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Carolina. And welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im Natalie Allen. And we begin with that grim milestone in the battle against ebola. While there are isolated cases in the u. S. And europe, the disease continues to flourish in its epicenter in west africa, and there is no end in sight. The World Health Organization now counts more than 10,000 cases, most in liberia, sierra leone and guinea. And the w. Hvlgts o. Says nearly half of the cases have been fatal. Nearly 50 people are quarantined over ebola fears in mali. Most are in one town where a 2yearold girl died on friday. She was the countrys first confirmed case. Mauritania has closed its boarder with mali. They had already banned travel from its ebolainfected neighbors. Samantha power is traveling to the epicenter, guinea, sierra leone. And the army has taken over the u. S. Mission to fight ebola in liberia. It will build field hospitals and test laboratories. Well, in the u. S. There is heated debate over how to handle the ebola threat. New york and new jersey now require a 21day quarantine for Health Workers returning from the ebola hot zone. Illinois has a similar plan for Health Care Workers, anyone whos had contact with an ebola patient. Critics say it is going too far. Others say it is necessary. We do not have a vaccine. We do not have a cure. We only have treatment. And one thing i understand. A virus constantly trying to mutate and find a new host to live on, quarantine is the only thing that breaks the link. Thats the only way right now of stopping it except for treatments and hoping that those survive. For those who had direct contact with persons with ebola. Other lawmakers disagree and say the real priority should be stopping the disease at its source in west africa. We need to realize, ebola is not transmitted by air like the flu or something else. So if south korea doesnt have a temperature or other symptoms theyre not contagious. Theyre not going to make other people sick. People will leave these three countries, go other places and make their way to the United States. We dont have any nonstop flights from these three countries to the United States. Everybody who leaves them flies through someplace else. And so, so youre not going to be able we shouldnt delude ourselves to think were going to be safe if we say were having a travel ban. Well, a nurse just back from treating ebola patients . Sierra leone is speaking out. This is her, tracy hickcox. And shes now under a quarantine. An initial test for the disease came back negative. She wrote about her experience in the Dallas Morning News and we quote, i am scared about how Health Care Workers will be treated at airport when is they dough claire that they have been fighting ebola in west africa. Im scared that, like me, they will arrive and see a frenzy of disorganization, fear, and most frightening, quarantine. Meantime, dr. Craig spencer is receiving treatment in new york. Nancy writebol, you might remember her. Shes an ebola survivor. Gave him some of her plasma. She became ill while working with a chair. The u. S. Cdc is trying to track down anyone who may have had contact with him. Nick valencia shows us how Contact Tracing is done. Reporter it is a race against the clock to find out who may have had some kind of contact with Craig Spencer. It starts with patient zero, in this case, spencer. And through interviews, they will be able to find out where hes been and who he may have had contact with. They either isolate and quarantine that contact or monitor that contact over the 21day incubation period. They check their temperature, make sure they dont have a fever. In this case, with spencer, we know at least three people had direct contact with him, including his fiance and two friends. County Health Officials say they are under quarantine and are being monitored for the ebola virus but so far are doing well. For an embattled city in syria, where isis is trying to take over, help is on the way. Kurdish Peshmerga Forces are expected soon there. And many of these forces have female fighters. Well take a look at this story coming up next here. Also ahead, theyve taken up arms to protect people from isis. More about it coming up. We have this story just in to cnn. A report of deadly syrian air strikes in homs province. Government planes have killed at least 18 people, including ten children. The observatory for human rights says 16 of the 18 were from the same family. They expect the casualty figure to go up. There were a number of injuries. And some people may be buried in the rubble. Well, iraqi forces battling to keep isis in check are battling near baghdad. Meantime, allied commanders say u. S. Led forces conducted more than 20 air strikes against isis friday and saturday. They say u. S. War planes destroyed an isis artillery site near kobani. They hope to see peshmerga reenforcement across the border from turkey soon. That hope for reenforcements comes after turkey gave Kurdish Peshmerga troops permission to cross turkish territory to reach kobani. Nick payton walsh is watching development from turkey, here he is. Reporter as we overlook the city today, you can still hear the sound of fierce clashes to the far east and south of the city. That is where isis in the past had tried to come in to gain territory. The question for the kurds, when do they see these iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga arrive to assist them. 120, maybe 200 fighters would arrive. What they really want is the weapons they bring with them, antitank, antiarmor the weapons. The suggestions were hearing from fighters inside the ground as those peshmerga may move into the city through turkish territory from northern iraq, kurdistan. They may move in tonight saturday night or according to kurdish media maybe sunday. And then theres the ministry who says the whole thing is a secret and theyre not going to talk about it. We feel, having been moved away from the hills, we normally stand on from the city, something is being prepared and maybe in the hours ahead they move in. That is the fighting still reasonably intense to the east and the south. Lot of talk about will there be Syrian Rebels coming to the assistance of the syrian kurds . Theres a lot of noise made about that. Little evidence, it seems, to back up whether or not they can get together the thousand or so fighters that are being advertised as available to come to the assistance of kobani. The syrian kurds looking to peshmerga and the weapons they bring with them. And still the sound of clashes pretty intense over kobani today. So Kurdish Forces are providing the air force. And they include a strong contingent of females. Reporter meet americas new de facto de facto a lillieallies. These are Kurdish Forces from the ypg. Within the last week, the u. S. Began dropping assistance to ypg fighters defending the syrian town, the border town of kobani against isis militants. And the u. S. Air power has also been striking isis militants that have been laying siege to that town to support this faction. Now the ypg, if you look at their iconography, if you look at their sem bolls, they seem very similar to another kurdish faction here in the middle east known as the pkk. And heres where it gets complicated. The pkk is considered a terrorist organization by americas nato ally, turkey, because its been fighting a guerilla war for some 30 years. And less than five years ago, the u. S. Was helping turkey bomb pkk fighters in the mountains of northern iraq. But now the enemy of an enemy makes this group the u. S. s friend in its battle against isis. Now these militants have gathered here in northern syria, in one of three mini kurdish statelets that have grown up in this region since the civil war began in syria. And theyre commemorating some of the people, some of the fighters whove been killed in the battle against isis, which has been going on for quite some time. If you look over here, these, many of these women, have lost sons, or husbands in this war. [ chanting ] and, as you can see, theyre chanting long live apo. Thats the name of abdullah ojilan. Hes the leader of the pkk in prison in turkey, and thats part of why americas decision to ally itself with these fighters is to controversial with this nato ally, turkey. Cnn, reporting from northern syria. Well, reports say three turkish soldiers have been shot and killed in southeastern turkey. They were reportedly in civilian clothing when they were gunned down. A Police Operation is under way to catch the killers. Southeastern turkey is an area where forces have battled Security Forces since the 1980s. Military forces battled islamic gunman. At least six lebanese soldiers were killed. 13 soldiers injured. Both sides used heavy rockets and devastated parts of this popular tourist location. The gun men are sunnis, believed to support isis. I suspect that some of them certainly share some of isiss goals or maybe its just an alliance of convenience. Its very difficult to say. One of the side effects of whats happening in syria with isiss fight against the Syrian Government there, one of the side effects is roiling affairs here in lebanon and creating, exacerbating tensions between different communities. So right now, you have people fighting probably because they feel like their community, the Sunni Community in lebanon is being marginalized, has been set aside in favor of the shiite community, and specifically hezbollah. They accuse the army of doing hezbollahs bidding. Every time they the target the army and the army reacts, it continues this cycle, a vicious cycle. The fighting started friday when lebanons Army Launched a security operation targeting the militants in tripoli. Seven years ago in iraq, a car bomb ripped through one of baghdads most colorful Street Markets. Despite the threat of more attacks every day in baghdad, the books, artwork and lively debate havent stopped. Heres ben wedeman on how the street of hope thrives amid the violence. Reporter when youre looking for a book in baghdad, any book, youll find it here on this street any friday. Whether its farewell to arms or animal farm or something more recent, youll find it here. Cairo writes, baghdad reads. This man has catered to baghdads voracious readreaderst its not just about the books. Keeps baghdad alive. Reporter some tried but failed to kill that spirit. Ac the show must go on. And this is our life. We must enjoy our life. Reporter and despite everything, somehow they do. Whats amazing about bags dad is that despite the often grim headlines one reads coming out of here, the people have managed to maintain the ability to function to try to find a way to function in a normal manner. In the park just off the street, an artist will draw your girlfriends picture. You can listen to music. Or join lively debates on any subject under the sun. We talk about a variety of topics, economics, politics or literature, says this man, an agent. Sometimes it gets a bit heated. But in the end, were all friends. This teacher is a regular participant. There is a future, she says. Like it or not, even if theres only one iraqi left, we have a future, and im thinking of the future. This is just a tiny corner of baghdad, of iraq. But here, in addition to books and banter, you can find hope. Ben wedeman, cnn, baghdad. Very nice look at that Street Market there in baghdad. Well, the small u. S. City of marysville, washington is mourning after a deadly shooting at a high school. Coming up here, well take you back to the school to see how the teenagers are coping with this tragedy. Also heavy storms soaking, look at these floodwaters. Thats a street. Is there more to come . Ivan cabrera will have that for you. For a snack that isnt lame but this. Takes my breath away welcome back. In the Canadian Capital of ottawa, they mourned the soldiers killed this week in terror attacks sa rill lcirillo attacked as he stood guard at this memorial. A High School Student shot his cousin in the school cafeteria. Jaylen fryberg wounded four students, killed a girl and himself. The small city is reeling from the attack. Reporter hundreds gather at a Washington State Church Seeking comfort just hours after a nearby school shooting. Reporter it was around 10 30 a. M. Pacific time when students were gathered. Jaylen fryberg opened fire with a handgun, apparently targeting a specific table. The table he went up to, he came up from behind and had a gun in his hand. And fired about six bullets into the backs of them. And at the were his friends. So it wasnt just random. Reporter students scattered. Many in the rest of the building thought a fire drill was under way, and many ran outside. Sitting side me. I heard the shots and i ran. Reporter in the hallways, teachers started herding others into classrooms and ordering a lockdown. Someone placed a 911 call. And by 10 40 police were swarming the building. The west side of the gymnasium. Reporter going room to room, placing tape over the rooms they had already secured so they knew what had been checked. And in the process, they discovered the gunman, by noon, saying he was dead, apparently having shot himself. A female student was killed in the attack and four students are hospitalized. The grandfather of one of the su vie survivors says they were related. Theyre cousins. Reporter the freshman athlete was recently elected homecoming prince. But his social media accounts paint different pictures. One shows his active engagement with the tualip tribe. He says it breaks me. I know it seems like im sweating it off, but im not, and i never will be able to. And he sent this. It wont last. It will never last. For students who lived through the attack, its a day they will never forget. I heard the guns, and turned around, and hes pulling and shooting at everyone. Theres blood everywhere, and some got on other girls faces and stuff. Hmm, what a horrible or. And well learn more about why he did this. Take a look at a bright spot. A local photographer took a picture of a rainbow over the school after a very rainy day there. Well, yesterday our meteorologist ivan cabrera showed us pictures of piles of cars in athens. We werent quite sure how they got there. But we have the video. Incredible amount of rain coming down. Backed up. They were stacked up. And i have those pictures for you in a second here. But there we go. 90 millimeters of rainfall. That is a lot of rain when you get it in two hours. Can you imagine that . Their Monthly Average is about 52 millimeters. So were talking, my goodness, almost twice the Monthly Average in two hours. And that, of course, resulted in the dramatic pictures that natalie and i were just watching yesterday coming in. Just all these cars piled on top of each other. This was the end result of what began as a river coming down through the streets of athens in greece. Take a look at this. Weve been showing this. These images just in dramatic fashion here as the water came down so quickly. Can you imagine waking up, sure, its cloudy, a few showers coming. And then all of a sudden this deluge hiere, and you dont hav much time to get out of the way. And thankfully people did. And no reports of significant injuries. Not only in greece, but turkey has been getting rain as well. 72 hour loop here, the low slowly moves to the east. And this is where we get in trouble with these upper lows. They get cut off from the steering currents here until they get left behind. You get all the weather moving west to east. And more to come. More rain on the way for the same areas here. So were going to continue here with the possibility of localized flooding. On the western flank of this low were moving the air from north to south. And that means were cooling things off. With a little bit of moisture coming in from the med and aegean sea, sofia may get in on some snow. Look at bucharest right now at 2. And kiev sitting at 0. A little bit milder to the west, but not all that much. We are certainly well into fall. Lets update you on Tropical Cyclone here in the arabian sea. Heres oman. It will peak over water. So that is the good news. The bad news is that it will eventually land across karachi here about friday morning. The winds will not be 140 by then. It will continue to weaken as far as the winds, but it is going to be a big rainmaker for pakistan. And theyve had a lot recently. The race is on to find a vaccine for ebola. Just ahead, well talk about the race and how soon we might see a vaccine. Also, is the war against isis creating a new threat at home for western nations . What experts are saying about these recent attacks we saw this week. Youre watching cnn live. Welcome back to our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im Natalie Allen. Our top stories this hour. Massive explosions rocking the embattled syrian city of kobani. Kurdish forces clashed again with isis militants with the help of at least one u. S. Air strike, they have been able to hold them back. Kurdish defenders hope to see reenforcements arrive soon from peshmerga fighters crossing the border from turkey for muchneeded ground support. New york doctor Craig Spencer is now getting help from Nancy Writebol the in the form of plasma. Spencer recently returned from treating ebola patients in guinea. The World Health Organization says the number of cases has topped 10,000 of ebola. There are two new tests that can detect ebola in humans. This comes against the backdrop of a heat up in the race to develop a vaccine. There are hopes to have 12 million doses ready for the First Quarter of next year. Michael holmes has more. Reporter its a process that usually takes years. But in the race to beat the ebola epidemic, doctors and scientists are speeding up efforts to create a vaccine against the virus in a matter of months. World Health Organization Officials Say trials are now under wray in the united kingdom, United States, and mali. These are the two most vaccines have stopped it. And result in these trials will be available in december. Reporter drug manufacturers are currently working on at least five other potential vaccines. W. H. O. Officials will determine which works best in trials and then hope to have hundreds of thousands of doses ready for use in west africa by the middle of next year. Vaccine is not the magic bullet. But when ready, they may be a good part of the effort to turn the tide of this epidemic. Reporter first in line for experimental trials, Health Care Workers on the front lines against ebola, including liberia where the virus continues to spread. More than 400 new cases were reported there last week alone. Doctors at this hospital in monrovia say theyre still suffering from a shortage of beds and staff to crete the infected. It will cause a steerous stint in our economy and our social relationships. And it has caused a lot of suffering. Reporter germany is the latest country to send volunteers on a humanitarian mission. Training started for members of the army and red cross with intensive drills on everything from donning protective gear to taking care of patients. Despite the risk, volunteers say they are ready to help. Translator in regards to ebola we received excellent training here. So i feel nothing can go wrong. Reporter more International Help and hope for a vaccine. Both cant come soon enough in west africa. Michael holmes, cnn. Well, we have more now on one of our top stories. The war against isis. Some say western nations are inviting danger on the home front by fighting the militants in iraq and syria. Cnns amy lafort takes a look at that. Reporter with each bomb that falls in the u. S. Air strikes against isis in iraq and syria, the threat of extremist recruits and lone wolf terrorists hits closer to home. Isil clearly poses an immediate threat. We also know that thousands of foreign fighters, including europeans and more than 100 americans have traveled to syria. These fighters exploit isils safe haven. Reporter threats followed by action. The fighting has just begun. Reporter in september, this individual yes surfaces, showing an isis militant presiding over the execution of syrians, speaking with what sounds like an american accent. The war is only beginning to intensify. Reporter ten days later at a factory in oklahoma, alton nolan walks into his former place of employment and beheads a coworker. Thi they are considering whether his act was an act of terrorism. He was using some arabic terms during the attack, thats one of the reasons the fbi is involved. This week, three teenage girls play hooky from their school in the colorado and made it halfway to syria before they were stopped. She had been tweeting to her friends and discussing this plan to go to syria and strike a blow for justice, as they saw it. Reporter after opening fire on canadas parliament, authorities reveal ottawa gunman Michael Zahaf Bibeau was trying to get a passport and had connections to jihadists in canada. I think the passport figured prominently in his motives. Reporter the very next day in new york, a man attacks a p group of Police Officers with a hatchet. Authorities call it an act of terror carried out by a radicalized muslim convert. He has an extensive social media presence, visiting websites that are focused on designated terrorist groups, al qaeda, isis, al shabab. Reporter raising more questions about how much the involvement in the war on terror overseas is creating a new Terror Threat at home. Selfradicalized, and a security nightmare. Lone wolf terrorists are hard to track. Tom foreman reports on this worrying new trend. Reporter out of the gunfire in ottawa, the emerging picture of the shooter is what Intelligence Services fear most, a largely selfradicalize person attacking a target he has chosen. A lone wolf. This is something that he talked about before this incident in kacanada, before we saw the emergence of isil as a threat here in the United States. Reporter it made it harder for groups like al qaeda involving foreign players, and this is what has risen in the wake. Smaller attacks by terrorists who live in the countries they target. They are inspired by jihadi websites and sometimes trained during brief trips to extremist camps. And they act alone or in very small groups. Officials say the Boston Marathon bombings are a good example. But so are many others. In 2009, an attack at ft. Hood in texas heaves 13 people dead. And in arkansas, a soldier shot dead at a recruiting station. In 2012, three soldiers and four civilians, including children, are slaughtered in france. In 2013, a british soldier is butchered on the streets of london. And this year, three people are gunned down at a Jewish Museum in belgium. A woman is beheaded at her job in oklahoma. And just before the ottawa attack, two canadian soldiers are hit with a car. One dies. In each case, security analysts say the attacks appear tied to radical islam, often to recent converts. They are also very hard for Intelligence Services to track. One of the reasons is the natural zealousness that converts have but also the lack of understanding early on in their conversion. So people have grown up with the faith can see that more easily than people who just converted to the religion can see that. Reporter arguably a lot of these socall terrorists have a good deal in common with School Shooters or other mass murderers. But by attaching themselves to the gjihadi movement they becom murderers with a mission, spreading fear in the process. This is a big day in brazil. Polls open in little more than an hour for its tight president ial election in decade a s. Coming up, well look at the president am tnd the opposition they head in to a runoff. And another look at football. But will fans in the u. S. Be awake to watch . Tensions are high in the west bank where two key palestinian funerals are being held today. One is for a 14 year old killed friday during clashes with israeli forces. Israels army says the teenage boy was about to hurl a molotov cocktail into a busy highway. Others say he was only throwing rocks at israeli police. Todays other funeral is for a motorist shot dead by israeli authorities wednesday just after his car ran over pedestrians in jerusalem, killing a 3 month old baby girl. Ukrainians cast ballots today. Prowestern president poroshenko hopes his party will win a clear majority so his reforms can be implemented, but the vote is expected to further expose the divide between the west and russian sim pathizers in the eastern part of the country. Separatists plan to block voting in some districts and hold their own elections next month. Brazilians head to the polls in a runoff vote. And Shasta Darlington reports the Ruling Workers Party faces its biggest challenge yet. Reporter yes, in brazil too, its the economy stupid. But the economy will mean Different Things for different people during the elections. Theres leftist Workers Party or pt, supported by millions who climbed out of poverty and into the working class thanks to benefits and subsidies. Im going to vote for dillma, says this organizer. Im worried about going backwards in terms of wealth distribution. Then theres this social democrat preferred by the markets and middle class. Hes vowed to rein in inflation. For many, he just represents change after 12 years under the pt. My vote will go for him, she says, because the pt promises and promises, but never gets anything done. Racef won the first vote. But not enough to prevent a runoff. Now its a dead heat. A pollster says they have opposing strategies. He has to convince the emerging middle class that hes the vehicle of change, he says, whereas dilma must underscore the successes of the last few years. Last year, a Million People took to the streets to demand better schools and hospitals and denounce corruption. The most recent scandal involves a kickback scheme with an oil company, petrobas. The plan will be to narrow that income gap and jump start the economy. Sao paulo. Fans are in for a treat at wimbley today. Could we see a franchise soon . One owner says it could happen. [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking. Feet. Tiptoeing. Better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz tofacitinib is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. Dont start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. One pill, twice daily, xeljanz can reduce ra pain and help stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Ask about xeljanz. Well, despite a scathing new report that shows thousands of students at the university of North Carolina in the u. S. Took fake classes, theyll still get to keep their degree. An official charged with acriditying colleges in the u. S. Told cnn there isnt much they can do. Reporter topnotch teams alongside excellent academics. Thats been the foundation of uncs national reputation. But the school is now admitting to a widespread program to keep its athletes eligible by enrolling them in fake classes. The length of time that this behavior went on and the number of people involved is really shocking. Reporter whistleblower Mary Willingham told cnn in january that u this. Nch had not owned up to the full scope of the scandal. Unc immediately tried to shut her down. It wasnt just my colleagues in the Athletic Department that were angry with me, it was the b. O. T. , the board of trustees that were so angry with me. Reporter now her claims have been backed up. There were glaring deficiencies in oversight. Reporter an independent report found that 3100 students took the paper classes. Students never had to go to class. Only write a single paper and always received a good grade. They stayed eligible the play. This shows a basketball coach suggesting a grade. The paper was, quote, recycled. Another email shows one ath heat was only taking quote, two real courses. In their terms they were gpa boosters. They knew these were classes that gave disproportionately high grades regardless of quality. Reporter they say it was the work of one rogue professor, but the report says its actually his assistant, Debbie Crowder who masterminded the whole sit tim out of sympathy for students who were, quote, not the best and brightest. They didnt know he was taking these classes, but they tried to make it seem like i was the only one taking these classes. I didnt make these classes up. Reporter former head football coach john bunting admitted that he knew about the system. His successor, butch davis also admitted some knowledge. Three of uncs basketball championships could be in jeopardy. And while this has the school and alumni reeling it comes as no surprise to Mary Willingham. We still have athletes here at carolina and across the country a who are not getting the real education we are promising them. It was the bite seen around the world. Louis soares bit a Football Player and it got him a suspension. He returned to the pitch with his new team, barcelona. He couldnt help the new squad though. Rial madrid beat them with a 31 victory. They are all set for american football at wimbley. Its the second of three games played at wimbley this season. Fans packed in trafalgar square. As the nfl schedulesore games abroad, the fan base has been rising. This mean well see a nfl franchise in london . Some seem to think so. I think frankly that london needs a team now. And i think its great, the reception weve had here. The players, the teams. The logistics have been worked out. Everybodys supporting the teams. The players are working hard. The coaches are working hard. To them, its a game, and they have to come out and win. So just the support weve had has been unbelievable. Nice to see. It will be an early start time. The game kicks off at 9 30 in the morning. Lets get the weather for the game in london. Ivan cabreras been following that. You were concerned people wouldnt get up to watch football at 9 30. Its early, my goodness, 9 30 eastern coast and you work your way towards california, and its very early. Thats why we invented dvrs, right . Here it will be 1 30 in the afternoon. And we do have this feature moving in. But i think well be okay as far as london is concerned as far as the radar. Weather staying to the north here. So clouds for today and temperatures will be doing just fine. So the weathers going to the north of the game here. So excellent news. And thats the way the precast is showing over the next 48 hours. So nfl in london. How about it . 16 degrees before you panic, if youre watching it from north america, that is 61 in fahrenheit. 16 celsius. A lot of clouds around, but i think well do just fine. No liquid coming out of them. Atlanta falcons with detroit. So exciting stuff. Lets head over to the United States and show what yous been happening around the Pacific Northwest. Round two of what has been a siege of storms the last week or so. We had one last week hitting the northwest. Now were in the middle of one. And then we have another one coming up for early next week. Look at these wind gusts. 75 to 94mileperhour winds. That is certainly hurricaneforce winds coming in. And that has resulted in numerous Power Outages from seattle, portland, points to the south. So that will continue through today, and power crews will be out there trying to get the power on, because it is off in many areas. Satellite radar showing the bulk of the moisture pushing off to the east. With the Higher Elevation that moisture is falling in the form of snowfall and will be accumulating from 4 to 6 inches of snowfall. 2 to 3 inches of rainfall. And this is whats levft over from hurricane ana. This low here, which is ana will combine with another feature to the north, and all of this will be crashing into British Columbia and the moisture associated with it will be coming in through the Pacific Northwest as well. Vancouver, portland, seattle will be getting in on that, and even parts of Northern California i think a little bit as well. But as you siee the actual low itself. You and i will be watching that Football Game because well still be awake. Yeah. A space x dragon returns. It splashed into the Pacific Ocean saturday. Nasa says its carrying back a payload of Critical Research on human spaceflight in deep space. The dragon wont be on the ground long. Its next mission could come before the end of the year. Thank you for watching. Im Natalie Allen at cnn center. My colleague zane asher is with you for the next hour with new reaction to the new ebola quarantine rules in the unit and why theyre causing controversy. Much more ahead here. Stay right here. Well see you. Every day people fall, from a simple misstep, to tripping over a rug, to just losing their balance. And not being able to get up from a fall can have serious lifetime consequences. Being prepared is important. Philips lifeline with autoalert is more than just a medical alert button. Its an advanced falldetection system, designed to get you help quickly. If you fall and youre unable to push your button, the Fall Detection Technology within autoalert can trigger the button to automatically place a call for help. Philips lifeline has saved more lives than any other medical alert service. This is philips lifeline, we received a fall detected signal. Do you need help . Call now about philips lifeline with autoalert, the only button with philips advanced falldetection technology. 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Make sure you have auto alert. If you or someone you love would like information about philips lifeline with autoalert, call now and well send you this free brochure, and ask about free activation when you order. Call this number. Call now. Politicians are responding to fear from some sections of the public but that really its actually cautioning more fear because people are scared about Health Care Workers returning. As the number tops 10,000 well look at how fear is spreading as fast as the disease itself. Hello, welcome to the viewers in the United States and around the world. Im zain asher. The Global Coalition to fight isis is getting much needed help on the ground. The United States newest allies. Well hear from the brains behind this recordsetting sky dive. We begin with more indications of ebola and

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