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Dr. Price and i enjoyed your interview with Preet Bharara. Two very important conversations. Yeah, i mean, the a. G. Seeming to throw around the crime of sedition as a Political Tool is very frightening. Yeah. Especially when it flies in the face of what this president seems to be selling the American People, which is you got to watch out for thee institutions, they can come and get you. Yeah. The a. G. Says there are definitely people in the government working to thwart this administration. Well, what does he call trying to bait sedition cases against the causes that they dont like . And also trying to the scary black people out there. When you actually look at what and Preet Bharara mentioned it before. The fbi director today testifying about mmhmm. Whats the biggest threat, Terror Threat, and that is White Supremacists. Shh. In this country. But you cannot im going to do a report on it. Trust me, you know im going to get there. But, yeah, its the Largest Group of raciallymotivated domestic terrorists. Shh. But you wouldnt know that because its scary. There are all these protesters out there. There is all this rioting and looting. Yeah, thats the focus. Well you see the faces on those black guys . I mean, they are angry. Yeah. White guys, nobodys worried about them, don. So lets talk about that, chris, honestly, because if you watch a certain state tv and listen to conservative media you would think that, you know, entire cities are just, you know, embrawled in fights and fires and whatever. We went out and had a great dinner in new york city tonight. People actually walked up to us and said thank you for i watch you every night. I cant believe they had to do a double take at us actually hanging out and not seeings on the tv screen. New york city was not a he hellscape was it . That one guy ran by with the machete. No, of course it isnt. His campaign is be afraid. The genius twist by fox news is thats what they say we want to do, is scare you. Which really enhances the president s ability to do it. Yeah. It is a very beautiful, concerted action between the two of them. Its unfortunate that its point of purpose is to divide the American People. Yeah. There we were having dinner. Its great to be together in the city. We were met by a great group a lot of people came up to us. Infectious disease doctors. Who helped me explain to everybody else why we can do so much better with the types of testing were using and then a miracle happened. So im talking to the doctors, and like all of a sudden i feel like this this, like, breeze that was like almost like the holy spirit kind of flying through. And all of a sudden don lemons hand i figure i dont know if its reaching for a gun, reaching for a hair brush. Could be anything. Oh, please. A powder puff. Pulls out a credit card and gives it to the waiter and says, ill pay. But do you the line after that is i dont remember anything after that. You dont remember . I said its on the boss. It was the corporate card. I was trying to give you max credit for the situation. I enjoyed it. It was great being out in the city. It was great we had a meeting so we came in early and got to go to dinner. It was great being out in the city and seeing people and seeing their reactions. And, listen, before people try to twist what were saying. Nobody is condoning violence here. We know that there is violence out there, but entire cities are not on fire and in tumult. There are a few blocks. And when people do that and they, you know, burn things and break into stores and loot, wrong, wrong, wrong on every level, but we want people to know that things are things are going to are going to get better. We hope. With the right leadership. And then, you know, people on november 3rd will make up their minds of what that leadership should be. Absolutely. But i do want people to always keep in focus this. We have heard people say that the fight for equality and justice, simply defined as fairness under law, has been depicted this way before. Yeah. And it was in the 60s. And you had the same kind of white fright purveyors saying, oh, they dont want to just be equal, they want what you have. Yeah. They did it then and they are doing it now and one of them is the president of the United States. And they said the same thing about dr. King. There are if you look at news reports and there is this one cartoon that is that i keep at my desk that actually bernice king tweeted out. Where they were doing the same thing. Dr. King is being interviewed by someone and saying, oh, peaceful protest and then there is, you know, things that look like riots behind him. So its the same sort of messaging. Everything old is new again. And as i always say, dont but weve never seen from the top. The republicans went to nixon and said youve got to go. Youve got to go. Dr. Price is out. He got thrown out by this administration for good reason. Yeah. He would not say the second half of the truth. The first half is the science is clear. Not at all. Wear the mask. Isnt that amazing . He wouldnt say and the president is wrong to say it. Thats the state of play in that party. I think youre right about that. And, listen, no matter how afraid you are of me, you always tell me when im wrong and i respect that about you. And you do the same. Thats why we love each other because we can trust each other to be real. As all real friends. You want a friend . Be a friend. All right. So, sometimes i love you. Not all the time. Thank you for paying. Youre welcome. This is cnn tonight. Don lemon, i love you. This is cnn tonight. Listen, we have some breaking news tonight. A night where if you squint at your tvs, it almost looks like were in a normal campaign season, right . Joe biden at this town hall in pennsylvania. Right here on cnn. And it was listen, it was whatever you thought about joe biden, it was social distancing, people in their cars. He answered actually answered peoples questions. And i thought it was fantastic. I really enjoyed watching it. Again, you get to decide how you think the person at the town hall, the center of the town hall, how he did. Thats your business. But i thought it was really good. It was really handled well. There werent people crowded into a place. They were all socially distanced. It was done very well and you actually got some information out of it. So President Trump was at a rally in wisconsin as well. This is a different story. Well talk about that, too. Biden taking questions from voters. Taking on President Trump over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Watch this. The idea that youre gonna not tell people what youve been told, that this virus is incredibly contiguous, seven times more contiguous than the flu, you breathe the air, you get it sucked into your lungs. What has he done . Imagine and by the way, Columbia University medical school pointed out if he had just acted one month one week earlier, he would have save 37,000 lives. All the way back in march i was calling for the need for us to have masks, have the president stand and tell us whats going on. But he knew it. He knew it and did nothing. Its close to criminal. Answering questions. Talking directly to people. And taking their questions, again, answering them. But the president , you got to watch this, too. On stage giving his usual attacks against elites. Biden flipping the script on that to say that, hey, im the guy who came from a workingclass background. Think about where the president comes from. When you guys started talking on television about biden, if he wins will be the first person without an Ivy League Degree to be elected president , im thinking, who the hell makes you think i have to have an Ivy League Degree to be president . I really mean it. I found my back up. No, im not joking. Im not joking, like, guys like me who were the first in my family to go to college, up here my dad busted his neck. My dad came up here, worked here, lost his job like a lot of people did here. Used to be a bad joke in the 60s in scranton. Nobodys in scranton, everybodys from scranton because so many people lost their jobs. We are as good as anybody else. And guys like trump, who inherited everything and squaur squandered what they inherited, are the people ive always had a problem with. Donald trump is running behind joe biden right now. And maybe its no surprise that who he really wants to run against is the specter of scary mobs. Hed like you to be more afraid of. More afraid of them than of the deadly virus he has allowed to run rampant killing people. Leftwing mobs have torn down statues of our founders, desecrated our memorials, and carried out a campaign of violence and anarchy. Farleft demonstrators have chanted the words america was never great. These rhoadicals have been aide and abetted by liberal politicians, establishment media, and even large corporations. Whether it is the mob on the street or the cancel culture in the boardroom, the goal is the same, to silence dissent, to scare you out of speaking the truth, and to bully americans into abandoning their values, their heritage and their very way of life. God, that was really hes really low energy. And everything is scary. Everything is negative. Everything is dark. Its the melees is unbelievable in this country right now. People are exhausted. Theyre overwhelmed by all of the chaos every day. One crisis and then another one the next day and another one the next day to the next day to the next day to the next day. Maybe hes being affected by it because he certainly sounds low energy. But everything is so dark. The country is awful. They are out to get you. Think about the loaded words there, mobs, violence anarchy. Hes the president. If he believes that, then why do we have that on his watch . The mobs, the chaos, the anarchy, the violence. Why . Is it gonna the next president gonna fix he has the next president is gonna fix what he as the former president did . Anybody who takes to the streets to protest the president s policies is called a radical. Another word. Never mind that today the fbi director, Christopher Wray, told Congress Today that the majority of protesters this summer were peaceful protesters. The head of the fbi. This president also wants to run against the media. He wants to run Nicole Hannah jones 1619 project. The times 1619 project is an exploration of the impact of slavery throughout American History. The 1619 project is meant to broaden everyones perspective not trash the nations history, to open your minds. To have a conversation. To get you to understand have some knowledge. Not to trash the nations history. That fits into trumps us against them campaign narrative. Students in our universities are inundated with critical race theory. This is a marxist doctrine, holding that america is a wicked and racist nation, that even Young Children are complicit in oppression. By viewing every issue through the lens of race, they want to impose a new segregation, and we must not allow that to happen. Critical race theory, the 1619 project, and the crusade against American History is toxic propaganda, ideological poison that if not removed will dissolve the civic bonds that tie us together. It will destroy our country. Oh, my gosh. So heavy. I was just writing down, like if you watch this as an exercise for you to do at home. If you watch a trump speech if you can or watch him say anything. Just pick out some of the words and adjectives. Just what he talks about. Just anything, okay . Just in that thing towards the end i started doing it. Toxic, he said. This was just the last part. I didnt do it in the beginning. Poison, propaganda, destroy. Words have an effect on you. That is what youre being sold and what youre taking in. That negativity. Thats why youre in a malaise. Thats why you have anxiety. You dont know if your kids are going to go back to school, youre going to be able to go back to the office. You know that feeling you have right now, that all of us have, oh, my gosh, what is going to happen next . Can i take more of this . Who is going to get us out of this deadly pandemic . Everybodys out to get him. Everyones out to get you. All of it. His Campaign Strategy is to divide this country and somehow he believes that strategy will lead to his reelection. His reelection effort took a severe hit today from a former member of his own Vice President s staff, mike pences staff. Her name is olivia troy. She says she is a lifelong republican. She was a Homeland Security adviser to pence. And shes also his lead staffer on the white houses Coronavirus Task force. She sat in on task force meetings. Now, in a in a video that was released just today, olivia troy slams trumps mishandling of this coronavirus pandemic. It was shocking to see the president saying that the virus was a hoax, saying that everythings okay when we know that its not. The truth is he doesnt actually care about anyone else but himself. Troy says that she was sitting in at a covid meeting one day and she said she was shocked to hear a statement she claims the president made. Here it is. The president said, maybe this covid thing is a good thing. I dont like shaking hands with people. I dont have to shake hands with these disgusting people. Those disgusting people are the same people that he claims to care about. These are the people still going to his rallies today who have complete faith in who he is. Olivia troy believes President Trump has contempt for his base. For those supporters who show up at his rallies. And follow his lead. By not wearing masks. And applauding. Night after night, medical experts on this show say he is putting the lives of those americans in jeopardy. He doesnt want to shake their hands. You know hes a germaphobe. You know that. Ive met him. He doesnt like to do it. But he is fine, though, packing his supporters into indoor rallies with no social distancing and no masks to cheer and yell all the things you arent supposed to do. But he doesnt seem to care. She joins a long and growing list of republicans, including those who served in the trump administration, who are publicly endorsing joe biden now for president. In the meantime, joe biden participating in a town hall right here on cnn. A socially distanced one. He got angry about the president s handling of the coronavirus. And theres lots to talk about. Gloria borger, niamalika henderson, both here after the break. Youre clearly someone who takes care of yourself. So when it comes to screening for colon cancer, dont wait. Because when caught early, its more treatable. 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Good evening to both of you. Good to see you. I hope you guys watched. Hi, don, good to see you. Okay. Good to see you. Oh, yeah. Yeah, i know you had to watch. So give me your overall impressions, Gloria Borger how Vice President former Vice President joe biden did tonight. Well, this is his format. This is where he excels. A Campaign Debate with ten other candidates on the stage, as we all know, not so much. This is where he can directly answer voters questions oneonone. He can empathize, as he did when talking about covid. He can be strong when talking about the president , saying his behavior on covid was almost criminal, and what he did tonight, i thought, was interesting and important was that he became kind of joey from scranton, pennsylvania. Yeah, he wanted you to know hes from scranton tonight. Oh and they call him i can tell you, his sister still calls him joey, and he was the guy who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. His family had to move to wilmington because his father lost his job. So he knows what it feels like it be from scranton and he knows what it feels like to be looked down upon by all those elites from park avenue. I think trump is fifth avenue, but maybe im wrong. No, youre right. He made that clear connection. Im your im your guy, im not the park avenue guy. Yeah. And i think he needs to do that in pennsylvania. Well, listen, you must have been over or listening to my phone call today as i was speaking with someone. They asked me earlier, gloria, how do you think the former Vice President is going to do . I said oneonone is his format. When i moderated a debate with him, in that hes not big in groups. Remember, stopping before the moderators tell him to stop or what have you. Yep. And also, i think, nia, and i dont know if you agree with this, he needed to get some reps under his belt and get out there. I think he was rusty because he hadnt been on the political stage in a long time. I think thats right and that showed up in a big way in Donald Trumps town hall that he did a few days ago. And so there you had joe biden doing what he does best, as gloria talked about, showing empathy to those folks, many of whom had real losses of relatives from different diseases, whether it be covid, cancer, and joe biden talking about his own experiences and what he would do also in terms of policy. There is a wrap on joe biden that is coming from this white house, coming from republicans that he isnt up to it, that hes lost a step, that he cant get all of his facts straight and here you had a joe biden who add one point was describing the difference between the two different vaccines. One of which works at the molecular right. Cellular level and one of which works at the immune system level. So in great detail, he was going into that. So i think its certainly really undermining this argument that we have by trump and republicans that he isnt up to it. He isnt up to debating. He isnt up to the job of presidency. So, yeah, i thought he really shined tonight. And, listen, donald trump probably would do well to get out there more and do this kind of format, to have people asking these wide variety of questions, be about covid or be they be about Police Reform or race or any of those topics. Im glad you mentioned covid because were going to talk about that. Also, you know, should come on cnn and do it as well. A town hall here. Gloria, the Vice President yeah. Hit the president hard on coronavirus. As nia just mentioned. So lets listen to a bit of that and ill get you to respond. Yeah. All the way back and i was on one of your shows all the way back in march i was calling for the need for us to have masks, to have the president stand and tell us whats going on, but he knew it, he knew it and did nothing. Its close to criminal. This is all about one thing, the stock market. He doesnt want to see anything happen. Its all about his reelection. It should be about the American People. And theyre in trouble. And if we dont do it and by the way, his own cdc director contradicted him recently. He said if, in fact, you just wore this mask, nothing else but this mask, you would save between now and january another 100,000 lives. And so we have to be honest with the American People. Theyre tough. Gloria, biden holding up the mask versus President Trump who says waiters dont like them and it took him forever to even be seen putting one on or wearing one. Right. Yeah, and then he and, you know, trump said at one point, well, you know, maybe joe biden feels secure wearing his mask. This is a this is a choice between two polar opposites, and i asked i asked joe biden are you the opposite of donald trump and he crossed himself and said, i hope so. I think what you saw tonight was that demonstrated on the question of covid and the question of a mask. He is saying, look, we have to level with the American People. We have to follow the science. We have to tell them what works. We have to tell them what doesnt work. And this mask, according to biden and the cdc director, redfield, can help you. And what was donald trump doing . Making fun of masks. Yeah. So if you think masks are a hoax, okay. Yeah. Thats fine. Then youre not gonna vote for joe biden. And according to dr. Price who was on part of the administration as well, saying masks work. Yep. Nia, Vice President biden also called what attorney general bill barr said about slavery and coronavirus outrageous. It was. It was, indeed. Listen, slavery was a singular horrible, horrific institution, and any time you are talking about slavery, youve got to be careful about the sort of analogies youre drawing, the same thing with the holocaust, a singular awful event, but there you have somebody like bill barr stirring up the crowd, talking to conservatives. And really talking to Donald Trumps base, who have used similar language when talking about the oppressiveness that they see coming from the democrats and this idea that they should wear masks. And you had joe biden really i think turning this on its head and saying, listen, wearing a mask is about patriotism. Its not only about protecting you, but protecting your fellow citizens, your neighbors, old people who live in your community, people who may have preexisting conditions in your community. So but, listen, i think in bill barr we have a figure that is going to advance the talking points of this president. Hes a very different kind of attorney general than weve seen from attorney generals in the last administrations, and so he is going to say those sorts of inflammatory things about slavery because this is what the president wants to see from this attorney general, somebody who is mixing it up with the same kind of language from trump voters and sort of the conservative chattering classes. Well, thank you, nia. Fairly new mom. And gloria, new grandma to be coming soon. Yes. Im so happy for both of you. Thank you. That was our talk in the break. Thank you, guys. See you soon. Be well. Thanks, don. Thank you. A former staffer on the Coronavirus Task force coming forward tonight to reveal what he was like in those meetings. She says he only cared about himself and he failed to protect americans. Anthony scaramucci is with me next. Well see if that bodes with what he knows about this president. Still your best friend. And now your copilot. Still a father. But now a friend. 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Anthony, good evening to you. Hey, good evening. Good evening, don. As i said, it was a scathing its another major scathing rebuke, i should say, of the president from his own Vice President s aide, olivia troy, a former staffer on the Coronavirus Task force. She says that President Trump could have saved more lives, but he could have cared he only cared about the election. I want you to listen to this and then ill get your response. When we were in a task force meeting, the president said maybe this covid thing is a good thing. I dont like shaking hands with people. I dont have to shake hands with these disgusting people. Those disgusting people are the same people that he claims to care about. Is that what he really thinks about his supporters, anthony . So lets go back a second, don. He he said that the troops are suckers and losers. He says that the reporters im sorry, the his acolytes, his supporters are disgusting people. His niece has said, which he said, his sister has said what she said, the personal lawyer has said what he said. The generals in the book rage have all said what theyve said. And so i guess the real question that we should have for people is, why is it not resonating . Now, the good news is we have more people that are going to come out in the successive weeks, as weve been telling people over the last couple of weeks, and so therell be more people that the American People will hear from. Again, a continued warning from the people that are very close to the president in terms of what he is really like. Now, he has willing sycophants that are going to lie for him, of course, but these are good patriots. These are good men and women. Theyre going to take a lot of heat for doing what theyre doing and i want to just praise olivia tonight for her bravery, her courage and her patriotism. So i got to ask you continuing on what you were saying and go on. You are in the extrump club. Youre talking about these people. Yet another person in the ranks saying, look, this is not what you think it is. You say were going to see more. Do you care to share or want to wait for them to come out on their own. As ive been saying, the good news is that its coming. Olivias another shoe to drop. Lieutenant currently vindman youve been telling me this for a year, by wait. Yeah, i told you when the time was right you and i had this private conversation. When this time is right there will be a cadre of people that will come out. Theyre probably trying to time it as best they can, as close to the election as possible to speak out because thats when the average voter, don, is really looking at the choices that theyre making. And theyre speaking out now. And i got to tell you, you know, its a very compelling speech. She has a lot to lose making that speech, but shes an incredibly brave, very intelligent person, and shes telling the truth, don. So you just have to make a decision. Now, there are a group of people the president is correct. He can shoot somebody on fifth avenue. Theyre going to stay with him no matter what. But theres a much larger, smarter group of people that are gonna send him home on november 3rd, and thats what were working on right now, a coalition of willing americans, willing democrats, willing republicans and the great irony, don, is the president is actually uniting the majority of americans. He just happens to be uniting them against him. And so theres a lot more to come. Its just not fair for me to steal those peoples thunder. I got you. Lets watch this unfold over the next couple of weeks. Well, lets talk about what happened tonight. Because he held a rally in wisconsin tonight. Zero social distancing. Few masks. I want you to watch this moment. Yes, thank you very much. So if youre a president , right, and you are nominated for the nobel peace prize, youre the United States no, but think of this. Thats a big deal. I mean, obama got it, like, in his first couple of weeks and nobody knew why he got it, including him. Remember, he couldnt tell you why. He had no idea to this day, he has no idea why he got it, but if youre a president and you get nominated then two days later you get nominated did you know this . A second time for a different deal, kosovo, serbia. Theyve been killing each other for hundreds of years. I stopped a lot of death and i did it, like, easy. It wasnt hard for me. Its sort of a natural thing to do. My god. Oh, my god, how embarrassing for him. But hes obsessed. Well, listen, you know, Michael Cohen in the book disloyal just writes about the racist invective, the envy of barack obama in terms of his eloquence and his education. And he doesnt like his skin color, which is obvious. And so hes sitting up there bragging about something that hasnt happened yet. And, listen, i want to be fair. Im not gonna be the person that demonizes the president because what were trying to do is chip away from his support. And what i find, don, when we demonize him flaps go down over the ears, eye shades go down and people stop listening. So all im trying to do is provide an objective criteria. Certainly there are some things that hes done well, but the magnitude of what hes done has been an unmitigated disaster for the United States. Hes made the country weaker, sicker and poorer as a result of his decisionmaking, his ranc incompetence and failure to lead the executive branch of the United States. So i want to talk about that objectively. I want to bring more people out of the fray to speak about it who are willing and honest about it. We also have anonymous coming out who will disclose who they are shortly as well. So theres a combination of factors, and ultimately i think my old friend steve bannon is going to be correct. Were going to chip away 3 to 5 of the republican support away from donald trump and hes gonna lose. A very Fragile Coalition last time in 2016 and hes alienated a tremendous amount of people, including the people that have worked for him, don. Anthony scaramucci, thank you, sir. Appreciate it. Good to be here. Thank you. A stunning picture on how the president has handled the coronavirus from a direct witness, and now cases spiking in nearly two dozen states. Are we at the beginning of another postholiday surge . You know when your dog is itching for an outing. Or itching for some cuddle time. But you may not know when hes itching for help. Licking for help. Or rubbing for help. If your dog does these frequently. They may be signs of an allergic skin condition that needs treatment. Dont wait. Talk to your veterinarian and learn more at itchingforhelp. Com. For my mouth to aim at. Oh, hiding, huh . The new grilled buffalo chicken papadia tangy buffalo sauce, grilled chicken, and melty cheese for just six bucks. Papa johns. A former top aide to Vice President pence on the white house Coronavirus Task force saying the president failing to protect the American Public and only cares about his reelection. That as we see an alarming uptick in coronavirus cases all across the u. S. Look at the look at your screen now. Nearly half of the states showing an upward trend. Thats scary. Dr. William william haseltine, the former professor at Harvard Medical School joins me. Thank you for joining us, sir. Thank you for joining us. Happy to be here. I want to ask you about this aide speaking out. She said the president didnt want to hear in february about how bad this would get and that the president refused to embrace masks, even as other Task Force Members begged him to do so. As an expert, can you can you tell my audience what difference those things would have made . Well, looking in hindsight, i believe that we could have saved almost everybody from being killed by the virus had we acted on the information. That we had in february. If the federal government took systematic and vigorous action. Instead, the administration didnt act, punted to the states, many of those states punted to their local communities. The result was chaos and we now have 200,000 americans dead. Thats history. Lets look forward. As i look at whats happening today, i see the same thing happening. I see inaction, i see many actions that could be taken not being taken, and projections are, as you well know, that another 200,000 people may die in this country before the end of the year because we arent taking very simple actions. Yeah. 100,000 of those, as redfield said, could have been could be saved simply by universal maskwearing. Yeah. 100,000. Another 100,000 could be saved if we take more vigorous Public Health measures. And im happy to discuss some of those, but we can reduce this to close to zero without a vaccine, without a drug if we are serious and if we have serious leadership and participation at all stages by the federal government. Which we have not had. And more compliance, right . Then we would have more compliance if we had a president who led by example. But, listen, i want to ask you about this about mark meadows, the white house chief of staff. Right. Questioning correct drerkd redfield over his vaccine timeline after President Trump said redfield was confused. Listen to this and then ill get your response. While dr. Redfield may have a timeline in mind, to my knowledge, he hasnt had intimate discussions with those processes. He may be referring to a timeline that he published. Im not aware of that, but i can tell you that timeline is not consistent with what i have had personal interaction with. Listen, when i heard the president yesterday saying that dr. Redfield is confused. I was like, wait a minute, dr. Redfield speaking as if he knew more than the head of the cdc, who is dr. Redfield. A member of the Coronavirus Task force. He has a laundry list of qualifications. President trump not so much. Is there anything confusing about what redfield is saying . Well, redfield is saying what he understands from the facts. We recently had an unveiling of some of those facts with the publication of the timelines for the vaccines, the very vaccines that the administration is talking about. At very earliest will have emergency use authorizations maybe in november, but if you really are looking at those timelines, theres not going to be available for the general public until about a year from now. Mmhmm. Thats if the vaccine is partially effective and partially safe. Can i ask you real quickly, please you can answer this. 51 of americans would get this is a poll. Would get a vaccine if it were available today. A jawdropping 78 worried approval will move too fast. Go on. Thats alarming, by the way. It is alarming, and the reason is that theres been great confusion about timelines, about the protocols that are being followed. Ive had an opportunity now to begin to look at the actual protocols. Mmhmm. They worry me. It looks like theyre developing a vaccine that theyre going to judge by whether it prevents colds. Right. Not death or serious injury. Yeah. Major criteria is not something that you or i would care about. Won we dont care if we get a cold. Yeah. We care if we have to go to the hospital. We care if were going to die or somebody they love is going to die. Theyre not necessarily going to judge the success of the vaccine. Thats got to be the last word. Doctor, thank you so much. I appreciate it. See you next time. Youre welcome. Well be right back. Thanks a lot. O new ways of w. And innovation is at the heart of it. Verizon 5g ultra wideband is the fastest 5g in the world, with speeds up to 25 times todays 4g networks. 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Within the domestic terrorism bucket, the category as a whole, racially motivated violent extremism is i think the biggest bucket within that larger group, and within the racially motivated violent extremist bucket, people ascribing to some kind of white supremacist type ideologies is certainly the biggest chunk of that. Did you hear . All you folks . Clean out your ears who want to criticize me for saying that calling me a race baiter. Its a fact. Its not new, either. We have pointed out officials see White Supremacy as a major Terror Threat in this country. Thats the head of the fbi saying it. Its just that people dont want to hear it. Even though last year director wray said the threat was persistent and pervasive. The danger, i think, of White Supremacists, violent extremism or any other violent extremism is of course significant. Its a persistent pervasive threat. Cnn reported just last week on a department of Homeland Security assessment that finds White Supremacists will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the United States through 2021. That according to draft documents. The president doesnt recognize the threat. He keeps warning of a liberal mob coming to destroy our cities. Meanwhile, the umbrella man, seen smashing windows after business in minneapolis following the killing of george floyd, turns out he is associates with a prison gang, a gang the Antidefamation League identify as white supremacist. People believe he helped initiate riots and destruction. While the president deploys race baiting act ticks, incites panic over antifa invading suburbs not happening while the president downplays the threat of White Supremacy remember, very fine people on both sides listen to what officials are saying. They are saying the threat is real from White Supremacists, a threat that will remain real until there is a president who takes action, and the current president has shown no interest in doing just that. Joe biden says President Trumps downplaying of coronavirus is close to criminal. As a former white house aide unloads on the president s handling. Pandemic. Were covering it all just ahead. We are the thrivers. Women with metastatic breast cancer. Our time. For more time. Has come. Living longer is possible and proven in postmenopausal women taking kisqali plus fulvestrant. In a clinical trial, kisqali plus fulvestrant helped women live longer with hr , her2 metastatic breast cancer. And it significantly delayed disease progression. Kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. It can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. 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