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On jihadists in iraq and syria to prevent them from returning home. Erin mclaughlin joins us with what is being considered. Reporter we know theres been an intense debate through the weekend and discussion that is continue throughout the mo morning about the need to combat the growing threat of extremism at home and abroad. They need to balance that with the need to protect civil liberties. Prime minister David Cameron, during that press conference on friday saying he planned to introduce legislation for government powers to seize passports of people planning to travel abroad. Some 500 british jihadists in syria and possibly iraq. 250 returned back to the united kingdom. Under existing legislation, the government seized 23 passports since april of 2013. Clearly, theres an issue that cameron and the government wants to address. Also being discussed, the possibility of banning extremists from returning from the united kingdom, a proposal met with some resis tentanceres. Theres questions about the legality of that. Frightening for brits to hear this language. How are they responding . Reporter i think anytime you hear from your government a terrorist attack is highly likely, its concerning. That kind of fear, some liberal democrats, the Junior Coalition expressed concern about the rhetoric of some officials provoking fear that supports some of these new powers. Some are saying the role in the government needs to be securing civil liberties, protecting them, not cheer leading or championing the agenda of the security services. Criticism that was rejected by the British Defense secretary saying these are measure that is this is a very real threat that needs to be addressed. Max . Erin, thank you very much, indeed. Lets get the latest from iraq and erbil. Some progress with the iraqi forces . Reporter thats right. You are talking the township of amerli. Its north of baghdad. The weekend u. S. Air strikes really allowing for that ground offensive to breakthrough that was led by not just the iraqi military, but also the shiite militia. These are the people backed by iran who fought against the american soldiers. Now we are here for a long occupation. You have enemies coming together to defeat isis. That gives you an idea how bad things are here in iraq. That township of amerli, 20,000 shiite turks, canted to be under the slaughter. They were the words from the u. S. Representative here in iraq. He raised the red alert, the red flag more than a week ago saying this imminent massacre was about to unfold. We saw the International Community come together over the weekend, not just the u. S. Air strikes, but the humanitarian aid drops. Much needed food, water and medical supplies. We were getting reports from activist groups that dozens of children died because of the terrible conditions on the ground. Looks like crisis has been overted. We just got off the phone from other activists. Amerli is okay, but other townships nearby, fighting is ongoing. This is going to continue as military forces try to push back isis. In terms of the response from isis, what do we know about how they might respond to this . Is there a fear iraq may respond to this . Reporter look, i think for the township of amerli, they will cut their losses. They are getting support from sunni arabs. This is why isis made an advance across the country. Those disenfranchised sunnis and Nuri Al Maliki who turned to isis and they loued them to walk into their villages. We are getting rumblings, max, that people are getting fed up. Initially, they thought isis would be a revolutionary force coming through, freeing them from the al maliki government. They are now finding that isis controls with an iron fist. They impose these ridiculous laws, which really creating huge problems for the people of these cities. There are food shortages, power shortages. Women who now have to be fully covered up and not allowed to leave the house without a male escort. This is the scene that is unfolding across many of the cities here in iraq that are now under the control of isis. Its one thing to liberate the township of amerli, which is made up of these farming communities out in the open where u. S. Air strikes hit. Its another thing to go after major strongholds in large cities like mosul and like the birthplace of Saddam Hussein and fallujah. This is the next phase of the battle, what to do with the strongholds. Thank you very much, indeed. Protesters in pakistan as they demand the Prime Minister step down. Police use tear gas. Government officers and residents, a few people died over the weekend. The crowds are protesting Election Results that were rigged to put him in office. I gather the focus today has been around the tv station . Reporter yeah, max, right now, Pakistan Television unprecedented television. Protesters casually around earlier. About an hour ago, we saw hundreds of protesters surrounding the building, fighting to get inside. Thats when we saw the military come marching in. Dozens of soldiers, commanders from the commander unit and Army Personnel as well. Marching in to protect the building. They cleared it out. Right now, i can see soldiers positioned around the perimeter fence on Pakistan Television. They have shot the main gate. Then we saw another group of soldiers coming in. They marched down the road, marching out the protesters. They backed off. I havent seen anything like this in the ten years i have been in pakistan. The most we saw was coming into pakistan. That is when they were this time around, they are here to protect the state institutions and in a statement made last night released by the military, they wont carry out their role as requested by Prime Minister sharif. They want to see democracy in pakistan protected as well according to the statement. We dont believe they see military intervention as far as that was the major concern as the stand off played out. Max . Many protesters are loyal to the opposition leader. Hes wanting to cooperate with the military. Has he lost control of these protesters . Reporter we are seeing a lot of conflicting statements coming. Incredibly popular, as you say, across the country. Flown here from canada for the protests. They havent been able to have any kind of specific voice as far as they are concerned, where the protesters should move to, how it should play out. The policy president has resigned from his position saying he was not expecting the party to give clearance for the Prime Ministers house. That is the scene we saw saturday night in the red zone, where we saw protesters heading toward the Prime Ministers house. They say, in a peaceful protest. We saw them extraordinary force to meet behind containers, firing into the air, trying to disperse the crowd. You could see a thick cloud of smoke in the air, into the horizon in the capitol. We saw them firing into the air. Unclear whether they were live rounds. Three People Killed in those clashes on saturday. Nobody wanted to see a repeat performance of that. That is why we are seeing slightly calmer crowds here. They were nowhere to be seen. They handed it over to the military and lets face it, they want to clash with the military in pakistan. Max . Thank you. After the break, we are live in moscow where the kremlin says its time for statehood. Note to the program, protesters in hong kong. Chinas government rules in elections. Well have the reaction on the streets. Russian president , Vladimir Putin is calling on kiev to stop fighting and open talks with prorussian separatists. He wants statehood to be discussed. Mr. Putins spokesman doesnt mean its he believes she should stay united with the rest of the country. Matthew chance is covering this for us in moscow. Trying to understand the language here, when does statehood not mean independence . Reporter i think what Vladimir Putin is doing is laying out an option for the future. What the kremlin wants is to prevent ukraine from the sphere of influence. Keeping ukraine from joining nato. Moscows preferred option, it seems, given their calls for peace talks is for negotiated settlement in this in which ukraine adopts a new federal constitution that gives the areas, the russian speaking areas language equality and autonomy to decide their own affairs. That would give russia control in those areas. What Vladimir Putin has done is laid out other possible alternatives that russia is going to go down to awhooef the overall strategy. In the past, russia recognized break away territories as independent countries thinking of georgia. Recognize that as a war in 2008. That could do the same with these areas east of southern ukraine. I dont think the kremlin is married to that concept, yet. Certainly, that could be a future of the kremlin. Thank you, matthew. The white house is supplying ukraine with weapons. Now the president s own party says we have a warshipment to the crisis. This is not a rebel uprising but invasion. Moscow continues to deny they have troops there. They say its time for the u. S. To team up with allies and send arms to Ukrainian Forces. Russia has invaded with thousands of troops, with missiles, with tanks. This is no longer the question of some rebel separatists. This is a direct invasion by russia and we must recognize it. Meanwhile, civilians alongside soldiers are digging ditches. They believe an attack by rebels is imminent. Reza sayah is live in kiev. If the intelligence is right, they are up against the russians and cant beat them with all their equipment, can they . Reporter at this point, it doesnt look like it. Certainly, if you look at the events of the past few days, its been a long time since Ukrainian Forces had good news or success on the battlefield as prorussian rebels continue to Gain Momentum t. Bad news for the ukrainian troops continued on sunday as ukrainian patrol boat was shot and sunk off the coast of southeastern ukraine in the sea. Amateur video shot on sunday shows the boat off in the distance seemingly on fire, going up in flames and sinking. Officials here in kiev say they have not confirmed who shot this boat but i think many people here in kiev are certainly blaming the prorussian rebels. Eight seamen were rescued when other patrol boats came to the scene. Two seamen still missing. Thats the fight at sea. The battlefield on land, more bad news for Ukrainian Forces. Officials in kiev saying the airfields are under attack by russian tanks. Moscow denies they have russian tanks on ukrainian territory. South of that location, more ukrainian soldiers retreating. According to the officials, 68 other soldiers retreating in the overnight hours as the rebels continue to take more land. The next place they could be targeting is the critical port city of mariopal. Rebels are poised for an attack. They havent done so yet. To the west, you have ukrainian troops bolstering their defense lines. Behind that, the city itself with resident that is are concerned and scared. Some packed up and left. Others are hunkering down. If they attack, the next region along the coast will be the Crimean Peninsula already annexed by the russians. If the rebels get to that area, that means they established a land link between the russian border and crimea. All sorts of indications they are taking back momentum and soldiers on their heels. Reza, thank you for that. Political storm is brewing in hong kong. Up next, democracy advocates in hong kong got their answer from the government in beijing and they are not happy about it. Chinas government in beijing handed a disappointment to prodemocracy protesters in hong kong. Activists have been demanding fully free elections for the chief executive in 2017. The ruling on sunday said only two of three nominees can run and they must be approved bay committee. Ivan watson is following the story in hong kong. Reporter the beefed up Police Presence outside the headquartered of the government in hong kong in the wake of a controversial new ruling in beijing that critics say will kill their chance to democratically elect the port city. They are going to protest against the new law already within hours of the declaration. Now, what we are seeing are supporters of the law and the Central Government in beijing with the flag of china. These demonstrators dont appear to be from hong kong. They dont appear to be from this area. They dont speak cantanese. They will support the motion of universal suffrage. The idea being in 2017, for the very first time, residents here will be able to elect their chief executive. The problem is, the pool will be limited to two or three people that have to be first approved by an Election Commission thats dominated by supporters of the Central Government in beijing. Critics say, basically, they will have a choice between a couple of beijings people for the election. It doesnt really amount to an election. Take a listen. People are worried that we shall become just another big city in china. So, we would like not only to fight for a Democratic Political system, we have to fight to maintain our lifestyles, our core values and our dignity so as to ensure we have that hong kong spirit. Reporter prodemocracy activists vowed to disobedience. That could have an impact on the economy. A lot of political analysts say beijing defined the limits now for the autonomy hong kong enjoyed some 17 year since the handover from the former british ruling. Ivan watson, cnn, hong kong. Libya made themselves a home recently in tripoli. Amateur video shows fully clothed men swimming in a pool. The u. S. Ambassador says it wasnt ransacked and is being safeguarded. What happened was isolated behavior from those assigned to guard. They dont condone it. In the United States, Severe Weather is possible this labor day. Ivan cabrera joins us with more. It is moving east. Round two for the same areas here. We are going to see nasty thunderstorms, i think, by later on this afternoon. This will pinpoint where its happening. The current radar is showing active line of thunderstorm activity through kansas right now. Theres the frontal boundary. Ahead of it is where we are going to have thunder boomers later on this afternoon. It will be more scattered east, away from this area here. On the backside, thats where you want to be. Nice weather and cooldown, not in dramatic fashion. You will feel the difference. The humidity is going to drop behind the frontal boundary. Look at dallas, 97 degrees. Well into the 100s for the Severe Weather. Again, this area here, a lot of people involved, st. Louis, chicago, detroit, likely to see another line of nasty thunderstorms developing through the afternoon. Frequent lightning, hail, the potential for the thunderstorms to spin. We have to watch that closely. Watching this as well. Area of low pressure on top of the on top of mexico. Look at the yucatan. This is over land. Once it gets over, into the gulf of mexico, we have a potential for, and a high one at that, for one to develop as far as a Tropical Storm headed toward mexico up to brownsville. We are seeing heavy rain. That will be the story with this one, not so much that it will be a significant wind threat, but a lot of rain is going to be pounding the coast over the next few days. That is what well be watching. Flooding as well. This time around, scandinavia, i will take you there within the next half hour. Max . Thank you very much, ivan. You are watching cnn. Well look at how the uks terror crackdown is affecting london, next. Body language can tell you all sorts of things. Like someone is having a stroke. Know the sudden signs. Learn f. A. S. T. Face drooping arm weakness speech difficulty time to call 911 and get them to a hospital immediately. Learn the body language and spot a stroke f. A. S. T. Hello, im max foster. Welcome back to our viewers in the United States and around the world. Protesters in pakistan are marching on the Central Government in islamabad calling for the Prime Minister to step down. This is a demand they have been repeating for two weeks. Russian president , Vladimir Putin says its time for kiev to talk about statehood for rebel controlled areas. He say that is doesnt mean independence for the areas and they should remain part of ukraine. They are meeting today. British Prime Minister David Cameron is set to release details about terrorism. It could include a temporary travel ban for those who left the country to fight in iraq or syria. Muslims in britain are concerned a witch hunt is under way. Karl penhaul looks at how its affecting a community. We are in the middle of a generational struggle. Reporter the Prime Ministers battle cry to fight radical islam. A few miles away, one of londons most deprived neighborhoods. Catholic nun hand pating for her struggle 45 years. Fun days like this to help everything get along. A bit of wisdom, if i had a cup of tea with you or i got to know you a little bit, then its going to be harder for me to be cruel to you. Reporter the biggest threat, she says, is not extreme islam, but the extreme gap between rich and poor. Here in the east end, social housing sits in the shadow of a premier financial district. We were sure there would be trickle down. Its now 20, 30 years and the trickle is awfully slow. Critics suggest they ruled out muslim extremism for fear of appearing racist. At a bingo game, born and bred east enders speak frankly, by political correctness. I think its wrong when they talk. It makes you feel they are unsettled by unfamiliar customs. I dont agree with that, but what can you do . Reporter close by, time to pray. Worshippers seem concerned they are unfairly targeted until the hunt for british jihadis. People are scared of what they dont know. The first thing people think is attacking them. Its the same with us. Some suggest radicalism is fueled by britains support by the war on terror. Theres an elephant in the room. If somebody is going abroad, whether killing somebody, they have blood on their hands. Reporter warnings of a home grown terror plot and government crackdown, this is setting neighbors against each other. Some hold out hope color and religion are no obstacle to sharing common ground. Rules and regulations and nonsense. Its about living together, caring about each other. Kindness and patience and acceptance is whats going to keep a community together. Karl penhaul, cnn, london. For more in britain and whats happening in syria and london the author of the new middle east protest and revolution in the arab world, thank you for joining us. Theres no doubt a concern in the uk and the west and europe that there could be a Jihadist Terrorism threat. It was raised here in london. But how do you balance protecting brits from that and the liberty issue . Thats what politicians will debate today. I think, max, this is one of the most important questions to keep in mind, it is essential to strike a balance. They have to protect the community. All the communities in britain and europe and the United States but not to hype this up. If you do, you play into its hands and it would be counter productive. Yes, visioners that protect the freedoms and the League Rights of all individuals of all of britain. And a bit anxious about the kneejerk response to the Islamic State so far. No one should under estimate the threat, the poisonous nature isis presents not only to the west, but islam and the alps. Im concerned about the responses to give away to any kind of legal rights in order to fight isis. Remember, max, the main goal is to attack arab and muslim ree jet streams. So far, its the enemy. The western governments and society even though theres intelligence pointing to the fact that isis is planning attacks against europe and other societies because now the war has been joined. The United States and its allies are beginning to fight isis and iraq the next few days. The reality is, isis will be with us the next five or ten years. The reality is, we have to be din diligent. We have to respect the individuals in britain. Lets look at the most sensitive point that is bound to come up today. A suggestion, as we understand, the British Government wants to take away, effectively, statehood of people returning to the uk, even if its temporary. Someone they suspect of ter r k terrori terrorism, they are going to say you cant take away their statehood. Yes, absolutely. My take, my reading is that the european courts t european courts and International Law would have much to say about the fact of really denying people their rights to return to the uk. You also did not mention, max, the idea of taking passports away from uk citizens. This is really internal exile. You force people to stay in a country. The reality is, the british authorities have a duty and responsibility to protect all citizens. Also, we need to take into account the legal rights of individuals, the civil rights of individuals because my fear is that basically by responding too fast, by not taking into account basically what lies at the heart of the confrontation, we play into the hands of isis and you have more men of muslim join this particular fight. This is what isis is capitalizing on, the astrainment and the reality is this is not the first way, max, as you know. Afghanistan in 1980 and 1989, remember iraq after the American Invasion between 2003 and 2007. Tens of thousands of fighters basically migrated to the lands of jihad. Syria and iraq are the latest. Many of these how persecuted muslims in afghanistan, iraq and syria. The extremist groups like al qaeda and isis. Multiple tools. Not only internal security, it will be fine. In terms of the people leaving the uk and european countries, you need security broadly defined. You need a broad approach for this question. Working with the community, education, reaching to these young muslims who believe by migrating to syria and iraq, they will persecute the muslims. They end up helping some of the most extremist groups to emerge in societies in the last 500 years. Thank you very much, indeed. Its a very big debate. Security versus civility. 3 30 in the afternoon london time. The parents who took their 5yearold son to a british hospital being treated for cancer of the brain are due to appear in court in spain today. They were arrested over the weekend. Authorities havent yet said what charges the couple will face. They say Child Cruelty could be one of them. We have the report. Reporter this is the end of a frantic International Manhunt for a mother and a father accused of taking their child out of the care of a hospital in South Hampton and this is their son. He is 5 and has a brain tumor. His fragile life subject of a global debate. He is sought by european authorities for taking the welfare of their son into their own hands. They were seeking an alternative care treatment for them. This is my son. We found his face is all over the internet and newspapers and we have been labeled as kidnappers putting his life at risk, neglect. Reporter after he posted his side of the story online, the family, including his six siblings, left the country. We couldnt take it anymore, not knowing and not able to question anything, in fear that emergency protection order, you are no longer allowed in the ward. Reporter they were spotted at a hostal where they were taken by police. They were made aware of comments online. Throughout his admission, we had conversations about the Treatment Options available to him. We offered the Family Access to a Second Opinion as well as assistance with organizing treatment abroad. Im aware theres a significant amount of debate going on around Police Action in this case. I think its safe to say that faced with the situation that we were, we had medical experts telling us that he was in grave danger. Reporter now in handcuffs, they son in a hospital, they will have to face a spanish judge as the debate about this case continues. Cnn, atlanta. Coming up on cnn, a rare glimpse inside the hermit kingdom. We go into north korea, next. We are invited into korea. Will ripley is there to cover a wrestling championship. He got a glimpse of what life is really like in the reclusive nation. Reporter for the First Time Since arriving in north korea, our government guided bus strays from the regular route. We are not allowed to stop. We can only look out the window, fields full of people, tending crops by hand. Others working at construction sites. Public buses packed. Most have to walk. Our bus takes us here, a brandnew equestrian center. This is a pet project of kim jongun. Most north koreas are lucky to earn that much in a week. I feel privileged to ride a horse, this girl says. And she is. We see a handful of people here. The next stop, a park outside pyongyang. Scaled down versions of the monuments and architectural things. You can see the real monuments off in a distance. The tower is named for National Founder kim ill suns ideology of selfreliance. If the leader is the brain, citizens are the limbs. You can live without a limb, but not without a brain. We choose it as our faith. Reporter you choose to be part of the group . Studying it is not a choice. One place to do it, the grand peoples study house. 30 million volumes here. The few books we see are well worn, the rest locked away. To get to them, you have to ask this woman and they come out a chute. A freshly renovated war museum. Above this display, a large, graphic photo of a dead american pilot who crashed in north korea. Why show a photo of the dead pilot . Because they are going to show that anybody who violates our sovereignty will be killed like that. Reporter countless millions of dollars show thag north korea is a modern, moral, military force. Money not being spent by this cashstrapped country on the millions of citizens struggling to get by. Will ripley, pyongyang, north korea. Well show you how raising animals in china are taking on a creepy, crunchy new twist. Football teams hit the deadline. A day of multimillion dollar activity. The money is huge, isnt it . What are the rumors . The day players look forward to. This day shouldnt be different. Let me bring you up to date. Remy joined chelsea for some 17 million. Hes the second striker they signed up to chelsea to join. The name on everyones lips we expect to see is a player from monaco. He tweeted he may go to madrid, then deleted the tweet. We heard he now has links to the premier league and they are in hot pursuit. Two teams in the league we expect to see some movement today. He said over the weekend, he intends to be very active in the transfer deadline day. They certainly need to sign a new striker. We look for movement from them. They have splashed the most cash of any Football Team in europe. They will still be looking to find a central defender to add to their record breaking signing and ten other players this season. So, a lot of movement expected. They are such big names, arent they . Its gonna top last year presumably. It has topped last year. In fact, its been a record breaking transfer this summer. According to the monitoring system, the big five have spent over 2 billion. Its more than they spent in the entire window. The English Premier League set new records as well. They spent 1. 2 billion, up by 1 million last season. As i mentioned, the signing in the english premier was a record as well. He was signed for 99 99gling max. Unbelievable. The figures are unbelievable. From a business perspective, it doesnt make sense. Its a passional sport. Thank you. Heavy rain fall in parts of europe. Lets go to ivan cabrera with more on that. It is clearing out nicely. Look at the scenes behind me. The rain impacted southern sweden. This occurred over the weekend. Now things are beginning to dry out. Before that, buses getting into trouble here. Spectators are looking in awe of what you are seeing there, a complete submersion of a large vehicle and this was the case around the roads there in southern sweden. The low responsible for beginning to fall to the south thachlt is where the weather is going to be. We are seeing showers now. Its moving into western parts of poland as well. We are going to see the potential for strong storms down to the south and heavy rain. To the north and west, including london, fair weather. High pressure is moving in. We are done with the unsettled weather. This is going to hold for the early part of the week. The rain is to the south. Asia, more of the same, torrential rains continue. I want to recap what happened here in the month of august. Take a look at japan in kochi. 1561 millimeters of rainfall. They normally get 368 the entire month. Incredible scene there. Same deal can be said for lots of locations across japan. Hong kong not far behind, they are over their Monthly Average by 100 or so millimeters. So, you get the idea. Soggy august, now we are going into september. Itis the same thing. We continue to see rainfall over the region here. The monsoon continues. Healthy over india picking up a good 238, almost ten inches of rainfall there in just about 24 to 48 hours. Area of disturbed weather, monitoring this for the potential of the next few days. Its bringing heavy rainfall against the philippines. We will watch this for potential development. Thank you. A booming business, but not one for the fate of heart. We get up close and take a look at cockroach farming in china. Reporter if you are eating, maybe put down your fork because we have a surprise for you. Welcome to the roach farm. Thats right. Cockroaches. They are inside here. Its where they breed the cockroaches. You can hear them in here and they stink of ammonia. One says, in these rooms, there are nearly 1 million cockroaches. It is literally the stuff of i feel close to them one tells me. Just smell that unique smell they have. You can smell it, huh . Unbelievably, this crop of cockroaches brings in serious cash for him. Hes the roach king pen. This is the mother lode. One says theres around half a ton of them that could all be ordered by chinese pharmaceutical companies. He says pharmaceutical companies are lining up to buy his stash. They pedal crushed roach pills as a cure for stomach, liver and heart ailment. Its not just business for one. Since the age of 7, hes been admiring and eating cockroaches. And that one is just an appetizer. Because he prefers his roaches fried in peanut oil. I have to say they look worse than when they went in. He wants to push it as protein snack. It hasnt quite caught on yet. Tastes like peanut oil. But the after taste is exactly how you would imagine cockroaches to taste. If you dont try it, you will regret your decision forever, he says. David mckenzie, cnn, china. Early start is coming up for viewers in the United States. Viewers elsewhere, the world News Headlines after this short break. A major cnn exclusive. The three known americans held captive in north korea speaking out this morning only to cnn. How they have been treated. Do they think they will make it back home . Well bring rare and unprecedented interviews. American air strikes bring relief to thousands in iraq facing slaughter by isis. President obama is facing growing criticism about how hes dealing with the terrorism group. Members of his party are saying hes been too cautious. Russias president , Vladimir Putin pushing for stakes on statehood for eastern ukraine

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