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It feels like wheels are coming off the bus. What is going on . Whats your take on all of this . In terms of the wheel coming off the bus, i talk to my colleagues about this all the time. Im sure you do. Its existing. Exhausting, we have a president that tweets. We have to turn the page to crowd the stage with more action opinion an i dont think americans know how to make sense of it. One of my greatest worries about this president and the presidency, is the provocations, the acts of indecency, the acts of bad judgment, come at us so quickly. They all blur and no one stands out the way it should. And hes flattening americans. He is numbing them that we cant see as clearly as we should. What an offense. Do you think thats strate c strategic . Or his mind is so kchaotic i think its a convergence of both those things. I often feel the same way you feel. What we were covering last week . He said, you realize that pocahontas was just three days ago. And we were sitting there stunned at how quickly these things recede into the past and we move on. When no one of them should be allowed to recede into the past. Because its become this blur, donald trump, President Trump, benefits from the sheer volume of the indecent things he tweets and says and does. Its exhausting. Jeff flake weighed in on the alabama special election. And writing a check for democrat doug jones. And the message was country over party. The rnc, the capitulation to moore has to be shocking. And theyre all stands up now. Whats interesting, is i spent time talking to jeff flake earlier this year. I profiled him in the atlantic. He at the time had not announced he was going to retire. But he was lamenting the state of our culture, raising the concerns that rank just raised. At the time he was deciding, there was a place for him in the Republican Party. He had decided to retire and theres the answer to the question, that theres not. You see the widespread shift in the conservative base and especially among religious c conservatives. There was a poll that tracked a remarkable shift among con everyone isti servetive christians. Character, morality, was essential, to assessing a public official. Five years later, in the midst of Donald Trumps campaign, the vast majority of white evangelicals had changed their mind, and believed that private morality was not important. A public official could serve if they committed acts of immorali immorality. And thats playing out in alabama. What is that called . Just plain hypocrisy . Not having moral convictions . Well, i talked to a lot of them recently, in my reporting. And a lot of them say that, i think we underestimate how e grie grieved and victimized they feel in this country. They feel that the culture is slipping away. White evangelicals feel th christians are more persecuted in this country than muslims are. When you feel that attacked, that under threat by the cultural elites, youre willing to make a lot of compromises. And theyre not looking for moral exemplars. Theyre looking for bodyguards. Might they need to get out of their own . Seriously. Whe when you feel things like that im not here to coddle anyone. Thats not true. We feel that way because you feel that way does not make it true. Might the people who feel that way, might have to get out of their own bubble. And take a look at the world and the nation around them, to look at what they feel is not necessarily the reality. You said a crucial world. Its double. We curate the information we get. We only hear things we want to hear. We dispute anything thats inconvenient. But theres a word that didnt come up in this conversation that has to come up when were talking about them. Its abortion. They came to this character was not so important, because that was convenient to believe when they wanted to support donald trump. Me was promising them, he would be a faux of abortion. He was offering them a Supreme Court justice, and Hillary Clinton wasnt going to give them to them. Character suddenly didnt matter. Interesting. Lets dig in a little bit. Voters are supporting moore. And trump is saying, he denies it. Is that the president muddying the water . Theres no question. Weve seen that since 2015, when donald trump launched his campaign. Thats a core piece of the strategy. A core piece is also undermining the nonpartisan press. The conservative base in the Republican Party, not only believes the press is biased, but they are outright fabricating things. Theyre part of a conspiracy to disenfranchise them or undermine them. And when people believe that, it becomes very easy for all of a sudden reality to become realtive. Reality is no longer an objective thing. It can be shaped in whatever way is convenient to you. Thats doing the ultimate disservice. Seriously. Using your worst instincts for a very singular and selfish purpose, your own just for your own benefit and your own good. There can be no healthy civic life. And there can be no common ground, if everybody is allowed to pick and choose what they can believe. And youve done away with the concept of objective truth. Thats what donald trump is trying to do. When you see 70 of alabama, disbelieving the washington post, meticulous reporting. They are going after the committee of taxation, because they dont know what it concluded. You see the fruits of Donald Trumps tactics. He is trying to delegitimize his institutions, where no one is trustworthy than donald trump. That means you have no core. The people whatever your convictions are, the people i respect are the people that says, there isnt a tax break big enough for me to put up with someone who says he can grab my daughter by the genitals. One has to respect that. Money is one thing. But teaching your child and having your child live in a world that is a certain way and respects certain boundaries, thats not thing you cant put a price on. Maybe you want a tax break. Maybe you want to buy something for your family. You just get fewer christmas presents. Or you have to spend extra for something else, rather than compromising your morals. Over money. You have to have a moral compass. But hold on. The most disgusting thing that i hear from people, when i hear team say, i dont care about anything. Just give me my money. Thats the vilest thing you can say to me. If you dont want me to speak to you again, Say Something like that to me. Don, what we need all leaders and especially right now in a leader, ideally a president , is someone who moves us to move beyond our selfinterest. We have a president who is the epitome, the e poselfinterest. He is using the presidency to enrich his family further. Mckay, you have a big piece in the atlantic. You talk about the aftermath of the access hollywood tape. We played billy bush on coe blb. A small group of millionaires is trying to get money together for a buyout. Asking how much money a candidate would need to walk away. They were given an answer of 800 million. Its unclear if trump was aware of this discussion or if the offer was made. Republican donors and Party Leaders began about making pence the nominee and drafting Condoleezza Rice as his running mate. Reince priebus told us about this. An it is false. Im comfortable with my sources. The kind of quizzical thing that Reince Priebus said was that i never reached out to him for comment. Thats false. I sent him two emails and left a message at his Office Asking for comment. I dont know why hes saying that. But look, the reality is its amazing how many times we go back and revisit that episode about the access hollywood tape. That moment was one of tremendous political upheaval. Republicans were calling on trump to drop out. Pence made clear to the rnc, that he was ready to make trumps place. And Reince Priebus said that pence and Condoleezza Rice were ready to step in as the new ticket. That didnt happen. And it is remarkable to think that trump was able to push past that and just four weeks later, be elected president. That says a lot about where we are as a country. Mckay, frank, im here five nights a week. When we come back, the president once said theres nobody that has more respect for women than i do. 1 of the 13 women accusing him of Inappropriate Conduct has serious issues with that. Now, a judge is set to decide if donald trump could be deposed in the deaf mission lawsuit. Sometimes the best time is time you make for yourself. Aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion with active naturals® oat. Locks in moisture to improve skin wellness in just one day. Aveeno® naturally beautiful results® you wont see these folks they have businesses to run. They have passions to pursue. 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She is 1 of 13 women who made accusations against trump, of assault and groping. She says he tried to kiss heifer twice at a lunch meeting. He kissed her aggressively and touched her breast. In a statement, trump denied the claims. And joining me now, is gloria allr allred, representing summer. You were in Supreme Court today, who has failed a deaf mission lawsuit against the president. Who is the basis of the suit, gloria . We allege that President Trump, when he was candidate trump, called her a liar. She came forth after the access hollywood tapes were broadcast. And we heard what candidate trump, or before he was candidate trump, when he claimed he could grab a woman by her genitals. He denied in the Anderson Cooper debate with Hillary Clinton, that in fact, he had actually done what we heard him say he had done on the tapes. He said it was locker room talk. And after that, summer came forward, as did other women, and said he had committed sexual assault. He went to rallies and said, all of the women were liars. He would sue them after the election. We called on him to detract. He didnt. We filed this Defamation Case on behalf of summer zeros. He has called them liars, threatened to sue them. What is she and you hope to achieve from this . Her reputation matters. Truth matters. Accountability matters. She has been harmed. She has been harmed by threats. By loss of some of her business. Emotionally. President trump, through his lawyers, argued he cannot be sued. Hes president of the United States, with immunity. We argued jones versus clinton. When paula jones sued president clinton, and president clinton said that he was immune from a lawsuit, the United States Supreme Court said no man is above a law, including the president of the United States, for unofficial acts. We allege that dedefamation, whh is a tort, if we can prove that, that was an act he committed to prior to becoming president. He can be sued for that. You potentially would have an opportunity to depose the president of the United States. If we are allowed to proceed with the lawsuit. Is anything off his past offlimits to you . We would be entitled to engage in discovery. Deposition would be part of that in a normal lawsuit. One of the arguments that President Trumps lawyers made today was he is too busy. We said we are willing to accommodate the president s schedule. In the effect, that we needed to take his deposition, we would take it at maralago between his rounds of golf because we want to accommodate his schedule. If youre going to pursue this and if any decision should be made, it should be done after the president of the United States, when hes done serving. Whats your reaction . Of course, President Trump has indicated he plans to be president for seven more years. If his argument were to prevail, our case would be stayed for seven years. It was the burden of the defendant, trump, to prove why there should be a stay. In that time, evidence can be lost, memories could fade. We think that could prejudice our client. We dont think it should be stayed at all. The judge is deciding whether this defamation lawsuit will go forward. How long will it take . What happens next . Do we know when the judge could make a decision . I thought the judge was thoughtful. She was extremely well prepared. Our opposition and his reply and the cases. She had many, many questions for both sides. She indicated she will efile her decision. She did not indicate when she would file her decision. But i think its going to be a thoughtful one. And were looking forward to that. Were hopeful that we would be permitted to proceed, to litigate our lawsuit and protect our client and her lights. Recently from reporting over the last couple years, this is a president involved in a lot of litigation. What do you think will differentiate this lawsuit from all of the others in his past . I guess there were 75 lawsuits. This is the only one on behalf of one of the women who alleged that candidate trump had committed acts of Sexual Misconduct against her. We think this is an important lawsuit. We think that a womans word matters, that its of value. And that she has as much rights as anyone else in the United States. Were there to vindicate her rights. Gloria allred, thank you so much. When we come back, will President Trump be deposed . The case of paula jones versus bill clinton could provide a hint. Paula jones lawyer joins me to talk about what he thinks. Crohns disease. Youre more than just a bathroom disease. Youre a life of unpredictable symptoms. Crohns, youve tried to own us. But now its our turn to take control with stelara® stelara® works differently for adults with moderately to severely active crohns disease. Studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. Stelara® may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before or during treatment, always tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have flulike symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop any new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion, and vision problems. These may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Were fed up with your unpredictability. Remission can start with stelara®. Talk to your doctor today. Janssen wants to help you explore cost support options for stelara®. Ancestrydna can pinpoint where your ancestors are from. And the paths they took to a new home. Could their journey inspire yours . Order your kit at ancestrydna. Com we thats why at xfinityic. Weve been working hard to simplify your experiences with us. Now with instant text and email updates youll always be up to date. You can easily add premium channels so you dont miss your favorite show. And with just a single word, find all the answers youre looking for. Because getting what you need should be simple, fast, and easy. Download the xfinity my account app or go online today. A judge in new york hearing arguments on whether a defamation lawsuit against President Trump can move forward. Mark geragos and the lawyer who represented paula jones in her lawsuit against bill clinton. Good evening. Joseph, you heard from gloria allred. Does Summer Zervos have a case here . She has a case if shes telling the truth. Shes been called a liar. These filed a lawsuit to vindicate her name and reputation. Shes done the right thing. She believes she is telling the truth. Is it mr. Trump who says its politically motivated . Or Summer Zervos who says the sexual abuse of conduct did take place. Do you think the judge will let it go forward . I think that there is an argument that was left ohm by the Supreme Court decision in the paula jones case that i handled. The Supreme Court did say, the issue of whether or not there would be immunity, if it was brought in state court, was left for another day. I dont know why it wasnt brought in federal court, to eliminate the risk that trump may have immunity. Its in state court. As f you read the paula jones decision, the court was worried of interference of the judiciary of the operation of the president. A pencetive court or judge, can do justice and allow the case to proceed and give both sides their opportunity to have their case heard in court. Mark, heres whats hes saying. President trumps attorney has argued that the president is immune from court. Does this have merit . There is an argument that the state court judge cant enforce something against a federal officer. And he clearly is a federal officer. If i go to court in a criminal case and i want to subpoena in an fbi agent, in a state court action, i have to go through a process to get the department of justice to analyze whether theyre going to comply. And they dont have to comply. I have a case right now where im trying to get a state court judges order honored by feds. And the feds take the decision in states throughout the United States, that they dont have to comply. They have an argument. The argument about immunity was settled in the jones versus clinton case. Im not so sure now. I remember at the time. Part of the rationale is that its not going to take up that much of his time. And then, we saw what happened with president clinton. Im not so sure that the u. S. Supreme court, if they would rule on this, on that issue, might not say, well, that was to scalia, that was then and this is now. Im not sure that a new york Supreme Court judge will want to get into a situation, if they order the case to go forward, they have no way to enforce it. No federal marshal is going to go get him if he doesnt show up for a deposition, what is a state court judge going to do to enforce that order . I think the state court judge does have the ability to have authority over people that are appropriately litigants before him or her. You have a president who is a private citizen and committed a wrong. A state court would have jurisdiction over mr. Trump. I hate to correct you. It was 90. Dont leave out the extra justice there. We won 90. And the Supreme Court said that a careful judiciary can oversee a lawsuit. And we know that the president is just like anybody. The fact of the matter remains. The fact remains that that case has been criticized by legal scholars ever since. And as you know, cases are reversed all the time, depending on the competition. I dont know what order youre talking about. The supremacy clause is a real problem here. You can say state court judges can sue. He is a federal officer. Thats the supremacy clause. How is a state court judge going to enforce this . You know, its funny. I litigated the case. I dont remember anybody i was in front of that judge. And i joined with you. I dont know why they havent gone federally. I dont know, either. Susan Webber Wright had authority over bill clinton. This judge does not have federal authority. This a state Supreme Court or trial court judge. I understand what youre saying. Saying it three times doesnt make it more true. Well you saying you litigated the case doesnt make it true. Oh, i guys. I never heard of that. The only guy that criticized it was president clinton because he had to face justice. He had to be put under oath and testify. You know what we need . We need a judge. Im going to step in and make myself a judge. Yes, your honor. Its done. I gaveled it. The man who declared open poor on the gop campaigning for the roy moore. My question is, is the gop becoming the party of bannon . Chn can make this. Feel like this. Allinone cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the 1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. Tylenol®. Why do people have eyebrows . Why do people put milk on cereal . Oh, are you reading why people put milk on cereal . Why does your tummy go grumbily, grumbily, grumbily . Why is it all . No more questions for you ouph, that milk in your cereal was messing with you, wasnt it . Yeah, happens to more people than you think. Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Good, right . Mmm, yeah. I got your back. Lactaid. Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. Steve bannon, President Trumps former top aide, held a rally for roy moore. Taking every opportunity to slam gop leaders. Jeff flake. Did he sign a check today, 100 to jones . Put country ahead of party. Come on, brother. Mitch likes being called leader. In washington, they all call him leader. All the consultants and all the lobbyists. Are you kidding me . Judge moore served his country in one of the toughest wars we ever had, vietnam. Mitt, thats honor and integrity. While were on the subject of vietnam and honor and integrity, you avoided service, brother. I want to bring in matt lewis, Alice Stewart and kevin madden. Those are fighting words right there. Considering the sound byte that just happened, kevin, i have to go to you. It was a odious attack, given that steve bannon referenced governor romneys religion. I was his spokesman in the 2008 and 2012 campaigns. But to bring religion in it was an odious attack. It is emblematic that there is civil war is too strong of a term for the party right now. But theres a split. If there wasnt a split inside the Republican Party, a generic republican would win that race against a democrat by 20 points. Its by all accounts, its neck and neck. We nationalist populist base right now that steve bannon stokes to drive some division in the country. I question if that serves the longterm goals on the party. All of the attacks on mitch mcconnell. Mitch mcconnell and President Trump need a strong working relationship to achieve some of the goals. It feels like its a shortterm gain for a lot of the fodder for steve bannon. Theres a potential longterm loss for the party overall. Like the proxy, alice, usually for the president , is Hillary Clinton, because steve bannon has taken aim at mitch mcconnell, as well. And mitt romney, a proxy war between bannon and the accomplishment. Sure. That was the game he played in the election. Draining the swamp. It was successful. Another powerful tactic that bannon has been able to use for President Trump, and hes using it with moore, is putting the power back in the peoples hands. He said, dont let washington tell you how to vote. Dont let democrats. The republican establishment. This is your vote and you should do this how you see fit. He managed to make it us against them and not about these allegations of sexual harassment. That was a key to success for roy moore, given that he is doing well in the polls. But to kevins point, the longterm impact for the party i think the fact were supporting someone bannon, and the rnc and the president , it ees important to put princi and integrity above any outcome in this case. And continuing to support someone with this cloud over them, is a longterm black cloud on the party. Its not just steve bannon endorsinining moore. The president has given Republican National committee and other republicans cover to follow suit. Senator orrin hatch, said he didnt have. Because moore is the only republican you can get down there at this time. What does this say about the gop . Its a sorry state right now. This is a surrogate battle between mitt romney and roy moore. But its really about donald trump and the direction that donald trump has taken the conservative party and the movement. Youre rebranding the party of abraham lincoln. You think its a mistake and youre not surprised that the party is not embracing more . I am not. The rnc is a political operation. And its perfectly natural they would be the arm of the republican president. So, i any what theyre doing is calculating and political, but its not surprising. The republican president wants them to do. Do you think this is an extraordinary circumstance . I do. But im still not surprised. To me, the mistake was made when the Republican Party nominated donald trump. What were seeing happen brigri now is a response to the decision made a year ago. Theres an oped that says that the largest and most obnoxious symbol of that. But the gop support of moore shows that this isnt about individual awful man. How do republicans turn this around . Its a tough assessment. Many republicans are going through the process of discussing. I was in an event years ago. One of the questions was, who represents the heart and soul of the party. I think one of the annalses that was most telling, parties dont have hearts and souls. Whats happened now is that you listen to that conversation tonight. Were talking roy moore versus steve bannon and romney. And were talking about individuals. Personalities. The party will flourish again when it becomes a party around ideas and ideas that matter and have an impact on voters. The longer we litigate this through the cult of personalities. Thats what it is like to have a reality tv person at the head of the party, we end up with debates that are lacking substance. Its about personalities. It has to be about ideas and issues. Don im almost at the end here. When we come back, one of my next guests calls the republican tax plan, death to systems. The other is a historian who warns that this policy led to the Great Depression. A vast majority of americans think its set up to benefit wealthy people. Were going to break it down for you. 6 you wont see these folks they have businesses to run. They have passions to pursue. How do they avoid trips to the post office . Stamps. Com mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. Get a 4 week trial, plus 100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. Go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. Youre more than just a bathroom disease. Youre a life of unpredictable symptoms. Crohns, youve tried to own us. But now its our turn to take control with stelara® stelara® works differently for adults with moderately to severely active crohns disease. Studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. Stelara® may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before or during treatment, always tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have flulike symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop any new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion, and vision problems. These may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Were fed up with your unpredictability. Remission can start with stelara®. Talk to your doctor today. Janssen wants to help you explore cost support options for stelara®. Cedric, i couldnt even bowl with my grandkids cause of the burning, shooting pain in my feet. I hear you, sam. Cedric, i couldnt sleep at night because of my diabetic nerve pain. I hear you, claire, because my dad struggled with this pain. Folks, dont wait. Step on up and talk to your doctor. Because the one thing i keep hearing is. Im glad i stepped on up. Me too, buddy. If you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, step on up and talk to your doctor today. New polls showing americans do not like the gop tax plan thats making its way through congress at lightening speed. Only 29 approve. But is a plan designed to penallize democrats in blue states across the country . Lets discuss now. A senior Economic Advisor to the Trump Campaign and historic lets discuss gentlemen. Steve, you first. You were quoted in a bloomberg article describing the republican tax plan as death to democrats. Why make policy this way, and is this political pay back . Well, just one thing on the polling. Youre right that the poll does show a majority of people dont favor the republican bill, but its also true. You know, one of the most important polling results is by over a 21 majority americans think a tax cut would be good for the economy. I happen to agree with that. I think when they get this republican bill passed a tax cut or this one . This one will pass. No, no. A cut is good for the economy or this tax cut because you said a. No, will a tax cut be good for the economy is the question. I think the reason people are reacting negatively to this because a lot of americans are just against anything trump is for. But to your question, don, about blue states being impacted, it is true. Theres no question about it. By getting rid of the local and state Tax Deduction people in new york, california, illinois, in new jersey, connecticut, will be relatively negatively affected by that because their taxes are much, much higher than states like texas and florida. And the other point i was making are you okay with that . Are you saying this is good because by the way, the reason im for that, don, is because i dont think its fair for people in red states to pay for higher taxes, to pay for bloated services than in blue states. California and new york, they have twice as much Government Services in terms of the cost of services than a state like New Hampshire. So why should New Hampshire people pay higher taxes to pay for services in new york and california. Especially when their services are much better than those in New Hampshire . You want to respond to that, and then ill talk about what you said in the the washington post. Go on. Well get throughout the comparison, but this idea that people in new york and california are somehow getting benefits illegitimately is just ridiculous. Those states that have it high taxes, one of the reasons they have to pay for services, is they send more revenue to washington than they get back. They are supporting the rest of the country with those. But beyond that, i mean this whole idea of attacking democrats and not just through doing the removal of the deductibility of the state and local taxes, but also theyre taking out things like universities and their endowments, taxing the grants that are given to graduate students. These are people i guess they dont like. I dont think tax policy should be made on that basis. But i hope in a moment well get to talk more about let me talk about this. Yeah, lets talk about what you write. You wrote this piece for the washington post. Youre issuing a warning about the bill, and you write in 1932 in the depths of the Great Depression Franken Roosevelt called for bold persistent experimentation. The contrasting method and if it fails try it again and again and again. Talk to us about. At least for over a century, he said there are two contrasting views of how government and the economy should work. One is that you should make the people at the top richer and richer, and their prosperity will leak through on those below. Brian said correctly the democrat idea is the other way around. And all those dependent on those will rise with them. And thats been the distinction ever since. He was talking about leaking through. Thats the sort of this term we now use of trickle down economics. Which weve had a couple of trump advisers come out and say recently yes, i believe in trickle down economics. Well, trickle down economics has never worked. And in the 1920s, is a perfect example of that. The idea in the 1920s is the least government you can possibly have, the least regulation you can have, massive tax cuts. There were three different tax cuts in the 1920s. Republicans were in charge of the government entirely during that decade as they are at the moment, and they were able to do whatever they wanted. And what they want was mainly being pushed by the secretary of the treasury. Andrew melon was one of the richest people in the world and ive got to get steven. Robert robert, stop. Said at the time this bill would get more tax benefits to mr. Melon himself and robert, ive got to go. Maybe he cant hear us. Maybe he lost us. All right, guys. Thank you, all. Thats it for us tonight. Bye. Youre a life of unpredictable symptoms. Crohns, youve tried to own us. But now its our turn to take control with stelara® stelara® works differently for adults with moderately to severely active crohns disease. Studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. 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President trump hours away from making a significant announcement naming jerusalem as israels capital despite several warnings of potential violence. And fire emergency in california. Authorities say these fires are out of control

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