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Contests. This was after joe bidens win in South Carolina, which saved his campaign. He was 0 for 3, wins South Carolina and hes still losing. 6450. Then we had super tuesday one, joe biden starts to pull ahead. Then you have the next tuesday after that, super tuesday two, biden stretches it even more. Its not like were having a seesaw here. Once biden gets into the race, stretches it to the second one. Heres where we are tonight, he stretches it even more, and were still allocating delegates. This is likely to get even bigger as we go through the count. Not impossible mathematically but impossible politically given the Democratic Party rules, given the history to make that up. Theres no question that joe biden tonight can claim to be the presumptive nominee. Heres your delegate count. I want to show a little bit about how this is happening. Number one, tonight no Bernie Sanders, not a county, not a county. And were up to 92 now, 61 to 22. I just want to show you a number here as we go back in time. This is joe bidens number right now with 92 reporting. Lets go back four years ago in a twocandidate race. There are other candidates getting early vote, michael bloomberg, amy cloklobuchar, an others. Joe biden is going to come close tonight, in a twocandidate race, Hillary Clinton got 1. 1 million votes in a florida primary four years ago. Joe biden is closing in on that. Will he get there . We dont know. Hes pretty close, what was not really a two candidate race. Thats one thing to look out there. Turnout in the democratic primaries, even with the coronavirus. Very convincing win there. Illinois, were up to 47 now, Pretty Healthy lead here as well. I want to show you something we have seen consistently. About a fivepoint, four to fivepoint lead in chicago, Bernie Sanders competitive in inner city chicago as he was against Hillary Clinton. Strength of the Sanders Campaign to be so competitive. However, just as we have seen throughout this campaign, you move on into the suburbs, lets pop out here. This is what has happened consistently, biden wins in the cities, and then he wins big in the suburbs. Thats where the people are, and you start to add it up. A couple other thing when is you look at this, the conversation we just had in the other room, there is no question joe biden has to reefach out to Younger Voters in the party, especially the leaders of these liberal younger activist, no Bernie Sanders here. This is this was just four years ago. Look at all these places Bernie Sanders won. This is now quickly want to go over, this not just illinois. This is missouri on super tuesday. This is missouri four years ago. Joe biden is winning in small town blue collar america in a way Hillary Clinton did not. A number of reasons for that, no time to discuss them at the moment. You see it in missouri, you see it in illinois tonight. This was michigan in 2016, this was Michigan Democrats 2020. This is very Different Campaign for Bernie Sanders. Joe biden is running the table. He certainly is, and were still waiting for arizona to come in as well. A very, very impressive night for the former Vice President of the United States. And you really have to give it to him, i mean in the same way that the republican candidates in 2016 was just a very impressive array of republican senators, governors, others running for office, the democrats really had quite a strong field, ig though thoughtt of ways. Very impressive younger senators and others, kamala harris, corey book, amy klobuchar, et cetera. And here you have joe biden if he wins will be the oldest person ever elected president. Donald trump is currently the oldest person ever elected preside president. Hes run twice before, never in 1988 he didnt even make it to 1988, he dropped out in 87 and in 2008 dropped out after 1 in iowa, and here he is just wiping the floor with the competition. Yep. Democratic voters are saying this is the man for the moment, and i think the fact is the coronavirus pandemic and that crisis seems to only be reaffirming that. And it comes back to the whole reason that he gave for running, which is i wouldnt have run given my age and given where ive been if donald trump werent president , if i didnt feel that i was the man for the moment with the experience who could return the country to normalcy with regard to leadership and Everything Else that hes arguing for, and after everything that weve seen, all of the ups and downs, it looks like that comment, that reason for running ruled the day. Yes, he is doing extremely well across the board, across all of the demographic groups and so forth, but he still has a challenge of bringing over even a small part of the Bernie Sanders movement. Its not over. Hes got a lot of work to do, no question. Were going to continue to follow, of course, the primary results and bring you everything you need to know about the coronavirus outbreak as well. Don lemon pickin s up our speci coverage right now. This is cnn tonight, its super tuesday and im don lem non. This is our breaking news. Its very important with the information im going to tell you. The polls in arizona closing at this moment. The last of three states to hold primaries tonight, and of course as you heard my colleagues project, joe biden has won illinois and florida defeating Bernie Sanders. Ohio, of course, declared a Public Health emergency because of the coronavirus, postponed its primary just hours before the polls were supposed to open, and this is the information that we have that i want you to Pay Attention to. We have more breaking news to tell you about, the latest numbers on the coronavirus. As of this moment, there are 5,838 confirmed cases in this country. 107 people have died, and just to give you an idea of how fast those numbers are growing, at the end of our show, this is on friday night, there were 2,210 confirmed cases, 2,210. Last night, 4,465 now that number has soared to 5,838, and the disruption to everyday life in america is spreading. The treasury secretary, Steve Mnuchin warning republican senators that the Unemployment Rate listen to this could hit 20 . The new york state Governor Andrew Cuomo right here on cnn dismissing the possibility of a shelter in place order in his state. My job is to make sure that the state has a coordinated plan and it works everywhere. I dont think shelter in place really works for one locality. At least 91,000 public and private skrools clochools are c scheduled to close affecting more than 41 million students, and we are learning tonight that Brooklyn Nets star kevin durant is among four nets players who are tested positive for the virus. In the face of all that, the president who has been playing down the coronavirus from the beginning says this today. Ive always known this is a this is a real this is a pandemic. Ive felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic. Were going to go through this. Because its important that you should know. It is important that you hold the people who are in charge accountable. It is important to know how we got to this point. That is gaslighting pure and simple. The president of the United States is gaslighting you, and you deserve to know. Claiming today that he has known all along that the coronavirus is a pandemic. This is way back in january, and i want you to listen to the president s own words in january. We have it totally under control. Its one person coming in from china, and we have it under control. Its going to be just fine. That was in january. Days later the cdc announced the first case of person to person transmission of the virus in this country. The World Health Organization said the outbreak was officially a Public Health emergency of international concern, but listen to what the president said in february last month. We pretty much shut it down coming in from china. You know, in april supposedly it dies with hotter weather. Looks like in april in theory when it gets a little warmer, it mir ra miraculously goes away. We have done an incredible job. Were going to continue. Its going to disappear. One day its like a miracle, it will disappear. Right around the time, again, that was february. Right around the time the president said all of that, the first passengers on the diamond princess cruise ship tested positive for the coronavirus. More than 700 people were eventually confirmed to have the virus, but this may be one of the most outrageous claims this president made about the virus. One of my people came up to me and asaid mr. President , the tried to beat you on russia, russia, russia, that didnt work out too well. They couldnt do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over, and this is their new hoax. The coronavirus is no hoax. Ask any of the thousands and thousands of people who are sick right now, and the gaslighting continues. This was two weeks ago, the president trying to down play the mortality rate from the virus. I think the number personally, i would say the number is way under 1 . Treweeting that more america die from the flu. Theres the tweet up on your screen. Dr. Anthony fauci, though, telling sean hannity the mortality rate is much higher than the president claimed and pointing out the fact, the fact, that it is ten times more deadly than the flu. The mortality for seasonal flu is 0. 1. The mortality for this is about 2, 2. 5 . Its probably lower than that. Its probably closer to 1, but even if its 1, its ten times more lethal than the seasonal flu. You got to make sure that people understand that. They down played it for a long time. Some in conservative immediamedl are. For months, some just started taking it seriously just last week. Just last week. Others have been reporting on it since january. Now, lets not forget the president s visit to the cdc, falsely claiming that anybody who wanted a test could get one. That is still not true. Falsely claiming all the tests were perfect and comparing them to his socalled perfect ukraine phone call, which was definitely not perfect. As of right now and yesterday, anybody that needs a test, thats the important thing, and the tests are all perfect. Like the letter is perfect. The transcription was perfect. This was not as perfect as that, but pretty good. Okay. Thats a video tape in his own words. It was just a week and a half ago that he said he wasnt concerned at all about the coronavirus. That was at a dinner at maralago with the president of brazil. He really should have been concerned. We have since learned the press secretary for brazils president , who was there that night, has tested positive for the virus. That same night there was a Birthday Party at maralago for don jr. s girlfriend, Kimberly Gill foil, a party attended by the Brazilian Press secretary. So youve got to wonder whether that would have happened if the president actually thought the coronavirus was a pandemic as he claims. Listen to what he said to republican members of Congress Just a week ago. Stay calm, it will go away. And lets not forget sunday when he claimed we have tremendous control over the virus. Its incredible, but its something that we have tremendous control over. Like i said, this is gaslighting pure and simple. The president of the United States has been making demonstrably false statements from the beginning of all of this at a time when real leadership could have saved lives. He caused a lot of people to think that this virus wasnt a serious threat. We now know it is. He suggested that it was less dangerous than the flu, not true. He claimed it was a hoax by democrats, not true. He claimed it was well under control, not true. He made fun of it at rallies. He went to cpac, there was a person there who had it. Caused republican lawmakers and others to have to selfquarantine. They made fun of it. They wore gas masks. Causing all kinds of people to believe that it was a media hoax and not take it seriously. All of that caused a lot of people to think the virus wasnt a serious threat. Caused us to lose a lot of precious time while our government wasnt taking the threat seriously. The sad fact is the president is the one politicizing this. Dont get it twisted, and dont fall for that whole thing about everyone is politicizing this. Dont politicize this, don. Stop politicizing this. That is why i get so angry because the president is the one whos politicizing this, and then trying to do that whole owe key doak by blaming the media and saying the media is politicizing it. No, were just giving you the information, and he doesnt like it so hes politicizing it. That is dangerous. The latest npr pbs marist poll shows the partisan divide is growing. 76 of democrats say coronavirus is a real threat. 50 of independents feel the same way, but only 40 of republicans agree. Come on people. I said when we began just a few minutes ago there were at least 5,838 cases of the coronavirus in this country. Let me tell you what i do, i sit here before the show, and i ask my producers are the coronavirus numbers accurate before i say them . Until the moment it comes out of my mouth on this show. I cant even print them, and if they print them for me, i have to continue to update them. That is not a hoax. That is not a hoax. It has never been a hoax. So i want you to remember behind every behind every one of those numbers is a real person. One of our friends, one of our family, a loved one, a fellow american, and yes, you should be upset. You should be angry. You should be emotional about it. You should want the people who sit in these seats like me to hold leaders feet to the fire and everyone who comes on a program like this to hold their feet to the fire, dont let them get away with it. People are dying. No double speak. No hoax. Those its not these are not numbers. These are people, americans just like the rest of us, and the inconvenience that were going through right now not being able to go out to dinner, schools close, sporting events canceled, houses of worship shut, having to work from home, all of that is changing every day life in america. The people who are unemployed right now who are not getting a paycheck, that is not a hoax people. That is real, go ask one of them. We have to remember why were doing this, why were making these sacrifices. We are doing this for the people who are sick, for the people who are trying to stay healthy, and for the people who are taking care of them. The former president barack obama tweeting that tonight saying we owe a profound debt of gratitude to all our Health Professionals and everybody who will be on the front lines of this pandemic for a long while. Obama spotlighting the story of a medical professor, Rachel Patzer who tweeted that her husband, an Emergency Department physician has moved into their garage apartment so he can continue to treat patients while she cares for their two Young Children and a newborn. That is the kind of story this is all about. Remember, we are all in this together. I want to bring in now cnns White House Correspondent Kaitlan Collins and medical analyst dr. See ma yaz mean. Good evening to both of you. Thank you for joining us. Kaitlan youre there every day. The Trump Administration looking to inject a trillion dollars into the economy including sending checks directly to americans. How quickly can they make this happen . Theyre trying to make it happen really quickly. The question is whether or not theyre going to be able to. As youve seen whats happening on capitol hill, the senates still trying to pass that bill that the house passed on friday, that first coronavirus funding pa package but what theyre hoping to do is essentially be able to send money directly to americans, a thousand dollars and the treasury secretary said theyre trying to get this done in like two weeks. It does have a pretty tight time line here. Thats a little different, its actually a lot different than what they had been initially proposing, which is a payroll tax cut. Essentially that was not popular at all on capitol hill. Today mnuchin advocated against it saying they believe it would take too long to be able to get money to americans. Among other things relief for airlines, tax deferrals, things of that nature, but this seems to be one of the biggest, and it really does show just how much theyre not only now seriously confronting the health aspect of this, but also the Economic Impact this is having. The nations top Infectious Disease expert, dr. Fauci, youve seen him there every day giving the information says it is weeks or longer before we see a peak in cases. Have we done enough early enough . What else could we be doing . Don, epidemic response is really a time game. You said time is precious, thats exactly right. These viruses spread quickly. They move quickly. We have to preeveryofrmt them. This is an issue about political mismanagement. Im thinking back to 2009 when we had the h1n1 pandemic and 85 million n95 masks were deployed from the Strategic National stockpile. But guess what . They were never replenished. So now ten years later, were faced with another pandemic and only about 12 million n95 respirators in that stockpile, another 5 million are expired, and i am so worried now, don, because i am hearing from second year medical students that theyre being told here in the states all right, get ready, get to work, we need you triaging potential coronavirus patient. Is there enough equipment to keep those young doctors safe, were already hearing about doctors in the icu with the disease theyre trying to treat people from. We have been late. We have been delayed. And we need to see much more action and better leadership of this response. Dr. , kaitlan, thank you so much. I appreciate it. Warnings that unemployment in this country could hit 20 , and thats coming from the president s own treasury secretary. What can we do to head that off . Plus, well keep you posted on the latest vote counts and results on this super tuesday. Cnn tonight super tuesday edition back in just a moment. As a caricature artist, i appreciate what makes each person unique. Thats why i like liberty mutual. They get that no two people are alike and customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Almost done. What do you think . I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. I wanted my hepatitis c gone. I put off treating mine. 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So good to have all of you on this evening, the treasury secretary warning that the Unemployment Rate could hit 20 amid this global pandemic. I mean, that is wholly you know what that number yeah, thats almost as bad is it correct . We just dont know at this point. The official data comes out with a pretty long lag. We have some some private sector indicators that have come out, not from the government, so you have like open table restaurant reservation numbers showing that theyre down Something Like twothirds yearoveryear for a bunch of cities. That was even before there were mandatory closures of restaurants. Theres zero on the table now. Theres zero now, so we have some numbers trickling in suggesting the scale of this, but we just really dont know. To put in context that 20 unemployment number, though, the Unemployment Rate during the Great Recession peaked at about 10 . And during the great depression, it peaked around 25 . Wow. So if in fact, that estimate is correct, its truly terrifying. I think that estimate is entirely realistic because if you look at the range of industries that have already been devastated, you can keep on going down the list, hotels, cruise ships, bars, restaurants, movie theaters, personal training, nail salons. It just goes on and on. So 20 unemployment to me is what we need to avoid, and the tough truth is that we need to put money into americans hands as fast as possible so that families can even feed themselves and weather this storm, but even after this money goes into peoples hands, its not going to revive Small Businesses around the country. Its not going to revive all of these restaurants and bars that employ many, many people in every community. This is going to be terrible. Its going to be less terrible if we plow money into peoples hands as quickly as possible. So anthony, i want to bring you in. When i see all this stuff happening on wall street, you know, i text you sometimes because you have youve been very successful on wall street, and i ask you is this going to work . What do you think of this . Blah blah blah, and usually youre right about these things so is there anything we can do to head that off . What do you think of what the administration is planning . So listen, i think theyre definitely going in the right direction. I agree with what andrew is saying, youve got to get the cash in peoples hands immediately. I personally think its not enough. When i did the calculations today in world war ii, don, we spent 20 of the gdp in deficit spending. We are now fighting an invisible virus globally, and we need a 3. 2 trillion stimulus. 800 for the andrew yang program. Thats 3,000 per adult, you know, 1,500 for children. This is for people below making 85,000 a year. They need a 2 trillion gift and granting or Lending Program for large and Small Businesses around the United States, and the Large Businesses have to commit to no layoffs and no share buybacks, and then the last piece of this is 150 billion going to the nations hospitals and to create hospital tents where theyre going to be necessary. So how much are you talking in total . Its 3. 2 trillion on top of the trillion were already spending. Its a 4 trillion spend. Wow and if they do that, theyll be able to stabilize the economy, and ill use the president s own words. I do think we have a very strong balance sheet, and i think this would put the United States in an economic pole position for the next five or ten years if we dont let the economy right now fall off the cliff. And remember, at these interest rates, borrowing the 3. 2 trillion is roughly 100 billion a year, and we need to do this. Theyre not thinking big enough, and im telling you once they go through the numbers and they go through open table like katherines saying, youre going to see 6, 7, 8 drop in gdp. Okay. So let me bring you to the table, before you go i want to talk to you, i know the administration, i think theyve been in touch with you about your program. I want to bring it to the table because i agree that we dont want the economy to fall off a cliff, but heres what people are asking. Wheres all this money going to come from . Either of you guys can weigh in. Where is all of this money going to come from . The airlines got, you know, and many of these businesses got these huge tax cuts from this administration, and they used the money to buy back their own stocks. They used it to enrich themselves. It didnt go back out into the economy as the administration promised, even the airlines from the last when they got the bailout money, they got help, they took the gas tax, they added it to the customers, right . They took the money that you do when you have to pay for your luggage, those became baked in. They never let those goes once the economy got great again. So people i mean, honestly, theyre not feeling sorry for these businesses was they. Theyre saying why are you bailing these guys out. Youre trying to help us at least this time. I would say a few things. Where is this money coming from . Whos going to end up paying for this. We did waste a lot of money on things we probably shouldnt have put money on, including the 2 trillion to the tax cuts. Interest rates are allow. Now is a good time for the United States government to borrow. Another thing i would add is yes, it would be very expensive for us to do whether its Something Like what anthony is proposing or something more modest, you know whats more expensive . Having a depression. Right . I mean, this is going to be a huge upfront cost, but what we are trying to prevent is a prolonged economic recession or even depression, and we dont know where we could land. What happens with the deficit then . Its going to go up. Yeah, its like if your house is on fire, you dont oworry about the cost of the water. You just spray it down. Im just asking. And anthony, i couldnt agree more with you that were not thinking big enough. We need to be thinking of this as the preservation of our way of life, of our civilization. What kind of price tag would you put on that . Its like if you were the wealthiest country in the history of the world, which we are, this is exactly when you spend the money. This is what this is what our government should be all about, taking care of our people and making sure that our way of life continue skb continue. And i would say we should also be a little bit judicious about whether we bail out the airlines which have access to Capital Markets which have been repeatedly in bankruptcy and kept up operations. I am less sympathetic to a bailout for them than small and medium sized businesses. You just need to make sure they continue to operate post crisis. If the shareholders take a hit, if they even have to head into bankruptcy protection, you know airlines will still operate post bankruptcy. All you need is the airlines to operate, but you cant do the same thing with people. You have to take care of the people. We were doing super tuesday coverage so they cut into our time a little bit, so im short of time, but the administration has been in touch with you about your program . Weve been talking to the administration trying to share lern learnings with what cash does in peoples hands, it makes them stronger, healthier, more trusting, more positive, more productive, and were happy to help in this time of need. Anthony, before i go quickly, the administration, Steve Mnuchin said they want to go big, right . I think that was the president and Mitch Mcconnell saying they want to go big. Theyre going to have to go bigger in your estimation . I think theyve got to go at least three times bigger and bolder. Theyll get to those numbers, okay . Im telling you once they really do a deep dive, just a big shoutout to andrew yang for being a visionary on this sort of stuff. Its an 800 billion cash giveout that you will settle people down, and theyll start spending, and you will slow the growth in the economy, in the economic decline. Last point, you want to be granting and giving money to certain people and lending it to others, particularly those big businesses like the airlines. We can do this, but weve got to go way bigger right now, right now, don. Okay. Thank you, all. Fascinating conversation. I rel appreciaally appreciate i the military announcing they are going to help with the governments response to the coronavirus. What theyre planning to do and whether it will be enough. That is next. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis. Or psoriatic arthritis, little things, can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable. With reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis,. Otezla is proven. To reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. 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Gthese expect and way more. Internthats xfinity xfi. U. Get powerful wifi coverage that leaves no room behind with xfi pods. And now xfi advanced security is free with the xfi gateway, giving you an added layer of network protection, so every device thats connected is protected. Thats a 72 a year value. No one else offers this. Faster speed, coverage, and free advanced security at an unbeatable value with xfinity xfi. Can your internet do that . The u. S. Military is stepping up its response to the coronavirus announcing it will open testing sites to civilians and donate millions of masks for distribution. Defense officials also telling cnn that the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff is preparing to sign orders that could lead to the deployment of two u. S. Navy hospital ships and a mobile hospital facility. Joining me now is retired general stanley mcchrystal. General, its an honor to have you on. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Thanks, don. So first question, what could the military do . What resources could they bring to this . How could they change the response here . Yeah, id like to start with just a story. When i was a young lunieutenanti got my platoon of para troopers lost in the wood with my map and compass, and my platoon sergeant came and leaned over me, and i pointed out the problem, and he Said Lieutenant its best if you navigate from where we are and not from where we wish we were. Thats where we are right now. In my opinion the United States military exists for the defense of the nation. We are being attacked by a virus different from many of our opponents, but this is a time where every single asset in the United States military that could be of use in any way ought to be made available. We shouldnt be tripping over rules and whatnot. I think the United States military wants to defend fellow americans, and so whatever they can do from field hospitals to hospital ships, to just people to help with things, i think is appropriate. I couldnt agree with you more, they want to defend fellow americans, absolutely. The president was asked today where he should invoke the defense production act, a law that forces American Industries to increase production of critical supplies and equipment. Listen to what he said. Do you need to invoke the defense production act to get more of those medical supplies to different hospitals . Were able to do that, and we have to, right now we havent had to. Its certainly ready if i want it we can do it very quickly. We studied it very closely over two weeks ago. Well make that decision pretty quickly if we need it. We hope we dont need it. Its a big step. Why not invoke the act . Because were talking about estimates of millions of people could die. Our country is literally paralyzed right now. Well, the thing about coronavirus is we are going to defeat it, and most of us know that. The question is how many fellow americans we lose that we dont have to lose because we make mistakes that were too slow. I think we should have already invoked the defense production act. Whats the harm . Pushing the production of things like ventilators, if we end up with too many ventilators and extra ventilators, i can live with that, if we have too few, i think this weve made a big mistake. I wonder if theyve even discussed it. I dont know, thats a question for someone whos with the administration. General, you know, President Trump being impressed by the new york governor to deploy the u. S. Army corps of engineers to build field hospitals and retro fit buildings for patients, do you think they should be activated . Well, i think that they should. Now, there are limits to what the corps of engineers can do. They use a lot of contractors so you cant see theyre a pant see ya for everything, but every single part of the United States government and of all the commercial entities, a whole of nation approach should be put at this right now. We dont need to panic. We need to roll up our sleeves. Right, amen. Pentagon officials addressed the limits of our hospital care. They could provide what the hospitals could provide. Listen to this. Our fixed facilities are designed to the force that we have. Theyre not thousandbed medical centers all over the United States. Theyre for the most part Small Community hospitals. Our deployable hospitals range in size and range in capabilities that are very much focused and designed to take care of those in combat. So how much help can they really be in a full scale crisis . Well, i think they could be quite a lot. They can create just hospital beds, theres tentage, theres a number of things and a number of military professionals in active duty and reserve. And theres some limitations with activating reserve and National Guard because many of them are already working in the health industry, but the reality is everything can go out there, and if we really get the kind of surge in patients that we expect, were going to need the capacity to provide just beds and to create the environment around them. That may not be perfect, but it will be better than nothing. General, the final question for you, a cnn oped in a cnn op oped, you say this is all about leadership. Whos showing the leadership right now that you see . Well, im seeing a number of places across the country. There are governors stepping up and showing great leadership. Theres some medical leaders who are, and i think were going to need to see business leaders. Were going to need to see education leaders, every one of us is going to have to show the leadership and the selfcontrol to follow the kinds of this i thinks that dont endanger other americans. I dont think leadership is going to be found solely at the top of the pyramid. I think its going to be found in our society or were going to be found wanting. I do see governors stepping into the void, some mayors, and even some Business Owners, and we spotlighted some Business Owners last night who are distributing their own hand sanitizers from some of their distributors which i thought was really amazing, doing it for free, which i think is amazing. General stanley mcchrystal, thank you so much. I really appreciate your time and your expertise. My pleasure, don. That you think. Weve got a lot more to come as the coronavirus spreads across this country. Plus, joe biden defeating Bernie Sanders in florida and illinois tonight, those super tuesday results are next. Cnn tonight super tuesday edition will be right back. whistling whistling paul do you get confused by i dont blame you,laims . The most reliable, the most awarded. The best, the fastest, the best and the fastest. Enough. 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Welcome back to cnn tonight, super tuesday, voters heading to the polls today for primary races, florida, illinois, arizona, cnn projects joe biden wins arizona and illinois. Phil, hello to you. So i told you about illinois and florida. Lets talk about arizona where theyre counting the votes. As the nations dealing with this coronavirus, national emergency, give us the latest. Whats interesting about arizona is we dont actually have results yet. You have to wait about an hour until after polls actually close to see them, but i think what youre seeing throughout the course of the night in kind of a surreal moment that people are voting in a primary election is just the florida first. Cnn projected florida. Rook throughout the course of the state. Al you see is dark blue. Joe biden. 93 reporting. 61 to 22 biden winning every single county in the state. The scale is more impressive for the biden team when you move up to illinois. Mostly all dark blue. Flash back to 2016, this was a very close race. This was a very close state between clinton and sanders. Look at all the sanders light blue in 2016. Flip it again this time around, biden. Dominant. 59 to 36 . Right now as it stands another very big night for joe biden. Well see what comes in with arizona. No results in. We expect reporting here shortly. For the Third Straight tuesday a very big night for joe biden. All right. Thank you very much. Well check back in. Four nets players testing positive for coronavirus tonight. Including kevin durant. What he is saying about it. Apps are used everywhere. Except work. Why is that . Is it because people love filling out forms . Maybe they like checking with their supervisor to see how much Vacation Time they have. Or sending corporate their expense reports. Ill let you in on a little secret. They dont. By empowering employees to manage their own tasks, paycom frees you to focus on the business of business. To learn more, visit paycom. 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Joining me now cnn sports reporter. And the senior nba insider for stadium and the atlantaic. Im glad you could join us. And the athletic. Thank you so much. I appreciate you joining us. Ill start with you, you broke the news about durant after speaking to him directly. So what can you tell us about how hes doing and how you found out . And he found out. Yes, the Brooklyn Nets tested players for coronavirus on saturday. Players got back the results today. And durant tested positive. One of four to test positive and i talked to him this afternoon. He is fine. You just said this the quote he told me. And his message was clear, i think this a clear message to send out. They want to generate awareness to the public to the youth of america. Really the world in terms of staying home and staying quarantined and taking care of yourself during this pandemic. Theres no question for the whole nba everything came to a halt once gobert tested positive wednesday. And the First Professional League to start the domino effect that occurred so far in america. Did he talk about how he was feeling or getting the word that he tested positive or any of the details . Yes, when i found out i reached out and it was his decision to go on the record with that information. And he is fine. He told me he is asymptomatic. He isnt feeling symptoms. There is no question he will stay in quarantine over the next is it 12 to 14 days and reassess as the nets will. Once that time period is up. All right. Let me bring you in. We talked about rudy last week on the show. That was this was really at the turning point of this. When people started to realize how serious it was. Nets broke the l. A. Times reporter that the lakers players will be tested for coronavirus. Under go a 14 day selfkwarpt. What are you hearing about many professional athletes and how theyll get tested and every day americans wont be able to do it . Whats going on. This a question people are asking all around the country. Im hearing this is case by case basis. When he was showing symptoms and tested in Oklahoma City he was the first person diagnosed with the coronavirus. In that area. So Health Officials needed to test him and everybody around him to track the spread of this. This was in the earlier stage before we learned how many people were infected. We were wondering how he got the test so quickly . There are reports that the nets are privately funding the tests. Hiring private doctors and the lakers height lakers might do the same. That is their prerogative. Thats not for me to say whether or not thats fair to the american people. Why its important, because nba traveling teams are spreaders. They go to hotels and planes and buses. Shaking hands and signing autographs and making physical contact with other players. Kevin durant is interestingly a player thats been sidelined. But for the most part they leave a large foot hint. Thats why its important to test the players if you can. In bay thats fair. In a way thats fair. We need to know how much have it. Reporting a former u. S. Surgeon general spoke to nba owners about the coronavirus situation. What did he tell them . So he joined the former u. S. Surgeon general joined a call today and his message was if the United States hadnt have taken this hard stance they had over several days in terms of a lot of the vast major tu of cities and states shut downs of a lot of situations that prevented a lot of containment now. Hopefully. Thats the plan. If they hadnt have done that millions of people at risk of dying. And let owners know there was a sobering reality. Cases will likely go up and increase over the next two to three weeks. Months. Just as they have in italy. And so there was a sobering truth. One thing is players whether you are talking about lebron james. Owners, the league office. They all want to resume the season. Whether its in may, june, july, august. Players want to salvage the season. When ever the period is. Thank you so much. I appreciate you joining us. Updating us on this important story. This is cnn tonight im don lemon. It is a top of the hour. We have a busy hour coming up. Covering all the angles of the coronavirus pandemic. And here tonights big headlines. Coronavirus is spreading. Its in all 50 states with West Virginia confirming

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