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Mexicans who feel its their patriotic duty to help out their fellow countrymen. Its really a beautiful thing to see, don. Ivan watson in mexico. Appreciate your reporting. This is cnn tonight. Im don lemon. Its 11 00 p. M. On the east coast. Weve got a lot of breaking news for you tonight. The clock ticking as the gop scrambles for every last vote tonight on the effort to repeal obamacare, but the battle is turning into a faceoff between jimmy kimmel and senator bill cassidy, and kimmel is winning right now. Plus, puerto rico drowning in harveylike flooding from hurricane maria. Well show you some of the first imknowled images from this battered island. Lets get right to the latest on the senates healthcare hail mary. Phil mattingly has that for us. Reporter as the senate plows toward a vote to repeal obamacare, President Trump is unequivocal, tweeting, i would not sign Graham Cassidy if it did not include coverage of preexisting conditions. The bills cosponsor also toeing the line. More people would have coverage and we protect those with preexisting conditions. Reporter trumps defensiveness over the issue is understandable. The issue of whether the gop proposal maintains protections for all has been a central and toxic piece of the repeal debate for months. And one that has been magnified exponentially by, of all people, a latenight talk show host on a twonight attack. So last night on our show, i a senator from louisiana, bill cassidy. I took him to task for promising to my face that he would oppose any Health Care Plan that allowed insurance people to turn people with preexisting conditions away. And he said anything he supported would have to pass what he named the jimmy kimmel test. Which was fine. It was good. But unfortunately and puzzlingly he proposed a bill that would allow states to do all the things he said he would not let them do. Jimmy kimmel is joined by insurers, outside advocacy groups and even republican Susan Collins in raising those concerns. With good reason. At the core was a mandate that insurers could not turn away anyone with preexisting conditions. Under the new bill, that protection does remain, but heres where things diverge. The gop plan allows states to opt out of certain obamacare regulations, including one that insures insurers wont raise prices on those with health issues. The rationale, states need flexibility to innovate and the regulation has led to younger, healthier people paying more in place of that scrapped regulation, a state would simply have to ensure that they would provide, quote, adequate and affordable coverage. But those terms arent defined. And that ambiguity has led analysts and insurers to conclude that in some states protections would almost certainly be cut back. So while cassidy fires back at kimmel yeah, so jimmy doesnt understand. Not because hes a talk show host, because weve never spoken. Hes only heard from those on the left who are doing their best to preserve obamacare. The bill itself does open the door to changes at state level, and in doing so, puts an end to obamacares guarantee. Don, as this currently stands were at this weird intersection of policy and politics. People raising concerns about the policy especially given the speed with which all this is moving. We have republicans, most notably chuck grassley, seventh term senator from iowa, come out and say, look, we campaigned on this for seven years. Yeah, i dont like a lot of things in this bill, specifically, he said there were ten he could name off the top of his head, and yet it was still a bill he needed to vote for, because republicans campaigned on repealing and replacing obamacare. That dynamic as we move forward is very interesting and noteworthy. As you look at senators who are right now bearing down trying to figure out if theyre going to support this, its not just if they have problems with how the preexisting conditions protections are treated in this bill or if they dont believe their state gets enough funding because of the way the bloc grant is formulated. Its also the politics here. Theyre keenly aware that theres a very good reason that they control the white house, the senate and the house right now. What will win out in the end, whether its politics or policy or some iteration of both, that will decide whether or not repeal and replace moves on through the senate. Thank you very much. I want to bring in cnn. Com opinion contributor. The former Communications Director for congressman dana rohrabacher. Cnn political commentator matt lewis and cnn media analyst bill carter, author of the war for late night. Its so good that we have you on considering whats happening in late night, bill. So ill start with you. This battle over the future of obamacare is no longer just a topic for news shows like this one. Jimmy kimmel has brought it into the domain of late night talk show. Really brought it into the center of talk for most people maybe more so than politicians. I want you to take a look at what he said on his show last night, responding to senator cassidy. Im sorry he does not understand. Oh, i get it. I dont understand because im a talk show host, right . Then help me out. Which part dont i understand . Is it the part where you cut 243 billion from federal healthcare assistance . Am i not understanding the part where states would be allowed to let Insurance Companies price you out of coverage for having preexisting conditions . Maybe i dont understand part of the bill in which federal funding disappears completely after 2026 or maybe it was the part where the plans are no longer required to pay for essential Health Benefits like Maternity Care or pediatric visits . Which part of that am i not understanding or could it be that the problem is that i do understand and you got caught with your g g. O. Penis out . I think its very significant not just because hes a talk show host and he has an audience, but because hes a dad and hes talked about his personal situation. I think he connects with people. This is a real honest appraisal by a guy whos been in a situation. Yes, he has money and he could pay for this himself, but he understands what families are going to go through. When he talks about his own kid, i think he scores big. People are really underestimating this. Its really ironic. It seems to me that the republicans are trying to take him down by saying hes not an expert, when then every expert imaginable, from the doctors, the nurses, the hospitals, the insurers, tonight the medicaid administrators, all are on his side. So the experts are with him too. I think hes really making a very strong case. I think if you take the politics out of it, americans are on his side. Because americans want health care. Tara, i have to bring you in. Youve worked on the hill, youve worked in d. C. Youre knowledgeable about it. Weve got a list scrolling on the screen right now. This is every medical organization or Patient Advocacy group that has come out in opposition to the bill. We would show you a list of medical organizations that are supportive of the bill but we havent been able to find any. If anyone out there knows of any, seriously, please let us know. How can any senator feel good about voting for this bill . You have to understand that there are theres going to be special Interest Groups that are going to come out and advocate on one side or the other. Everybody has a certain stake in this, but the problem is that the republicans are losing the battle, the pr battle. There are aspects of this bill that are good and there are aspects of this bill that people are not going to like. But this is what happens when you go through rushing a bill through instead of putting it through regular order which would be to have hearings on this. You would hash out the details. Not everything that jimmy kimmel has said is actually accurate. There are some things that are up for debate and we should have that debate. But the republicans, much to my chagrin, have blown the opportunity to explain to the American People in a relatable way, the way jimmy kimmel has. Hes appealing to the heartstrings of people just like bill said, hes a dad. People connect to that. The average voter connects to that. The republicans get in trouble because they start getting into nuts and bolts and talking about federalism and bloc grants. All of thats wonderful for those of us inside the beltway who like to have those policy discussions but for the average person who is worried about am i going to be able to pay for my health insurance, or because of obamacare, the individual market is collapsing in my state because the exchanges are collapsing, and insurers are pulling out, what am i going to do next year, this is not helpful for them. And yes, the republicans are going to lose this pr battle, but i think that this bill is going to pass, because its the only way to fulfill a Campaign Promise and at least move the needle forward to but should that be the goal, to fulfill a Campaign Promise . Come o tara. No the goal should be for Better Health care and better access to health care for the American People, which i think that this bill has some of that ive gotta tell you this is not the same scenario. With the fact check that ive done, and maybe everything jimmy kimmel said is not 100 , but the fact checks are on his side more than its on graham kas cassid side. Cassidy keeps saying jimmy kimmel doesnt know what hes talking about. Hes done his homework. No, don. Lets talk about the fact checks. Well, no. What does he have wrong . First of all, hes entirely wrong, 100 wrong, couldnt be more wrong. Its not 100 wrong. It is. Show me the fact check. Did you see bill mattinglys report . I did. So, number one, preexisting conditions, theyre still, you cant discriminate based on preexisting conditions thats not true. It does not provide hang on, hold on, hold on, matt. Matt, if you say something, i got to factcheck you. Because the president said that preexisting conditions, is it true, no, it does not provide the same sweeping protections of those with preexisting conditions as obamacare. Heres why. Prior to obamacare, many people with preexisting conditions found themselves branded uninsurable for life on the individual market. Even a bad case of acne or a teen may have gone without coverage. So it doesnt provide the same level of preexisting conditions as obamacare. It is just not true, what youre saying isnt true. No, i am true. But the question actually they can change the law to make it mirror the aca and you wouldnt have this debate at all. Right, matt . Why not say insurers cant shortage more for preexisting conditions . But the law specifically says, this bill specifically says that it has to be affordable and adequate coverage. Thats not the thats what this bill specifically says. Now we could argue the states, your state, california, by the way, could do single payer if they wanted, but mississippi could, i guess its possible, that they could interpret thats the problem. Okay. States could opt out. But thats not what jimmy kimmel said. [ all speak at once ] that entire soliloquy that jimmy kimmel gave, is, first of all, politifact and his information comes from a leftwing thinktank. Jimmy kimmel doesnt have his facts straight. Is it better if they waited for the cbo score and that way everyone can have the facts . There should be a cbo score. The agree with that. And one quick thing. You know why it has to be different . Because now the only way preexisting conditions are preexisting conditions are covered is because of a mandate. Healthy people have to buy insurance to offset people who are sick. They got rid of the mandate, so of course it cant be the same because no Insurance Company can underwrite only sick people. I was an attorney. I did health care law. That cant happen. Common sense says it cant happen. This bill ends planned parenthood funding for one year and results in million of americans losing insurance. We dont know the number because they want to score a political victory with the healthcare of fellow americans. Thats wrong. Its immoral, its wrong. People are going to get sick and die without coverage. Its a perfectly fine Public Policy debate, right . One person could say, look, i think the states should have the right to tailor, well block grant it, and if california and new york want to do single payer, great, and if mississippi and alabama want to have different reforms, we have laboratories of democracy then you cant guarantee it then. We should have a no, one size fits all top down universal, thats fine. But what jimmy kimmel is not engaging in this Public Policy debate that were having, he is essentially because he has this huge platform and hes a comedian and i think he has a very emotional story to tell, but that is demagoguery. That is not how we should thats demagoguery . He should not be making our Public Policy decisions based on an anecdotal story from one rich comedian in california. Wait, wait, whoa, whoa. Whats wrong with being a rich comedian in california . You have a rich reality show person as the president of the United States. I said that, too, don. And he has a big platform too. Whats wrong with him achieving his dream . All im saying is we should not be designing i would agree. Jimmy kimmel is having a huge impact on this debate, right . My point is i dont think we should be essentially, you know, designing onesixth of our economy and making Public Policy decisions based on an albeit emotional and tragic example of someone who happens to have a tv show. And hes advocating for a system hes advocating for a system hold on. Hold on, hes advocating for a system that is not working for millions of people in this country as well. They dont have shows, though. I know that. Thats why where the demagoguery comes in. Plus it keeps the main mechanisms of obamacare in place. Ive gotta do a break and well pick it up on the other side of the break. Bill, youll be the first. So were back now with my panel. Just so we have the politifact. It went through four of the points. Graham cassidy kicks 30 million americans off insurance. Not able to verify. Insurance companies can charge more for preexisting conditions. It could happen. For lots of people, the Graham Cassidy bill will result in higher premiums. Likely. With Graham Cassidy there will be no lifetime caps in many states. Possible but not certain. Because theres no cbo score, theres nothing there that says jimmy kimmel is wrong. Nothing that says hes right either likely. Because theres no cbo score theres nothing there that says jimmy kimmel is wrong. Right, but theres nothing that says hes right. Hes right either. Likely, possible but not certain because theres no cbo score. But youre saying hes absolutely wrong. All the fact checks prove him wrong. I said the fact checks were on Jimmy Kimmels side. You said unverifiable is on his side . It doesnt say no. It doesnt say no. Why do we assume hes right . Why dont we trust matt lewis jmtd . Matt louis lewis might be right. If you had a child with an illness and you had a compelling reason, i might say youre right. Jimmy kimmel has a child thats dealing with the health care system. Hes studying about this, he probably knows more about it than the lawmakers in washington. This is a guy who needs to go have juggies jump up and down on trampolines. Thats irrelevant. Im sure youve probably smoked or drank in college. What does that have to do jimmy kimmel with adam corolla. Go ahead, bill. The fact is, don, that jimmy kimmel did not invite himself into this. Bill cassidy invited him into it. He said that the bill would have to pass the jimmy kimmel test. Jimmy kimmel says i now have to know whats in this bill because youre putting my name on it. Thats what got him thrust into it. Hes not doing this for ratings, and hes not doing this for attention. Hes doing this for the heart that was in his son that he had to get repaired and hes feeling the same way about other peoples hearts. Thats what hes involved with. Hes not doing it for attention. Hes a really honest, decent guy trying to do this. And his past as a comedian is garbage thats being thrown at him by people that are trying to undermine the legitimate point hes making. And people like matt are just trying to undermine that because they know hes being effective and theyre trying to throw anything at him thats really is, i think, completely illegitimate. The fact that hes being effective is again my point from earlier. See, i think it was even though i agree with my friend matt on the substance of this, i dont agree with the attack on jimmy kimmel because people tune that out. Bill cassidy should not have come out and tried to attack jimmy kimmel on this. Instead he should have been prepared for what the pushback would be. Bill cassidys a doctor. How many people know that . Hes an m. D. He specializes in things. And he should be wait hold on. Almost every Doctors Organization in the country is against this. Why is he . Because hes a politician and needs a win . Because most doctors who are not politicians are saying this is a terrible bill, and Doctors Organizations dont support this bill. No, but to be fair, don, some of those Doctors Organizations are politically motivated also, they have special interests, and theres other nuances in this why they are or not against it. Some get paid more every single Doctors Group . Theyre political animals. Obamacare upset everything. They finally figured out how to make money and now you want to change it again . But my point is he should come at this as a doctor. [ all speak at once ] instead of fighting over this, we could have an answer from the congressional budget office, but they wont wait until after september 30th, because they need a win. Why play games with americas healthcare if you dont know that preexisting conditions are covered. How it will impact planned parenthood. Wait for the score. But they wont because theyre playing politics with americans lives. Let me ask you guys this, and i want honest answers. So, dean, if this was being proposed by a democrat, would you support it . No, its a horrible bill for americans. Tara, if this was being brought by democrats, would you support it . As a fix to the Current System now, as something to get away from obamacare now . If this was a democratic bill. Yes. You would support it. If it had bipartisan support. The way it is now, yes. This bill does not have bipartisan support. No, im saying [ all speak at once ] you have to get the republicans on board. Because no democrat would bring a bill without a republican because of the federalism act and the reforms of it, so its a little bit of a loaded question, don. Matt, would you support this if it was a democratic bill . Of course. You would support it. Yeah. But no democrat would ever bring this because they dont view healthcare this way. Theyre working in a bipartisan fashion. We saw what happened when democrats did it, they brought obamacare, which has imploded. They want single payer and so do 60 of americans. I dont understand what that meends. Means. New york and california, i think they should do single payer. Id support that. Theyd be able to do that under this bill if they wanted to. And if it works great, its a model. Single payer is the future. Americans want that. Until they understand what single payer really means. Ill give you the last one. Youre on skype. I couldnt hear you. I watched jimmy kimmel again tonight. The guy makes the points. Hes the guy you should listen to because he has a dog in this fight. He has a kid. He knows what its like. All the rest of the people are deciding it because koch is paying the money to the Republican Party and they have to get a win for trump. Its all politics, its not about human beings, and hes a human being. So lets calm it down a little bit. Do you know what today is . Its the 21st night of september. Right. [ laughter ] do you guys know what this is . 1978, earth wind and fire. There it is. Check it out. Do you remember the 21st night of september so this is trending online. And i actually spoke to bernie before and he said hes never been stopped so much in his life by people saying how much they love the song, its their favorite day of the year and it made people feel good on a day with so much disasterr disaster around. He renounced grahamcassidy. You had to do that. I hope youre smiling. One of the best bands ever. Tara, i was in l. A. Earlier in the week going to my hotel, who did i run into in the lobby, beardine white. And i was like, whoa, its almost the 21st night of september and here i am, running into you. Theyre the best. Thank you all. Have a good one. Well be right back. Go long, just kidding. Did you hear directvs latest deal . Its cheap and gets you all the big games. It starts at sixty bucks a month, but jumps to over 100 after 3 months. Cool i think . And jumps again to over 150 after a year. Noooo. And ends up costing over 3500 bucks over 2 years. Youre cleaning that up. Dont get caught off guard by directv. Touchdown. Get the best with xfinity. Sean spicer, President Trumps controversial first press secretary says he doesnt believe he ever lied to the American People. Lets discuss. Cnn political commentator scott jennings, cnn political analyst rebecca berg, and political commentator, david swirlic, assistant editor at the washington post. The former White House Press secretary has been on something of a rehab tour, press tour. And today on abcs america, he was asked if he ever lied to the American People. Heres what he said. Have you ever lied to the American People . I dont think so. You dont think so. No. I dont cheat on my taxes. Unequivocally you can say no . You want to find something, i have not knowingly done anything to do that, no. Okay. Im going to try not to be cynical here. Rebecca, i guess what can he really say . But he didnt leave his office with much credibility. He didnt leave his office with any credibility, don, not a shred. No one will be able to forget and sean spicer has reminded us of that moment where he stood in front of the White House Press corps with photo evidence to the contrary and tried to tell them and tell america that this was the biggest inauguration crowd of all time when clearly it was not. And now he is trying to rehab his image. Hes trying to show us that hes at least laughing with us and not being laughed at. But he hasnt shown any sort of regret for what he said and no selfawareness that maybe he crossed an ethical line when he said what he said from that podium. Scott, i just want to take a moment to refresh everyones memory. Just a few of sean spicers more perplexing statements as press secretary. This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe. He won overwhelmingly with 360 electoral votes. The most since any republican since reagan. Can you clarify whether illegal ballots, or Illegal Immigrants i think theres been studies, one that came out of pew that showed 14 of people who voted were noncitizens. Theres been this discussion of Paul Manafort who played a limited role for a limited amount of time. So there are different kinds of lies. Theres outright lies, theres lies of omission. You know that, obfuscations, deliberately misleading. What were those . Well, i think my advice for sean moving forward would be that rebuilding credibility is often built on the foundation of humility. Look, in all of our jobs, im sure we can all look back and say, i wish i hadnt done that, i wish i had handled that differently. In retrospect, with more information, i realize i was wrong. Theres a lot of things you can do to show humility and to you know, i dont know if regret is the right word or admit mistakes but humility i think builds credibility. My advice would be, humility for some of these moments would be in line for a image rehab tour. Im picking up what youre putting down. I see you. And youre trying not to be hypercritical, but the fact that hes saying he didnt deliberately lie is a lie because he lied to the American People. Rebecca just stated theres so many things that you can show especially i mean like on the videos you showed, like on the pew example. He was actually citing a real study. I think it was from 2012. It wasnt 14 of americans or ballots were illegal, it was a smaller number, but there was an underpinning of fact there. He just misstated it. There are moments when you can look back on those things and say, i misstated that. I wish i hadnt done that, and i just misstated it. But david, if you misstate and people call you on it and you dont clarify it. Right. Thats more than a misstatement, thats a lie. Youre lying, youre misleading the American People. Yeah. And as he said, moving forward go on, david, im sorry. A couple points, don. First of all, just to go back to the last segment, for the record, cant hide love, best earth, wind and fire song. Second point, i like what scott said about humility building credibility. Im going to use that. Thats good. For sean spicer on that previous clip from the morning show, he said i never knowingly lied, but heres the thing. That statement he made either the night of the inauguration of the day after, i think i was on set with you, don, when we were watching that, he was reading a prepared statement. That is the definition of knowingly. Right . It wasnt an offhanded remark, like oh, yeah, i was standing on the mall today and it looked like a really big crowd to me. No, it was a long, prepared statement. Thats knowingly misleading. I hate to say lie, but its certainly knowingly misleading people. I dont know sean spicer well. I know him a little bit. Hes a nice guy. But you played all those little segments where time after time he really did kind of put people in a different direction than what was really going on in the white house. And he was not effective. He was not effective. One issue i think we should acknowledge sean spicer is not the first spokesperson for a politician that has misled the press. Hes not the first White House Press secretary of either party that has most people spin not flatout lie. What you call spin, there were many things said in the Obama Administration when they were trying to pass out obamacare that turned out to be flat lies. Did the press secretary go in front of politicians may have done it, surrogates might have done it. But did the press secretary get out in front of the American People and actually lie . I think if you looked at statements that some of the press spokespeople for obama made, while they were trying to pass obamacare, they were on the same message the president was, which turned out to not be true. You can keep your doctor if you want it. Your premiums are going down. Beyond obamacare, what else . I dont know. Thats what comes to mind. My point is this hes not the first person to ever mislead the press as a press person for a politician. I think you have valid points and the videos are valid. But we should acknowledge hes not the first one. Its a matter of degrees. And his First Press Conference was a flatout that was a disaster. Lie. No question, it was a disaster. Rebecca, you wanted to get in. I have to disagree with you here, scott, because theres a difference between spin which you might call misleading reporters, misleading the public and outright lying, just laughing in the face of the public who you are supposed to be working for, laughing in the face of reporters who you are supposed to be working with. Theres an ethical line and all you have as a spokesperson is really your credibility. Thats what works in your favor when youre trying to persuade the american public, persuade the press to work with you, to hear your side of the story. Sean spicer blames the media. For not listening to his side of the story, to the president s side of the story. But the fundamental problem was his misunderstanding of what a spokesperson is supposed to be and do. When he was speaking with jimmy kimmel recently, in his sb interview with him, sean said that is what he signed up for. Specifically in about the inauguration crowd. But that is not what a spokesperson signs up for. They represent their boss. They dont lie on behalf of their boss. Listen, ive got to pivot and im going to get you guys to do it and hopefully you can respond to it. This is jimmy kimmel responding tonight again about healthcare. We havent seen this many people come forward to speak out against a bill since cosby. Okay . [ laughter and applause ] and claim as the president did, it protects people with preexisting conditions. But it doesnt guarantee them protection. All you need to know is this. This is how the Vice President himself dodged that question this morning on fox friends. People like jimmy kimmel are worried about the preexisting condition thing because this will be up to the governors who decide how the money is disbursed, who gets coverage, every state will determine whats best for their folks. But with that can you guarantee that these governors will make sure preexisting conditions are covered. Thomas jefferson said the government that governs least governs best. Who do you think will be more responsive to the healthcare needs in your community, a governor and your state legislature, or air congressman and a president in a far off Nations Capital . Is neither an option . I would pick that. That was a pivot, that was a spin. What do you make of, quickly from all of you, what do you make of the response . As a conservative i like the arguments about federalism. I do think that local he didnt answer the question. But i think in this particular case Thomas Jefferson actually didnt say that. It was one issue. But theres a strong theres a strong argument to be made about federalism here, which is you might run into your state legislator in the Grocery Store and getting to them is much easier than getting to the federal government. I have to go, but i want to stick to topic. Go ahead quickly. But scott, under this bill, as i understand it, youre talking about federalism. The states that pay in the most in taxes, which are also the states that have accepted the current Medicaid Expansion are the states that are now going to lose after 2020 under Cassidy Graham even though the states that are going to gain are the ones that have resisted the federal care act up to this point. I have to go. Sorry, rebecca, next time. Well be right back. Hey, im the internet i know a bunch of people who would love that. The internet loves what youre doing. So build a better website in under an hour with. Gocentral from godaddy. The internet is waiting. Start for free today at godaddy. Were getting new images of puerto rico in the aftermath of hurricane maria. This is a cnn drone video showing flooded streets and homes with their roofs ripped off. It will take the people of puerto rico months if not longer to pick up the pieces. Joining me now is a mixed martial arts fighter with ufc ultimate fighting championship who lives in puerto rico. We thank you for joining us. Youve been living in la perla, puerto rico, for sometime now. Have you ever seen anything like this, angela . We had a hurricane here last week, but no, i have never seen the devastation we have, but i have never seen a Community Come together like theyre doing in la perla. Thats good to hear. Our team is down there. They sent us video of your neighborhood. How would you describe the damage around you and your neighbors . Tell us what it looks like. We have the most beautiful location you can find in the caribbean, but its a complete disaster. Its probably the most beautiful disaster youve ever seen in your life. Its very saddening, actually, very disheartening to see all of these excuse me, to see all of the people who lost their houses. Thats the worst part. A lot of us are flooded. They have kicked us out of the refugee camp. So people are being forced back into the houses that are flooded. Its the people who need the help. Its a terrible mess, its very heartbreaking. Im looking at some of the pictures now that theyre showing. Its just like roofs flattened, peoples mattresses are everywhere. Some of the homes, the wood looks likes twigs. It looks like rubble, like a war zone. It actually, yeah, thats actually a very good way of describing it. Its a war zone. Weve actually taken in a couple of neighbors whose houses roofs from fallen off. We have no support. Nobodys helping these people. They kicked them out of the shelters. A couple of the people whose roofs have gone, but its very sad. Im taking in people and i have three kids myself. Its really bad. Nobodys helping us. Can i talk to you a little bit about the storm and then well talk about whats happening now, but what was it like to ride out the storm . Where were you, angela . I was actually in my house the entire time. But i live in a very i live pretty much in a bunker. Its cement and i knew nothing would happen. I boarded up the window that was facing where the storm was coming in. And i have flooding in my house, but other than that, i dont have any broken windows or any of the other stuff. But it was scary. I really like scary storms, so this was fun. I got to watch palm trees fly up, stuff fly up everywhere. Im a professional athlete, and we like those adrenaline junkie types. So for me, it was a bit thrilling and exciting, but its almost like if youre going down in an airplane and they tell you to put your head between your legs, but im the one to look out the window and watch the sparks fly. Im that kind of person, i wanted to see what was happening. Were you ever afraid of your life and your children . Because you have children, right . Yeah, i have my three kids. I have adopted two kids here in puerto rico and i have my daughter, shes 15. No, we were i knew we were safe, actually, and their bedroom is like inside of this huge cement complex so their bedroom was safe. Guess what . They slept until about 11 00 a. M. They slept through the whole thing. Amazing. Lets talk about now. As of yesterday morning, i understand you didnt have power or water. Is that still the case . Yes. I will be uploading pictures to my facebook whenever i can, but we had to take the family down to bathe in the ocean today. And were having to ration food. Were having to ration water. We were all staying at the mayors house and they kicked us out without feeding us today. I have to tell these kids, you guys, this is all the food were going to have right now. We dont know when were going to eat again. Theres no water and electricity. People are saying it will be months. Im trying to be more hopeful about that, about the time it will take to restore stuff. But yeah, its terrible. Were in a bad state. Yeah. It is the pictures, i can only imagine. And we appreciate you. We thank you for joining us and were glad that youre safe. Angela mangana, thank you so much. Thank you. I just wanted to say, you know, we really need some help, femas out here but they cant even do anything because theyre waiting on d. C. To give the go ahead for air support. We need air support. We have people that are wasting away without water. We really need the support. Go to my fan page, theres places that you guys can donate on facebook, if you can. And anything you guys, prayers, anything you can do to help us, we really puerto rico is the second poorest country were twice as poor as the poorest state in the United States. And were part of the u. S. So please, you guys, were part of the states. Help us. Especially us in la perla. The government doesnt even have us an escape plan, have an exit route. They are not helping us. Theres no officials helping us. Its just us in the Community Helping each other. And we dont have anything. So please help. Lets hope you get some help by doing this interview. Thank you, angela. Well be right back. My name is jeff sheldon, and im the founder of ugmonk. Before shipstation it was crazy. Its great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize ive got a hundred orders i have to ship out. Shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everythings pretty much done. Its so much easier so now, were ready, bring on t. Shipstation. The number one ch of online sellers. Go to shipstation. Com tv and get two months free. Hi, im and im johnny bench. 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The new cnn film legion of brothers tells their story. When we first walked into the country, i mean, you had the weight of the nation on your shoulders. You know, we were americas response to the most catastrophic terrorist attack on u. S. Soil ever. Ever. And for a lot of us, you know, we felt that we had a responsibility to the people that died to set the stage that you just dont do that to america and not pay the price. It was about not retribution, but it was about justice. Whats that saying . About who will go, sends me, you know. Yes. Sir . Whom will go and whom shall i send . Yeah. Send me. Send me. Send me, because im the dude that wants to make somebody pay for killing my brothers and sisters. Wow. Joining me now the director of the film, greg barker. Greg, welcome. What a scene. I mean, you can tell from that the great responsibility these men felt. Explain the Important Role they played in the overall response to september 11th. Well, if you remember, you know, theres a massive demand for something to happen after 9 11, and these were the first guys who went in to the ground to afghanistan within weeks after the attacks, and they were small teams of u. S. Army green beret, special forces who are were infiltrated and started by the dead of night into afghanistan, really not knowing what they were going to find. They were told they would suffer heavy casualties over a Long Campaign and they should expect to be on their own for up to six months and that it was going to be a long hard fight. The objective was to overthrow the taliban which had been supporting Osama Bin Laden and disrupt the operations of al qaeda, so they couldnt launch any more attacks. If you could explain, describe to us how these special forces were able to overthrow the taliban in just a few months. Yeah. I mean, it all happened much more quickly than anybody ever imagined. Well, they linked up, these small teams of green berets linked up with indigenous forces in the north, it was the northern alliance. We focused on those guys in the film. They ended up riding on horseback with these soldiers and were the first soldiers basically running calvary charges since like the First World War or Something Like that. And also in the south and other parts of the country linked up with warlords and the south one team linked up with hamid karzai, who was a little known diplomat, later became the president of afghanistan, in large part because of the operations that, and the successful battlefield operations that he was part of as part of this team. And so that combined with u. S. Air power led to the rapid disintegration of the taliban and the key to it all was you had this small group of guys, a hundred guys who worked with u. S. Allies on the ground, sort of indigenous local forces, and figured out what would work best in those circumstances. They were nimble, flexible, creative militarily, and they moved fast. And i mean, it was considered it is considered one of the greatest unconventional war plans in modern history. So why wasnt the military able to capitalize on that momentum . Well, we did capitalize on the momentum you know, the taliban was overthrown. It was a friendly government that was negotiated with a wide range of countries, including iran and russia, was installed in kabul. The question then is what happened half that. And in the following year there were 20,000 troops that came in to kind of stabilize the situation and then, you know, years to come we had up to 100,000 troops there. And i think, you know, theres just something very different when you have that number, sort of socalled big army come in where it can be perceived by the locals that maybe these people are here as occupiers, even those who might support the objective, as opposed to small groups of guys who inevitably have to work with local forces on the ground shss because they dont have the manpower to be overwhelming. So i think theres that question of perception. Yeah. You know, you can tell, again, that its very personal for these men. How did these missions change them and their families . What toll did it take on them . You know, i first met these guys in 2002 on another assignment, so right after they had come back from afghanistan. And even then their stories hit me as really iconic stories of the nature of war itself, with all of its heroism and its horror. And i thought, you know, 15 years o years on, lets go back to that story, if we want to understand where we are now in the longest war in american history, lets look at the origin of that, the first foot soldiers of the war on terror. And whats striking is how, i think, today its easy to have kind of a glib attitude about war. We hear lots of talk about, you know, war is you know, war takes a heavy toll on those who fight it and their families. And thats really what i wanted to get into in this film, and the emotional impact of it. Not to say that wars arent necessary because sometimes they are and nobody these guys did what they did willingly and theyre very proud of it. Now, i mean, nobody is more antiwar in the broadest sense than a soldier who has lived through it and their families, even though theyre very proud of what they achieved. But the war itself, the cost of war is very deep and long lasting and i think its something thats quite, for those of us who are not part of it, its easy to forget. And yet its not easy to forget for those who lived through it. So in the film we feature not only the men who fought on the ground but their families and look at the longterm impact of all this. And as proud as they are of what they did, we also they also tell stories of what went wrong on the ground and the cost of all of that that still continues today. Greg barker is the director of legion of brothers. Thank you very much, sir. I appreciate it. It airs this sunday, 9 00 p. M. On cnn. Thats it for us tonight of the thank you so much for watching. Ill see you right back here tomorrow. Hurricane maria still a dangerous category 3 bearing down now on turks and caicos after leaving a path of devastation in puerto rico. Tragedy in mexico as the death toll climbs. Rescue crews racing against time to find earthquake survivors. 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