Droplets flew past the six foot mark. As america approaches 100,000 deaths from the pandemic crowds defy the science and the guidelines and flock to beaches, parks, pools. We take a look at what this could mean. And from the worlds worst hit country to the second most badly infected. The worst hit city in brazil and the worst hit country in latin america and the worst hit region in the world. Cnn is in brazil looking at how the situation could be much worse than the government is telling us. And then no apology. No regrets. No resignation. The british Prime Ministers right hand man admits to breaking lockdown rules but insists he did nothing wrong. The whole story ahead. Good to have you with us. The United States is inching closer to a new grim milestone as the coronavirus death toll across the country is expected to exceed 100,000 in the next few days. The total number of infections is now approaching 1. 7 million with the u. S. Continuing to lead the world when it comes to covid19 cases. And the World Health Organization warns that this pandemic is far from over. The head of the Emergency Program says that we are right in the middle of the first wave of cases meaning that the disease is still on the way up. He says that a second peak could come months from now during the normal flu season. The w. H. O. Is urging everybody to remain on high alert. During memorial day weekend americans packed parked and beaches. Joe biden appeared at a Veterans Memorial wearing a mask while the u. S. President did not. As one nation we mourn along side every Single Family that has lost loved ones, including the families of our great veterans. Together we will vanquish the virus and america will rise from this crisis to new and even greater heights. But take a look at the current trend in new covid19 cases. In 40 out of 50 states the number of new cases is either rising or holding steady. Newly reopened businesses and beautiful weather have Many Americans out for a taste of summer this memorial day weekend. But with crowds packing beaches and other Public Places Health Experts are alarmed. Reporter after weeks of caution and confinement. You would not know a pandemic was going on by looking at the beach today. Reporter memorial day weekend is looking almost normal in some places, crowded beaches and busy boardwalks with little sign of social distancing and even fewer facemasks. In missouri shocking images of a packed pool party in the ozarks causing concern. More crowds in daytona beach, florida where gunfire erupted as people stood shoulder to shoulder and blocked traffic. When you get this volume of people it will be tough to control. Other areas are more vigilent with people encouraging six feet of distance on the beach. In new york city beaches remained closed. And normally a Gathering Place for remembrance on Memorial Day Arlington National Cemetery is open only to loved ones with family buried there. The World Health Organization warns we could see a second peak of the virus. We cant make an assumption that it is go to keep going down. Another w. H. O. Official said all countries should remain on high alert since the hallmark of the virus is how fast that it can spread from a single event. In the United States at least 18 states are showing an upward trend in covid19 cases and Health Experts warn that memorial day weekend gatherings have the potential to spark a new strain of infections in some areas. In alabama the montgomery mayor is sounding the alarm over i. C. U. Beds. We have 6 out of 100 in this region. It is mild improvement but not the type we would like to see. In arkansas the governor is warning of a second peak. It is clear and evident to me that we have had one peak and a deep dip and we are having a second peak. Governors and Health Officials are urging people to wear masks in public, the governor of north dakota is pleading not to judge those that do. They might be doing it because they have a 5yearold child who has been going through cancer treatments. They might have vulnerable adults in their life who are fighting. As deaths related to covid19 near 100,000 the New York Times publishing a stark reminder of the humanity behind the numbers. John herman jr. Of new jersey taken by the virus in april was one of a few africanamerican Corporate Bond traders on wall street. Just seeing all of those names, you realize the vastness of the pandemic. You realize the immensity of it. Jason carroll, cnn, new york. Joining me now is dr. Craig spencer, the director of Global Health and e. R. Medicine at Columbia University medical center. Thank you doctor for being with us. Thank you for having me. So the World Health Organization warns we could see a second peak of coronavirus cases, not in october but in the next few weeks with the increased mobility that we are seeing. When you hear that and you see the images of the memorial day weekend with americans gathering at beaches, pool parties, disregarding medical experts, not Wearing Masks or social distancing, how inevitable is another peak in just a few weeks do you think . I think there are a couple of things to unpack there. Around the globe the number of new infections is still going up steadily. We are seeing hot spots everywhere, in places like brazil, mexico. This is not just a u. S. Issue where we are having new cases, it is everywhere. When i see the images over memorial day weekend with people not practicing social distancing, i am upset with everything i have seen here in new york city. All of the cases and all of the deaths. But i do think that the majority of people around the country have listened to public Health Experts, are practicing social distancing and Wearing Masks because they all recognize the virus cannot infect you and people are rightfully scared of it. I think it is important. I think it is really important to recognize that the w. H. O. Said maybe we will see another peak. People heard of a plateau or second wave. I think people are confused body what is coming. We dont exactly know. But what is almost certain is that the majority of the people in the United States and the majority of people around the world have not seen the virus and have no protection from it. We will see big spikes of cases for the next couple of months and next couple of years. Worth pointing out too that President Trump does not wear a mask as he marked memorial day despite his own Coronavirus Task force dr. Birx insisting everyone wear a mask to protect others, not necessarily yourself. What is your reading of that . My reading is that i think a lot of the reason we have so many problems. People are figuring out who they should be looking to for guidance, whether it is the politicians or Public Health professionals. Our messaging and our messages should be the same. Our political leaders should be taking direction from the experts and from the public Health Experts. Unfortunately i do not think that is happening now. That hasnt been happening for quite some time. Here in the United States and obviously here in the most impacted countries around the world. You know, the one similarity between all of the countries with the highest number of cases and the number of deaths is the fact they are run by politicians who think they know better than public Health Experts. Of course we are all eagerly awaiting the possibility of a vaccine. A u. S. Based Biotech Company started phase one of trials in australia. About 130 participants will takes it experimental vaccine. This is just 1 of about 10 potential vaccines being worked on globally. How hopeful are you that this or any of the other vaccines will work and become available by the start of the next year . Well, i am hopeful and optimistic that we will find a vaccine. That is not a guarantee. There are many virus that circulate among us where we have been looking for vaccines and dont have one. But i think we will be able to find a vaccine for this. There are a lot of hurdles between trying it out on over 100 people and getting it into production and manufactured and into peoples arms. Around 1 of 10 candidates. It is good that the candidates are all quite different in their approach. Some use rna, others use dead virus. They all have the same type of approach. We have a bunch of things in production and hopefully one or more of those pan out. The reality is that phase one of the trial that you are talking about wont be done until july and they will have phase two and phase three. Yeah. It is such a long process, isnt it it. But the lead scientist working on human trials for the Oxford University vaccine now says it only has a 50 chance of success because the coronavirus is declining in britain which reduces the likelihood of the participants being exposed to the virus. If that is the case could this increase the possibility of making a case for trying the more controversial method of exposing participants directly to the virus. How likely is it that a case could be made for the approach in the midst of the pandemic making special circumstances . I think that is a really, really interesting and tough question. We dealt with the ethics of vaccination for a long time and there is a dark history of vaccination ethics. I think of my experience in west africa in 2014 and 2015 when we were rolling out one of the trial vaccines at that point and many had concerns and a feeling we were testing this out on people in west africa. Thankfully we found that vaccine worked. But there are so many potential not just physical sideeffects and social and cultural sideeffects of trying out vaccines on certain populations. Would we make sure that all of the populations that come forward to get infected to see if the vaccine works, are they actually voluntary. Do they overrepresent people of color or other communities that may need to enroll because they need the money that is offered or another benefit that comes from this. It is important to think through all of the stickier issues first. And hope that we get a vaccine soon enough so that we are able to test it and try it out on people sick with the virus itself. You have enough Science Behind it. You have candidates and then the number of cases has gone down and there is nobody to try it out on. Right. Great points there. Dr. Craig spencer, thank you so much for talking with us and thank you for all that you do. Thank you for having me. Meantime the World Health Organization says that testing of the antimalaria drug touted by President Trump as a treatment for covid19 has been put on hold. The w. H. O. Has too many concerns about the safety of hydroxchloroquine. Mr. Trump says that he took the drug himself to keep from being infected. But experts warn that it has not been proven effective against coronavirus and could actually be dangerous. Well, on monday mr. Trump and Vice President mike pence marked memorial day with a solemn visit to Arlington National cemetery. The president spoke and paid respect to the dead. But on social media mr. Trump spent much of his holiday media waging wars against his critics during the pandemic. Reporter while the president honored those that died from the coronavirus pandemic in those scripted remarks, the president taking to twitter to say this. Great reviews on our handling of covid19. Sometimes referred to as the china virus. Ventilators, testing, medical supply distribution. We made a lot of governors look very good and got no credit for doing it. And most importantly we helped a lot of great people. The president lamenting the fact he is not getting enough credit for this response. In a matter of days the United States sadly expected to hit 100,000 deaths from coronavirus. The white house is pushings it travel suspension on brazil forward with restrictions now set to go into effect on wednesday. Brazil is still reporting the second highest number of coronavirus cases in the world with more than 370,000 so far. Nearly 12,000 new infections were recorded on monday alone in the heart of the amazon one of the brazilian cities overwhelmed by the virus. Reporter we are here in the worst hit city in brazil and the worst hit country in latin america and the worst hit region in the world. We have seen startling scenes today that show the gravity of the problem and the enormity of the challenge in the heart of the amazon to get people infected by this disease to medical treatment. We have seen flights landing and startingly large cemeteries built in record amounts of time. 1,500 people buried in one plot that we saw and troubling, about 4 5 of them were suspected covid cases and not people that tested positive calling into question the official numbers of the brazilian government. It varies between states but the full tally of 374,000 confirmed cases may not be the entire number because it doesnt always contain suspected cases. May have had some possible relations why President Trumps organization has moved up the travel ban to the end of tuesday. That may have some impact possibly on how brazilians feel about their situation globally. They are now the second worst impacted on the planet. They are a week to two away from the peak still. He called this a little flu initially. This is the weekend. He was seen not wearing a mask in the rally of his supporters. Common place to see his rallies and common place to suggest that it is not as bad as everyone thinks. But it is quite clear here that this disease has been utterly devastating, so remote from the rest of the country and having to fly in so much support to keep it going. The peak seems to be behind them but five bodies turned up for burial in coffins while we were there just this morning. Startling scenes where we are here and a sign that the worst is ahead for the rest of brazil. And there is nowhere better to get the latest on the Global Pandemic we are facing than right here on cnn. Anderson cooper and sanjay gupta host a global town hall 8 00 p. M. Thursday in new york and 8 00 a. M. Friday in hong kong. And coming up next, no regrets and no apology. The british Prime Ministers top advisor rejects calls to resign. The details when we come back. Listerine® cleans virtually 100 . Helping to prevent gum disease and bad breath. Never settle for 25 . Always go for 100. Bring out the bold™ unlike ordinary wmemory supplementsr . Neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. Memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. Try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. Welcome back everyone. The British Government is hope to move on from the controversy it has been dealing with for days. On monday the Prime Ministers chief advisor defended his actions. He has been under intense fire for violating lockdown rules. Some people say i should have stayed at my home in london throughout. I know the intense hardship and sacrifice the entire country had to go through but i respectfully disagree. The legal rules do not cover all circumstances including those that i found myself in. I thought the rules including those regarding small children in extreme circumstances allowed me to exercise my judgment about the situation i found myself in. Cnns Nick Robinson joins us now from london. He has no regrets and blames the media for what he calls a misunderstanding. Has he saved his job for now or will pressure mount for him to go . He seemed to have saved his job for now. Was the Prime Minister go to receive less heat from cabinet members that felt standing by him was the wrong decisions. Early indications are some of the heat has disapated but if you look at the conservative newspapers here, the Daily Telegraph and the daily mail they are still running articles and opinions and analysis that is critical of what Dominic Cummings did and critical of the Prime Minister standing by him and spending Political Capital when they feel that Dominic Cummings really needs to be fired and that it is a distraction for the Prime Minister. I think that in the shortterm, yes, he has been saved. In the longterm maybe not. The Prime Minister certainly hopes, refusing to go anything else he said. He said you had a chance to ask him all of the questions you want. There is the evidence. Time to make up your mind. Pointed to what cummings had said which was the confusion created presumably by the allegations that the british media had got his movements wrong. And nick. I had a lot on my plate. I really didnt focus on the matter until the story started to emerge in the last few days. My answer to your question, do i regret what is happened and yes, of course. I do regret the confusion and the anger and the pain that people feel. Moving forward, that is the position that the Prime Minister takes. He wants to move forward. Will his Party Supporters let him . We will watch and see. Many thanks to you bringing us uptodate on that situation. While the u. K. Tries to gets it top advisors in line, italy is looking to enlist the ordinary citizen as the country cautiously reopen it is seeking tens of thousands of volunteers to help to enforce social distancing rules. More now from rome with the details. Reporter italy has a new plan, the Italian Civil Protection Agency along with regional governments is organizing 60,000 volunteers who will patrol streets, beaches, parks reminding people to maintain social distancing and wear facemasks. These volunteers will be over 18 and wear vests to identify themselves but they will not be able to issue tickets or fines. The Civil Protection agency says it is a response to verify complaints over the weekend of night life and social activities happening without adequate social distancing. Well, americans marked an unusual memorial day amid the pandemic but you would not know it with scenes like this as large crowds packed beaches. We will take a closer look when we return. Rip companion. Its kind of my quiet, alone time. Audible is a routine for me. Its like a fun night school for adults. I could easily be seduced into locking myself into a place where i do nothing but listen to books. I never was interested in historical fiction before, but im obsessed with it now. There are a lot of like, classic and big titles that i feel like i missed out since i dont have time to read, mean i might as well listen. If i want to catch up on the news or history or learn whats going on in the world, i can download a book and listen to it. Because i listened to her story over and over again, i made the decision to go ahead and follow my own dream, which was to help other veterans. I think theres like 180 books in my, in my library now. It changes your perspective; it makes you a different person. Its true, its so true. To start your free 30day trial, just text listen25 to 500500. To start your free 30day trial, the returdraftinging the return of the slide job ripping the wall gasngo bumpnrun the return of loud nascar is back, and xfinity is bringing you the best seat in the house. Well, it is back to work at the New York Stock Exchange but it wont be business as usual when in six hours time the opening bell rings. There will be traders on the floor to witness it for the first time in two months. It has been all electronic trading after two people working there tested positive for coronavirus. As you can see the exchange is introducing new safety measures. We will talk about that with anna stewart who joins us now live from london. Good to see you, anna. When the New York Stock Exchange opens in a few hours from now, what will the new normal look like . I can think of a few places that would be busy and bustling but it wont be any of that today. It opens after two months of closure. It will feel, i think, like other openings around the world. On arrival, the traders, a quarter of them are going back. They will have temperature checks. There will be social distancing across the trading floor. There will be plastic screens to separate them. They will be asked to wear facemasks. An interesting element of the reopening is that we are told they are signing waivers in case they get coronavirus while they are working there, they will not be liable. We might see that in other workplaces. One of the first in new york to reopen their doors. Those returning today are very much the floor traders and many operate as very small businesses, 20 people or so and for them it is crucial they get back to work. They are the ones that have not been able to work as easy electronically as other exchanges around the world. Back to work for them. There is some risk involved. I expect there will be a huge sense of relief. They will be missing the opening bell celebrations. No big parties or ipos. They will not be returning to the floor any time soon. Of course, anna stewart, many thanks to you for joining us. I appreciate it. And i want to show you the reality on the ground of the reopenings and now here in the United States. Two places more than 1,000 miles apart in michigan and alabama. It is in alabama where people packed the beaches during the memorial day weekend despite the risks from the failure to practice social distancing. Reporter coronavirus cases in alabama are going the wrong way. They are trending up. But the state is now wide open for business. Social distancing is the states rule but the effort is an exercise in futility with restaurants and bars in beach towns in alabama as people come back to party. At this restaurant and bar in gulf shores, alabama, many wondered why it took this long to open. I am here to have fun and meet everybody and be cool, you know. Across the street the beach was jammed. Police worked to enforce distancing. It is supposed to be only the same people in the household. There is no effort to enforce that. I think everybody has to go somehow. You know what i mean. You mean die . Yeah. I dont want to die. But if that is what god has in store for my life that is okay. My family has the same mindset as me. We kind of disagreed that if we get it we get it. We are go to handle it as a family and get over it. That is what family does. When it comes to coronavirus medical experts tell you they are concerned about the immediate future here in alabama. On the beach your eyes and ears tell you something much different. Just like the flu, right. Far more contagious. I know. People die from the flu also. They do. To me that is just the way that i look at it. Do you have any concerns being at the beach with so many people . Not at all. How come you are not worried . Wind and air it will clear it all out of here. The wind and the air do not clear it out of the way. There is wind and air everywhere in the world. I am not worried about it at all. There is the issue of masks, we saw a grand total of zero worn on the beach. Do you ever wear a mask . No. How come . I feel comfortable i will be okay. The mask is not to keep you okay. It is to keep your wife and kids okay and to protect them. I get it. I get it. Survival rate is so high. You are not worried about them getting nisick . We are all going to be sick eventually. If he is not wearing a mask. I am not wearing a mask. If he is not worried, i am not worried. The president . Yes, sir. Alabama has mandated them for restaurant and bar workers. Some have them but others where we arrived unannounced employees were not Wearing Masks. The manager telling us after the visit he gave masks to his employees with instructions to wear them. At the other restaurant and bar the manager told us they will continue not wearing them because she wants it that way despite violating the state order. Traffic very heavy in alabamas beach towns, alabama is back in business, covid surge or not. When its my time is go it is just my time to go i guess. And from the gulf coast to the great lakes, Miguel Marquez finds opinion divided in the state of michigan. Reporter in Northern Michigan life is beginning to feel a little bit like life again. What is it like to be out . Nice to be out in restaurants and shops again and to be able to enjoy socialization. I am not go to lie. The hutchinsons visiting, masking up when they supenter shops. Not everyone is willing to follow the rules. This virus i do not feel will come back. God is going to heal the land. Plain and simple. With regard to safety and Wearing Masks. I am not going to take and wear a mask. I do not feel like covid will affect me or touch me. I dont feel i am going to pass it on to someone else. Retail shops, bars, restaurants all playing by new rules. At bars patrons signin. Masks for everyone at the shop door. Wait staff masks and gloves in dining rooms with lots more space. How difficult has it been to prepare for the reopening . It has been very difficult. Some of the products that we need as far as the sanitizers and the sanitizer dispensers are very hard to find. Gloves. Masks. They would typically serve 1,400 dinners a night. Today he is doing about 200. The bigger concern with tourists coming in from anywhere preventing an outbreak is top priority. We have a very small hospital. I think that is the big one. If that starts to get where it is not keeping up, i think we are going to have to shut down. Many businesses staying shut. Owners preferring to wait a couple of weeks to see if cases spike. Mackinaw island closed for summers traditional starting weekend. What are we looking at here . Mackinaw island which should be teaming with people right now. It is a ghost town. It is a ghost town. Jennifer runs tours on her glass bottom boat. She had high hopes. Given how cooped up everyone was i expected a much bigger weekend. I am still optimistic for later on in the summer. Miguel marquez with that report. Even though states and businesses are reopening, the threat of the virus remains. Cnns Anderson Cooper spoke with a researcher and former Harvard Medical School professor who says that it is our behavior that will ultimately stop the virus. There is no mystery. Look at the eastern asian countries. Beijing hasnt had a infection or five or six weeks. Same in most chinese cities. They shut it down. Human beings through behavior without a drug and without a vaccine can shut down this virus. The recipe is simple. Very simple. Identify those infected. Identify all of those exposed. Mandatory solo isolation for 14 days in controlled conditions for those exposed. That does it with a strong stay at home order. You do that and the infections could be over in six weeks in this country. Cant americans do that . Why cant my fellow americans do that . That is the way to build an economy back. That is the way to create safe cities and to open schools. That is what we see in the countries that do it. Why cant we do it . Obviously china has a more draconian policies. South korea. South korea. Thailand. Taiwan as well. It is not a mystery. Countries that are democracies can do this. England. Australia. Are those foreign places run by chinese . I dont think so. It is a really important discussion and fascinating talking to you. We dont need a vaccine to stop the virus. We need behavior to stop the virus. And leadership. Of course. You need leadership. The idea that science will reach intoes it bag and pull out the cure is not how we work. In the northeastern United States a multistate manhunt is on the way to find a university of Connecticut Student suspected of killing two and abducting another. Starts say Peter Manfredonia may have killed the victims in connecticut on friday and is accused of abducting someone from the scene of the homicide who was found in new jersey. His family has made a public plea to turn himself in to police. Memorial day weekend in the u. S. Had people rushing to the Great Outdoors and in many cases without masks and without social distancing. We will look at why these are great travel conditions for germs. I got this Mountain Bike for only 11. Dealdash. Com, the fair and honest bidding site. An ipad worth 505, was sold for less than 24; a playstation 4 for less than 16; and a schultz 4k television for less than 2. I won these bluetooth headphones for 20. I got these three suitcases for less than 40. And shipping is always free. Go to dealdash. Com right now and see how much you can save. Before the break we showed you pictures of the crowds on beaches and elsewhere this memorial day weekend, people ignoring Health Officials guidelines to wear masks and socially distance. On sunday a member of the white house Coronavirus Task force, dr. Deborah birx explained why the close contact is so dangerous. We have excellent Scientific Evidence of how far droplets go when we speak or talk to each other. We know it is important for people to socially interact but it is important that we have to have masks on less than six feet and have to maintain the six feet distance. And that six feet distance is really at least six feet. The contents of a cough or sneeze can travel a lot farther than we may realize. Heavy cough, three, two, one. Inside this lab at Florida Atlantic university two engineers professors are measuring the power of a cough. Three, two, one. Reporter using the dummy they fill the mouth with a mix of glycerin and water and then with a pump force the dummy to cough and then wait to see how far the droplets travel. They fill the air, visible with a green laser light simulating what happens when we cough. It generates 10 to 20 microns, roughly what the smallest droplet sizes are when we cough. Take note how quickly the respiratory droplets spread. They travelled three feet immediately. Five seconds six feet and nine feet in about ten seconds. Remember, nine feet is three feet beyond the recommended social distancing guidelines. Already reaching roughly nine feet now and still moving farther, slowly. The fog of droplets lingered in the air and kept moving forward taking another 30 to 40 seconds floating another three feet. It is getting closer to 12 feet now. He said 12 feet. Over and over again the simulated droplets flew past the sixfoot mark often doubling the distance. That is past three feet. Approaching six feet. It looks like it has crossed six feet. And now it has slowed down. Reporter how long would it linger at nine and 12 feet . They could linger for two to three minutes, okay. The concentration is less than what it would be at six feet. The professors say the droplets become less dense the further they travel but still hang in the air with the ability to carry disease and watch this. Even when we put a simple mask on the dummy particles still dispursed from the sides of the mask but did not travel very far. You are supposed to cough into your elbow. But if you cough into your hand, you can see that the droplets spray in all directions. They may not travel as far but they spray everywhere and they can linger in the air for as long as three minutes. Intensity of the cough matters. We tested a gentle cough too. The lighter cough did not go very far at all, about three feet. But the question remains, how close is too close. Do you think, based on what you have seen in your own lab that six feet is enough for social distancing . It is the minimum distance you should keep. But further is better . Further is better. Importance of social distancing and masks, cant emphasize it enough. A top Chinese Military commander has a new warning for hong kong protesters. The prodemocracy movement is facings it biggest challenge yet. Cnn reports live from hong kong next. That fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. Memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. Try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. Its kind of my quiet, alone time. Audible is a routine for me. Its like a fun night school for adults. I could easily be seduced into locking myself into a place where i do nothing but listen to books. I never was interested in historical fiction before, but im obsessed with it now. There are a lot of like, classic and big titles that i feel like i missed out since i dont have time to read, mean i might as well listen. If i want to catch up on the news or history or learn whats going on in the world, i can download a book and listen to it. Because i listened to her story over and over again, i made the decision to go ahead and follow my own dream, which was to help other veterans. I think theres like 180 books in my, in my library now. It changes your perspective; it makes you a different person. Its true, its so true. To start your free 30day trial, just text listen25 to 500500. They use stamps. Com all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. And my side super soft . Get a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale yes, with the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. Can it help me fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. So you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. Save 1,000 on the sleep number 360® special Edition Smart bed. Plus 0 interest for 36 months free premium delivery when you add a base. Ends monday. With beijing move to impose a new security law on hong kong, chinas military says it is ready to safeguard what it calls National Sovereign tee in the city. Hong kongs pro beijing secretary publicly supported the draft law on monday, one day after clashes erupted between city police and prodemocracy demonstrators. They say calls for independence could undermine National Security. The new law by beijing is widely seen as an attempt to strip another layer of hong kongs autonomy. With all of this happening in the middle of a pandemic how likely is it that we could see china arresting hong kong protesters in the very near future . Reporter we are standing outside the Legislative Council building which was ground zero for many of the protests last year and the police put up these water barriers around the complex. They are anticipating wide scale protests tomorrow over this National Bill that will be debated. This bill is enforced meaning it will be a crime to assault the Chinese National anthem here in hong kong. Thousands are expected to take to the streets in protest and we are hearing of a citywide strike. Sunday Police Showed zero tolerance arresting more than 190 people, and we are expecting a similar display of force tomorrow. We are hearing 3,000 Police Officers will be deployed across the city. This is in the midst of the National Security law beijing has proposed and is due to debate on thursday. That National Security law will ban seditions, treason, International Interference here in hong kong. This is really causing a great deal of concern. Is this the end of hong kong as we know it . The end of one country, two systems. I asked if people would still be allowed to take to the streets to protest without the fear of getting arrested and this is what she had to say. Take a listen. The assurance is clearly laid out in the draft as well as the explanation given by the National Peoples congress leader. There is no need for us to worry. Time and again in the last 23 years whenever people worried about hong kongs freedoms of speech and expression and protests, time and again hong kong has proven we uphold and preserve those values. Saying that people should not worry. But the commander of the pla here in hong kong came out a short time after she addressed the press saying that the pla is determined and confident in safeguarding this city concerning the fears of so many in hong kong that chinas secret police could be used to arrest people here in hong kong. It is a real concern. And thank you for joining us. I will be back with more news in just a moment. Do stay with us. Welcome back to our viewers joining us here in the United States and all around the world, you are watching cnn newsroom and im rosemary church. Just ahead, with millions of covid19 cases around the globe, the World Health Organization is warning the pandemic is

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