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President trump with any assurance of personal loyalty and then, two, because the fbi russian probe is not only not disappearing as President Trump would like it to, but its accelerating. It came right as comey was seeking more resources for the russian probe. They sources say beginning three weeks ago director comey began receiving daily instead of weekly briefings on the probe, and quote, mr. Comey was concerned by information showing potential evidence of collusion, unquote. If the president had hoped the firing of comey would hope all of this go away, his logic seems to have boom ranged. Republicans now showing increased review and inenergy. Asking for the Justice Department Inspector General to investigate the matter. Also thooeng the bipartisan Intelligence Committee subpoenaed former trump security advisor pliekal flynn for documents related to his interaction with russian officials. Also the white house released its official time line laying out events with its decision to fire james comey. And as happens with this white house not in frequently, the news statements completely contradicts news statements made just hours ago. New statements say after watching the testimony last wednesday, the president was strongly inclined to remove him. Quote, on monday the president met with the attorney general, rosenstein, and they discussed removing the attorney general. That very clearly suggests this was the president s call. And that is the complete opposite of the story the white house was telling until candidly, just a few hours ago. When they said the president was merely heeding the advice of Deputy Attorney general rosenstein. Kellyanne said that to cooper last night. It has everything to do with whether the current fbi director has the president s confidence and can faithfully and capably execute his duties. It deppy attorney general decided that was not the case. He wrote a very long memorandum about it. The attorney general presented to the president. The president took the recommendations as he said in his brief, a very powerful letter today, tee took their recommendations also sean spicer said, quote, it was all him, him referring to resinstein. And heres what he said to fox business news. He made a recommendation to the attorney general, the attorney general conquered with that, and forwarded that recommendation today to the president who agreed with their conclusion. Well, that narrative that was all driven by roadsenstein is so 6 00 p. M. Eastern. Now the public is being told the president wanted comey gone. We also know the fbi investigation into papossible collusion with russia is accelerating. And speaking of russia, the mr. President welcomed russian officials into the oval office today. The white house barred American Media from witnessing the encounters. These photographs come courtesy of the Russian Foreign minsty press office. They were allowed into the oval office, unlike American Media. The firing was no doubt the siberian woolly mammoth in the room that meeting. Cnns athena joans with that time line. What more are we learning about the official story about what drove this decision by President Trump . Well, for one thing when it comes to those points on the time line, the second point about how last week during the testimony that director comey gave on capitol hill, the president grew increasingly angered by that testimony. Especially that comment from director comey he was mildly nauseated to think he might have swayed the election, his actions might have made a difference. That is what were hearing from sources very much angered the president. Even the success of the healthcare bill, the passing of the house was not enough to allay his other concerns. And so my colleague john king was told by a longtime friend of the president he was quote, white hot over the weekend, really stewing about this, stewing about the comey testimony. My colleague jeff zeleny reporting that the president was kernd that director comey was his own man, that he couldnt be trusted to lead this this important investigation, this russia investigation that could prove to be so pivotal for this presidency. So there was clearly distrust of director comey in the white house. Whats interesting is they did not predict this huge back rath. All right, david jones right outside the white house, though the cameras are turned around. Lets bring in our panel. Zef zeleny you were there. Tell us about it. Jake, im told this was incredibly closely held. So many of the president s decisions are out there in the open, whether its afghanistan or a variety of things, healthcare, climate change. He likes debate. This was held very closely by just a handful of people. Its one of the reasons of the bad rollout, because the White House Press shop, the Communications Shop was given about an hours head up to roll this out. Initially im told Reince Priebus was against this, was not in favor of this, you know, abrupt firing because he was concerned whattled do the legislative agenda. Now, he does not have the juice necessarily to enforce or to stop the president. Im told he didnt even go that far. But initially he was resistant to this. But others sort of allowed this to go forward. Theres no one i have heard min my reporting well see how this plays out, were still early in this that told the president not to do this. Stunning. Maggy, weve heard so much about what President Trump thought of comey. You have new reports about what he thought of comey and what comey thought of the president. And weve heard whuf jeff said played out in those rooms. Comey felt the president was almost beyond normal, almost crazy. Using the word crazy . Thats ort of his word or sort of what was communicated. He said repeatly to his aides theres something wrong with him, theres something wrong with comey. And he got very angry about comey talking about russiach he did not dissuade people from thing about it. And he was mildly nauseous at the prospects of his role in the election, that was an affront to the president. He took it that way. He was very upset about it throughout the weekend. And by the time this week began, this was already in process. To your point, you know, they learned also i missed one step. Ish, there was this issue about what comey had testified. Oh, yeah, hed gotten something wrong. Not something small wrong. And there was this very long lag in cleaning it up. That gave the west wing officials an opening. They saw that was there an opportunity to go ahead with it. You cannot do a massive thing like this and not understand, which a lot of them didnt, this is going to setoff a massive bomb not just necessarily in washington. This is not necessarily just d. V. Chatter. This is huge deal. You have a lot of risers who had never been in government before and didnt understand it. This report of sean spicer and the bushes and soy forth jeff was there with them. So you eyewitnessed the bushes, to be fair to sean spicer whos had some rough outings clearly, what are you supposed to do with that when you have not been told . Listen, i know they pay be inexperienced. It seems unimaginable to me that even a close hold of advisers that may not have that much experience, couldnt understand what everybody understand within 20 seconds of this story being reported that it was enormous and when the president fires the guy overseeing the investigation of him, thats huge. It doesnt take experience to understand how big but you covered the campaign. And we all know from the early weeks and months of the presidency that when this presidency gets a be in his bonnet, and even if its a be as big as the fbi director investigating him, its hard to dissuade him of that. And just as you are hearing and im hearing as well, that is what set him off. The be actually started buzzing in his bonnet last week during the comey hearings. Over and over and over he would hear him say things he was upset about. Theyre saying now it was erroneous testimony and so on and so forth, but that nauseating line goes at the heart of what we have seen at the achilles heel for donald trump over and over again. Thats it. Everybody stick around. We have a lot more to talk about. When we come back, lay makers taking action in the wake of the firing of the fbi director comey. And now one has subpoenaed flynn about the documents. Well discuss, learn more. Stay with us. Pain used to shut me down during pickup games. But with odor free blueemu continuous pain relief spray, i can box out any muscle or joint pain immediately. Blueemu continuous pain relief spray, it works fast and you wont stink. Were back with more breaking news. The senate Intelligence Committees decision to subpoena former National Security advisor Michael Flynn could signal that the russia investigation is still moving forward. At least for now. But there remain many questions about what will happen to it fbi probe once the president hands out the replacement for jamds comey. Lets bring out cnn correspondent jim sciutto. Can the fbi still continue with the russia probe and protect the integrity of the investigation to say nothing of the bureau . Well, jake, everybody in the fbi who was involved in this investigation below the level of james comey still has their jobs. And we are told that they are committed to this investigation, and will stick with it. But the fact is the director of the fbi has enormous power, so to some degree the answer to that question is up to the president and republicans and others as to who President Trump chooses to replace fired james comey. The intensifying probe and the possible collusion between russia and the associates of donald trump now has a greing list of star witnesses. Michael flynn, trumps fired National Security advisor now subpoenaed by the senate Intelligence Committee, which is demanding both documents and his testimony. Also on the witness list, james comey the newly fired fbi director. He led the investigation is now has been invited to testify before the committee on tuesday. The acting fbi director Andrew Mccabe will speak to the grub on thursday. A total of four congressional committees are nau now looking into ties between russia and trumps team. Along with the fbi and the pentagons Inspector General. Pronouncing the question of collusion closed. The fbi is doing a whole lot more than the Russian Investigation. Thats probably one of the smallest things theyve got going on their plate. Whether tonedeaf or just ironic, donald trump met with two senior russian officials today, giving a warm reception. Comeys ouster now has a growing number of lawmakers demanding they appoint a special prosecutor independent of the administration and capitol hill to lead the probe. Were those investigations getting too close to home for the president . If there was ever a time when circumstances warranted a special prosecutor, it is right now. The multiple existing investigations are already expanding. Sources tell cnn just days before being fired comey asked Deputy Attorney general Rob Rosenstein for more resources to tweet to the bure eos Russian Investigation. A request they denied. And federal reports have issued grand jury subpoenas to associates of Michael Flynn. The decision to fire comey raises questions about the appropriateness and timing of firing the person in charge of an investigation that could, i wont say would, but could impicate the administration. Now, in addition to claiming that the investigations as a whole are going nowhere, the white house, am the president have ree peatedly said the possible collusion between Trump Associates and russians officials is going nowhere. In fact case closed. Thats not true. On the record for both the republican and top democratic on the Senate Committee richard bur and mark warner on that question. I put it to them and said is the question of collusion closed . Both of them said on the record to me on cnn the answer to that was no. Thank you, so much. He was clintons running meat and tim cane thing firing the fbi director was justified. Stick around. Welcome back. One interesting query raised by a former federal prosecutor i was speaking with earlier today in President Trumps dismissal letter to comey. He said comey informed him on three separate occasions that he, trump, was not under investigation. One hard to believe. But more important lethe question is does the president s discussion of his private conversations with comey, using it as a possible defense, does that put in jeopardy any possible future claims of executive privilege to prevent those conversations from being made public . Im back with the panel. And david, let me go with you because theres this alarming breathtaking stunning report. Every two minutes my phone goes off with some breaking news. The Washington Post is reporting it was not rosensteins decision. It president has made the decision. And after rosenstein had been given as the reason by the white house, he quote, throatened to ruzine came as a prime mover of the decision. So wow. If this bears out as true the Washington Post reporting that rosenstein whose been on the job for two weeks, three and a half weeks is threatening to resign because they had hung the entire resignation on him, clearly this helps explain why we saw, if true, a shifting rationale coming out of the whus today start wg the president himself in the oval office saying he wasnt doing a very good job. So mike pence still on talking poins this morning when he was on the hill. But then the president and Sarah Huckabee sanders saying this has been long in President Trumps mind since he became president. I feel bad because you all are excellent reporters and if we werent on tv right now youd all beworking your phones to confirm this the Washington Post story buzz it all makes sense. Interestingly, if you look at the memorandum we talked about much last night it was not to the president but sent to Jeff Sessions. He was talking about the song and verse and history of comey. It did not look like rationale for firing papers. If you look at the president s let, he under cut this entire thing. Hes the one that talked about russia. In his letter. Hin his letter, right. So the fact that things were thrown in together. For people that might not familiar with rosenstein, he is somebody that has had a long histy as a career Justice Department official. Hes had a lot of applause from democrats and republicans alike, which is the reason, lets be honest here, why the white house hung this whole thing on him anyway. Because it goes to the notion the white house, the president on down thinking this is going to be fine. Because the democrats didnt like comey, and well have the guy that just got in there that all the democrats love that even the democrats voted to confirm him. Hes a former obama u. S. At or near. Even before that, hes a career guy. But its not very often that trump appointees, nominees get bipartisan votes sw thats what happens. And the question has been quietly among people who knew him, when is he going to speak up. Also, maggy, what was so disengen ws about it is i believe that Rob Rosenstein believed the letter he wrote. Donald trump doesnt agree with one word of it. He couldnt care less. His only objection to how comey dealt with Hillary Clinton the Washington Post story hints what people have been hearing in writing this, at a certain point, look how many times can they just lie . Were on day 1 12 now. They give a reason, a complete white lie and the next day they have to give a kbleet other reason. There are several problems with this. To be clear, this begins and ends with the president. However, this also loops before it begins and ends with him through his staff, through what they say publicly, day by day. Theres a corrosive dishonesty about some of thought they have said since they came into office, certainly back during the campaign. We have yet to have a Global Crisis that is not of the president s making where theyre going to have to ask the American Public to believe them. But all this does is completely undermine them. You be to ask at what point are republicans in Congress Going to be feel pressured to say, yes, were concerned. The only person concerned, jason chaffetz, is on his way out. Yeah, what ever happened to tax reform . Its been put on ahold. These things have real consequences. Great panel. Really appreciate it. Another republican raising a red flag, a lawmaker who wants the Inspector General to look into the firing of james comey. [ birds chirping ] [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when theyre smoked. [ rat squeaking ] theyre dangerous long after. Cigarette butts are toxic. They release chemicals that poison our water. And harm wildlife. And millions. Are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ] welcome back. As more top lawmakers express their concerns about the firing of fbi director james comey a key republican congressmanjust called for an internal Just Department investigation to include the president s decision to fire james comey. Phil, whats the latest . Well, as lawmakers have tried to get their head around it, really grappled with whats trance pired over the last 30 hour, waev started to see really substantive with jason chaffetz. He has now requested they expand that inquery into what exact lehappened in the lead up of the firing to james comey. Now, what does that mean . Should they decide to pursue this aspect of the investigation, really has wide ranging latitude. This means interviews with top officials, access to documents as well. So these lingering questions how this actually trance pired, who told who what to do, these are the types of things that could be uncovered should the Inspector General decide to pursue this. Its worth noting this happened the same time the senate commit a took an entirely different posture issuing a subpoena to former National Security advisor Michael Flynn for documents relating to their investigation. Michael flynn said he would not provide those documents. Now he is being subpoenaed to do this. And its worth noting, jake, this is the first subpoena since their 9 11 inquery. So historically this is a very important moment. Its something that does not happen very often. Its made very clear they are ramping up their efforts,ache. Thank you. Joining me now senator tim cane and the president ial running mate of Hillary Clinton. Senator, thanks for joining me. Yeah, jake, good to be with you. So you dont buy the white house excuse the president was alarmed how comey went outside the realm of standard procedure during the clinton investigation. Jake, i dont buy it at all and for two reasons. The first is the pattern that is now developing when the deputy ag sally yates went to the white house and said, hey, flynn is compromised by contacts to russia, trump didnt fire flynn. He fired sally yates. A few weeks later when the contacts hits the press, flynn gets fired. And then sessions has to recuse himself. The investigation into the trump collusion with russia because Jeff Sessions had misled the Senate Judiciary committee about his contacts with russia. And thou they let director comey go when he is in the midst of this investigation into the trump collusion with russia days after hes seconds the Justice Department for more resources to conduct that investigation. This pattern is very, very troubling. Add to it the wording of President Trumps letter, the one page letter to comey letting him go. He is unusually fixated upon i really appreciate the fact that three times you told me i wasnt under investigation. That shows you when the president s concern is. He is deepily, deeply insecure and worried about the investigation into collusion with russia. Five days ago you said this about director comey. Take a listen. Director comey testified this week, and he made it very plain that he broke the fbi rules with respect to the Clinton Campaign and chose not to break the rules with respect to the Trump Campaign. I think it will go down as probably the lowest moment in the history of the fbi. Removing trump and the russia investigation from this for a second, from what you said there, it sounds like you would applaud his firing theoretically. No, jake, you get the fbi pursuant to law a ten year term for a reason. And thats to immunize them from criticism. I ought to be able to criticize an fbi correct director, and i do think director comey made some mistakes. And president should be able to criticize an fbi director. But you get a ten year term when youre fbi director so you can be free of affect from that criticism and do your job independently for ten years. This saz you go is completely without precedent in our history for a president to fire an fbi director in the middle of an investigation. The only similar is by the nixon administration. This is a very, very serious matter. Last week your former top of the ticket running mate Hillary Clinton was asked about why she lost the campaign. Heres part of what she said. I was on the way to winning until the combination of james comeys later on october 28th, and russian wikileaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me but got scared off. Secretary clinton clearly seems to blame comey significantly for her loss. Do you . You know, i think the fbi letter, there were a million factors. And its hard to untangle. The fbi letter was russia was, nate silver has done an investigation of that and come to the same conclusion. But there were a number of other factors, too. Im on two committees, arm services and Foreign Relations where our posture on russia is absolutely critical. My son was deployed along with his battalin. We cannot be involved in making these decisions about russia whether the head of our chief of staff with doubts about the white house, not just the campaign but then the transition and the administration itself. Whether theres collusion with the russian government over the election or anything else. So weve got to get to the bottom of this. This isnt about 2016. This is about what and who are in the white house right now. The attorney general Jeff Sessions as you just mentioned a plint ago reaccused himself from any matters having to do with any investigations into any president ial campaign. Do you think he violated that rucuseal in his fordwerreding of his deputys memo about comey . His, sessions own recommendation comey be terminated and now heading up the search for the next fbi director. I definitely think sessions violated the rucuseal. I definitely do. I dont see how he could be recommending the firing of james comely engaging in this Russian Investigation when he said he would recuse himself from this matter. Thats why the democrats have seconds for two things. We think its time for a especially prosecutor to be appointed. Even the poinment should not be made by a political appointee who was nominated by President Trump. There needs to be a special prosecutor to give people confidence. And the second thing weve asked for is we need to have Jeff Sessions, rod rosenstein, and james comey back up to the senate to answer questions about this. And in sessions case particularly, there will be very, very pointed questions about he could be involved in this at all given the fact he had ruaccused himself. Given the termination of comey, are you worried that the fbi will no longer be able to pursue a fair and impartial investigation into any possible Trump Campaign coordination with russia . Jake, i am concerned about it. Now, look, down the line in the fbi, and ive worked with him before. I was a mayor and governor, worked with Law Enforcement agencies including the fbi. I think, look, this is an effort by the Trump Administration and the president himself to thwart or undermine this investigation. If theres leadership at the top that is trying to undermine them, that leadership can do a lot of damage. Obviously, the nominee to be the next director of the fbi is of critical importance. And i think what youre going to see here in the senate is that nominee will probably get the most searching examination that any nominee in this body has ever gotten with the possible exception of Supreme Court justs. Because we will have to make sure that the fbi director is somebody who will independently get to the bottom of this story. And the democrats and republicans need to assure our svls of that. Senator tim cane of virginia, thank you very much for your time. Sources telling cnn President Trump felts that former fbi director comey was too much his own man. Should fbi directorers pledge allegiance to sitting president s . voiceover if your child is suffering due to their lack of reading skills, if youve tried tutors, learning centers, or expensive programs, and seen little improvement, then its time to call the usa reading clinic. Its effectiveness has amazed both parents and teachers. Traditionally, students are taught letters then words, but they arent trained in the mechanics of reading. 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Just before the break we heard senator tim kaine talk about his fealtings of while he disgreed of what a lot of comey did, he never called frim him to be fired, and he think he should carry out his ten year term. What do you think . For many reasons it does not look good for the Trump White House. For democrats, i think they may pay a bit of price for having convinced people comeys a really bad do. Because they went really to max telling people that and now that hes fired many people who are not paying attention to the lot of ins and outs are going to say wait is that a good thing or a bad thing . On his show, his audience applauded. They didnt know they were supposed to be opposed to that. And in fact President Trump earlier today put out a tweet video, i dont know what you would call it, calling for all these democrats for comey to be fired. At the time we didnt know comey had gone to Rob Rosenstein just a few days ago and asked for more money to investigate the Justice Department is denining that but its reported. Its well reported. But we didnt know whether or not the president actually knew that. So there are so many Unanswered Questions here. I dont think we should be going to james comey. I sus pektd theres a reason behind it, but i dont think that changes the underlying bad behavior of the president and trying to stifle this investigation. But does it not take some of the wind out of the sails of democrats . And know there are people who are legitimately surprised there was so much democratic push back because they thought i thought these democrats hated him. Nancy pelosiy said he needs another job. At the end of the day the way trump handled this, who actually believes that trump fired him because of the way he handled the investigation to Hillary Clintons server . Its such a joke that anyone would actually believe that. So, you know, lots of Unanswered Questions, which is exactly why we need a special prosecutor and independent commission to look into tat. And cong congressman kingston, the Trump White House has now completely changed story. They said the firing was because of Deputy Attorney general Rob Rosenstein. And this evening they put out a few time line that suggests it was not rosenstein but trump the driving force. The Washington Post reporting that when rosenstein was throwned the the bus yesterday, he threatened to quit. Hes a political pretzel. He was a loose canon. And ive got to say the people who branded fire comey were the democrats. And they really dont have credibility at this point to be clan complaining about in fact, i was commenting a mintts ago it was a double gift to the democrats. They got rid of somebody they wanted to get fired and now theyre complaining about it. This has nothing to do with the democrats. It has stwreer woe to do with them. This is about an fbi director who said hes investigating the white house, the campaign, and President Trumps behavior and then he gets fired. The Hillary Clinton investigation is long past done. This is about whether or not the president is if you fired comey, its all over the internet and now theyre trying to i was going to stickup for comey a tiny bit and say throughout of this america put him in a bad position by nominating two major candidates one of whom Hillary Clinton was under investigation and the other of whom had associates who were under investigation. So im not sure there was a good way to handle any of this. People who are in the fbi, we interviewed again earlier today and people there revere him. And they think that Hillary Clinton and donald trump and his associates put him in an impossible position. I think your point on democrats changing their tune, but you have to see the poin that President Trump has changed his tune on james comey as well. He loved james comey and what he did when it came to the letter on october 27th, and has said many, many nice things. Do you not think it looks remotely fishy that after he comes out and says theres an investigation into the possible collusion with russia, he gets fired . I dont think theres a time you could have fired someone like him without having fingers pointed at you in different directions. Hillary was just talking about him wanting more resources. I can say this, he was also criticized for going slowly. Well, surprise, surprise. And sometimes they actually slow down on purpose so they can get more money. So the fact hes saying that now but we dont even know the department of justice maybe he was fired because he wasnt moving quickly enough. The department of justice, they would be the ones to be the appropriate authority to ask for money. So i dont think thats actually legit. But im just saying if it was, its probably what bureaucrats do. Everyone stick around. Well have much more about where we go from here. Pain used to shut me down during pickup games. But with odor free blueemu continuous pain relief spray, i can box out any muscle or joint pain immediately. Blueemu continuous pain relief spray, it works fast and you wont stink. Welcome back to our coverage of the fallout after President Trump fired the fbi director james comey. Back with me is my political round table. I want to get your final thoughts. More than a day out from this bombshell firing. What might happen next . Where might we go, congressman . You have 150 agents investigating this. This is going to continue to happen. The senate and the house are going to continue investigating it. The white house will continue governing, take on the economy, job creation, isis, and meet with world leaders. And i think thats whats going on. And major emphasis is the white house. Who knows whats going to happen next . The story keeps changing by the minute. But i know theres got to be a special prosecutor appointed and an independent commission that looks into this. Do you think it will actually happen . Who knows . But it needs to happen. Thats the only way democracy can move forward . I think this was an impulsive decision. Its a mistake to ascribe too much strategy to it and sometimes not to think it so sophisticated or sinister as it looks on its face. I think the next step for republican centers and for the white house will tell us about this current step were seeing here because i think many republicans senator many of them have questions about the russia issue, will want to play their hand here, instead of on a commission or something and push him to pick somebody thats really a responsible person. Well know what that investigation looks like going forward. Hillary. The white house has had a very messy 24 hours. And weve gotten four stories out of them about what happened. I think we have a president who feels quite unaccountable to the truth. And this white house staff scrambles to keep up with the stories that come out. But the only way we are going to get the truth is if republicans on capitol hill demand it. If they step up and say, this isnt going to be acceptable. They will only do that if they start to feel like in their districts donald trump is losing popularity, is losing the honesty factor and they need to do something to save themselves. Adrian, let me ask you because we have about 45 seconds left. Sarah Huckabee Sanders said if Hillary Clinton had won she would have fired james comey. Youre on the campaign. Im old enough youre not, but im old enough to remember bill clinton hated his fbi director, lieuest freeh. He would have fired him if he could. He would have but he didnt. What do you think . Its hard to get into hypotheticals. If donald trump had any intention before yesterday of firing james comey, he should have done it the day he stepd into the presidency. The first day he was sworn into the white house. Just saying, whatever went on here, if the point was to take the eye off of russia and to tamp this down right. Strategically, the incorrect move. Right. Adrian, hillary, congressman kingston, thanks. Logon to cnn. Com for all of the latest breaking news. Thank you so much for watching. Why did you fire director comey . Because he was not doing a good job, very simply. He was not doing a good job. The reasoning sounds simple enough, but we have new details this morning about the president s real rationale for firing james comey, and it has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. Plus, Michael Flynn subpoenaed by congress. Will he finally hand over documents that his lawyers declined to provide last month . And what does that mean for the russia investigation . Good morning and welcome to early start. Im alison kosik. And im dave briggs. It is thursday, may 11th. Its 4 00 a. M. In the east. This firing of

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