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Little bit about how this actually works before we get started with our conversation. Every day around the world, intelligence agents monitor the communications of foreign agents and officials. Sometimes as a part of this, they pick up communications between those officials and americans. This is called incidental surveillance. And according to experts of all political stripes, it is completely routine. The identities of americans are masked or hidden in the intelligence reports. General michael hayden, a former director of the cia and the nsa described what happens next with those reports. One thing to importantly keep in mind, that report doesnt get to her desk unless someone at fort immediate at nsa already thinks it has significant foreign intelligence. So what general hayden is saying for a report of incidental Collection Featuring an american to make it to the desk of the National Security adviser, it would have been flagged as something of significance by intelligence agents at the nsa. So what happens then at the white house . Could susan rice unmask it on her own for political purposes . Again, let the expert explain. What you do, youve gotten the report. You say i really know who u. S. Person number 1 is. You fill out a request, in her case a staff member would fill out the request. It would go to nsa. And it would literally, wolf, e ajude da adjudicated. They make an adjudication. They make a decision. And then, wolf, if its yes, that identity is revealed only to the requester, not to everyone else on the original distribution. So this is very careful and very well documented. It should be easy to find out how often she asked, why, who was revealed, and under what circumstances. Got that . It goes back to the nsa where the Intelligence Experts decide the unmasking. And it creates an extensive paper trail. How hard is that to trace . Frankly, you put half a dozen folks whose judgment you trust on a bus. You send them up to fort immediate. This is a limited universe. They could do it in a morning. Wolf, if you want answers, this is easily arrived at. Now there is an idea. A paper trail. Answers, facts. We didnt get any of that today. Just an accusation of criminal activity lobbed from the oval office with no proof to offer. Now i want to bring in cnn National Security analyst julia kayyem, National Security analyst steve hall, chief of Russian Operations and laura coates, a former federal prosecutor. I think its important to explain, by the way, welcome all of you, to the viewer, to the American People exactly how this works and try to remove as much of the politics from this as possible so people can know before they come up with an idea or judge it for themselves. So julia, its easy for President Trump and his associates to spend the whole unmasking of someone when its not something that americans are familiar with. But its not an easy nor is it a frivolous process, correct . Thats exactly right. At the very beginning before the unmasking is even called for, for most foreign intelligence wiretaps, it actually goes through a court. And called the foreign Intelligence Surveillance court. Specialized judges who ask questions of the prosecutors who are seeking the wiretap and sort of an interactive process in which they ensure there is enough information so that the fbi is not putting a bunch of wiretaps on a bunch of people. So not only is the unmasking highly regulated, the very act of the foreign intelligence is. So youre talking about dozens of barriers to this notion compared to the notion that trump tweeted out so many weeks ago now about obama deciding one day to wiretap me and therefore i was wiretapped. Steve, how often are americans names unmasked in the course of investigating Foreign Nationals or potential spies in the u. S. . First of all, don, my compliments, that leadin was great that was a great explanation. I had not heard a better one yet. Thank you. That really nails it, especially general haydens comments. Look, it happens pretty frequently. Perhaps more frequently than you would imagine. Jewuliette is right. The fisa warrants are looking all over the world and also in the United States. The folks that youre monitoring, theyre talking to everybody. Theyre talking to the pizza guy. Theyre talking the people who theyre renting their homes from. But theyre also talking to people of much more significance. And when i was in my old job, there are all sorts of times when i would read a report and say look, we really need to find out who american person number 1 or 2 is. Why . Because it was very pertinent to what the russian or whoever the other Foreign National was up to when we suspected that there was no good, or espionage, or other things going on. It happens frequently, but its also really obvious when you need to know who the american. Its not as if someone is coming through looking for people to unmask. People have too much work to do. It is an extremely well documented process. And it does happen quite frequently when you have americans come up in this type of collection. So laura, just so our audience understand, the names roenl giv are only given to the person asking. Are the names spread around . No, and unmasking is not leaking. It provides context to figure out if the information is relevant and pertinent and something we need to know about. When people think about looking at that issue, they think about democracy. But there is also a huge bureaucracy. And that has checks and balances within each agency to ensure that our liberties are protected. And part of that means a paper trail. And part of that means an unmasking of information to provide information to the people who need to know it to make further determinations. But to jump to the conclusion this is somehow unlawful because it gives a particular name is really misapprehending the actual process of the bureaucratic institution and the reason why they have the unmasking in the first place. Juliette, the president is accusing susan rice of a crime. She was a National Security adviser. Isnt that her job to seek more information . Or is it possible that she committed a crime . What you think . Not from the evidence that we have seen. And this is clearly susan rices sort of favorite target of many since the benghazi days. She has said she did not leak it. She did not leak it. I should just say that clearly there is plenty of evidence that suggests others had access to the name that we all know that was report monday in the washington post. But what i will say is how dangerous it is to have a sitting president accuse the former National Security adviser with no proof whatsoever and the New York Times made that clear in the interview with him of an illegal act, a criminal act with no proof. Meanwhile, not to remind everyone, we have syria and north korea and china, and actually, real issues of which is not entirely clear what the president means or what his policy is in that regard. And so its just to me, its more of a sad pathetic interview. It really was. She didnt do anything illegal. Its not leaking. And i hope that the National Security adviser, h. R. Mcmaster has the same capacity to do the same thing to unmask a name if he determines through all the checks and balances that an american name needs to be known to him to understand the context to protect this country. Okay. Can you stand by panel . I want to bring you back. Im going to bring in cnn correspondent Jessica Schneider because we have news tonight about the release of a convicted russian spy. Good evening there is news a convicted russian spy has been released back to moscow. That spy part of the same spy ring that we heard about earlier this week because they tried to recruit carter page back in 2013. What can you tell its about this that . This is evgeny. He is 42 years old. He was released on prison on friday after serving 26 months of his 30month sentence. Now immigration and Customs Enforcement took him into custody immediately upon his release from that prison in ohio five days ago, and then escorted him back to moscow today where he was turned over to russian authorities. But here is the thing. All of this happened in the very same week it was released that carter page was one of the targets of a spy ring that buryakov, in an effort to make carter page an intelligence source. Page admitted he did correspond with a member of the spy ring but he was only revealing information about his research into Energy Policy and there was nothing more nefarious or illegal about that communication. But this russian spy who is reported today, he was never implicated by the feds as dealing directly with carter page, but he was working with at least one russian who did meet with page. So a very Interesting Development today. So why was this russian spy released nearly four months short of his full sentence . It does seem a bit odd there are questions. Why was buryakov released a few days before the carter page story came out and deported just today while all of the details of the carter pages russian connections were garnering a lot of renewed attention. I talked to lawyers about this, associated with the case. They do tell me that there is nothing unusual about a federal inmate being released a few months early. In fact, they say this was all under the purview of the bureau of prisons. They have uniform calculations about inmates typically being released about serving 85 of their time. And in this case, don, buryakov did serve 86. 6 of his time. This might be routine. Jessica schneider, much appreciated as always. So juliette, buryakov was supposed to serve 30 months for spying and trying to recruit americans for spying. He got out a few months early. That suspicious . I dont know if its necessarily suspicious. The statistic i would like is for people accused of espionage, do they actually get out earlier . Im all for criminal justice reform. Espionage is the golden egg. If you get someone for espionage, remember, he plead. So thats the comparable statistic to determine whether this is routine or not. Steve, the thing is, given all the intrigue, right, and the investigation surrounding the trump administrations connections or possible collusion or whatever with russia, whatever is happening here, isnt it odd that the u. S. Would release a spy who tried to recruit someone who is tied to the administration . It really that really does turn into more of a Law Enforcement and corrections issue. Ill take folks at their word when they say 85 of his time seems about right. If memory serves, he was convicted of not reporting his status as an agent of a foreign power, which is oftentimes how the fbi gets folks sort of short of a full espionage conviction. Im not sure than. I could be wrong. But thats typically a lighter sentence. I can tell you that this is sort of typical operating procedure for the Russian Intelligence Services. They are going to look in a very long theyre looking at a very long time horizon. So they see somebody like page or somebody else who in 2013 might not have been an obvious target, but theyre looking for people who are sort of swimming in the important milieus in the United States power structures. Didnt he work at a bank that Jared Kushner met with . That to me is the most interesting part of this whole story. Because he was working for ved bank, the head of which trained or was at the fsb school, the internal Russian Intelligence Service school and clearly has ties to intelligence. So the kushner veb bank tie is the one that interests me more than mr. Buryakov. This reminds me i feel like im watching an a episode from the americans here. It sounds like conspiracy and almost has been written somehow. But the real thing for me as the prosecutor look at this is while you have a congressional investigation going on in an fbi investigation going on into the possible ties between russia and people among the Trump Campaign and or administration, you have somebody who is no longer under the subpoena power of the United States to provide any testimony whatsoever. They either corroborates or negates what we already know to be perhaps fact. And when you have taken somebody and deported them to russia with whom we do not have an extradition treaty, you akin that person to an edward snowden, a julian asanctions, can no longer testify and has no incentive to do so. So either by creating a deadend, or because now they cannot have an impact on the investigation, we are left with a deadend that we cannot undo because of our ongoing relationship with russia and our failure to have extradition. All right, thank you, juliette. Thank you, steve. Thank you, laura. I appreciate it. When we come back, President Trump facing multiple international crises, not to mention a big change inside the white house among his advisers. More on that next. Were out ink,nk not ink. Buying ink doesnt have to be painful. Now, during hp savings month at staples, buy one hp ink and get the second 40 off. At where instead of payinging a befor middlemen,em. We work directly with family farms to deliver Higher Quality ingredients for less than you pay at the store. Get 30 off at blueapron. Com cook that 100k is not exactly a fortune. Well, a 103 how long did it take you two to save that . A long time. Then its a fortune. I told you we had a fortune. Get closer to your investment goals with a conversation. E trades powerful trading tools, give you access to indepth analysis, and a team of experienced traders ready to help if you need it. Its like having the power of a trading floor, wherever you are. Its your trade. E trade another busy day for President Trump dealing with big personnel moves in the white house, throwing out more allegations against the obama administration, all while juggling two Major International crises. I want to bring in cnn Global Affairs analyst david rohde. National security investigations ed for reuters, and sally quinn. Good to have both of you in. The New York Times saying steve bannon threatened to quit over being demoted today. Here is what the times saying. Mr. Bannon resisted the move, even threatening to quit if it went forward, according to a white house official who like others insisted on animitzty. Mr. Bannons camp denied he had threatened to resign and a spent the day spreading the word that the shift was a national evolution. What do you think of all this intrigue . Do you buy that too . I do. And i think weve heard this before. There is a lot of infighting going on in this white house. This is another sign of it. I think this is another chapter. Its a step forward for mcmaster. In the end, there is all the focus on who is around the president. The president makes these decisions. Donald trump is decide wlag to talk about every and it was the same with barack obama. There can be a bubble. I wouldnt over read this that somehow bannon has lost all influence. I want you to take a look at this picture. This is, you know, it shows bannon in the press conference. You can see jared, ivanka, reince priebus, you can see rex tillerson. Standing up with Vice President pence. Noticeably absent steve bannon, and conway do you think is a indication who is winning the power struggle in the white house who has a direct line to the president or his ear . I think bannons theory of deconstruction is being deconstructed. You know, he came in and basically wanted to throw a grenade in the nsc. You know, just sort of like lets make a lot of noise and lets turn everything upside down and redo everything. And i think whats happening now is that mcmaster is basically trying to put the pieces back together again the way they once were by bringing back the dni and the pentagon people into the meetings. And i think im reading a little bit more into bannons demise then a lot of people are. But i just think that hes becoming sort of an embarrasment to the president. Hes becoming a joke. And the whole darth vader thing and president bannon. And i think at some point trump is not going like that. And inc. Ivanka and jared are really not going to like that. So my feeling is that bannons star is falling. So im going to read a little more into it than others night. So lets talk about some of the things that happened but i wanted to say from you asking me about kellyanne. She has been awol for about three weeks. And there are a lot of journalists who dont want to deal with her and dont want to her on their show and dont want to interview her because they dont think she is truthful. So that could be a problem as well for the white house. To have that kind of perception in one of their spokespeople. I dont know about the photograph what it all means, maybe she was baby sitting with her children at home instead of tweeting in the oval office. But i think both of their stars are falling a little bit. Okay. So let me ask you this, david. Because you said that the president makes these decisions, he makes up his own mind. He has a history of making statements that are untrue, including the former president wiretapped trump tower and said former National Security advisor susan rice is guilty of a crime all of this without any proof of evidence what do you think. This is why. You can have the greatest nsc process, best experts from across the government is the president going to listen to them . And he doesnt always listen. I was in washington today. The briefings are always shorter. He doesnt engage before he makes calls to foreign leaders. He doesnt absorb as much information as sort of other president s have. Ive heard this from a career person. Im not saying its all about trump, but he should be held accountable for what he is saying and what he is doing. Sally do, you think he understands the impact of making such serious charges whenone it comes to the most powerful person in the country and then the National Security adviser. Does he understand as the most powerful person in the country mao tim pack that those words have . I dont think he understands it. But more importantly i dont think he cares. It doesnt matter. I mean, he can say that obama was spying on him. He doesnt care. Doesnt make any difference to him. He can say that susan rice is guilty of a crime. He doesnt say what the crime is. But it doesnt matter. It all sort of goes up in the ether. You think hes deflecting from russia . I think clearly thats a problem. By the way, speaking of russia, he talked about syria today and how terrible and all these babies. You didnt hear a word out of his mouth about the russians being behind this, because the russians behind assad wouldnt dare do this if the russians werent behind it. And where does he get the gas . The russians know assad had all this gas and they prevented the United States from getting rid of it all. So they knew he had it and knew he was able to use it. I think hes trying to blame obama for what happened today but it seems to me this is his red line and one thing he could do is bomb syrian planes to stop this. This is his moment to put up or shut up because hes been complaining about obama for last couple years. Well, david, as sally said, he blamed the former president for the syrian problem but last week secretary tillerson was asked about assad. He said the longer term status of president assad will be decided by the syrian people. And then you have senators marco rubio, you have mccain, you have graham, they have deep experience of foreign policy. And they said that effectively gave assad the green light that he wanted. Throughout the campaign dozen tweets where donald trump said barack obama, do not go into syria. Its a waste of time. He ran essentially as an isolationist. Is this president Response Form what happened here then . Yes. He has been in office long enough. And i think again, this is the moment. Sally said he has to put up or shut up. Hes got to respond. I think hes being tested by assad and he is being tested by kim in north korea. Its not a coincidence that a Ballistic Missile launch goes off the day before he is meeting with the president of china. I think these countries are testing donald trump. He promise shed going to talk tough and everyone will respect us. But he is also promising not to get us engaged militarily. But now he says he might do that. You cant visit both ways. You have to take risk, maybe engage militarily, maybe stay out. Thank you, sally. Ive got to run, unfortunately. Thank you so much. Dont miss the premier of cnn films unseen enemy, the story of how a deadly disease could turn into the next global pandemic. Thats friday night at 9 00 eastern and pacific. Well be right back. Various shouting heigh ho its off to work we go woman on the gulf coast, new exxonmobil projects are expected to create over 45,000 jobs. And each job created by the Energy Industry supports two others in the community. Altogether, the industry supports over 9 million jobs nationwide. These are jobs that natural gas is helping make happen, all while reducing americas emissions. Energy lives here. I think wthe disasteraced with all while reducing americas emissions. That strikes a country, you do see that people care. People were dying. We have to do something about this. We have something in development, so well accelerate. I think it was really necessary for people, companies to step up and try to do something about this. [ [ screams ] ] [ shouting ] brace yourself this is crazy [ tires screeching ] whoo boom baby rated pg13. [ screams ] Oreilly Factor bolting for the exits. More than 40 Companies Pulling their ads over allegations of Sexual Harassment. So could bill oreillys days on the Fox News Channel be numbered . President trump defending him today, saying he doesnt think oreilly did anything wrong. Lets discuss now. Dylan byers here, Senior Reporter for media and politics. Good evening, dylan. Thanks for joining us. The president also defended the fox news host. And he defended fox news chief roger ailes last year when he was facing Sexual Harassment allegations. Is the president s support to bill oreilly indicative of the relationship he still holds with this network . I think thats absolutely right. It would be very hard to watch fox news programing, especially in prime time and not come to the conclusion that those hosts and this president are Kindred Spirits and one defends the other. And weve seen that relationship work both ways. I think the president knows where his bread is buttered. I think he likes the fact that guys like oreilly and hannity and Tucker Carlson go out and defend him every night here. I think the president has his own history of being accused of Sexual Harassment. During the campaign there was the access Hollywood Tape in which he talked about grabbing women by their genitals. So look, he is as much on the defensive here as they would on this issue as aisles was and as oreilly is now. But youll remember when trump came out and defended aisles, that was just a week before aisles was ousted from the company. Im not sure trumps endorsement is good news for bill oreilly. Thats what i said at the beginning of the program. Im not sure it helps either of them, especially when you listen to that access Hollywood Tape we played in the beginning of the program. Fox news came out and said they stand behind bill oreilly. As of tonight, over 40 advertisers, they dont stand behind him. Is there any sign that fox is going to rethink keeping him on air. Look at that. Look at those advertisers. Its truly amazing. 48 hours ago it was one or two. 24 hours it was about 20, 21. Now were dealing with more than 40. The list keeps growing and growing and growing. There is a little bit fox news is a little bit inoculated from any sort of economic pressure from these advertisers because most of those ads are being reassigned to other shows on the network. So those ads you used to see on bill oreillys program now, maybe youll see them on hannitys program, on fox friends, what have you. There is also so much of the revenue in cable news comes not from advertising but from affiliate fees. The question here is not so much about the economic dent that is going to be made from the advertiser boycott, its really a question about public pressure. Its really a question about how much 21st century fox feels the pain from this public pressure. And then deciding what kind of pressure they want to be. I think a lot of people, including sources inside of fox news is saying if this werent bill oreilly, if this werent the socalled king of cable news with the highest rated show in television, he would have been out a long time ago. Fox cant afford the lose him because he brings in revenue that makes over a billion dollars in revenues for 21st century fox. Interesting. Im glad you said that i tried to explain to people for the last several days that its not necessarily the advertisers, which theyre important, but subscription rates bring in more money than advertising to cable. Thats right. So we should just note there if you look at bill oreillys ratings, he continues to be very strong. He has a loyal audience that audience is sticking with him. As long as that audience is there, thats good for affiliate. Theyll subscribe to Fox News Channel when theyre trying to figure out what cable services. Thank you, dylan. I want to bring in cale leagkal mcenany. Kudos to oreilly for the ratings. Its just sort of sad that i think dylans point is exactly correct. If he were a lesser success or frankly not a television star, anyone elsewhere these kinds of allegations were made public so repeatedly, we can hope we can hope he would be out. Then again honestly, i dont know, the truth is, this happens all the time. And the men the survive their jobs. Were talking when a man who boasted, not about Sexual Harassment, but Sexual Assault gets elected by half the country. To be president and be promoted . What do i tell my daughter then. This isnt okay, but you still get to be a tv star and still get to be president. Thats a problem. Here is what you tell your daughter. Were a country that believes in redemption. And donald trump apologized. No, you can scoff. But donald trump apologized. And not only, that ben carson said he prayed the night before he went on the debate and had to address. This he prayed and asked god for forgiveness. We can roll our eyes, laugh at that, whatever you may. But were a country that believes in redemption. Donald trump is not a misogynist. He asked for forgiveness, and half the country gave it to him. Kaleigh, whoa, whoa, whoa. We do believe in redemption. And i believe in redemption more than anybody else. But i dont think someone who says those words, i think people around the country would think that they possibly do they deserve to be the president of the United States right. When you say things like that. There are certain standards, there is a certain bar that one must meet in order to be the leader of the free world. The oval office and actually committed an act there . He faced the music for those. And listen, im not condemning bill clinton. What he did was horrible. And if he had been taken out of office, thats what the American People would have decided. The American People wanted decided they wanted donald trump to be president of the United States. Im just saying someone should meet a certain bar before they become president of the United States. The Electoral College did decide that. Thank god for the American People writ large who did not. Its important for us to make distinctions. Im a christian too. I believe in forgiveness and redemption. But i dont think when you do something so egregious you should be promoted for your behavior. I think perhaps you should be disciplined and definitely not given the highest office in the land. Lets bring this back then to bill oreilly, which is what were talking about, does someone to be in the position that theyre in if there are accusations or if they have committed possible committed horrible acts . You have worked at fox news. Youve worked there. Youve worked there. I havent. Im interested in hearing. Im interested in hearing your perspective. That would be interesting. Look, i think you have to remember we dont really know what happened. He settled, right . Settling is not necessarily admission of guilt. I cant say whether this happened or it didnt happen. I think that its obviously very problematic when you have this many allegations against one person. I think looking at the advertisers pulling away, theyre clearly uncomfortable with it. And i think we have seen our Culture Shift somewhat on this issue. The question is has it shifted as much as maybe you think it has shifted. I think the change of culture, when you look at what happened with bill cosby because the same arguments were made by bill cosby. And this show was one of the first shows to start covering the allegations of bill cosby to the extent that we did. But i do have to say, when someone says that we dont know, and we dont know, sean hannity works there. Gets paid a lot of money. Havent heard anybody saying a lot about that. Tucker carlson works there, makes a lot of money. Havent heard them say anything. Megan kan megyn kelly worked there. We want to be fair. Im just saying. Bill hemmer works there. Bill im sure makes a lot of money. Do you understand the point . Brit hume works there. He makes a lot of money. And on and on. Look, i think here is the thing. The other thing is its knowable. Im just saying i dont know. But i think that fox probably does no, right. The people who have had access to the and so i think that they know what happened. And they have to make a decision what they want to do. Its hard for me sitting here not having access. Kaleigh says redemption, right . It is hypocritical, though, when youre the family values channel to allow someone who possibly did this to stay on the air and not question it . Well talk about that when we come back. As after a dvt blood clot,ital i sure had a lot to think about. What about the people i care about . Including this little girl. And what if this happened again . I was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me . So i asked my doctor. And he recommended eliquis. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. Yes, eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. Eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Both made me turn around my thinking. Dont stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. 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And, at miracleear, we take the time to get to know you, grandpa so we can ensure you hear what matters most in your world. Call, click or come in today to learn how to start your better days. Miracleear. Hear a better day. Bill oreilly under fire. Will fox news keep him on the air. Back now with my panel. This is what you say sally. You talk about the hypocrisy and the conservative media outlet keeping someone like bill oreilly. This has not been settled. The presumption of innocence. You say fox needs to show people that they are serious about changing the culture at their network, and the best way they can do that is by firing oreilly. Why do you say that . The truth is what fox does know, it is accusations to the public. The truth is fox probably does in fact know the truth. So we can assume that there is a truth. And assuming that they paid out 13 million in settlements to multiple accusations. By the way, including pending, there are additional pending lawsuits. Assuming that they are in fact true, or frankly, even one of them is valid, they should take action and do something. Lets also be clear. At least according to one study, one in three women in this country has experienced some form of Sexual Harassment. And most of those women arent like me or the folks at this table to w. H. O. Have the means to go and get a lawyer and take this public. Theyre in rest rooms or work rooms at walmarts and dive restaurants. And they dont have the opportunity to bring this to public the way that these acc e accusers do. Fox needs to do this not only for their network, but frankly, they have a leadership role in the country that says this isnt okay. The opposite of that is to give them more power because Sexual Harassment is when you have power and use that power to abuse women. To at least take his power away. Sexual harassment is of course inexcusable. That goes without saying there is two separate rights here. There is the rights of the women to level the accusations there is also the right of bill oreilly. We dont know what happened. We can sit here and surmise. Well can pontificate, this might have happened. But calling for him to lose his job when we dont know the details . We havent seen one single court document. I think that is extreme. Youre completely nullifying his rights. Listen, first of all, were not talking about rights. This isnt a court, right . Were talking what a private company chooses to do. It is their choice. It is obviously their choice. Sure. But just like if he made by the way, i have to point out the irony in this. 21st century fox. If takes him down after all the incredibly offensive racial bias and sexism, he has said things, im far more worried about the things he said, the policies he has supported. But he does run an opinion show, though. And i find some of his opinions have been downright offensive. Youre calling for someone to lose their job, and you dont even know if he did what they said. Im saying two things. I think he should have lost his job a long time ago because of some of the things he said in the policy positions. But the number of person. No, no, im not calling for Tucker Carlson to lose his job. Thats not true. The second point is. Its the choice of a business who theyre going to get rid of or not. The things he said are offensive in our country. You wont even appear youre the only one. Well, now i cant. Under contractual obligation. But i was called repeatedly to go on fox and i wouldnt go on any of the shows. Thats your message and you think they need to send a message . I think they have an opportunity to really rise above like the mess. Its been a messy election. We heard the president s tapes. We know that roger ailes had the same issues. We know there are memoirs about these things happening at fox. Im not saying that bill oreilly did it. I do agree with sally that his character is the real problem here. And they have an opportunity to say that this is time for somebody to pay for this. And it doesnt matter how much advertising or subscription revenue were getting from a particular show. Ill give you the last word. I disagree he should have lost his job over the things that he said. But sally and i have disagreement about this regularly. Im a free speech nut which means i think no matter how horrible things people are saying, they should be able to say them. He has a perspective. I disagree with him. I used to fight with him all the time. Do you think hell survive . My gut is probably yes, he will survive. Because i think he makes a lot of money for the network. Thank you all. I appreciate it. Join us on cnn newsroom wish with don lemon where we do it live. Pepsi pulling its commercial, but the backlash is just getting bigger. Let me talk to you about retirement. A 401 k is the most sound way to go. 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Im a people person. drumming resumes the controversial pepsi ad rubbed so many people the wrong way that pepsi has yanked it and issued an apology. Lets look at what has so many people up in arms. We are the chosen we shine now oh, boy. Who better to break it down thats what it is all about. A pretty girl and a good looking cop. She hands him a pepsi. Should we make it clear to all the black youth and brown youth in america, do not give cops pepsis as a way to stop them from abusing. Lets make that clear. Do not hand a cop a pepsi. Maybe a coke. Not a pepsi. I mean, listen. This is all the kids are talking about and they were using protest imagery with Kendall Jenner here. Are you surprised at how quickly they yanked it . The apology . I am surprise that had they yanked it. It shows the power of social media to get things done, how powerful we can be. But ill not surprised they knew it was bad. Because it was immediate. People were live tweeting the ad, it was so bad. Hold on, let me pause on social media so i can protest this ad. It was hate tweet event. Every time i watch it. The response is laughter. So bernies king whose mother and father was assassinated, tweeted if only daddy would have known about the power of pepsi. Woo i had to get up and walk around and hold my head after i saw that tweet. Oh, my god. Thats so intense. That she is invoking her dad from beyond the grave to tell you, dont do that. I think thats when pepsi was like, pull that ad. Dr. King basically told us it was a bad ad. It was the entire social Justice Movement saying thats not okay. What was the purpose behind this . I think what was the matter . What were they trying get out of it . I think it showed the power of not having representation in corporations. Clearly there was no black or brown person or even super cool white person. What are we doing here . What are we saying . Because millennials who the ad was aimed at are big into entrepreneurship. But you have to have the social part. There was nothing where you give every poor black kid a can of pepsi. There was nothing about how well help well give. 0001 of our profits to schools. There was nothing about that ad. If you have a protest sign, it has to say something. You cant just have a sign saying protest. It is about representation to me. Black lives matter. Black sodas dont matter. You stupid. That was on you. Thanks for putting that on facebook. So you get an applause for a camera . What . The image of Kendall Jenner. The same image of a black woman whose name escapes me right now. The black lives matter protest in my hometown of batten rouge. Yeah, its a powerful image. When you match that up against Kendall Jenner in her tuxedo to the com who says i guess it wont kill anybody today. Bits representation. There werent enough peel in the room. Making a big mistake. Pepsi, youre number two. Do you want to be number three or four . That was some united shade of america. April 30. 10 00 p. M. Thank you. Thats it for us. Thanks for watching. Ill see you right back here tomorrow. Captions by vitac ways to measure success. Theresn and whether you have hundreds or millions. We think you deserve the Financial Freedom to sleep like this at night. This is the new success story. And at tiaa, were with you. Start today at tiaa dot org. They carry your fans shpassions, hopes, and dreams. S. And maybe, a chance at greatness because shoulders were made for greatness. Not dandruff. Were out ink,nk not ink. Buying ink doesnt have to be painful. Now, during hp savings month at staples, buy one hp ink and get the second 40 off. Crazy. [ chuckles ] [ male announcer ] you get it all started. You bring them all together. [ chatter ]. And sometimes cart them around, too. And when it comes to making custom tshirts that make the event, you do it all with customink. 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