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Trying to get some cash or trying to get some food in the supermarket or trying to get some water or just trying to get some information about what the next couple of days hold or when those supplies might get here. So i think theres a lot of frustration, particularly in some of the these outlying areas. The roads are theyve done a good job getting the roads open, and fema people have been out to kind of assess some of these outlying communities. But in a lot of these towns the people are waiting for medication, waiting for supplies. And, you know, the mayor of san juan is very clear, you know, she says this is a desperate situation. People are dying. People are going to die. And, you know, were talking about people who need hiv medication. People who need dialysis, all sorts of people who have just the everyday maladies or diseases that they deal with that medication helps them live. Its not available. And thats got to change and its got to change quick. Absolutely. Around son be, thank you again. Good reporting. We appreciate that. This is cnn tonight. Im don lemon. Thank you so much for joining us. And this has been a pretty terrible week for the president. Let me just remind you of everything at that has happened. It was exactly one week ago just about this time that President Trump launched an all out attack on nfl players by kneeling during the national anthem. This is what the president of the United States saw fit to say to america. Wouldnt you love to see one of these nfl owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out. Hes fired. Hes fired. Well, friday was already a bad day for the president with john mccain when he announced that he would not support the gops latest healthcare bill, doomg their efforts to repeal and replace obamacare again. Fastforward to tuesday when President Trumps candidate in alabamas gop Senate Primary lost to the candidate backed by former white house Senior Adviser steve bannon. Then just yesterday acting Homeland Security secretary elaine duke in a heck of a job moment called the goths response to the devastation in puerto rico a good news story 3. 5 Million People in puerto rico would definitely disagree with that. San juans mayor is one of them, and she is here. She was here here she was on cnns new day, i should say. Cam it, this is not a good news story. This is the people are dying story. And that brings us to tonight, friday. And as you know, you know what that means. Somebody is out at the Trump Administration. It happens on a lot of fridays. This time it is health and Human Services secretary tom price. Cut from the trump team for making the boss look bad with his multiple expensive flights on private jets. Theres a lot to get to tonight but i want to bring in cnn politics editor at large chris. Cnn political commentator and rebecca berg. Good evening to all of you. Chris starting a culture war, using nfl players, a loser on health care, a loser on the on hurricane response in puerto rico. Now tom price. Not a good week for President Trump. And you didnt even mention Jared Kushner not disclosing that he used private emails. I mean, theres and theres other things too, don. No. What we have learned, i think, is the pace at which donald trump moves, the pace at which he creates news, social media, cable television, et cetera, make it very difficult to track all of these things. But i think it is important, as you just did, to lay out think about it. From luther the Luther Strange sons of bitches speech to now is roughly seven days. I mean, its astounding. Its difficult to remember but important to remember. This is someone who i think undoubtedly dropped the ball as it relates to puerto rico. He was focused on the nfl. He was focused on Luther Strange. He was focused on health care. He was not focused on puerto rico despite his attempts to make good on that at least from a public perspective. And then capping the week off, you said that like a lot of fridays. Youre right. I mean, steve bannon gone on a sfri. Reince priebus gone on a friday. Sean spicer gone on a friday. These are what day was scar scar . I dont remember. That one may have broken the mold because he had to go. But all of these people, these are senior level people, don, and were not talking about year three of an administration. Were talking about year zero. Month eight and a half. Right. Was it just a matter of time before with price, though . Because yesterday i kept asking guests is it going to happen by the end of the week. Yes. As soon as you hit it exactly right, don. Bad headlines. Donald trump watches lots of cable tv and he reads lots of headlines. The one cardinal sin in trump world is making the boss look bad in the press, and thats what tom price did. Trump has no special loyalty to him and so there you go. Or getting more press than he does, david. The tombstones are piling up. I remember during the campaign that the president promised that he was going to have the best people. What happened with that . Yeah. He was the ceo president who even if he didnt have the wasnt in the weeds of every issue, don, he was going to hire the best people and run things like a business. That has not proven to be the case. In fact with this administration so far theres been this brew of hubris and amateurism that has led the president to where he is right now which is not having accomplished that much. Whats so striking about the case of secretary price is that secretary price, unlike many of the other members of the cabinet, had a lot of government experience. He was a former Budget Committee chair in congress, former congressman, a doctor, someone who in some ways seemed very well suited to the role of hhs secretary. But not only has the administration not gotten anywhere with repealing and replacing obamacare, now secretary price also has a scandal on his hands. And as chris said, what you dont want to do if you work for donald trump is embarrass donald trump. He did that on two counts. Hes out tonight. The writing was on the wall midweek, but tonight the president was pretty blunt. Listen to this. We are looking at doing it very strongly, i think its a shame because as a human being tom price is a very good man, i can tell you. Not a question of confidence. I was disappointed because i didnt like it kos metically or otherwise. I was disappointed. Rebecca, he might be a very good man, but price tom dozens of flights, private and military that cost about a Million Dollars. How could someone whose boss ran on draining the swamp be so blienld to the optics of this . Its just wrong. Not only that, don, but someone as david mentioned who has been in goth, who has been in politics, hes not new to government like so many other trump officials. And so tom price cant say, you know, this was a beginners mistake. He understands the way the game is played in washington and so even if, you know, take the drain the swamp part out of the equation entirely, tom price never should have thought that that was going to be a good idea. And he knew i mean, as a congressman he was one of the republicans who stressed fiscal conservative, who stressed that government waste should be eliminated. Its just so hypocritical in so many ways and so you really wonder how he arrived at the point that he thought this was going to be a good idea and something that the president would approve of. Certainly as the president said the appearance of this is just not good. Theres a lot of projection that goes on with the administration, chris, and i wonder if people should start calling the Trump Administration the trump elites, you know, because he refers to people as the elites. As the elites in washington, anytime you had this many billionaires and people who are using the federal governments money to take flights when they could fly commercially, maybe theyre the elites. Right. Well, and don, we havent even talked about it, but reason zinc key. And pruitt as well. Scott pruitt. We already know about Steve Mnuchin, right, the treasury secretary and his private plane issues. So the price thing is a sacrificial lamb that was easy for donald trump to sacrifice. Candidly, you know, i think donald trump probably looked around at the negative headlines tom price was drawing, coincided with the fact that health care went down this week, trump although he probably wishes he can, he cant fire Mitch Mcconnell and paul ryan, but he can put the blame on tom price and price has brought it on himself. So in some ways its an easy one for him. But the chaos that trump seems to want, right, he believes he thrives in, it does have an impact. It does lead to huge amounts and this is a historical amount of senior staff departure at this time. Chris. Yes, sir. Let me play this for you guys because i think this is really important. He said he wasnt going to he doesnt you said that he couldnt tolerate when people, you know, bring him bad press. Yeah. But i want you to listen to what he said. This is in july about tom price. I dont mean to cut you off, but i want to do it so we have enough time to talk about it. Its your show. Watch this. By the way, youre going to get the votes. Hed better get them. Hed better get them. Otherwise ill say tom, youre fired. Well, there you go. Comedy is tragedy plus time. He wasnt fired he was fired because of the flight thing, but he was talking about getting folks for a republican healthcare bill and we have to remember his failure to repeal obamacare now hes hanging that around tom prices neck. Right. You bring a guy in who is a doctor and a former congressman because thats the sinner i didnt you want on the health care issue. You dont want to embarrass the president. You dont want to not get health care done. You do both of those things and you really have a problem. Can i just point out one thing about this, don and chris was alluding to it with tying together secretary mnuchin, et cetera, et cetera. Pruitta. Scott pruitt at the epa. There are certain stories in washington that dont cut through in a certain way, right. Its like we talk about russia a lot, but there are a lot of moving parts to that. But this is something that everybody, even people who are not following the day to day of politics can get their hands around. Wait. You flew a private jet from d. C. To philly, something that some people drive that every day to go to work. The idea you know, people dont expect that the secretary of health and Human Services going to fly in a middle seat on southwest airlines. But they dont think that theyre going to charter a private jet. Thats two ends of the spectrum. Or a military jet. Theres a happy medium, whether its to have your motorcade, but not a private jet for a two hour flight. People just look at that and say whats going on in washington. Its all nice and the hot dogs are great. Rebecca, aside from all the people who have been fired there have been a lot of points of the president screaming and berating staff members. What are you hearing about who will replace price . Thats the big question. Chris was saying this was an easy play by the president. Get the story out of the headlines. Tom price is gone. Easy, he wins the news cycle. But actually, i would argue hugh that this makes things extremely difficult for the president and the administration in the short and the longterm because you do need to find a replacement for tom price, not only nominate that person but get them confirmed through the senate. And then they need to also be administering obamacare and then potentially leading a health care fight at the beginning of next year as the president expressed that he is hoping to do. So actually, this could be a very tough confirmation fight, especially when you consider the health care fights that we have had over the past few months in congress. Democrats are energized by this issue right now. They feel that this is something that their grassroots is very passionate about. So anyone who the president nominates is immediately going to cause a firestorm on capitol hill, at least among democrats and maybe some republicans because this is a fundamental issue for them, health care. Im going to hire the best people probably should have been followed by im going to fire the best people soon after. When we come back, hey mr. President , how is that drain the swamp thing working out . He says its his words a little bs, not to mention the inspector generals investigation of Steve Mnuchins trips on government planes. Is President Trumps cabinet of billionaires bringing him down . Believe the health we aof our water sourcesany is essential to the health of our communities. Which is why were helping to replenish the mighty rio grande as well as over 30 watersheds across the country. Were also leading water projects in more than 100 communities. And for every drop we use. Were working to give one back. Because our products rely on the same thing as we all do. 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So, david, in addition to these 13 trips on private charter planes, tom price also took government planes on two international trips. Candidate trump said hes going to drain the swamp, yet here we are. Whats going on . Well, the problem is to drain are the swamp, its weve had enough time there should be sort of concrete measures put in place. Its not just an empty promise or it shoopt be. If you care about this you have to set standards that start with the people who work underneath you. They have to behave beyond ethically to set an example for everybody else. And if people like Steve Mnuchin the trerkry secretary, price, zpling wee, scott pruitt, if theyre able to use Government Resources in a way thats questionable it sets an example for everybody else that says, look, draining the swamp, we didnt really mean it. David just went through a lot of it, but let me remind the viewer again what it is. Price is not alone with this questionable travel. The treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin under review for trip on a government plane and he is also criticized for asking about using a government plane for his honeymoon. The eps administrator scott pruitt has taken private and military planes. The interior secretary has taken private planes including one owned by oil and gas executives. He even went so far as to call this story a little bs. Is this just the beginning of the fall out . Thats a lot of folks. That is a lot of folks. The version i heard is zinc eis he was going out to speak to a hockey team thats owned by a political contributor. I have no idea what that has to do with his job in the United States government. And the tone here is set at the top. The president has been going on down there to palm beach to maralago and each one of those trips costs us hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions. We bring air force one down there. And its one thing for the president to go on a handful of vacations like president bush did and president obama. With President Trump its been weekend, every other weekend. And now hes doing this thing at bedminster. You know, hes been promoting the trump brand when hes in the white house. Hes refused to divest himself of complicates of interest. So hes sending the message hes going to do anything he please in this job and the cabinet secretaries are going to do everything they can get away with. And thats the tone he wants to set, thats what hes going to do. Theres nothing we can do about it unless we want to remove him as president. I want to get your response to that, steven. Do you think that this is a tone, a culture that has been set by this president . He does take a lot of trips on weekend to his trump Branded Properties. Well, no. Look, i think the American People knew that donald trump loved to play golf and that he hes a rich man. He never hid his wealth, that he liked to visit his resorts. But, look, don, im a drain the swamp guy. I think the riches of washington are incredibly unbecoming. Washington is becoming rich at the expense of the rest of the country. Theres no question about that. And i think look, i cant excuse some of these flights, but i will say this. Just in preparation for this seg mept tonight i looked at some of the obama cabinet and, you know, so you have Loretta Lynch, leon pan et at that, they routinely took private jets. Its not as if this is the first time youve had cabinets agencies flying around on private jets. Im not excusing it. I think in most cases it probably is excusable. But for the most part it probably why cant they fly on commercial jets like the rest of us. Even if that is true, which is not it is true. I mean, they did take those flights. Not true. I looked it up. Not true thats not true. It never happened in the Bush Administration. We did not allow that in the Bush Administration. I talked to people im talking about the Obama Administration administration. It is not true. I checked that out too. We did not tolerate that in the Bush Administration and the obama im not talking about bush. Im talking about obama. It is not true. Leon pan et at that and eric holder, they all took private jets. To the extent that this administration is taking to the tune of a Million Dollars in eight months. I dont know what the numbers are. Im just saying in the past thats not hold on. Hold on. Hold on. When donald trump found out about this, he got rid it does come on come on, steven, youre a very smart man. It does come off as if youre making an excuse for it and the whole point of this administration is were going to drain the swamp. Theres too much being spent. Were a small government. The dpoft is taking advantage of you. And then you have one guy who is spending a Million Dollars in eight months on private flights and then you have another one who is taking private planes and then you have another one and you have another one and another one. Come on, steven. Look, tom price is gone. And also before you said hes a rich man and we knew that he was rich and he likes to play golf. There are golf courses in washington, d. C. And hes a rich man, but hes not paying for the secret service and for those flights. Barak obama took trips all the way to hawaii at the taxpayers expense. Not every weekend, steven. Thats a long way to go. Im not excusing this. Im not. Im simply saying that there is a bit of a double standard here to say that Donald Trumps cabinet should be fired. I didnt hear people say that eric holder should be fired, that Loretta Lynch should be fired. Steven, dont. Trump said that price should be fired. Donald trump said that price donald trump is the one firing these people. I know. Because when he thats why hes not being hypocritical. Hes saying, look, if you are abusing the public trust, if you think that youre somehow royalty because youre in the government, no, thats not theyre not going to tolerate that in the Trump Administration. I think its appropriate. I dont like government officials abusing the public trust, and i think in this case the public trust was abused. David, i want you to weigh in on this because youve been sitting by just sort of watching this happen. With your popcorn. But listen, you say if President Trump did this he wouldnt face any punishment. Why not . Well, the rules are different for the president. Conflict of interest rules are different for the president s because the people pick president s. The cabinet officials are chosen by the president. They dont have the same level of accountability to people. So if President Trump wants to fly back and forth to bedminster or maralago to visit his parties, thats a political question. Its not the same kind of thing as a cabinet official. But if youre setting an example, if President Trump thinks this is a big deal, thinks this matters and he certainly seems to think it matters in terms of tom price he has to enforce that with everybody else. What precedent has he set now for everybody else. Steve mnuchin tries to take a government plane on his honeymoon also did fly a government plane to fort knox which vus happened to put him in the path of the eclipse to inspect the gold. Things like that if President Trump is going to enforce this kind of standard about not misusing taxpayer money to fly on private planes, where ask this stop and who else has already stepped over the line in the cases we talked about. Im interested to see how President Trump follows this up or if its just left to lie after tom price leaves. So what cnn has obtained a memo saying now that the white house chief of staff john kelly must approve all travel on governmentowned, rented, leased or chartered aircraft except Space Available travel and travel to meet mission requirements. So should that have been put in place in the first place . And do you think that kelly will be able to do that, david . I think its a little ridiculous. This is the white house chief of staff policing people who are cabinet secretaries. These are not low level employees. These are people that have been trusted with the management of huge bgts, large agencies. The idea that their specific travel, they cant be trusted to make this kind of ethical judgment on their own when were asking them to make so many other judgments about their agencies. They have to send in a perms slip to be signed by john kelly. Thats ridiculous that these people require that level of supervision when they have so many other things that theyre being required to decide. So steven, listen, i think everyone agrees and you heard my caveat at the top that the president can travel wherever he wants to go. Its a tough job. If you want to take off. But do you understand that there is that maybe he might be setting an example for the rest of the administration . No . Well, look, again, i think that, you know, trump has never hidden his wealth. Hes made it very clear to the American People he likes to go to maralago, florida and the American People knew that when they voted for him as president. But thats different, as you just heard from a cabinet official. And cabinet officials i mean, look, this issue about whether they should get clearance from the white house, so there has to be somebody, there has to be an Ethics Office that signs off on these trips and says this is ethical and this isnt and i think that broke down in this case. I am impressed that trump when he found out about this, he instantel got rid of the cabinet officer that violated the publics trust. When we come back, what a lousy week for the president from price to puerto rico to another failure on his Health Care Proposal and dont forget his feud with the nfl. Im going to discuss all of that with fa raid. Carria. Anyone who calls it a hobby doesnt understand. We know that a persons passion is what drives them. [ clapping ] and thats why every memorial we create is a true reflection of the individual. Only a dignity memorial professional can celebrate a life like no other. Find out how at sanfranciscodignity. Com. Tom prices resignation as health and Human Services secretary and the embarrassment he brought on to the white house capping a really, really bad week for President Trump. I want to bring in few fareed zakaria. Hell of a week and lots to discuss. I want to start with tom price and his resignation over this private jet incident. I thought this president and im not being facetious here was going to drain the swamp. To me honestly that was perhaps the most appealing part about trumps rhetoric on the campaign trail. And i honestly didnt find a lot that was appealing. But the part about draining the swamp resonated because, you know and i know its true. Washington is run by lobbyists. The system is rigged. There are enormous advantages that big money have because of the unique way that the United States runs its campaigns where we fund our campaigns essentially through the private sector, which is very unusual in western democracies. You have this enormous dependence and these lobbyists have all this power. And trump did seem like somebody who came from the outside. And yet what has happened is i think usa today had a study that showed 100 lobbyists have been hired in the Trump Administration. 15 in the executive office of the president alone. Its not the billionaires i worry about. The billionaires are actually less dependent on these issues. Its these people who have spent their lives in some way or the other, you know, catering to the whips and interests of special interests industries, particular companies. I think at the end of the day part of it is its something bigger than lobbying. There is a lack of respect for any sense of ethical boundaries which he said from the top im not going to release my tax returns. Im not going to really divest myself from my businesses. Im not going to even the rules that they took so sack ra sangt like the emails, it turns out theyre all using private emails. So i think you set the standards from the top. If nobody is paying attention to these issues, yeah, tom price is going to charter jets left right and center. You just said more succinctly than what i was trying to get out of steven moor earlier, isnt that it comes from the top, right. If you see the president flying off every weekend to someplace or whatever, then maybe you might feel that you by the way, these are his own clubs where he is in effect providing free advertising which these clubs then double and triple their membership fee. The other thing honestly, the whole thing stinks to high hefb, the idea that you should be effectively providing advertising for your commercial enterprises while you are president of the United States is appalling. So then what if youre a trump supporter and you drain the swamp and repeal and replace and mexico is going to pay for the wall and tax and infrastructure and all this and none of this has gotten done, then at what point do you say ive been bam booze he would . Well, you know, this piece of it i think is more deadly than some of the others, because the incompetent doesnt seem to have bothered them that much, but the drain the swamp, the idea that you have a lot of these people who are fat cats who are enriching themselves, that does seem to affect more so the administration that you had so much criticism for. And thats why i think price was let go. I think they must have recognized that this is actually affecting this is affecting the core trump brand. This is not something you can let go. Can we talk about puerto rico . Youve been watching our kroernts, reporters and anchors down there all day. 3. 5 million of our fellow american citizens currently suffering from Hurricane Maria, the impact there. Our government mebds of our government have been saying and the president , the response has been great. This is a good news story, blah blah blah blah blah. They responded to harvey and irma a lot faster. But why not this . What happened . Look, theres no question there are first class citizens and second class citizens in the United States, unfortunately, and the Puerto Ricans have been played in that latter cat dpoer. You just have to look at the response. It was five days after this hurricane that a single senior federal official even went to puerto rico. It was the Homeland Security adviser and the fema director. Five days. And the way in which President Trump has talked about it has almost sounded like he was blaming the Puerto Ricans. He keeps saying, well, theyre totally devastated. Theres nothing there we can work with. Big ocean. Theres nothing there to even work with because the island was flat understand. Unlike places like texas, theres nothing, no command and control, no communications, no power. And then he talks about how theyre deep in debt. You know, when somebody is going through a crisis like this, this doesnt seem to me the point, the time at which to point out puerto ricos fiscal situation. It may be true, it may not be true. Theyre hurting. And im not sure what advantage there is in not showing empathy, not showing responsiveness, competence, frankly. Unfortunately clearly these are nonvoting citizens. And it seems to make all the difference. I have to go, but i wanted to ask you about the nfl. Man. Oh well. Next time. There will be something else. Thank you. Appreciate it. Have a great weekend. Up next, a former nfl player who is also an owner, what he thinks about the president s charge that owners are afraid of the players. If youve been struggling with belly pain and constipation, and youre overwhelmed by everything youve tried all those laxatives, daily probiotics, endless fiber it could be wearing on you. Tell your doctor what youve tried, and how long youve been at it. Linzess works differently from laxatives. Linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. 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On the hotel you want. Trust this birds words. Tripadvisor. The latest reviews. The lowest prices. The president ramping up his criticism again today of nfl players who kneel during the national anthem, insisting that they have to stand because it shows respect for the country and the flag. I want to talk about this now with did you know who owns a Minority Stake in the Atlanta Falcons and played for both the falcons and the tampa bay buck an ears. Appreciate you having me. Absolutely. What do you think about what all happened this week . Well, it was a crazy week. The president , donald trump, attacking nfl players. And these guys the younger generation, they have a cause, a movement. And trump really ignited by pouring gasoline on a fire, by getting a National Conversation of guys wanting to start issues in their community, inequality of black men being killed or being profiled. And theres justice at the end. So these guys are raising the stakes. Theyre definitely making it a National Conversation. It was the president s comments calling protesting the nfl players calling them sons of bitches a week ago tonight that started this whole conversation. When you heard that, what did you think . I mean, i was taken back. A guy who was supposed to be the president of the United States using this language. I mean, this is a guy that i cant tell my own kids or my neighbors kids or any person in this country that this is a person you want to be like. Its disturbing that hes taken this approach against the nfl. But the most important thing, i think, is the nfl, were coming together. The owners are supporting the players. Were creating unity. Were trying to show everyone in this country that we can come together and solve problems by talking your issues out. But come together so that we can create some unity so that we can move forward. In addition to calling protesting players sons of bitches, he also called them ungreatly. Yesterday he said team ornls are afraid of them. What did you think when you heard that comment and why do you think the president chose to describe nfl players that way . Well i can tell you right now that the owners are not afraid of the players. They want to support their players. They want to work together. They want to show that were all on the same page. This is unity. Were all family. Im not sure why the president took that stance and i dont think other owners are worried about that. I think the players in this league overall, they just want their message heard. It started with Colin Kaepernick by a peaceful protest. Donald trump poured gasoline on a fire and ignited a National Conversation. But then you would have the nfl come together creating an opportunity for unity, having the guys not kneeling down this week but guys are going to stand up, armlock and theyre going to ask all of the fans to armlock as well so that we can show the country that we can come together, no matter our backgrounds and our difference, that we can come together and support each other. Eric reed is a safety of the San Francisco 49ers. He said unity is great. Im all for it. Lets be united in ending systematic oh pregnancy of black and brown people. Do you think Colin Kaepernicks original message in this protest is in danger of being lost and in part because of the president . No, i dont think so. I think because of trumps actions, hes definitely made the conversation come to the forefront. Were not talking about puerto rico which we should be all focused on the things that are happening in puerto rico. But because of what trump has said and how he targeted the National Football league, hes made this a National Conversation. So guys are going to use their platform to continue to raise awareness. Do you think whats going to happen with the fal ons on sunday . Well, i know right now, the falcons, were going to stand up for the national anthem. Were going to armlock and were going to ask the fans to armlock as well. Were going to show unity and i think that message is going to go out to all 32 teams. Of course youre going to have players that theyre not going to stand up and show and armlock, but i still respect the way theyre protesting because they want to raise awareness. They want their message to be heard that we want everyone to be treated equally in this p country. Why would it change from a kneel to an armlock when the original message was to take a knee . Well, im not really sure. I think when kaepernick started his protest, he did it in a peaceful way. It alarmed some people because he was kneeling when the national anthem. I just think people blew it out of proportion because in this country youre a patriot, no matter if you were in the military, if youre an everyday worker, schoolteachers, bus drivers. Were all patriots. We all love this country and defend this country. And kaepernick has his right to have a peaceful protest. And i respect him for that. Warren did you know, always a pleasure. Thank you, sir. I appreciate you having me. When we come back, a story youve got to see. The nfl and x box, a 10yearold football fan and a positive story about the players and their fans. Happy anniversary dinnedarlin can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra . Oh yeah one bottle has the grease cleaning power of three bottles of this other liquid. A drop of dawn and grease is gone. Ostriches dont really stick their heads in the sand. A peanut is not a nut. And a real john deere. Is actually real affordable. You learn something new every day. The surprisingly affordable john deere e series tractors. Now you can own americas tractor for just 99 a month. Learn more at your john deere dealer. President trump dividing america with his Harsh Criticism of nfl players who kneel during the national anthem. I want to bring in rob kelly, a running back for the washington redskins. So glad you could join us this week. As nfl players, you guys are real role models and leaders not just in your community but around the country. Is that something that you think about . I try to handle myself in a manner where i dont disappoint anybody and try to give the kids something they can look at and say i want to be like that. So i think i do a good job of trying to balance both being myself and being somebody that the kids can look up to. Lets talk about being a role model and something that someone that kids can look up to. I want you to stand by for a minute. The president s been giving some of the guys in the nfl a bad rap because million of americans look up to professional athletes. You and your teammate bumped into one youngster this week and i guarantee hes never forget it. His name is jaden watts. He walked into a gamestop, asking about the price of an xbox 1. He was wearing a Colin Kaepernick jersey, by the way, because he admires his decision to kneel in protest of racial injustice. So you and keefe decided to change a 10yearold boys life. You bought him the game of his dreams. Joining me now is his mother sandra watts. His grandma. I know i look young. Thanks to moisturizerize. When did you the realize you were shopping with two of the redskins. When my grandma came in really loud asking them if they were college players. I was really shocked that they were redskins players. They look buff, you know, but i didnt know. So you were shocked. It was a day of shock all around. Jaden, though, youre a Dallas Cowboys fan. Thats your favorite team. But you were wearing the kaepernick jersey. Why is he your favorite player . Hes a i like him because, like, it started off because of my dad. Hes a 49ers fan. And i like kaepernick and my dad really likes kaepernick. Since i was 6, i like to follow my dad. I dont wear it just to wear it anymore. I wear it for what he does how i admire him. Yeah. What does that jersey mean to you . It means courage and that he it means bravery that he risked his job just to take a knee. And that takes a lot. Because like he makes millions and thats a job that he risked. Yeah. Do you what do you think of the other players that were standing with him . Do you think that they should or does it matter to you . I dont really like, im just 10 years old. I dont really like get it. Its not political for us at all. Not at all. It was just the wonderful guys in the world doing a wonderful thing for my grandson. And like i was telling somebody, the stars aligned for this to happen. I mean, everything happened that day from me taking my dog to the groomer, to me going to the makeup store till jaden being out front and noticing the gamestop store, to him going in the gamestop store because he wanted to inquire about the xbox. It was all timing it sounds like. It was timing. And we meet these great wonderful guys who i thought were college guys because they look so young. I was like, oh, oh, who are these guys . Im a little skeptical, you know. Rob, you said, listen, this wasnt about the its not political either for you, it wasnt about the jersey. You were just doing something nice for a fan. Yeah. I mean, he had a 49ers jersey. I can recall being in his shoes and seeing something that i wanted and couldnt have it. Im not saying he couldnt have it. I think that resonated with him on that. I thought it was a good idea to surprise him with it. It was. It really was. What do you say to sant to him, rob, anything . I mean, you stand up here and listening to him talk. Hes got a great head on his shoulders. I would like for him to keep on living his life the way hes living. And i would like for his grandma to stay on him like it seeps like shes on him. First thing i asked him, can i buy him a game. He said, let me go ask my grandmother. Give me the game. So it shows that they teach something in their household that some type of respect or something. Any other kid would have just took it. Also, we spoke with keith also, and we were talking about that. And keith was saying that, you know, being role models, that you guys do. I told him how important it was that he did this for my grandson and how much i appreciated it. And he was saying, yes, maam, yes, maam, yes, maam. I told my grandson, you see this mannerisms right here . You better pick this up right now. So he listened. Thank you, rob. Thank you, jaden, thank you, saundra, i appreciate it. Good luck to you guys. Thank you. Byebye. He couldnt have been any more explicit saying, help us. Were dying. Nine days after Hurricane Maria slammed into puerto rico, many are without electricity, water and fuel. I want to turn to layla santiago. Thank you for joining us this evening. Youre from puerto rico. Your family is still there. How are they doing tonight . Were you able to see them . So don, im happy to report theyre okay. Today was the first time i was able to go into where my family is from. Its about 45 minutes west of here in san juan. Its up in the mountains. And its in the interior. And im one of the lucky ones that has been able to reach her family. I mean, i was able to hear my excuse me, not my mom, my aunt, my uncle, my cousins for the first time to hear them say, were okay. We survived. And theyre saying were okay despite the fact that they dont have power. They dont have water. There is no aid coming into that little town up in the mountains in puerto rico, but just to know that theyre okay. Thats what so many families in the mainland usa are just trying to hear from their own families to hear them say theyre okay because theres no communication. Cell phones not working in a good chunk of this island. So for me, relief, to know that my familys okay, but my hometown is not okay. What are they saying, what are they telling reporters about the administration saying that they did an incredible job for puerto rico . Well, listen, when i talk to people again, im going to speak about my own town here, don, if you will, when i talk to people there, they say, yes, weve seen fema. But fema has only been here for damage assessments. In other words, theyve let the federal government know what their needs are, but no help has arrived. Even as i have gone into part, some of the most remote parts of this island, at times, don, i have been the only person that has landed in some of those areas. We took a chopper and went into jokell, eduardo. They havent seen any help arrive in any parts of the island. As far as my hometown goes, theres not a hospital. The hospital is

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