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The popular vote, 5. 3 million more votes than trump. Biden didnt just win. It was a divisive win. President trump still refuses to concede. I want to bring in cnn White House Correspondent john harwood and political commentator amanda carpenter. All better known as the a team. John, the president elect now has a divisive 306 electoralvote win. Is President Trump getting any closer to accepting the reality that hes a loser . Don, its hard to describe how strange the situation is. But i do think the president is getting somewhat closer to acceptance of this in some quasi public way. First of all he had this phone call today with Geraldo Rivera who reported that the president described himself as a realist. Step one. Tonight hes retweeting these selfglorification videos that dan scavino has circulated that paint donald trump as a hero. Theyre all about trumps heroic qualities. That seems to be preparing his ego for accepting defeat. Today at the white house he had a News Conference, or a public performance, about the search for a vaccine which is a legitimate triumph of the administration. He celebrated the advent of the vaccine and tried to contrast himself with the guy who maybe replacing him saying im not going to permit any lockdowns. Take a listen to this. This administration will not be going to a lockdown. Hopefully whatever happens in the future, who knows which administration it will be, time will tell, i can tell you this administration will not go to a lockdown. So you saw the little hint there. He almost came out and said, im not going to do it, but the other guy is going to do it. But hes not saying the words out loud. He didnt take any questions from reporters. He sent out a couple of aides today to perform like circus freaks on Television Like Kayleigh Mcenany said hes going to show up because its going to be his inauguration on january 20th. Peter navarro said, well, were preparing for a second term in the white house. Theyre not preparing for a second term in the white house. The reason you know that, the rubber hits the road for the young aides whose paychecks are going to run out on january 20th. Theyre preparing to find new jobs. And they should be allowed to find new jobs. Listen, amanda, everything that john just said, look, im not a psychologist or psychiatrist, but aahhh. Theres a lot going in there. Its really sad to watch. You say that what did you call this coronavirus News Conference . You said it was a proof of life video. Yeah, because hes gone into hiding because he cant publicly admit defeat. Thats the reality. Heres the thing, don. You can say it, i can say it. He lost. He lost. He lost. He lost. But he needs to send that signal. I dont think he will, but theres a reason why people give concession speeches, especially in president ial elections. Its because the losers need to send a signal to their supporters that this fight is over and more importantly they should not take matters into their own hands and consider violent actions. And donald trump, as he privately struggles and goes through his internal drama, his people will be taking the streets in washington, d. C. , tomorrow. Its his campaign organizers, people like matt schlapp, members of congress are going to be there. And so i think were giving trump far too much leash on this. His people on the ground are perpetuating the notion that the election was stolen. I was happy to see john kelly stand up and say this is over and he needs to participate in the peaceful transition of power for security purposes. But now is the time for a lot more people to say things like that. Anybody and Everybody Needs to send a signal that donald trump is an out outlier. This is fringe behavior that is not acceptable in a democratic society. If you have any influence among republicans, say that now. Maybe he would understand that in the language that hes accustomed to like, youre fired . I dont know. Maybe thats easier for him instead of he lost the Electoral College and therefore he lost the presidency. Maybe youre fired is more palatable to him. When donald trump won, i stayed up until 2 30 in the morning and i then called donald trump to congratulate him. His margin of victory over Hillary Clinton wasnt greater than joe bidens over him. But if youre listening to some of the talk radio that trump voters are listening to, if youre watching fox news, if youre getting those tweets, those allegations are presented as facts. Youve got millions of people out there who think there must be cheating because the president said so. To amandas point and to the former president s point, trump did not win. He lost. There is no widespread fraud. Thats what election and dhs officials are saying and yet President Trump is trying to sell this lie. Im with amanda on this. For elected officials who follow politics, who know about electoral politics, who know about voting, theyre going along with a game they know is very disingenuous. You can take people who dont follow politics very closely, they dont know whats really going on and they believe theres cheating for the senators, for the politicians who know how these vote tals work. For them to be silent or go along with the charade, we need to go along until all of the votes have been counted, all of the races have been called. Theyre trying to shield his ego from being bruised by not saying that he lost and not saying he shouldnt concede the race and allow joe biden to begin the transition process. Its absurd to see all of these politicians sort of play this game and maybe pretend they dont know whats going on or saying were preparing for a Second Trump Administration or maybe theres some sort of hand of god that will come in at the last minute and allow President Trump to have a second term. They know better. Its important for us to say that these politicians know better and unfortunately for a lot of the voters out there who do support President Trump, many of them dont know better and some of them do know better and theyre being led astray by a number of politicians who should be telling their constituents that this is whats going to happen. We need to come together to make sure that this process playing out in a way that, you know, preserves our democracy and preserves the National Security of the country and thats not happening. Heres what is interesting to me. You have people, as i have said before, like Lindsay Graham and others who are saying, this was every legal vote needs to be counted and saying something unusual happened with the election. He won on the same ballot. If this president s not legitimate, is his win not legitimate . It makes absolutely no sense. And all of these people who are talking about liberal tears for the last four years and snowflakes forever, they turn out to be the snowflakes, amanda, theyre the ones who are crying now, the trump tears. The latest talking point that people like my former boss ted cruz were pushing over the last week, that the president deserves his day in court. Okay, the president has had his day in court, many days in court. Hes lost 20some cases. Hes losing again and again and again. Because the Court Demands evidence of ballot fraud. They have none. Their lawyers are pulling out. Now Rudy Giuliani, the New York Times is reporting, Rudy Giuliani is going to be put in charge of the legal strategy. It is over. The courts have ruled. John don, thats the biggest sign right there look it up. That its over. Rudy giuliani is the biggest circus freak in the trump orbit. He was once americas mayor. Hes now a television performer who comes on and says crazy stuff. By telling his aides that Rudy Giuliani is in charge, hes telling them that there is purely a tv joke right now. This is what we heard from president obama. Look, joe biden will be the next president of the United States, Kamala Harris will be the next Vice President. Theres no legal basis, there but hes getting support from members of the Republican Party who are not challenging him. And that has been disappointing. They obviously didnt think there was any fraud going on because they didnt say anything about it for the first two days. But theres damage to this because what happens is that the peaceful transfer of power, the notion that any of us who attain an elected office, whether its dogcatcher or president , are servants of the people. Its a temporary job. Were not above the rules. Were not above the law. Thats the essence of our democracy. John, okay, none of the president s lawsuits are appear to be holding up. Im wondering how much longer the Republican Party can stay silent or the members who are going along with this, how much longer. They keep saying, everyone keeps saying, 70some Million People voted for the president. Okay, thats fine. But there are a lot of those people who are not living in reality right now. Theyre being lied to by state tv and others, even people who are supposed to work for us. Kayleigh mcenany. How much longer is the Republican Party going to stay silent . How much longer are we supposed to go along with this and continue to coddle people who arent necessarily living in reality . Its hard to say how long it will go on. My colleagues, of course, are correct. It should have been over long ago, days ago. Republicans should not have participated in this theater. If i had to guess, i would say it goes no longer than the end of next week. I think eventually people who are not quite as delusional as donald trump but are participating and facilitating his delusions, they get warned down by reality and reality gets weightier every single day, as we get the cases thrown out, as we get vote totals certified, republican officials in places like arizona saying this is a legitimate result, close as it was, i dont think they want to carry this into thanksgiving weekend and perpetuate this too much longer. We have deadlines with the Electoral College which is due to vote in middecember. I dont think its going to go that long. All right. Thank you, all. I appreciate it. Listen, people who are maybe Trump Supporters i know you may not like me. Im telling you the truth. Youre being played. Wake up. The reality is, donald trump lost. Theres no evidence of widespread voter fraud. He lost. And he may be using you to pay off election debts. Come on. We have to move on and move to a better, saner place in this country. Time to cut the shenanigans. Cnn is projecting that president elect biden will win the state of georgia. President trump will win north carolina. Senior Political Writer and analyst harry enten is here to break this down for us. We need you to give us reality and numbers. Help us. Cnn has projected a winner in every state. What stands out to you when you look at the map . Im a numbers guy. Thats what i do. Thats what i spend my days doing. I just think its so helpful to compare this to what occurred in 2016, right . President trump would bring around that big electoral map with him. Hed say, oh, this is a landslide. Look at that. Biden has the same number of electoral votes that trump got and not only that, but bidens popular vote victory, he won the popular vote. Hes at 51 right now. Trump got 46 . If trump had a landslide, thats the only way to talk about it, biden has won this election. He won it fair and square and we just have to recognize that fact and move on from it. Okay, so a landslide, an earth slide, an ocean slide, i dont know how he would characterize it, the biggest, hugest. Its a very divisive win. How does it compare to other elections . Look back through history. Its something i like to do. Look at all of the president ial elections since 1920. Joe biden earned a higher percentage of the electoral votes than all but three challengers since 1920, were talking about fdr, reagan, bill clinton in 1992. If we look at the popular vote, right, this is even clearer. What we see is that joe biden is forecast to earn a higher percentage of the popular vote, 51 right now. Might get up to 52 than every challenger than Franklin Roosevelt in 1932. This is what were talking about right now. Were saying that joe biden, just looking at the results, a clear, definitive victory, something that we rarely see for challengers when theyre taking on incumbents. Those are the numbers, the facts. Okay, harry. Its a big deal biden turned georgia blue. That hasnt happened since the 1992 president ial race with bill clinton. How did he do it . You know, this is so interesting. We had all of these swing states. We werent sure how they would go. But one of the key things to recognize about georgia, Donald Trumps base is white voters without a College Degree. They make up a low proportion of that electoral, much lower than the seven closest states that trump won in 2016. 30 according to preelection polls. In this particular election, that was the group that trump did best with. You have a large black vote that joe biden did well with and those suburbs around atlanta, white voters with a College Degree who have been shifting away from the Republican Party into the democratic party, they make up a large percentage of that georgia vote. Joe biden did well with them and the result as you saw was he was the first democrat since bill clinton in 1992 to win the state of georgia. Stacey abrams, what she created, shed been working on for ten years. This is exactly what i talk about on my podcast. I talk about this week the power of the black woman vote, especially in georgia and southern states. I will just say this to end it, don. Black women saved joe bidens bid for the presidency in the South Carolina democratic primary and they helped carry him over the top in many swing states including georgia. Thank you. The podcast is called silence is not an option. More than 175,000 new coronavirus cases reported just today. Americans could see a vaccine by april. But what happens between now and then . Were going to bring you the latest. First, more from president obama on trump refusing to acknowledge he lost this election. Any of us who attain an elected office, whether its dogcatcher or president , are servants of the people. Its a temporary job. Were not above the rules. Were not above the law. Thats the essence of our democracy. children laughing music swells music fades exhales experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. [narrator] we are boomer natur. Our neck gaiters, face masks, and onepiece shield masks are certified 99. 99 antimicrol with nanosilver technology. Boomer naturals, you and your family deserve the best. Available at boomernaturals. Com, cvs stores, and cvs. Com. Boomer naturals, weve got you. upbeat music shower your pets with gifts and goodies. Boomethis week at petsmart. You. Get a 10 petsmart bonus card when you spend 50 or more. And enjoy free sameday delivery on petsmart. Com powered by doordash. Let the season of spoiling begin. Petsmart. Its shiori. What . Shi or i adam, emily and then. Suh um. Its shiori. Shori. Thank you, thats great. Shiori in japanese there you go. Yeah. in japanese wow, it looks beautiful in japanese really . i really like it. Its our sharpest ever, and while some other companies would charge more for something new, we dont. Because why be like everyone else . Harrys. Not the same. We have some breaking news to tell you about. The u. S. Setting a record for the number of daily coronavirus cases, at least 175,000 today alone. And dr. Jonathan reiner is here. Thank you, doctor. We need to stop meeting this way. I mean that sincerely. I know. This is awful. The president breaking his silence today, but he only gave an optimistic update about vaccine progress, not an assessment about the situation, and what we should be doing to stop the spread of the virus. Thats weak leadership, in many peoples estimation. Right. Im optimistic about the vaccine also. But we have to get there. The outgoing Vice President said americans should be comforted that help is on the way. But it doesnt comfort me that a vaccine is going to be available in april for most americans, right . We need help now. What are you going to do now . We need to get through the winter. Americans are dying. We need to get through the end of the fall, and then the winter, exactly. To do that, we need to take care of the hospitals. Theyre filling up, and the thing we need is a nationwide mask mandate. Thats the first thing we need. I cant wait until january 21st at 12 01 00 p. M. It has to happen now . Do you think it will . It will have to happen organically through the nations governors. And the other thing is that president elect bidens team should start reaching out to the governors. They dont have to wait to start doing things for their states. I want to show you this picture. It was a dinner being set up for incoming members of congress. They cancelled it after an extreme backlash online, and are instead serving boxed meals to go. Pret pretty tonedeaf, they need to be modeling good behavior, as families are wrestling about what to do about thanksgiving. What do you think . Was it tonedeaf . You think . So, lets be Crystal Clear about this. Its unsafe to have dinner inside a place with a lot of people. Particularly a lot of people that are not related to you. Look, every night we tell people, look, you cant go to mom and dads for thanksgiving because its not safe. Now the house of representatives is going to have two large gatherings in statuary hall . Absolutely insane, from a medical standpoint, and tonedeaf from a policy standpoint. Really crazy. What is going on . Everyone is losing it. Yeah. Thank you, doctor. Always a pleasure. Sure. Oh, youre going to stay with me. Sorry, doctor, i dont want to get rid of you. I want to bring in jonathan, thank you. And the doctor will stay with us. Jonathan, weve learned that several dozen members of the secret service are quarantined or infected with covid19, tied to the trump rallies and parties leading up to the election. Is this something that secret Service Members signed up for . Weve talked about this time and time again. Actions have consequences and were clearly seeing this, with 130 secret Service Uniform Division Officers either infected with the virus or quarantined because of it. Its a Significant Impact to the potential operation around the white house. You know, but beyond these officers and agents that are affected, theres a ripple effect, theres a second and third order of consequences that theyve not only have been placed at risk, but their families and loved ones. And all of this, really unnecessarily. We know the president doesnt think of the impact on the people who have to be around him, but the joyride to get out of walter reed with the hermetically sealed car with the president , whthat is a good reminder. What are your colleagues saying . That was the culmination of multiple missteps that the agency unfortunately has been placed into throughout the past months. You know, we should never have been here. There should have been, you know, a codified Health Security plan built around the president of the United States. I said this before, the president should never have contracted this deadly virus, nor should the first lady, or anyone else at the white house. We should have had a very comprehensive Health Security plan that was set up from day one that had all the stakeholders, secret service, the white house military office, the white house staff, guided by science, that allowed us to the president to, you know, do his job, and the white house to function normally but safely under these unprecedented conditions. We did not do that, because people failed to recognize the threat that this virus poses. Doctor, its not just the agents. Its their friends, colleagues, and families that are being put at risk. Right. We wear masks at work to protect each other, we protect ourselves and each other. But this president has spent the last nine months placing the people around him, not just the supporters that come to his rallies, but his advance teams and secret service agents, and his political staff that travel with him, and the press. Hes put all of these people at needless risk for just really to soothe his own vanity. A stanford study a week or two ago suggested that 18 of these masked gatherings that the president had during the summer probably accounted for 30,000 new infections. Now we know some of the folks infected were the people that put their own lives at risk for him, his secret service agents. Thank you, thank you all. I appreciate it. Thank you both, i should say. Have a good weekend. With cases surging, Public Health officials are warning about gathering on thanksgiving. What do you need to know to celebrate safely . Were going to tell you. Some Companies Still have hr stuck between employees and their data. Entering data. Changing data. More and more sensitive, personal data. And it doesnt just drag hr down. It drags the entire business down with inefficiency, errors and waste. Its ridiculous. So ridiculous. With paycom, employees enter and manage their own data in a single, easy to use software. Visit paycom. Com, and schedule your demo today. Heres another cleaning tip from mr. 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Dr. Anthony fauci suggesting americans should wear masks. Obviously, its difficult to be eating and drinking at a dinner with a mask on. You cant do that. But to the extent that you can keep that mask on, nothing is going to be perfect in this. But if youre indoors and gathering with people, even a relatively small group, to the extent possible, keep the mask on. So just dont do it, people. Dont gather. Can families celebrate safely this thanksgiving . Joining me, andy slavitt. Good to see you, andy. I mean, i want to be with me family, but im not going to do it. But, i mean, what, who is right . What should americans be doing . They should have thanksgiving with the people youre spending time with now, and thats it. Dont add parents, dont add neighbors, college kids. And the good news is, i know thats hard and we all love thanksgiving. I love thanksgiving. But the truth is, were crushing our hospital system. And the good news is, we do have vaccines coming around the corner. This is one year, we have to pick a holiday well take off. We didnt do it memorial day, independence day, this has to be the one. Let me ask you, because people are going to think, im exempt, ive been seeing my family, hanging out with them, ive been wearing masks, having barbecues, whatever. My mom has been seeing her my sister and her nieces, right, and her greatgrandbabies, her granddaughters, my nieces. Sorry. Shes been seeing them at the end of the driveway, and coming over to say hello to my mother. Right. Dont they should not be gathering for thanksgiving just because its thanksgiving. They need to continue to say hello at the end of the driveway, right, regardless. Rightme. Its just another day in november. If its somewhere warm, and you can meet outdoors, terrific. If its someone you see in your home every day, terrific. Otherwise, keep the distance. Well be glad we are, the virus unfortunately has spread deeply into most communities. And its, you know, its something were going to have to deal with. Its not i think only in america do we consider skipping a meal with some friends to be a sacrifice. So even if you live across town, or in the same town as your family i dont know. What do you do . If theyre in your bubble already, and youre spending time with them already, and you know that theyre only spending time with you, then thats one thing. But if youre going to have some people over, and you dont know who theyve been spending time with, you dont know how big your bubble is. Their kids are spending time with other peoples kids, who are doing other things. And you dont want to catch this virus. Two weeks from today, we had 160,000 cases today. Two weeks from today, a large number of those people will be entering the Hospital Systems that are in many places already at breaking points. Lets give our icu nurses a break, please. Lets give our doctors a break, please. Theyre begging us to do this. I know most people are careful, but a lot of people are not. My favorite holiday is christmas, its going to be tough, but maybe i cant see my family. And this is a cool online tool from georgia tech that helps you assess how likely you are to come in contact with someone who has coronavirus. This is very important, people. A lot of thanksgiving events can range between ten to 15 people. So we tried that out. In places like tallahassee and wilkesbarre is in the low to midteens. And in amarillo and cedar rap s rapids, youre flipping a coin. Can this tool help people assess the risk . I think common sense should tell us that, what risks are you willing to take a 15 chance with your mother or grandmother or father or grandfather . I think the risks are too high. And the news about the vaccines should encourage us. During the course of next year, were going to get our lives back. This is not going to be forever. This is a short period of time. We can do this. We have to be able to do this. Yeah. Andy, thank you for speaking truth to the viewers. I appreciate it. Ill see you soon. Sure. Well be right back. Your experience matters. At university of phoenix, students with relevant Life Experience and eligible transfer credits save on average 11k and 1 year off their undergrad degree. See how much you can save. Shower your pets with gifts and goodies. Tthis week at petsmart. Get a 10 petsmart bonus card when you spend 50 or more. And enjoy free sameday delivery on petsmart. Com powered by doordash. Let the season of spoiling begin. Petsmart. Sarah for a while ive negative self image. There was like this contrast between like the way that i was thinking about my personality and the way that i was thinking about my body. With noom, i was able to learn how to interrupt those habits and create new ones. So my goal was 35 pounds and ive lost about 30 pounds now. So. Ive never been this confident in my body. My name is sara and i changed my life with noom. Visit noom. 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The claims that joe biden stole the election from donald trump are all false, but it means little to people inundated with li lies. I believe they tried to stop the election. Reporter it started more than four years ago. The brainchild of a political dirty trick artist and convicted li liar, roger stone. Stop the steal is posting much of this material. Theres insurmountable, compelling, overcoming evidence of fraud. Its a coordinated effort that has been revived twice by roger stone and allied political operatives in an attempt to gaslight the integrity of our election process. Reporter ben decker says far from a grassroots campaign, its a business. In 2016, roger stones p. A. C. Asked for 10,000 donations, purportedly to help donald trump back then. He said the group was a nonprofit, dedicated to ensuring the integrity of the vote. In the runup to 2020, the stop the steal campaign rebooted by a group of people orbiting roger stone. There was a website and hashtags. Amy kramer, who in 2016 formed the group women vote trump with stones exwife. Kramer was behind a stop the steal facebook group. It was taken down by facebook. Also shut down, a cluster of pages affiliated with steve bannon that coordinated posts using inauthentic tactics to artificially boost how many people saw their content. In all, 2. 5 million followers t shut down. This week, stone took his message to the most notorious conspiracy theorist of them all, alex jones. Clemson university saw the hashtag mentioned in merely 2 million tweets, filled with unsubstantiated and false information. It only took a day and a half before facebook took the group down. By then, it was already too late. Reporter copycat sites now number in the thousands. And the false information is only multiplying. Drew griffin, cnn, atlanta. Hmm. Well be right back. children laughing music swells dog barking music fades exhales experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. 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Big and little cities, all over, said we can get through this, we can do better. Cnn heroes salutes remarkable people who, when faced with two simultaneous crises, stood up. We want you to share some of the incredible moments of inspiration that moved you all this year. Moments that helped keep our spirits lifted and moving forward, together. Heres some of this years most inspiring moments. Before, we never noticed the shift change. We didnt see the Health Care Workers and First Responders heading home after a long day. But now, we do. We celebrated these heroes, every night, in cities around the world. For nearly eight minutes, george floyd pleaded for his life. His death sparked worldwide protests against Police Brutality and systemic racism. At the press conference, his daughter shared hope for us all. When the call rang out for ppe to keep our frontline workers safe, americans responded with great generosity. The workers did something extraordinary. They moved in and quarantined two of their manufacturing plants to get the job done. In june, a photograph captured the worlds attention. During a london protest, events turned violent. One man, a white, former police officer, wandered into the crowd and started to get beat up. Black lives matter protestor, patrick hutchinson, saw that he was in peril and carried him to safety. In florence, people sang the Italian National anthem. In chicago, they countered the sorrow with livin on a prayer. And a broadway legend serenaded us with the impossible dream from his balcony. All over the world, we found a way to lift each other and connect through the power of music. And this summer, millions of people worldwide were willing to risk their lives amid the pandemic by stepping out and stepping up to protest systemic racism. The call for justice, equality. Inspiring a movement of all ages, races, religions, and creeds. Which of these moments inspired you the most . Well, vote now at cnn heroes dot com. And again, every day through november 30th, to let us know your favorite. Once you vote, you can also upload your own videos telling us why these moments moved you. Just might see yourself on cnn heroes an allstar tribute. Thats sunday, december 13th, 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cnn. Thanks, anderson. Its going to be an incredible night and you can join us. Go to cnn heroes dot com for the moments that inspired you the most. And then, tune in as anderson, i should say, and special, guest host kelly ripa, theyre going to host annual cnn heroes an allstar tribute. Live on december 13th. You wont want to miss. Thank you for watching, everyone. Our coverage continues. avo what kind of value are you looking for with your next new vehicle . With subaru, you get Kelley Blue Books 2020 best resale value brand, 2020 lowest 5year cost to own brand, and most trusted brand for six consecutive years. 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Let the season of spoiling begin. Petsmart. Apps except work. Rywhere. Why is that . Is it because people love filling out forms . Maybe they like checking with their supervisor to see how much Vacation Time they have. Or sending corporate their expense reports. Ill let you in on a little secret. They dont. By empowering employees to manage their own tasks, paycom frees you to focus on the business of business. To learn more, visit paycom. Com good evening. Tonight, with the pandemic raging and his last electoral chances dead or dying, the outgoing president of the United States is still refusing to accept you know what . It doesnt matter. I was about to start off tonight, telling you about y

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