she'll be telling us what folks are saying about this move. >> back to work for congress this morning following the fourth of july recess. the first thing the house republicans plan to do when they get into the chamber is a vote, not just any vote, a vote to repeal the president's health care overhaul. heavens to betsy, we just got out of the supreme court and now this. this is really political posturing. any kind of repeal effort is to expected to die in the senate because the senate is controlled by the democrats. the vote in the house is expected to take place on wednesday. he could have just wrenn a check but a massachusetts man had something bigger in mind for his final mortgage payment. i like in one. the story is coming up. it involves a penny. to do more for business. 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>> that's the big question. and many observers and analysts would tell you that it is going to lead absolutely nowhere. kofi annan is in damascus to speak with the syrian president focusing on this new proposal approved by the u.n. security council that is effectively a beefed up, modified version of the peace plan. it could possibly include elements of the current regime and does not specifically call for bashar al assad to step down. the opposition has said it will not negotiate with elements of the current government. president assad was asked about the possibility of a unity transitional government during that television interview with the german broadcaster, to which he said, look, syria already has a unity government. we had it after elections. there were some small members of the opposition voted into parliament. it's the opposition's fault they did not get more votes. so both sides seemingly at this point in time not accepting this notion of a transitional government that would include elements from both sides. that is not to say that even to roux erb that point we have to see cessation of violence. most certainly, the future does not seem as if it bodies well. >> at least a political solution doesn't seem obvious. arwa damon joining us from beirut. it is now 15 minutes past 5:00 on the east coast. let's get you up to date on the top stories. a crippling internet virus affecting hundreds of thousands of computers all around the world this morning and leaving people with no access to the internet, to e-mail, any websites at all. the fbi shutting down the servers that were protecting pcs from the internet doomsday virus. some macs and ipads and routers are being infected. facebook, as well as the fbi are offering free diagnostic checks for user who may be infected but really by now you're kind of out of luck if you're hit. and reports say that usher's 11-year-old stepson has been declared brain dead following a horrific boating accident. he was struck by a jet ski while riding in an inner tube in georgia's lake lanier on friday. authorities are investigating the cause of the accident. >> a close call for a fisherman in northern california. he was fishing off a beach in santa cruz when he saw the silhouette of a shark and moments later, that kayak was up-ended by the tail of the shark and the shark actually bit into the front of the kayak. the fisherman fell into the water. take a look at the damage to the kayak. he was able to amazingly swim to a nearby boat without getting attacked by the shark. they found a tooth still lodged in the kayak. they were able to determine that great white shark was 14 to 18 feet long. >> that's why i stay out of kayaks. >> that's why i stay out of the water. a new study by the way says babies who are around pets during the first year of life tend to be healthier. finnish researchers found they had fewer colds, ear infects and fewer respiratory problems. contact with dogs and cats helps strengthens the immune system. the study is being reported in the journal "pediatrics." this is actually about health. >> my brother nearly died of asthma and the doctors toll us back in the '60s get a dog. how strange is that? if you have p-- roger federer reclaiming his number one ranking with a record-tieing seventh wimbledon title. take a look at these final hits. nothing like serious tennis when you fall on the court in shock and awe. he beat andy murray. it's nice to have a trophy but it's sad to see murray. he tied pete psampras for the most wins at the all-england club. poor murray. he was trying to become the first home grown champion at wimbledon in many years. i collect pennies in a mug and then i can't keep them very long. i have to go to the machine at the bank and -- >> toss them in and get dollars? >> yes. >> a massachusetts man decided he wanted to make his last mortgage payment especially memorable. he paid it off with pennies. he filled two boxes with a total of 62,000 pennies. the boxes weighed 800 pounds. the homeowner says he started saving pennies when he moved into the house in 1977. >> that is awesome. >> your mom telling you all these years, save your pennies. >> made a mortgage payment! >> brilliant. speaking of money, this is the other side of the money story, not the good side. georgia banker going missing and $17 million going missing with him. his name is aubrey lee price. that's him. he's accused oembezzling that money. he disappeared two weeks ago and left what appears to be a suicide note, long and rambling. writes about a plan to jump off a ferry somewhere in the middle of key west. the "atlanta journal constitution" says the federal investigators think he's alive, and has run off to south america with the $17 million. he's been charged with wire fraud. he's either floating somewhere with the flashes or having a blast with 17 mill. either way, the outcome could not be good. a lifeguard who was fired after saving a man's life will get the hero's welcome he's entitled to. he was fired last week for leaving his post for saving a drowning man outside of the boundaries he was allowed to work in. lopez has been offered his job back but he has decline it. a bunch of his fellow lifeguards quit in solidarity with him and they were all offered their lives back. >> some of them were fired, too, for agreeing with him and his policy. they were live on air, the boss and lopez. this kid is pretty sweet. he's got loads of grace. he didn't want to do this with in your face mentality. >> he was gracious but he said i went to save a life, counted can of what i do. >> he said i just want to move on. >> he wasn't being a jerk. >> i would hire that kid in an instant. by the way, if you want more info, an expanded look at our top stories is sitting right there for you on i hope you don't have the virus that kicked you off the internet. call your friends, because they might not be watching. they may be struggling on the internet to get the news. these banks, they were accused of rigging interest rates overseas. by the way, they're interest rates that affect you, just so you know. this scandal could affect how much you're paying for loans or mortgages in the united states. we'll tell you how, after this break. the real things. nature valley trail mix bars are made with real ingredients you can see. like whole roasted nuts, chewy granola, and real fruit. nature valley trail mix bars. 100% natural. 100% delicious. 24 minutes past 5:00 on the east coast. we're minding your business and the u.s. stock futures are trading lower this morning and for good reason. the whole friday jobs report is nasty. it's a bit of a domino effect. we're still reeling from the effects of the lower number than a lot of people were hoping for. >> reaction was strong. keep in mind it was a thin week last week, a lot of people were off. it pushed all the three major indices into the red. that was friday. this week, though, things change a little bit. we'll be focusing on the debt crisis in europe. >> oh, goody. >> ghosagain, again. >> goody. >> companies will come out and tell you how they're doing. good morning. >> we switch around. it's all good. >> what's our report card looking like. >> alcoa reporting today. expectations are that the great necessarily. they probably made a small profit but already in early morning trade the stock is down more than 2%. here's the situation with some of these companies. they reduced the expectations for their earnings and when they come out, often times they beat the lowered estimate and the stock rallies again. it's a funny, interesting game that goes on on wall street when it comes to earning. on friday, we have jp morgan chase as you well know. that stock is traying down. we'll be looking to see what these barometers are like. it's not expected to be that great. >> we were talking about this libor rate fixing scandal in europe. a lot of people say at least europe, it has nothing to do with me. >> what is libor? it's an interbank offered rate, literally. it sets the barometer for mortgages, car loans, credit card loans -- or credit card interest rates. it has a very strong lasting effect for anybody who is borrowing money. what is alleged to have happened at barclays and could affect some of these 18 banks that set this interbank lending rate is whether or not they fixed those rates. if you're a borrower you could have ended up paid more than you should have. if you're a saver, you may have gotten a better interest rate. it could affect many americans, we're talking about trillions of dollars in asset. city bank, ajp morgan chase and bank of america are being looked at. >> do i smell a class-action lawsuit? >> there are lawsuits being filed. >> the savers, do very this to give the money back? >> i don't know if we'll get that far, if they have to give back any money they earned. >> the markets are down all over the world. a lot of those markets had to catch up to u.s. markets after friday's bad trading from the unemployment report. >> you'll have to cancel summer vacations. that will be really bad. >> here's a question. was there a second gunman in rfk's assassination? coming up, a witness who was there that night is about to tell all, in court no less. 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[ engine revs ] the all-new cadillac xts has arrived, and it's bringing the future forward. who's waking up without the web? we are still assessing the impact of a malware attack that could infect tens of thousands of people. texas require voters to show photo i.d. at the polls? a panel of judges will hear that case today. can this woman do something no other american has ever done before. we'll talk to the american who is the world judo champion about her chances for bringing gold for this country for the first time ever in judo. at the olympics. welcome back, everyone to "early start." it is nice to have you with us. i'm ashleigh banfield. >> i'm ali velshi, i'm in for zoraida. this is cnn breaking news. >> president obama is holding a big event in the white house rose garden later this morning to resurrect the battle over the bush tax cuts. he'll be surrounded by working-class americans while he calls on congress to enasked tax cuts for everyone making $250,000 a year or less. republicans want the tax cuts extended for the wealthy as well. the white house will be busy framing the tax cut debate this week with the events planned in new hampshire, colorado, and florida. republicans want the tax cuts extended for all of americans, even wealthiest. we'll talk about that position with marsha blackburn along with democratic congress wwoman, mara kaptur. the fbi turned off servers keeping an estimated 300,000 computers safe from the internet. the internet doomsday virus. if your computer is infected you may be on your own, you and your internet service provider. dan simon live from san francisco. how did this happen and what's it looking like? >> we're not quite sure the broad impact yet. as you said, maybe a few hundred thousand people affected. this goes back to 2007. this was a cleaver advertising scam orchestrated by people from astonia. a half dozen people from astonia were able to infect 4 million computers worldwide. they infected computers with malicious software. that software forced unsuspecting users to fraudulent websites and fraudulent advertising. the fib were able to break up this ring late last year. but when they discovered things, they realized that if they took down these bad internet servers they would cut people off entirely from the internet. they did something extraordinary. they took the bad servers down and put up good servers so people could stay online. that was a temporary band-aid, now that band yad, if you will, is coming off. >> here's what we're trying to figure out. i didn't do this on my computer. i'm a denier. if i'm infected with the virus, is it too late now? or is it possible i'll be able to get on the internet and in the next few hours or days it will conk out. >> at this point you could not get on to the internet. this is a serious problem. the best advice i could give folks is contact your local service provider or better yet, go to a computer store. say, for example, you have a computer that was not infected, a second computer, you may be able to get information and put it on a flash drive. but that's a lot of work. >> dan i'm figuring you're connects because you figured this out. we have disturbing images out of afghanistan this morning. amateur video that shows a woman who is being executed. we want to warn you, it is difficult to watch but it is important to know this is happening. woman is shot nine times in a public execution by the taliban in a province near kabul. you can hear men cheering to god in the video. authorities say the taliban commanders who were responsible for this faked a charge of adultery. they faked a charge of adultery as an excuse for the execution. you can hear the bullets being fired. we've frozen the video so you're not witnessing an actual execution. the top u.s. military commander in afghanistan, john allen, has condemned this, this brutality, calling it, quote, atrocity of unspeakable cruelty. >> wow. a woman who witnessed the assassination of robert f. kennedy agreed to testify on behalf of the man who was convicted of killing him. nina rhodes-hughes tells cnn she's been contacted by sirhan sirhan's lawyer for his upcoming legal challenge. they told investigators in 1968 there was a second gunman because she heard as manies a13 or 14 shots fired. the weapon sirhan was holding could fire a maximum of eight bullets. a man who was branded a full-blooded jew by the nazis was given a temporary reprieve by none other than adolf hitler. the note calls for saving and protecting as per the furor's wishes. he served in the same infantry regimen as hitler in world war i. the white house challenging mitt romney to show us the money. the president's senior adviser, robert gibbs making the rounds on the sunday talk shows, suggesting to cnn's candy crowley that the presumptive gop has something to hide when it comes to his personal wealth. >> we have a guy who believes and has been a pioneer in outsourcing jobs. quite frankly, he offshores most of his own personal investments, presumably to shield them from taxes. the one thing he could do, candy, is to clear up whether he's done anything illegal is to do what every other presidential candidate has done, release a series of years of their own tax returns. >> romney released copies of his 2010 tax return in january after his gop rivals turned up the pressure but he stopped short of releasing the 12 years worth of returns that president obama has done. public release of a candidate's tax returns are not required by law but it has been the precedent set by candidates in both parties. the voting rights act is facing one heck of a legal challenge this week, 25 hours of scheduled arguments will begin today in u.s. district court. judges are going to have to decide whether the state of texas can require voters to present a photo i.d. when they go to the polls. in march, the obama administration blocked that texas law, claiming that it was unfair to mine orty voters. at 8:00 eastern on "starting point" we'll talk about the act. and barney frank is the first member of congress to marry someone of the same sex while still in office. he tied the knot with his long-time companion jim reidy. frank and his partner pledging to love each other in sickness and in health, under democrats or republicans. did they really say that? that's excellent. google is announcing its stepping up efforts to promote gay rights. they call it legalize love. it will focus on countries like singapore where certain homosexual acts are illegal and poland where there's no legal recognition of same-sex couples. she's the judo world champion, kayla harrison. she'll join us live. do not say anything to upset her. >> she joins us live, coming up. it's 40 minutes after the hour. e anything to chance. ♪ get set every morning with gillette fusion proglide. engineered with our thinnest blades ever, so it glides for less tug & pull. ♪ great starts begin with gillette fusion proglide. ♪ >> announcer: you never know when, but thieves can steal your identity, turning your life upside down in a matter of seconds. >> hi. >> hi. you know, i can save you 15% today if you open up a charge card account with us. >> you just read my mind. >> announcer: just one little piece of information and they can open bogus accounts, stealing your credit, your money and ruining your reputation. that's why you need lifelock. lifelock is the leader in identity theft protection, relentlessly protecting your personal information to help stop the crooks in their tracks before your identity is attacked, protecting your social security number, your bank accounts, even the equity in your home. >> i didn't know how serious identity theft was... until i lost my credit and eventually i lost my home. >> announcer: credit monitoring alone is not enough to protect your identity, and only tells you after the fact, sometimes as much as 60 days later. with lifelock, as soon as we spot a threat to your identity within our network, our advanced lifelock i.d. alert system directly notifies you, protecting your identity before you become a victim. >> identity theft was a huge, huge problem for me and it's gone away because of lifelock. >> announcer: while no one can stop all identity theft, if the criminals do manage to steal your information, lifelock is there to help fix it, with our $1 million service guarantee. that's right, a $1 million service guarantee. don't wait until you become the next victim. call now to try lifelock risk-free for two full months. that's right, 60 days risk-free. use promo code: norisk. if you're not completely satisfied, notify lifelock and you won't pay a cent. order now and also get this document shredder to keep your personal documents out of the wrong hands-- a $29 dollar value, free. get the protection you need right now. call or go to to try lifelock risk-free for a full 60 days. use promo code: norisk. plus get this document shredder free, but only if you act right now. call now! lifelock service guarantee cannot be offered to residents of new york. good morning, lady liberty. that's a beautiful sight in the morning, isn't it? 77 balmy degrees in new york city right knew, warming up to 86. you know what, that's fantastic, considering we were around 100 this weekend in the big apple. beautiful time to get out on the water and take the ferry to city the statue of liberty. lovely thing to do. welcome back, everybody. 43 minutes past 5:00. the combat sport judo originated in japan. the u.s. might have a fighting chance in london. in 2010, the 20-year-old -- then 20-year-old kayla harrison competed in japan to become the first female world champion from the u.s. in 46 years. thank you very much. good reason to have hand over heart. since then she's taken the sport by storm winning national tournaments all around the world, ranking number four in the world in her weight class and now she could become the first american ever, man or woman, to win gold at the olympics. and she is here now. and i will not make you angry. welcome. >> thank you. thanks for having me. >> you must be beyond excited about heading off to this possibility. >> yes. 24 days i fight. i think about it all day every day. >> this is a big deal. winning the worlds in 2010 really put you on the map and a lot of people are saying you are the big hopeful for gold. your dojo is going bananas over this. >> i've done very well for myself in the sport. 2010 was like my coming out party. my coaches have got me to where i need to be today. >> they have a couple of bronze medals, that dojo in boston. >> yes, he's the most decorated athlete they have. he's a two-time medalist and world champ. >> you gained 30 pounds, putting yourself up two weight classes. it took you two years to put on 30 pounds of sheer braun. it's remarkable. >> it's surprisingly hard to gain the right amount of weight in the right way. it takes time. it took about two years with my trainer in the gym every day, lifting heavy and putting on the right weight. >> i read a quote from big jim, your trainer, how when you put on that kind of muscle and strength and do these extraordinary physical training maneuvers in your dojo, it makes you a better standing fighter. i'm used to seeing this, stuff on the mat. i'm used to seeing that stuff. the train traer says that's for lazy flip-floppers. what's the deal. >> judo you can win in four different ways. one of the ways you can win is by throwing someone. traditionally in girls judo, it's more -- we call it drop and flop. they come in for an attack, they flop down. i guess, it's nice to hear from my coach is that i don't really do that very often. that makes me feel good. >> there's another side to you that i think a lot of people might not know. not only have you become an extraordinary athlete, a physical athlete and you're at world-class status and now this olympian poised for gold, you have had to overcome -- there's no other way to put this, an extraordinary setback in life in that your coach, when you were back 13 years old, began sexually assaulting you. >> yes. >> this is someone your family trusted, someone who traveled with you. this is someone you were with for years at 13. >> uh-huh. >> you decided after a couple of years that you were going to do something about it legally. >> yes. >> what happened? >> well, when i was 16, i told a close friend of mine who immediately told my mother. and she immediately went to the police and pressed charges. and then the fbi got involved and he's actually serving ten years right now. in prison. but it just, you know, you get to the point where you decide that you don't want to be a victim anymore and that you're not going to live your life like that. every day was a lie. inside i was in constant turmoil but on the outside i was supposed to be a golden girl and so happy. >> i think there's something i found in your -- i wasn't reading your journal but i read about your journal that you had released. let's be clear about that. you wrote things like i hate my life, that you wanted to quit. >> yes. >> your mom wanted you to quit after this? >> it changes your life. something like that, it's hard to deal with, you know, just being normal. it's hard to be normal but also to compete in a sport that basically changed my life because of him. it was a struggle for a long time. >> let me ask you this, i'm not sure if you ever thought of it in these terms before. while some people might say that's career-ending, being victimized like that by someone you trust so deeply, it can destroy your life and end opportunities for you in the future. do you think you might be in a position now that you're stronger because of what happened to you? an ironic way? >> oh, absolutely, no question. i mean, i would not be the person i am today if that hadn't happened to me. i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy but it's made me the person i am today. i'm a strong, confident, happy young woman. and i -- it made me focus on my goals and not let anything beat me. >> we're cheering you on for london. small hint here, she's like a total harry potter nerd. >> any, i want to be a muggle for a day. >> good luck. i hope you'll come back sporting gold and talk to us about your experience. >> i would take issue if i were conducting the interview with that comment she made about gaining weight. >> it's the muscle. any one of us can eat chicken wings for six weeks and gain 30 pounds. >> we'll talk in the commercial break. it's 49 minutes after the hour. let's get you up to date on what's going on. a crippling internet virus affecting hundreds of thousands of computers. the fbi shut down some servers that were protecting pcs from the internet doomsday virus. online security firms, facebook and the fbi were offering free diagnostic checks for users whose computers may be infected. it's probably too late. if you are infected call your internet service provider for a fix. president obama will be surround by working-class americans when he calls for an extension of the bush era tax cuts for families earning less nan 250,000 a year. not for everybody. the spokesman for the president says he is 100% committed to not extending those cuts for anyone making more than $250,000 a year. 44 million bucks, not bad for a day's work for a few hours this week, william johnson was the ceo of duke energy, the former ceo of progress energy signed a three-year contract to head up duke when the two companies merged. he assumed the position on july 2nd, the next day, by, quote, mutual agreement, he was out, replaced by duke's former chief executive. he leaves with a severance package reportedly worth $44 million for a day of work. >> what? come on. that can't be reversed? >> system's not rigged. it's not against you. it's okay that some people just make $44 million for a day of work. wow. >> i picked the wrong business. >> wow. >> all right, ali. you know that better than i. >> no kidding. wow. we have conflicting images out of north korea in the media there. on sunday, the new communist leader, kim jong unvisited a mausoleum to pay tribute to his great grandfather. look at these pictures from a day earlier, do not adjust your set. the 20 something dictator, the day before, was at a show that featured disney characters like mickey mouse and winnie the pooh. very strange, i know. i have no explanation because they don't give explanations in north korea. but you got the competing images that disney-like celebration and then the mausoleum visit the next day. >> huh. >> those are nice seats. >> he keeps us guessing. the one thing you've got to give him, he keeps you guessing. i have nothing against a day with disney to take the edge off. >> when you have kids. never mind, ali. rapper 50 cent is apologizing for an offensive tweet about autism. the star received a lot of backlash after he told an angry fan not to follow him because he looked autistic and didn't want no special ed kids on his time line. the apology came after an actress wrote a letter. the vets say a male whale was probably two to three days old when it was found in bristol bay. it was flown to a marine rescue center where it's being fed up to ten times a day to try to keep its immune system healthy. the baby beluga appears to be holding up okay so far. >> we don't have the a name, do we? >> i don't think they do. our producer christina knows a lot about whales and water wildlife. maybe she knows. >> it's on you, christina. might be the lamp of the future. a light bull that floats as it glows. it's floating. the story behind it and why now might want one of these and where you can get them, coming up p. no, no, i think i'm good. thanks anyway. ♪ rocky, rocky mountain high ♪ ♪ all my exes live in texas ♪ ♪ born on the bayou [ female announcer ] the perfect song for everywhere can be downloaded almost anywhere. ♪ i'm back, back in the new york groove ♪ [ male announcer ] the nation's largest 4g network. covering 2,000 more 4g cities and towns than verizon. rethink possible. thor's couture gets the most rewards of any small business credit card. your boa! [ garth ] thor's small business earns double miles on every purchase, every day! ahh, the new fabrics, put it on my spark card. [ garth ] why settle for less? the spiked heels are working. wait! [ garth ] great businesses deserve the most rewards! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? [ cheers and applause ] i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely. and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing. normally this is the time to take a look at what's trending on the web, but since so many of you don't have the web we'll skip that today. no, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. this is a lightbulb and it's levitating. it's held in space midair by a combination of regular magnets and electromagnets. there's also a separate pair of resonating coils, ashleigh, to deliver the wireless power. why? if you turn the light off the bulb doesn't fall out and shatter. you can't buy it by the way. >> i'm trying to figure out other than the novelty -- >> why you need it. >> yes. >> you have to wait until the next hour for that. >> kind of a cool room it's in. >> a box. women are trying to pull off the seductive ghost look, because there are so many of you. footwear designer has revealed her collection of exeskeleton shoes. this is a case of function -- no, form over function, function over form, hard to tell, really. we are told there are matching hats to go with these. >> comfortable. >> funky. president obama is expected to take a stand on the bush tax cuts. coming up next, you are watching "early start." 2 1/2 minutes till the top of the hour. nature valley trail mix bars. 100% natural. 100% delicious. 100% natural. it's time to live wider awake. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils to promote proper sleeping posture all night long. the revolutionary recharge sleep system... from beautyrest. it's you, fully charged. breaking news, president obama just hours away from making a major announcement about extending some of the bush era tax cuts. >> internet doomsday, tens of thousands of people could wake up without internet service this morning. so doesn't mean you didn't know it was going to happen, so you probably deserve it. president assad blames the u.s. for what's going on in his country. that's a stretch. >> that is a stretch. >> jeepers creepers. good morning, everyone. welcome to early start. >> i'm ali velshi in for zoraida sambolin. she's in cairo. >> she's off but she'll be on. >> president obama will speak in the rose garden later today. he's going to be calling for an extension of the bush era tax cuts, which are supposed to expire at the end of the year but only for families earning $250,000 a year or less. >> so the president is totally committed to getting rid of the tax cut for those making 250,000 and above? >> let's make progress on spending by doing away with tax cuts for people who don't need them. tax cuts that haven't worked and have them pay their fair share. >> that a yes or no? the president is completely committed to this, won't allow it to happen? >> 100% committed to it. >> dan lothian is live at the white house. this is going to be a pretty high priority for the obama campaign, i understand. >> it really is. the president out there on the campaign trail talks about help pg the middle class, not only those in the middle class but during his bus tour, those who are trying to get into the middle class. and this has been a message that the president has been able to use to show that he is pushing to help those who need most of the help out there as opposed to the gop and his opponent mitt romney, who are helping the wealthy. that is what they will be pushing in this message this week and going forward, they'll be hitting especially these battleground states of nevada, florida, colorado, you'll hear from local officials. you'll hear from local folks in the middle class in these key battle ground states with that message. this will be a very important theme for the president even his campaign. >> this is part of the fiscal cliff that congress has to deal with, the expieration of tax cuts and benefits going away and all of this happening on january 1st or january of next year. bottom line, dan, it's not the president's to change one way or the other. this is up to congress. >> it really is up to congress, the change. the thing is it gives him an immediate message. he has been talking so much about job creation, job numbers have been negative of late and playing up the private sector gains. but when he talks about job creation, it really is about something that will take time. it's a long term solution as he likes to say, there is no quick fixes. but this is something that is immediate, saying he is standing up for the middle class and gop is standing up for the wealthy and allows him to draw a distinction contrast. >> dan lothian. thanks very much. republicans want the tax cut extended for all americans, even the wealthiest. at 7:00 eastern, we'll talk about that position with congresswoman marsha black burn and march shap kaptur of ohio. >> the time has come and hundreds of thousands of you could be waking up without the internet this morning. as of 12:01 this morning the fbi was set to turn off the servers, servers that were keeping an estimated 300,000 computers safe from the internet doomsday virus. if your computer is infected, you're on your own. dan simon is live from san francisco. no sense in sweating about the past and how this all happened. i think the big question for a lot of people waking up is what to do if you are dark on the computer. what's the advice for people this morning? >> reporter: well, i think the best advice is contact your local computer store, the computer repair store. they may be able to help you out here. call your local service provider. what happened here really goes back to 2007. this isn't just some virus that popped up. it goes back a few years ago when cyber criminals from europe were able to get 4,000 machines infected with software and that redirected users to malicious websites and exposed them to malicious advertising. the fbi discovered this and broke up the ring but what they discovered is they took down these bad servers, it would just shut people down from the internet. they did something unprecedented. they took down the bad servers and put up good clean servers. people were still directed to this bad place but they have the clean servers so their internet usage was okay. now this band-aid if you will is coming off after being up for several months. that's what the heart of the problem is. they are taking down this band-aid. you'll be cut off if you didn't get this fixed ahead of time, ashleigh. >> not fun and a lot more work if you didn't do the quick fix before midnight. dan simon, thanks very much. a severe storm threat, high wind and hail and maybe even tornadoes to start the week in the mid-atlantic. the storm through fredericksburg, damaged buildings, including a gym where cheerleading practice was going on. seven girls were injured. all expected to recover. >> good morning, here's a look at where the storms rolled through. between 4:00 and 6:00 in fredericksburg, 50 miles west of washington, d.c. on i-95. this was 102 in washington. so warm, moist unstable air, factor in the match that is that cold front and we've got the severe storms yesterday. have them as well again today. here's a look at lines of storms around washington and through the delmarva. nothing severe at this point but the potential is there in virginia and in north carolina. damaging winds and hail the greatest threat for today. but some cool relief, we're getting this cool relief at the price and the price coming the front dropping south and that lifting mechanism is what's firing off storms again today. 99 is what we saw. it got higher than that, 102 in washington. today's forecast in the 80s in washington and new york and that cool heat relief comes only 90 in levxington, 89 in charlotte. heat relief on the way but coming at a price again today in north carolina and virginia. keep an eye out for strong winds. >> thanks very much. we'll check in with you a while longer. six u.s. service members have been killed in afghanistan. officials say that the six americans were victims of a roadside bomb in eastern afghanistan where the fighting has really been on the rise. in all, 29 people were killed just on sunday in afghan violence. hollywood has lost one of its great character actors, ernest borgnine, won an oscar in his film "marty", his career began on the big and small screen. he was 95 years old and he will be missed. the first thing house republicans plan to do is call for a vote to repeal the president's health care plan. obamacare. it's just bill posturing because any effort to repeal it is probably going to die because the senate is democratic control. the voting is expected to take place on wednesday. egypt's newly elected president is at odds with his leadership. morsi is calling back parliament. it's not sure when they will reconvene, calling an emergency meeting to discuss the president's move and its repercussions. several hundred miles north of there, syria's president is defiant as ever with a twist. bashar assad is going as far as to say, guess who is responsible for the violence and bloodshed in his country? you guessed it. it's us, the united states. we'll explain this one coming up. now you can apply sunblock to your kids' wet skin. neutrogena® wet skin kids. ordinary sunblock drips and whitens. neutrogena® wet skin cuts through water. forms a broad spectrum barrier for full strength sun protection. wet skin. neutrogena®. wouldn't it be nice if there was an easier, less-expensive option than using a traditional lawyer? well, legalzoom came up with a better way. we took the best of the old and combined it with modern technology. together you get quality services on your terms, with total customer support. legalzoom documents have been accepted in all 50 states, and they're backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee. so go to today and see for yourself. it's law that just makes sense. so go to today and see for yourself. this is new york state. we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at there's some news coming out of syria as hillary clinton has been turning up the heat on that country and its supporters and certainly its president. on the right of your screen bashar al assad on the right side, our secretary of state warning him the demise of his regime regime inevitable. >> the future should be abundantly clear to those who support the assad regime. the days are numbered. >> not only that, more news and arwa damon is standing by on this. making some news saying there may be a stalemate, the stalemate may be broken in some way, not giving the details, arwa, but calling it an approach he's been able to reach with bash ar al assad with all to bring this violence to an end. can you give me more on what this means? >> this statement comes following a meeting between ko i anone, that his six point peace plan plus the formation of this national unity government. annon has called the talks candid and constructive. they have agreed to this approach that he is going to be taking to the opposition. we don't have the details but there is quite a bit of deja vu to all of this. we've seen these talks that have been resulted in effectively nothing that has changed the situation on the ground. we have to also remember, the syrian president already believes that he has a national unity government in place. and the opposition is going to require that the syrian president step aside before it even enters into negotiations. so at this point in time it really doesn't seem as if anything is going to change. >> the last we heard from the opposition, they had no interest whatsoever in having any member of bashar al assad's administration in any transitional government. but in the meantime, one of the things that is resonating here in the u.s. is this claim from ba bashar al assad that the united states is to blame for this 60 months of death and destruction in his country. can you explain this in? >> this has been the syrian position since the onset of the violence, it is called the opposition foreign backed terrorist that has pointed the finger of blame repeatedly at the united states and other nations and also at some arab countries as well. in this interview with germ an television, he once begun effectively was saying the violence in his country is not his fault but america's. >> it's part of the conflict, they give the umbrella and political support to create this type -- >> he also went on to say that countries like saudi arabia were arming the opposition but saying there was no concrete evidence of that. the issue is as long as the syrian government does not take on a certain measure of responsibility, does not aleast appear willing to even begin to end the bloodshed. this country's only going to further spiral out of control. as we keep reporting day in and day out, it's the civilians always paying the ultimate price. >> we are seeing the perhaps the beginning of what could be a domino effect with the deputies leave and defecting and getting out of there while the getting is good. arwa damon in lebanon. thank you very much. president obama is holding an event at the white house rose garden to escalate the battle over the bush era tax cuts for families making $250,000 a year or less. republicans want them extended for everybody, including the wealthy. a crippling internet virus affects hundreds of thousands of kputsers all around the world is leaving people with no access to websites and e-mail and internet this morning. the fbi has shut down a whole bunch of servers that up until now have been protecting you and your pc from the doomsday virus. some macs and ipads and routers also infected with this thing. facebook as well as the fbi are offering free diagnostic checks for users who whose computers are affected, by now it means you're trying to get online and it does not work. today is a national day of mourning in russia, following flash floods that killed 171 people. most of the deathed happened in one town near the black sea. a wall of water, more than 20 feet high swept through in the middle of the night early saturday. vladimir putin surveyed the damaged. there was 5,000 homes damaged or destroyed. a tall order for a group of very brave workers in chicago. see at the top of that to you he, there's people up there, folks. a helicopter helping the folks working at the top of this to remove that tv antenna from the top of the nation's tallest building. it's called the willis tower but you remay remember it as the sears tower. first before the helicopter could lay that tower down on the flatbed, they had to loosen up the bolts, 1700 feet in the air before the chopper could send the cable to them and get the two ton antenna down to the truck below. imagine what your day at the office was like kparmed -- >> top explaining. >> compared to guys 1700 feet in the air. looks like it went off without a hitch. kudos to them. >> a tech designer at m.i.t. using toy parts to create an inexpensive medical advice for developing countries. i'm not kidding. have a look. >> i use toys to make affordable medical devices. >> when you're using toys it demystified medical technology. we think they are a black box and need an expert to even take a screwdriver at it. you may not have the courage to hack $1,000 device, but you have the courage to hack something that's $5 and becomes as powerful as a $1,000 medical device. >> all you need to do is tune into "the next list", sundays at 2:00 p.m. eastern. it's sanjay gupta. tune in -- >> that alone is enough reason to watch. >> it tells you about people who are doing neat innovative things. farmers were looking forward to a record corn crop and now it's the opposite. and that change will cost you money at the grocery store, not just corn. >> seriously? this is green acres, the theme song? >> it is. a route map shows you where we go. but not how we get there. because in this business, there are no straight lines. only the twists and turns of an unpredictable industry. so the eighty-thousand employees at delta... must anticipate the unexpected. and never let the rules overrule common sense. this is how we tame the unwieldiness of air travel, until it's not just lines you see... it's the world. delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet the house is considering a bill to close thousands of offices, slash service and layoff over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. house bill 2309 is not the answer. minding your business this morning, u.s. stock fut you a f trading low. this is friday's show, it's been recorded. >> ali velshi. markets are down worldwide after that disappointing jobs report on friday. >> that jobs report by the way did this. all red downward arrows which is basically a bummer when you start the week. who know if things could change because now we're going to talk about debt crisis in europe. felicia taylor to fill in nor christine romans and could there be good news with corporate earnings? >> possibly, we begin the season today with alcoa, a general overlook at the american manufacturing economy and how things stand. a lot of estimates have been lowered due to the eurozone crisis and slowdown in china. if they are announced better than expected, then the stock is likely to run up. we could see some surprises but we have jp morgan, one of the biggest financial stocks out there and we'll find out more about the derivatives trade that could be up to $5 billion in losses for jp morgan chase. >> that number seems to move all the time. >> it does, because they don't really know. that's the problem. we don't know how big that trading loss is yet. they haven't been able to settle the trade. that's still ongoing. >> weren't we a month out? >> it's like if you have facebook stock and it drops on the market. until you get out of that stock, you can't book the whole loss. you'll think, maybe it will do better and go up. it could be a 2 or somewhere in the middle. >> what a lot of our viewers are concerned about, is my money safe if i bank with chase? >> absolutely. there's no danger of that bank going under. jp morgan is a safe bank. we should never allude to anything other than that. the other thing we're talking about corn is king. you have no idea. the problem is there's a drought right now in the midwest -- i was about to say the middle east. in the midwest. >> if you're on the west coast it's the middle east. it's not funny though, prices have surged about 37% since june 5th. what this means, if you take a look at what corn is in, it's unreal. it affects frozen pizza and the reason is because it's used to prevent the crust from getting soggy. who knew? wall paper adhesive, you need corn to stick the paper on the wall. >> i have been licking that stuff for years. >> you shouldn't, stop. the yolk in egg is enhanced with the fact that feed is given to chickens and the chicken skin is yellow because of corn. and bread obviously. it also helps fruit, vegetables, the shelf life of those stay longer. it's responsible for the crunch in snack foods and charcoal brick ets. >> and they feed it to chickens. >> guess how many pounds of beach mcdonald's bougt? 800 million. it's on everything. >> 800 million pounds of feed? >> of beef. but they are corn fed. >> the cows eat corn fed. this affects industries like mcdonald's, pepsi-cola and general mills because of cereal. you may be paying more than you are right now obviously for certain items like coca-cola or mcdonald's. >> high fructose corn syrup. >> everywhere. >> the whole licking the wall paper adhesive. >> judged by me? >> i'm not going there. >> thank you, we'll move on to another story. was there a second gunman in robert f. kennedy's assassination, there is a witness who is prepared to tell all in court. this is going to surprise you. stay with us. it's 20 minutes after the hour. do you have any idea where you're going ? wherever the wind takes me. this is so off course. nature can surprise you sometimes... next time, you drive. next time, signal your turn. ...that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. i'm barack obama, and i approved pioneeinbthis jobs last season was the gulf's best tourism season in years. in florida we had more suntans... in alabama we had more beautiful blooms... in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records on the gulf. this year we are out to do even better... and now is a great time to start. our beatches are even more relaxing... the fishing's great. so pick your favorite spot on the gulf... and come on down. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. president obama hours away from making a big announcement about the bush tax cuts. >> mitt romney with a risky fundraiser as a new poll shows which candidate has the upper hand in key swing states. finally relief from the heat. a cold front breaks the heat wave but it brings damaging storms along with it. welcome back to "early start", i'm ali velshi in for zoraida. >> i'm ashleigh banfield. the news from a to a. will we cover anything? the president will be surrounded by working class americans when he speaks in the white house rose garden later on today. he's going to be calling for an extension of those bush tax cuts. but and it's a big but, only for families who earn $250,000 a year or less. >> so the president is totally committed to getting rid of the tax cut for those making 250,000 or above? >> let's make progress on our spending by doing away with tax cuts for people that quite frankly don't need them. tax cuts that haven't worked and have them pay their fair share. >> so is that a yes or no? the president is completely committed to this, won't allow it to happen. >> 100% committed to it. >> that sounds pretty definitive. dan lothian is with us this morning. it sounds it's a good thing to do in a middle of a campaign because it looks like you're really giving something to the middle class and that's where most of the voters are. >> the obama campaign thinks this is a good thing. you heard the message from the president out there on the campaign trail as recently as last week in the key battleground states of ohio and pennsylvania, talking about helping the middle class, not only those who are in the middle class but also those who are trying to get into the middle class. and so the president will be out there not only pushing this theme but also surrogates for the president and the campaign will also be out there pushing this theme. the reason for this is because they see this as a winning issue. they can say, look, we are fighting for the middle class and the other guy, mitt romney is fighting for the wealthy. this week the big push will be in the key battleground states of new hampshire and also in colorado and florida and nevada. you'll hear from families in the middle class, from businesses, from city, local and state officials pushing this message, but there will be resistance from republicans who don't think this is something that should be done in this environment, this economic environment. and in addition to that, there's resistance from some democrats including nancy pelosi who thinks that threshold should be for those making more than $1 million, a big message not only for the white house but president's campaign. >> my spidy senses tingle when i hear about something in the campaign and big announcement in the rose garden. friday we had a real crappy day with the jobs numbers and today the house is planning to hold this symbolic anti-obama care vote to try to repeal obamacare, was this scheduled long in advance or is this an effort to do an old switcherroo on what is a bad narrative? >> it was not on the official schedule as of last week when they put out the week ahead schedule, it was not on there. some people would think much like you have described that this is just playing into their campaign, it's all political and it comes in the wake of those negative job numbers. the president has been pushing very hard the last week about job creation, about moving jobs back from overseas, providing incentives for company that's do that. he also realizes there are those bad jobs numbers and it will take a long time to turn the economy around. this is something that has some immediate action. the president can draw contrast between his message and message he says his opponent is providing and that is help for the wealthy. >> dan lothian, live at the white house. thank you, sir. >> coming up, a bold move by egypt's brand-new president. he is confronting that country's very powerful military head on. we'll tell you what's going on in egypt. zoraida is there for us. you're watching "early start." d. i am probably going to the gas station about once a month. drive around town all the time doing errands and never ever have to fill up gas in the city. i very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. last time i was at a gas station was about...i would say... two months ago. the last time i went to the gas station must have been about three months ago. i go to the gas station such a small amount that i forget how to put gas in my car. ♪ news from egypt, he's been in office less than two weeks but egypt's new president morsi has said he's going to reconvene parliament againsts wishes of the all powerful military. here's the news we're just getting in. according to the state news agency and a spokesman for the freedom and justice party, the egyptian parliament will reconvene tomorrow, tuesday at 12:30 p.m. local time, early in the morning our time. against the wishes of the country's military. egypt's generals have called an emergency meeting to discuss the move and its repercussions. zoraida sambolin is in cairo and getting reaction from egyptians, although not to the last piece of news. a number of people you've spoken to won't even have heard this news yet. she's on the phone from luxor egypt right now. what are you hearing? >> i was in cairo yesterday and i have to tell you, the people here, unanimously, everyone i have spoken to is very upset about this decision. even though we're looking at this as a military move, this was something that was done by the supreme court. and it had originally said that the parliamentary elections were unconstitutional and that they made that mandate. now that morsi has taken office and decided to basically rescind that and reconvene the parliament, he is really making a decision that is not within his purview, not something he should be doing. to the folks here excited about finally having a democracy are saying, this isn't what we bought into. this is not necessarily the man we wanted elected, but we were willing to give it a shot and see what he was going to do. they said even though this is not the person they wanted in office, they were willing to give him that chance and opportunity. based on what he did, they say you cannot go against the supreme court. when the supreme court makes a decision, you need to follow through and go through the proper steps in order to try to rescind that decision, that he did not follow proper prot to cal. >> to figure whether the military is running things or morsi is or the supreme court, below all of this will be basic problems that made egyptians take to the streets to get rid of mubarak and his government in the first place. what are the issues beyond whose in charge? >> what i found interesting, ali, a lot of issues are our same issues, number one is the economy. 85 million people in egypt, they have close to a 20% unemployment rate. you have people here who are graduating with four-year college degrees and making 440 egyptian pounds a month. that is the equivalent to $80 of u.s. money. they said those are the types of things they would like to see resolved, the unemployment rate and economy, they have a very high illiteracy rate in this country as well and the schools are overcrowded. we need to get beyond what's happening with government in order to solve issues for the people of this country. they are very concerned about tourism in this country. they are their bread and butter. at the end of the day they would like to know that something is being done so that tourists feel confident and safe when at the come to egypt. >> as in egypt, like the other country's that experience an arab spring uprising, a lot was driven by youth. youth unemployment is higher than general unemployment. there's some sense there's not enough opportunity even if people get an education. what's -- where does the youth uprising stand now? >> you know, it's funny, when i arrived, the first person i spoke to was a young person very excited and very involved. then fell off the face of the earth. a lot of elders are saying, what happened to our youth? what happened to the ones protesting and marching? why aren't they a part of parliament and running for office? this is their future as well. they've dissipated and create aid conflict among the people. >> zoraida, stay safe and we'll see you when you get back. >> thank you. >> soledad o'brien is on assignment today, christine romans filling in and doing the old "starting point." >> a lot going on from the white house. we're following breaking news from there. cnn has learned the president is restarting this fight over the so-called bush tax cuts this morning. as a fragile economy threatens re-election chances, what it means for jobs, your job, his job and race for the white house. cnn white house correspondent dan lothian, marsha blackburn of tennessee, marcy kaptor of ohio and kevin brady of texas all joining us live. the showdown over texas's voter i.d. law hits the courtroom today. it requires voters in texas to show an i.d. at the polls. but is this fight about race, about political power? texas republicans insist the law will stop voter fraud. texas democrats say, no, it denies the rights of thousands of poor elderly and minority voters. we're going to break it all down. the world watched as casey anthony was acquitted of murdering her daughter caylee last year. now her former attorney, jose baez is telling all. he has a book. he's sitting on our panel all morning. don't forget you can watch cnn live on your computer while at work, head to >> sounds good. i sat in that courtroom every single day of that. >> as much as was written and said, i have a thousand questions still. >> i think america has a thousand questions about that girl. >> i think so. >> rightfully so. here today, gone tomorrow, coming up, the ceo canned after a couple of hours, just a few hours for a lot of millions. why you are not supposed to grieve for the man who lost a job so fast. 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[ male announcer ] the citi thankyou visa card. redeem the points you've earned to travel with no restrictions. rewarding you, every step of the way. redeem the points you've earned to travel with no restrictions. according to ford, the works fuel saver package could terally pay for itself. jim twitchel is this true? yes it's true. how is this possible? proper tire inflation, by using proper grades of oil, your car runs more efficiently, saves gas. you could be doing this right now? yes i could, mike. i'm slowing you down? yes you are. my bad. the works fuel saver package. just $29.95 or less after rebate. only at your ford dealer. so, to sum up, you take care of that, you take care of these, you save a bunch of this. that works. [ music plays, record skips ] hi, i'm new ensure clear. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals and zero fat! hmmm. you'll bring a lot to the party. [ all ] yay! [ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. twenty-one vitamins and minerals. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. refreshing nutrition in charge! cnn has learned that president obama will renew the fight over the bush tax cuts today. the president will be surrounded by working class americans in the white house rose garden when he calls for an extension of the bush era tax cuts, but an extension only for the middle class. a spokesperson for the president says he is 100% committed to not extending those cuts for anyone making over $250,000 a year. a crippling internet virus may be fekting hundreds of thousands of computers leaving some with no access to websites or e-mail this morning. it was said to go into effect at 12:01 eastern after the fbi kept servers operating to keep your computer from being infected. if you didn't take action to deal with this before 12:01 a.m. eastern, might be too late for you. you're going of to have to call your internet service provider and get them to deal with it. here's an interesting story. the robert kennedy shooting, there is a woman who claims to have seen the shooting who said that she is going to testify in -- on behalf of sirhan who claims there was another shooter involved. woman says she told the fbi back in 1968 that she heard as many as 13 or 14 shots were fired. the gun that he used could only hold a maximum of eight bullets. she said she's going to testify in court today in sirhan's defense that there may have been another shooter in that incident. >> this is one of those jobs you just wish you could get. $44 million for just one day's work. not a joke. for a few hours this week, wi william johnson was the ceo of duke energy. he assumed the position on july 2nd. the next day, by mutual agreement, he was out. >> canned and replaced by duke's former chief executive. so he walks out with a severance package and that is reportedly, $44 million. you kind of wonder why they couldn't figure that one out before they signed a contract. holy cow. do they have shareholders? >> i have to read this more but it was for a few hour's work, they might be angry. a spectacular light show from mother nature. this is the aurora borealis, shot north of saint cloud, minnesota, the northern lights danced across the sky for about half an hour. do you remember seeing this when you were a kid? >> i see it every summer because i go to canada and see my family and this is a normal thing for me to see. >> yet it's amazing. it really is incredible. >> it almost looks fake -- >> but it's not, when you're staring at the northern lights, you think this can't be real. >> it also changes dramatically, sometimes it looks like vertical crystals, sometimes an array of rainbow colors. i can only imagine what the native canadians used to think when they had no idea. they probably thought it was the gods smiling at them. here you go. democra democrats demanding that mitt romney explain his offshore bank accountses and release his tax returns and the timing is no mistake. it is all politicking. the presumptive nominee was busy picking up millions in campaign contributions from the rich and powerful in new york's ham tons. a brand-new poll is showing that mr. romney is virtually tied with mr. obama in the 12 swing states, the wider polls give mr. obama a 4 point advantage if you count all states, which a lot of people say you shouldn't was it's all about the swing states. our cnn political editor paul steinhauser is with us. mitt romney is not the only person who goes to the hamptons for fundraisers, everybody goes to the hamp tons. >> brand-new numbers put out announcing the june fund raising. they say and the republican national committee combined raised $106.1 million in june with $160 million cash on hand. last week i confirmed they raised over 100 million. but here's the official number. and this probably will be the second straight month where the romney campaign and rnc have outraised president obama's campaign. they did it last month in may. they say they will be outraised again in june. a very different story than four years ago when the obama campaign greatly out raised and outspent senator john mccain as he was running for office. romney out there again, three fundraisers in the hamptons over the weekend. why does campaign cash matter? it goes for paying for ads and get out the vote efforts. as for this one, the final fundraiser yesterday was at the koch brothers, at david koch's house and there were protests there. they were upset because the koch brothers, david and charles put a lot of money into the conservative moment and group call americans for prosperity, gone up with a ton of ads against president obama. some protests out there, ashleigh. you were mentioning earlier with dan lothian about the middle class tax cut. >> in the rose garden -- make it quick. what's the deal? fast? >> we saw this fight two years ago, a different flossfy between democrats and republicans want tax breaks extended for everybody. as dan lothian was talking about, there's a campaign component to emphasize that barack obama is with the middle class and mitt romney isn't. that is the democratic take. >> like a campaign event in the rose garden. me thinks you're going to have a busy day. >> me thinks he's going to have several busy months. today's best advice from tiger woods' niece. >> she is a heck of a golfer. >> she is. we'll find out what she had to say when we come back. do you see it ? there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getting away ! where is it ? it's gone. we'll find it. any day can be an adventure. that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. wow, there it is. mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. we are two minutes away from a jam packed very interesting starting point hosted by christine romans with jose baez in the house the whole time. >> we would like to wrap up this show with our best advice and this come from cheyenne woods, tiger woods' niece. >> the best advice i received would be to enjoy what i do and have a passion with it. i believe if you do have a passion with what you do, you're going to be able to do it that much better and continue to do it the best you can. >> that's great. it's great. there's i think con fushs said, love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life. >> we do, except for that guy that worked a day for $44 million. >> don't even get me started. $44 million for a day's work. >> we come here for free and wake up at 2:00 in the morning, wouldn't we, ali? >> we certainly would. >> liar, liar pants on fire. that's the news from a to a does i'll keep it short with the a to a stuff. >> nice to have you. stay tuned for "starting point." >> good morning, i'm kris teen romans sitting in for soledad o'brien. battle lines drawn over the bush tax cuts, president obama expected to renew the fight in a few hours as republicans point fingers at the white house for the poor jobs numbers. we're going to talk to key players on both sides of the fight, republican congresswoman marsha black burn is here and marcy kaptor of ohio and kevin brady of texas. the blame game, an attempt at keeping peace. syria's president bashar al assad blames the u.s. for the carnage as he meets with kofi annan over a possible deal. she's been

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Station , U S , Zoraida Sambolin , Ali Velshi , Ashleigh Banfield , President Obama , President , Breaking News , Event , Rose Garden , Least , White House , Cnn , 5 , 00 , Tax Cuts , Republicans , Everyone , Congress , Bush Tax Cuts , Battle , Working Class Americans , 50000 , 250000 , Wealthiest , Events , Framing , Wealthy , Florida , Colorado , Call Americans For Prosperity , Nevada , New Hampshire , People , Position , Thousands , Warning , Marsha Blackburn , Hundreds , Starting Point , Tennessee , 7 , Browsing Fbi , Servers , All Around The World , Yes , Web Service , Set , 300000 , 12 , 01 , Computer , All Of Us , Dan Simon , Safe , Internet Doomsday Virus , Couldn T Go On Forever , San Francisco , Anybody , Reporter , Backdrop , 2007 , Software , Computer Virus , Advertising , Ashleigh , Scam , Estonia , Cyberthieves , 4 Million , Users , Websites , Ring , Web , Internet Servers , Something , Internet , Good , Ones , Bed , Luck , Home , Dcwg Org , Didn T , Shouldn T , Red , Chance , Icon , Problem , Things , Site , Service , Campaign , Public Service , Advice , Impact , Somewhere , 65000 , 45000 , Lot , Fact , Fix , Service Provider , Website , Computer Repair Shop , Last Night , Wind , Storm Threat , Tornadoes , Hail , Mid Atlantic , East Coast , Fredericksburg , Virginia , Four , Gym , Girls , Trees , Screen , Homes , Cheerleading Practice , Power Lines , Seven , Relief , Heat Wave , It Problems , Center , Injuries , Weather , Alexandra Steele , Price , Here S Washington D C , Storm Cell , 102 , Way , Seductive Ghost Look , Damage , Winds , Tornado , Microburst , Storms , Heat , Showers , Front , South , Cold Front , Threat , Moves , Firing , South Of D C , Got Up To , North Carolina , 99 , 88 , Part , Southwest , Temperatures , The 80s , The 90s And 100s , 80 , 90 , 100 , Bad News , Eastern Afghanistan , Blast , Mid Atlantic Today , One , Violence , Roadside Bomb , News , Fighting , Lives , Officials , Rise , Claims , Soldiers , On Sunday , Six , 29 , Ernest Borgnine , Mchale S Navy , Skipper , Career Highlight , Role , Performance , Heart Butcher , 60 , Film , Egypt , Power Play , Best Actor Oscar , Marty , Los Angeles , 95 , 1955 , Leadership , Odds , Mohammed Mo , Folks , Move , Emergency Meeting , Repercussions , Mohamed Morsi , Cairo , 6 , Thing , House , Vote , Heavens To Betsy , Supreme Court , Chamber , Health Care Overhaul , Recess , Fourth Of July , Place , Kind , Senate , Posturing , Repeal Effort , Democrats , Oman , Story , Mind , Business , Mortgage Payment , Data , Beeping , Penny , Check , Massachusetts , Points , It , Whirring , Network , Actions , Results , At T , New York State , Customers , Railway , Empires , West , First Trade Route , Businesses , World , Jobs , Edge , Well Today , Determination , Innovation , Thenewny Com , Message , Secretary Of State , Syria , Demise , Screws , Hillary Clinton , Regime Sinnestible , Regime , Support , Arwa Damon , Beirut , Russia , China , Two , Interview , Television , German , Defiant , Terrorists , Powers , Opposition Inside Syria , Unrest , Conflict , City , Finger , Disturbances , Umbrella , Saudi Arabia , Qatar , Opposition , Evidence , Opposition Groups , Syria On Sunday , Anywhere , Bashar Al Assad , Talks , Lead , Big Question , Kofi Annan , Analysts , Observers , U N Security Council , Nowhere , Proposal , Cup , Elements , Peace Plan , Version , Government , Television Interview , Possibility , Unity , Broadcaster , Sides , Parliament , Votes , Members , Elections , Fault , Cessation , Notion , It Bodies , Roux Erb , Internet Virus , Stories , Political Solution Doesn T Seem Obvious , 15 , Access , Pcs , E Mail , Checks , Facebook , User , Routers , Out , Macs , Hit , Ipads , Accident , Stepson , Boating , Brain , Tube , Riding , Jet Ski , Usher , Reports , 11 , Call , Fisherman , Shark , Cause , Authorities , Beach , Silhouette , Georgia , Lake Lanier , Northern California , Santa Cruz , Water , Kayak , Tail , Great White Shark , Boat , Tooth , 18 , 14 , Life , Study , Feet , Babies , Pets , Kayaks , Immune System , Journal , Researchers , Respiratory Problems , Contact , Colds , Ear , Dogs , Cats , Pediatrics , Health , Back , Brother , Asthma , Doctors , 60s Get A Dog , Roger Federer , Ranking , Seventh Wimbledon Title , Nothing , Court , Andy Murray , Trophy , Hits , Awe , Shock , Poor Murray , Wins , All England Club , Pete Psampras , Pennies , Champion , Bank , Mug , Wimbledon , The Machine , Boxes , Total , 62000 , Homeowner , Mom , 1977 , 800 , Money , Side , Name , Banker , Aubrey Lee Price , Brilliant , 17 Million , 7 Million , Plan , Suicide Note , Ferry , Investigators , Middle , South America , Key West , Atlanta Journal Constitution , Lifeguard , Mill , Flashes , Outcome , Fraud , 17 , Post , Hero , Lopez , Bunch , Lifeguards , Job , Boundaries , Solidarity , Hair , Some , Kid , Policy , Loads , Grace , The Boss And Lopez , Face , Info , Mentality , Instant , He Wasn T Being A Jerk , Virus , Friends , Banks , Mortgages , Interest Rates , Loans , Rigging Interest Rates , Scandal , Break , Bars , Nature Valley Trail , Fruit , Ingredients , Nuts , Nature Valley Trail Mix , Chewy Granola , 24 , Number , Reason , Bit , Trading , Reaction , Domino Effect , Stock Futures , Effects , Europe , Debt Crisis , Indices , Three , Companies , Report Card , Ghosagain , Stock , Situation , Expectations , Alcoa Reporting Today , Necessarily , Profit , 2 , Times , Game , Earnings , Learning , Funny , Stock Rallies , Wall Street , Jp Morgan Chase , Estimate , Barometers , Traying Down , Interbank , Rate , Libor Rate Fixing Scandal , Barometer , Credit Card , Borrowing Money , Effect , Credit Card Interest Rates , Car Loans , Barclays , Rates , Lending Rate , Interest Rate , Saver , Borrower , Asset , Trillions , Class Action Lawsuit , Bank Of America , City Bank , Ajp Morgan Chase , Markets , Savers , Lawsuits , Gunman , Question , Unemployment Report , Summer Vacations , Coming Up , Assassination , Witness , Sophia , Rfk , Card , Vacation , We Go For A Ride In The Park , Announcer , Citi Thankyou , London , Restrictions , Sightseeing , Thank Youpoints , Fresh Air , Friend , Step , Soil , Rewarding You , Purina One , Difference , Goodness , Tricks , Food , Thinking , Dog , Oils , Pet , Cadillac Xts , Car , Maturity , Zoom , Purina One Smartblend , Scroll , Tap , Pinch , Cue , We Haven T , Engine Revs , Don T Worry , Forward , Tens Of Thousands , Malware Attack , Woman , The American , Judges , Polls , Case , Voters , American , Texas , Lifelock I D , Panel , Country , Combat Sport , Gold , Olympics , Welcome Back , Chances , Time , Making 250000 , Enasked , Mara Kaptur , Democratic Congress Wwoman , Internet Service Provider , Astonia , Fib , Band Aid , Band Yad , Denier , Computer Store , Example , Work , Information , Images , Flash Drive , Video , Nine , Charge , Execution , Adultery , Commanders , Men , Taliban , Province Near Kabul , God , Bullets , Military Commander , Excuse , John Allen , Atrocity Of Unspeakable Cruelty , Behalf , Brutality , Lawyer , Challenge , Sirhan , Nina Rhodes , Hughes , 1968 , Maximum , Shots , Weapon Sirhan , Holding , Manies , Eight , Note , Saving , None , Jew , Nazis , Reprieve , Adolf Hitler , Wishes , Infantry Regimen , Furor , Mitt Romney , Robert Gibbs , Talk Shows , Wealth , Rounds , Candy Crowley , Most , Guy , Outsourcing Jobs , Investments , Taxes , Pioneer , Anything , Candidate , Tax Returns , Candy , Tax Return , Series , Copies , 2010 , Law , Release , Years Worth , Parties , Pressure , Candidates , Returns , Rivals , Precedent , Estate , U S District Court , Arguments , Voting Rights Act , 25 , Administration , Photo I D , March , Orty , Someone , Office , Barney Frank , Member , Sex , Knot , 8 , Each Other , Partner , Sickness , Companion Jim Reidy , Love , Countries , Efforts , Google , Gay Rights , Recognition , Couples , Facts , Judo World Champion , Poland , Singapore , Kayla Harrison , 40 , Blades , Tug , Gillette Fusion Proglide , Identity , Starts , Matter , Thieves , Upside Down , Hi , Credit , Lifelock , Piece , Accounts , Charge Card Account , Reputation , Bank Accounts , Leader , Identity Theft Protection , Social Security Number , Tracks , Crooks , Equity , Identity Theft , Victim , System , Don T , Service Guarantee , Criminals , 1 Million , A Million , Documents , Norisk , Document Shredder , Protection , Hands , Dollar Value , 9 Dollar , Residents , Isn T , Right , Sight , Lady Liberty , Fantastic , 77 , 86 , Statue Of Liberty , 43 , Fighting Chance , Japan , 20 , Hand , Heart , Weight Class , Tournaments , Sport By Storm Winning , 46 , Thanks , Deal , Worlds , Map , Yes , Dojo , Coming Out Party , Bananas , Couple , Athlete , Coaches , Medals , Medalist , Boston , Weight Classes , Champ , Braun , 30 , Amount , Weight , Big Jim , Trainer , Stuff , Strength , Muscle , Training , Standing Fighter , Maneuvers , Mat , Ways , Girls Judo , Lazy Flip Floppers , Train Traer , Coach , Flop , Attack , World Class Status , Olympian , Family , Setback , 13 , Mother , Uh Huh , 16 , Charges , Police , Prison , Ten , Outside , Lie , Turmoil , Golden Girl , Sport , Struggle , End , Terms , Opportunities , Career Ending , Hadn T , Person , Enemy , Goals , Hint , Nerd , Harry Potter , Issue , Experience , Muggle , Comment , Chicken Wings , What S Going On , 49 , Security Firms , Families , Everybody , Extension , Bush , Spokesman , William Johnson , Ceo , Cuts , Anyone , Progress Energy , Duke Energy , 44 Million , 44 Million Bucks , Duke , Contract , Chief Executive , Mutual Agreement , July 2nd , Severance Package , Come On , Communist Leader , Media , Kidding , North Korea , Show , Mausoleum , Grandfather , Dictator , Pictures , Kim Jong Unvisited , Explanation , Characters , Explanations , Like Celebration , Disney , Mickey Mouse , Winnie The Pooh , Guessing , Huh , Seats , 50 Cent , Kids , Apologizing , The Star , Autism , Tweet , 50 , Backlash , Time Line , Apology , Special Ed Kids , Fan , Whale , Letter , Actress , Vets , Marine Rescue Center , Bristol Bay , Christina , Whales , Baby Beluga , Water Wildlife , Light Bull , Lamp , My Exes Live In Texas Born On The Bayou , Rocky , Rocky Mountain High , Up P No , Everywhere , Nation , 4g Cities , 4g Network , Towns , Song , New York Groove , Verizon , 2000 , 4 , Small Business , Rewards , Purchase , Spark Card , Boa , Fabrics , Settle , Garth , Ahh , Thor , Thor S Couture , Business Card , Wallet , Cash , Cheers , Applause , Heels , Capital One , Pricing , Brakes , Many , Trending , Lightbulb , Combination , Levitating , Space , Magnets , Eyes , Power , Electromagnets , Pair , Flight , Resonating Coils , Bulb Doesn T Fall Out , Cool Room It , Box , Novelty , Women , Footwear Designer , Function , Form , Collection , Exeskeleton Shoes , Stand , Hats , Comfortable , Funky , 2 1 , Beautyrest , Memory Foam , Recharge Sleep System , Comfort , Sleeping Posture , Coils , Beautyrest Pocketed , Announcement , Internet Service , Doesn T , Internet Doomsday , Stretch , Jeepers Creepers , Calling , Tax , Let S Make Progress On Spending , Making 250000 And Above , Won T , Share , Dan Lothian , Priority , Class , Campaign Trail , Bus Tour , Help , Opponent , Battleground States , Romney Campaign , Theme , Expieration , Battle Ground , Bottom Line , Change , Benefits , January 1st , 1 , Job Creation , Job Numbers , Sector , Negative , Gains , Term , Fixes , Solution , Distinction Contrast , Ohio , Shap Kaptur , Congresswoman Marsha Black Burn , Sense , Sweating , Computer Repair Store , Machines , 4000 , Internet Usage , Storm , Buildings , Lines , Factor , Match , I 95 , Potential , Delmarva , Lifting Mechanism , Forecast , Dropping , In Washington , Heat Relief , Charlotte , Eye , Levxington , 89 , Victims , Hollywood , Character Actors , Oscar , Career , Big And Small Screen , Health Care Plan , Effort , Control , Obamacare , Voting , Back Parliament , Guess Who , Twist , Sunblock , Bloodshed , Skin , Whitens , Drips , Neutrogena , Spectrum , Barrier , Sun Protection , Wouldn T , Legalzoom , Option , States , Services , Best , Technology , Customer Support , Satisfaction Guarantee , Supporters , Assad Regime , Stalemate , Approach , Details , Bash Ar Al Assad , Statement , Meeting , Ko , Formation , Annon , Deja Vu , Ground , Interest , Last , Negotiations , Claim , Death , Destruction , Nba , Terrorist , Nations , Blame , Onset , Type , Measure , Responsibility , Beginning , Civilians , Deputies , Lebanon , Kputsers , Af Trading Low , Pc , Town , Wall , Mourning , Deathed , Black Sea , Flash Floods , 171 , Order , Group , Damaged , Vladimir Putin , 5000 , Top , Helicopter , Workers , Tv Antenna , Building , Chicago , Bolts , Flatbed , Chopper , Willis Tower , Tower , 1700 , Antenna , Truck , Cable , Kparmed , Looks , Tech Designer , Hitch , Kudos , Toy , Mit , Toys , Devices , Courage , Screwdriver , Device , Expert , Black Box , 1000 , 000 , Medical Device , Sundays , The Next List , , Record Corn Crop , Tune In , Farmers , Sanjay Gupta , Corn , Grocery Store , Opposite , Theme Song , Green Acres , Route Map , Unexpected , Twists , Industry , Employees , Rules , Common Sense , Delta , Eighty Thousand , Bill , Packages , Medicine , Unwieldiness , Mail , Air Travel , Company , Losses , Offices , Reasons , Agency , Layoff , Burden , Bears , 2006 , 100000 , 5 Billion , 6 Billion , Answer , Post Office , Revenue , 2309 , Stock Fut , Bummer , Arrows , Christine Romans , Felicia Taylor , Economy , Season , Eurozone Crisis , Estimates , Manufacturing , Alcoa , Stocks , Surprises , Slowdown , Derivatives , Trading Loss , Trade , Weren T , Market , Loss , Haven T , Viewers , Idea , Midwest , Safe Bank , King , Danger , Drought , Though , Prices , Middle East , West Coast , June 5th , 37 , Paper , Crust , Pizza , Wall Paper Adhesive , Bread , Chickens , Feed , Chicken Skin , Egg , Yolk , Vegetables , Stay , Shelf Life , Snack Foods , Crunch , Charcoal Brick Ets , Beef , Cows , Beach Mcdonald S , Corn Fed , Bougt , 800 Million , Mills , Cereal , Industries , Pepsi Cola , Whole , Items , High Fructose Corn Syrup , Coca Cola , Course , Road , Nature , Subaru , Tourism Season , Pioneeinbthis Message E Ss Jobs Last Season , Gulf , Kinds , Records , Blooms , Suntans , Louisiana , Fun , Alabama , Mississippi , Fishing , Come On Down , Spot , Beatches , Call The Gulf Home , Relaxing , Bp , Swing States , Fundraiser , Poll Shows , Start , To A , Making 250000 Or Above , Progress , Spending , Let , Pennsylvania , Surrogates , Big Push , Resistance , Nancy Pelosi , Environment , Addition , Threshold , Spidy Senses , Jobs Numbers , Care Vote , Planning , Narrative , Switcherroo , Schedule , Wake , Numbers , Overseas , Incentives , Sir , Action , Contrast , Gas Station , Military , Head On , In The City , Drive , Doing Errands , Chevy Volt , State News Agency , Has , Generals , Freedom And Justice Party , Egyptian Parliament , Egyptians , Phone , Decision , Military Move , Mandate , Purview , Saying , Democracy , Opportunity , Steps , Prot , Cal , Issues , Problems , Streets , Mubarak , Unemployment Rate , Number One , College , 440 , 440 Egyptian Pounds , 85 Million , Equivalent , Types , 0 , Tourism , Butter , Schools , Tourists , Uprising , Arab Spring , Youth , Youth Unemployment , Unemployment , Education , Youth Uprising , Aren T , Marching , Elders , Earth , Aid , Fight , Point , Soledad O Brien , Christine Romans Filling , Race , Showdown , Courtroom Today , Voter I D , Marcy Kaptor , Kevin Brady , Rights , Voter Fraud , Democrats Say , I D , Casey Anthony , Caylee Last , Jose Baez , Down , Minority , Attorney , Courtroom , Book , Single , Sounds Good , Cnn Com Tv , Questions , Rightfully , Here Today , Girl , A Thousand , Millions , Works Fuel Saver Package , Grades , Pay , Tire Inflation , Ford , Jim Twitchel , Care , Sum Up , Dealer , Bad , Rebate , Mike , 9 95 , 29 95 , Works , Standards , Record Skips , Music Plays , Clear , Vitamins , Fat , Minerals , Party , Protein , Lid , Nine Grams Protein , Zero , Twenty One , Peach , Pomegranate , Blueberry , Nutrition , Fekting Hundreds Of Thousands , Spokesperson , Shooting , Of Sirhan , Shooter , Defense , Gun , Incident , Joke , Wi , Agreement , Wonder , Figure , Shareholders , Spectacular Light Show , Mother Nature , Aurora Borealis , Holy Cow , Sky , Canada , Saint Cloud , Minnesota , Fake , Canadians , Rainbow Colors , Array , Crystals , Gods , Politicking , Mistake , Timing , Nominee , Democra Democrats , Offshore Bank Accountses , Mr , Campaign Contributions , Powerful , Poll , Ham Tons , Paul Steinhauser , Point Advantage , Fundraisers , Hamptons , June Fund Raising , 60 Million , 160 Million , 06 1 Million , 106 1 Million , Rnc Have Outraised , 100 Million , John Mccain , May , Ads , Weekend , Campaign Cash , Protests , Brothers , David Koch , Koch Brothers , David And Charles , Ton , Tax Cut , Fast , Flossfy , Campaign Component , Tax Breaks , Campaign Event , Stake , Niece , Golfer , Tiger Woods , Adventure , Wow , Generation , Commitment , Auto Insurance , Level , Usaa , Vietnam , South Pacific , Iraq , 1943 , 2003 , Veterans , Legacy , Auto Insurance Quote , Equal , Jam , Cheyenne Woods , Passion , Con Fushs , Wouldn T We , A , Liar Pants , Fire , Liar , Romans , Kris , Fingers , Players , Marcy Kaptor Of Ohio , Somebody , Explosion , Pump , Pumps , Nobody , Nasty Malwear , Witnesses , Peace , Blame Game , Attempt , Carnage ,

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