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Click or visit a retail store today. This is cnn tonight. Im don lemon. Thanks for joining us. After threatening punishment over saudi arabia after the disappearance of jamal khashoggi. The king firmly denied any involvement. He didnt really know, maybe, i dont want to get into his mind but it sounded to me like maybe this could have been rogue killers. Who knows . Were going to try getting to the bottom of it very soon. His was a flat denial. That he deny it. They deny it every way you can imagine. The saudis insisted he left alive soon after arriving without providing any evidence to support that claim. But now they seem to be changing their story. Sources are telling cnn the saudis are preparing a report acknowledging the death of the Washington Post columnist and claiming it was the result of an interrogation gone wrong and President Trump took a significant point of leverage off the table saying he wont cancel on multi billiondollar arm sell to saudi arabia. If the saudis admit in a limited role what happened to jamal khashoggi, what will President Trump do about it . Good evening, everyone. Thank your for joining us. The saudis say thats an accident. Are we supposed to believe this new explanation . No, i dont believe it but i think its an easy out for the saudis and president. Well let him go forward with this arms deal. I think this is actually a terrible message in the middle east. This may sound extreme but jihadist talk about this all the time. All the u. S. And west cares about is saudi money and saudi oil. We talk about the rule of law. We talk about Holding People accountable in justice, and this, you know, they will get a pass. I guarantee you they will be blamed on rogue killers and this again, will help this whole ef po effort of demonizing the u. S. When i read the story andeff when i read the story and i play the sound byte of the president , every Single Person sitting next to me on the show, they do the same thing. Its so inplausible because anybody thats been to the kingdom of saudi arabia, its not a roguish place. They have the third highest rate of Capital Punishment and execute people. There is no free speech or media. The idea there would be rogue operation, which by the way, report to the king and crown prince is completely im plausiblplau implausible. Did he not know what happened . Did he condone it and in the two weeks it happened didnt know the answer and didnt get another briefing, or he just doesnt care and thinks the world will roll over in this respect, and for all those reasons, don, its implausible. One more question since were on this. If they are prepare thing report, does that mean there is concrete evidence somewhere or would they ever just out right admit that he was killed . I think that we heard an inkling of that in what the president said about rogue killers. That was a change. Don, what about our intelligence in why are we relying on the saudis or turks . We have significant intelligence assets, and before the president got on the phone this morning, typically you would have an intelligence briefing laying out what we actually know to be true. Talk to us about that. What about our intelligence . Our intelligence on saudi arabia is awful, don, frankly. We dont know what goes on in the royal family. We dont have an ambassador in riyadh. We intercept calls between saudi arabia and jamal saying come home, trying to lure him home. Its really the turkish tapes that are going to tell us what really happened. Did they set upon him and beat him to death on purpose . Frankly, i have a hard time believing that you would send a rendition team of 15 people, two airplanes and then interrogate him in the consulate. Very well you could have brought him hole and done it there. That doesnt make sense. Let me ask you about that. 15 saudi men including a forensic expert, arrive in istanbul the day he is missing. They brought a bone saw. If they wanted to interrogate him, why would they need a bone saw and interrogation expert . They looked to kill him and this is a message to the saudi people. We can get you anywhere if you open your mouth, well kill you. We dont care if you work fort. Nobody is immune. If we dont go after the saudis now they will get journalists in washington d. C. And new york and everywhere. What will stop them . I agree, this is not a rogue operation. It came out of mohammeds office. He authorized it. He controls that country from a to z. Hes responsible. This president will give him a pass and thats our ally in the middle east, doesnt make sense. That comment, david, were told these men had high level connections to the saudi government. Is it possible that Something Like this could happen without the crown prince knowing it . The saudi king or crown prince knowing . I agree there is no way. I think it was a message. I agree and this is, you know, how you intimidate people and run saudi arabia and continue if they get the pass from the Trump Administration which i suspect this will go on and on and will further these brutal acts of it. It will encourage putin and the rule of law murdering people, doesnt matter. I hate to say this, if youre winning and, you know, people die in the process, you know, what matters is that youre winning. Sam, this president believed putins denial about election interference and believed what kim jongun said about nukes, right . Discontinuing nukes. And his regimes brutality. He believed that. What does it say about the president and his world of view . It says that when the president hears somebody flatter him and tell him something that he wants to hear, he repeats it. The president today was a mouth piece for the king of saudi arabia. The readout of the call is what the king said to him. What we did not hear from the president is what he said to the king. What he said about how important human rights are to the United States and how important it is to have a credible investigation. None of that was mentioned but the difference here is, to your point, david, if the president doesnt act, Congress Still can. The global investigation was triggered. Congress can block armed sells while the president may respond, this is bipartisan consensus this wont go unpunished. He said severe punishment, the president did but said he wouldnt rule out arm sells. What kind of message does this send to the rest of the world . Its a free for all. Whoever is the boldest, strongest or most brutal can win. There is a chance for republicans to stand up. You heard that this weekend. And, you know, well see. I just fear that this sort of leads to chaos. Its a murder here. A trade war there. You know, hes defying all these norms but it will emboldened people to try more and more risky things. I want to ask you bob, this is a statement from the family what they are calling for is an independent investigation. They talk about how much they are suffering and want to be with each other at these times but what are the chances of an independent investigation, International One . I dont see it. Here is the problem at the end of the day. Saudi arabia owns about onethird of the worlds oil reserves. And were loathed to take them on. They have come back with a threat saying if you come after us, they are saying well shut down the oil. Oil hits 250 a barrel. This president loses congress. Loses the election and the rest of it, you know, i hate to use this pun but they have us over a barrel, they always do. Its always been this way. In the 9 11 investigation, there were a lot of people that could have been indicted in saudi arabia and they werent even interviewed by the fbi. It happens over and over again and didnt start with trump. Hillary clinton had tone deaf things to say about Monica Lewinsky over the weekend. Is he doing more harm than help to her party . Us better understand what drives each persons cancer. Like christine bray. After battling Ovarian Cancer for several years, her test results revealed a drug therapy that targeted her tumor. Today, christines metastatic cancer is in remission. Were not just fighting cancer. Were outsmarting it. Visit cancercenter. Com. Appointments available now. Should happen everydred five hundred years, right . Fact is, there have been twentysix in the last decade. Allstate is adapting. With drones to assess home damage sooner. And if a flying object damages your car, you can snap a photo and get your claim processed in hours, not days. Plus, allstate can pay your claim in minutes. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . Hillary clinton hitting back at criticism over his appear with Monica Lewinsky claiming their relationship was not an abuse of power. In retrospect do you think bill should have resigned . Absolutely not. It wasnt an abuse of power . No, no. There are people that look at the incidents of the 90s and say the president of the United States cannot have a consensual welation ship with an intern. She was an adult. Lets discuss now. My panel is here. Good evening. Hey, don. David, just to be clear, were talking about a relationship between a 22yearold who was an intern and the president of the United States, so comments from sunday are coming across to some people as incredibly tone deaf. Could that hurt the democrats, those comments . Yeah, tone deaf to put it mildly. Monica lewinsky was a young adult but there was a power im balance between the president , a sitting president of the United States and intern for secretary clinton to sort of gloss over that is either wishful or willful or something but its clearly not being straight with the interviewer or with her audience, and then finally, look, shes entitled to say he shouldnt have resigned. Its someone shes aligned with politically and her husband but that doesnt change the facts of what happened and doesnt change the facts Many Democrats are looking back saying yeah, we cut bill clinton a little bit too much slack or way too much slack in terms of those issues. Thats the reality. I want to play you the rest of clintons response to the line of questioning. Here it is. She was an adult but let me ask you this, where is the investigation of the current incoi incumbent which he dismiss, denies and ridicules . Hillary, i mean, we, you know, when a trump person does that or if trump does that, what about or deflection. Is she deflecting . Sure and its a fair point. Look, you know, ive defended Hillary Clinton for 25 years. I think shes wrong on this. Of course, it was an abuse of power but it wasnt her abuse of power, it was her husbands. I think the day should be long gone where Hillary Clinton is responsible for her husbands behavior. They are married. She loves him. They have put this in their past. Hillary, that said, she doesnt have to respond in a way thats supportive. Its a wrong response. I agree with you. She should have said that was a mistake. He said it was a hmistake and went horribly wrong. Thats what she should have said and didnt. This is her blind spot. Hillary clinton instead of the midterms. Wed be talking about her no matter what. By the way, america and american women have resolved their issue around the fact that Hillary Clinton has forgiven her husband and that the country has moved on. I dont think this has any impact on the election. I think there are a lot of candidates across the country that want Hillary Clinton to come and campaign for them and she still has a lot of things to say but indeed, this is a blind spot that people even in this me too moment. Do you think people want her to campaign for them . I actually know they do and she is doing a lot of campaign appearances. Look, this is 2018. It is different than it was in those years. Things would not be the same were that the case as they are not the same for other people. Bill clinton is running for nothing. Hillary clinton is running for nothing and its a fair point to say people who still expect to have the public trust, who want to run things and make policy are accountable today. That is a fair thing to say. All right. So scott, i know youre sitting there thinking hillary, keep talking. Yeah, you know, i think hillary and david made excellent points. I find Hillary Clintons emer emerging in october interesting. She said you cant be civil with a Political Party trying to do whatever. I feel like her inserting herself into the conversation is going to make its way into Republican Campaign advertising in the last two or three weeks. Maybe not in the congressional districts from 2016 but big red rural states with senate races and state legislative, gubernatorial campaigns there, i can see them using hillarys most recent comments in the advertising to remind voters, you rejected her in 16. They are prowomen. Come on. Really . Dont you think they have enough ammunition in what they are already doing, abusing women with the kavanaugh stuff and all of that . Come on. They arent going to start on this. Thats crazy. Well, im probably more qualified to tell you what a Republican Campaign might do than you are and Hillary Clinton is a surrogate to remind them what they ejectjek rejected in. Its dangerous to crawl inside someone elses marriage and pretend to know what is going on between two people. I wondered this about the clintons for years. Some of the people on this panel are married. Im married. When you try to crawl inside this and figure out how they answer questions and live in the public eye listen, most people agree, whatever works for you in your marriage, thats your business but this wasnt a marriage question or about their marriage. This was about whether it was an abuse of power, something her husband admitted to. Lets move on now. I want to talk now about this is the theater of the absurd i like to call it. Senator Elizabeth Warren releasing the results of a dna test that shows she has some form of aknavenative american l senator warren released dna results that show a strong likelihood she does have native american roots. How much . 1 1,000 . No. She owes the country an apology. What is her percentage . 1 1000 . I dont have the exact percenta percentage. What about the money . If she gets the nomination in a debate where ill have her tested. Ill only do it if i can have her tested personally. I wont enjoy it, either. Test her personally . Is he a genetic doctor now . This issue well be dealing with now as the president ial campaign is basically starting for awhile is crap, honestly. Okay . Senator warren faced these accusations in her first senate race against scott brown. The president , the president of the United States brings up the insult pocahontas on a regular basis. He brought it up at an event in the east room of the white house. I remember that. So people on the right who say that warren is, you know, only somewhere between 164th and 1 1000 american indian. She took this test as a response to all of the feedback shes getting from President Trump and others in the Republican Party. Thats number one. Number two is she has never someone at some point will come on twitter and say the Cherokee Nation said she has no right to triable citizenship. She never claimed that. She said that this is her family history. I think this is smart politics to get this out of the way now to address it, and look, President Trump is going to be the front runner in 2020. Democrats are kidding themselves if they think trump is going to be an easy out but senator warren lacooks like the first person out here to do what she needs to do to take him on. Let me ask you, was it smart of warren to do this so close to the midterms . Do you think it could be more of a distraction . Could she wait until after the midterms . Does she need to do it . She could have waited. I dont think anybody cares. What i do think people care about, i dont think anybody cares if Elizabeth Warren has native american heritage. What i think people do care about is that the reason that this issue is even an discussion on television is because of President Trumps consistent racist sexist treatment of her. The way he says, calls her pocahontas. Hes not being a friendly guy wondering about her ancestors. Hes trying to insult her and belittle her and, you know, that is clear to everybody. So i think that really is the issue, not whether or not Elizabeth Warren feels like for other reasons she needs to prove her heritage. Listen, maybe people who are not partisan, maybe they dont care. Republicans care. Trufr s Trump Supporters care. They are using and scott im sure will agree, a lot of people care. They only care as an insult. They dont really care about the issue. Republicans havent done anything to help native americans. The tribes are suffering on every level and we have Supreme Court cases where the conservative justices are screwing them over. They dont care. They only care as a way to insult them. Scott, i cant get you in because we got to run. Come back and talk about something else. There is a major fight brewing, accusing the opponent of Voter Suppression and hitting back and a painting everyone is talking about. What it says about the president that he hung this one up in the white house. Geico has over 75 years of great savings and service. With such a long history, its easy to trust geico thank you todd. Its not just easy. Itsbeingamasterofhypnotism easy. Hey, i got your text sleep doug, when i snap my fingers youre going to clean my gutters. Ooh i should clean your gutters great idea. Its not just easy. Its geico easy. Todd, you will go make me a frittata. All the tools you need for every step of the way. Make it, squarespace you dont need to go anywhere dad, this is your home. 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We just want people who want to vote to vote. I think people really have decided im going to vote. Im not going to let the system get me down. Reporter there is skepticism about the integrity of the Voting System in georgia. The fear that is reuated through Voter Suppression is as much about terrifying people about trying to vote as it is about actually blocking their ability to do so. Reporter tensions are red hot in the race for georgias top job. Stacy abrahms is accusing her opponent of Voter Suppression. Thats a smoke screen hiding her radical views. Reporter as georgia secretary of state, kemp is in charge of Voter Registration for statewide elections including his own. Abrahms is calling for him to resign and being sued by a co coalition of civil rights groups. More than 50,000 Voter Registration applications are on hold. The problem, they didnt meet the standard of a voter verification law known as exact match. The error could be a missing hyphen or typo and because of problems in the da tabase, some 80 of the people in limb poo a minorities. The professor of Political Science explains why. This could potentially affect people that have more unusual names in the United States, people who have unusual spellings of names and disproportidispor por disproporti disproportionly be people of color. Reporter they say the claims are a manufactured crisis and assures all voters, the votes will count. Those votes on the pending list, all they have to do is go to the polls and show their photo i. D. And vote. Reporter kemp addressing and batting down accusations head on but when david purdue was asked about the controversy over the weekend, things got touchy so to speak. So how can you endorse a candidate . Im not doing it. You stole high property. You wanted a picture . Give me my phone back. Thanks. Give me my phone back. U. S. Senator david purdue. Reporter purdues office thought he was being asked to take a selfie. Since the news broke thousands of voters could be challenged to cast votes, the hot line received more than 2,000 calls. The volunteers continue to problem solve. I have grandsons calling for their grandmothers. I have parents calling for their parents. So everybody seems to be helping each other out, but i think people are waking up to the fact if they dont vote, they really cant say anything about the result. Reporter even if youre on the pending list, professor says go vote. What i would encourage people to do is take secretary kemp at his word in this case. If somebody knows they are on the pending list and they can take their voter i. D. And try to correct the situation on the spot, if they encounter problems there. Reporter not everyone on the pending list is aware. Check the States Database to ensure your Voter Registration status or call the Voter Protection hot line and if you have trouble at the polls, a provisional ballot will allow you to cast a ballot in person if the requirements for doing so cant be met at the time and youll have more time to sort it out. Kaylee, thank you. I want to hear from you, what you think after this break. music throughout my love has come along my lonely days are over at last. Applebees new neighborhood pastas. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. So first day of early voting in georgia. The governor neck and neck. Back with my panel. So scott, these 50,000 plus Voter Registrations that are on hold now for things as missing hyphen, having a typo, do you support rules like that . Well, i support two things, voters being able to vote and following the laws of a state. It sounds like people are being unnecessarily held up but sounds like prfrom what i can tell fro the secretary of state, anyone who is a legal voter in georgia could vote. If i had a message for people that dont know their status, show up and vote and they will sort it out later because i dont think anyone should be kept away from the polls based on a typo. Im provoter engagement. If people are legal residents and citizens, they able to be able to participate. Does it sound weird saying the secretary of state is running for governor because hes in charge of the campaign . Is that odd . It happened in other states where you have the down ticket constitutional offices. It does cloud this issue that the chief election official is a candidate in the race in question here. I dont think he should resign because i dont think its been shown he did anything wrong but he has to be careful to make it look like there is a conflict of interest. Some 80 of the people in limbo are minorities. Is that intentional . People in power dont like to give up their power. We have seen this time and time again. Stacy abrahms has been registering minority voters in georgia for years and shes close to getting the governorship and the white republicans in georgia dont want her to win, and people can go on and on about their how they want them to got to the polls and vote but they dont because if they really wanted them to, they wouldnt have thrown out this number and this squar scare. Were seeing this with native americans and wisconsin and milwaukee around people of color. This is pure and simple a power play by republican governors who dont want to let go of control. The best question we got is from david because you pose this question, eye are we even purging voter roles to begin with . Whats the answer . Exactly. Look, i go back to what scott said. The only way for voters in this election to address it is to go vote and sort it out later but if you have the candidate for governor is the person in charge of sorting it out later, how much trust do people have in the process . If there was a huge problem in this country with Voter Suppression, i think youd have a better argument, don, for doing a purge of voter roles or closer scan of voter roles but there are lots of studies out there, the 2017 study comes to mind but others that say voter fraud is minimal in these National Elections and yet, the Republican Party has pushed this and most people agree that as hillary said, they pushed it because low voter turnout particularly among communities of color and Younger Voters advantages republicans in these elections. You had republican figures quoted or recorded on tape saying things to that effect in recent election cycles. There is the issue of georgia and a bigger issue of republicans on one hand say why dont we get more traction with voters of color . On the other hand, there is an answer as long as voters of color perceive, however true, people wont trust the party. What do you think about the voter hot line . Who wants to go first . Nobody. Okay sglch okay. I mean, every little thing helps. No question about that. Being told when you call, of course, they got 2,000 calls but there are almost 60,000 people whose Voter Registrations are in question. So query whether that will solve the problem. If kemp in georgia really believed what he says when hes interviewed by National Television that he really wants everyone to go vote, he would make more of an effort in georgia to make sure people do go vote but hes not doing that. Hes saying bring your voter i. D. To the polls and vote. I dont know if thats good enough. I have a short time, really quickly, almost 60,000 people purged. Thats not suspicious to you . There are many states that have laws that deal with how youre supposed to keep the voter rolls clean. Im against ruling people out over typos. I think legitimate taking people off does need to happen in voter rolls but im for whatever allows people to get to the polls. There is an increase of early voting and exercising their rights which is what sthey shoud do. Everyone is talking about this painting hanging in the white house. You got to hear the story about this one. Thats next. vo hand can we talk . We used to play so beautifully together. Now. We can barely play anything. Even cards with the girls. vo if you have bent fingers and cant put your hand flat, talk to your doctor. It may be dupuytrens contracture. hand isnt it time to do something about this . vo your hand is talking. Isnt it time you speak to a doctor . Learn more about dupuytrens contracture. At factsonhand. Com. More information is within reach. I saw my leg did not look right. 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Get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Before starting, tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures and any kidney or liver problems. Learn all you can. To help protect yourself from another dvt or pe. Talk to your doctor about xarelto®. President trump made headlines during his 60 minutes interview but one inmake inma inmainma inmake is getting a lot of attention. There is painting on the wall of President Trump sitting at table drinking and laughing with former republican president s like lincoln, nixon, regan and eisenhower. They are drinking but lincoln has a plain water kind of guy. The glass next to President Trump probably has his favorite drink, diet coke of course. What is the deal with this piece of art . Its called the Republican Club painted by andy thomas. It was apparently a gift to President Trump. I actually had gotten a call a couple weeks ago from President Trump and that was a real that was quite a treat. I didnt think he was going to call, but hed said hed seen a lot of paintings and most of them he didnt like, but he liked what id done. He was very gracious and kind. He said some president s have a natural smile, but according to him donald trump and some others have more of a forced smile that doesnt look quite right in a painting, so how did he paint trumps smile, heres what the artist told cnn. I always try to make the president s look as nice as i can. I want them to still look like them, but i want to flatter them if i can. I want them to be happy, so i look for a good smile. President trump was another challenge because even though he tans, he has a fair complexion and no deep recesses. Hes a very subtle person to paint. And the face i participated on there is actually the second face. The first one i painted i was happy with, but it wasnt a real it wasnt the smile we usually see. Hes a challenge to paint. You know, he has different looks and different profiles. So all i know is he said he liked what id done, and that made me feel great. So over the years the artist has created four paintings featuring american president s to each of the political parties, i should say. So heres the democrat one. Its called the Democrat Club featuring president obama alongside other democratic president s. Another thing you may notice in both paintings is the exact same subtle shadowing figure hovering in the background. You see, right in the background there . Who is she . The artists says she represents the first female president approaching the table as either the first female republican president or the first female democratic president. So there you go, mystery solved. Lets get more mysteries solved here. Its so good to have you on. Its great to be on. Thank you. You won a pulitzer just this year. I did. So what was your initial impression of this. Well, my First Impression is i didnt even recognize it as trump. Hes shed about 40 pounds, hes got sort of a wash board chest. I had no idea. The coats not on which usually covers everything. The hands are teeny but that no. But then i thought it might be a dogs playing poker painting. And then it kind of came into focus its a bunch of president s and then i made out its lincoln, the bushes, et cetera. Its a really good illustration but actually is not a painting that youre seeing. This is a print of the painting. The actual painting is still down in missouri. Oh, so thats not the one thats no, its in a little cheap frame, in the white house is what makes it different here. Jerry, you got a lot out of that painting. I looked at it and said where are the democrats. Listen, you cant fault him for that because he says he tries to make every president look good. Our promo pictures here are at our bests if you see journalists, reporters or hosts. I get it. Youre supposed to flatter with youre painting a portrait. This is something we sort of call social realism. Its not uncommon in political painting. Stalin used a lot of it. But its like old west painting, norman rockwell, thomas kinkade. On his own website i didnt even think about thomas kinkade, but youre right. Yeah, the artist called himself he had a leave it to beaver to it, and in a way i thought thats what this particular painting represents, that kind of old very white male america. First i thought it was ckamala harris coming up. It does look like her. He said the president liked the participating so much that he called him to rave about it. Why do you think he likes it so much, is it flattering or it shows t shows a kind of power. You can tell hes sort of the focus here. Im not sure you can tell on the democratic. The conversation seems to be the most interesting people at the table are lincoln and trump sharing something, and everyone else is reacting. Trump liked the picture of himself. He hangs it in the white house. It might have been nice for him to also hang the democratic one, but its just odd i wonder what would have happened had obama put the same painting in the white house of himself having a great dinner with the founding fathers. And im not sure. Its good for the artist really good for the artist. Lets me tell you, his name is andy thomas, a missouri native as you said. He was clearly thrilled to hear from the president and to have the president display his works. At the end of the day its a nice thing for the artist. Artists are often struggling, right . Its a great thing for the arltest. Its a tiny little crumb on whats going on now, and its a fun little john ray conversation piece moment. Yeah, maybe he could participate us because i could lose 10 or 15. Thank you very much, jerry. Thank you for having me. Absolutely. Thanks for watching. Our coverage continues. Good evening. We begin with breaking news in the disappearance and spekuspec killing

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