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Continued slow healing. Thank you, chris. Doctor, thank you for becoming part of the family. Well be together again soon. Thank you all for watching. Cnn tonight with d. Lemon right now. Ive told you that i wasnt crazy about these things that were happening to me and that other people were getting it. 100,000 people are in her group. Youre trying to convince me that youre not crazy . No, i may be, but not because of this. You know i never said you were crazy. Have i ever said that . When i told you i was having these crazy symptoms, i know your were talking to christina, like, you better get him checked out and not for covid. Were not supposed to talk about that. Christina, sanjay, other people, i cant tell you who because i dont want to give their confidence. But, listen, theres no question. We were really worried about you. You know that . How did you know that . Who told you. Listen, just because im paranoid doesnt mean people arent after me. Listen, the depression for me is something that i got to work through. Im not new with it, but these doctors are totally in the dark, don. Yeah. Im not blaming them. Its not a criticism. Im saying its a learning curve. So she gets people together, covid onset glaucoma. Does she look like somebody who should have glaucoma. People who are getting diabetes and different tachiacardia, peoples hearts are out of rhythm because of covid. Two questions for you. How much do you think it causes the underlying conditions to come forward . Things that may happen to you later on in life may come forward because the disease or the virus, excuse me, has forced your body to deal with it or brought it to the fore. Do you think thats possible . I think as my as my boy duffer would say, its the both of them. I think that this blood vesselattacking virus causes some of these things and exacerbates other things. Because of how taxed it is on your system. And thats why the idea of anybody getting this if they dont have to is a shame. Yeah. And thats why i got so hot tonight about the president making jokes about the mask. Yeah. Man, it is not a joke. Its like the only thing weve got. Everywhere i go. Masks. You got a lot of masks, man. People send me machsks. You getting paid to wear those masks . Is that the one with the dog on it . I dont know why you have dogs like that when your dogs look nothing like that. I do wonder listen, i got to move on. You know were in trouble for the rest of the week. Since we did our late show, were so used to talking to people for three hours. It is the mostwatched part of the day every day. So, but i wonder, not that listen, im not underestimating or discounting, but how much do you think it is psychosomatic, meaning the brain has because you know the brain ive been sick. Very strong. You dont know you dont know what it is. Right. Most diseases we know how to fix it. A cold, you know how to fix a cold. This you dont know to do. Every single thing you become worried about it and it becomes psychosomatic. I wish there were an aspect of hypochondria. You dont think . Ive been wishing this stuff away, pretending its not there. Now im not. Now im taking it on all. Look, will you have people who fake it . 100 . You always do. Im telling you, 100,000 people coming together because they think theyre going crazy from having things they cant believe could be derivativie of a virus and its no consequence. Well, i got to tell you one thing. You gained your weight tell you didnt slow you down. Stuck your hand right to get another one. You didnt watch seinfeld. I love you, don lemon. Make your witness. Love you, brother. Talk to you soon. Cnn tonight. Thats who this is, im don lemon. Thank you so much for joining us. I saw just a little bit earlier that chris had said that there were the tale of two kenoshas. Well, theres two americas and they are in stark contrast. You know weve had two americas for quite some time, especially when it comes to people of color, right, versus the larger culture. Two different americas, two different perspectives and people sort of caught up and became more aware during the george floyd situation. But we have two different americas in direct contrast tonight. Im talking about joe biden and President Trump. They exemplify these two americas politically that were having right now. They returned to the pandemic version of the campaign trail. One wearing a mask and socially distancing. One maskless in front of a crowd. Tale of two americas. Biden traveling to kenosha, meeting with jacob blakes family, talking on the phone with them. Two days after the president went there and did neither. I had an opportunity to spend some time with jacob on the phone. Hes out of icu. We spoke for about 15 minutes. His brother and two sisters, his dad and his mom on the telephone. And i spoke to them a lot before, but we spent time together my wife. And he talked about how nothing was going to defeat him. And then there is this president. Going to pennsylvania for a rambling speech in front of a crowd. Shouting and cheering with no masks. Bragging about the stock market. Even though, by the way, the dow and the nasdaq plummeted today. Their worst day since june. Millions of americans, millions of americans are suffering. They suffer from hunger and eviction. Weve been telling you about these folks. Were going to have an update for you on that tonight. People are suffering. Homelessness. Eviction. This president bragging that we are rounding turn on the pandemic, demanding that states reopen, and joking around about holding a crowded rally in the middle of the virus that has killed more than 86,000 americans. Were doing the hangar thing now because the arenas cant do it because of the pandemic for a little while. In certain ways, i like this better. I dont have to travel. I get off the plane, i make the speech, i get the hell out of here. Can you imagine . Get the hell out of there . Thats what this is about for this president . Give the speech and then get the hell away from the people youre elected to serve. Wow, thats hilarious. Ooh. But just listen. This is mike pence, what he says today about his boss without even a trace of irony. Listen to this. Well, i always i always tell people that to know President Trump is to is to know someone whose word is his bond. He said that with a straight face. His word is his bond. Yeah, listen, you almost have to laugh. Come on. Except this is serious. This president has lied more than 20,000 times, according to the washington posts count. And remember when he promised over and over during the 2016 campaign to build a wall on the southern border and to get mexico to pay for it . He said it again tonight. Here we are. Okay . This is the truth. Four years later, five miles only, five. Four years. Five miles of new wall have been put up in areas where no barriers previously existed. The other is replacement fencing, but he likes to count that. Its already there. And mexico what . Not paying for it. Mexico didnt pay for it. Nothing. This president repeatedly lies about what we have all heard him say for so long. Repeatedly. Tries to deny his own words. Remember when he asked whether a powerful light or injecting disinfectant in the body might kill the coronavirus . Of course you do. You have to remember it. Even though his apologists say he never said that. Okay, like to show it them on your phone when they say that to you. Remember when he walked that back dying later, claiming he was being sarcastic . Well, he was not. Now hes lying about mailin voting, doubling down again tonight on encouraging americans to vote twice. Even though that is illegal. And these mailin ballots, these mailin ballots are a disgrace and they know it. Sign your mailin ballot, okay . You sign it. And send it in. And then you have to follow it. And if on election day or early voting that is not tabulated and counted, you go vote. And then if so some reason after that it shouldnt take that long. It comes in, theyre not going to be able to tabulate it because you will have voted. You have to make sure your vote counts because the only way theyre going to beat us is by doing that kind of stuff. So im going to say it again for you. Im going to say it again, if youre not listening, maybe youre doing something. Im going to say it again. Its illegal to vote twice. And there was a time when this president might have said the same thing. Because i want you to listen to what he said just a few months ago. The level of dishonesty with democrat voting is unbelievable. If you told a republican to vote twice, theyd get sick at even the thought of it. The level of dishonesty with democrats should be democratic voting, but thats okay. Hes not very good with grammar. Huh . The level of dishonesty with democrats . Lets listen again to what the president said yesterday. Theyll go out and theyll vote, and theyre going to have to go and check their vote by going to the poll and voting that way because if it tabulates then they wont be able to do that. So let them send it in and let them go vote. And if the system is as good as they say it is, obviously they wont be able to vote. If it isnt tabulated, they wont be able to vote. Thats the way it is. Do you ever feel like youre watching a parody, like the president on a show . The music and everything. I feel like someone wrote its almost like a curb your enthusiasm version of the president , like a what do they call it a docuseries . A comedic docuseries, where its not really the president , but he acts like the president and says funny stuff and bumbles and stumbles his way through, all of a sudden, youre like, how did he get to that and then its like thats what this feels like every single day. So in the face of all that, in the face of the president of the United States by the way, its real. He is president of the United States. Encouraging people to vote twice and casting doubt on mailin voting in the middle of a pandemic. This is pretty stunning. The department of Homeland Security issuing an intelligence bulletin warning states that russia has sought to sow doubt about the integrity of our election by amplifying criticisms that mailin mailin voting will be will result in widespread fraud. That warning coming just one day after the president tried to get you to vote twice. In a what he implied was an effort to test mailin voting. Theres a good way to test it. You could d o that yourself, set it up so that people can test it so that it could work for everyone, or you could get people to do things, try to get them to do something thats illegal, right . And one day after the president the president s attorney general attacked mailin voting, as his words, playing with fire. There are several states that only have mailin voting, including a republican state wolf, this is playing with fire. This is playing with fire. Were a very closely divided country here, and if people have to have confidence in the results of the election and the legitimacy of the government and people trying to change the rules to this to this methodology, which as a matter of logic is very open to fraud and coercion, is reckless and dangerous, and the people are playing with fire. Well, i will point out there are five states that only have mailin voting, including utah and colorado, washington state, oregon, hawaii, and they theyve reported over the years theyve had virtually no problems, but whos trying to change the rules right now . I would say the people who want to go to mass mailin ballots. Okay. Well, theres a lot oh get into tonight. Dont have time to go through all that. Im just going to the attorney general and the president attacked mailin voting and then the very next day Homeland Security warns that russia is doing the same thing. So how exactly does that work . Do the russians pick up on what the president is saying . And amplify it because it suits their ends . Or do both parties just want to divide america so they do the same thing to achieve that . How sad a thing to say about the american president is that . Seriously, think about that. Its not the first time that these interests have aligned. We all remember this, this was during the last president ial election, remember . The one that russia interfered in. Russia, if youre listening, i hope youre able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Thats what should happen, like, after ever sound bite. But its real. The president later tried to claim that was a joke. See . So much for his word being his bond. This is the kind of president that we have got right now. A president who tells americans to do something illegal, to vote twice, claiming it would be a way to test the system, even though it would be, again, blatantly illegal. Are you seeing whats happening here . I always say dont fall for the okeydoke, so let me point this out, the groundwork is being laid. Hes laying the groundwork here. Do you see that . He threatened to delay the november election. Even though he has absolutely no Legal Authority to do that. He has thrown around the baseless charge the election will be rigged. What people are now looking at is am i right, but not me, are all these stories right about the fact that these elections will be fraudulent, theyll be fixed, theyll be rigged. He suggested that he may not accept election results. Im not a good loser. I dont like to lose. I dont lose too often. I dont like to lose. But are you gracious . You dont know until you see. It depends. I think mailin voting is going to rig the election. I really do. Are you suggesting that you might not accept the results of the election . I have to see. Look, Hillary Clinton asked me the same thing. He just wants you to do what he does. Whats so wrong about that . We want to have an election where people actually go in and whats your name . My name is so and so, boom, you sign the book, like ive been doing for years. So the president is claiming that he has been voting inperson for years. Not recently. The fact is he has voted absentee in new york in 2018 and in floridas primary in march. Okay . Melania trump tried to vote absentee for new york mayor in 2017. But didnt sign the envelope. Whoopsie. The old do what i say, not what i do strategy. And lets not forget what happened when donald trump tried to vote in person in 2004. And was turned away from one polling place after another. This is an access hollywood video. Do i have to go to a different place . Yeah. Theres a little drama at the polling booth. We like that. Do me a favor, double check. We have the paperwork that has his address. Im calling my lawyer right now. Go ahead. Work on it. Wherever you want us to go. Where do we go . 520. 520 park avenue. Okay. I like that location better. Hi, folks. How are you doing . Make sure theres no cheating here, right . They dont have my name. Do you believe this . Hes not in my book neither. All right. So its not here, right . Hi, fellas, how are you . Do you have my name here. If his names not on these rolls, there will be a huge combustion in the air. Im going to fill out the absentee ballot. And ive just voted. At least you can say the trumpster doesnt give up. Thats right. Right . The trumpster doesnt give up. Guess what . Would have been deprived of his right to vote if it wasnt for that absentee ballot. Same thing could happen to more people. Im not on the rolls here, but i know im registered. Making it easier for all americans to vote. The right to vote. So i am probably the trumster doesnt give up. I mean, come on. You cant make this stuff up. Sorry, its thursday. Its been a long week. Im going to say this probably a lot, every day between now the election election day and beyond. This president is trying to sow doubt about our free and fair elections. Thats what he doing. He throws around outrageous claims that no other president would. Dont fall for it. And you know why hes doing it . Keep this in mind. Because hes afraid that he will lose. Vote early. Vote. Whatever your voice. Even if its him, but vote. Dont be suckered by all of this chaos that he is sowing here. All of this is happening the reason that were talking about mailin voting is because this is happening as the coronavirus is spreading, is raging. The death toll in this country, over 18 of,000 tonight. And if one thing we know about this pandemic, that masks save lives. So why is the president mocking joe biden for wearing one . Dr. William schaffner and amesh diajalah sorry, i screwed up your name. Ill get it right on the other side. Theyre both here. Well see you right after the break. Introducing the future of fitness. Its every class you can imagine, live. Welcome back to the mirror. Youve got this john. And on demand. Its boxing. Cardio. Yoga. And more. Its an interactive, goal crushing. Whole family. Whole body fitness machine. Its so cool the future of fitness is at home. The mirror. If your adventure. Keeps turning into unexpected bathroom trips. You may have overactive bladder, or oab. Not again were seeing a doctor when we get home. Myrbetriq treats oab symptoms of urgency, frequency, and leakage. Its the first and only oab treatment in its class. Myrbetriq may increase blood pressure. Tell your doctor right away if you have trouble emptying your bladder or have a weak urine stream. 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Wear your mask when youre close together in particular, wash your hands. All those things. We have Labor Day Weekend coming up. But did you ever see a man who likes a mask as much as him . Then he makes a speech and he always not always, but a lot of times he has it hanging down because you know what . It gives him a feeling of security. If i were a psychiatrist right . No, id say id say this guys got some big issues. So, doctor, i mean, what does this is this a its not funny filipino its truly stunning because we know what the science shows. Mask saves lives. If everyone wore masks, it would save thousands of lives, and the president has the gall to mock joe biden for wearing one . Its disgusting. This is a president whose own Coronavirus Task force, his own cdc has recommended face coverings, yet he doesnt follow that, and he mocks people for doing it. Its exactly what you dont want in a leader. And this has been emblematic of the entire trump response to the coronavirus pandemic from the very beginning. Its really the opposite of how you would respond to any Infectious Disease emergency, and its horrible that thats happening in our country. Dr. Schaffner, give me your reaction, too, because the president spoke to a crowd of people, people who werent socially distancing, probably few masks were in that crowd. Shouldnt the president be leading by example . Well, of course. And dr. Adaljas exactly on the mark. This is 180 degrees opposite from what he ought to be doing. We need a consistent National Philosophy and he has to personify it. He should show people that hes wearing it, and he shouldnt have appearances before crowds of people who are not wearing masks. Thats exactly the wrong thing to do. Hes giving permission to people this labor day to go out there and be carefree and careless rather than careful. Doctor adalja, let me bring you back in because i want you to check out these coronavirus trends, right . Were going to put them up on the screen. The south and the west seeing declines after peaking in july. The northeast has remained stable for most of the summer, though some states are seeing an increase in cases over the last week, but it is the midwest that has been steadily increasing since late june. Why are they trending in the wrong direction . What you have is basically roving outbreaks. Hot spots that occur in different parts of the country. We see certain parts light up, then theres targeted Public Health interventions, they come down and then it moves on to another part of the country. And i think thats going to be the new normal going forward, that were not going to have complete control of the country, but a very heterogeneous outbreak. I think theres colleges opening, theres lots of Different Things driving outbreaks in different states, but its just in general that most states do not have the Public Health infrastructure to deal with the number of cases theyre going to get when there is social interaction. Its a biological fact, were going to get cases in different parts of the country. Yeah. Dr. Schaffner, lets talk about dr. Fauci. Dr. Fauci is saying its conceivable that a vaccine could be ready as early as next month. But not likely. What do you think of that . I think not likely. This is the first time ive heard tony be that optimistic. I still say toward the end of the year, beginning of the first quarter. You know, the last thing we want is for vaccine to give the impression that corners have been cut, principally, for political reasons, in order to get the vaccine out there. We will lose confidence, not only of the people, but of the profession. Also, then we wont get the vaccine utilized the way we want. Dr. Schaffner, dr. Adalja, thank you. Ill see you soon. Please be safe. Thank you. You too. Joe biden in kenosha today speaking with the blake family and jacob blake himself. Blakes sister fills us in on what they talked about and how jacob blake is doing. Thats next. When the world gets complicated, a lot goes through your mind. With fidelity wealth management, your dedicated adviser can give you straightforward advice and tailored recommendations. Thats the clarity you get with fidelity wealth management. Im a sustainability science researcher at amazon. Climate change is the fight of our generation. The biggest obstacle right now is that were running out of time. Amazon now has a goal to be net zero carbon by 2040. We dont really know exactly how we are going to get there. Its going to be pretty hard. But one way or another were going to reduce our Carbon Footprint to net zero. I want my son to know that i tried my hardest to make things better for his generation. 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The president blames the mayor for the violence. You see portland and chicago and you see whats happened in new york. Just in a very short period of time. Its horrible whats happened in new york. I love new york. I come from new york. And when i see four years ago, i left, and i could see that there were problems under this mayor. Hes a terrible mayor. One of the worst. So this president is President Trump not taking responsibility for unrest and violence in the city he grew up in. Why is that an issue . Okay, in case you dont know, i want you to look back to 2016. Then candidate trump blamed president barack obama for the violence in his hometown of chicago. Since president obama became president , almost 5,000 killings. In chicago. And nobody talks about it. In the president s hometown of chicago, more than 2,000 people have been the victim of shootings this year alone. In a place like chicago, where thousands of people have been killed, thousands over the last number of years. In fact, almost 4,000 have been killed since barack obama became president. Okay. So cnns own Kaitlan Collins took the president to task on the issue. Reporter in 2016, you said it was president obamas fault that homicides were up in chicago. So why was it the president s fault then but its not your fault now . Chicago is a disaster. The mayor is saying dont come in. Reporter why was it president obamas fault in 2016 . You credited it as because president obama was invited in and he did a poor job. President obama could have gone into chicago, he could have solved the problem and he didnt. So the president says that trump says that obama should have taken care of it. Now in President Trumps america, at the end of his first term, it is safe to say that he has not eliminated violence in his hometown. Let alone many other cities across the country. In trumps america right now. As usual, he is blaming someone else. Mayors, democrats, anybody else but himself. This is what this shows you. That this president s tough on Crime Campaign is weak on responsibility. Fine, no one leaves the table until your finished. Fine, well sleep here. Its the easiest because its the cheesiest. Kraft. For the win win. That selling carsarvana, 100 online wouldnt work. But we went to work. Building an experience that lets you shop over 17,000 cars from home. Creating a coast to Coast Network to deliver your car as soon as tomorrow. Recruiting an army of customer advocates to make your experience incredible. And putting you in control of the whole thing with powerful technology. Thats why weve become the nations Fastest Growing retailer. Because our customers love it. See for yourself, at carvana. Com. So, just two months until election day, and my next guest is one of the growing number of prominent republicans throwing their support behind joe biden. Former michigan governor rick snyder, a lifelong republican, writes this for usa today. I will continue to support and stand up for republican policies and values and support republican candidates, but i will not support donald trump for reelection for president. Trumps answer to people who oppose or disagree with them is to be verbal and abusive. In other words, he is a bully. Lets discuss now. Governor rick snyder is here. Governor, thank you so much. I really appreciate you joining us. I was just checking social media. Its still trending, what you are doing. People i think many people are pleasantly surprised by it, except for the people who may fall on the side of the person you call a bully, but i appreciate you joining us. You call the president a bully. Say he only governs to help people who supported him. What was the breaking point for you . Well, don, its great to be with you because im happy to share this. While i wish this never came about, in terms of seeing a circumstance like this, but its important to talk about. If you think about it, i go back to the inaugural back in 2016. I was there. And i had hopes. I listened to the president give his address, and all i heard was him speaking to the people that elected him. And thats what hes done for the last four years. If you stop and think about it, weve only become more divisive in this country. Mmhmm. Were the most divisive ive seen in my lifetime. And if you think about it, its not getting better. We cant keep that up. Americas a great country. We cant continue to be a great country if we cant get along with ourselves. So we need that change. We need someone that can bring us together. There are several other reasons i have issued with the president , but thats one of the primary ones. I believe in civility. I believe that success happens in this nation when we all Work Together for the common good. And i believe joe biden can deliver on that. So thats why it became very important. That if you look at it, i talk to young people, i talk to my kids, they all encouraged me to speak up because they said your voice can make a difference. So im doing what i i got some good advice from some young people on this one. I dont know what to say to you. So much going running through my head because it is so refreshing to listen to someone who is sensible. That americans can disagree on policy. We can disagree on ideology. On a number of things. But to people the namecalling and the division and the separation and the childishness and the lack of respect for the office, all of those things, thats those are my issues. I am just so grateful to hear someone speak with sense. And doesnt matter if its a democrat or a republican, but it helps that you are a supporter and that you that youre in the president s party. And i commend you for that. Thank you. Well, i appreciate that, don. I mean, we need to step back, though. This is where so many people have lost perspective, in my view. Mmhmm. Because if you look at it, im an american first. Right. Before im a partisan political person or belonging to a party. And i think too many people have forgotten that. It was interesting, the response i got today really illustrated a lot of that. I had people that i thought were friends that no longer said they were friends of mine. I had other people that didnt like me in the past that all of a sudden i was their new friend. On both extremes. And so that im still going to challenge you. If you come on, im still going to challenge you on ideas and on policy and on all of that, but as far as, you know, ive said this to so many people in my life personally that what you are not realizing, and especially those who are trump supporters, is that this president has not learned that he is the president of all of america. Even the people who did not support him or vote for him. And he has not widened or expanded his tent, which could help him could hurt him in the upcoming election. So your first point about, you know, not realizing he is the president of everyone, that is a very valid and should be prominent point. Well, ive lived that experience. I mean, thats part of what i thought was important about being a good governor, was whether someone voted for you or not, you represented them and you worked hard for them. Because it was an honor and a privilege to have that position and you dont want to let anyone down. And thats the part that drives me crazy when i just hear people talking about, hey, these people supported me. Or im trying to get their support. So thats who im campaigning for. I mean, thats what im going to do policies for. Yeah. We need to take care of everyone because we need to create an environment where its not about someone winning and someone losing. Yeah. We need an america where we can win together. Where we find common ground. We grow the economy together. We benefit together. And i believe joe biden can deliver on that. Can i can i ask you something just real quick if you can give me i mean, seriously, a quick answer. Did covid play the response to that play anything into your decision . Well, it reinforced it. In terms of Public Health issues, its been an absolute failure. Everything from mask to testing to ppe, everything at the federal level. Theres a growing list of prominent republicans who have announced their support for the democratic democratic candidate. Excuse me. Got just some of them up on the screen now. But i just want you to take a look at this point at this new cnn poll. It shows President Trump with commanding control over the republican party. 93 support. When you see that, what do you think about the gop . Well, its the party of trump today. I still believe in the republican party. And a number of the principles that go back decades. And im not going to change from that. Im happy to support republican candidates, and i want to, but as a practical matter, again, america comes first, and in this case, donald trump is not the right person to be president of the United States. For this next term. If you look at joe biden has earned that, in my view. I view it as a separate question. Its clear to me that i wont support rump. Yeah. But i also came to the point where i believe that joe biden will heal the country, though i dont agree with him on policy issues. I wouldnt agree with everyone. Thats not the nature of government. Its about compromise and finding answers and working together. And i believe he can win with that approach. Hes also a decent person. He is. I had the opportunity to work with him when he was Vice President. Yeah. I just had this conversation listen, i have to go. Ill get in trouble. I was just having this conversation with a group of people today and they said, listen, we didnt always agree some who feel like you, governor. He did not always agree with the former president barack obama on policy, but you knew that he was a decent person underneath. And would look out for you as an american, whether you supported him or not or would not bully you. And we dont have that today. So, listen, heres what im going to say to you. Not because of who youre supporting, who youre voting for, thats not, you know, thats not my bailiwick, but because youre a youre a smart, decent human being and you appear to not appear, you have a you have a mind and a brain and you speak with honesty and and sense. So when you come to new york, im going to take you out to dinner and were going to have a conversation and were going to agree and disagree on policy like the old days, rather than shouting each other down and calling each other names. Will you do that for me . Im in. Im allin on that. That would be great. Thank you, governor. If i come to michigan, ill let you know and you have to buy me dinner. Ill see you soon. In you come this way, bring it on, im ready to go. Governor snyder, thank you. Have a good one. Well be right back. Joe biden visiting kenosha, wisconsin, today, meeting privately with the family of jacob blake. Biden spoke with blake himself on the phone. Heres what he said about the conversation. He talked about how nothing was going to defeat him. How whether he walked again or not, he was not going to give up. He talked about a psalm in my Church Father based on the 23rd, may he you up on his wings and hold you in the palm of his hand. Well, i think whats unleashed a lot of people is they understand that fear doesnt solve problems. Only hope does. So ben crump joins me now. He is the lead attorney for the family. Ben, thank you. Appreciate you joining us. Can you tell us about the familys conversation with joe biden earlier today . Certainly, don. It was really the embodiment of leadership that we saw on behalf of Vice President biden and dr. Jill biden. The conversation in the meeting was hopeful. It was spiritual, and in many ways it was very substantive, don. His mother julia prayed for everybody. His father, jacob blake sr. And his sister, they literally wanted to ask him questions about the systematic racism that exists that led to jacob being shot and what did he plan to do about it. And he was very sub ststantive his response. He talked about Kamala Harris congressional legislation shes trying to put forth on the justice and policing accountability act. Also talked about having a National Registry of police shootings, talked about mandatory body cameras. And then the encore of the conversation, john don, im sorry. Was when jacob blake jr. Himself got on the phone with Vice President biden thats what i want to know. What did they talk about . What did he say . You know, Vice President biden told him that, you know, he was praying for him and that he thought of him and his health often. And jacob blake jr. Said, well, thank you, and just know, im not giving up. Im not going to give up on life, even if i never walk again, im going to be optimistic and im going to be strong, because my children need their father to believe. And it was so inspiring. And, you know, him and Vice President biden, they exchanged scripture, and they really talked on a deep level, don. It really was encouraging. Bernin, thank you. Listen, well get you back to talk more about the investigation and where that is going. Im at the top of the hour and were out of time. We were supposed to do a longer interview. We had some technical issues. Well get you back to talk about the investigation. Thank you for joining us. Yes, sir. The president just moments ago refuting a story that said he called americans who die in the war loser ands suckers. Stay with us for that breaking news. Nd. With fidelity wealth management, your dedicated adviser can give you straightforward advice and tailored recommendations. 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