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Tells cnn that kidnapped journalist james foley was among those to be freed but the Mission Failed because the captive was not at the location indicated by intelligence. Now, the revelation comes a day after news that isis beheaded foley as a warning to the u. S. To stop its air strikes against isis fighters in iraq. For some insight on the dangers of the mission, last hour i spoke with cnn security analyst bob baer. I cant emphasize enough how risky this was. The syrians have missiles, the same one that took down the malay airplane and still have their radar up and theyre battle trained at this point. The problem is for this group that went in is they were basing the intelligence almost certainly on intercepts. They are unreliable. On top of it, theyve been moving the hostages around. This could not have been an easy mission, and i think its lucky that the teams got out with no loss of life. U. S. President Barack Obama Says foleys murder shocks the conscience of the entire world. That isis has no place in the 21st century. Mr. Obama says the sunni extremists have killed thousands including other muslims for no other reason than they practice a different religion. No just god would stand for what they did yesterday and what they do every single day. Isil has no ideology of any value to human beings. We will be ring plant and we will be relentless and continue to confront this hateful terrorism and replace it with a se sense of hope. U. S. And British Intelligence experts are studying the video of foleys murder for clues about exactly who killed him. Yeah, the militant spoke with an apparent british accent and thats putting the spotlight once again on radical islam in britain. Erin mclaughlin reports. Any attempt by you, obama, to deny the muslims their rights of living in safety under the islamic reporter this is the voice of the isis fighter who beheaded american james foley. His british accent, its hard to miss. Of living in safety under the islamic caliphate will result in the bloodshed of your people. On both sides of the atlantic, agents are looking to authenticate it to make sure it is genuine. Sadly it appears to be and see if we can identify the individual in question. Reporter the execution of an american journalist at the hands of an man british is sending shock waves through the western world but those who follow isis say they are not surprised. The british fighters who have been going out to the Islamic State when weve been monitoring for many years are really wanted to be at the forefront and are not backseat drivers. Reporter the number is on the rise and some estimates say that there are between 400 to 500 british recruits in syria and some say that number is actually much higher. Because the border between the two countries has all Benjamin Netanyahu erased its unclear how many have crossed over into iraq and some british nationals are thought to have carried out other brazen isis attacks. Earlier this year the first british fighter turned suicide bomber. 41yearold father of three Abdul Wahid Majid blue up this truck bomb. Part of an isis assault on an aleppo prison and told his family he was in syria as a humanitarian worker, not as an isis fighter. He was a good family man, you know. He had his head in right place, you know and we never thought he ever linked to anybody other than, you know, his family and doing good for good deeds. Thats why hes gone over there. Reporter analysts say therein lies the propaganda value of the fighter. Ensuring britain deacapitatig an american shows they are deconstructing the life of this former british citizen and gone to fight for the Islamic State and in doing so hes completely rejected his former life. To break down someone to that level, to brainwash them like that is immensely powerful. Reporter an immensely powerful tool of terror that many fear will be used again. Eric mclaughlin, cnn, london. Well, calm is holding in ferguson, missouri, during a night of peaceful protests. Want to bring out those live pictures there. You can see the crowds are much smaller than previous nights and actualny fact were seeing officer there is on the streets just trying to keep control of whoever is left over, not that theres many of them but this is the great thing that were able to report this, quiet because this has given those protesters, those Peaceful Protesters on the streets who were there for the most part during the daylight hours, they were able to get their message across. It was getting diluted by these bad actors, as the police keep referring to but now what were seeing, a much calmer situation on the streets there. Meantime, u. S. Attorney general eric holder spent wednesday in ferguson shaking hands, meeting with Community Leaders talking with students and visiting residents, as well, as well as meeting Michael Browns family. Holder says the federal government is doing its own investigation into the fatal shooting. The hope also is that through the trip that im making out here today and by stressing the importance of and the way in which this investigation is going that that hopefully will have a calming influence on the area. If people know that a federal, thorough investigation is being done. Stephanie elam joins us live from ferguson, missouri. Stephanie, you know, youve got eric holder there trying to reassure people that Michael Brown will the family of Michael Brown will see justice. But hes there as we see this video of a Police Officer whos now suspended for pointing this his gun at people and using foul language and i think that to people watching this speaks to what the problem is centered around, this officer exactly. Do you think this is common or one bad apple at one bad time . Reporter well, i cant say its just one because while i was standing out here last night i saw another Police Officer with his gun raised and i heard people from the community yelling at him to put his gun down and i saw another Police Officer step in and make him do just that. I think tensions were running very high. I think people are nervous and by people i mean Police Officers and people in the community when that tension broke, you could feel it. So its something that the people here say is part of the problem, that they dont feel like there is anywhere between an escalation of how far the police will respond to them. Thats been part of the issue and part of the reason why theyve been out here marching. If you talk to the police, theyll tell you our safety is number one. When things like this happen, we have to make sure that we are doing things right but when it comes to that one officer who you can very clearly see in the video and hear him using foul language, as well, they denounced it right away. The Police Department did. They suspended him indefinitely and they said this is not what we teach our Police Officers to do. So you do hear these two different sides. When you look out here now the scene now versus when i talked to you 24 hours ago, so much different. The streets are pretty clear and you can tell that a lot of people have left. There was a pretty big thunderstorm in the middle of the evening which also helped clear out people but then a kne groupcame out, a lot in Amnesty International tshirts and the clergy marching as well. People from the community with bull horns saying just make sure you keep moving. Dont give them any reason, them being the Police Officers, so following the rules and abiding by those rules. We did see a couple of arrests where they moved in immediately arrested somebody and then they moved out and disappeared off the street very quickly. This hes very quick about that out here but overall, at point i feel like theres more media out here than there are people actually congregating or doing anything. Its a pretty calm scene and even when i take a look at the Police Officers, rosemary and errol, they seem relaxed at this time so, again, a Different Energy out here tonight. Certainly encouraging to see the streets of ferguson, missouri, appear peaceful tonight but i tell you its just disturbing as we look at this issue, great to see eric holder there. Hes there to reassure locals that the federal government will do what it can to bring justice in one case but meantime, the evidence just keeps stacking up that in some cases the police use excessive force. A shooting, a Deadly Police used deadly force a few miles from where you were earlier for a man that had a knife when he look at the footage, though, the Police Department did release quickly, much different than what happened in the case of Michael Brown, its not so clear that they needed to use deadly force. How are people reacting to that and the fact that it substance yacht what is residents talk about. They live with this treatment all the time. Well, thats the voice that keeps being heard here is that this is how we are treated. Why cant we use stun guns first . Why cant there be other methods to subdue somebody, shooting them in the knee and heard that from several other people out here. That particular incident is not getting the same amount of anger and frustration as the death of mike brown. The focus out here remains on mike brown and a lot of people out here saying to me, today, yesterday, that could have been my son. And so because of that very reason they are galvanized to stay out here marching much we were part of a group that we were covering where walking along with them we thought that they were going to stay on the path here. They actually turned the corner, left florissant and marched to the Police Station here in ferguson because they wanted to make this peaceful demonstration. They stayed on their side of the road. They made it there. When they got there, they had a circle which they then prayed and then they broke up and they walked back here to this location here. So people going out of their way to make their voices heard here but also making it clear they dont plan to just go away. Now, i can also tell you several people are very concerned if this officer involved in the mike brown shoot something not indicted in any kind of way that there could be another rise in violence out here with people being very upset about that. A lot of Community Lead remembers trying to work to make sure that doesnt happen but theres big concerns. Now we know that all of the evidence going to the grand jury, theyre saying they plan to present that all by october. Thats a lot of time from now but a lot of people saying they plan to stay out here but as you can see, taking a look at the streets right now, the crowd numbers are already dwindling. Yeah, yeah, and two months until that grand jury could even decide so the story certainly not over yet. Stephanie elam live for us there in ferguson, missouri, thanks. Those demonstrations in support of Michael Brown are becoming routine in ferguson, of course, but so far we havent heard too much from supporters of the officer who pulled the trigger. But make no mistake Darren Wilson does have supporters and as Jason Carroll is about to show us, they want to get his story out. Reporter night after night hundreds of protesters have clashed with police in support of Michael Brown. Whats his name. All mike brown. Reporter but these are not the only demonstrators speaking out about the shooting. Justice for the police. Reporter officer Darren Wilson who shot and killed brown has his own supporters and while not as vocal as those who oppose him, they say theyre just as passionate about their beliefs. Im just here to try to tell people that hes a good american. Reporter wilsons friend was one of the first to publicly defend the officer. It makes me sad, you know, im obviously sad for the family of Michael Brown but im sad for darren and his family too. Every Law Enforcement officer dreads the time when they are forced to make that splitsecond decision, whether or not they have to take someones life. Reporter much of wilsons support can be found online. Two facebook pages have emerged in the days since the killing between them they have more than 90,000 likes. One supporter writes cop to cop, youre alive because you did what you had to do. Another weighs in with this, got your back, justice will prevail. Thank you for your service. Theres also a go fund me page for wilson and his family which has already raised more than 80,000. Wilson has yet to speak about what happened that day. Until then his supporters say they will continue to speak for him. Were keeping the community of ferguson in our prayers and even Michael Browns family in our prayers. We just ask that everybody do the same thing for officer wilson and his family. Reporter Jason Carroll, cnn, ferguson, missouri. We want to bring this to you. We have new video of the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting. This is just coming in to us within the past few hours and in our next half hour, were going to talk to the man who recorded it. Hear his story and see what he saw from his apartment as the shooting happens so stay tuned for that. Yeah, but lets take a very quick break right now. Still to come, though, a menacing new threat from hamas as israel launches a punishing new round of rare strikes on gaza. Stay with us. First thethen a littleeckin. Weekend to remember. Join us for the celebration package. With sparkling wine, breakfast and a late checkout. Doubletree by hilton. Where the Little Things mean everything. With a newon get a volkswagen turbo. Ed reward card why are we so obsessed with turbo . Because we like giving you power, but we also like giving you fuel efficiency. Like the sporty jetta. And the turbocharged passat tdiĀ® clean diesel. Okay. And the iconic beetle. And the powerful tiguan. Okay you cant forget the cc. Guys, this is going to take a while. Avo get a 1,000 turbocharged reward card on new 2014 turbo models or lease a 2014 jetta se for 169 a month after a 1,000 bonus. Hamas is warning International Airlines to stay away from Ben Gurion International airport in tel aviv. That comes as more rockets are being fired in gaza. 137 since tuesday. The Israeli Military says it launched air strikes against 80 suspected militant sites. The Gaza Health Ministry says this strike killed the wife and infant son of the head of the armed wing of hamas. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says as long as hamas keeps shooting, israel will keep attacking. And he compared hamas to terrorists in iraq and syria. Take a listen. Hamas is like isis. Isis is like hamas. Theyre branches of the same tree. Theyre the enemies of peace, enemies of israel. Theyre the enemies of all civilized countries. The United Nations Security Council says it is gravely concerned by the renewed fighting and urging both sides to resume negotiations towards a lasting peace. But as john vause reports that doesnt seem likely any time soon. Reporter the border attacks quickly escalated wednesday and once again israelis were running for cover especially in the south which has been hit by most of the rockets from gaza. Premature babies at one israeli hospital close to the gaza border have been relocated to a shelter and the military has advised anyone within 50 miles or 80 kilometers of the gaza border to open their own bomb shelters or safe rooms and that includes tel aviv which has also come under fire from longrange hamas rockets. In a televised statement a spokesman for hamas says theyre taking aim at Israels Ben Gurion airport, warning International Airlines to stop all takeoffs and landings from 6 00 a. M. Thursday local time. And for the first time the militant group says it has fired missiles at an israeli natural gas platform off the coast of gaza but israeli Officials Say there is no immediate word that any platform had, in fact, been hit. And for the first time in almost a week, israels iron dome Defense System has intercepted more than two dozen rockets coming from gaza. For now the Israeli Offensive has been mostly from the air. The idf says it has carried out targeted strikes on militants as well as rocket launchers and weapon stockpiles but 2,000 reservists have now been recalled and one senior Israeli Government minister is calling for another ground incursion to remove the rocket threat once and for all. John vause, cnn, jerusalem. All right. That was our john vause for us. Now, at this moment its around 5 20 in the morning in liberia for those watching there. Youll know a nationwide overnight curfew expires in less than an hour. It was proclaimed as authorities tried to contain the deadly ebola outbreak. Two areas are also under quarantine. Clashes reportedly broke out in one slum in monrovia after troops set up a blockade there. Meantime, the number of new cases, it just continues to grow. Check out that red number in the top left of your screen. The World Health Organization now saying there are 1350 confirmed suspected and probable ebola deaths in west africa. More than 2400 cases are attributed to the virus. Next here on cnn a search for survivors in japan. Rescue teams in hiroshima dig through the rubble after deadly landslides. Stay with us, youre on cnn. Y. And never quite get over it. Seven billion hungry people. Well, we grow a lot of food. We also waste about a third of what we grow. So, we put our scientists to work. And they found ways to keep the food we grow fresher, longer. Using innovative packaging. There are still a lot of hungry people in the world. But we have a lot of scientists. This is the Human Element at work. Dow. You got a Little Something tool on the back of your shoe there. A price tag danger price tag alert oh. Hey, guys. Price tag alert is this normal . Well, progressive is a price tag free zone. We let you tell us what you want to pay, and we help you find options to fit your budget. Where are they taking him . I dont know. This seems excessive decontamination in progress. I dont want to tell you guys your job, but. Policies without the price tags. Now, thats progressive. A massive search and rescue effort underway in japan after landslide killed 39 people in hiroshima wednesday. We want to turn to Pedram Javaheri who has been following this, of course, just incredible situation on the ground there, isnt it . Guy, the worry is the number will be considerably higher. Weve seen that go from 16 to 27 now up to 39 and theres still about 10 people considered missing across this region of japan with historic rainfall thats come down and really the wettest place on earth over the past 16, 17 days has been western and southern japan. Look at the scene when it comes to this landslide that took place across Hiroshima City across western japan. The video showing you the perspective and severity of this landslide that brings in tons and tons of debris downstream from this hillside community. Hills giving ways and weve seen the most rainfall across one day. The most rainfall in one hour was set and the most rainfall in the month of august has now been set, as well in this region and were measuring the rainfall in feet, not inches anymore because of how much has come down over this portion of the world and, again, when it comes to flooding typically the most common Natural Disaster and 60 occur when people are in their cars. Have you flooding in this region and with it the landslide took place and dozens of them scattered about as you see the search and rescue efforts taking place even at this hour with the folks that are missing in this region and you see the end result is Something Like this but we know the Prime Minister of japan shinzo abe was on his holiday, on his vacation in this region at least and canceled it and went back to tokyo to begin working on the Recovery Efforts but rainfall total, millimeters, 2100 is about 83 inches or 7 feet of rainfall that has come down in the area since the beginning of august. You go toward s kochi, japan, five feet of rainfall has come down, rainfall almost of an entire month so this is why this event has become so significant and a lot of the rainfall about 9 inches of it, 200 plus millimeters came down in four hour, guys so unfortunately at this point it looks like there are some showers left in this region but the before and after image, take a look. The land just completely giving way in an area thats pretty densely populated so we know the fatalities are going to be on the increase unfortunately. The land is just not able to absorb that amount of water. Not that much in that short a time. The Ukrainian Military confirms that a jet and two helicopters were shot down on wednesday by prorussian rebels in the eastern part of the country. Yeah this, comes as troops fighting the separatists are slowly gaining the upper hand in the donetsk region. Fierce battles have been raging for days, at least 34 people were killed in the violence in the last 24 hours alone. Billionaire Richard Branson and more than a dozen Business Leaders from around the globe want to help end the crisis in ukraine. So what theyre doing is urging governments around the world to resolve the conflict peacefully. Earlier branson spoke with cnns maggie lake about why its irresponsible not to push for peace. The president of ukraine is meeting with president putin next week and lets hope that something positive comes out of that. If that fails, then the group of people that weve put together, the group of russian Business Leaders would be delighted to meet up with president putin and see whether a compromise could be reached. The group of ukrainian Business Leaders that we have on board would be delighted to sit with the ukrainian president and i think we could use our negotiating skis and entrepreneurial skills to reach a compromise. The ukrainian and russian Business Leaders who have joined you have taken a risk. The Business Community has been reluctant to speak out. What are they telling you . I must have spoken to a hundred russian Business Leaders not willing to speak out but all of whom want to see us turn the clock back a year or two. You know, the last thing they want is a horrible war. Now, the russian leaders who put their name to this are significant people in russia. Theyre the largest mobile restaurateur and the largest car dealer, largest food distributor, all selfmade people and theyre basically saying to president putin, you know, lets try to get this sorted by negotiation and not by force. Is Vladimir Putin someone you can do business with . Do you think hes open to diplomacy . I dont know. I think that we would be irresponsible if we didnt give it a try. Now fortunately World Leaders have not given up on diplomacy as it relates to ukraine. Heres a bit of an outlook for you. German chancellor Angela America surveillance traveling to kiev saturday to meet with ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko and mr. Poroshenko is set to meet mr. Putin in belarus next week. More than a week and a half later people are still asking what exactly happened when a Police Officer fatally shot Michael Brown . A new witness has come forward with this new video and he talks with cnn next. So ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts . Thats right. 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Revealed that it sent commandos into syria this summer to rescue american citizens held by isis fighters but the Mission Failed because the captive was not at the target location. Weve seen a night of peaceful protests in smaller crowds in ferguson, missouri. Demonstrators have been marching to protest the Fatal Police Shooting of Michael Brown. Wednesday u. S. Attorney general eric holder visited this Community Meeting leaders and browns family. Health officials in gaza say at least 23 people have been killed by israeli air strikes in the past two days. Hamas says this strike killed the wife and son of the Leaders Group armed wing. 37 rockets have been fired from gaza since tuesday. Now back to whats happening in ferguson, missouri. The st. Louis county prosecuting Attorney Says a grand jury will hear evidence in the Michael Brown shooting, but he adds that it could be two months before a decision is made whether to press charges against Darren Wilson. Thats the Police Officer who killed brown. Yeah, and we are getting a new account of the shooting from a witness who took this cell phone video, Michael Brady says he was inside his apartment when he saw brown tussle with officer wilson through wilsons patrol car window then he said brown and his friend took off running and thats when he heard the officer fire the first couple of shots. Now, he talked about it with cnns Andy Milovich cocnn cnns anderson cooper. You heard one or two then what happened. Definitely seen one or two but he still have his back turned and noticed he passed his friend up to where his friend ran to. So thats when i decided im going to run outside with my phone and see what i could get so i run outside so quick, by the time i get outside hes already turned around, facing the officer. Hes he have his arms under his stomach and he was like halfway down like he was going down and the officer lets out about three or four shots at him. Youre saying its your impression that he was essentially falling down on to the ground or going down on to the ground. Yeah. Because there is ab account by a friend of or allegedly a friend of the officer who said that the officers claiming and sources with the investigation back this up is what the officers claim is mike brown was running toward the officer. Did you see him running toward the officer in any way. No, no, not after when he was run ago way, no. Not at all. So from what you saw, there werent hands up or anything yeah, i really thats the thing. I didnt see no hands up. If he did i probably just missed it going out from my bedroom going outside. All right. Another version there of events in the aftermath and the leadup to the shooting of teenager Michael Brown. All right. We are going live now to cnn producer Steve Kastenbaum who is in ferguson, missouri. We have come to you on regular occasions over the nights. It is much quieter now. Probably the quietestest we have seen at this point. Talk to us what youre seeing around where you are right now. In fact, its so quiet a lot of the Police Officers are pulling out. You could see theres one patrol car here behind me right now, a little while ago there were several cars lined up in the middle of the street and we watched as they pulled out. Over here behind me now im seeing the last few stragglers of protesters looks like theres maybe about a dozen or so of them leaving here. Theyre the last of the protesters here tonight this. Is the first quiet end to the evening weve had here in several nights. No confrontations with police. Occasionally a Tactical Unit came down the avenue because they apparently spotted somebody in the crowd who had been wanted for some sort of previous incident. We didnt see any confrontations between the officers and people in the crowd today. So we were told that, you know, they had been looking in the crowd for people wanted for other stuff. Also it rained very heavily earlier in the night. There were major thunderstorms and lightning coming through here so that also kept the crowds down to a smaller size tonight, as well. Theres no doubt that weather played a role but we were seeing a turning point when you and i spoke 24 hours ago was much calmer then, wasnt it . Of course, compared to 48 hours ago when there were so many problems. What do you think has been the major calming influence here . Theres a lot of factors. I mean, to be quite frank, to be truthful, i mean its really tiring Walking Around here for hour after hour after hour in circles. We are discussing the in this area but that has many of the young people upset. Yeah. They are. They say they want things in their town to get back to floormal, of course, ed lavendera reports. Reporter when night falls its pitch dark on ellison drive except for one street light shining on three kids shooting hoops. What a shot. Were marching. Reporter the chants of protesters can be heard from the block over. Its been like this for these three middle schoolers for more than a week. How frustrated are you . Mad. Mad . On a scale from one to ten im at a ten. Im at an eight. I want an education. I love math because its easy. I love math. You cant know more about math since we missing school. Reporter classes have been canceled for the week. Tay ron, trevion and tiejah have been dangerously close to the chaos. Two nights ago just down this very street gunshots echoed. Demonstrators tried to set fires, s. W. A. T. Teams moved into the street and the tear gas was fired into the air. All these kids could do was hide in their home. Yeah, whats that like . You ever breathe that before. It goes in our noses and burn and go in our eyes and burn its of so foggy down here, we didnt know what it was. We got out. Last night. No, foggy here every night. Were you scared. I wasnt scared but its kind of scary what theyre doing because people dont know whats going to happen now. People are shooting. Probably knock our windows out. Cause us to move. This was a peaceful street right here until all this mike brown got shot rest in peace and stuff. You guys want it to get back to normal. Yes. Need to disperse immediately. Reporter this is what life has been like for this small neighborhood trapped by a Police Shooting and days of often violent protests. Nischelle coleman walked from her home a mile away to bring her daughter to canfield street to see the memorial left for Michael Brown. Its just after 9 00 now. Are you worried about whats going to happen . Yeah, im always worried. Nothing surprises me now about whats going on. Just when you think its going to be peaceful, Something Else happens. Reporter thats the tension that hangs over this neighborhood when night falls. There were some talk of trying to get the protest to stop at night. Would you like to see that happen . No, i no, because i feel like then they will win because thats what they want. They dont want us out here at all. They want us to be quiet. Reporter nischelle and her daughter now make the long walk back home. Its become a nightly ritual. They quickly disappear into the darkness to get home in case the chaos and violence starts up again. Ed lavendera, cnn, ferguson, missouri. All right. We do want to turn to this other story we have been following, our top story. New details emerging about where american journalist james foley was held captive by militants before his execution on video. Yeah, a source was held in the same prison as foley last year tells cnn that foley and another western journalist were tortured. It was in aleppo, syria and he was being held by the al nusra front back in 2013. The source believes foley and the other unnamed journalist were transferred to an isis training camp. Foleys family and his employer, the global post say they were contacted by his kidnappers just a week ago and warned he would be killed. We communicated quickly or as quickly as we could with the captors, pleaded with them for mercy, explained to them that jim was an innocent journalist, had done no harm to the syrian people, indeed, cared deeply about them. And asked them to give us time to find another means. Sad sadly, they showed no mercy to jim. And this was not the first time foley had been abducted in a war zone. No, his parents have been speaking about the incredibly treacherous career path their son chose and why. Jack harper with our affiliate wcvb from their home in new hampshire. We miss his courage. His love. His determination. His laugh, his smile. Reporter his son freelance journalist james foley was slaughtered on video after being held by islamic militants for 22 months. Its horrific. I mean people can die in lots of different ways but this way was the most horrific and it haunts me that he how much pain he was in and how cruel this method of execution is as opposed to so many others. Jim was just innocent and they knew it. They knew that jim was just a symbol for our country and its that hatred that jim was against. These soldiers were in fact out of their vehicles shooting at us. Reporter james foley had dodged death before. He was held prisoner in libya for months then released and chose to return to his work covering war. Why did he go back and the answer was, well, why do firemen keep going back into blazing homes . Because its their job and he felt this was his job. This was his passion. So hes not he was not crazy. He was motivated by what he thought would was doing the right thing thats what we shared with president obama, you know, we just pray that jims death can bring our country together in a stronger way. You know from the videos that his last words were i wish i had more time to see my family. So heartbreaking and again that was jack harper reporting from our affiliate wcvb. You can learn much more about foleys life and career at our website, cnn. Com. All right, still to come for you this hour, relief finally for iraqi refugees. The u. N. Launches one of its biggest aid missions ever. Details after this short break. [ heart beating, monitor beeping ] woman what do you mean, Homeowners Insurance doesnt cover floods . [ heart rate increases ] man a few inches of water caused all this . [ heart rate increases ] woman 2 but i dont even live near the water. What you dont know about Flood Insurance may shock you including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as 129 a year. For an agent, call the number that appears on your screen. Welcome back. Crucial supplies are on the way to roughly half a million refugees in Northern Iraq. The United Nations Refugee Agency launched a massive aid mission on wednesday. One of its largest ever, in fact. The first aid drop included thousands of tents, plastic sheets, kitchen sets and gerry can, expandable plastic bottles from now until Early September some 2400 tons of supplies will be delivered to Northern Iraq by land, air and sea. For months isis militants have been persecuting religious minorities in iraq causing hundreds of thousands of them to flee. Yeah, this is creating a massive humanitarian crisis. Anna coren shows us how desperately that aid is needed. Reporter as flies crawl over his face in the stifling heat a baby boy lies in his mothers arm borns two weeks ago, not in a hospital, on top of mt. Sinjar. I was scared he was going to die. She says i cant believe hes alive. They climbed with tens of thousands of other yazidis, many thought they would not survive. Mothers threw away their babies. They were exhausted says the mother of five. He was in my womb. I could not give him to the mountain. Now living in an abandoned market with 100 desperate families who have nowhere else to go. I was a policeman. Now im a refugee. My properties are gone. I cant sleep. All i think about is how to get out of here but we cant go back. They will kill us. This is just a fraction of the refugees who have fled. Since the war with isis began, in the past few weeks, more than a quarter of a million refugees have arrived living on the streets in schools, camps, anywhere they can find shelter. And this is the man now responsible for looking after them. Handing out 300 u. S. Dollars to each family the governor admits this is merely a band dade. Look after them for one week maybe, two weeks, i can feed them but not more than that. They need International Community has to mobilize its resources. They have to do something for these people. Reporter while theyre on the ground expanding existing camps there is strong criticism the aid agencies are dragging their feet. There are 65,000 people in this camp and the surrounding area. The governor says he just does not have the resources to deal with this humanitarian crisis. And is pleading with the International Community to act now. While some countries such as france and australia have offered asylum to iraqs persecuted religious minorities not everyone is looking to leave. But there is one condition. Isis otherwimust be defeated. They are just beasts and International Community has to get rid of them or its like cancer. It spreads. Reporter until that day this is their home under a bridge feel ago ban doned by the world. Anna coren, cnn, kurdistan, iraq. All right, we will take a very short break and on a much lighter note, just ahead, caring through haircuts. One mans special way of giving back to the community. That is next. 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You know, the threat is on the increase and very rapidly, errol. Weve seen nearly 4,000 subglacial quake as cross this region underneath this mountain and thats really a major concern and thats just since saturday afternoon. Juice in the past 24 hours seen 300 quakes occur. This is among increased activity and shallow level of magma movement beneath the surface a sign something will be happening inside the next few weeks, next few month, perhaps. Its very hard to tell with this sort of volcano but the situation across the middaryn, Midatlantic Ridge and notorious and the eurasian plate pulling off and one towards north america and right over iceland a region notorious for volcano, 130 volcanic mountain as cross this region and the one in particular thats causing the concern right now, bardarbunga as errol told you is right here, thisindicative of whats going on. Flood will be an issue for local access but we know no Public Access at this point, National Parks have been closed and permanent residents have been forced to get out of this region because of this increased threat and the second highest level issued here. The escalating unrest as its known, imminent level of concern and again with that shallow magma movement it is concerning for what could happen inside the next few weeks or few months and you compare this to [ speaking a Foreign Language ] ive been practicing that. E 16 because of the 16 letters caused nearly 2 billion in damage, some 100,000 flights were halted and bardarbunga on the right. Similar and last eruption back in 2010. It was another eruption but when you think about very seu, very. These are the upper level winds that carry the ash downstream and can you see the jet stream winds certainly would take that if that were to happen would take that right over northwestern europe and western europe from paris on into london so this is not something you want to see when it comes to the setup and the proximity to europe. Remember all those people stranded last time. The ash cloud so do you think it could be worse than what we saw the last volcano do . Youre really going after these two. It has a potential to be worse, yes. This is one of the most destructive of iceland so of the one we shall see. Bardarbunga, well wait and see. Thank you, pedram. Getting back to the community doesnt have to require grand gestures or lots of money. No, as one new york city hairstylist shows us all it takes is sharing your skis and a smile. Thirst ink i say, want to do something nice for you today. I began cutting Homeless People in the philippines. I travel to the philippines about two years ago in may, i believe, 2012 and i decided to work in a little barbershop in the province that my family is from, pay the barbershop owner and the bashers and the barbershop to allow me to work next to them for the day and had the less fortunate children rolling into the barbershop. Thought why not bring this back home. The reason i dress down when i go out in the trees to do hairshuts. I dont want to draw attention to myself but i just want to blend in. The best way to inspire other people is to be inspired by others. The reason im out in the streets so i can inspire other people and i just so happen to be a hairstylist and im able to give haircuts on the street but everybody does something that they can do for anybody out on the street. You feel like you dont have much of a talent then its not too hard to dig into your pockets or even give somebody something to eat or just even be nice or smile at somebody. What a wonderful young man. Yeah, just proved you can give something away for free and a haircut makes people feel good. That guy didnt have many teeth but a nice big smile. And a great haircut. Want to see more of his before and after images a Photo Gallery posted at cnnmoney. Com. Do take a look at that. Thats it from me this hour. My colleague takes it from here with errol as our special cnn coverage continues. Enjoy your weekend. Its been a pleasure. Im still here for you all, though. Coming up in the next hour cnn ride as long with the officer in charge of keeping the peace in ferguson, missouri, hear what the u. S. Attorney told him and why locals say they dont trust the police. Stay with us here on cnn. 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Meanwhile, the investigation continue, Barbara Starr has the story. U. S. And British Intelligence experts are scouring every frame of the gruesome video, showing the murder of james foley, for clues about who killed him. President obama offering

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