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But ive been with you and you have caught nothing. First of all, we caught fish when we were together. First of all, i wrecked my boat. I still took you fishing. And we caught a fish. I lost it at the boat which was good because we werent going to take it home, anyway. I got to tell you something. So this is i mean, ingenuity, i have to show this, right . People have been coming up with things to do about masks and all that. I have a friend who is in boston. Took up quilting. Said im going to doing . Different, im just going to try something different. He took up quilting and made these masks for me. Look at that. Oh, wow. Whats on it . He got really good these are lemons. Oh, of course. Theyre reversible and washable. I mean, its really its amazing. Theyre really cool. They spread out. I think he should sell them. Did he just give you one . You cant wear one with lemons on it. Too on brand. Youve got to give it to me. He gave me a bunch of them. Ill give you one. Ill give you one for cristina. Is it going to fit over the kingsized sniffer . No, i need a bigger one. Im not going to talk about anyones nose. Listen to you. Youre so nice. I appreciated your interview with roddies attorney. It was very interesting and you answered the questions. People who dont really know about the legal system who watch a lot im getting my papers together as we always tell people. They always wonder when im looking down. Im sorting through my research and setting it up on my desk so im ready. Theyll watch cop shows or law and order shows and think, oh my gosh, theres a polygraph test. And its junk science. Polygraph test is not admissible in court. Its not admissible in court. Its so weird he wants to say the guy took a lie detector test. Why wont he answer the damn questions if he didnt do anything wrong . The media presents you a great opportunity if youve done nothing wrong. Let people know. Because thats what your community is going to see and thats who will probably judge you. This is what im going to talk about tonight. I say we have two viruses in this country right now. We have covid19 and we have racism 2020. And thats what were going to be dealing with tonight. The two viruses that are infecting our society and killing people. And we need to deal with both of them. So ive got a lot to talk about. Lot to do. Great show. Great interviews as usual. Ill see you soon. I love you and thank you for taking it on. I love you. It was good seeing you this weekend as well. Always. Socially distanced, of course. Well see you soon. This is cnn tonight. Im don lemon. Weve got breaking news tonight. The death toll from the coronavirus getting closer and closer to 100,000. That is almost unthinkable. Nearly 100,000 americans dead in a matter of months. And the president in a rose garden event doubles down on his disgraceful tactic of stoking a culture war over masks. The masks that millions of americans have been wearing for months to protect other people, to protect their fellow americans, right . The president mocking joe biden for wearing one at a memorial day event yesterday. Then turning on a reporter who asked him about it. Biden can wear a mask, but he was standing outside with his wife, perfect conditions, perfect weather. Theyre inside, they dont wear masks. And so i thought it was very unusual that he had one on, but i thought that was fine. I wasnt criticizing him at all. Why would i ever do a thing like that . And your second question was . I couldnt hear you. The second can you take it off because i cannot hear you. Ill just speak louder, sir. Because you want to be politically correct. Go ahead. No, sir, i just want to wear the mask. Go ahead. The president was speaking at an event on protecting the health of seniors and you know what . If he really cared about seniors he would encourage people to wear masks to save the lives of those seniors who make up a large portion of the coronavirus deaths. But this president would rather mock a reporter, hed rather mock joe biden, for doing what doing what every american has been doing. Most americans have been doing. The right thing. And that is wearing a mask. Mocking him for being a real man, unlike the president , and doing what he should be doing. Biden tonight updating his twitter avatar to a photo with a mask. And telling cnns dana bash this. Hes a fool. An absolute fool to talk that way. I mean, every leading doc in the world is saying we should wear a mask when youre in a crowd. We are going to have more from the former Vice President coming up, but at a time when we desperately need leadership, this president is escalating feuds trying to fire up a culture war over masks. The president , hes afraid, quite frankly, to be seen wearing a mask. Okay . Hes afraid to be seen wearing a mask. Hes afraid to be seen doing the right thing. And as a result, hes doing hes going to goad millions of people who follow him away from something that could save their life or the life of someone they love. You heard him. Making fun of reuters jeff mason for wearing a mask. For actually taking it seriously. The president saying he just wants to be politically correct. Okay. Well, listen to the second part of jeffs question and the president s response. The second question was about your tweets about the woman who died who youre suggesting that Joe Scarborough was responsible. Yeah, a lot of people suggest that. And hopefully someday people are going to find out. Certainly a very suspicious situation, very sad. Very sad and very suspicious. Question, please . Asked you not to tweet go ahead, please, go. Mr. President , though, have you seen the letter that was written by her husband begging twitter to delete your tweets . Talking about how hard its been for his family, for him yeah, i have, but im sure that ultimately they want to get to the bottom of it and its a very serious situation. That is disgusting. The president has been tweeting out insinuations, peddling a baseless yearsold Conspiracy Theory that Joe Scarborough who he views as a political enemy had something to do with the 2001 death of an aide in his congressional office. Well, authorities in florida ruled that young womans death as accidental. Im not going to read those tweets out because im just not. Theyre nothing but a disgraceful smear. Joe scarborough had nothing to do with the death of his aide, lori klausutis. But think about this just for a minute. This is the president of the United States. He has no problem making disgusting insinuations about the death of a young woman. Okay . A young woman with a family and a husband. These are real people. These are people who are grieving someone they loved. Imagine how they feel seeing the president of the United States using that young womans death to smear someone he considers his enemy. The president. I said i wouldnt read the president s disgusting tweets, but id like to read something else. Okay . This is from a letter that the young womans husband, t. J. , wrote, okay . To twitters jack dorsey. Asking him to remove the president s false tweets. Please listen closely to this, and i quote, im asking you to intervene in this instance because the president of the United States has taken something that does not belong to him, the memory of my dead wife, and perverted it for perceived political gain. A grieving widower trying to protect his wifes memory asking twitter to take down the president s false tweets. Twitter wouldnt remove those tweets. They wouldnt come on the show to talk about their decision to let this disgusting smear stand. People have been removed from twitter for far less outrageous behavior. Come on, jack dorsey. Instead, for the first time twitter tonight is labeling other tweets from the president misleading. Make the label bigger, please. Twitter has become a cesspool, jack dorsey, and listen, i know that youre doing great things and youre trying to help out people with your Barbershop Initiative and youre donating money here. That does not make up for this disgusting behavior that youre allowing, especially from the leader of the free world. It does not. I wish someone would come up with another platform, honestly, so that everybody could just delete their accounts on twitter and go to the other platform because this is outrageous, disgusting behavior. Stop Companies Like jack dorsey, stop hiding behind the 1st amendment and for profit. Stop doing it. Do the right thing. Stop allowing families like this family to have to go through this. To grieve their loved one over and over and over and over again. So they put up this label for this misleading tweet, but not the tweets about scarborough. Tweets that falsely claimed mailin ballots would lead to widespread voter fraud. Okay . Thats the one that they put up the label about. Twitter did apologize to the klausutis family but said they would not take down the president s tweets about his wifes death. Really . Come on. So theyre letting the president use their platform to drag us all right into the mud. Letting him get away with it. But tonight the president seems a lot more outraged at twitter than he is about the death toll of the coronavirus, and that is approaching 100,000 right now. The president tweeting, of course, tweeting as he always does, that twitter is stifling free speech and threatening that he wont allow it to happen. But there are two major crises in this country tonight, okay . As i said, two deadly viruses killing americans. Covid19, racism 20. Now we all know that racism is not new this year but the latest racially charged incident is from just last night. The death of george floyd. Hes a black man in minneapolis who died after a white officer arresting him held him down with his knee on his neck. Four Minneapolis Police officers were fired today as the fbi has opened an investigation. A disturbing video showing two officers with george floyd on the ground. This video doesnt show what led up to the arrest. We dont see what Police Describe as the victim resisting arrest. Hes on the ground for a long time with the Police Officers knee on his neck. How can he resist . He couldnt move. Hes saying, i cant move. Hes saying, im done. But what we do see is this officer with his knee on George Floyds neck forcing his face into the ground. We hear him screaming, please, i cant breathe. Please. I cant breathe, officer. Give me it is hard to watch. Imagine what he felt like. When you said oh, my god, i cant watch that, or why are they showing that . Imagine what mr. Floyd felt like. Imagine what his family feels like. Police say he died at a hospital shortly after that. After begging, please, i cant breathe. Just like eric garner nearly six years ago in new york. His final words, i cant breathe. Speaking of the family, im going to talk to members of George Floyds family tonight. And another one. Then theres the case of ahmaud arbery, the young black man who was chased down and shot to death while he was jogging in a georgia neighborhood in february. Three white suspects are charged with murder in the case. An attorney for the family says the doj is investigating the shooting as a hate crime. As we reported last night. Racism is infecting this country, continues to infect this country. Just as surely as covid19. And we dont only see it in encounters between africanamericans and the police. It even infects a simple walk in the park. A black man out in new yorks central park early yesterday morning bird watching asks a white woman to follow the rules, put her dog on a leash. The man films the incident as the Woman Calls Police claiming shes being threatened by an africanamerican man. Theres an africanamerican man, im in central park, he is recording me and threatening myself and my dog. Ramble. Please send the cops immediately. Oh, the fake tears. The scary black man. Notice, shes the one whos breaking the rules, but she wants to call the cops on the man who asked her to follow the rules by putting her dog on a leash. Happens a lot. This one was just filmed. So when people tell you this b. S. Happens, maybe you should believe them. Okay . And by the way, she knew the power that she had. This is a white woman calling the cops saying that a black man is threatening her. Oh, my gosh, a scary black man. Those cops could have showed up. His fate could have been similar as mr. Floyd. Different relationships with the police amy cooper has than that black man. That woman, her name is amy cooper. She apologized but was fired from her job today after the video sparked outrage. And the fact is all too often encounters like this have spiraled out of control with tragic results. But this man, his name is christian cooper. No relation. Says he didnt want to see anyones life ruined. Im going to talk to him tonight as well on the show. But i want you to take a look at this tweet. Its from bernice king. Bernice king is the daughter of dr. Martin luther king jr. See those sidebyside photos . Minneapolis Police Officer with his knee on George Floyds neck. Theres Colin Kaepernick taking a knee to protest racial injustice. Her quote is, if you are unbothered or mildly bothered by the first knee that would be the one on the left but outraged by the second knee that would be the one on the right, Colin Kaepernick then my fathers words, youre more devoted to order than to justice and more passionate about an anthem that supposedly symbolizes freedom than you are about a black mans freedom to live. Roll that back. Let me read that again. Put that up. Take a look at your screen. Bernice king, the daughter of dr. Martin luther king jr. , if you are unbothered or mildly bothered by the first knee but outraged by the second, then, in my fathers words, youre more devoted to order than to justice and more passionate about an anthem that supposedly symbolizes freedom than you are about a black mans freedom to live. In a moment like this, racism and the coronavirus ravaging this country, we need leadership. Instead, this president is dragging us right into the mud. Lots ahead on this show tonight. With all 50 states in the process of reopening and cases increasing in some of them, were moving too fast, arent we . That is a question for andy slavitt and dr. David rubin, next. As homes become schools. At t has created a 10 Million Dollar fund to help educators and families keep school in session. Because the key to keeping kids learning, is keeping kids connected. Okay, give it a try. Between wisdom and curiosity, theres a bridge. Between ideas and inspiration, trauma and treatment. Gained a couple of more pounds. Thats good for the babies. Between the moments that make us who we are, and keeping them safe, private and secure, theres webex. Beautiful. In honor of my dad, who was alzheimers. I decided to make shirts for the walk with custom ink, and they just came out perfect. [announcer] check out our huge selection of Custom Apparel for every occasion. Youll even get free shipping. Get started today at customink. Com. Because i trust their quality they were the first to have a vitamin verified by usp. An independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards nature made, the 1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand so tonight this country is getting closer and closer to a grim milestone. Milestone. 100,000 deaths from the coronavirus. And its important to note that new cases are trending up in 17 states as the nation reopens and social distancing rules are being relaxed. Lets bring in now andy slavitt. Andy slavitt. Former acting administrator of the centers for medicare and medicaid services. And dr. David rubin is the director of policy lab at Childrens Hospital of philadelphia. Im grateful to have both men on. Thank you so much. Andy, im going to start with you. Can you hear me . Are you there . Okay. We dont have andy slavitt. So im going to go to dr. Rubin. Or david rubin. Dr. Rubin, listen, these 17 states are seeing an increase in new cases. Were going to put it up. Dark red states on the map like alabama and arkansas are among them. In arkansas the governor is describing a second peak. Georgia and wisconsin are also seeing increases. Why are some hotspots cooling off while others are seeing significant increases . Well, this is a really important next three to four weeks. You have a lot of communities reopening. Most communities in the country. And youre seeing a lot of different paces to how those communities reopen. How vigilant they are. And thats coming right in the face of increasing temperatures and humidity as we enter our summer months here in the United States. And then right in the middle of that weve now introduced memorial day weekend. So there are a lot of different forces in play right now. The next three to four weeks are going to be critical. To the degree that temperature and humidity have been helping to mitigate transmission, that works against increasing case counts as we reopen, but our forecast at policylab. Chop. Edu already demonstrating that were seeing the kind of sea levels rise in many areas. Were seeing it along the southeast coast. Were seeing it in southern california. And in the southwest now. And certainly through areas of the upper midwest which are continuing to be in their epidemic phase. Its hard to know exactly where well be in three to four weeks, but i suspect for a lot of communities we may actually see cases rise and then kind of plateau at a new level and the decisionmaking will actually shift to whether whether those communities are comfortable with the amount of transmission theyre having in regards to the Health Care Capacity of those communities. Some cities may be able to manage just fine, but particularly some of those rural areas in alabama and arkansas that you were discussing, they may be overwhelmed quickly. Andy slavitt, i want to bring you in now. Youve been, you know, talking about this. Weve been discussing this with you. I know you have strong opinions on it. You know, we saw packed boardwalks, beaches, bars this weekend. There was that packed pool party, lake of the ozarks. Are these largescale events of particular concern to those who are looking closely at exactly how this virus spreads . Well, look, i think theres some good news and theres some bad news. The good news is by and large i think the public has learned how to be safer, wear masks, stay out of small crowds. The bad news is this virus hasnt changed since the days we went indoors and started staying home. The virus is just as contagious and just as lethal. So people have that energy to kind of bust out, hang out in large crowds, are taking some risks. I think its a little bit safer outdoors. But as soon as people start packing churches, older people with stifled air, large crowds, those are potential hot spots. So people need to be very, very careful and realize none of us have immunity to this. You can open safely, you know, we have a website which tells people how to open safely. Its got a hashtag, opensafely. As david said, we can mitigate some of this but we cant let our guard down. David, i want to ask you about the arkansas governor, asa hutchinson. He says several people in his state who attended a High School Swim party contracted coronavirus. How many people are having, you know, pool parties thinking its fine to be outside . You just heard andy slavitt saying outside its better but its still not foolproof, right . Its better than being inside in a packed church and so on. But they attended this pool party. People think its okay, im outside, im in a chlorinefilled pool, the chlorine is going to kill it. The reality is theres still Ongoing Community spread when youre around a lot of people. Correct . Sure. I mean, crowding is always a problem. I suspect that the risk is lower when youre in outdoor environments, but you know, the risk of transmission is never going to be zero. People are going were in a phase wherein government is actually transferring responsibility back to individuals. And everyone is trying to calibrate their own risk here. I i dont feel as concerned when i see people on the beach or at a pool party. When i see people packing into bars hold on, hold on. Let me ask you this. Let me ask you this, doc, because i understand what youre saying. Does it feel like were having this conversation a little bit too soon, though, to say having conversations about whether its listen, i know we have to open the economy back up. Right . Its just we have to do it smartly. But does this sound like something we should be having a conversation we should be having in a few months about people being outside and zero transmission . Because Everybody Knows its never going to be a zero transmission thing. Thats the obvious. But does it seem like were having this conversation a little too soon . Well, like i said at the beginning of my comments, i think within three or four weeks were going to see the effects of these reopenings as well as the introduction of this Memorial Day Travel and the mixing weve just seen. Its the degree that temperature and outdoor environments have helped, well see it, but if we start to see resurgence i think youre right, well have a different opinion. But i think the next three or four weeks are going to be really critical in understanding what the rest of the summer looks like. I hope the temperature has a mitigating effect on it. Hope the humidity as well. So lets see what happens. Thank you so much. Sorry about the issue we had, andy slavitt. Well have you back soon, both of you. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. The former Vice President joe biden sitting down exclusively for cnn today. It is his first facetoface interview in the months since the Coronavirus Crisis upended the country. Youre going to want to see what he has to say. Okay . Heres some of what hes saying about President Trump. President s are supposed to lead, not engage in folly and be falsely masculine. It reminds me of the guys i grew up with playing ball. Theyd walk around with a ball in their hand but they didnt like to hit very much. My gums are irritated. I dont have to worry about that, do i . Harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. Crest gum detoxify, voted product of the year. It works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. Gum detoxify, from crest. We were paying an arm and a leg for postage. I remember setting up shipstation. 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With the freestyle libre 14 day system, a continuous glucose monitor, you dont have to. With a painless, onesecond scan you can check your glucose with a smart phone or reader so you can stay in the moment. No matter where you are or what youre doing. Ask your doctor for a prescription for the freestyle libre 14 day system. You can do it without fingersticks. Learn more at freestylelibre. Us. Tonight, a cnn exclusive with joe biden. The likely democratic nominee. It is his first inperson interview since being knocked off the campaign trail by the coronavirus pandemic and he calls President Trump an absolute fool for mocking bidens wearing of a mask at a memorial day ceremony. Cnns dana bash sat down with the former Vice President and she joins me now. Dana, good evening to you. Hey, don. We sat down social distancing style outside of his home in delaware, and i started by asking him whether the interview he did with me, the outing he did yesterday, means that hes about to get back on the campaign trail. Heres what he said. The answer is yes, but i think ruf youve got to for instance, the president is supposed to lead by example. And i watched i watched the president yesterday wearing no mask, you know, and and making fun of the fact i wore a mask. The truth of the matter is i think youre supposed to lead by example, and one of the things our governor has said, he want keep social distancing, stay at home has been the order, until on june 1 of this year, and so i think its important that look, 100,000 deaths. 100,000 deaths and at least 35,000, 50,000, were avoidable but for lack of attention and ego, i think, and just so, and you know me, im usually the last one to leave an event. I like interacting with people. But i hope to be able to do more, but were going to do it by the numbers because i think its important because this is not over. You mentioned the mask, that you wore a mask yesterday. President trump went to a memorial day service. He did not wear a mask. Not just some people making fun of you. He did. Yeah. He did on twitter. He retweeted a photo of you wearing it. Hes trying to belittle you for wearing a mask, making it seem like its a sign of weakness. Is it . Hes a fool. An absolute fool to talk that way. I mean, every leading doc in the world is saying we should wear a mask when youre in a crowd, and especially when you know youre going to be in a position where youre going to inadvertently get closer than 12 feet to somebody. I know were 12 feet apart. I get that. But just absolutely this macho stuff for a guy i shouldnt get going, but it just is its cost peoples lives. Its costing peoples lives. And like i said, were almost 100,000 dead today. 100,000 people. Columbia study showing that we could have, if you just started a week earlier, would have saved thousands of lives. I mean, these are this is a tragedy. Wearing a mask has become a cultural and political flashpoint. The president is involved in that, even stoking that. Sure he is, and look, hes stoking deaths. Thats not going to increase the likelihood that people are going to be better off. Do you think wearing a mask projects strength or weakness . Leadership. What it presents and projects is leadership. President s are supposed to lead, not engage in folly and be falsely masculine. Reminds me of the guys that i grew up with playing ball. Theyd walk around with a ball in their hand but they didnt like to hit very much. Lets talk about the fact that nearly 100,000 americans have died from the coronavirus. If you were president right now, what would you do differently . How would you balance peoples wellbeing, medically and in terms of their health versus their economic wellbeing . I dont know how you separate the two. I dont know how you separate if youre dead, you have no economic wellbeing, your family has no economic wellbeing. So first of all, id listen to the scientists. Id tell the truth. Tell the truth. There are ways to reopen certain areas and rationally with distancing, wearing masks, making sure that you dont congregate with too many people in one spot. Making sure youre in a situation where you dont spread you in fact inhibit the prospect of a spreading of this disease. This is an ubiquitous disease. And the president doesnt seem to me to be prepared. We should be testing and tracing before we can fully open. We should be in a position where were able to make sure that people have all the protective gear that are needed. The First Responders and the like. They still dont have all that. We should be in a position where were able to make sure that people are if he cares about people reopening, start lending the money to small businesses. Not one more penny to a major corporation. Put people in a position where they dont have to risk their lives to be able to make a living. Speaking of making a living, if you win, you could be inheriting some really severe economic challenges. President trumps senior economic adviser told me on sunday that the Unemployment Rate could be in double digits in november. I realize that when you were Vice President you had to deal with the financial collapse. This is different, though. How would you address that . Well, two ways. It depends on how irresponsible he remains between now and november, if and when we win, because things can get worse or they can get marginally better. Number one. Number two, if he in fact has prepared the nation for a rebound of this disease, this covid19, then in fact we may be in a position where were able to handle what happens. One more question on the economy. The flip side of the first question i asked about the very poor economy, some prominent democratic economists, im sure youve heard about this, theyre saying theres a real possibility the economy could surge right before the election. And the president could use that as a talking point for his reelection. How do you deal with that . Well, surge is relative. So if youre losing tens of millions of jobs and were well over millions and millions of jobs and you gain back a quarter of that or half of that, its going to look like theres real growth, but youre still going to end up as all the economists say with an incredibly high Unemployment Rate and a lot of people in real trouble. I want to ask you about the remark you made last week on the breakfast club. You said, if you have a problem figuring out whether youre for me or for trump, you aint black. Well you since said you shouldnt have been so cavalier. During the same interview you said, the naach has endorsed me every time ive run, which isnt true. So my question for you is about what some supporters say theyre worried about, which is that all of this could end up hurting the enthusiasm that you really need to win among black voters. Well, first of all, you know, i it was a mistake, number one. And i was smiling when he asked me the question. I was i shouldnt have been such a wise guy. He was being a wise guy and i responded in kind. I shouldnt have done that. It was a mistake. I have never taken the Africanamerican Community for granted. Never, never, never once. And ive had overwhelming support in my state and overwhelming support from the Africanamerican Community in my whole career, but i have never taken it for granted. I worked like the devil for it and i have to earn it every single time. Nobodys vote should be taken for granted. Thats what it conveyed. My response. And ive never done that. And if you noticed, i, you know, this all the time we were talking about in the primary, well, biden cant win because look what he did. He came in 99th or something in iowa and, you know, and new hampshire, and i said, wait until we get to a representative state. Ive had overwhelming support from the Africanamerican Community. My whole career. Theyre going to be out there for you in the same numbers well, no, only if i earn ive got to make it clear why i think i deserve their look,y deserve a look. And not just in comparison to him but in comparison to anybody else, anybody else running. Anybody that would be running. And ive had ive had look, the state youre sitting in here has over you know, its the eighth largest black population in america as a percent of vote of population. And ive gotten overwhelming support every time ive run but i work like hell because i work in the east side, i work on all the things i care about. I work about the africanamerican agenda. Dealing with everything from making sure their houses are as valuable as the same white persons house in a white neighborhood. Im making sure that they were working on education. Ive been arguing for years that its not fair. So you know, i have to earn it. You did make an effort to clean up that comment pretty quickly. It still got a lot of attention. President trump says offensive things. He never apologizes for it. Is there a double standard here . And if so, is there a lesson for you on how to compete with him . No, im never going to stoop to where he is. Im not going to do what he does. He says so many outrageous things and to usually divide, separate. The things he said about africanamericans and women and across the board, asians, across the board, you know, and he says so many of them that i was talking to a friend of mine today, a leader in the Africanamerican Community, and i said, why is he going after barack . He said, because it stirs up his base, baracks a black man. I dont know if thats all of a sudden barack, most popular guy out there and hes attacking barack . Whats that all about . Well, you know, im sure youve seen some democrats have said mr. Vice president , stop apologizing. Youre going to say dumb things. Dont apologize because thats not the world were living in. Well, no, when i Say Something that is understandably in retrospect offensive to someone and legitimately offensive, making it look like i take them for granted, i should apologize. I dont apologize for every mistake i make because a lot of them dont have any consequence. Its just a beat up well, joe said there were three rungs on that fence. Well, no, there were two rungs on that fence. Im not going to apologize for that. My generic point is, you know, look, the good news and the bad news. The vast majority of people in all the data and my experience, the polling data, they think they know me. Thats the good news. The bad news is they know me. So the hard part is i have real faults. Everybody does. They know my faults. Its going to be hard, though, i think, as the data is showing now to try to turn something they know to be my strength and my honor into a liability. I want to move on to another topic. But real quick, the president spends a lot of time, especially this past weekend, tweeting some pretty outlandish comments, retweeting others, things like conspiracy theories suggesting his critics committed murder. Do you think social media Companies Like twitter should take action against the president . Im of the view that social Media Companies have to reexamine whether or not for example, if you put something out saying that same outlandish thing that the president thinks a talk show host on a cable committed murder. I mean, youd say theres no evidence for that at all. Zero. So should twitter yeah. Do something . Yes. Should they take action . I think they should. I think they should say when things are patently not true, they should say so. You told me in the last debate that you would pick a woman. Yes. As your running mate. Will that woman be a woman of color . Look, im not going to get into that now because we havent gotten there yet. There are women of color under consideration, and there are women from every part of the country under consideration because theres a lot of really qualified women that are ready to be president. But im not making that commitment. Im going to make that judgment after, in fact, this group goes through interviewing all these people and they do the background checks which you know take six weeks or so to be done and then for me to narrow down are the background checks happening already . Not yet. Has the vetting started formally . Well, im not going to get into detail, but let me put it this way. The fourperson commission that i put in charge, they have interviewed a lot of these people already. After your interview with the breakfast club, charlamagne told cnn he thinks a black woman as a running mate is necessary. Well, charlamagnes really entitled to his own opinion. Okay. Theres others, for example, i just was jim clyburn was just on the view and he said its not necessary. So you know, its im going to pick the best person that i look, youve watched me and youve covered me as Vice President. I think the two most important things are youve got to pick someone whos compatible with you both in terms of your style, and my style and baracks are very different but they were compatible, they worked with one another. And someone who in fact you would want to be the last person in the room when youre make i go a tough decision and who will be loyal in the sense that whatever disagreements you have are between you and the president at that moment. And so thats a process thats under way. The president is stepping up his attacks on mailin voting. How confident are you that the election in november is going to be safe, secure, and fair . It depends a lot on whether or not the president follows through with his threats, President Trump. For example, cutting off money from the post office for mailin ballots. This is a guy who sits in the oval office, fills out his absentee mailin ballot and sends it to florida to vote in a primary. Now, why is that not something that is susceptible to fraud or as theres no evidence at all. Theres no reason why we cant have an honest, decent vote, and the president is always lying about voting. I heard him again, he was talking about how all those thousands of people in california are going to vote two and three and four times. I mean, its just bizarre. Your political opponents, the president is trying to paint a picture of you as somebody whos too old to be president and that youre mission a step. How are you going to combat that . Watch me. Look, i mean, talk about a guy whos missing a step. Hes missing something, man. I dont want to get down in to giving him nicknames, but this is a fellow who looks like hes having trouble controlling his own emotions. What worries me is, you know, all this stuff about bidens hiding. Well, the fact of the matter is its working pretty well so far doing the rules. Hes behind in almost every state. Doesnt mean its going to be that way come november, but the idea that he seems to get more erratic the more he feels like hes behind the curve. Last thing. We are coming up on five years since your son beau passed away, and were in a moment in this country where families across the country are grieving their loved ones. Whats your message to them . My message is son, daughter, husband, wife, mom, dad you lost are still part of your soul. And focus on focus on how the wonderful parts of the relationship and try to find a purpose. For example, if they left behind children, you can find purpose in helping their children. Or a brother or sister or a mom, a dad, a husband, a wife. And ive found for me it never it never totally goes away. You know . Fascinating interview, dana. The Vice President has been somewhat out of the spotlight during this coronavirus pandemic, but he is really taking on the president over his handling, or lack of handling of this crisis. He is. I was writing down some of the adjectives he used. He said hes a fool, hes erratic. He said he was lying about voting. This is and i certainly got the feeling from the former Vice President when i was with him, that this is a man who finally clinched, effectively clinched the nomination. He kind of beat out all of his democratic opponents. He was ready to turn to the president to start going manoamano and the pandemic hit. And so not only could he not physically get out, which he still really cant, and doesnt want to, but also he couldnt break through. I mean, thats just not where the story was. The 2020 election certainly took a back seat in a big way to the. The hes clearly getting ready to get back out there. He did say at the beginning that hes going to wait for his own governor of delaware to lift the stayathome orders before thinking about getting some semblance of a normal campaign. A tough position to be in especially when the president of the United States is on television every day, opposed to joe biden who doesnt run a government so cant do it. Thank you and appreciate you joining us for that interview. Thank you. Okay so four Police Officers fired after a black man died in their custody. George floyd said he couldnt breathe as he was held down with a knee during his arrest. His family is speaking out right here, they are next. [announcer] at custom ink we believe community is about having a common bond wherever you are. Now when we need to stay apart to stand together, weve built new tools to make and individually ship custom gear to Group Members and soon well stand together together again. Visit customink. Com today. Heres what we want everyone to do. Count all the hugs you havent given. All the hands you havent held. All the dinners you didnt share with friends. The trips you havent taken. Keep track of them. Each one means one less person vulnerable, one less person exposed, and one step closer to a healthier community. So for now, keep your distance. But dont lose count. Well have some catching up to do. This virus is testing all of us. And its testing the people on the front lines of this fight most of all. So abbott is getting new tests into their hands, delivering the critical results they need. And until this fight is over, we. Will. Never. Quit. Because they never quit. I want you to take a look at the screen. These are protests tonight. Four Minneapolis Police officers fired today after the death yesterday of george floyd. A black man who was held down with a knee by an officer as he protested that he couldnt breathe. The incident was caught on camera. In a disturbing video. The video didnt capture the incident leading up to the arrest. And didnt capture what Police Describe as the victim resisting arrest. Heres what police say happened. The officers approached floyd and attempted to arrest him over a suspected forgery. According to a Police Report he was ordered to step from the car. After he got out, he physically resisted officers. Video captured by a bystander shows what happened next. Ill play a portion of the video. I have to warn you, it is very difficult to watch. Here it is. Let him breathe at least man. Let him breathe. Let him breathe. Relax. I cant breathe. What are you on . I cant breathe. Please. Youre on my neck. I cant breathe. Well get up and get in the car, man. I will. Gettum and get in the car. I cant move. Ahh. Just get up and get in the car. Momma, momma. I cant. You cant win. Im through. Im through. I know you didnt listen. My stomach hurts. My neck hurts. Everything hurts. Ah. Need some water or something. Please. Please. Ah. I cant breathe, officer. Ah. They going to kill me. They going to kill me, man. Hes pleading and saying i cant breathe. Pa what how long do they need to keep their knee on the mans neck . Police say he died at a hospital a short time later. Joining me now, both brothers of george. And his cousin. Tara brown. Also the attorney for the family of george floyd. Im sorry you have to watch this. And im sorry this happened. I appreciate you joining us. Thank you so much. Okay. If the questioning becomes too much, just say so. I dont want to be disrespectful. I want the story to get out there. Okay, family . Okay. Thank you so much. So, i cant even imagine what you and your family are going through. Losing a loved one. In such a brutal and public way. Can you talk about this how your family is holding up . Right now, everybody is trying to stay strong. Were all pulling together, we just want justice for everything thats going on right now. Sorry, i meant to i meant mr. Lets bring in miss tara now. We showed the protests. They have sprung up in minneapolis. And chance the rapper helped organize a protest in chicago today. As well. Do you take heart in the support that youre getting from the community at least . Is there something heartening about that . It definitely warms my heart to see we have so many people willing to support and to protest and to give him a voice. And keep this going because he was a very loving person. And he didnt deserve what happened to him. So, yes, we are definitely even overwhelmed because we didnt expect to have the kind of support that we have. And we have protests going on there and we have people doing things to support him. In houston as well. We are grateful. Yeah. Lets talk about whats going on in both the fbi, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety are investigating georges death. The four officers have been fired. Which the mayor said was the right call. But is that enough for your family . No. Not at all. I love my brother, everybody loved my brother. Knowing my brother is to love my brother. They could have tazed him. Maced him. Instead, they put their knee in his neck. And just sat on him. And didnt care at all. He screamed mama, mama, i cant breathe. They didnt care. I dont understand. What more we have to go through in life . Man. They didnt have to do that to him. Hes a gentle giant. He dont hurt anybody. He gave his last to anybody. They didnt care. They treated him worse than they treat animals. They took a life now they deserve life. I dont feel sorry for them

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