Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20180224

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After manaforts former Business Partner rick gates pleaded guilty to criminal charges and agreed to cooperate with muellers investigation. Manafort says hes innocent. But its hard to square that with gates guilty plea. The stakes are getting higher every day. What does mueller want from manafort and where will it lead . Outrage tonight as were learning that authorities at every single level failed the students and teachers at Stoneman Douglas high school. Repeatedly missing chances to stop the shooter who gunned down 17 people. An unidentified woman who called the fbi tip line on january 5th said Nicholas Cruz was, going to explo explode. She said she feared him, quote, getting into a school and just shooting the place up. Her chilling conclusion, quote, i just want to get it off my chest in case something does happen and i do believe something is going to happen. And what happened after this graphic warning . Nothing. Cnn also learning tonight that as shots rang out in the high school, some Broward County deputies stayed outside. Thats after we learned the School Resource deputy armed and in uniform also failed to go inside the school. And then theres President Trumps rambling, rambling 80 minute speech today at the conservative Political Action conference ditching his own prepared remarks calling them boring and launching into a tirade claiming among other things that the Second Amendment is in jeopardy in the wake of Stoneman Douglas. Theyll take away your Second Amendment which we will never allow to happen. Theyll take away your Second Amendment. Theyll take awaysend amendmen. First, that wo thats not repeag to happen. Why is the president stirring up conservatives . Why is he making such dumb statements . Could it be part of a strategy from the white house that he loves to distract and deflect . Maybe from the russia investigation . I want to get right now to the breaking news on the Mueller Investigation. Here to discuss cnns legal analyst, laura coats, garrett graph, and solomon wisenberg. Good to have you all. Man, what a busy news night. Friday night used to be a quiet night. Now everything happens on a friday. So solomon, thank you for joining us. What stands out to you in this document that came out . Well, its a standard guilty plea, criminal information when you look at the original indictment. What stands out to me is that theres nothing about collusion with respect to the russians and theres nothing about obstruction of justice. Which in a way isnt surprising because the Manafort Indictment had nothing to do with those things. The original manafort gates indictment. I think theres an important point that people arent focusing on. For bob mueller to have even gone after manafort and gates, he had to have gone to Rod Rosenstein and gotten permission. Rod rosenstein testified in those situations mueller has to come to him. That means bob mueller gave the okay for that months ago, and if hes got that authority with respect to manafort, he has it with respect to President Trump. Laura, is that in the scope of the original . Or did he have to ask . It is in the scope for him to be able to investigate collusion and potential ties with russia or any other foreign land and whatever else he may come across during the investigation. Thats not what was being said in terms of having to still get the authority of Rod Rosenstein at the end of the day to go forward with anything, including the indictment and grand jury. It is within his scope which is one of the reasons why he has not gotten the pushback he usually has with respect to him being a potential partisan hack. Its within his scope at this point in time. Well see where it takes us going forward. Laura, another question. Rick gates, that guilty plea today, makes him the third trump person cooperating with mueller. How significant is that for this investigation . Its huge. First, this is the third known person thats cooperating with muellers team. We didnt even know about papadopoulos until three months after the event. Dont know what flynn has been telling or what rick gates has done in terms of his cooperation. We know it has a huge impact on manafort. If the person who was alleged to be his coconspirator and confidant for the better part of a decade is willing to admit to guilt and say he himself is not innocent with respect to defrauding the government or in other charges of lying, then you have trouble continuing to knock on manaforts door. And somebody is cooperating in an investigation against somebody who already has a very strong case against him in terms of the documentation. Remember, don, it doesnt take much to prove things that are based on documents. What muellers team needed was wh the proof to show intent. Intent is a much harder burden to prove. Now you have the coconspirator and a cooperator to give you that jgem. Why on earth would anybody lie to the special counsel . Its baffling in some ways because two of the guilty pleas that we have seen this week, the dutch lawyer earlier in the week and then rick gates, both of those lies have come months after it has become clear that this special counsel is going to take those socalled 1001 violations of lying to a federal agent incredibly seriously. But i want to sort of pick up on two other little quick points on this investigation that i think are really relevant when you look at the charging documents. First is this behavior continued during the time these people were working on the donald Trump Campaign. So its hard for us to know at this moment whether thats actually related to a larger question about the Trump Campaigns ties to russia. And particularly sort of why Paul Manafort might have gotten involved in this campaign in the first place. Thats a really important question that we dont know. The second thing is look at what rick gates actually pleaded to. He pleaded guilty to conspiracy against the United States. Which is both an incredibly sort of striking charge to see a senior president ial Campaign Aide plead to. But also now that bob mueller has established a conspiracy, what that means is that he can charge others who abetted it, knew about it, and didnt say anything. So that sort of opens up a possibility that we might see other people brought to charges under this same conspiracy. Solomon, did you want to respond to that . I just think its all of this speculation about it being a big deal is just guess work at this point. Yes, its obviously significant that gates pled. But the offense that theyre investigating it goes back years before the campaign, and its not related to the campaign. We dont know that yet, though. Thats part of the challenge here. Right. Im but well, but sorry, im talking about yeah theres a lot we dont know f. For all we know mueller is about to wrap up everything. Im speaking about the Public Record. What is known on the Public Record, and there are things that you can look at in the various mueller pleas that tell me that he does not have much of a case on either collusion or obstruction of justice. He might have a great case. He may have a great obstruction case, but not based upon what we see. If hes looking at Donald Trumps International Transactions over the last ten years, god knows what hell find. All we really know right now is that the case against all we can say based on todays event is the case against manafort has gotten stronger because we have an insider whos going to say yeah, thats what we did. I dont think its primarily based simply on guess work. Youre right, solomon. A lot of this is speculative because of the fact that mueller keeps everything close to the vest. Its intended to be the case when you have a special counsel in an ongoing active investigation. But the facts in the Public Record do indicate that there is some basis. Now, remember, collusion is some term everyone is using. Its nebulous by default and probably intentionally. Its showing you have the definitions and how its being defined by mueller in terms of Money Laundering and bank fraud. A whole host of issues. All of these things could comprise that has nothing to do excuse me. Ill finish my point first. Im sorry. All these things can lead to the possibility of defining that otherwise nebraska you lus term. You dont have a smoking gun but you have an a directive to undertake an investigation about why there may be a motive that somebody could be susceptible to undue influence by a foreign nation. We need to take a break. Well be right back. 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I want to get this in garrett and have you respond. This is a letter obtained by cnn. Gates describes having a change of heart when it comes to the legal battle hes facing. He said despite my initial desire to defend myself, ive had a change of heart. The reality of how long this Legal Process will likely take, the cost, and the circus like atmosphere of an anticipated trial are too much. I will better serve my Family Moving forward by exiting this process. Do you think it was ultimately the lengthy trial that pushed gates over the edge, or was his back against the wall . I think its hard to see after yesterdays 32 count superseding indictment came down anything other than his back against the wall. Those were decades in federal prison that he was potentially facing, and as laura mentioned, this was an indictment heavily backed up by documents. What is he saying im nept but going to cop to this so i can get the process over . I mean, why would someone do that if theyre innocent and they can prove it . Well, you know, i think there are its hard to say in a situation like that what its like facing down an indictment like that, and how sort of the roller coaster of emotions that have been going through probably rick gates life for the last couple of months. Certainly this is a situation where you saw him even on february 1st, this was one of the charges he pleaded guilty to today, lying to federal investigators during a proffer session which is basically the rough legal equivalent of attempting to pay for a bounced check with another bounced check. Like, youre in the room trying to convince its called kieding. Youre trying to convince them youre a reliable person and be willing to tell the truth. Mueller caught him in a lie again. Solomon, less than two hours after gates pleaded guilty today, a federal grand jury in d. C. Approved five new criminal charges against manafort, and the new charges allege that manafort retained a group of former senior european politicians to take positions favorable to ukraine. Do these latest charges against manafort tie in the rest of muellers investigation or is mueller piling onto get manafort to flip . Hes piling on. I dont really know if hes doing it to make him flip because hes already looking at guidelines that are as others have said, that will have him in prison for the rest of his life. I just think its some of this is tidying up. I think i saw some of the this information in the virginia indictment from a couple of days ago. I think youre talking about the letter that gates sent. I wouldnt be real happy if i was bob muler with that letter. Thats about as close as you can come to saying im really innocent but im going to go ahead and do this. And if i were manaforts attorney and i was going to trial, id have a field day using that in my cross examination of gates. Hes clearly a reluctant pleader. If i could go back for a second to this idea of collusion. I think several people have said on your show before, as we know theres no federal crime of collusion. In muellers investigation, what do we mean when we say collusion . We mean conspiracy. Either conspiracy to hack peoples computers or conspiracy with the russians to get benefit and aid from the russians in some way in the election, or conspiracy to defraud the United States. I dont consider those nebulous. Theyre pretty discreet statutes. Wasnt there a conspiracy to defraud the United States in the documents today . Wasnt that one of the charges . Yeah, but it has nothing to do it has absolutely nothing to do with the election. Thats whats called a kline conspiracy. Its part of solomon, with all due respect, the Mueller Investigation is not just the election. It is russia tampering in general. I mean, collusion, thats part of it. What i dont understand is why you keep saying you said in the first block, this is not a big deal. Anybody who is facing the possibility of going to jail for the rest of their lives or theyve lied to a special prosecuter or lied to federal authorities, you dont think thats a big deal . Oh, i think its a big deal for manafort. Its obviously a big deal for gates. Hes pled guilty and severely limited his exposure. 57 to 71 month guideline range. I think its a big deal for manafort because the evidence against him now becomes stronger, but you dont think its a big deal that the person who is charged with running the United States of america, the president of the United States, hired these people and had these people of for lack of this is with questionable character, basically pleading guilty. That means theyre criminals, and him, and heading his campaign . Thats not a big deal . I dont think its a big criminal law deal, don. It may show we already know he has terrible judgment in the people that he hires. We already know what kind of a person and what kind of a president he is. Im not talking about that. Im talking about in terms of the criminal law. And we dont know enough to know look, if manafort knows, has a bunch of information on President Trump that he can give to bob mueller, thats going to be a very big deal. All we know right now is that theres a stronger case against manafort because gates is pleading. Okay. Ive got i want to get this many. Im running out of time. Manafort released a statement in response to the guilty plea. He said notwithstanding rick gates pled today, i continue to maintain my innocence. I had hoped my expected business colleague would have had the strength to continue to battle to prove our innocence. For reasons yet to surface, he chose to not. I continue the commitment to defend myself against the untrue charges. One said hes no longer innocent. Youre seeing here somebody who is defiant and trying to make a move to stay in the game. Remember, there is a possibility that he may have information and be able to flip against potentially a bigger fish. Maybe not. But if he does, he is trying to set himself up to have the plea bargaining chips in place and to reverse the course of leverage thats so been in muellers favor since the beginning of the investigation. I see that statement as not only somebody being defied but someone saying im biding some time. Perhaps theres a deal in my future. It may never come, but what does he have to lose . Hes facing the rest of his life in prison otherwise. Thank you all. I appreciate it. Sources telling cnn several Armed Police Officers waiting outside marjory Stoneman Douglas high school where the shooter killed 17 people. Is this another moment where the authorities pfailed to prevent the deaths of so many innocent people . Introducing lumi glotion. Glow. 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Painful new questions tonight in the response to the shooting rampage at Stoneman Douglas high school in florida. Sources told cnn when Police Officers arrived at the scene they found not only the schools resource officer outside the building but three other colleagues from the Broward County sheriffs office. I want to bring in martin savidge. Martin, the more we hear, the worse it gets. What are you learning about this School Resource officer . Reporter well, Scot Peterson is no longer a School Resource afterno officer as of yesterday. He said im resigning and going into my retirement. He was informed he was going to go on unpaid leave and there was going to be an internal investigation, but instead, he has decided to go into retirement. Some people have suggested that thats part of the reason why he didnt really respond. Norn in other words, he was more focussed on his life after being on the force than focussed on trying to disrupt the shooter. We already know that according to the Broward County sheriffs office, they say they saw him for four minutes on the surveillance camera standing outside the building while the shots were fired on the inside and he did not go in and that made the sheriff absolutely sick, he said, and so he separated his ways. We tried to find Scot Peterson and reach out to him. We would like to hear his side and hear what he has to say. So far hes not responded to cnn. Martin, cnn, sources are telling us, that people were shocked to find not only had the armed resource officer weve been talking about hadnt entered the school but three other Broward County officers were there and not entering as well. What were they doing . Reporter yeah. Ive heard these reports. They are exceedingly troubling if that is the case. Ill warn you a bit here. We have not had the official police time line. In other words, the official line that tells you who was the first on scene. What time did they get there . What time did the calls come in and where did they go once they arrived on scene. That official document has not been produced. It will be part of the investigation. And the reason it hasnt been produced is that there were hundreds of people that responded that terrible day. And they came from multiple jurisdictions. Yes, it was Broward County. There were other neighborhoods and firefighters. There were emts. There were many other people that got on this 45 acre campus at very different times in very different stages. Everybody saw something. Nobody saw everything. So the concern is that some of these reports could be officers that were confused. Again, this is Law Enforcement that is telling us that Coral Springs officers saw deputies that they did not believe were responding in a way that was proper. The Coral Springs Police Department put out an official statement just a short while ago, and they have basically said there is no official statement from them on this matter. They know its a controversy, but they also said there were countless deputies and officers who responded on that fateful day from multiple jurisdictions whose actions were nothing short of heroic. As already reported, any actions or inactions that negatively affect the response will be investigated and the information will be released officially from the proper agency at the proper time. We cannot urge Law Enforcement to get that time line out soon enough to us. Because there is a lot of grief and anger that is coming out as a result of what people think did or did not happen. I think were hearing its supposed to come out as early as next week, possibly. I want to bring in jim m maxwell who trains teachers on what to do during an active shooter situation. I have to believe a Trained Police officer would recommend the sound of an ar 15 and know theyre outnumbered. The Broward County sheriff seemed to think his deputies didnt follow protocol. When we arrive at an active shooter, we go in and address the target. And thats what should have been done. What do you think, jim . Does it surprise you four armed officers didnt enter an active scene . Rather than armchair quarterback the situation, i agree with the previous reporter. We have to wait to see what Broward County finally says about this and what the time line is. I will discuss the tactics of this type of situation. Over the years ive worked with groups like the Eagle Security group in fredericksburg, virginia. Weve given courses on teaching patrol officers how to respond to these situations. I can tell you that from day one in that course, we emphasize that you have to go in and address the threat as quickly as possible. And the reverse of that is what im teaching civilian courses. We emphasize that when Police Officers arrive on scene of an active shooter, theyre not here to help you out of the building. Theyre not going to carry you out. Theyre not going to help the wounded. Their mission, their Tactical Mission is to address the shooter. Find the shooter. And address the problem. And that is the paramount mission of any officer arriving on scene. Why the officers delayed or why they didnt go in, theyre going to have to articulate that. Thats all part of that Broward County investigation. But i do applaud the sheriff for meeting this head on and dealing with it rather quickly. Yeah. He is being very transparent and candid about how he feels this all went down. Jim, the president called out the armed resource officer, i should say, who was also a sheriffs deputy. Listen to this. If thats the case where somebody was outside, theyre trained, they didnt react properly under pressure or they were a coward. It was a real shot to the Police Department. So part of what some say is a solution is arming people to neutralize a threat. It seems like the system failed on so many fronts. How can people feel confident when an armed deputy is on campus and now you see some of them may not have even gone in . Don, im involved all the time with evaluations and assessments of schools around the country. The one thing thats common to all these assessments we do is theres no real standard. Some School Districts have their act together and theyre right on top of issue. Other School Districts have blinders on. So my suggestion here is if were going to put some efforts behind getting some valid changes here. We have to establish a National Standard on how we protect children in schools. Now, armed officers, sure. Great idea. But the people who you hire to do that better be either retired Police Officers or retired military. People who understand what it means to carry a weapon and understand what it means to use deadly force. You cant go for the lowest bid on a project like that. And other issues, a turkrchitec of the school. How people get in and out of schools. The standards across the country are different between private schools and public schools. Thats the biggest issue. We need to get our act together and establish National Standards on those issues as well as the Mental Health issue. How do we deal with at risk children . Do we allow them back into the general population of students with this type of potential . I dont think so. But we have to have a very exact track on how we deal with these students. Many of these things are predictable. I go back to what i mentioned the other night on your show. Secret service did a study on 14 separate incidents of violence in schools. And the statistic that jumps off the page is that in over 60 of those incidents, somebody knew. Somebody knew that it was going to happen. Either days, weeks, they had a heads up. So we have to cultivate students, staff, to raise their hand at the right moment. Because since the days of columbine, weve gotten adept. Look at what happened the over day. Adept at heading these things off. It seems like a number of people knew and called tip lines and notified Law Enforcement, and then nothing happened. I got to run. Jim, i appreciate you joining us here on a friday night. When we come back the president speaking for 80 minutes at cpac today and this about sums up his speech. You dont mind if i go off script a little bit, because, you know, its sort of boring. Its a little boring. You want to see the rest of it. Stick around. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. With reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. 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So they would be like, here they come, turn off your lights those three young ladies were teaching the whole school about energy efficiency. We actually saved 50,000. And thats just one school, two semesters, three girls. Together, were building a better california. So much for teleprompter trump. The president calling his speech boring and going rogue at cpac today. A lot of what he said, well, lets call it fact challenged. Im going to bring in our editor at large i got ryan and chris liza and saliza. Lets see if i can get this right. And you guys are not the same people. Were in different cities. Yes. The president went, chris, the president went off script and spoke for 80 minutes this afternoon at cpac. Listen to the highlights. This is about guns. Theyll take away your Second Amendment which we will never allow to happen. Theyll take away your Second Amendment. Remember that. They will take away thank you. They will take away those massive tax cuts, and they will take away your Second Amendment. By the way, if you only had a choice of one, what would you rather have, the Second Amendment or the tax cuts . Second amendment . Tax cuts. Second amendment . [ applause ] im going to leave it at the Second Amendment. Hes like i feel like im watching the daily shows his trevor noahs impression of donald trump. I feel like im watching donald trump going trevor noahs impression of hymn. Explain why this is false, chris. First, just on the pure weirdness of the president of the United States doing an audiencesourced poll. Lets leave that aside. Yeah, i mean, i think there is a serious point here, don. You know, donald trump spent the previous 48 hours prior to today talking about things like raising the age to which you can purchase a rifle from 18 to 21. Bump stocks, and other modifications that turn weapons into automatic weapons. Things the nra doesnt always agree with and saying we need to make compromises. There are places Everyone Wants to make a deal. Whats hard is when he goes and uses language like they are trying to take away the Second Amendment. They will do it if you elect them. Saying the stakes in the next election is the Second Amendment is gone into the democrats win. Its not going to happen for people who care. In order for an amendment to be repealed, you need another amendment. That means twothirds of the house and senate have to approve of that amendment. Then it gets to the state legislatures. And the house and senate are whos in charge . Republicans. Mean by the way, 32 of the state legislatures republicans control everything. Its not going to happen. But the point is when you engage in rhetoric like that, yes, you will get cheers at cpac. They will applaud you. Yes, it may motivate some people. If youre trying to be something even close to an honest broker of a deal of any sort come on. Wrap it up. Its not going to happen. No. Its not going to happen. Not your guy. Listen, its completely embarrassing. As an american, its embarrassing for me. Whats even more embarrassing is people cheering him instead of saying this guy is nuts. No one is ever going to take away the Second Amendment, and every Single Person knows its not going to happen. What if theyd chosen tax cuts over the Second Amendment . Would he say okay, lets get rid of the Second Amendment . It was a poll. Who knows. Whos up next . Ryan. The president also stood by his Campaign Promise on building a wall. Listen to this. We know that a strong nation must have strong bordered. We celebrate our history and our heros. We believe Young Americans should be taught to love their country and to respect its traditions. Dont worry. Youre getting the wall. Dont worry. Okay . I heard some getting the wall. [ applause ] so he promised to build a wall but so far he has failed to convince congress to give him any money or has gotten it as a part of a daca negotiation. How is this going to work . Ryan . He dropped, of course, what used to be standard part of that statement which is whos going to pay for it . Remember, there used to be a call and response at trump rallies . That became such a part of his speeches that he would say whos going to pay for it and the crowd would yell mexico. That dropped out of the stump speech. Theres barely a plan to get the u. S. Congress to pay for it. I thought you were going to do the snake. He read the part of the snake. This was like a we have more sound bites. Dont read ahead in the syllabus in the work book. You did immigration so you werent going to do the snake. It was like trump classic. It was vintage early 2016 primary trump. One serious point on all this, i do think the last week of watching trump talk about guns but sort of settling by the end by friday a week you know, what has it been more than a week after the tragedy in florida, hes settled on the most nraendorsed right wing view of guns after saying a lot of things that sounded like maybe he was open to doing something, and i think thats been what his presidency is like. He listens to people sometimes. He says things that sound like hes moving in another direction and challenging republican ort dock si, but he always ends up right where the conservatives are and the base of his party is. And thats what this speech was about. To ryans point, hes not talking much at all about raising the age to 21 and all the clips are no. The magazines and any of that . No. And hes also ryan is, of course, right. He is talking about things that the nra claims that its okay with. But you notice they said were okay with banning bump stocks after that las vegas nightmare, but that never happened. Mitch mcconnell and paul ryan somehow, it never comes to the floor of either the house or the senate. So the president gets away with talking compassionately and going out a little bit beyond what the nra might take, but then hes never going to be called on it. Hes never going to act on it. The congress is never going to act on it. Were going to need a different congress. What about showing some sort of maturity or whats the word im looking for . I dont know. Stature to show that he is the president of the United States instead of acting sort of like a cheer leader with the megaphone yelling to the crowd . Thats his crowd. Thats cpac. Thats what hes going to be like with cpac. We had lock her up, all the greatest hits. We had lock her up. And i love it. Its against the backdrop of charges being finalized against rick gates and more charges being brought about manafort. Have gun, guys. Cheer lock her up, but other people might be getting locked up. Speaking of lock her up, more of that right after the break. Well be right back. Everyone has a thing. That binge watch over the weekend thing. That back from the dead or robotcowboy thing. Or maybe its watching satisfyinglysatisfying things. Organic avocado on everything thing. Doing it yourself or tagging a friend thing. More checkingin or checking out things. Like faaaaaaaaaar out of this world things. Far out. More revolutions in the making thing. That play like a girl thing. Is it a 4 your eyez only, thing. More of a no role modelz thing. That tripledouble thing. Is he the g. O. A. T. . Thing. No, not that goat thing. No no no no no no no more saving the world from the darkness thing. That selfie game strong thing. That fourlegged friends thing. Oo la la at t gives you more for your thing. More entertainment, internet, and unlimited plans. More for your thing. Yeah, thats our thing. Discover card. 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The president continues to take credit for africanamerican employment be the lowest in history. Watch this. Unemployment claims have reached a 45year low. Africanamerican unemployment has reached the lowest level in our history. So, here are the numbers though, just so we get it in thp from the bureau of labor statistics. Africanamerican unemployment was 6. 8 in december down from 16. 4 in 2011. Who was president then. Thanks ob obama thats what we say. The president completely deserves did he deserves credit for this. Do you think he does. He has done nothing. No, he deserves no credit. As a matter of fact, it ticked up a point last month. Does he deserve credit for that, that african unemployment went up a full point. Im not apac blaming. But if he takes credit he deserves the blame. Its his one talking point where he reaches out and says you africanamericans, why dont you see how great i am for you. What do you got to lose and what ive done already, it dont connect at all. What obama first took office africanamerican unemployment was 16 . When Trump Took Office the black Unemployment Rate was 7. 8 . Right. The lowest it had been in nearly ten years. Under trump is dropped a full percentage point to 6. 8 . Thats the lowest since they began regularly breaking it out by race since 1972. But its been on the downward track. And its fwies as high as white. He also took a swipe at mccane, who is suffering from cancer. And trump promised his his daughter megan mccane that he wouldnt do that anymore. So what gives here . Chris, whats going on. I mean, remember back, don, when i thought this was the end of donald trump. Little did i know when he made the joke that he preferred his military heroes, not captured in reference to john mccane. This was right back speaking about vintage trump, this is back in the beginning of trumps campaign, sort of the fall of 2015. You know, i think he does not like john mccane. Donald trump broke his word to megan mccane and cindy mccane he wouldnt attack john mccane any longer given the struggle against brain cancer. It shouldnt be that surprising. Joan mentioned the last segment this is donald trump in front of the most raw meat crowd you could have as a republican president. He likes applause. But its unnecessary. He knows mccane isnt popular he does it. Its a low below, unnecessary. And he should be ashamed of himself and the people should be ashamed of themselves for abroad applauding here is john mccane. Fighting for his life. Thank you. And come on. Its just its gauch to say the least. Three republicans voted against that bill not just john mccane. And lastly this from the president today, rare selfdepry indication. By the way what a nice picture. Id layoff to watch that guy speak. Oh, i try like hell to hide that balanced spot, folks. I work hard at it. So he admits he has a balanced spot. Im sure he wasnt happy when the cameras capture to do and everybody reported on it. But what do you think of that . Michael, how do you get a balanced spot on the back of your red o head. That could happen. Lets not i think chris and i start thinking about our own heads. Were not going there. I think how you respond to Something Like that will say a lot about you personally feel about donald trump. And i i think all of us can sit here and there are plenty of criticism that we can talk about with donald trump. Ive made my views about him known regularly. But every once in a while i have to admit that i find him. Funny. Somewhat humorous. I agree were laughing. And. He has occasionedly has as sense of humor you just you cant deny. That was. I thought it was funny. But you i still dont. That was a good moment for him honestly. I dont know how you get a balanced spot on the back of your head. Ive had this part since i was a kid. Everybody. Not all of us are so blessed as you. You are. Theyre yelling at me. Come on, producers. I got to go. Lets see. Oh well. Let me see see the back of your head there. No. Liz aire. Thats not in the deal. Thats not in the contract. Not the best angle thanks, we got to go. Well be back at the top of the show. Applebees handcrafted burgers. Any burger just 7. 99. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Youre so cold, come in whats wrong . Its dry. Your scalp . Mine gets dry in the winter too. Try head and shoulders dry scalp care it nourishes the scalp and. Keeps you up to 100 flake free head and shoulders dry scalp care my bladder leakage was making me feel like i couldnt spend time with my grandson. Now depend fitflex has their fastest absorbing material inside, so it keeps me dry and protected. Go to depend. Com get a coupon and try them for yourself. Go to depend. Com [thud] [screaming crying] [screaming crying] [phone ping] with esurance photo claims, you could have money for repairs within a day. Wow that was really fast. 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