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Viewers in the United States and all around the world. Im rose mary church. Thanks for joining us. Well, nigeria says it has reached a breakthrough in securing the freedom of more than 200 kidnapped school girls. The government has announced a ceasefire agreement with boko haram. The militants who abducted the girls back in april. Nigeria says they will be released as part of the deal. They have been blamed for killing thousands of people in their fight to establish an islamic state. It has yet to make any public announcement with the ceasefire. Nigerian officials have not said exactly when the girls have been freed. The government is calling their release part of an ongoing process. Reporter its been six months than more than 200 girls in nigeria were kidnapped by boko haram. Now, nigerian Officials Say they have reached a ceasefire with the terrorist group which includes the release of the girl. Niger nigerias senior president ial advisor told cnn that boek oe h, boko haram has shown good faith they will be released shortly as part of the agreement. It should not be too long. Reporter according to another government official. Details of the girls release will be finalized in the coming days. The abduction sparked our bring back our Girls Movement that attracted world wide attention. Dozens of captive girls escaped but more than 200 remain in the terrorist organization. Nigerian officials claim they knew the location where the girls were held but it was too dangerous. There were report thats they were in nigeria. Meanwhile boko haram released a string of attacks across states, kills hundreds of civilians. In may boko haram said it would release the girls in exchange for the release of their prisoners. The Nigerian Government would not release to those terms. Now, they have released an agreement. Make some demands on the Nigerian Government. It is not just the relationship of the girls alone. The Nigerian Government and the president of nigeria is looking beyond just, you know, releasing the girls. We want to end violence in this country. Reporter the community has continued to hold out hope the girls will be returned. On tuesday, protesters marched outside the president ial villa in six months of their abduction in solitarity of the girls. We anxious await evidence of this great result to celebrate as a nation. There had been many stats on their rescue but we are really trusting this. Well, the ebola epidemic in west africa doesnt appear to be slowing down. In fact the World Health Organization says we could see 10,000 ebola cases per week by the end of the year. The virus has already killed more than 4,500 people in west africa and possibly infected more than 9,000. Theres a big push for more countries to dedicate resources to stop ebola spread. Meanwhile the outbreak in senegal is over. That country only had one case. The w. H. O. Could declare nigeria ebola free on monday. Well hope for that. Well, three patients who checked in a a spanish hospital fearing they had ebola have all tested negative for the virus. They are at the same hospital where Teresa Romero is being treated. Lets go life to madrid. Very positive news on the condition of Teresa Romera the assistant weve been talking about. What are you hearing. Reporter yeah. Thats right. Certainly what were hearing from the hospital is very welcoming hospital. Everyday they give Teresa Romero a test to determine the legal of the ebola virus no her system. Over the past couple of days, the tests has shown low viruses the virus. This does reflect a trend over the next few days. Theres also somebody in another spanish hospital, a nurse who was speak the had also come into the hospital saying he had flu like symptoms. His first test coming back negative. All of these four people will be required to stay in isolation in the coming days. They will have a test monday 72 hours after that first test. If that is negative then that perhaps clears the way for authorities to give them a clean bill of health or treat whatever ska is causing the fever symptoms. That is good news indeed. Of course spanish sporauthoriti have been accused of incompetence throughout this crisis. Lessons have been learned. What has been do . Well, the epicenter of learning to treat ebola in spain. The hospital has increased its capacity. Remember this was a hospital that was the Infectious Diseases hospital. Cut backs meant that equipment and facilities were removed. On the next where they have doubled their capacity for treating ebola. They have eight rooms set aside for treating ebola. Theyve been criticized by the European Center for Disease Control saying that space was too small. Its not just that hospital here in madrid. One of Region Health tregions s spain in its own way has come along its past couple of weeks. It has been forced to by the imperative of having to tackle this deadly disease. Thank you, Nic Robertson bringing us up to date live in madrid. Two nurses, including amber vin srk vinson contracted the virus. Frontier airlines is contacting passengers who were on the flight. Another infected nurse, nin nina pham is said to be resting comfortably in maryland, meanwhile president barack obama is appointing ron clane as his ebola czar to help with the crisis. Some people are calming on obama to ban people entering the United States from countries which have ebola. Will it be helpful or practical. Tom foreman looks for answers. Reporter the first question can a travel ban be implemented. Legally the United States has a right to control who enters the country. There are no direct flights out of the hottest ebola zone to the United States. Most travelers through other airports or countries so any band would have to include massive numbers or fliers at over the globe at weeks at time. Disrupting global trade and more. Closing off is not only tech nickly difficu , technically difficult but also stops the flow of commerce and who we were as a society. Question, two, would the ban work. If a chain of infection became established from someone in the hot zone to someone outside of it, the disease could easily migrate to america around the band. Once more the administration is concerned that a ban could make people hide their true travel history. Then less likely to get treated properly, as a consequence we could end up having more cases than less. Could a small measure such as denying people in the hardest hit, maybe but many others are working in the hot zone but hold passes from other places. Theres going to be exceptions to which still going to make us vulnerable which f somebody comes here with ebola when closing off visas. Tom foreman reporting here from washington. Next here on cnn, Coalition Air craft continue their air strikes on isis. Are they gaining ground on the terror group or falling behind. We will take a look. As the u. S. Attacks isis, theres now a new threat to the United States by another terror group. That story straight ahead. Back in a moment. A single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. That single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you cant control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at fireadapted. Org ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. So when i found out medicare doesnt pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. Then i got a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if youre eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. Call now and find out about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. 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Remember, all Medicare Supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesnt pay. And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call now to request your free decision guide. And learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now and down the road. I have a lifetime of experience. So i know how important that is. Welcome back everyone. Well, the Canadian Coast Guard is working to pull a stranded russian container ship away from the coast of british columbia. The vessel is carrying hundreds of tons of fuel sparking fears of a potential environmental disaster. The ship lost power while travel from the u. S. State of washington. It was left adrift in heavy wind and water. The coat guard hst guard has se tow line and is pulling it further out to sea. Well hurricane gonzalo has dealt a serious blow to bermuda. We have the International Weather center here to join us with the details. Some incredible details coming out of this as well. Thats right. It has been a very long tight for residents of bermuda. 65,000 residents. 80 of the island is without power and the reason is gones a gonzalo, theres good news. The storm is quickly pulling away from the island chain. Hamilton, the capitol of bermuda reporting cloudy skies at the moment. Believe me locally in atlanta, we were talking about wind gusts out of hamilton upwards of 120 kilometers an hour. Conditions improving. Still the outer rain bands impacting the region for the next few hours or so. Sun rise which is a few hour as way, were expecting Tropical Storm force winds out of bermuda. Here is 310 kilometers when gonzalo was strongest at category four. Currently it is category two. You can see it smashing into the island there and the vast atlanta ocean. The storm will pick up very quickly and become extratropical over the next 48 hours and move well away from the mainland of the United States. Take a look at some of these visuals coming out of the area. Impressive stuff being captured. This is probably right before the eye wall made land. There it is of course bending the palm trees. Some of the Hurricane Force winds prompted the government to close a bridge linking the island to the east island. 80 of residents without power. Not a good situation. Here is a look at the late from the bermuda weather service. You can see that circle there moving away from bermuda. Some outer banks impacting the region but the wind is starting to improve for that area. Interesting to note if you plot out the wind over the past 24 hours you can see when it made land fall. The back side of the wall is when it spiked to 143 kilometers an hour. It will drop to the middle 30s in terms of sustained winds by middle of your saturday. This is hurricane ana moving aawa aw away. We have 130 mile per hour winds in the center of the storm. West we have rainfall and flood watches an the possibility of coastal erosion for the south east facing coastlines. Rose mary, back to you. Derek. Thanks so much for that keeping an eye on so much activity. Appreciate it. After six months in captivity. Hope for nigerias school girls. Up next how the bring our Girls Back Campaign may have helped lead to a ceasefire with boko haram. Plus the United States is getting an ebola sub. Who is he and what will his job be exactly. Well have the answers after this short break. Stay with us. Q. And a warm welcome back to our viewers in the United States and all around the world. Im rose mary church. We do want to check the headlines for you this hour. The World Health Organization says the number of deaths attributed to ebola has climbed to more than 4,500. The total number of cases is above 9200. Meantime the nation of senegal has been declared ebola free. That country only had one case. U. S. And Coalition Forces launched nine new heair strikesn syria and iraq. Several targets were hit in Northern Syria and in iraq, Officials Say coalition warn planes struck isis targets. At least 20 people are dead after suspended ugandan rebels attacked people in congo. Government Officials Say it was mostly women and children. Its the second dead lay tack in the region. The deal is said to include the release of more than 200 kidnapped school girls who were abducted in april. Official didnt specify when the girls had been free. Nigeria says the details will be announced next week. It wais that many people in nigeria chrriticized for a slow response. The bring back our Girls Movement drew world wide attention you recall. In the weeks of the kidnappings, dozens of captive girls escaped but nigerian Officials Say more than 200 remain in the control. Nigerian officials claim they knew where they he were being held but it was too dangerous to do a rescue operation. Other properties they were in eastern nigeria or movered and divided between chad, niger and cameroon. Cnns reporter looks at how the massive social media drive may have influenced the government to take action. Reporter bring back our girls the world has cried. The girls in nigeria are my sisters. It is my responsibility to speak up for my sisters. Grown men attempting to snuff out the aspiringations of young girls. At the hands of boko haram, the islamist terror group, the over wwhelming remain unaccount for. The campaign went viral in may after the girls vanished. It hasnt stopped. Now, the news friday. There has been a kidnapping in the deal that launched that global campaign, bring back our girls. The deal is expected to include the release of the more than 200 school girls. The government announced a ceasefire which is a step toward bringing the girls home. The girls are alive and well and discussions will continue in this direction subsequently. One of the first people known to have tweeted bring back our girls says the social media fire sto storm. Of course it did. If truly they were in negotiation, i think the social Media Campaign will take has contributed to what we achieve. That skepticism is shared. While boko haram has not yet responded to nigerias claim. The news has brought cautious optimism. Online campaigners say they wont stop until the girls are back. More than 180 days since their an du abduction, hope and more waiting. Jessica king, cnn. Well, liberia is facing severe shortages of key items in the fight against ebola. Health care workers are in desperate need of gloves. They say theyll need more than 2 million boxes in the next six months. Each box campaigns 165,000 hooded overalls. They will need 1176 are, 1 sf s sfirks, 176 are needed. They currently have fewer than 5,000. Earlier we heard from louis brown. Hes liberias information minister. He says his country needs help. If the International Community sends it, lieb yeberia can fighs disease. Take a listen. We can act quickly. Weve done enough verbal commitment. Its time to followup these commitments with action. Now is the time to implement. We must implement. We believe that were in a strategic position to fight this disease better coordinated. Were beginning to see signs here and there that it has ebbed and flowed with the sense the urgency to fight the disease, we not reach the grim projections out there. In the u. S. Theres a new man in charge of the fight against ebola in the u. S. President barack obama has appointed a so called ebola czar. Jake tapper has more. Reporter so if youre the president , what do you do when a deadly disease is terrifying the public and needs to be contained . The response has been questioned. We did not correctly diagnose his symptoms as those of ebola and were deeply sorry. Well, cnn broke the story that obama will appoint ron clane to help with the crisis. The 53yearold lawyer who clerked for the Supreme Court also served as chief of staff to joe biden and Vice President al gore. Known for good relationships in the administration and on capitol hill, he was in charge of the distribution of hundreds of billions of stimulus dollars though he first became known for leading al gores effort to lead the recount. What clane says reputation and resume do not reflect any sort of medical background. The man tasked with coordinating the National Response to a potential pandemic has a background this law, politics, and staying on message. The skill he has lent to president obama, john kerry and others as a debate advisor. Im trained as a physician. Im trained in internal medicine. What they need now is a topnotch manager. He will report to home land security advisor and National Security advisor, susan rice. One small odd casting note, Kevin Spaceys victim character from outbreak is in no way related to the portrayal of our ebola tsar, jake tapper, washington. Now to another story, some incredible pictures out of mexico. Thousands of protesters marched into the response of 43 missing students. They dispeered after crashing with masked men. The stewedientudents were studye teachers. Well, coming up after this very short break, police in hong kong have stepped up tactics to get tactics to end. We will tell you what prodemocracy demonstrators are doing in response. Plus, we will tell you more on this nation sharing a border with the secret nation. We will tell you more just ahead. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare . Thats a good thing, but it doesnt cover everything. Only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call today to request a free decision guide. With these types of plans, youll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. Join the millions who have already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. And provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. With all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. Call now to request your free decision guide. Were looking at much cooler weather coming to the eastern United States. We turn to derek van dam for more on this. Derek, it is a little bit of a shock, the lower temperatures, isnt it. Thats right, rose mary. I think if we got any risers this morning near the big apple or new york city, i think we might be able to squeeze out one more decent day today. The cool down comes on sunday. This is why. This is the latest satellite image imagery. Weve had a few cold fronts move across the eastern half of the United States. One is moving across the Great Lakes Region right now. That will bring a very showery day to chicago in places like buffalo and new york. As that moves east we will expect that to move the temperatures down. We had an initial cold front keeping gonzalo out of the United States. Weak disturbance across the four corners bringing some rainfall to the drought stricken parts of colorado and new mexico. Precipitation to the future. Were expecting showers in the northern great lakes front. Secondary cold front bringing a reinforcing shot the cold air. When were talking about chilly temperatures, new york, philadelphia, the city of brotherly love but do you have one more decent day ahead of you. Temperatur temperatures around 66. 70 degrees at the capital. Washington, 66. Sunday youre expecting temperatures around 52 which is 11 degrees celsius for our international viewers. If youre looking for warmth, travel to the south and east. Jacksonville 85. 86 for miami. Temperatures slightly above average 84 in corpus christy. If youre located in ed iinn burrow or dublin just watch out until sunday morning. Back to you, rose mary. Appreciate it. Were learning new details about the failed drug test that led to bidens younger son being kicked out of the navy. Susan melvo reports. Reporter 44yearold hunter bi biden was discharged from the navy reserve after testing positive. He was assigned a covet position as a Publics Affairs officer in norfolk, virginia. Officials confirm after reporting to his unit, biden was given a routine drug test which he failed. His military career 18 nded wit this statement. It was my honor to serve in the navy. I am deeply embarrassed that my actions led to discharge. His older brother beau is a member of the Army National guard and served a year in iraq. Im looking forward to standing with our son hunter when hes commissioned in the United States navy. He follows in the footsteps of two of his grandfathers who have also served in the navy. A source familiar with bidens case confirms, biden received two waivers to join a special navy concern program. Because of the age, the cut off was 42, biden was 43 when he applied. The source says his strong academic record pushed him through. Biden joked about his timing just about a month before he was discharged. We have a lot of bad judgment in our family. My son over 40 just joined the navy reserve. The source is saying its not uncommon because the incident happened so long ago. Hunter biden, the lesser known of the Vice President s two sons is a married father of three, a managing partner of an Investment Firm and an adjust professor at georgetown university. Earlier in his career he worked as a lawyer, lobbyist and policy maker under president clinton before joining his father on the campaign trail in 2008. Well, if youve ever had your credit card decline order store or restaurant, no need to be embarrassed. It happens to u. S. President s weeks ago. In fact it happened to the u. S. President weeks ago while signing an executive order for identity theft. I went to a restaurant up in new york when i was doing the General Assembly and my credit card was rejected. It turns out i guess i dont use it enough so they thought there sbh was some fraud going on. Fortunately michelle had hers. I was trying to explain to the waitress that i think ive been paying my bills so even im affect bid thised by this. Good story there. Im rose mary church. Ill be back for the next hour and boko harams apparent deal to release hundreds of kidnapped girls. Stay with us. A reported deal to bring some hundreds of school girls, kidnapped six months ago. Were looking at the details of the anticipated agreement with the rebel group. President obama appointed a new person to fight ebola this as ebola hits a new high in africa and we are checking the damage and where gonzalo is headed next. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and all around the world. Im rosemary church. Officials say nigeria has reached a ceasefire with the islamist military group. As part of the agreement, they will release hundreds of school girls kidnapped six months ago. Nigeria says the girls will

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