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The first time today that his fixer Michael Cohen represents him in what he calls the crazy Stormy Daniels deal. He also says cohen only handled a tiny fraction of his legal work. Stormy daniels attorney, Michael Avenatti, is here. We also got the latest in the stunning verdict today in the case of bill cosby. Found guilty of three counts of aggravated indecent assault. One of cosby many other accusers is here along with attorney gloria alred. The day started early for a lot of people including you, the president and me because i got up and watched it. I couldnt believe it was happening. This is the president on fox and friends. Watch. How much of your legal work wuss handled by Michael Cohen . Well, a percentage of my overall legal work a tiny, tiny little fraction. But michael would represent me and represent me on some things. He represents me like with this crazy Stormy Daniels deal, he represented me. And, you know, from what i see he did absolutely nothing wrong. There were no Campaign Funds going into this. Then why is he and heres what he said aboard air force one weeks ago. Mr. President , did you know about the 130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels . No. What else . Then why did Michael Cohen how important was this interview . Well, i think it was very important. He went on fox and friends i think it was critically important. Because the president once again, you know, opened his mouth and inserted his foot. He made a critical mistake in the case because hes not disciplined and he doesnt think through his comments before he makes them. I mean this is very damaging admission made by the president. It absolutely contradicts not only what he said on air force one but also what Michael Cohen said weeks prior as well as people that claimed to be representing Michael Cohen. People like david schwartz. I mean this is critical mistake on behalf of the president. Its going to assist investigators and criminal prosecutors in the Southern District of new york. Its going to assist me in our civil case, and i think its going to add to the foundation we have, don, as it relates to our effort to depose the president. Were you watching live . I was actually on msnbc on morning joe. I was prepared to answer questions about Michael Cohen pleading the fifth yesterday which in and of itself was huge news. And they cut in and showed it live. And you i mean i was shocked. I couldnt believe it. Theres been a lot of great things that have happened to us in this case over the last six or seven weeks. I think this is at the top of the list. Heres the president tweeted today. I love being on fox and friends this morning, great show. And your response was saying, see, we can agree on things. Do you think it implicates the president to your case . I think theres no question it implicates the president. Look, we dont hate the president. I agree 100 with the tweet he sent. It was great to see him on fox and friends, don. What does it mean for Michael Cohen, this interview you think . It causes considerable problems for Michael Cohen because Michael Cohen claimed just the opposite. In fact, his attorneys in federal court today claimed just the opposite. In fact, they want to have an expansive attorneyclient relationship because they want to protect as much information as possible. Meanwhile you have the president going on National Television talking about how Michael Cohen did very, very little legal work. Thats a big problem. But this is not proof that the president knew about the hush money and about the payment. Youre not saying this interview says that. Well, im saying were very close to that point. I mean the president has previously claimed Michael Cohen has claimed the president knew nothing about the agreement, the 130,000 and basically knew nothing about this entire quote thing with Stormy Daniels. We know thats not true because how does the president represent Michael Cohen in connection with the Stormy Daniels crazy thing if the president doesnt know anything about it . The judge today appointed a special master, Barbara Jones. Do you think that was the right move . I do. I mean Barbara Jones has impeccable credentials. Shes unimpeachable. She has a wide range of legal experience. She was a very prominent federal judge before going into private practice. She served as a District Attorney here in new york for many years. One of the best you could possibly pick in the country. I think shes going to do a great job, and i think judge wood whos in and of herself very experienced i think she made the right call and heres why. Its better to err on the side of caution, and that was the right call. You said last night you were going to file a motion to intervene in the cohen proceedings. The judge didnt rule on that today. Why is that so important to your case . We filed the motion to make sure these documents are protected, my clients documents as well as attorneyclient privilege documents. I think ultimately the motion will be granted or we will resolve the issue with the government. So im confident were going to get to where we need to go. You filed a response to the Michael Cohen fifth amendment declaration date. That issue is fully briefed. President trump and Michael Cohen are doing everything in their power to delay our case. They do not want the American People to know what happened in connection with my clients agreement and the 130,000 payment. Now that matter is fully briefed before District Court judge otaro, and hes going to make a call. Hes going to call a ball or strike as to whether the case is stayed. Appreciate you joining us. I want to bring in laura coates and also jack lin. Whats your reaction, laura, first . Well, i think its accurate that the special master in this case is probably in a very unique and qualified position to do exactly what shes supposed to do, which is to take on a role of a neutral person without a dog in the fight and review the matter of privileged material. The Stormy Daniels case is quite distinct from what is happening right now in manhattan. That is criminal probe after a federal seizure of evidence from the home office and the business and hotel room of Michael Cohen. It has implications for what may happen in the mda case, but theyre not synonymous. And this particular special master is going to have to compartmentalli compartmentalize a great keel on several fronts. You know the team prosecuting cohen. So what do you think of Barbara Jones as special master . Michael avenatti said it was the right move. What will she be doing . I totally agree that was the right move. You have a situation here where the appearness of fairness is extremely important especially with public scrutiny. As a neutral arbiter of that issue so that its clear to public and to everyone that no sides are being picked, no ones being favored. There will be no filtered team staff by government lawyers and agents. And on the other side the defense isnt going to get a first crack at it either. Its going to be judge jones whos going to be dealing with privilege issues, and thats going to again give the appearance of fairness to both sides in this, frankly, very extraordinary case. I got another question for you. You know this legal team prosecuting cohen, so what can you tell us about them . Theyre pretty young, right . They are. But theyre professionals. Theyre fantastic prosecutors. Ive had the honor to serve with each and every one of them. One is a gangs prosecutor who i worked with in the Southern District of new york. So dont let their youth scare you. They are professionals, and theyre going to do the right thing. Theyre going to follow the trail. Where it goes and if it goes nowhere, then it goes nowhere. Jack, your turn now. You say appointing a special master is unusual in most cases. Why is that . You usually dont need one. But, you know, in this case i think the judge wants to bend over backwards. Look what the president did in that interview in attacking the fbi. Hes done everything he possibly can to delegitimize the prosecutors and fbi here. So this was a very, very, i think, shrewd and important and justified move on her part as ken says to, you know, make sure theres no argument here that there was bias involved and its not the fbi whos going to be taking the first cut at these documents. Its a former federal judge whos got a stellar reputation. That was a good move on her part. Laura, you just heard Michael Avenatti saying cohens request to move the lawsuit should be denied. How strong is his case for that . Heres the thing, don, we know theres going to be some overlaps between the criminal probe that may be happening in new york and the civil court happening. If the judge knows that any defendant whos reasonable will try to ensure they will not implicate themselves further by giving testimony in the criminal case or civil case in a way thats going to hurt them in the long run in the other case. So they may be much more empathetic in this case. However, you are unique in this position because right now there actually is civil case happening in california. Theres not even an indictment yet in new york. But i think the judge is going to look at these issues and say, well, if youre not going to have a productive case in the civil matter until youre flushed uton the criminal side, lets stall out for the sake of the economy of the courts. And that may be a strong argument to make. Jack, let me ask you because theres a special master and then it was ruled that the president or his team, they get to review the documents. But theyre not reviewing the actual documents. These are copies, correct . Yeah, they are copies. But, you know, one of the most important things that happened today was that the president , you know, effectively said this is not going to take very long. He did want mean to, but hes so minimized Michael Cohens role as an attorney for him and minimized the im not sure why he was doing what he was doing, but he really undercut cohens position in this case and that of cohens lawyers. You know, all i can think of, frankly, is that, you know, maybe this relates to the fact that the president saw slippage on the hill in terms of support, on the republican side for this protect mueller legislation. He seems to be pushing Michael Cohen away. Im not sure why, but i just couldnt help but get that feeling. Ken, the government used the interview in their filings today saying i know that President Trump reportedly said on Cable Television this morning that cohen provides a tiny, tiny fraction of his overall legal work. These statements by two of cohens theyre saying most of the documents will probably not contain something thats privileged. So, you know, he undercut his own case. I think thats somewhat correct, don. At the end of the day its hard to say what effect those statements will have the on the case. And the reason for that is that at the end of the day we dont know the full scope of the governments investigation. We dont know what the government knows. So its hard to say what effect those statements actually had on the case and will have ultimately on the facts of the case. And were all going to learn what those facts are as the case unfolds. I want you to steak around, everyone. Were going to talk about President Trumps unhinged interview today and how his words were used by federal prosecutors just a few hours later. Uter. With this grade of protection. Its a fortress. And with this standard of luxury. Its an oasis. The 2018 eclass. Its everything you need it to be. And more. Lease the e300 for 569 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. No one thought much of itm at all. L people said it just made a mess until exxonmobil scientists put it to the test. They thought someday it could become fuel and power our cars wouldnt that be cool . And thats why exxonmobil scientists think its not small at all. Energy lives here. The president distancing himself from his long time attorney Michael Cohen. His socalled fixer has been by trumps side for over a decade now, but heres what the president told fox news today. How much of your legal work was handled by Michael Cohen . A tiny, tiny fraction. But michael would represent me and represent me on some things. Represents me like with this crazy Stormy Daniels deal, he represented me. And from what i see he did absolutely nothing wrong. There were no Campaign Funds going into this. Back with me laura coates, jack quin, and ken halladay. The government cited the president s comments on fox news. How damaging was that interview for donald trump . It was extremely damaging for Michael Cohen in particular. It was damaging for the president of United States because he seemed to be unhinged and off the rails and almost shouting and had to be cut off by a fox news anchor. However, why its so damaging for Michael Cohen is that for the second time in as many weeks he is being called out by the court saying, one yo, you dont actually have three clients. The second time he said there may be thousands if not millions of legal documents relating to izattorneyclient interaction with the president of the United States. With that dismissive tone the president essentially said its but a tiny, tiny fraction which contradict you have all these documents waiting. And yet the court heard those statements and said im going to give the special master a period of four weeks to go through everything, to reconcile what may be confidential or privileged and come back to the court and i do not want any delay. That also suggests to me shes not buying there are as many documents to look at. Said they were no Campaign Funds going to this. Did the president admit to knowing about the deal at the time . Was that an admission do you think . He clearly knew you know i think he may eventually argue that cohen had this sort of generalized portfolio, this authority to represent him as a lawyer in these cases involving women accusing him of of inappropriate behavior. And, you know, hes trying to have it both ways and distance himself from Michael Cohen just as, by the way, hes trying to distance himself from somebody when he said in that interview the first time to my knowledge, there was no collusion with russia and me. It used to be there was no collusion. Now its and me. It looks like hes, you know, going to let somebody fall off the boat on that one, too. Well, my ears perked up when he said that Michael Cohen represented him on i think he said that crazy Stormy Daniels story. Im like, whoa, thats a first. I wonder what his lawyers are thinking. Heres trump arguing that cohen a businessman. Hes got businesses and from what i understand theyre looking at his businesses. And hope hes in great shape. But hes got businesses and his lawyers probably told him not to do that. But im not involved and ive been told im not involved. But cohen has worked for the Trump Organization for about ten years. If cohen only did a tiny, tiny little fraction of work for the president and this is all about cohens businesses why would the president personally offer to go over the documents . You know, don, its hard to tell. Again, from what i said before because we dont know all the facts. And so at the end of the day its hard to know and you really cant know what all the facts are and what the implications of the president s statements will be to the case. And i think jack and laura will agree with me that at the end of the day that most formal federal prosecutors and defense lawyers we typically try to impress upon our clients that when theres an ongoing criminal investigation the thing to do, the best course is not to say anything because we dont know what the government knows. We dont know the scope of their investigation. So i think at this stage its hard to tell what the impact of those statements are either way. Laura, you know, you dont have to know Michael Cohen. You can have the sound down and see hes under pressure. I think as he was leaving his hotel and heading to kourlt. Its been said he said he would take a bullet for this president. But according to the wall street journal trump hasnt always treated himself well. He expected to be named a campaign chief by steve bannon, but Reince Priebus got the job. Does he sound like someone whos going to stay loyal to this president . Well, loyalty from the president s mind according to all the reporting, seems to be a oneway street and not pointing in the direction of Michael Cohen. And the statements the president made this morning also reemphasized the notion hes prepared to distance himself as appropriate and potentially throw him under the bus as we saw from the offthecuff remarks on air force one and now its changing again. I think the question everyone has in their mind is if this person does not feel there will be reciprocity in that loyalty, will that somehow encourage the person to be a cooperator if there were to be a case against the president of the United States . Now, we know according to donald trump Rod Rosenstein already told the president that he was a not a target of the investigation involving Michael Cohen. So if thats the case the idea of a Cooperation Agreement may not be an issue. But certainly from a friendship perspective that bus that ran over him today had the word trump on it. And the tires. The statement said they need to be build more federal prisons. She makes the case the bez evidence for mueller is trump. Look, the threats with every passing day are less veiled. You know, when he says and as for the department of justice, you know, im staying away, but that wont last long or words to that effect, i mean hes got a threatening tone towards the prosecutors. He as we all know, he has been clearly dangling consideration of pardons in a variety of ways. I think the combination of those two is really a toxic mix, and i think hes on as a result extremely thin ice in terms of an obstruction charge. At least in the context of an itch peachment proceeding. Hes very close to the edge here if not over it. Thank you all. By the way, if this is the time the president is not involved in the doj, then we are all not seeing the tip of the iceberg. He has been extremely involved in the fbi and doj so far. If the president has not yet begun hes in for a very rude awakening. When we come back a stunning verdict. Bill cosby found guilty of Sexual Assault, but thats just one case. Im going to speak to one of the dozens of other women accusing him. Thats next. heyim craving somethingkin were missing. The ceramides in cerave. They help restore my natural barrier, so i can lock in moisture. And keep us protected. Weve got to have each others backs. And fronts. 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Id of said youre dreaming. Dreaming definitely dreaming. Then again, dreaming is how i got this far. Now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. A stunning verdict today. A jury finding bill cosby guilty of three counts of aggravated indecent assault for attacking a woman named Andrea Constand at his pennsylvania home in 2004. Cosby is out on bail tonight but faces up to ten years in prison on each count. So lets bring in now attorney gloria alhp red who represents dozens of bill cosby accusers and victoria vallen teeno. Thank you both for coming on this evening. I know its been a very emotional day for both of cow, especially you vick tor you. You were in that courtroom today. What were you thinking and feeling as this verdict came down against cosby . Well, actually i was outside getting a breath of fresh air and went running back to the courtroom only to see crowds outside on the sidewalk. And i knew something was up. And then i went in and i was blocked from going up the stairs into the courtroom. And i was told i could go around the back way through the elevator. And i got up there and i had to stand outside while the verdict was read, in the hallway. And i was so upset i couldnt see straight. But everybody said verdict, verdict and then guilty. And, you know, you get this rush of emotion and you just dont know what to do with it. You know, you dont know whether to dance, cry, laugh, you know, all of those things maybe at the same time. It was powerful. It was powerful. And speaking of that, victoria, i just want to play some video. If we can put it up now. And these are some women leaving the courtroom after they heard the verdict. And there you are rushing up to hug them. And clearly so much emotion and shock after it was read. Did you ever think that you would see this day, that cosby would be held responsible for what he did . Not really. I i was pretty much gearing up to face another mistrial. I was stealing myself and trying to figure out exactly how i was going to handle it emotionally and then what to do then. You know, id been waiting around as if i was standing around on one foot wondering where i was going to put down the other. And i didnt want to continue that. I wanted to know where i was going from here. And this is resolution. In spite of all the appeals that are being threatened, we know now that the law and justice and the jury and everybody who has been supporting us all along, you know, has weve done it. Weve just done it. Yeah, and we saw that and its wonderful and its amazing. We saw that today in the emotion, and i was watching live and it was overwhelming. And even i was overcome. A surprise reaction. Hows andrea doing and the other women, gloria . Okay, well, i havent had a chance to speak to andrea, and i dont represent andrea. But i just want to commend her as a woman of courage for testifying not just once but twice in two criminal trials. But i also want to commend my three clients who testified as prior bad act witnesses in this second criminal case. Thats janice baker kenny, and they were attacked viciously by the defense. They were you know, they had things said about them that would attempt to discredit them. They had their reputations attacked, their motives challenged. But they stood up to it all. You think they made a difference with the jury . I do think, yes. In fact, at the end of the first criminal trial where one other of my clients and accuser Kelly Johnson testified, i was very proud of her as well. But that case ended in a deadlock. And i said after that we need to have more prior bad act witnesses, in other words more prior accusers be able to testify. Fortunately, this judge the same judge in the first criminal case did allow five to testify this time. And i do believe it made a difference because it demonstrate today the jury that mr. Cosby had a plan, a design, a scheme to drug and assault women. And also that he couldnt have been mistaken about whether andrea consented or not. Because if someone has a plan to incapacitate a woman by drugging her and then sexually assaulting her then he knows shes not consenting. One said the Justice System is eones beyond the culture. This is the first conviction in this me too movement. Do you think this is just the beginning, gloria . I think its very, very significant. I do. And of course my clients, the accusers were coming out, we were doing press conferences almost every month before the charges were filed a year later. And this is long before the metoo. But in the ha metoo people can on the internet, but its theal wi wild west. Especially in a criminal case there are very strict rules of evidence and strict rules to what an accuser can testify to or thought. But these women did it. They did it under oath, very challenging circumstances. They demonstrated courage. And the great thing is i now have the answer to my question. The question was how many women does it take to accuse a rich, powerful famous man to have even one woman believed. The answer in this trial, don, was six. Five prior bad act accusers and Andrea Constand. Victoria, im going to give you the last word here. Yes. Because it has been many years since bill cosby assaulted you. It took a real toll on your life. Do do you feel you have some closure right now . How do you feel . Well, i hate the word cloche. I would like to think of it as a resolution. But i also think of it as more of a beginning. Because now we have opened the flood gates. We have a tsunami happening. This is all about womens ability to speak out and face their accusers and not stuff it like we have for a lifetime, for generations throughout history. And women have just had enough. And i think we were the grandmothers of the metoo movement. We we spoke out and we were not crucified. We were not assassinated. We didnt shrivel up and die on had sidewalk. We werent imprisoned. We were liberated and empowered and we gave voice to other women who have not yet found their voice. I also want to thanksgiving cnn, don. Because cnn early on helped women to have their voice. We started on this show doing specials and having the women on. We had barbara bow on and all those brave women who came forward. And me. And you, exactly. I was on your show. Its been a long journey. I remember you guys walking to the studio and we had the pictures of cosby up and you had such an emotional experience. You guys starting crying and hugging each other. It was really impactful and made really an imprint on our lives and us here at cnn. Listen, thank you so much. We appreciate it. Thank you, victoria. Thank you, gloria. More on this case. Well be right back. New innovations. 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D, thats why Antonio Villaraigosa brought both parties together to balance the state budget with record investments in public schools. And new Career Training programs. As mayor of la, he brought police and residents together to get illegal guns off the streets and keep kids out of gangs, and on the right path. Thats Antonio Villaraigosa. A governor for all of california. The man they used to call americas dad found guilty today on three counts of aggravated and deceindecent assault. Good evening to both of you. Joey, you have been following this trial really closely. Were you surprised . You know, i really was. I really thought that the defense did a lot to go after the credibility and attack Andrea Constand in significant ways. Tom pointed out a dozen lies she had told involving various issues, the interaction with cosby. When she met him, when she called him, when she didnt. And i thought based upon that there was a big chance that bill cosby would walk out of this. But i think at the end of the day, don, that the five other accusers, the five prior bad act witnesses really made a difference. The jury based certainly upon the facts of the case. But i think the five accusers and the prior bad acts had a lot to do with his conviction. Listen, for those of us of a certain age would we ever think that you would see that headline, bill cosby found guilty of Sexual Assault . Yeah, its pretty shocking on so many levels, don. You have this iconic figure. And even though this case isnt about race, you know, everything in this country is about race. So its not just an iconic figure but an iconic africanamerican that so many across lines revered. So to have him convicted is somewhat mindblowing. But i have to say the women that have stood up and said this is enough, that women should be believed, that women should not be silenced who have been sexually assaulted and attacked, we cant say anything but bravo to those women for having the courage to do this. And whether you are africanamerican or not, whether youre a sexual predator, you should be prosecuted and convicted. Many have faced legal repercussions, but not criminal conviction. Is this a turning point . Think about what weve seen in the past several months. Powerful people who thought they were immune from any type of attack have fallen. Look, its been so significant. And i really think we have reached a watershed moment in our history really where, you know, you cant get away with violating women without their being any repercussions at all. And so metoo and the whole movement has been significant. So yes and i know and get what happened inside that courtroom was about bill cosby, but it was about so much more. And i think moving forward youre going to see people deterred like youve never seen before in terms of keeping their hands off and knowing that no is no. Joey, listen, because i have to ask you about this moment because youre there now. The da pleaded cosby be jailed immediately saying he was a flight risk because he owned a private jet. And cosby screamed out in court he doesnt have a plane, you ahole. So what do you make of this outburst . I think its about a person whos very frustrated and passionate about, hey, i didnt do it. Hes 80 years old, he could face the rest of his life in jail. And i think the fact is he left his emotions get the best of him. Areva, i got 20 seconds. Appeals . Absolutely therell be an appeal, don. But its an uphill battle. I think hes got a greater chance of convincing this judge not to send him to prison for 30 years than he does of having this jurys verdict overturned. We appreciate you being there at the courthouse. As always we appreciate your legal expertise. When we come back, is medical marijuana the answer to the Opioid Crisis . Or very own dr. Sanjay gupta investigate what he found for the past five years. As much as technology wise. And i would say i had nothing. 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I have two questions, is it a gateway drug and is it the answer . I dont think so, and people think of a gateway drug, they think your body has changed. Your brain has changed to make you crave harder and harder drugs. I dont think theres evidence of that, do people who start with marijuana sometimes take harder drugs. Not because of a physiological change in their body that makes them crave those things. I think it could be a solution with this opiod epidemic, in part because it could hem do many of the things that opiods do without putting people at risk of overdose. Thats the big thing. Have you so many people dying of overdoses that take opiods. Theres not been any confirmed overdoses due to cannabis. You think it could be a solution, whats standing in the way of it. Right now in this country its considered a schedule one drug. Its illegal at the federal level, you know as many people do, this has been a back and forth federal and state sort of issue. There are many states who have legalized this for medicinal purposes, its still illegal at the federal level, if a its schedule one it means two things. One is that it has a high abuse potential. Which just isnt true. I dont think anybody says that. Two, its basically listed as having no medicinal benefit. Also not true. It shouldnt be illegal any more. So youve written a letter to the attorney general. What are you asking Jeff Sessions to do . Well, theres a few things, one is that what everyone will say is that we need more research and data into this, and thats true. If its a schedule one substance, its been declared by the administration as having no medical benefit. Were saying it has no medical benefit, were not giving Research Dollars for that. Number two, i really think, don, and ive written this in the letter, if you had to design a substance to help lead us out of this opiod epidemic, something that could treat pain, treat withdrawal if someones coming off of opiods, something that could help heal the brain, in an addicts brain. It would look very much like cannabis. And cannabis already exists. Who are you . Because i remember on this same network, we would argue about medical marijuana, and i said, we need to change the stigma, you changed your mind about medical marijuana. Are you advocating this . I think as a medicine, this is something thats never probably gotten its fair shake. In the past, the reason you and i had disagreements on this in the past. When i would look at the evidence, i wasnt particularly overwhelmed by it, but what i realize is that the government wasnt Funding Research to look at the benefits. They were just looking at the harm. If you looked at it from the macro level, youd say, its not here. Once you started to look at nonfederal funded labs. Leave the country, look at other places. I think it can work for people. And sometimes i think its the only thing that can work. This is weeds 4, right . Youve been doing this for five years, what has surprised you the most . I think with regard to this most recent research. Is the impact it could have on this opiod epidemic. This is the worst selfinflicted epidemic weve had in our country. It has plateaued our life skpek ansi in this country. Its just getting worst, the 2017 numbers are coming out now, theyre worst than the 2016 numbers, were going in the wrong direction, and yet we have evidence now in states where they have legal medical marijuana Overdose Deaths have dropped in those states by 20 . Thats tens of thousands of lives that could be saved. That really surprised me and compelled me to do this reporting, also the fact that it can help heal the brain. You cant tell people to just say no if theyre no longer capable of doing that. And yet you have a substance that could help their brain heal in a way that they no longer have these tendencies. Dont miss dr. Sanjay gupta, sunday april 29th. Thats it for us tonight, thanks for watching. Ill see you right back here tomorrow. Nice tells you what you want to hear. But kind is honest. This bars made with delicious cranberries and almonds. So, guess what . We call it cranberry almond. Find your favorite and give kind® a try. Heyim craving somethingkin were missing. The ceramides in cerave. They help restore my natural barrier, so i can lock in moisture. And keep us protected. Weve got to have each others backs. And fronts. Cerave. What your skin craves. Dray, when he was younger, he loved to smile; and we knew he would need braces because his teeth were coming in funny. This is the picture that was on the front page of the newspaper. 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