Made contact with his wife. She says he called her and said hes a little sad but doing okay. Hes being held in a correctional facility. He also said he may appear before a judge on friday or saturday. The news continues. I want to turn things over to don lemon and cnn tonight. This is cnn tonight. Im don lemon. And weve got to talk about what we heard from the president of the United States today. Because lets be clear, this is not politics as usual. This is not normal. This is the president going off the rails during an official taxpayerfunded event. A speech supposed to be about energy policy. But quickly turned into a rambling campaign speech. Joking about calling off the 2020 election. Have they ever called off an election before . Just said look, lets go, four more years. Yeah. Then you want to really drive them crazy . Go to hashtag third term, hashtag fourth term. Youll drive them totally crazy. Joking doesnt make it okay for a president to say lets call off the election. Theres nothing funny about that. Its also not okay. Not normal for a president to use an official speech to attack his political rivals. I dont know whos going to win. But well have to hit pocahontas very hard again if she does win. But shes staging a little bit of a comeback. What a group. Pocahontas and sleepy joe. It is not okay for a president to attack his predecessor for of all things a book deal. This thing is costing me a fortune being president. Lawyers because every day they sue me for something. These are the most litigious people. Its probably costing me from three to five billion for the privilege of being and i couldnt care less. I dont care. Nobody looks at obama getting 60 million for a book. Thats okay. Even though nobody in history ever got that much money for a book. Obama got 60 million. This president cannot get over barack obama. He just cant quit him. He sure seems to be steamed about Barack Obamas book deal. And you know why . You know why barack obama and Michelle Obama got that big joint book deal . Because that many people wanted to read what they had to say. Millions of people. Maybe its sour grapes from the man who claims he wrote the art of the deal. In fact we know he actually had a ghost writer. And theres no evidence that the presidency is costing him anything like 3 to 5 billion. In fact, we know he is making money from some of his properties including the Trump International hotel, which is just five minutes away from the white house. All of that in the president s speech today. None of that is normal. Neither is this. Arguing that African Americans should vote for him because, his words by the way, they have the worst crime rates, the worst education, the worst everything. Remember when i was running i was saying well do this and create jobs. Everyone, you know, big yawn. Lets give him a shot. What do we have to lose, right . I said that with African Americans. They had the worst crime rates, the worst education, the worst everything. They had like ten things im reading it off a list. I looked, i said what the hell do you have to lose . Now the fact is, remember, facts first here on the show. That argument is not exactly resonating with africanamerican voters. In a new fox news poll last mott president had just a 22 Approval Rating and a 75 disApproval Rating with black voters. All this in a speech that was supposed to be about energy policy. You the president did have a few things to say about his least favorite kind of energy, windmills. And when the wind stops blowing, it doesnt make any difference, does it . Id like those big windmills that destroy everybodys property values, kill all the birds. Someday the environmentalists are going to tell us whats going on with that. And then all of a sudden it stops, the wind, and the televisions go off. And your wives and husbands say darling, i want to watch donald trump on television tonight. But the winds stopped blowing and i cant watch. Theres no electricity in the house, darling. You probably remember that donald trump battled scottish officials over a plan to build a wind farm inside his golf resort in aberdeen and he has been complaining about wind power ever since. Youd be doing wind. Windmills. In times of war. You can blow up those windmills. They fall down real quick. You can blow up the windmills. You know, the windmills. Boom, boom, boom. Thats the end of that one. If the birds dont kill it first. The environmentalists, we like windmills. What about the thousands of birds theyre kaling . Just like a killing field of birds. If you have a windmill near your house congratulations, your house just went down 75 in value. Try going to the bottom of a windmill someday. Its not a pretty picture. When the wind doesnt blow they tend not to do too well. If it doesnt blow you can forget about television for that night. Dashlgs is the wind blowing today . Id like to watch television, darling. And they say the noise causes canc cancer. You tell me that one. Rrrerr, rrerr. The president. Need i say the noise does not cause cancer. The American Cancer Society says so. None of this is normal. The president also made sure he got in some digs today against his former Top Communications aide who not at all coincidentally is saying the gop should replace trump at the top of the ticket. Anthony didnt support me at the beginning. He was with somebody else and then he went to somebody else. And he only supported me after it was a foregone conclusion i was going to win. Im not a fan of anthony. I havent been for a long time. I think anthony is really somebody that very much out of control. And he doesnt have what it takes. Yet he made him his communications director. Im going to talk to Anthony Scaramucci in just a few minutes. So stay tuned for that. But in the midst of all this heres what the president is not doing. Hes not doing anything. Not doing anything. Anything substantive about guns. Less than two weeks after 31 people were killed in Mass Shootings in el paso and dayton. A source tells us that the first daughter ivanka trump is talking with lawmakers behind the scenes. And you know how that kind of thing tends to work out. Let me explain to you. Remember the Paris Climate Accord . Remember her reported displeasure with the send her back chant . Remember when she tried to get her father to stop his family separation policy at the border . You remember how all of that worked out. But i digress. The president claims republicans support him on strengthening background checks. Theres no evidence of any kind of aggressive arm twisting campaign by the president to get a specific piece of legislation. Heres what he is doing. Pushing an immigration policy that would make the statute of liberty hang her head in shame. Theres the poem. You remember it. Give me your tired your poor, your huddle masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these the homeless tempesttost to me, i lift my lamp beside the golden door. I said this president S Immigration policy is so cruel it would make lady liberty hang her head in shame. But it seems there is no room for shame in thiS Administration. Just listen to ken cuccinelli, the man at the top of citizenship and immigration services, rewriting this poem, the one people around the world think of when they think about america. Give me your tired and poor who can stand on their own two feet and who will not become a public charge. He is literally rewriting what this nation stands for. What its stood for until now, anyway. And attempting to defend himself to erin burnett tonight. Watch. Well, of course that poem was referring back to people coming from europe where they had classbased societies, where people were considered retched if they werent in the right class. It was written one year after the First Federal public charge rule was written. Whatever happened to the land of opportunity . The land that welcomes those huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Welcomes them without asking whether they can pay their way . But theres more from the nations top immigration official. Ken cuccinelli is also threatening more i. C. E. Raids. You can expect to see more of that as part of the message thiS Administration were going to enforce the law. More raids. Like the ones last week in mississippi. That led to 700 people being arrested. Including the father of 11yearold magdalena. She was born here. Like her siblings. A child sobbing, begging for her father to come home. I need my dad. My dad didnt do nothing. Hes not a criminal. After days with no word, that little girls father finally had a brief phone call with his family today. But they fear hes going to be deported. His wife told cnn he came here to work. It is out of necessity. Yet the president says this. Our taxpayers paying for people to come into the country and immediately go onto welfare and various other things. So i think were doing it right. Well, there have been other president s who saw all of this very differently. President s who believed in the american dream. In americas promise to people around the world. Listen to president ronald reagan. Ive spoken of the shining city all my political life. In my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, god blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace, a city with freeports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. Doors open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. Wise words. The president would do well to listen to them. In his new campaign ad democratic candidate Julian Castro has a message to President Trump and hes putting that ad someplace where the president is he will pretty sure to see it. There he is, Julian Castro. Im going to talk about it with him next. Hey, who are you . Oh, hey jeff, im a car thief. What . im here to steal your car because, well, thats my job. What . What . . What . laughing what . . What . what . [crash] what . haha, it happens. And if youve got cutrate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. So get allstate. And be better protected from mayhem. Like me. Billions of problems. Morning breath . Garlic breath . Stinky breath . Theres a therabreath for you. Therabreath fresh breath oral rinse instantly fights all types of bad breath and works for 24 hours. So you can. Breathe easy. Theres therabreath at walmart. And the basketball team. Join the soccer team, make more art. I am gonna learn how to chop things with my hands. Happy school year whats going on . Its the 3pm slump. Should have had a p3. Oh yeah. Should have had a p3. Need energy . Get p3. With a mix of meat, cheese and nuts. Family meeting busy well, im going to tmobile and for every iphone ten r i buy, theyll give me another one. But if youre busy. Iphone ten r . Lets go for a limited time, come to tmobile and for each iphone ten r you get, get a second one on us. One 2020 democratic candidate has a novel way of taking President Trump to task for his racist language. That candidate joins me now. He is Julian Castro. Hes a former secretary of housing and urban development under president barack obama. Secretary castro, good to see you. Thank you so much. I want you have this new ad out. Good to be with you. Absolutely. You have this new ad. In it you speak directly to President Trump. Watch. You urged american congresswomen to go back to where they came from. You called immigrants rapists. As we saw in el paso, americans were killed because you stoked the fire of racists. Innocent people were shot down because they look different from you. Because they look like me. They look like my family. So secretary, your campaign purchased local air time so that what we just saw will play on fox news tomorrow during fox friends, specifically in bedminster, new jersey where trump is on vacation. Why are you targeting the ad to the president directly . He needs to hear it, don. You know, what i said in that ad was his words have consequences. We know he stirred up the passion of people like the shooter that went to el paso and killed 22 people. Because he said he was hunting hispanics. And this is the kind of america that were living in right now. So, we want to deliver the message to the president. But just as importantly we want to remind the American People it doesnt have to be like this. We can have an america where we can bring the country together, we can stop scapegoating immigrants or anybody else and recognize that we can be a stronger and more prosperous nation if we do what we have traditionally done in the United States, which is welcome people from around the world and to do it in a way that doesnt just allow people who are already well off, wealthy, to come in. The president has been using racist and racially charged language as a campaign tool. What makes you think hell listen to you and stop doing it . You know how the president is. First of all, he watches fox friends every morning. So we know that hell be watching. And i think that he listens to those things that you put directly on his radar screen. And im challenging him with this ad to recognize that he has to be more responsible as the leader of our country. Do i believe hes going to do that . Im not holding my breath. But i do believe that there are a bunch of people out there that have had enough. I say at the end of the ad ya lasta, which in spanish basically means enough. I have heard that over and over during the last ten days. Since the shooting in el paso. People have had enough of the president s divisive rhetoric. Of him stirring up the passions of these racists. And we have an election thats coming up. I believe we need new leadership. I can offer that lardsheadershit brings the country together instead of tearing it apart. You heard ken cuccinelli, the acting director of citizenship and immigration services. He suggested that the words on the statue of liberty should be updated. Tired and poor who can stand on their own two feet and not become a public charge. What do you think of that, secretary castro . It reads like a headline from the onion. My grandmother for instance came over here 1922, when she was 7 years old as an orphan because her parents had passed away. Had hardly anything. But just two generations later one of her grandsons, my brother, joaquin, is a member of the United States congress. The other one, me, served in the president S Administration and is running for president of the United States. Whether people came here from europe or from asia or latin america, anywhere, wherever they came from, people have worked hard, started off with nothing, and in this country have made better for themselves and for their family members. Thats what built up the great country we have today. I dont understand what in the world thiS Administration thinks theyre doing believing that we should only let in people who are already well off. Thats now how we built the america we have today. Earlier tonight cuccinelli defended his statement with erin burnett saying he was just answering a question and that the left was twisting his words. But is there any other way to interpret what he said . I dont think so. This is what these guys do. They throw things like this out which is red meat for the base of people who want to create a whiter nation. And then when you challenge them on it, they try and create some plausible deniability. That hey, thats not really what we meant or come on, why are you interpreting it that way . You know, fool me once shame on you. Fool me a thousand times, no way. Look, shame on them for trying to push this racist agenda. And worse, enacting policy like they did yesterday that discourages even legal immigrants from becoming citizens. Theyre clearly trying to establish a whiter nation. Thats his agenda. Hes shown that on so many occasions and gotten people like cuccinelli to do his dirty work. In 2020, people who believe that are diversity is our strength. That we can have an america where people of different backgrounds live well together and work well together and create a greater nation. I believe that people will come out and replace the president. Secretary castro, thank you for your time. Youre making me miss my hometown in the south with that Freight Train going by. I used to hear that every night and fall asleep to it. On cue. I finally have my name in lights. I do. I like the sign behind you as well. Thank you. Tonight secretary castro. Here on cnn it should say there. Thank you, sir, i appreciate it. Good to see you. President trump back on the offensive against Anthony Scaramucci, accusing him of begging to rejoin the administration. Im going to talk to the former White House Communications director. Hes here. Next. My mom washes the dishes. Before she puts them in the dishwasher. So what does the dishwasher do . Cascade platinum does the work for you, prewashing and removing stuckon foods, the first time. Wow, thats clean cascade platinum. I used to book my hotel room on those traalways a catch. Here was like somehow you wind up getting less. But now that i book at hilton. Com, and i get all these great perks. 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The president claiming his former White House Communications director is desperate to get a job back at the white house. That after scaramucci said republicans should consider replacing trump at the top of the 2020 ticket. Very much out of control. He doesnt have what it takes. He wanted to come back to thiS Administration. Begging me to come back in. I said anthony, i cant take you and im sorry. Hes a nervous neurotic wreck. Anthony scaramucci is joining me. You called him up and begged him to come back and you were a nervous neurotic wreck. Good evening. Welcome to you. What do you think of the response . If he called me tall and thin. Thats consistent with nervous and neurotic. Totally fine. Its unfortunately for him its like a projection. Hes nervous and neurotic. You can tell the way hes talking. I feel bad for that. Secondarily, i never begged him for a job. Thats ridiculous. If anything ive been working the last two years repairing my marriage. I think the worst thing i can do is go back to the white house and blow up my the revolving door with the backstabbing. He dug himself a hole with the lies. He cant help himself. Thats white house employment agency. Thats what happens to everybody who goes through there. He needs to know theres a lot of people hes burnt that are like okay hes unstable at this point. Hes only talking to himself. Youre saying you started with a maga hat and a knife in your back. Thats not what im saying. Thats an obvious fact. The cartoon said it. Of course its happening to me now. I was, you can ask katherine on the show with me. Bill maher. I was defending the president. Defending him and when it came up about issues around race. She challenged you. She challenged me. I said hey, he should be less like that. There are certain things hes doing i cant defend. By 90 of the show i was defending him. Hes lost his mind. Let me tell you why. You have a guy like me out there defending you after you brutally fired me and humiliated me like that and im out there for two years defending you. And now youre sending out racist tweets and trying to destroy the nation. And i say hey, you may want to dial that back a little bit. And he goes full on on me on twitter. The guys lost his mind. So heres whats going on. Hes bullying me. Which of course i can take it. I dont really care. But he does it to everybody. And thats to suppress people from speaking their minds. I hope the Republican Party its your show. Its all in my head. Im trying to get it all out there. Ill go behind the scenes. Because you and i talk. And ive asked you the same thing. Why do you continue to support the guy when he says and does this stuff . What took you so long to get to the party to understand that hes not going to change . Okay. We were just talking about one of our mutual friends. Everybody grows up differently. I grew up in a bluecollar neighborhood where we hung and stuck together. So did i. There was loyalty in your neighborhood, there was loyalty in my neighborhood. Youre talking about queens where i grew up on long island. Port washington. A motorcycle shop in port washington. I worked there ten years. I was loyal because that is the nature of my background and the nature of my neighborhood. And i was trying to do everything i could to stay loyal to him. But hes going crazier and crazier. So its like the pendulum is coming through. You know, thats not so bad, thats not so bad, thats not so bad. And now hes here. Hes not even at the top part of the pendulum yet. Hes going to keep going. Because hes out of his mind. When he gets there im not staying for this. Im leaving here now. I dont appreciate the personal attacks on twitter because thats like bullying from the highest office in the land. You said thats the most its classically unamerican. Hes saying that representative ohm sr unamerican, she should go back to the country she came from. But thats more unamerican, to be a bully. You know that. What hollywood movie has a bully winning . Hes been attacking people on twitter for years. Is it because its you . Thats what everyone thinks. Anthony has been a staunch supporter of this president heres the thing thats going to happen. I love the left because if you dont break from the president he had hate your guts. If they decide the guys gotteen far now, hes crazy, or we didnt break soon enough, we hate your guts, im not going to be a prop for people on the left. Im my own person that im not a guy that has trump derangement syndrome. But i think like most americans i have trump fatigue syndrome. Were all sitting here saying hes going to be the head of the news tomorrow, hes going to tweet nonsense and have everybody in hysterics and hes going to try to trigger everybody. And instead of running ousht and doing a good job for the American People hes going to try to divide the country. Last night i was on anderson coopers show. Three different cabinet officials that were with the president called me three separate times last night. And i had conversations with them. And its all universal. Heres the problem. Are people willing to step forward and tell the truth. Tell what you know whats really going on in washington. And what people really think of him. You want to talk about nervous and neurotic . This guy is nervous and neurotic because he knows these people hate his guts and theres a lost unevenness and uncertainty related to the trade deal and all the other stuff hes doing. Hes very divisive. If you want to say you didnt get out early enough. I accept that. I have to ask you a question. Because people are asking. Thats what i do. I get that. You can told me accountable for everything. I own everything. Thats a very fair point. No matter if you said, if you did it a year ago people say why did it take you so long . Right . Theres no winning. I genuinely when i joined that campaign and i had a preexisting relationship. It wasnt a great relationship or anything like that. He said i was trying to overexaggerate it. I didnt overexaggerate. We knew each other. He invited me for breakfast. He said he was running. I didnt believe him. I ended up with jeb and scott walker before him. When i joined the campaign i and when i was going to those rallies. And let me tell you something. In fairness to the president he was advocating for blue collar people. And theres been a vacuum of establishment politicians for those people. And i applaud him. I grew up in a has he delivered . I think its mixed. But i think the lowerincome people have experienced positive wage growth. Im not going to go trump deranged and say stuff thats not true. He had 5. 4 increase in wages on the bottom 10 of society. The africanamerican numbers are better. The bottom 10 . Theres a mixed bag. Hes spending a lot of money. Heavy deficit spending. The trade thing and the tariffs. I dont like them. I could explain them. I dont have time. . Yeah. Hes very mixed bag. Thats why hes so nervous. He knows a dam will break. Id have you on longer. I have a lot of show. I appreciate whenever someone gets to it and tells the truth. Not that you werent. I was before. Theres no reason for me never to tell the truth. Whenever you come to that realization i think people just remember for the American People loyalty is symmetrical. Its not asymmetric. And when people drop you like youre a piece of kleenex tissue, forget about me, i could care less, but he does it to everybody, youve got to be careful. Guys like that are dangerous. Youre much taller and thinner than i thought. And youre not neurotic. Im nervous and neurotic. If im nervous and neurotic id like to be tall and thin. Nice hairpiece. This is italian chia pet up here. Ill compete with your hair any day. I appreciate it. A lot to discuss. Former Governor John Kasich is up next. Follow that. After this break. His luxurious fur calms my nerves when im worried about moving into our new apartment. Why dont we just ask geico for help with renters insurance . I didnt know geico helps with renters insurance. Yeah, and we could save a bunch too. Antonio fetch computer antonio . Ill get it. Get to know geico and see how much you could save on renters insurance. music plays throughout billions of problems. Sore gums . Bleeding gums . Painful flossing . Theres a therabreath for you. Therabreath healthy gums oral rinse fights gingivitis and plaque and prevents gum disease for 24 hours. So you can. Breathe easy, theres therabreath at walmart. How to draw thisa seifportrait of me. Arn im gonna read 100 books. Im gonna ask katie out to the school dance. Happy school year stay on top of things. A faster laptop could help. Plus, tech support to stay worry free. Worry free. Boom ha. Ha. Boom now save up to 40 on all furniture. Up to 40 at Office Depot Officemax or officedepot. Com. Sow heard Anthony Scaramucci just a moment ago not pulling any punches when it comes to his former boss the president. Joining me now to discuss is the former ohio Governor John Kasich. John kasich, good osee you. You just heard Anthony Scaramucci. He told me the president sun stable, getting worse, and thats after his appearance on ac 360 last night. Three different cabinet officials called him after his appearance. What is your reaction . I dont really have a big reaction. Ive been opposing donald trump for his rhetoric and division for a long time. I try to be pretty careful not to make the attacks personal, don. Thats the only thing i can say. And in terms of everybody can have their say and hes pointing some things out that bother him a great deal which includes division. And thats been my concern about the president since before he became president. I dont like the division. I dont like the negativity. You see, we have two ways to go in america. We can either tell people theyre victims and drive them down. Or in fact we can lift them up and say yeah, you have problems but i think we can fix them. And i do choose the latter, which is to be able to say look, you should be able to have problems and we can fix them. Not somebody else took your job and these immigrants are coming in and thats you why dont have work. That is not the way to build any unity or hope or optimism. As you know, when people lose hope, theres not good things that come from it. And hope is important. Not phony hope but real hope. You heard the president s remarks in western pennsylvania this afternoon. This was a taxpayerfunded event, by the way. But from washington it you would think i did very well here. We did very well. How many points did we win by . Does anybody know . Ill tell you. I think 28 points. Thats a lot. Thats against a democrat. Or whatever. He actually won by 18 points. He said 28. But he actually won by 18 points. Why does he think thats what voters want to hear . Don, when i did formal events when i was in congress or when i was governor, i make them foo foo formal events. I really dont know. And do i think people want to hear bragging . I dont really think so. I dont think thats what people are into. They want to know what are you going to do moving forward. Pennsylvania is absolutely in play. Its in play because these things that have been promised havent been delivered in many respects. Pennsylvania is in play. Michigan is in play. Wisconsin is in play. And those are critical states. Thats why he was there today. Hes trying to shore it up. So les talk a little more here. President trump caved today on tariffs against china. Last march he said that his trade war would be easy to win. Is he out of his depth with the chinese . Don, look, you and i dont agree we do agree on the fact that china shouldnt be taken advantage in cheating and lying and stealing our secrets. And not giving us a fair trade practice. I dont think theres anybody that disagrees with that. The problem is we try to do this alone. We didnt work with the rest of the countries who are normally allies. Were strongest with other people. He chose not to do that. So its this oneonone thing. If the entire world that shares our values had stood up with us and told the chinese we mean business through an Organization Called the World Trade Organization it would have been far more effective than today. One minute theyre going to go up and the next minute you exempt these things and theres fighting inside the Trump Administration. Most people telling him dont impose the tariffs. The market goes down 400 points and whats that mean . We better put the brakes on here. We could damage the economy and damage the world economy. That is our strongest card to play. We better back off. I dont think its more complicated than that. Most president s would do that. They want to run on a good economy. And when wh the economy goes south its really hard for them. That was my next question. You answered the next question i was going to ask you especially with the Holiday College season coming up and everything happening. Thats probably and the election. Thats the last thing he needs is a struggling economy. But listen i want to get your thoughts the farmers. Theyre unhappy. They cant sell products. Moms and dads you know, its a mess. I want to move on. I want to talk about these massive protests in hong kong. You tweeted this. You said the United States groft should speak out in support of hong kongs freedom and democracy. While we spend our time fighting over trade lets not forget the need to fight for human rights in and around china. This is an opportunity for leadership. What should the president be saying and doing right now . I read something here, don, today. This is a quote. Mr. Trump called developments in hong kong quote a very tough situation and said he hoped nobody would be hurt or killed. I hope it works out for everybody including china by the way. Are you kidding me . China engaged in Human Rights Violations around the clock. It happens in many parts of their country. Hong kong which in my opinion, i was saddened when i learned years ago the british were going oturn this oefsh to china over time. And whats happening now is chinas trying to impose their will. And done, think about these people in china. Think about what if must be like. If they get caught, theyre going to be thrown in prison. And yet theyre gathering, saying we want our democracy, we want rights, we want freedom. And the chinese are rumbling about maybe sending troops in. Theyre doing crackdowns. Think about what it must be like to be a person whos willing to stand up for freedom against a regime that will do anything to try to stop you. And its remarkable to me. This is the human spirit. And what the president ought to be doing is he ought to be siding with the protesters telling the chinese to back off, telling this phony government in hong kong to back off. Now, if they would just give them some space, i think it could calm down. But ultimately chinas going to get control and when they get in control there will be many, many people who will not have the kind of freedom and democracy. And don, we are the enablers of that. We and our allies around the world have stood for freed of speech and democracy and human rights. And we cant think it doesnt matter what america does. It matters what we do. To freedomloving people all over the world. And frankly, some of those freedomloving people are people who are trying to come to this country because theyre under attack, their freedom is not only threatened but their lives are threatened and the lives of their children. One final thing, don, my grandfather and my grandmother came from overseas. On my mothers side and my fathers side. They were not people who were prosperous. They were people who came here and made a living. And guess what. One of them had a grandson who ultimately ran for president of the United States and was governor of ohio. And when he came here, he was nothing more than a coalminer. You cant say immigration just should be these rich people. Thats not what made our country great. It wont make our country great in the future if we cut those people out. Thank you for letting me say all this. I enjoyed our talk tonight. But theres one thing i didnt like. Theyre telling me i have to go. I didnt like that we didnt fight. So next time lets disagree about something. Lets have a fight. Well do it. Thank you, john kasich. All right, don lemon. Thank you. The Trump Administration putting its own spin on the famous poem in the base of the statue of liberty trying to make a case for its new policy targeting legal immigrants. What the former immigration attorney for Melania Trump has to say about that. Thats next. Fine. No one leaves the table until youre finished. Fine well sleep here. Its the easiest, because its the cheesiest kraft. For the win win. I cant remember when he didnt smoke. I feel like we do so much together now because if he would go outside, id be bored. In all reality, my wife who is the most important person in my life was the key driver into me switching. I do feel like were a lot closer now. I think i have gotten a piece of my life back when i started with juul. I didnt think it was gonna work. I really didnt think so. It did. It worked magically. 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Well, the nations top immigration official is rewriting that. Give me your tired and your poor who can stand on their own two feet and who will not become a public charge. Ken cuccinelli is attempting to defend himself to erin burnett tonight. Watch this. Well, of course that poem was referring back to people coming from europe, where they had classbased societies, where people were considered wretched if they werent in the right class. And it was introduced it was written one year, one year after the First Federal public charge rule was written. So lets bring in now michael wildes, the immigration attorney who represented first lady Melania Trump among other clients. He is the other of safe haven in america as well. Good evening, sir. Thank you, don. Your response to ken cuccinelli, what he said today, twisting the iconic words to defend his policy, you think . Poor taste. Just poor judgment, poor taste of words. With the magnificence of lady liberty but a few miles from this studio. And the founding mothers and fathers having sought our shores to create this beautiful golden experiment. The book that i wrote was safe haven in america battle to open the golden doors. Those doors need to be opened on a hinge to protect us against those that would cause us harm, but to be open to the newest entrepreneurs and risk takers historically that immigrants have always been through the millenia. Im paraphrasing. Thats what happened. It was a classbased society, so therefore it doesnt matter. I was sort of shocked to hear. You winced when you heard that. It bothers me. Im a grandson of the holocaustsurviving generation. This country means so much. My grandfather told my father, youre a citizen by chance. Im a citizen by choice. People work harder when they come to this country, and they travel through a historic discrimination and challenges. A person who talks like that writes off history in the poorest of sense. Why do you think the president is taking this stance . Whats his intention with its optics. You know, i dont believe having represented the president for many years, and he understands the Business Metrics of good immigration. Why should we not find a way to onboard foreign students and talents into the workforce and then compete against them in another constituency . I think that the president sees this as a good political opportunity quite honestly. Right now what theyre going to do is increase and marginalize the demographics to people who can afford to sponsor people. Youre a marine. Youve fallen in love with somebody abroad. Unless youre making enough money, you cant then issue an affidavit of support to bring them in. This is going to shoot ourselves in our own feet. Interesting. You know, weve heard the president rail against the calls for chain migration, the policy where american citizens are able to obtain residency for their extended family. I want you to listen to this, and then well talk. Under the current broken system, a single immigrant can bring in virtually unlimited numbers of distant relatives. We want to get rid of chain migration. Ending chain migration. You have chain migration. We have to get rid of chain migration. So the first lady herself, who you represented by the way on immigration issues, sponsored her parents for their green cards. Didnt Melania Trump use what hes calling chain migration, or which is actually called family reunification. I think i got awarded one of the New York Times best quotes of the last year, where my response to that was, i suppose. Look, that is the golden tradition. A person comes to america, they get a green card, they bring those they love. The president misspoke. You cannot bring in 30 relatives. You can only bring in immediate relatives, and the first lady expressed herself at the time that she would love to have her parents babysit. She would love to know her parents are citizen of this nation and then went through the process. Mind you, i had the privilege of sitting with them, when they like any other family were asked questions and were, in pure jubilation, when they became citizens of this great country. That is a tradition that is magnificent each time an immigration lawyer goes through it. Its a pleasure. Thank you, michael wildes. I appreciate it. President trump goes after his democratic opponents during an official event today. Im going to get reaction from 2020 democratic candidate andrew yang. Im going to ask why he thinks he is the best choice to take on the president. Family meeting busy well, im going to tmobile and for every iphone ten r i buy, theyll give me another one. But if youre busy. Iphone ten r . Lets go for a limited time, come to tmobile and for each iphone ten r you get, get a second one on us. Billions of problems. Dry mouth . Parched mouth . Cotton mouth . 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