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And despite warning signs of a possible recession and stock market turmoil sparked by the trade war with china, trump told his supporters that everything is fine and that they have no choice but to vote for him. We are doing very well with china despite the fact that they want to have you believe to the contrary. The United States right now has the hottest economy anywhere in the world. But you have no choice but to vote for me because your 401 k s down the tubes. Everythings going to be down the tubes. So whether you love me or hate me, you got to vote for me. But could growing concerns about the economy change the dynamics of the 2020 race . Lets discuss now. Keith boykin is here, tara setmayer, and former congressman charlie dent. Good evening. Very smart and lovely guests this evening. Charlie, im going to start with you. You know, trump has tied his presidency to the economy. He loves boasting about the stock market, low unemployment numbers. Without a strong economy, what happens to his chances of reelection . Well, don, if the economy slows down or perhaps move into recession in 2020, that certainly is going to damage the president s reelection prospects even more than they already are. Ive always said the president has a high floor and a low ceiling. On his worst day hes at about 35 . On his best day hes about 45 approval. I think that whole that moves down. He moves below 35 and 45 comes down. So the floor gets lower and the ceiling gets lower. So thats the president s fundamental problem, and his own behavior with respect to the trade war is really rattling markets, and it creates an uncertainty and instability that is frightening many Business Leaders despite their support of his tax and regulatory policies. Yeah. Tara, he has slammed democrats. He slammed democrats tonight, but this latest fox news poll shows that trump well put it up losing hypothetical 2020 matchups against biden, warren, sanders, harris. Biden beats him by 12 points. Keep this. I can you should see keith in here. He had to put on his glasses. Xi show them what you did. I dont wear them on tv. You want to see that, right . I did the same thing. Wait. Hes in the 30s now in a fox poll . He doesnt even reach 40. What do you make of these numbers, tara . Well, obviously i think this is fantastic news that donald trump is polling so weakly. Its still early, though. I know. Its very early of course. But the fact that its a fox poll just makes it even that much more satisfying. So im just waiting for the countdown probably tomorrow morning where trump is going to complain about fake fox polls and what happened to fox news, you know, because all the polls are fake if they dont support him. But this is Something Else that was interesting. I read some of the cross tabs of that poll, and it also showed that trumps support among noncollege educated white women dramatically dropped. Hes only plus two for him now, and plus four with biden, which is a dramatic decrease. In 2016, he won that cohort by plus 20. So that shows a softening, and im curious id be curious to see what it is. Is it the racist language . Is it the turmoil thats going on . Are people just exhausted with the chaos every day because thats, you know, the stronghold of his support is noncollege educated white folks, and 53 of those women voted for him last time around. So when you start losing women, hes got a problem, especially suburban women. Yeah. Listen, we have a long way to go, you know, but i wonder, keith, if this could be if trump fatigue could be setting in. I watched a little bit of the rally tonight, and it seemed kind of stale, like it was just you know, he was going through the motions. The energy, the normal energy, wasnt there. Its like its the same old thing. Do you think trump fatigue is setting in . Well, for a lot of us, it started four years ago, so i dont know whats taken everybody else so long to catch up to it. But i guess his core supporters dont care. Weve never had this before because typically for president s, i go back to the clinton administration. I worked in campaigns before that time. But typically president s try not to be on television every day because they dont want to be overexposed, and the public gets tired of seeing them. This guy likes to be on television every day. He likes to throw up shiny new objects to distract your attention every day so you dont focus on whatever scandal you were focused on the day before because you get so confused in all the chaos. But he thrives on the chaos. I dont think that his fans actually care about that. I mean hes a reality show president. Theyre tuning in each day for the next episode. So, yes, those of us who are serious about politics, who are serious about the direction of our country are fatigued. But his supporters are not, and i think thats troubling. Yeah. Tara, lets talk about some of the 2020 candidates. One of them, beto orourke, is returning to the campaign trail with an impassioned speech, a new focus on americans. And he says theyre most harmed by the president s policies and rhetoric. Listen to this. When we allow this country to be defined along lines of race and ethnicity and religion, we allow a commander in chief to not only welcome that, but the violence that follows, to defy our laws, our institutions, and any ethical or moral boundaries, the end of that road is the end of this idea of america. Im confident that if at this moment, we do not wake up to this threat, then we as a country will die in our sleep. So, tara, he has been trailing in the polls. You think this new focus is going to regenerate his campaign . I mean very little. I think its going to be negligible. I applaud beto for his message. I think hes 100 right. But its more now about a crusade for him than it is about a president ial campaign. Hes not going to win the democratic nomination with that message alone. Hes not going to win thats not a message thats going to beat trump nationally. The American People are looking for someone that can bring some normalcy and restore decency, that understands how the hell to run the government. Thats what they want. And i feel as though and ive said this that joe biden, thats why he is leading in the polls. People feel comfortable with him. He was the vice president. He knows what hes doing. Hes a decent guy, and they feel comfortable with him. I appreciate betos message, but i just dont its a vanity candidacy at this point right now, and its only going to go so far for him. But hes right about it, but i think its more of a crusade than a campaign. Charlie, lets talk a little bit more about that because he clearly found an emotional touch point with the shooting. Thats where hes from. You know, hes making it a case that taking on President Trumps racist rhetoric is a winning strategy. But will that work, you think, in the primaries . Well, many of the other candidates are presenting similar messages to beto orourke about the president s behavior. I think theyre all pretty much aligned on that issue. So im not sure hes going to distinguish himself. Remember, too, beto orourke was able to run such an Impressive Campaign for the senate in texas because of who he was running against. He was running against ted cruz, and lets be honest. He was perhaps the most detested member of the senate, and a lot of people just didnt like him. So beto could contrast himself. Im just being honest. No, youre right, charlie. Thats why im laughing. Its true. And so beto, you know, he could contrast. Yeah, hes got that rfk look about him, and he contrasted well, but hes now running against a lot of other democrats who are impressive in their own rights. And i just think that betos campaign, as you said, tara, is struggling. Its floundering a bit, and he just needs to figure out a way to break through. Hes kind of running this aspirational campaign. You called it a vanity campaign, and i think theres a certain truth to that. At the end of the day, hes got a long way to go to get into the top tier because i think right now hes down around 1 . Keith, the former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper is going to end his bid for president. Hes considering a run for senate. Beto orourke said he is taking the fight to trump. No senate run for him. You think thats a mistake . Well, i think a lot of democrats would like to see him run for senate against john cornyn. Theyd rather have him than to he has the right to run his campaign, but at some point if he realizes the poll numbers arent moving, if he realizes the Campaign Dollars arent coming in, hes got to democracy a decision, and there are plenty of other people out there who can make the case against donald trump. I think joe biden has maintained his entire campaign about making the case against donald trump. Its not like beto orourke has some unusual language or words thats going to convince the world that donald trump is a bad president. The Democratic Party already knows that, and the majority of the country already knows that. So i think beto orourke would be well suited, well served to reconsider the Senate Campaign again, and i think hed get a lot of support from the Democratic Party for doing so. Jonathan martin of the New York Times is out with an article entieltsed Many Democrats love Elizabeth Warren, they also worry about her. He says a lot of democrats think that she may be too far left. They worry the country wont vote for a woman. Valid concerns . Just plain sexist . I guess it can be both. It could be both. I mean i dont know. I mean well, whether the country will vote for a woman or not, im still up in the air about. I think it depends on which woman. Clearly they werent trying to vote for Hillary Clinton. Elizabeth warrens interesting. Shes surging right now in the polls. I think its because but its at the expense of bernie sanders, right . She puts a bit more of a palatable presentation on kind of the Progressive Agenda that i think people respond to her a little bit more. Shes got a fresher voice than bernie sanders. But i just dont know that some of her ideas being as grandiose as they are and how youre going to pay for all of that is something that the country wants. I mean in that fox poll, another thing that you saw was people they were asked, do you want to build on the obama legacy or go in a new direction . And it was split 5050 almost. It was like 4847. But joe biden pretty much owns the lien of lets keep you know, we want to build on the obama legacy. He kind of owns that because people dont really want so much change now. They dont want that because of what weve dealt with with this fiasco with trump. I wonder with her electability in the middle states that they need, i dont know that those folks want what shes selling. All right. Keith, i see you want to get in on this in the short time we have left. Lets put up one of the fox polls she talked about. Elizabeth warren firm lip in second place. We havent seen her debate joe biden yet. A Strong Performance by warren, do you think that could erase fears as tara was talking about, about electability . Well, i think she has a good case. Shes run i think one of the best campaigns of the candidates out there. She started from the bottom down. Can we put that poll back up . Sorry. Go on. She started from the bottom. She started early and people kind of dismissed her because of all the attacks donald trump was making against her. Shes actually been very steady and making movement. But, you know, heres the thing. I dont buy this electability argument about Elizabeth Warren. Hillary clinton ran for president. She got 3 million more votes than donald trump did. Shes a white woman just like Elizabeth Warren, and Elizabeth Warren doesnt have all the 20 or 30 years of baggage that Hillary Clinton does, so that gives her an advantage. Plus, Elizabeth Warren also has the capacity to build on what Hillary Clinton did and get the progressive voters who didnt turn out in 2016. Remember, hillary only lost by 77,000 votes because of three states 10,700 votes in michigan, 22,000 votes in wisconsin, 44,000 votes in pennsylvania. I think a progressive candidate like Elizabeth Warren could easily make up those 77,000 votes in those three states. Thats all you need to win the electoral college. Shes too far left for those states. All trumps got to do is paint her as a socialist, and thats going to be the end of it. Trump is going to paint any candidate who runs, including joe biden, as a socialist. [ overlapping voices ] charlie, what do you think . The biggest gift to donald trump i think would be an blauf Elizabeth Warren candidacy. Lets face it. I dont think the American Public wants to replace a nativist right wing populist president in donald trump with an angry economic populist presidency in an blaufrn Elizabeth Warren. This would open up the center of the country. Remember, in 2016, we had the largest number of people who did not vote for either of the two major party candidates. That would happen again. And, hey, say hello to howard schultz. He jumps in. The center right to center left constituency is going to be wide open because both parties will have failed to address that constituency, which i think is very substantial. All right. Mmhmm. I disagree. Leave it at that. I know were out of time. I think we got it. Thank you all, i appreciate it. Stay tuned. Thank you. See you next time. The president who claims to be a master of art of the deal doesnt seem to be having a lot of success lately. Whatever happened to the deal maker in chief . Well discuss next. Honks wheels screeching clapping sound of can hitting bag and bowl clapping always there in crunch time. Were pretty different. Were all unique in our own ways. Somos muy diferentes. Muy diferentes. vo verizon knows everyone in your family is different. There are so many of us doing so many different things. vo thats why verizon lets everyone mix and match different unlimited plans. Sebastians the gamer. Sebastian. 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Hes the author of the truth about trump. David cay johnston is here as well. Hes the author of its even worse than you think. What the Trump Administration is doing to america. Gentlemen, good evening to both of you. Hi, don. And here we go. Michael, im going to start with you. President trump spoke with the trade negotiations with china at his rally in New Hampshire. By the way, i never said china was going to be easy. But its not tough, and they want to make a deal. We just spoke to them yesterday. They want to make a deal. They want to make a deal. They have to make a deal. And you know what . It will be wonderful to make a deal. I dont think were ready to make a deal. Were taking in billions of dollars in tariffs. And, again, chinas devaluing their currency. Theyre pouring out money. The prices havent gone up, so that means were taking in billions of dollars. Were not paying for it. I should note that most of what the president said there was inaccurate, but how is the deal maker going with the deal maker in chief . Not very well because if you look at american exports to china, theyre down 31 . And he blinked on the tariffs, but go on. He blinked on that, but our farmers are hurting. So you cant take 31 of their exports out of the equation and expect them to support you forever. You know, these were part of his base, these farmers, and now theyre paying the price. Then you look at chinas exports to the u. S. Theyre down slightly, but about 5 of what our exports are down. So its a bad deal. But hes not a deal maker. Hes a bully. So hes a person who, when he has the upper hand, tries to crush you. He explained this to me directly. He said i dont believe in win win. I believe in i win. And that doesnt work when other people have power. I mentioned he blinked on the china deal, but hes promised a great trade deal with china. Hes threatened them. Hes flattered them. He upped the ante with tariffs. And just this week he backed off on the tariff threat. Why should china give him any concessions at this point . They shouldnt, and theyre not stupid. They have studied him far more closely than im sure the president has studied anything in his life. Thats the other part of this is i dont think he takes in information. I think its a surprise to him when things dont work out, especially if hes been advised to do otherwise. And im sure there are people in the administration who went to him and said, look, we cant have skyhigh prices during the holidays. So he backed off on the tariffs. I dont know if hell reimpose them. I guess it all depends on his whim. David, lets bring you in now because cnn has been told by u. S. Officials that trade negotiations are one of the reasons why the president has failed to publicly defend the democracy protesters in hong kong. Is he looking to trade silence for a good trade deal, you think . You know, thats one i dont know, don. We do know that he doesnt care about liberty, and he doesnt know what to do. A competent president would know to get on the phone to president xi and then get on the phone to other World Leaders and make it clear that there will be a heavy price to be paid not war, but something seriously heavy if theres a massacre in hong kong. And trump doesnt know how to do that. And as michael was pointing out about trade, you know, he doesnt understand anything about it. He doesnt understand that 80 of chinese exports do not go to the United States and that when you devalue the yuan, theyre going to get more exports as a result of that. And being an autocratic society, a communistic dictatorship, they dont have to respond to voters like donald trump does. They can wait him out, and they clearly have thought this through very carefully and know exactly what theyre doing. And donald trump has already lost his trade war. Okay. So you said he doesnt know anything about trade, but isnt that why you hire people around you, good people who know about these things . Is it true that he thinks he knows better than even the generals, even the economists . Right. Well, first of all, hes relied on peter navarro, whose views are just wait out in space about trade. And, no, donald doesnt take advice. Michael can tell you about this as well. Dont just does not take advice. His style in negotiations historically has been both the bully that mike the described, and then he was well known that he would pay people for information. And when he would discover that youre about to close a deal with him but you have some other looming deadline elsewhere, a balloon payment or an obligation to be fulfilled, he would threaten to walk away at the last moment so that you would cave and give him what he wanted. Well, that works once. Thats why he always has to move on to another mark. It doesnt work when you have to keep going back to the same well as with, say, president xi and china. Im going to move on to another that is a very good assessment there. Michael, listen, a good deal maker would know who he is dealing with, right . Today the president did talk about hong kong, gave chinas leader some advice. Here it is. I would be willing to bet that if he sat down with the protesters, a group of representative protesters, ill bet hed work it out in 15 minutes. I bet hed work it out very quickly. I know its not the kind of thing he does, but i think it wouldnt be a bad idea. Does this president understand the history of the Chinese Government . He is he out of his depth here . He is completely out of his depth. Protesters in hong kong dont want to sit down with the chinese. Thats the issue. Isnt that the whole point . That is the whole point. What america should be doing is standing behind them. They are the people pursuing right on. Youre about that. Liberty. Theyre pursuing their freedoms and their rights. This is what america should stand for. But we have a president who doesnt necessarily respect the rights of american citizens. Weve seen this mess with israel where hes meddling in the affairs of two members of congress who have every right to travel abroad. So this is a man who is not concerned about humanity. Hes concerned about donald trump. I was just going to say about him and how he looks. When people are concerned with short term gain, hes not seeing the Bigger Picture in all of this, how it makes him look. Go ahead, david. Go ahead. Don, one of the things you havent seen donald trump do is sit down with any of his critics. I dont see him meeting with protesters around the country. I mean what strange advice for donald to give. Yeah. Well, he thinks well, look, i stopped them from going, you know. He thinks its a reflection of how good or big a guy he is when, really, the Bigger Picture, in the longer run, it would be better for him to be diplomatic and allow them to go in because thats what america is about and thats what the office represents. And he put netanyahu in the position of being his lap dog. So he practically has his hand up him and is making him talk. Its pathetic. Yeah. But this is what trump does to everybody. Yeah. David, its always a pleasure. And other authoritarian go ahead. Go ahead, david. Other authoritarian regimes, don, are going to look at what happened here with netanyahu and trump and say, why should we let critical americans come in . Why should we let people or critics of our regime come in . This is longterm very bad that will extend beyond Donald Trumps term. Yeah. Gentlemen, thank you. David, its always a pleasure. Michael, eh. Kidding. We love you. Thank you guys. President trump getting a different kind of tax break at his golf resort in bedminster. How eight goats and a hay farm are giving him a writeoff to the tunes of tens of thousands of dollars. Im finding it hard to stay on top of things. A faster laptop could help. Plus, tech support to stay worry free. Worry free. Boom ha. Ha. Boom now save up to 40 on all furniture. Up to 40 at Office Depot Officemax or officedepot. Com. Sleep number 360 smart bed. St sale of the year on the can it help keep us asleep . Yes, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. Save 50 on the sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus 0 interest for 24 months on all beds. Only for a limited time. From the 5am wakers, to the 6am sleepers. Everyone uses their phone differently and in different places. Thats why Xfinity Mobile created a Wireless Network that auto connects you to millions of secure wifi hot spots. And the best lte everywhere else. Xfinity mobile is a different kind of Wireless Network designed to save you money. Save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. Plus get 250 back when you buy an eligible phone. Click, call or visit a store today. Despite holding a Campaign Rally in New Hampshire tonight, President Trump is on vacation this week at his golf resort in bedminster, new jersey. However, he bristles at the word vacation, so hes calling this week a working vacation. But lets not be fooled by the president s wordplay. He gets plenty of downtime at his properties, especially at his golf resorts. President trump has been in office 937 days, and he has spent 30 of those days at his properties, including more than 200 days at one of his golf clubs. Being president is a tough job. President reagan spent a lot of time at his ranch in california. George w. Bush at his ranch in texas. The clintons and the obamas went to marthas vineyard. So if President Trump enjoys a round of golf, he should play. Even senator lindsey graham, the president s frequent golfing partner, joked about it today. How many of you are glad that donald trump plays golf . Me too. Thats three or four hours where he cant do anything. [ laughter ] and yet donald trump, before he was president , really railed against president barack obama for relaxing on the golf course. He played more golf last year than tiger woods. Obama ought to get off the golf course and get down there. And when trump was running for president in 2016, he frequently said this to his supporters. Im not going to be playing much golf, believe me. If i win this, im not going to be playing much golf. Im going to be working for you. Im not going to have time to go play golf. Well, the numbers dont lie. Like i said, hes spent more than 200 days of his presidency at one of his golf clubs, although we dont always know that he is playing golf. We can assume. But the white house typically wont confirm that the president hit the links and they keep reporters away from him when he is at one of his clubs. But theres no two ways about it. He constantly criticized president barack obama for playing golf, yet he plays all the time, including with golfer john daly at bedminster on monday. Those are nice shorts by the way. Look at that outfit. When he is spending time on the grounds at bedminster, maybe he is tending to his goats or baling hay. Thats right. Its not mentioned often, but President Trump keeps eight goats on bedminster property and a hay farm as well. But dont expect to see him in overalls. The commander in heef is not the goat herd in chief. Donald trump is a businessman, and the goats and the hay strictry business there. Theyre tax writeoffs. Their presence on the Luxury Property helps lower the resorts tax bill. Trump saves tens of thousands of dollars a year by farming goats and hay in bedminster. Thats according to an analysis of his bedminster township property taxes by the huffington post. The wall street journal has reported in the past that trump is taking advantage of a new jersey farmland law designed to prevent overdevelopment in the state. But lets be clear here. Trumps bedminster golf resort is located in wealthy horse country, hardly a part of the garden state thats under threat of overdevelopment. Yet its all part of the same pattern that the New York Times exposed about trump last fall. The Trump Organization has a history of lowering the value of its property as a way to lower the taxes it owes. The times also reported the trump family has spent decades coming up with ways to dodge taxes in order to build their wealth. So in case of bedminster and the goats and the hay farm, the general public is basically subsidizing President Trump and his Golf Club Members to play golf at a luxury resort. Well be right back. 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It was 400 years ago in august 1619 that the first african slaves were brought to america. Over the next 2 1 2 centuries, upwards of 4 Million People were enslaved. As Casey Jarrell points out in a new York Magazine article, the black art of escape, 400 years have passed, where do we go from here . He also is the author of there will be month miracles here. Casey jarrell joins me now. Im so happy to have you on. Im thrilled to be here. I am a huge fan. Listen, i was reading your piece in the new yorker and kept saying, i wish i could write like that. I wish i could write like that. You can. Youre very talented. Congratulations. Im very proud to be here with you and happy as well. 400 years since the first slave ships reached the colony of virginia. How would you sum up the state of black america from then till now, right now . Well, were still here, and i think thats what matters most, and thats why the question i ask is where do we go from here . I wrote this piece to black people, one, to mark the anniversary of this event that not all of us want to remember but we must remember. Two, to say thank you to all of the people that came after those first 20someodd negroes who arrived in virginia, who paid such an enormous price for us to be here, for two free black men to be on National Television on whats this, a thursday night. Mmhmm. And also to answer this question that weve been trying to answer the whole time is how can we live in a land thats been made to kill us . Weve been told a great deal of our peoples strategies of respectability and assimilation. Weve not been told enough about their strategies of flight, embodied so beautiful in Toni Morrisons song of solomon, which you probably have read. So i wanted to hold on. You did that in your piece. You talked about seeing alvin revelations. Thats right. But we digress. We can talk about it. Okay. But go on. So you think about what in good tar tells milkman when a fly got to let go of all that stuff that weighs you down. So i think right now when you say where are we going to go from here, i hope this piece helps us let go of all that stuff that weighs us down and realize the most radical act we can commit as black people in America Today is to be well. Mmhmm. What are we missing in the conversation . Is that what it is, you this inc. . Because everyone always says, you we need to have a conversation. We need to have a conversation about race. There have been many, many conversations. Something is missing. Were not having the right conversation. Well, it depends on who is we, right . I have no interest. Weve been throwing generation after generation of black genius at the challenge of fighting White Supremacy, and i tell folks all the time, black people fighting White Supremacy is like don quixote tilting at wind mills. I would like to redirect some of our energy to this question of what it means to be free. I write about a story that i dont think anybody watching this program will forget, talk about our people who were enslaved, your folks in louisiana, my folks in texas. And its a story, miss fannie moore was a woman that the federal writers project went and spoke to in the 1940s, and i learned through this through a brilliant black artist. So they go down and talk to miss fannie moores mother, and she they go down and talk to miss fannie moore and she tells the story of her mother. One day on the plantation, her mother gets happy, starts singing and shouting. And the master comes down and says whats going on in the field . I didnt send you out here to hoot and holler. I sent you out here to work. Miss fannie moores mother, a smile comes across her face, and she says, the lord has shown me the way. I aint going to grieve no more, no matter how you all treat me and my children. The lord has shown me the way, and someday we aint ever going to be slaves no more. The master takes that bullwhip and he starts lashing miss fannie moores mothers back, and she doesnt do nothing. She just goes off back to the field saying, im free. Im free. I want my 14yearold niece. I want my 7yearold cousin, i want those two little black boys i saw on the a train, to know no matter how this country treats them, theres a resource of freedom on the inside, but you have to nurture it. You have to claim it. But in these times, people resent that freedom. That freedom is an affront to many people because when they see it, they smell it coming. Thats right. And what do you do about that in this moment . Well, you keep on our people say keep on keepin on. Thats right. I will say i am not dismissive of the strategies of respectability, politics. Everybody should read evelyn higginbotham, nor am i dismissive of the strategies of protests which have been so important. Nothing im saying here absolves our responsibility to be citizens. Mmhmm. But white people get to be citizens as a hobby. Black people are supposed to be citizens as a fulltime job plus overtime, and i have great friends who have dedicated their lives to fighting for injustice, and i love and respect them for it. But id love and respect them even if they didnt do it because black freedom should not require black death. I have all these questions prepared for you, and i didnt ask you one of them. Okay. Im going to ask you, why did you disappear . You disappeared, and there were people saying your voice is needed, your voice is needed, your voice is needed. And then you came back. Was it a burden . What was it because im not sure i get it from this article. Because you went away, and you went where did you go . Did you go to texas . I went to texas. Yeah. I mean i have a short time left. Im sorry. Okay. Thats fine. I went away because i had reached a dead end in my own life, and the story, the africans deck of flight, im just pointing everybody to the great black people. We came here and we forgot that we could fly. Thats exactly right. Theyd be out on the plantation and someday theyd say a secret word and get up on wings and fly away, and some would fly away for good, but some of them would fly away for just a little while. And i claimed that part of our that digs. I think many of us have to take whether its three minutes or three years or three decades. Youve got to take that minute to reclaim and restore and renew that inner freedom so we can get back and do the work weve got to do. I have to go, but who do you think you are . Oh, well, im a product of oak cliff, texas, and all the fantastic black people that raised me, and hopefully im casey gerald for another i love you, casey gerald. You are amazing. I would encourage everyone to read every single word you write, and thank you so much. Thank you, don. I really appreciate it. Thank you. Well be right back. Just a chair. That a handle is just a handle. Or that you cant be both inside and outside. Most people havent driven a lincoln. Discover the lincoln approach to craftsmanship at the lincoln summer invitation. Right now, get 0 apr on all 2019 lincoln vehicles plus no payments for up to 90 days. Only at your lincoln dealer. I used to book my hotel room on those traalways a catch. Here was like somehow you wind up getting less. But now that i book at hilton. Com, and i get all these great perks. I got to select my room from the floor plan. Very nice. I know, im good at picking stuff. Free wifi. Laptop by the pool is a bold choice. And the price match guarantee. How do you know all of this . Are you like some magical hilton fairy . Its just here on the hilton app. Just available to the public, so. Book at hilton. Com and get the hilton price match guarantee. 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What an amazing clean ill only use an oralb oralb. Brush like a pro. 22 innocent people died in the mass shooting in el paso on august 3rd. One of them was margie. She met her husband antonio 22 years ago. Now he is preparing to lay her to rest. He has no other family. He invited the public to her funeral this weekend and hundreds are expected to pay their respects. Life was all about his wife, margie. He feels lost without her. Tomorrow night is her Funeral Service here in el paso. And something is going to happen at the Prayer Service that has made her husband incredibly grateful. Tony loved only one person in the world, and now shes gone. She loved you a lot. I tell you what we had wonderful years. The best years of my whole life. Tony has no other family. His wife margie had just a few family members. Attendance at her funeral was expected to be minimal until the internet took over. Tweets from journalists and Media Outlets sent out messages of support. And there was this. Antonio married 22 years to his wife. He welcomes anyone to attend his wifes service. People from all over the United States contacted the funeral home saying they plan to attend. There are going to be hundreds of people here. From all around the country. How does that make you feel . I love it. It is nice to see people really caring about people. It is going to be a lot of people now. They had been married for 22 years. Tony said his life was very difficult prior to meeting her. What would you like people to know about margie . She is a caring, loving, most beautiful person. Every day he goes to the memorial site next to the walmart taking exquisite care. Where did you meet her . Omaha, nebraska in a bar. You were single . She was single. Was it love at first sight . Oh, man. Tony is still waking up each morning in disbelief. By looking at the front door. I even tried calling her on the phone. You have . I tried to. At the memorial site tony tells margie some day he will meet her in heaven. Tony is now beginninga i knew life alone but for one day at margies funeral he wont be. She made me the happiest man in the world and the luckiest. Nobody is luckier than me in this whole world. Tony is spending a lot of time at the memorial. They talked to him and it offered him a great comfort as it has for members of others. Tony told me last week he slept here one night. He still wants to be as close as he can to his wife, margie. Gary, thank you so much for bringing us that story. Thank you for watching. Our coverage continues. This was me six years ago. And this is me now i got liberty mutual. They customized my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. Then i won the lottery, got hair plugs, and started working out. And so can you only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Would shakespeare have chosen just some pens . Methinks tul pens would serve mlady well. Thanks. 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Anyways. Ive got their app right here, i can troubleshoot. I can schedule a time for them to call me back, its great you have our number programmed in . Ya i dont even know your phone anymore. Excuse me . what . I dont know your phone number. Aw well. He doesnt know our phone number you have our fax number, obviously. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Ill pass. Good evening and thanks for joining us today. We learned the president of the United States urged american congresswomen that are critics of his and the head of the foreign power did just that. In a truly trumpian twist the president denied having pushed the foreign power while seemingly admitting he had. This is not normal but abnormal is kind of now normal. It is also a classic trump distraction play, i w away to turn eyesa, way from yesterdays stock drop and reception. What the president did here is unprecedented. This concerns two

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