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Still no word on where the body is. And how do all these guys who work for the crown do this without the prince . We test that. And you think this of all times would be the right time for the president to be sensitive about violence against journalists, but, no. He celebrated a congressmans assault on a reporter at a rally. How can he howl about democrats and mobs while glorifying violence himself . Can his trusted adviser explain . Well find out tonight. And the caravan is coming from down south. Dramatic scenes today providing fresh fodder for fearstoking. Trump thinks that their pain will be his pleasure for the midterms. Friday lets get after it. Okay. So saudi arabia makes an admission and some arrests. All of a sudden announced in the middle the night, literally. And it does all feel like this is still under cover of darkness. Lots of questions tonight, and we have the right people to answer them. Two former u. S. Ambassadors to the region. Robert jordan was ambassador to saudi arabia under george w. Bush. Gerald firestein was ambassador to yemen under obama and we dont have an ambassador to saudi arabia right now. Thats one of the things thats not exactly greasing the wheels of the process here. So first big question, and i start with you, ambassador jordan. Does this feel right to you whats happening with saudi arabia . That all of a sudden this explosion of activity and all these people around the crown had something to do with it but not mbs himself . Chris, this cant feel right to any rightthinking individual. Its complete nonsense. Youd have to believe in the easter bunny to believe this story that theyre concocting. The easter bunny is true and as my kids are watching now, they can all attest, but we do have concerns about this story, and lets talk about why, okay . Because theyve asked for another month and the Administration Says here in the United States, take your time. Take your time. The president has said maybe it was rogue actors. And king salman says it wasnt him. Why doesnt it smell right to you, ambassador jordan . Well, if you look at the pattern of this crown prince, mohammad bin salman over the past two years, everything he has touched has turned to disaster. Hes orchestrated this incarceration of his uncles and cousins and businessmen at the ritzcarlton last november. Hes presided over a terrible war in yemen. He has abducted the Prime Minister of lebanon. He has put many, many people in jail, detained them for nonviolent dissent. And so i think you have to assume that his fingerprints are all over this. This could not have been his inner circle committing this without his knowledge and approva approval. I dont think there has been any analyst over the last two weeks who would say otherwise. And so ambassador firestein, when we look at this story from them is it was a fist fight that led to khashoggis death. Takes on a dozen. One is a forensic pathologist and there are reports that a bone saw was involved. What does that sound like to you . Well, certainly, and i agree with bob completely and his view on this. If you look at the composition of these 15 people, they werent interrogators. They were bodyguards, security people. As you said, you had this forensic doctor along. So if you look at the reports that the turks have been putting out which basically says that jamal was assaulted as soon as he walked into the consulate, and that he was dead within minutes, this was not an interrogation. And the idea that somehow he was struggling or fighting with this group of much younger, very fit human beings doesnt make any sense. Obviously, i didnt need one of the intel sources i have today to tell me this but it bears repeating. When you have a lot of names offered its often done to cover one thats missing. We dont have the crown prince being involved in this. The big problem for them, though, ambassador firestone is the body. Where is Jamal Khashoggi. And whatever situation we find Jamal Khashoggi in right now is going to say a lot about what the intentions were in that consulate, yes or no . Oh, thats absolutely true. And probably were never going to see the body. I think the body is probably gone. So again, while its a good thing the saudis have finally acknowledged that jamal is dead and dead at the hands of saudi officials, there is a long way to go before we have any confidence that we know exactly what happened, exactly who was responsible and the chain absolutely must lead eventually to mohammad bin salman personally. Heres the problem, ambassador jordan, where we stand right now. This explains in part innocently why the u. S. Has to give pause. What can you do . If the saudis say, look, we took a look. This went wrong. Its regrettable on all sides, well deal with who did it. This was a saudi national. Well deal with it. Thank you very much. And the u. N. Doesnt step forward, what can the United States do . A couple of things. First of all, were still waiting on the turkish report. And i think this puts some pressure on the turks to come up with a complete, understandable and credible report. Weve seen a lot of dribbles of news out. Some of which seems plausible. Some of which does not. But i think we really need to hear what the turks have to say. We also have this thing called the United States intelligence community. And i have got to believe that they have been able to collect some information over the last two weeks, perhaps to go back and review what they collected previously, and have provided to the administration some further information. This information, by the way, also needs to be made available to congress. Its been withheld and thats perhaps a growing part of the story here. What would be your counsel, ambassador jordan, if you were still there working within saudi arabia right now if the president said to you look, the u. S. Intel community, this isnt a citizen. We dont have any jurisdiction over this. What can i do . What should i do . I need them in the middle east. I need them in the war against terror. You know whats going on in yemen. What we are supposed to do . What would your counsel be . My counsel to the president would be, this is an extremely important ally and the ally is the kingdom of saudi arabia, not mohammad bin salman. And so weve got to maintain a relationship that weve had since 1945, the best we can, because we do need them, but we dont need any individual who has gone rogue who is perhaps on the precipice of becoming another saddam hussein. That is the worst thing that could happen to saudi arabia in the long term and we have to keep a longterm view of this. Assuming ambassador you agree, that would mean the three people ive spoken to most recently with experience in this part of the world, also including general hayden have said the same thing. State to state was the way to be with saudi arabia. Shifting it to a personal relationship with salman and Jared Kushner and maybe the president of the United States does not give the United States the flexibility and leverage it needed in this situation. Well see what happens next. Id love to have you back to help us figure out the truth from what were told. Thank you. Thank you. Have a good weekend. What the saudis said when this first happened is very different from what theyre saying now. Is this about their learning curve, or is it about the evolution of a cover story . Next. You want relief fast. Only new thermacare ultra pain relieving cream has 4 active ingredients, to fight pain 4 different ways. Get relief fast with new thermacare ultra pain relieving cream. ready to juvederm it . 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Why are they pixilated . This is the way they were put out. Its not very helpful. But seven passports. These are they have other information on these other people. They didnt want to put it out. The turks know certain things. All right. Here are the numbers. 18 saudi nationals are currently detained for the investigation. Five highranking officials have been removed from their posts. Remember this, though. When you have a lot of numbers and names thrown out there, often its done either in the interest of completeness or concealment. How did all these people who worked so intimately with the crown, yet the crown itself, the prince, had no connection or knowledge. Proof . One of the men theyre looking at is ameds al asiri, a onetime twostar general known within mbs inner circle as the chief architect behind the kingdoms war in yemen. Sources say it was he who chose the Team Involved in khashoggis disappearance. And while its unclear who exactly is being detained, we know turkish officials are investigating this man, okay . So lets take a look at this. Now who is this guy . Hes also been relieved of command. Saud al qahtani, a top adviser to mbs. Sometimes referred to as his enforcer. Friends of khashoggis say al qathtani had called khashoggi and urged him not to be so critical of the kingdom. So what else do we know . The saudi government maintains this was an operation carried out without the knowledge of mbs. Think about how dangerous a proposition that would be to go against this man who has locked up his own family. Youre going to do something without his knowledge that he may not like . Saudi king now ordering the crown prince to oversee the restructuring of its own intelligence service. Again, is this about transparency or is it about concealment . All right. So another big story today, we see through the gops last push effort what theyre going to do in the midterms. Fear and loathing. The caravans from the south. Mobs of democrats all around you. And yet for the fear of force and in the shadow of the murder of a journalist, the president is applauding the assault of another member of the press by a gop congressman he helped elect. Great hype, greathypocrisy . Its a making of a great debate were doing very differently tonight, next. Comfort. What we deliver by delivering. Unstopand its strengthenedting place, the by xfi pods,gateway. Which plug in to extend the wifi even farther, past anything that stands in its way. Well almost anything. Leave no room behind with xfi pods. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Click or visit a retail store today. Democrats produce mobs. Republicans produce jobs. Thats the new catchy slogan the president rolled out last night. But also last night, trump ironically congratulated congressman gianforte for literally assaulting a journalist back in 2017. Greg is smart. And by the way, never wrestle him. You understand that . Never. Any guy that can do a body slam, hes my kind of hes my guy. Ill take you through what i think about what happened with gianforte and what the president is doing here. But there is one obvious problem with this. The president is clearly celebrating this republican for violently attacking a journalist. And thats not hype. He admitted to a crime in the situation, gianforte. So this isnt my description. Its his own. Then the president turns around and says democrats create violent mobs and he cares about a saudi journalist being murdered . You cant get more fair than this. Heres how were going to debate whats going on. I believe theres so much for trump folk to explain, tonight im giving them both seats. Two on one, just little old me. Amy kremer and niger innis. Thank you for joining me. Great to be here, thanks. Lets just focus on the caravan. The president is very excited about the caravan, amy. He believes they are a metaphor for all of the monsters that america should be afraid of. Why do you think that works for you . I mean, i dont think its a metaphor for all the monsters we face, but i think it is a problem that we have with illegal immigration. And we need to fix our illegal immigration problem. And he campaigned on that. He promised he was going to do that. And hes focused on that. And he hasnt been able to do it because congress has held him up. And so he sees this as an opportunity to finally get something done. So you think its congress. Ill take that on with you, niger. But one step before. He does call them monsters. He says that theyre drug dealers, rapists. They are the worst. Theyre not sending us the best but the worst. Who is doing the raping, don . Remember when he said that to don lemon . Who is doing the raping . You look at the data, the people who come in, illegal aliens as you like to call them. They commit crime at a lower rate. He doesnt know the composition of this caravan but hes making assumptions and telling people this is what you should fear. Your okay with that . I mean, look, i want him to fix our immigration problem. We need to know who is coming in and going out of this country. We should only accept the best here, chris. Why is that a problem. Since when . Who came over here in your family, how did you get here . The thing is no, no, no, who came in first for you . I mean it goes back generations, chris. Where did they come from . Were they the best . Scientists, architects coming in with bags of gold . You know what, not everybody is a scientist and an architect, but the thing is we need to be able to decide. You dont go to sleep at night and leavior dooe your doors ope nobody is saying the doors shouldnt be locked. I have to show i. D. Youre saying different things. Niger, we should have only the best. We never have. We never have. Weve given people the chance to be the best, niger, all right . Now you look at somebodys lineage like your own and many africanamericans didnt have a chance. They were brought here in bondage. Its an ugly chapter we should never forget. But people like me and i suspect kremer, we got here, no discernible assets. Now were going to change what america is. Kremer says congress is keeping trump from enforcing the law at the border. How so . Look, most of us conservatives are for legal immigration. Right. And thats the operative word. Trump is not. No, trump trump has said he is. No, hes not. He wants to build a wall and have a big golden door for legal immigration. And lets not forget and get rid of family reunification the way his inlaws got in here. He wants to cut back how many can come in. He wants to change the asylum rules. And he wants more people from norway. What about all that . Thats all legal immigration. Well, i dont know about a bunch of blondhaired, blue eyes from norway. Thats what he said. Thats fine. So youre okay with more norwegians and less of everybody else . Im okay with people obeying our immigration laws. Absolutely. Im okay with reexamining our immigration laws so that we have an America First immigration policy. Amy knows what does that mean America First, by the way. Well, something that benefits the american people. The American Worker. The american economy. The american technological edge. And immigration policy that does not allow terrorists who would want to destroy our civilization from slipping in under the cloak of darkness. Who is the democrat who is who is the democrat who is pro letting terrorists in . Remind me. Which one is that . Well, i think that there are a bunch of anarchist democrats that dont care that de facto not just democrats. Theres some free market socalled free market republicans that believe in open borders. Name me one. And no, america does not name me one of those. Maxine waters. She does not believe in letting everybody in the country whenever they want. Nobody does. Oh, come on. Chris. Thats not true, chris. Just because you want it to be true doesnt mean it is. Show me a quote from Maxine Waters saying we should have no rules. Show it to me. No, its called blocking any kind of funding for the wall. Its called blocking any kind of rules and regulations that says that american citizens are a priority. American workers are a priority. Not assimilating the entire world. The workers because of political niger, i got you. Back to you, amy. This idea of this American Worker being hurt by illegal immigration. Show me the proof. You have 7 million jobs right now. You dont have employees for them. You dont have it. And they are jobs important to this economy and important to your base, okay . Agricultural workers. Farming. Construction. Blue collar people. Americans dont do those jobs in big numbers, and you both know it, if you read anything. The people who do do it, are the ones youre demonizing right now and you wont go after the employers, will you . Ive never heard one of you say were going to bust the emplo r employers and stop the supply because they wont hire them anymore. You never say that, why . Chris, the bottom line is, we should know who comes in and goes out. Everybody agrees. Next. Follow the damn laws. Everybody agrees. Next. Everybody agrees with that. Then why are people advocating for just letting anybody come in here . Nobody is. This is your crazy talk. Oh, my god, no, its not. Are you kidding me . Stacey abrams who doesnt support farmers i mean she doesnt say just let everybody in. Shes advocating for illegals to vote here in georgia. Thats different than saying let everybody in. Its a totally separate issue. The reason democrats want open borders is because they dont want open borders. Is there such a need listen. I get it. I get it. They want to stock the whole voting base with illegals. Like they dont have a registration advantage already. Go look at your demographics. Niger, you dont need this to make your point. You dont need to exaggerate and say democrats want everybody to come in and no rules. You know thats not true. I think it undergirds what the real argument here is. You should be saying we need to revamp these things that democrats are holding up. Why . You want a wall . Fine. Thats politics. But youll not find people to say youre a wall away from ending the problem. Over 80 of the illegal stays in this country are done from extended vis as, right . They come by plane. Thats true. Why are you nodding yes, amy. It kills your whole argument. You cant agree with that. You want to put up a wall. Chris, listen, its not just its not one thing or another. Let me finish. 80 come by plane. Why would you want to own that, even though its true . The wall is not just about the Illegal Immigrants coming across. Its all about the drugs coming across and the human trafficking. Thats another thing. But i want to say hold on because we go point boy point here, amy. I have had the unfortunate pleasure of spending way too much time south of the Border Covering the drug cartels. You have not, all right . So let me tell you how it works down there largely. Tunnels, okay . That el chapo was a tunnel building fool. And they use a lot of that. They also use planes and huge Cargo Containers and a lot of the drugs are coming from somewhere other than south america. So the idea that youre a wall away from stopping the drug problem is also untrue. And if you talk to any competent person, including your commissioner, you will have a conversation about economic desperation. Thats the problem. And niger, our president s solution is to cut funding that will help stem poverty in the places where the people are coming from. How is that productive . Well, it is a threat against those governments and hoping that our Central American neighbors will do what mexico and i applaud mexican the Mexican Government because they are cooperating. Theyve always done that. An ingenious idea of the u. N. Actually establishing shelter for the socalled political refugees when we all know they are economic refugees. Many are. Desperate to come here to get jobs. Many are. Some are not. They are establishing that at the southern border between mexico and central america, and i think what trump is doing is doing the types of negotiating that actually led to a revamping of nafta, thanks again to mexico. The ambassador was on last night from mexico. He said weve always done this. Were going to do it because its in our interest and we hope the United States does and says the right things to respect the humanity that this process should entail. He didnt say anything about pressure, anything about doing it because trump said to and nothing about paying for the wall, by the way. Well, he probably wouldnt say that publicly, but i think privately the president saying that hes going to not put National Guard but actually put regular u. S. Military on our border you like that idea . Whats the u. S. Military going to do there, niger . I like what are they going to do . I like the idea of a president of the United States saying that pointing guns at people who come . Protecting our border is a priority. That a nation cannot be a real nation if its sovereignty is not respected. This isnt a game of risk. This isnt a game of risk. This is real. Amy, what do you think happens if you put military on the border . What do you think they do there . Play parcheesi . He threatened to put the military on the border. What do you do to them . This is the thing. Today the people coming from honduras busted through the controls there and went into mexico anyway and said what would you have the military do if they try it here . Im not in the military. I dont know what they can do. What would you want them to do . Why do you feel so good about having the military there. I didnt say i felt good having the military there. You liked what the president was doing. I like a president standing up for our so you like it. Can i finish what im saying . Im trying to get ahead of the game. I like a president standing up for the country and doing what he said hes going to do. Im tired of the draw the line in the sand and cross it. So we have a president thats doing exactly what he said he was going to do when he campaigned, and i like that. And many millions of americans like that, too. And i want to have you on record for something god forbid we have to have this conversation in a different context. The military sent down to the border, which is something you agree with and you like, and i didnt say i want the military and people who are looking to get in. I want to hear you say youre okay with it. No, i im okay with the president i dont think it should come to that. It shouldnt come to that. What is going to happen if you im okay with the president using it as a threat. Thats right. I agree with amy. Im okay with the president saying we have a we have a number of tools in the toolbox, and using the military on our border might be necessary and him threatening the possibility. Look, one thing the world has taught us is in israel, in the middle east, that when israel was a victim of a number of terrorist attacks, they put up a wall and those terrorist attacks went down dramatically. Yeah, and so did the lethality. And you know that better than most. Its a much shorter border. Its fully armed. Its an ongoing war. N people die on a regular basis. Im out of time for this, but were going to have a lot more opportunity to do it. And i invite you lets do it again. Have a good weekend. Appreciate you making the articles. Im going to get you on that, amy. Youre going to have to own whatever happens on the border if the military is there. Oh, dude. Hopefully we never have to have the conversation. Bro. Have a good weekend. Bro works. Were all brothers and sisters. So the caravan, kavanaugh, law and order. Will it all come down to that for voters in 18 days . Thats what the president says. Thats what hes hoping at least. We have a man who helped drive him over the finish line last time. Corey lewandowski is here. Does our brother like what the president is saying . Does he think its the winning mix . Next. On every purchase, every day. Not just airline purchases . Everything. Hey, howd you get in here . Crosschecking. Nice. Whats in your wallet. Oh, cmon rewards me basicallyaptain everywhere i stay. Bvious and hotels. 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Time for someone new. All right. Lets bring in former Trump Campaign manager corey lewandowski, author of a new book trumps enemies. Good to have you. Good afternoon, chris. Good night. Good night. Dont put me to sleep, though. Long friday night. Look, you forget im a campaign manager. I forget what time of day it is. I wanted to get to my brother. So lets do this light and tight. I want to get you back to your family. One point. The president in the midst of saying, hey, look, this journalist got killed and the saudi journalist, eaweve got t get it right and he goes to the rally and gives gianforte a pat on the back for giving the bums rush to the journalist. Why . How do the two go together . They dont go together and there is no excuse for khashoggis death and that seems to be caused at the hands of saudi arabia or at least condoned by the people in saudi arabia. And there needs to be accountability. I stand with bob corker and Lindsey Graham and other members of the senate who want to see a complete and immediate interaction and accountability for those people who killed that man in cold blood. We havent seen the body. Now that being said, the level of rhetoric in this country is way too high. Weve seen it with eric holder saying when they go low, we kick them. With cory booker. Wait a minute, the president those guys are lightweights to what the president says. He was celebrating gianforte body slamming a reporter. He said hes my guy. Hes tough. Hes a tough cookie. We both know. Cory was a cop. Trained in how to deal with situations like that and no slouch himself. This guy isnt tough. Hes a bully. A thug. A punk. He attacked a guy who had every disadvantage. Why lionize him in front of the crowd and say hes your guy . Nobody on the left has said anything like that . Why would the president . Well, chris, i think the rhetoric as it comes to this is just, its way too high. His is way too high. Call his out, corey. Chris, its chris, its going to be on both sides. Eric holder this week said when they go low, we kick them. Cory booker. No lightweight by any means said lets get up in their faces. What trump with gianforte. Thats what im telling you. On both sides we cant be condoning this violence because but i want to hear you say that what trump said was wrong. What im saying is both sides are wrong. Dont but you dont say trump was wrong. A Bernie Sanders supporter if we allow it to go on the way it is, someone is going to get hurt. Steve scalise was almost killed by a Brnie Sanders supporter who thought he was doing the right thing by shooting at dozens of members of congress. We shouldnt tolerate this from anybody. We cant go down that road. What the congressman in montana did is wrong. He has apologized he admitted to it. It was a crime. It wasnt wrong. It was illegal and wrong. And it should be. But the president celebrated it. Nobody should be happy about it. The president is happy about it. Nobody should be celebrating it. Nobody should be celebrating say the president was wrong. Chris, everybody is wrong. What is it with you . Say the president was wrong. Chris, look. Then you tell me you condone what cory booker has said . I dont represent the left. You represent trump. Chris yes, sir. Why cant you say what theyve said is as wrong its 100 wrong. Its becoming what they say they disrespect. I dont think it helps them get their people out. I think the idea of that kind of toughness being physical, brutality, bullying, i think its ridiculous. I think its absurd. And i think its beneath the dignity of their offices. Say that about trump. And that congressman paid the price. He pled guilty to the crime was held accountable. And trump celebrated it. Montana will decide. And what he said was hes a tough cookie. He said hes my guy. He said hes my guy. Hes a republican congressman. No, he said anybody listen to what trump said. Listen to this. Greg is smart. And never wrestle him. You understand that . Never. Any guy that can do a body slam, hes my kind of hes my guy. Now change that handsome for cory booker and what would you be saying . The exact same thing. You cant allow society that were body slamming reporters, allowing reporters to go to other countries and being killed in cold blood. So then say the president shouldnt have said it. So then say the president shouldnt have said it. Thats how you get the new decorum. Chris chris, heres what the president should do. The president should commend the congressman for reporting his agenda which is what why would you commend a person who did Something Like that . Why would you ever talk about him again . It wasnt the president who body slammed anybody. I know, but hes the one celebrating it, and you cant somehow physically its like one of those movies where someone is hypnotized and theyre not allowed to say words. They cant say them. You cant say trump was wrong. You cant say it. I cant i cant take people who only want to look at one side. I just i just condemned booker in a way that youve never condemned anyone. Let alone trump. Look, what about the potential ricin attack on Susan Collins last week with the envelope mailed to her. What happened at the supreme court. Its all wrong. Its all bad. Maxine waters. It is bad, but but your man our president is always at the head of the hate parade. And you know it. But you wont call him out and why would he ever stop . Chris, we didnt have the same level of outrage when Kirstjen Nielsen had to leave a restaurant, when of course. Got beat up by don lemon for saying theres a time, place and manner and these people are in a private place and shouldnt be doing this and its counterproductive. Do you think cruz or any of these people are going to get on your side . But you wont say it about trump. Youre a smart guy. You cant go near trump. Ill make the its got to start with trump. Ill make the most blanket statement i can. No, with trump. From President Trump to the local dog catcher, nobody should be inciting violence. Thats as clear as i can be. Nobody should have violence. Thats too low of a bar. Too low a bar. Too low a bar. You shouldnt celebrate someone as your guy who body slams someone. What would you do if one of your kids came home and said gianforte is my new buddy. You should have seen how he body slammed this kid in the school yard. Ides ooud be id be concerne highest Law Enforcement officer in our country is recommending kicking people when theyre down. Thats what eric holder did this week. The highest Law Enforcement officer you want to give the president the benefit of the doucts that he was just joking but eric holder says when they go high, we kick them. He puts out a tweet saying i didnt mean it as violence. I was talking about being tough. What does that mean . If i said when you go down, i kikuck you in the head, what do that mean . I said, whoops, i was just k kidding, that doesnt clarify anything. The moment that your foot touched my head, it would be the last thing you ever did on this earth. So there would be no tweeting after it because we would agree to disagree on that. Let me tell you, we cant allow eric holder to i hear you. I agree. I agree with you that everybody has got to be more decent but when you wont call out the president by name, you lose the credibility. Chris, i just said everybody. You said everybody but you wont say the one somebody that matters. And i said the president. I appreciate you making the argument even though you threatened to beat me up because we both know thats a joke. She may be the most talked about mom in the country this week. Its a little similar of a theme of what were talking about. When does might make right . When is it okay to use force . The viral video shows her finding her 15yearold with her car. And, man, did she give him a whooping. Tough love or too far . Next. Bye. Bye. Have fun. Chloe. Shes so cute. The most loved iphone meets the most loved in wireless. Tmobile. Americas fastest unlimited network. Right now, get the amazing iphone xs at tmobile. Lets do an ad of a man eating free waffles at comfort inn. They taste like victory because he always gets the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed, when he books direct at choicehotels. Com. Or just say, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com all right. So look. This one isnt about politics. Its about people, parenting, what we accept in our culture. So im very slow to judge how people raise their kids. Were blessed with three. It aint easy. You have your legal standards but once you get inside that, it starts to get tricky. So in texas, this mom was not playing when her 14yearold boy stole her new bmw. She finds out what hes up to. She tracks him down on the road. And the boys sister recorded what happened next. Mom didnt know. Pull over now give me the belt. And another. And another. And another. The boys sister says she did it so he could go see his girlfriend. Lets bring in d. Lemon, don. Now you dont want to know what i think. Statement against interest. You know what its like to be this young boy. Is that true or is it true . I was stealing the car when i was, i think, 9 or 10. I was driving by the time i was 12. Look, im not a parent. Dont get mad at me, everyone. I grew up in the day and age of corporal punishment. Spare the rod, not only that he stole your new car. Im just going to say what let me just say what my mom would have done. If i had stolen a new car, an old car, any kind of car and i was on the highway, id be lucky to be alive right now. My fighting stance that i do when i do selfdefense was taught from me going rounds with matilda, my mother. My hands are out in front. Theyre like this. Hold on. We can talk. Just stay where you are now. Now, heres what i know. What . People are very divided on this in this country. They are. Were moving away from putting our hands on people. Here is a very don lemon eaesqu statement from me tonight because you love to let people in. I believed that with my kids, there had to be a line and at that at some point when they crossed that line, it was going to go from verbal language to sign language. It was going to go to the hand as my mother used to joke with me. Yeah. And my wife wasnt with it. And i could see in the kids, especially with my son, it wasnt working. So i went to the yale behavioral center. I hooked up with this dr. Kaz den. They gave me the research. Heres are the two things i learned. One, behavior is only changed through positive reinforcement. I know it sounds kumbaya, but remember i punch people in the face as a hobby, so im not being that way. But punishment only teaches kids how to get around you. Positive reinforcement changes behavior. And the doctor said to me, hit him if you want to, but know that did the doctor have kids . Yes. That youre only hitting them to make yourself feel better. Youre not making them better by doing it. Well, i dont know about that. I just know that i was afraid of my parents. I got to show you something, though. Your producers are wrapping me, but look whos here. Whos here . You know the dark one. Thats boomer because you met him the first weekend we got him. Then this is a new one thats on chris instagram. Im going to re what do you call it in. Both rescues. Both rescues. I need a name for the new one. Boomer. But i think i came up with it. Should i give it away now or let people guess in. Save it for your show. Have people guess, and anybody who gets it right or even close, ill make a donation to the shelter in their theyll. All right. Boomer. Boom boom as we call. And who . God bless you. Spreading the love and expanding the family. Thats all the kids i need after this. All right. Ill see you. Later. All right. Were going to take a break. When we come back, what did we see with this gianforte, all right . With the mom, thats a different discussion. Thats a set of cultural mores that are different but it does dovetail with what i want to talk about next. Ive got an argument to make about what i saw in montana and Something Else i saw that gives the right lesson for all of us, next. Thats amore when the world seems to shine like youve had too much wine thats amore bells will ring ting a ling a ling ting a ling a ling more to love. Applebees new neighborhood pastas. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Its the details that make the difference. 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Is in San Francisco and halfmeasures havent fixed it. Homelessness doesnt just hurt homeless people. It hurts all of us. Thats why were all voting yes on c. The plan is paid for by corporations that just got a massive tax break. Its time for them to give back by helping all of us to fix our homeless crisis. With more affordable housing. Expanded mentalhealth services. Clean restrooms and safe shelters. Vote yes on c. It helps all of us. Congressman Greg Gianforte of montana attacked guardian reporter ben jacobs. He pleaded guilty. Okay . The president celebrated him. Do we have the sound of gianforte being caught on tape with the reporter . Heres what happened. On behalf of theres not going to be time. Speak with shane, please. Im sick and tired of you guys. The last guy that came in here, you did the same thing. Get the hell out of here. Get the hell out of here. The last guy did the same thing. You with the guardian . Yes, and you just broke my glasses. Did the same thing, meaning asked me a question i didnt like. He grabbed a guy by the neck, threw him on the ground. He pleaded guilty to assault, okay . Theres no question about what he did being wrong and illegal. But the president celebrated him at a rally. Hes my guy because hes so tough, and the crowd roared much like i expect the romans would roar when the lions mauled someone in the arena. And it raises the same question. Why does trump praise bullies . Time and again he celebrates punks who go after the little guy. Does it on the world stage with bad guys whom youre clearly impressed by. And do you it on the rally stage. Make no mistake. It wasnt just getting carried away in the moment. Heres what he said today. Do you regret bringing up last night at your rally the assault on a reporter by a congressman . No, no, no. Not at all. That was a different world. Greg is a tremendous person, and hes a tough cookie. A different world. What world is he talking about . Theres only one. Were in it. You should be accountable for what you do. Everything gianforte did is weak, okay . He attacked someone who wasnt a threat, was at every disadvantage. Gianforte showed no control, no confidence, no respect for his office or his constituents or for the law. He is weak. And if he doesnt like it, he can come body slam me as well. I welcome it. Now, trump was just joking, right . No. He likes what the guy did. What would a leader do . Would he make fun of the victim . No, hed make fun of gianforte, embarrass him for what he did. Another goon. Make fun of that. Take him down a peg for his pathetic display. Even better would be to reinforce what really matters, which is the truth, that this guy is the opposite of what we want to be. A leader lifts others up, right . He doesnt throw a man down. He picks him up. Trump doesnt get that, but you know who does . Lebron james. Im not referring to their war of words with each other. I care nothing about that. Watch this. Anytime you fall, stay down. Your brother come picks you up. Gets his young team together. They lost that game but hes teaching them a lesson that can lead to greater victories. Trump would call lebron a loser because he lost the game, but this is why i love sport. How you play, win or lose, matters. The president only thinks about win and lose on one level, hamfisted. Thats how he makes mistakes like rewarding a thug like gianforte or putin or kim. And well see about saudis mbs. Crazy and sad days when the lessons that we teach our kids, dont be a bully, strength isnt knocking down, its lifting up. Now those lessons must also be directed at our president. Thank you for watching. Have a great weekend. Cnn tonight with d. Lemon starts right now. All of this in a week when were talking about a journalist reportedly dismembered and now confirmed killed. What does it make you think about what the president really believes about violence in those situations . We only know what you show in this life. If you cared so much about it, if you were sense tiezed in the moment you know the expression too soon . Its too soon to make fun of a guy who makes fun of a journalist. Its not even too soon. Why would you ever do that . And too soon,

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