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Thats more like what we saw with the police and floyd. Abuse of power, not simply misuse. And words matter, especially when they are picked for a president in order to state the absolute minimum. There he was, trump, surrounded for a photoop. The victims families did not attend it because the white house said it shouldnt look like a photoop. So, too, was the president s mixed message. One part, we are with you. To all of the hurting families, i want you to know that all americans mourn by your side. Your loved ones will not have died in vain. You can almost feel the wince the world over when trump offers no real change, no recognition of the real wrongs. Then salting the wound by saying americans really want law and order. They demand law and order. They may not say it. They may not be talking about it, but thats what they want. No, mr. President , what they want is for you to look down from on high and see the reality they live every day in america. They know what they want. And you made it clear today you are not with them. So the question becomes where will the masses pushing for more and better streets all over this country get the leadership they seek . Right here says cory booker who is a cosponsor of a Police Reform bill. Senate republicans are going to roll out their version tomorrow morning. Senator, always a pleasure. Good to be on. A reaction to what the president said and did not say and did and did not do today. You hit it on the head with his tenor and tone. His press conference talked a lot about the economy, sales going up in may 17 . Tone deaf to the issue at hand with hundreds of thousands of people in all 50 states protesting. And then that we will not see change in policing practices to the extent that stop the large scale racial challenges and bias and most extreme that we have caught on videotape with Breonna Taylor and george floyd and many names we know or maybe we dont, and that is unless there is real change for civil prosecutability. That means changing the standards for use of force to one that has a lot more to do with whether something is necessary or not. Thats the president. Are you sure you dont want to answer . Actually my girlfriend. Far more important. Hang it on me, say you were talking to me. I will, chris. Are you there . Yeah. Tell me what doesnt do it for you. The president said we should create a federal database and use federal grants to motivate departments to meet their higher certification standards. Chokeholds banned except when officers life at risk, and encourages sending Mental Health professionals. If you do these practices, there will be real consequences. If officers break the law, our federal government will prosecute you. Right now the standard on 242 which is a criminal section for prosecution is too high and doesnt get used. The 1983 civil cases. Its very hard if you are not really having a consequence when officers do things that are not only against the Community Standard but against the law. He doesnt ban racial profiling. Something bush called for. Doesnt talk about racial bias training. Does not elevate in any way the kinds of issues being asked for by civil rights communities, not just now but for a very long time. We have to make sure that we get a bill that has teeth in it, that can change the culture and accountability of policing and even that the database is shielded from the public. Others cannot see the patterns of what true misconduct of officers is. One suggestion we talk about on the show a lot. Certain states have boundaries on when body camera footage is available to the public. They would have information the public would need to know and may change their perspective, for or against officers. What is the chance you get to a better place with senator tim scott on the republican side, negotiating a bill and maybe getting a bill . I am just coming out of a fivehour hearing on the issue. You heard from the panelists, unless there is real consequence, hard to go through change. I can go through and we are still having the same conversation and witnessing gruesome video, the consequences of not having real accountability. Those are the things that have to change. There needs to be a standard, practices banned and acquired. Things need to be opened up to sunshine for the pattern of practices, and also consequences. You are criminally culpable when you break the law, civilly culpable when you break somebodys civil rights. It has to be necessary to use that force, not just justifiable. We have to be sure use of force is necessary. If you violate that we will see where they start tomorrow and go from there. I wanted to ask you about something else. We cant really have it. We dont know enough yet. This is upsetting at a minimum and painful at a minimum how many young, black men have been found hanged, whether or not its homicide or suicide, these are painful and horrible things to fulfill. Its unusual. Africanamerican communities are not known for suicide, let alone hanging. What is your take on this during what we are dealing with in this country . First of all, my heart goes out to the families. We dont have enough facts yet to draw any conclusions. I think there is a grief in black communities that is deep where you have people getting dying in childbirth at three or four times the rate of white women, the bodies from the color of your skin. So many conditions that make you scared. We havent talked about the murders of black transgender women. We have a real conversation we have to have about the security and safety of black bodies in this country. Even if these are Mental Health, and by the way i am seeing suicides being uncon shenably high in our country. All of these things should arise our compassion and concern to want to do something about the loss of life from the very sources that we see in the africanamerican community. It affects all of us, affects the strength of the nation as a whole. It has always been a strength of yours as a politician much less a human being. I have known you for 50 years. I believe this will be key, senator. Somebody will never understand the life through somebody elses world, but pain is relatable. Pain that makes someone want to take their own life and shatters their family resonates. Its curious to find black men hanging in america as a function of suicide. We will wait for the facts. The conversation is always here for you, senator booker. God bless. Thank you very much. Lets go from one plague to another. Did you hear the news . No second wave of coronavirus and the steps until then is way easier than now. But there is a big problem with all of this new promise. I have a sickening fact check ahead with dr. Sanjay gupta. Ahead. At tmobile, we know that connection is more important than ever. For customers 55 and up, we want you to get the value and service you need to stay connected. Thats why we have a plan built just for you. Saving 50 vs. Other carriers with 2 unlimited lines for only 55. And were here to help when youre ready to switch. Visit a store or go to tmobile. Com 55. Your cells. Trillions of them. Thats why centrum contains 24 key nutrients to support your energy. So you can take care of what matters most. And try new centrum minis today. We have different needs. Y. But one thing we share is wanting to make our lives the best they can be. If you have medicare and medicaid, a dual complete plan from unitedhealthcare can help. Giving you more benefits. At no extra cost. And a promise to be there for you. Whatever your story may be. To learn more, call or go online. Dual complete from unitedhealthcare. All right. I wish i could tell you this was new. Once again the white house is at odds with the cdc over the state of the pandemic. This is the difference between political feeling and fact. This time Vice President pence who wrote an oped saying there is no new wave coming. He said more than half of states are seeing a decline and in six states seeing more than 1,000 per day, increased testing has allowed Public Health officials to identify most of the outbreaks. No doubt he is cherry picking circumstances to fit the picture. But the cdc points out that at least 18 states are categorized by the cdc as high burdened and cases are not going down. You see the source of the rebuttal in the cdc is especially indicative. The chief doctor, dr. Sanjay gupta is back tonight. Good to see you, my friend. The idea of what the Vice President is suggesting is testing, testing more. Thats the explanation for the numbers. Then how do you explain the increase in hospitalizations in arizona, texas, florida . North carolina. These places, not only are they high, but some of the highest hospitalizations throughout this pandemic. There is no question that in more testing you will find more cases. But here is an important point. I want to make this point. Its counterintuitive. The whole reason you do more testing is to bring down the number of cases. You find people who have the virus and prevent them from being spread. Look at new york. As you had testing go up, what happened to the case count overtime. There are the tests in new york. You see how they have gone up. Now lets look what has happened to the number of people who have been diagnosed with the infection in new york. You will see that go down. But compare that to florida which is a state often used as an example here. The testing, if anything, has plateaued, maybe gone down a little bit. What has happened there . Case count has gone up. What do people pull from that . What people should pull is that increased testing is not what is fueling the increased case count. That seems to be a message out there. Its incorrect. It should lead to a decreased case count. Bus in many states where there is decreased testing, the numbers are still going up. Its not that you are looking more and finding more. Thats not the situation. If you are testing more, it should lead to decreased people being infected because you find people and isolate them. Yes, we are seeing increased testing, but the increased case counts are outpacing that. There is more spread of the virus. That is clear from the data. Can you justify the vp getting to the conclusion there wont be a second wave . No. I might abandon the term wave. We are not even out of the first wave yet. So the fact we may have a diminution and then a second wave. We have come down since the peak in april. If you can call this acceptable, 600 some people dying every day in this country, more than have died during the entire pandemic in other countries. If that is the plateau, you may have a plateau. But you are hearing come august this is likely to increase, in part because we are reopening. We are seeing the impacts now. People are not as judicious about mask wearing. People are getting together in dangerous areas, indoors. Thats where you get the super spreader events. Dr. Fauci referred to another peak within the existing wave. Call it what you want, but we are likely to have more infections and be in the hospital. Last thing my brother andrew wants to say, if we keep reopening and the numbers go up, we will have to have the hard talk. He does not want to do that. When we come back, what they have found so far that works best in terms of practice and then a drug that may be making enough of a significant difference to discuss. We will have them both right after this with chief doctor and accordion extraordinaire dr. Sanjay gupta. For an everyday item to become dangerous. Tide pods childguard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. To close, twist until it clicks. Tide pods childguard packaging. Yeah. This moving thing never gets any easier. Well, xfinity makes moving super easy. I can transfer my internet and tv service in about a minute. Wow, that is easy. Almost as easy as having those guys help you move. We are those guys. Thats you . The truck adds 10 pounds. In the arms. Okay. Transfer your Service Online in a few easy steps. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. Visit xfinity. Com moving today. Two pieces of information. Lets bring back dr. Sanjay gupta. There was a study that what worked best in kur tailing cases was people staying at home and contact tracing. What do you make of that . At the beginning we didnt have a lot of this data. What we have after five months of data is, yes, staying at home. Its the basic bread and butter of Public Health. We now know in countries around the world, it made a huge difference, chris. I have been reluctant to compare the United States to other countries. People say what about our Public Health system. It can work well, but in this case it didnt. In south korea they measure their deaths in 100s not hundreds of thousands. They had testing and tracing. If you do it early and not scared to implement the measures early. We are still not doing it and removing the stay at home and they are still to the ramping up the testing aspect like they are supposed to. The latest druk. Dex dex methadone. There is demand. If the press release is correct and what this shows, this would be the first drug that reduces the mortality when it comes to this disease covid19. Recomme remdesivir sped up the recovery. This drug reduces mortality for the sickest patients. Patients on a ventilator, it reduces their mortality by a third, people on oxygen reduces mortality by a fifth. Its a corticosteroid. And you hear of nonsteroidals. They are all in comparison to steroids. Steroids are the most powerful immunosuppression drugs. The thinking has been in those sickest patients, what is making them so sick and killing them . Its not the virus so much as the bodys response. Its the inflammation that bombards the body. What do you do . You give a drug that dampens it. A steroid seems to work. This is a cheap, widely available drug. In some patients by injection, 6 milligrams for ten days and it seemed to have a major impact. If studies hold up, this could be a significant finding not just in terms of this drug alone, but others. Could you create a cocktail of drugs to not only help patients but save them. This is the only drug that has shown that so far. Dr. Sanjay gupta, thank you so much. You have got it, chris. Last night we showed you why the atlanta cop had Better Options than shooting Rayshard Brooks even after the taser was stolen. And next a Georgia Police veteran believes the officer ras right. Right. W right. A right. S right. Hile most stores are open, im working from home and here to help. Heres a tip get halfoff the amazing iphone 11 on at t, americas Fastest Network for iphones. Second tip you can put googly eyes on your stuff to keep yourself company. Uh for example, thats heraldo. Hes my best friend. Oh, sorry nancy, i forgot you were there. Get the amazing iphone 11 for halfoff on at t, americas Fastest Network for iphones. Feel cool. Because the tempurbreeze transfers heat. Away from your body. So you feel cool. Night after night. During the tempurpedic summer of sleep, experience the mattress ranked number one in Customer Satisfaction by jd power. Dont bring that mess around here, evan whoo dont do it. Dont you dare. 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So for us, at newday to help those people at this point in time. Its a labor of love, its a noble service, and thats what were all about. Some new information. Atlanta Police Released disciplinary records for both officers. The one who opened fire had in his six years on the job a prior reprimand for use of force involving a firearm. In general georgia law is pretty clear. An officer can use deadly force if the suspect possesses a Deadly Weapon. In the case of Rayshard Brooks, does discharging a taser over his shoulder while running away justify shooting him multiple times from behind. We put that question to the president of the fraternal order of police in cobb county, georgia. Thank you for your service to the community. Thanks for having me on and let me tell the other side of the story. Why do you believe this shooting was justified . I think if you look at the whole situation, the whole story with an open mind from start to finish, you look at the officers dealing with mr. Brooks in a calm and peaceful manner for about 43 minutes and you see it change when they tell him owehe under arrest. He becomes violent and attacks the officers. Lets go step by step. There are a lot of niceties for a long time. But what about if the guy says hes going to walk home, he has a sister in the area, why not give him the option of leave the car here, we will give you a ride home. The officers have lots of options available. They chose a dui arrest. What is to say that he comes back to his car after the officers leave and he goes out and kills somebody. Somebody that is dui, if he walks away, you dont know if he has another key. He was clearly intoxicated. Why did they let him move the car in the parking lot . They had him move it out of the drivethrough, about 20 feet. At that point they are not sure hes dui. It is not until they do the test and determine they believe him to be under the influence of something and they place him under arrest. They say they are going to place him under arrest. Everything goes sideways. He resists. There are two officers. When i watch this video i had you come on for your candor. You know this better than i. I spent a lot of years doing selfdefense and different defensive training. When i watched these two officers trying to take him down, i dont see a lot of adeptness by him. They are struggling with this guy. I dont see an evidence of him having super strength. What kind of training did the officers get in using nondeadly force in how to apprehend somebody. We do get training. Almost every year we have training in which we train how to take somebody into custody. Every person is different in the way they fight. Mr. Brooks i think was very strong. I think he was able to surprise them when he attacked them and took them to the ground which is not a good position to be in. An officer is not a good position. He punched them which is assault. I think it was a knockdown dragout fight until mr. Brooks grabs the taser. He grabs the taser and runs away, running away with the taser. He apparently reaches back with the taser, discharges it and thats when the officer chasing him fires at him several times, hitting him at least twice. Why was that okay . To finish on the fight part, they tell him let go, let go, and he refuses, so he steals it from the officer and runs. He does fire the taser and it does appear to hit the officer. You see the officer bounce off the car. And at that point i think the shots are fired about the same split second its occurring. The shots are just how hes positioned, whether he was turning back around or in a twisted mode. He was running away. The idea that the shots were just put where his body was positioned is being too for giving in the analysis. Shooting someone from behind is not what you are trained to do, isnt that correct . You cant predict how a person is going to bob and weave and where the bullets will go after it leaves your game. If they are facing towards you and the reaction time, they could turn around. Your reaction time is slower than theirs. They know what they are going to do. You have to react. He was running away and he turns around and fires a taser. A taser doesnt count as deadly force when you guys use it. Why is it when they use it . A trained individual using a taser is not a Deadly Weapon so a trained individual knows where to aim it. An untrained individual does not and then its a Deadly Weapon. Thats not in the law. I get it from the training. The training we have had for over 20 years tells us if they take the baton or laser, it is one step more to deadly force. Those can be used against you to incapacitate you and take your weapon. Two weeks ago the taser was a Deadly Weapon. Now it is not. So you have to make up your mind. Is it or isnt it. What case was it a Deadly Weapon . Two College Students in the protests down in city of atlanta which those two officers were fired and arrested by the District Attorney before the investigation was even complete. I understand that was frustrating to a lot of officers. I dont remember the taser being a method. It was the kids and maybe an officer who wasnt the initial one dealing with them and came in and picked up one of the sus pk pekts and threw them on the ground and had to have another officer tell them to back off. This case comes down to the last moment in my legal analysis. He has the taser. Maybe its dangerous, maybe it isnt. Fired over the shoulder clearly with someone running away in a parking lot with families and parked cars. Thats a good decision by an officer to fire at a person running away . I dont know what his backdrop is. The officer felt it was a safe environment. If his back stop was clear and he felt comfortable, thats probably why he took it, but i cant tell from the video. Here is the difference between comfortable but okay. Some officers describe it as may be lawful but awful. Can you just fight shooting him in the back where you know where he lives. Georgia law gives the right based on the threat he poses to the public. He chose to make those actions. He chose to do what he did. He could have been like 100 other duis that night, got arrested, bonded out. Resisting arrest is not a death sentence. Mr. Brooks made bad choices. The officers are trained in deescalation and supposed to be protecting and serving. Maybe under the law the officer had the right. Would you have done the same thing in that situation . I cant tell you. I wasnt there. I dont think either one of us, not being there when you worked on the streets, did you ever fire at anybody nrunning away . I didnt have to use my gun after 30 years. I was good at talking. I got out of a lot of serious situations. I was lucky. A lot of officers are not that lucky. They have to do what they have to do to go home. We both know he could have gone home had he not fired at him and he would still have a job. We dont know. He was running away . What is he going to do when he runs away . Now we know what the criminal history is, but we didnt know at the time. Could he car jack somebody . Will he hurt another civilian . There are a lot of things to play out. You think i am responsible for this person i was going to arrest and he now has a weapon. A taser is not the most dangerous thing. If he had a knife or sharp stick he would be more dangerous than a taser. Under the law you have to believe he has something he is going to seriously hurt somebody with or he is going to commit a crime. Which of those boxes does he check . He has committed a crime. Anning an ag assault on two police. You dont get to build into that moment as proof of criminal behavior . You do because what he does from his actions causes what occurs in his death, not the previous action where they are all compliant. What he does when hes told he is under lawful arrest. Lawful arrest with detention and he chooses to fight. That causes all of these things to spiral. The first part is a whole dirnt situation. I am with you on that. Very cordial. It all changes once he resists and then the analysis will be did the officers make the right decision under the law . Under the law as trained. Let me add this, if you want to change how the officers react to deadly force and how they use it, you cant change the rules after you have been training officers for 20 years and then when this happens you want to change the rules. If you want to change it to let people run away because they dont want to be arrested, Society Needs to change the rules and laws and then change the police, but you cant change the rules on the fly. I dont have any problem about that. You are absolutely right. Thats right. Your own explanation i would take issue with whether or not how they were dealing with deadly force. That will be decided by a jury if there are any charges. We will see what happens. Steven gaynor, you are welcome back as we make the case. Thank you, chris. My next guest tested positive for covid19 and happened after a night of fun that went bad fast. 16 friends got it. This is a cautionary tale. Dont take it from me. Take it from people just wanting to have a good time. Next. Erave. They help restore my natural barrier, so i can lock in moisture. Weve got to have each others backs. Cerave. Now the 1 dermatologist recommended skincare brand. There are so many toothpastes out there, which one should i use . Try crest pro active defense. It neutralizes bacteria for a healthier mouth than even the leading multibenefit toothpaste. Crest. A lot goes through your mind. 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Because at carvana, your car happiness is what makes us happy. Seven workers at a florida bar and a group of 16 frebds who were out for a night of fun all tested positive for coronavirus. Erica was one of them. Shes been sick for a week. Shes here with two friends. Good to have you. I dont want anyone of you to sweat. This is not a session. Im happy that you are feeling better and youre young. Thank god you didnt get hit the way di. I want to quickly give you a chance to share how you feel after this experience. Erica, starting with you. Nobody had masks. It was crowded in there. Just like a normal bar. Why did you think it was okay to do it that way and what do you think now . I this at the teem it was more out of sight out of mind. We hadnt known anybody who had a personally. Governor and mayor said it was fine. We go out and its a friends birthday. It was a mistake. How do you feel about it now . What do you want people to think. I feel foolish. Its too soon. Clearly we got supersick almost immediately. Within days. Look, the most effective preacher is a convert. You can tell people i know why you think its not a big deal. Learn from me. Thank you for coming forward and doing this. This is not how you want to make where are debut on cuomo prime time. You were there as well. You had a little different set of symptoms. You were of the no smell no taste variety. How are you feeling now and how is your perspective . Im feeling fine. I am. It is very bizarre to breathe in and not smell your favorite things. It feels spoiled to complain about things like that at the moment. My experience is definitely of course regretful. We feel foolish standing there in font of the people we knew we were pushing it. And its overwhelming to be ahead of this. We want to raise awareness and tell people its not ready for what we thought it was. Its too soon. When you realize that you werent feeling well. What went through your mind . Theres a Global Pandemic going on and i feel sick. I was a little scared and nervous. And receiving the text message that my friends were just boom positive boom positive, boom positive. Back to back to back was overwhelming. Did anybody get sick sick . Not to my knowledge. I think all of our symptoms were fairly mild. I do believe that one or two of us had flu like symptoms. And were kind of laying in bed. For the most part i experienced very mild symptoms throughout the time. Like four days worth and got better . Yes, sir. I know there was a group of 16. Everybody got sick . Everybody. Every one of us. Did you hear stories about people who werent part of the Group Getting sick . Do you believe it was that place . Or doing too much too soon. Yes, i have been this went public a few days ago. I have been messaged and inboxed by strangers. That they were there the same weekend friday, saturday and sunday. And are very sick. It wasnt just our group. One place in common. The only place. Listen, if people cant identify with you, its one thing when its an old guy like me. For young people who are viable and living your life and told everything is okay. Thats why i invited you on. Hopefully now if you have guilt about it coming on and letting people know the truth. Good for you. If you have the antibodies give plasma. And youll wind up doing good for people in a entasituation t started the wrong way. Take care. Well be right back. Life isnt a straight line. And sometimes, you can find yourself heading in a new direction. But when youre with fidelity, a partner who makes sure every step is clear, theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. For an everyday item to become dangerous. Step is clear, tide pods childguard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. To close, twist until it clicks. Tide pods childguard packaging. At mercedesbenz, nothing service will do. Class thats why were expanding your range of choices. 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