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This on top of the reporting that the president is under investigation for obstruction of justice. This investigation is expanding quickly. Talk to me about it. To use a phrase that sean spicer, it speaks for itself, don. As a part of this ongoing cloud of smoke, this gathering cloud of smoke that involves Jared Kushner meeting with sergey, his role in the white house, his role in the transition, his role in the campaign, we dont know if he is guilty of anything yet. He hasnt been charged with anything yet. But it would be standard procedure, and a special counsel investigation, to look into any financial heres what Jared Kushners lawyer is saying in a statement tonight. We do not know what this report refers to. It could be Standard Practice for the special counsel to examine financial records to look for anything related to russia. Mr. Kushner previously volunteered to share with congress what he knows about russia related matters. He will do the same if he is contacted in connection with any other inquiry. Whats your reaction to that . It may turn up nothing. But this is part and parcel of this long drawnout investigation that were in for. The idea that any one of these little new additions of information is going to be the body blow that, you know, unravels this whole mystery or takes down the administration, thats not going to happen. On the other hand, the idea that any one of these stories on its own is going to vindicate kushner or President Trump on their own is not going to happen. Were going to find out one way or the other, if theres any collusion, maybe there is, maybe theres not, were going to find out one way or the other if theres any obstruction of justice. Maybe there is, maybe there is not. Laura, speak to us about the significance of this. We spoke last hour, that this doesnt necessarily mean guilt. You know, less than 150 days in office, the president is reportedly under investigation. His soninlaw, and the finances being looked at. How much trouble is this for the administration . Its a great deal of trouble. Politically speaking, of course, and legally, its no picnic to have the fbi have a devoted person whose singular focus is to determine whether or not you violated the law. Yes, it could ultimately come up that they are completely exonerated in some way, and vindicated. But realistically speaking, this is an indication this is going to be a thorough and very wide sweeping dragnet. It includes people who are closer and closer to the president s orbit. There are people closer and closer to the president s orbit. With michael flynn, he, too, is under investigation for his financial dealings. The prosecutors in this case, the special counsel are saying to themselves, lets follow the money trail. Thats the lowest hanging fruit youll have for collusion, for figuring out if unwittingly or wittingly someone was engaged in that practice. This is telling you a very clear indication or whether or not this is not the only goal here to actually figure out that it actually happened. Its really the end game of figuring out what was the collusion in the counterintelligence probe. I need to get your response to this as well. This is just coming in. Robert mueller expands a special counsel office, has brought in 13 lawyers onboard with more to be hired according to spokesman peter carr. That tells you even a wider dragnet. This is not where you have one or two people who can do the full investigation. A counterintelligence probe is designed to figure out whether or not there was any people who were involved with the foreign entity to the demise of the United States. In doing so, you cant have one person whos pushing a lot of paper around, one bureaucrat in d. C. Who is active. You have to have people taking very different angles, the obstruction angle, collusion, finances. Thats why investigators are interviewing coats and rogers and everyone else, because they have to take a very wide approach. What this tells you is good news for the president of the United States, that theres not a narrow focus here. While he is now part of the probe and has by his own actions brought the magnifying glass above his head, anything is game. It fetells you theyre trying t be comprehensive. It tells you, of course, the focus, if its not narrow, they dont know yet what theyre looking for. It could be anything. That can in a way, thats not going to appease the president or make him feel comfortable, but its a way of saying, look, we do not know yet what we have. Which is why we cannot be presumptuous. About who may be incriminated. Okay, kevin madden, you have been around washington for a while. Not saying anything about your age or anything. I earned all these gray hairs. Youre a republican. And if youre in the white house, if youre part of the administration, you hire 13 attorneys, what are you thinking . I think lauras right, talking about the history of how the special counsel investigations work. This is an indication right now that its a very thorough investigation, that it is potentially much wider. But i think the main worry i would have is, this goes to the politics of it, that it may take potentially longer. And right now, one of the big challenges this white house has is that it has a very ambitious agenda. It has control of both houses of congress. And has a lot of things it wants to get done. But this continues to really pull them away from their central core focus on things like the economy, and national security, and other big ticket items. And serves as a distraction. Every day that the white house is on offense of what they want to do of what motivated voters to support donald trump in the first place is really a lost day. So every single day we see that the president and white house staff having to litigate this, makes it potentially more i would be nervous about this if i worked for donald trump. Because, you know the wider part of it, yeah. Right. Theres theory, i dont know if its true, but there is a theory that we all commit three felonies a day. If you followed me around all day, you could put pretty much i dont know about you, okay. Ill steer clear. What are you doing . My point is, look, starts off as a land deal in arkansas, and ends up with the president , you know, perjuring himself. Or starts off with a valerie plaim leak and ends up with scooter libby. I think that, you know, it could be that theres no collusion, that theres no fundamental problem. But if you lie to the fbi, you go to jail. There could be a lot of people who did some things that, you know, werent on the upandup. Somebodys probably going to go down at some point i would think. Theres something that laura said. I really think donald trump and his administration, but mainly donald trump brought this upon himself. It is his tweets, the things that he said. He especialspecifically said abs comey, he tweeted james comey better hope there are not any tapes. They dropped the memo, well, i have a tweet. Perhaps this investigation would not have become so extensive had donald trump exercised some level of restraint. Yeah. And the Vice President himself is now nervous as well. Hes hiring his outside counsel. Right, closer and closer his probe, everybody is nervous. Everyones nervous, even proactively before the noose is closer to them. Mike shields . Look, you hear the tone of what we were talking about. Kushner hasnt been charged yet. The walls are closing in. This is what washington does with one of these things. It sort of creates this tear of guilty by just coverage. Coverage makes you guilty. The fact of the matter is, theres been scores of investigators looking at this russia thing for months now. They havent found anything. Theres literally the only thing that weve seen that has been legal, i know we have been harping about leaks, but no one has been found guilty of anything. The point about the language but now were talking about maybe we should be careful to say, people are innocent, all of them, until proven guilty. Just because youre interviewed by somebody doesnt mean theyre part of a grand jury investigation. Theyre being looked at. Nothing has happened to them yet, people watching are thinking probably something is there. A lot of people will probably say, thats kind of what i mean i think we can all be a little more careful with our language, but i think thats just the vernacular that people well, thats why the president s pushing back so hard on this. Do you know who you need to tell that to . The president of the United States. You might understand why he gets so aggressively pushing back when he watches this kind of no, no. Something probably happened. Is he under investigation when he started crooked hillary . Hes the one who started about talking about people being guilty, when nothing had been found. So im sorry, if this kind of language bothers him, he brought it upon himself, just like every single thing that has happened up to now. You could point back and say, geez, if he just stopped his twitter fingers from going happily on his phone, he wouldnt be in half of the hot water as he is right now. To your point, kevin, i agree with you that he could easily try to distract us from all of this russia collusion, perhaps treason, obstruction of justice if he focused on his agenda, which im sure the republicans would love. This is exactly the point im trying to make. But let me wait, wait. That actually dovetails from the previous let me be quite precise on this point. I think youre harping on an issue that really avoids the forest for the trees. The point is this, one person who is to blame for this language that talks about very ominous and looming is james comey. Because it has been a longstanding tradition that people dont comment on active investigations for the very reasons you spoke of. The tar and feathering that happens in the court of Public Opinion and Public Square is precisely why people condemn james comey. Now that he has started the pendulum in motion toward that arena, people are talking about things in the ominous tone youre talking about. Its not just the media who does it. It was the former director of the fbi. In doing so, it points out this particular point. You cannot discuss an active investigation, because it makes the public believe that there is far more to it. Ultimately there may be exoneration here. But the problem here is what theyre talking about, the president of the United States by not recognizing the fact that its an active Ongoing Investigation is commenting on it in a way and making proactive steps where hes creating a greater issue. Well be right back after this. Wrinkles . Your time is up new neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair with the proven power of retinol. Reduces wrinkles in just one week. Neutrogena® leaders of both parties calling for unity tonight and call for people on both sides of the political aisle to tone down harsh language. Back with my panel. Speaking of that, i want to put these tweets up and talk about scripted or teleprompter trump versus twitter trump. He said, this was he said they made up a phony collusion with russia. The russia story today found zero proof. And now they go for obstruction of justice on the phoney story, nice. He said youre witnessing the single greatest witch hunt in american history. Led by some very bad and conflicted people. And also, he talked about, i think there was a crooked hillary tweet today as well. My question is, do you think he grasps the severity of it. But not only that, but do you think he understands the difference between when he does Something Like when he sent out the video message today to the congressmen and people who were playing ball, and when he talks about david bailey and crystal griner and say they should be commended, that that resonates and the other things may not resonate . Of course, he does. Not only the statement at the baseball game today, but the statement he gave yesterday. These tweets are about pushing back on a political investigation of him. And hes using politics to push back on it and using his twitter account that hes done since he started running for offeice because it goes right past washington, d. C. And past the media out to the american people. Thats the way he wants to communicate with people. Hes been pretty successful in doing that. Then we show it on the screen and it gets to the american people. But my point and i want david to respond to this, if you are fighting something legally, does the court of Public Opinion matter . Shouldnt he be doing having that fight with his attorneys, and doing it in a smarter way than maybe contradicting himself . Something that attorneys can use . Or even people on the other side of the political aisle can use . The court of Public Opinion matters and the legal fight matters if youre President Trump. And if youre the white house. To your point, don, hes working at crosspurposes to a degree in this. Yes, mike is right, hes communicating over the heads of the media, to his core supporters. But at the same time that hes sort of rallying the troops, hes also signaling to the rest of america the not the 38 of people who have the favorable view of him, but everybody else, that hes not taking the legal fight seriously, and that hes not approaching it in a way that we would typically describe as president ial. I just take this opportunity just to address one thing from what we were talking about before. You made a good point before about talking about when we say theres an investigation using the word yet. Lets get that out of the way. Youre right. Everybodys innocent until proven guilty. Youre right, we shouldnt say yet. Now that thats out of the way, all the other issues still apply. We need answers to the question, why the president has been so solicitous of russia. We need answers to the question, why during a transition Jared Kushner is meeting with the head of a russian bank. We need answer to the question why was comey fired. Very, very quickly, first of all, this was already this story was already out. Its interesting that its suddenly news again. He was a transition official. Now hes a white house offerings who has taken on a Foreign Policy portfolio. It shouldnt be shocking that hes meeting with people. So, look its not shocking. But why dont we add that context . When we say breathlessly, oh, my gosh, theres a leak, Jared Kushner is under investigation, for carrying out things as a transition official that may have been part of his duties as a transition official. That is not a hard sentence to add. Thats a long thing to apparently too long for a lot of people in washington. Jared kushner being under investigation is not false. When we say, when youre explaining, youre losing. There are so many things that we have to explain. We have to put context to them when we talk about Jared Kushner, the president. There are so many things. We shouldnt have to add all that context. The media should have a responsibility to add the context to make sure they dont alter the context. Absolutely. I dont think theyre offering it, though. Lets assume the media is not giving donald trump a fair shake. Isnt it incumbent upon a politician to try to get good press . And if they get continuously, if they have their agenda derailed, is it the onus on them to say we have to figure out how to control the message, develop relationships with the press . Like if lin nofsiger got that bad press for reagan, they will say, were not doing a good job. I dont understand why you or others, every time that im here, and i try to criticize the way the media has covered donald trump, it immediately comes back to its Donald Trumps fault. Ive been working in politics for 20 years, and ive seen conservatives not get a fair shake from the media. The media, if you look at the data, where media members give money to, who they vote for in primaries, they lean to the left. This is something thats been going on for years and years. Hold them a little more accountable. Be more selfreflective of their own for every action there is an equal reaction. They are the crooked media. Theyre not theyre the worst people on earth. Enemies well, im not do you want the media to say, no i would like the president of the United States to be better. Why is the bar so low for donald trump . It performs a vital role in american politics. I want the media to be selfreflective and ask themselves why the public is losing faith in them. This is what the media hears when you say that. We want positive stories about donald trump. Thats not the medias job. The medias job is to report. The reporting is not always positive. How about asking the media if something is right or wrong . Anytime we push back, anytime the Trump Campaign pushes back on us as newspapers, or tv networks, the pushback is, fake news. Its not about the fact look at rob rosensteins statement that came out tonight. He didnt say that the story in the Washington Post was wrong. He said, beware of anonymous leaks. Thats not the same as saying the story is wrong. So if the idea is to hold the media accountable, the way to hold the media accountable is to say, if we get it wrong, point it out. Not to say were liberal or fake news. Thats not true. When we come right back, this could be awkward. A conversation we were just having. Thats the australian Prime Minister mocking President Trump. How the president is responding next. Be the you who doesnt cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. Most people using stelara® saw 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. New neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair wrinkles . Your time is up with the proven power of retinol. Reduces wrinkles in just one week. Neutrogena® the story of Prime Minister turnbull and President Trump did not get off to a great start. And now it seems the australian leader was caught mocking the president. Now back with my panel. Im going to give this to kevin. Youve been awfully quiet. Im enjoying this. Im learning a lot. Hes taking notes. I want to play this clip from the australian Prime Minister mocking the president. At the midwinter ball, which is like the White House Correspondent dinner. In the australian capitol. Basically their White House Correspondent dinner. Watch. Donald and i. We are winning in the polls. We are winning so much. We are winning in the polls. Not the fake polls. Not the fake polls. Theyre the ones were not winning. Were winning in the real polls. You know, the online polls. They are so easy to win. I didnt know that. Did you know that . I kind of know that. How do you know that . They are so easy to win. Believe me, it is true. It is true. What do you think . Well, you know, traditionally, so many of our allies are very cognizant about how important their relationship with the United States is to their standing on the international stage. And so many of our allies that are leaders, like Prime Minister turnbull, have gone to Great Lengths to build up president s profiles domestically inside their own country. So i think that this is certainly a challenge right now that he believes that, you know, he can get away with this type of mockery of our president. And, you know, our relationships have changed since president obama has come into office. Not to read too much into it like the White House Correspondent dinner. Not to read too much into it. I think we would be hard pressed to find that type of mockery in the past. This is certainly a challenge that i hope the white house takes seriously. Because they need these type of relationships to be very strong. I was a little uncomfortable watching it. Then i remembered, like, look at what we do at the White House Correspondents dinner. We make fun of ourselves. And very mocking tones. And selfdeprecating and everyone is okay with it. Kevin brought up a good point, which is, i dont think weve seen this before. I think theres a theme tonight, which is that a lot of what President Trumps white house is going through, he brought it upon himself. He kind of brought this upon himself. Can we remember, like with the phone call with the australian Prime Minister . And how he was insulted by it . Theres an irony to this. One of the big pitches for trump during the campaign is that when he became president , the whole world was going to respect america again. That nobody was going to make fun of us ever again. Stand by. Play this clip. Play this clip. At what point does america get demeaned . At what point do they start laughing at us . We dont want other leaders and other countries laughing at us anymore. And they wont be. They wont be. This is so ironic. They were laughing at him about two weeks before when he was giving that egregious speech. When he was at the g 7 meeting. You know what, though, i dont doubt theyre laughing at him in syria right now. I dont think assad is laughing at him. I dont know why the north koreans gave back a hostage, but they did. You know, ive been very critical of donald trump. Very bad conditions, by the way. True. True. Ive been very critical of donald trump, and i think fairly so. But i think the one area we are better off in terms of i think people are a little more afraid of us than they used to be. Thats a good thing when there are bad actors. But lets talk about the i want to but our allies think were giving up global leadership. No, listen, on specifically the australia issue theyre saying we are leaving a void on the global stage of i think i think president obamas weakness invited a lot of provocation, including putin and russia. Ive been critical of donald trump. But i actually think some of the stuff other countries tried to get away with when obama was president , they will think twice. Maybe it is because well, thats a good point. In 2014, obama got australia, the eu, the uk, et cetera, together and put the sanctions regime in place against putin that remains today. That was obama. President trump has talked tough. He hasnt done anything on that to that point with obama. The reason the first kerfuffle came up, he struck a deal on refugees that he expected trump would just accept as soon as he came into office. The reason they got into a dustup which i think President Trump would say, yeah, what i said was, im not accepting that deal. If you dont like it, im going to hang the phone up on you. Theyre not laughing at him when theyre trying to make the policy on refugees. They may make a joke at a dinner, but theyre not laughing at him when theyre saying, lets put one over on him the iranians got our the sailors, i dont think that happens with donald trump as president. For all the bad things about trump you all have to be kidding me. You all have to be kidding me. I dont think iran no, i dont think our sailors what im hearing from yall is what im hearing is you think america is in better standing with donald trump as president. Absolutely right. Absolutely right. Absolutely . Yes. Why do you you disagree . Why . North korea, putin, when you have Angela Merkel is that why thats exactly why theyre doing that. I say that, because i absolutely disagree. We have Angela Merkel standing on the stage saying were in this thing by ourselves. We can no longer count on the United States as an ally. I absolutely agree that many people would say were advocating our responsibility as the leader of the free world. But they think were being tough because people wont try things that they because our president is unhinged and crazy. Weve got to go. When we come back, tensions building outside the cosby trial. His alleged victims confronting protesters outside the court. Inside the jury is deadlocked. Next. Approaching medicare eligibility . You may think you can put off checking out your Medicare Options until youre sixtyfive, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. Keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. The rest is up to you. Thats where aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plans insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company come in. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesnt, saving you in outofpocket medical costs. Youve learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. Thats what it means to go long™. Call now and request this free decision guide. 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Theyve been deliberating for four days, the jurors in bill cosbys trial say theyre deadlocked and cant come to a unanimous decision on any of the three charges. I want to discuss this now with cnn legal contributor reva martin, and wendy murphy, a former prosecutor. Good evening to both of you. Its been fascinating to watch whats inside and outside of the courtroom. Areva, the jury has deliberated about 40 hours. You say this is clearly not a slam dunk case. Theres obviously something thats keeping them from a verdict. Explain. Absolutely, don. Anything could happen. Tomorrow morning these jurors are going to start over again at 9 00. They could decide that, you know, an acquittal, or conviction, but its not likely. I think from the beginning, the jurors were torn when they started asking the judge to read back testimony. They wanted to hear the testimony from constand, they wanted the deposition of bill cosby read back to them. That all signaled to me that they had really serious doubts about the credibility of the witnesses. People think that trials are about defendants proving their innocence, and its not. A trial a criminal trial is about the state proving beyond reasonable doubt the guilty of the defendant. And the defense lawyer put it best when he did his summation, he said if you have more questions than answers, thats reasonable doubt. I think this jury has more questions than answers. And thats why after 40 hours they have not come back with a guilty or acquittal. And i think it could be a hung jury tomorrow. Interesting. Wendy, lets see. You say lets look at the jury makeup. Lets put it up there. Seven men, six white, one black, five women, four white, one black. You say the jurys makeup is mainly why theyre deadlocked. How so . Well, i think its one of the issues. The law in pennsylvania is the reason hes never going to be convicted at least on two of the charges. Its not possible. And let me just quickly explain. For the drugging charge, for example, you can only find someone guilty if they drug you for the purpose of raping you, without your knowledge. And even Andrea Constand said she knew he drugged her. That charge is never going to end with a guilty, ever. And i predicted that a year ago. The other drugging related charge pertains to her state of intoxication, or incapacitation, when the sexual assaults happened. Under pennsylvania law, you have to be asleep or unconscious. And Andrea Constand testified she was frozen, she was paralyzed, but she wasnt unconscious or asleep. That charge is never going to end with a guilty, ever, no matter how many times you try this case. But heres what i think about the jury. It has nothing to do with race, at all. The reason the jury may be filled with a kind of bias that will not be good for the victim, in addition to all the problems with the law, is that there are men, seven of them, who were not allowed to be asked by the prosecution when they are being selected, whether theyve ef done anything like this to a woman. They or someone close to them. When you allow men who have done bad things to women, to sit on juries, in any state, and its allowed in lots of states, theyre looking at cosby going, that could have been me. Im not voting guilty for that guy. Youre making a lot of presumptions about the jurors. But you dont know if the men actually did something. Im just saying youre not allow to screen. But if youre not allow to screen out jurors who have sexually assaulted women, and remember, nine out of ten rapes are never reported. Im not talking about convicted rapists, im talking about men who sexually assault women and it never gets reported. Nine out of ten rapes are never reported. Theres a chance people showing up for jury duty, the men, you know, you got good percentages that some of them will have done Something Like that at some point in their life. Seven men on a jury, youre not allowed to exclude those who have committed sexual assault. Theyre going to protect him. Areva, what do you think . Thats a lot of assumptions. We shouldnt gloss over the ratio issue here. There are studies that show that when you have an allwhite jury pool, the chances of conviction for an africanamerican defendant is in the 70s. 75 . Thats why the defense team fought so hard to have africanamericans on this jury. And there were huge fights about the exclusion of a couple of women that the defense argued were on the basis of race. But the judge determined there were other grounds for the exclusion of them. I think the presence of the two africanamerican jurors on this jury pool may also be a big reason as to why these jurors, these 12, cannot come to a consensus with respect to but shes a woman of color, too. Shes a woman of color, too. She is not an africanamerican woman. To say a canadian woman is a woman of color, the studies are very clear that when you have africanamerican jury pool, the chances of conviction go down substantially. Not when youre bill cosby or o. J. Simpson. To say constand is a black woman, thats just not happening. Do you think hell be tried somewhere else . Quickly, because im running out of time . I dont think so. I know wendy thinks there will be another criminal prosecution. I dont think so. I think people will be so disappointed, i think youll see protests. Weve already seen protesters confronting people on the courtroom steps. I dont think there will be another prosecution. If he is acquitted there will be clambering in the streets. There will be huge protests for him to be prosecuted in one of the other jurisdictions. There are at least five other states where the clock has not yet run out. And women especially in this country will rise up and demand that he face justice some place, somehow. Women will rise up and demand that he face justice, someplace, somehow. Thats going to have to be the last word. It doesnt mean its going to be a criminal prosecution. When we come back, amazing new cnn series showcasing people who are changing the world. My 3month old business. Plus. What if this happened again . I was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me . So i made a point to talk to my doctor. He told me about eliquis. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. Not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. Eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Eliquis had both. 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Tonight, my colleague, erin burnett introduces us to her champions for change, meals on wheels, a program that feeds homebound senior citizens. Good morning, hi, thank you. A midday food delivery to a small apartment in new york city, a place that connie pierce has called home for many years, she is 94 years old, and fiercely independent. She is also a World War Ii Navy vet who now has outlived her brothers and sisters. What did you do . I slept three in a bed. I said when i grow up im going to get a job and get my own little bed. Connies first job in a Cigar Factory paid 13 a week, and she got her own bed, joining the navy and living in new york with her sisters. A lot of women who were born didnt get to go have jobs, they would get married, have children and stay home. Yes. But you knew you never wanted that to be you. Did you always know you wanted to be different . Yes, i did. I wanted the adventure. Connie is widowed now and her two stepsons live abroad. Her crippling arthritis forces her to make changes, she cant shop for herself or cook for herself and she rarely leaves home. What now are your biggest frustrations . I used to love to just go shopping. I just used to do my own things. But i cant. 46 million americans are 65 or older, one in six of them struggle with hunger. Good morning, guys. That is where sending meals on wheels comes in. I learned about it one holiday when i got a flier in the mail. I saw that even the smallest donation can help somebody who lives completely alone to have a special holiday meal and the reality is, this is about much more than providing hot food. If there is no one at home, do not leave the meal. Youre not just delivering a meal today youre checking in on our seniors. Reporter beth shapiro is the director in new york city. We also hold this near and dear and yet you see it every day. I see it every day and to me its beautiful. You know, to look at someone who has the wrinkles of a life well lived. Its something to celebrate. Reporter in new york city alone, the program serves more than 18,000 people. Two thirds of them are women. Nationwide, more than 5,000 local meals on Wheels Programs helps two and a half million seniors. When you go to deliver today, our seniors can be very chatty. Okay . Please talk to them, have a conversation with them. Youre the only person youre going to see today, okay . What gives you the most joy now . I guess i have to just say be grateful that youre fairly well, learning to accept what is. That is what im at that point. Reporter on average, city meals on wheels costs seven dollars a meal. How do you feel today . Oh, very well. Reporter may has been delivering meals on wheels to connie for almost two years. How much has it changed your life . Completely. Reporter connie can live at home, because of meals on wheels, and meals on wheels exists because of donations. 10 comes from the government, we privately gain the other 90 . Reporter the financial need is growing quickly. The senior population is the Fastest Growing population in this country. It will be doubled across the country by the year 2050. The Program Needs to grow. This is the president s fy 2018 budget. Reporter there was outrage after the Trump Administration announced it may make cuts to programs like meals on wheels. Meals on wheels sounds great, were going to spend money, were going to spend a lot of money but we are not going to spend it on programs that show that they actually deliver promises to the people they say they will. Reporter shapiro says meals on wheels cant afford even the smallest cutback. It will have a devastating effect on the lifeline and infrastructure that meals on Wheels Program provides across the country. Reporter when the politicians make the final budget decisions its worth remembering theyre talking about people, people like connie pierce. And up next on champions for change, learn about the cause that is close to poppy harlows heart, tomorrow morning in the 8 00 a. M. Hour of new day. And to see more of our anchors go to cnn. Com champions for change. And dont miss the program by dr. Sanjay gupta, featuring highlights for the whole week. Champions for change, the cnn special is brought to you by charles schwab. I want to show you a highlight from todays game. He flthrew out the first pitch after risking his life. Pretty good pitch, i thought. David bailey walking onto the field on crutches to very loud applause. Although he did not suffer a gunshot wound, Capitol Police said wednesday that bailey was treated for a minor injury. The other Capitol Police agent who was on site yesterday when shots were fired was crystal griner, she was shot in the ankle and remains in the hospital on thursday. And we wish both of them the best, they are truly heroes and we wanted to honor them on this program. That is it for us on cnn, well see you right back here tomorrow night. Good night. This is cnn breaking news. Our breaking news this morning the leader of isis possibly killed in an air strike. We are live in moscow with what the russians are claiming this hour. Good morning. Welcome to early start. Im christine romans. Im dave briggs friday, june 16th, 4 00 a. M. In the east. Word this morning isis leader Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi may have been killed in an air strike, according to reuters citing russian media. Reports say al baghdadi, seen here in a video clip in

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