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Even though thats what the president claimed. Can we really take President Trump and his administration at their word . Skblet lets get to the report on repealing obama care. Steven moore, a former senior economic adviser to the trump campaign. Gloria, lets dive into it, shall we . Okay. So 14 million more americans would be uninsured by 2018. Thats according to a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. 24 million more uninsured by 2026. Is this the report they were expecting . It was the report they were bracing themselves for, they were trying to undermine the credibility of the cbo last week and this week. They knew they were going to get some bad numbers. There are still regulations that are yet to be proposed, there are fixes we cant to do. This isnt the be all end all. This is a real big problem. You have more uninsured, more older people who are going to end up paying more. You have people in red states who are going to end up paying more. Theres a lot trump supporters. Theres a lot of problem here. Working class voters, i mean. Were going to dive into this deeper, i want to get to premiums, and ill go to you after that. Theyre expectd to jump 20 in 2018. By 2026 the average premiums would decrease 10 over the Current System. People are going to have to wait for savings it sounds like. There would be more access, you would see Insurance Companies going into one, two companies in several states. I think theres going to be an incredible sticker shock, political sticker shock for the folks that supported donald trump based upon the fact that he would repeal obama care. The white house and congressional leaders have been trying to discredit the cbo ahead of this. Heres speaker ryan today. If you read this entire report. Im pretty encouraged by it it exceeded my expectations. Were saying the government is not going to force people to buy something they dont want to buy. People arent going to buy that. Republican leadership says this is about a choice. Do the numbers really show that, or is this taking away insurance . Well, i dont agree with paul ryan this is somehow theres somehow a Silver Lining in this report, there isnt one, i dont think its credible it is true if you got rid of obama care and did nothing. Then people got all these subsidies and were put on medicaid. Thats what obama care really was, the vast extension of medicaid. If you take 240those people off medicaid, theyre going to lose their insurance. The flaw in this study is, it doesnt assume something is going to follow. Expansion of medical savings accounts, allowing people to buy insurance across state lines, malpractice, medical malpractice reform, those kinds of things. One other point that i think really i find kind of infuriating about this report. Obama care is crashing and burning. Okay. We stay with the Current System millions of people are going to lose their Health Insurance. Nobody can afford it, you talked about 20 increases in premiums. Thats obama care, its not whats going to happen. This is going do increase as well. By 2026 the average premiums would decrease, compared to 10 under the Current System. I mean, up front its a sticker shock, but who knows if its going to get that far, where people actually see a decline in what theyre going to pay. If you said you dont agree with paul ryan, is this lipstick on a pig, you think . I think he is trying to put lipstick on it. Its a bad report for the republicans, theres no way to deny that. Republicans have to say, we have a plan thats going to keep people insured. What i would do, and i think this is a number of the republican plans, is to say, look, the first two or three years, people who have coverage now will continue with that coverage. Until we come up with a new system that is free market oriented. The reason i have faith in the fact that premiums are going to fall, thats what competition does, when you have competition in any industry. What happens . They fall. Heres what republicans like about this, 337 billion savings by 2026. They like that figure, but at what cost . Sure. Of this savings. Were about half of the savings comes from the wealthy, from the affluent. We cut their taxes, and then guess what, a lot of people who are poor or not affluent, lose their insurance. Is that really what the republicans want to go to the cant with. I dont think they can cure it rhetorically, if they have additional plans like medical savings accounts. Bring them on. Lets not dance around put the thing out there, and figure it out. I do not think. I think the real dilemma is this. The changes that swould be required to make this come in much closer to zero, those changes will not pass the house and senate led by republicans. Thats their central dilemma. I dont think this is going to pass either at this point. Its very difficult to do health care reform, the president himself said you wouldnt believe how complicated it is. But its easy. But it is complicated. As he has. Thats what he said, you wouldnt believe, i didnt think it was going to be so complicated. Its really not that comply indicated. It really is. And what they are discovering is, you cant propose this as one step, and then say, but the rest is coming, trust us. It will all you cant, because people want to know what theyre going to pay, and when you tell people who are not on medicare yet, but say theyre in their 60s, and you tell them theyre going to have a 20 to 25 premium increase, when theyve been promised theyre not going to suffer financially, which is what dr. Price, the head of hhs has said, theyre going to be upset about, so now you have to see republicans going home and trying to figure out how to sell this to their constituents when they dont believe it themselves. Look, this year premiums went up by 20, 25 under obama care. Not everywhere, though. Well, steven, how many people have on average they did, and in arizona, where i was 2 or 3 weeks ago, they went up 100 . They doubled. Since obama care went into effect. We had 20 million new people coming on the roles. We have 1,000 new people coming back. Is that something you think is a sustainable or political objective . What about the states that have taken the Medicaid Expansion money, and theyre going to lose all that money and those people a lot of republican governors as mark points out. Thats going to be a real problem for republicans. You guys act as if somehow the status quo is somehow sustainable. No, i dont think anyone here is saying that. I think what theyre saying, steve. If youll let me jump in here. I dont think theres anyone who has said that obama care is great. Not even people who helped make obama care a law, helped put it into practice. If you dont have a better plan, why this plan . Maybe you should cool your jets for a little bit, come up with a better plan, and then propose that to the american people, am i wrong with that . Ill agree with you. Eight years, six or seven or eight years, theyve been trying to repeal and replace obama care for years, this is the best they can do. I agree with you, i think republicans have not done a good job of explaining what the replacement is, thats making people nervous. Were all in agreement with that, what im saying is, i think you can do this a lot better, in ways that cover everybody, but reduce costs by 25 or 30 , if you have a competitive market, which obama care didnt really create. Lets listen to the president , and ill get everybody in. Lets listen to the president today. We let it go for another year, it will totally implode. I told the republicans, why dont you let it go for another year, that way everyone will understand how bad it is. By repealing it, everyones going to say it used to be so great. It wasnt great. I tell tom price, paul ryan, every one of them. The best thing you can do politically is wait a year, its going to blow itself off the map. Its the wrong thing to do for the country, its the wrong thing to do for the citizens. No president , if you care about the american people, youre not going to let something fail because of youre playing with peoples 4e8th. Hes threatened why dont we let it fail, and blame it on the democrats. Thats what he said ten days ago. We dont know for certain, but i do think this, in are democrats who know that obama care needs to be fixed. There are definite president obama himself said it needed to be fixed. There were parts of it that needed to be. If you were able to get a repeal and repair kind of solution, you may get democrats to come in, you give us three or four things. Thats not what he campaigned on. I think President Trump might be right, which is, that if he had not done this right away, he could have done infrastructure, he could have gotten a win, he could have gotten a whole bunch of democrats to get on boort with him. He could have gotten a bunch of democrats to spend a lot of money on roads and bridges and gotten a victory that way, and then do health care after you know, the order in which a president does things, we have learned over and over again, is really important. He did say in the first 100 days, one of the first orders of business would be to repeal and replace thats why he got stuck, he wanted to keep his word. He painted himself into a corner. Whether theyre very conservative or more centrist. If you look at the numbers we showed at the top of the show if that many people are going to be uninsured. Thats going to be difficult i have to get to the break about you want to get in, i know. But youre coming back. Gloria, you talked about blue color workers in red states. They may be suffering more than any other voter under this new plan. According to the cbo . Well talk about that when we come back. Looks delicious, huh . Yeah. Richard, try to control yourself. I cant help it. And how about that aroma . Love that aroma umph craveability, approved oh, can i have some now . sure help yourself. Wait, what . Irresistibly planters. Nobody does unlimited like tmobile. While the other guys gouge for unlimited data. Tmobile one save you hundreds a year. Right now get two lines of data for 100 dollars. With taxes and fees included. Thats right 2 unlimited lines for just 100 bucks. All in. And right now, pair up those two lines with two free Samsung Galaxy s7 when you switch. Yup free. So switch and save hundreds when you go all unlimited with tmobile. The kind of deep sleep i can only get on my tempurpedic. It adapts to me. My shape, my size, my body. Tempurpedic. This sleep is power. I realize that ah, that 100k is notwell, a 103fortune. Yeah, 103. Well, let me ask you guys. How long did it take you two to save that . A long time. Then its a fortune. Well, im sure you talk to people all the time who think 100k is just pocket change. Right now were just talking to you. I told you we had a fortune. Yes, you did. Getting closer to your investment goals starts with a conversation. Schedule a complimentary goal Planning Session today. The Congressional Budget Office reporting that millions of americans will be uninsured if the Health Care Bill becomes law. Mark, you brought us something that i thought was very important. It sounds very washington ease. What it is, its a Nonpartisan Organization created by democrats and republicans. Republicans named the last executive director, the person who authors this report is a republican whose pointed back in 2015 and tom price, the new hhs secretary was very much a major backer of him when our viewers are hearing about us talk about this nonpartisan examination. Its a republican thats leading it. Lets talk about thats all true, can i yes. Go ahead. Its true, just because someones a republican, doesnt mean theyre not ill informed. I think in this case, they were. The cbo was this is the same Budget Office that told us the obama care we were going to cover 25 million more people with Government Health insurance, we were going to save money for the government. Thats a caveat with that. You know, the reason those numbers were on the high side, the law as drafted would didnt give states an option to opt out of Medicaid Expansion. And as a result of the Supreme Court decision, youll recall. The states were given the opportunity to opt out, and many states did as you know. Thats one reason that these flubs for obama care were on the high side. Its also true, steven. You cant cover 25 million more people with Government Health insurance and somehow think its going to magically going to reduce we just have to acknowledge the big costs. They have readily acknowledged they didnt get it fully right. Theres no other organization that could do better. In this case, what we know is, and i think you would agree, cbo is not alone in saying there are going to be significant losses of Health Insurance or american people, standard own poors has said that in their study. Those numbers are lower than the cbos to be sure. But theres nobody, any economist that i know of, maybe youre the exception, but i dont know any economist who anies its going to deal with the administration to keep everybody covered. I want to talk about what this means for real people. Lets get to it this. Per the cbo that will weve just been talking about, a 64yearold making 26,500 would pay 1700 in 2020 under obama care. Under the gop pair, they would get hit with an annual premium bill of 14,600. How do you react to that . I dont think its taking into account that the full subsidies the full republican bill would provide. The other thing it doesnt take into account. Is that if you move toward a system with more competition, youre going to drive down the costs of health care for everybody. These 20 premiums were seeing for everyone. I think you can drive down these costs significantly through a Competition Model which doesnt exist right now. Let me give you another example. This one is from the wall street journal. A 62yearold currently earning about 18,000 a year, could pay 20,000 annually to get Health Insurance coverage compared with about 760 a year, that person would owe toward premiums under the aca. We have 20,0 20,000 compared to 760. Is this a bill thats going do make things more expensive for Older Americans . Thats a problem, isnt it . I dont know about that particular example, i havent read through the whole report. I read through the executive summary of the report. I do think, when were looking at the Current System, where prices really are exploding, where health care, it is true Health Inflation has fallen, its still double the rate of inflation of Everything Else in the economy. Why is it Health Inflation has driven so much out of control, that its become unaffordable to the middle class. You talk about those trump voters, i think the trump voters are burdened by the fact that the obama care costs have gone so much. When i was on the campaign trail people said i cant afford to pay for my Health Insurance. But that example, its 2,000 more a year than the person earns. Theres an acknowledgement, and i think this gets lost in all of the white noise, the Current System doesnt work, we understand that, its too expensive, it needs to be fixed. The plan thats being put forward right now, clearly doesnt work. This is republicans this isnt even a democrat against donald trump kind of fight. You have republicans on opposite independents of the political spectrum that dont agree with it, shouldnt everyone come to the table and try with a basic answer. Obama brought all the stakeholders into the table. He brought the Insurance Companies, the hospitals, the doctors, they all tried to come up with a plan it wasnt perfect. What it needs to be is fixed. The question is, when you start throwing everything away. People get nervous, because the unknown is a little scary, when it comes to your familys security and your health care. Particularly when the cost estimates to your family are nerveracking, because when you look at the numbers for older people, you see that the estimates are that their premiums will go up 20 to 25 . Theyre already seeing higher premiums, they dont know how much more they can afford. The problem with our political system is that we cant really sit down and say, what do we do to get costs down at hospitals. Theyre starting to do that under obama care, it doesnt happen overnight. And its not an easy political fix. Were going to be concerned about that, david and i oh, yeah, right. Really . Im going to give him ill give him the last word here, my whole point is, why has this been so politicized here . Because we and shouldnt we take it out. We cant. Weve had seven president s who tried to get this done. It is hard to do. And you have to obama got something passed, but he got it passed with no republican votes. You have to go back to fund amtales. If the republicans really want to slash payments for the rich and reduce payments for medicaid, youre going to have people thrown off Health Insurance. Night follows day, its simple and straightforward. You want too have a good medical system, its expensive. I got to run. By the way, davids much younger than me. Thank you all, i appreciate it. The white house now trying to walk back President Trumps allegations that his phones were tapped by former president obama. What top aids are saying now. Has been a struggle. I considered all my options with my doctor, who recommended oncedaily toujeo®. Now im on the path to better blood sugar control. Toujeo® is a longacting insulin from the makers of lantus®. It releases slowly, providing consistent insulin levels for a full 24 hours, proven full 24hour blood sugar control, and significant a1c reduction. And along with toujeo®, im eating better and moving more. 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Probably to no ones surprise, the deadline for the doj to back up the president s claims that president obama tapped President Trumps phones during the campaign. The deadline has come and gone. You look at the president s tweet. He doesnt reilly think that president obama went up and tapped his phone personally, theres no question that the obama administration, there were actions about surveillance and other activities that occurred in the 2016 election, that is a widely reported activity that occurred back then. The president used the word wiretap to mean broadly surveillance and other activitiesp. Im wondering if that is snl or that was i real briefing there, a week ago spicer said the tweet speaks for itself. What do you make of this unsuccessful attempt to walk it back. It doesnt necessarily matter whether it was wiretapping. President trump himself has raised serious questions about why the fbi or president obama would have reason to conduct that kind of investigation. I think most reasonable people doubt the existence of that investigation. The problem now is, hes raised the question, its going to be incumbent on congress or the white house to explain whether or not the president was mistaken or otherwise false mistaken or whether congress is going to have to report to produce the results of that investigation. We have to keep in mind here, this was an investigation that the president called for himself, with unsubstantiated claims. Or unsubstantiated tweet. The white house now says that President Trump never really thought it was obama specifically. But we go to the original series of tweets here, like this one. How long has gone to tapp my phones during a very sacred election process. This is nixon watergate, bad or sick guy. That seems pretty specific to me, theyre saying these quotes mean the difference. Theyre not saying the misspelling of tapp means anything. Daze so weird the random things they say mean something. What do you think here, that seems pretty specific to me. Espiblly when you say bad or sick guy. Hes talking about the former president himself. Its not weird or random, its purposeful Donald Trumps lying or maliciousness is intended. Hes not interested in the truth, particularly about anything having to do with his own conduct. Hes trying to deflect attention from the investigation going on into the russian hacking of the dnc and whether or not there is some connection with people around trump. Hes got to be considering the lying of mike flynn, his chosen National Security adviser, the lying of his own attorney general about how or whether he talked to russians in this case, the a. M. Bass dwoer. Were looking at a presidency thats encased in a bodyguard of lies. Thats Donald Trumps problem. We never had a problem in a fact free environment before. Including nixon, including clinton, during the Monica Lewinsky thing. Clinton lied, nixon lied. Nixon had a criminal presidency. Where we are now in terms of every day, a fact free environment with a president who recklessly puts out this stuff with no basis in truth is new territory, its dangerous, and we gotta see where it goes. Youre saying this is more lies than any administration you can recall . In a systematic way, nixon lied to cover up a criminal conspiracy of which he was an integral part. What we are seeing here is, a president , a character with a long list of lying before he even came into the political process, during the campaign, since he got to the white house, its been a fact free environment, the likes of which i have never seen in ive been in journalism 55 years, 57 years, actually, ive never seen anything like it, i doubt that anyone else has. Sean spicer says that all of this was widely reported activity, which is untrue, it was not. They often point to this New York Times report, that says nothing about trump tower being wiret wiretapped. If anything, it was a surveillance that was directed at washington ambassador kislyak which is not abnormal, correct . It is both legally less problematic, and politically makes a certain amount of sense to follow foreigners. You get into hot water when you follow americans. The voiceover on an old western, meanwhile back at the ranch. The russians arent standing still as they watch this fight unfold thats clearly political in nation, its going to have an investigation. The latest things were reading, not only are we now learning, there have been Russian Troops in libya for the last several months, doing a pretty significant operation. The russians had general haftar, the sort of new gadhafi if you will, theyve had him in moscow now. Maybe going to help him retake the whole country. Just tonight, were learning the russians have put troops over the border, even into western egypt. To me, all of this just underscores that while were pursuing an investigation, and a big fight about what members of the administration did or didnt say, were not doing russian policy. We dont have an effective dialogue with the russians. Are you saying, wait, look over there . When it has exactly that feeling, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. This is all defensive, were looking out for our interests, thats been the argument all along, thats basically why we have to have a dialogue with them. At the end of the day, this is a major global actor, if there is a power vacuum somewhere in the world, especially in the middle east, theyre going to be there. I want to get this in, it was so bizarre this week, Kelly Ann Conway was asked about the wiretapping claims and said this. There are many ways to sur veil each other unfortunately. Do you believe that. You can sur veil someone through their phones, through their certainly through their television sets. Any number of different ways, and microwaves, that turn into cameras, et cetera. You know, i suggest that its time we all stop taking Kelly Anne Conway seriously, shes not a serious person. Its time for us to drop her from our news agenda. Unless she very specifically has something to say that we know has been put out there by the president of the United States. Carl, i get your point, and ill well finish it on the other side, i want you to hear how she collar phied. Heres what she meant to say. Its about surveillance generally, the fact that he didnt ask generally. Thats just true in the transcript. You may have answered it generally. Chris, im not inspector gadget, i dont believe people are using the microwave to spy on the trump campaign. However, im not in the job of having evidence, thats what investigations are for. We have lived with this for nine days of just its just nonsense, theyre not fooling anybody, they sound so silly trying to defend something that he was very explicit about exactly what he said, the former president wiretapped him. Its not silly, its dangerous. The extent to which we take it seriously, we need to keep doing our reporting on the real stories, including whats going on with the russians, with trump, the people around him, but also, as was just suggested in the brilliant synopsis that was given a moment ago by your other guest here, we have been successfully destabilized by putin and the russians. Thats a big part of this story, we continue to be destabilized by the russians and what is going on. Putin has got our number here. And we need to be looking at all aspects of this including whether or not we have a president of the United States who is capable and responsible enough to deal with what is going on. Yeah. Thank you. It is important to note that the president has leveled very serious accusations against the fbi and his predecessor, its incumbent upon him to make the case to the public. Were those false accusations or not . Thank you, all, im out of time. And the microwave, be careful out there. Im going back to jiffy pop. A congressman is not backing down, hes doubling down. Is White Nationalism going mainstream. Announcer get on your feet for the nastiest bull in the state of texas. Steve king doubling down today on a tweet in support of a far right politician, and drawing fire from some capitol hill colleagues. Heres Bakari Sellers and andre bowers. Jack kingston a Senior Adviser to the trump campaign, and cnn political contributor, maria cardona. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen about. Vilders understands that culture and demographics are our destination. We cant restore our civilization with somebody elses babies. Then he doubled down on new day. You cannot rebuild your civilization with somebody elses babies, you have to keep your birth rate up, and teach your children your values, in doing so, you can grow your population, and you can strengthen your culture and your way of life. You go down the road a few generations or centuries with the intermarriage, id like to see an america thats just so homogenous we look the same. This western civilization is a superior civilization. Does he understand that those comments are what do you think . I think steve king was racist a year ago, hes racist today and eel hell be racist tomorrow. Lets cut through the bs he spewed and reinforced today. That language is very, very dangerous. And the reason i say that, we have to be careful about normalizing this, and we have to stamp out that type of xeno phobia and bigotry, there are young people who may be in his district in iowa who are looking at the comments on breitbart and listening to a member of the United States Congress Like that, that boy can grow up to be the next dillon ruth. I have no tolerance for his bigotry or racism. Whos agreeing, was that you . No, but i will weighin here, we should be talking about america, im glad were doing it on your show. Youre always not afraid. I know steve king, i served with him, hes not a racist, i called him tonight earlier today and said, what is this about . His point was, when you bring in another culture to your culture, what you want to do is asimulate it you want to mainstream them. You want these new immigrants to buy into the American Dream and share in the great opportunities that we have, i think in terms of his comment about a homogenous society, he was talking about marrying people so our great grandchildren dont see japanese americans or italian americans. Rebuilding society with somebody elses babies. Hold on one second, i have a great deal of respect for congressman kingston, im not sure he understands what hes saying. We all have racial blind spots, i think you just pointed that out right there, that in itself, the justification you gave when you highlighted interracial marriages and co mingling of cultures, something that is degenerative to our culture. He wasnt saying i think hes saying he wanted more interracial intermingling. What he was saying to make us all look the same. Get over the africanamerican, the italian american, lets just be americans, date each other, marry each other. I dont see where thats a problem. You said its got to be why does it have to be interracial. You can date and love whoever you want to. We dont all have to marry someone out of our race to be accepted in america. Maybe someone wants to marianne italian person. Maybe someone wants to marianne hispanic person, a white person. I hate this whole idea of being colorblind. I dont mean you should be discriminatory. I want to see that maria is a proud latina. And andre is a handself white man. See, and theres a i think in fact i think you hit the nail on the head, while most people in america and i would even put republicans in there as well. Do believe that diversity, the kind of diversity you are talking about, is actually our countrys one of our countrys greatest strengths, because with the different the richness of backgrounds that we all bring from ethnic to country of origin, to communities to economic to religious, all of it really brings to this country a richness and a robust diversity of thought and innovation. You know, steve jobs father was an immigrant to this country. If not for him, we would not have the iphone. And so these are the kinds of thing that somebody like steve king who is so closed minded doesnt not only not understand, but he believes that it is a threat to what he calls western civilization, which is just a dog whistle for complete and total racism and bigotry. When we come back, well hear from the handsome white guy for the republican response. You know, geico insures way more than cars. Boats, motorcycles. Even rvs geico insures rvs . Whats an rv . Uh, the thing weve been stuck on for five years wait, im not a real moose . . Weve been over this, jeff. Were stickers im not a real moose . Give him some space. Deep breaths, jeff. Whats a sticker . . Take a closer look at geico. Great savings. And a whole lot more. I just had to push one button wto join. S thing is crazy. Its like im in the office with you, even though im here. Its almost like the Virtual Reality of business communications. No, its reality. Introducing intuitive, one touch video calling from vonage. Call now and get amazon chime at no additional cost. It has long been called storm of tiny bubbles, the champagne of beers. If youve got the time welcome to the high life. Weve got the beer miller beer were back discussing steve king, under fire tonight for that controversial tweet andre, House Speaker paul ryan denounced kings comments today and said he may have misspoken, steak a listen. I disagree with that statement, i havent seen the context. Were a melting pot. Id like to think he misspoke and it wasnt meant the way it sounds. And hopefully hes collar phied that. Heres what congressman king said. Of course i meant exactly what i said, as it always is the case. Ive said the same thing as far as ten careers ago to any declining population, who isnt willing to have enough babies to reproduce itselves. Its pretty clear, he didnt misspeak. Should he be censured by congress for those comments . I would say no he shouldnt be. Everyones entitled to voice their opinion, we dont have to agree with them. I dont want to shut anybody down from speaking what they think. If the people of his district dont agree with him, they can send him home and replace him, for people to be voc 58 and talk about things they think are improvements to this country is part of our system of government in washington. There are people that say things i dont agree with. Thats absurd. The fact that were having this discussion and neither republican on here wants to have the courage i like both of them, neither of them want to have the courage to call out bigotry, xenophobia. Thats not what it is. Go ahead as a trump supporter, i have been called a bigot, a homophobe, a racist and Everything Else under the sun. To the extent the left has overplayed the race card. Let me tell you something, i know you, and i dont think that those things that you pointed out. I dont believe them to be true. Heres why, every time an issue comes up, similar to this, or something just absurd that anyone trump or one of his supporters says, you defend it, you never say theyre wrong or rarely if ever. You never call it out for what it is, yes, i think sometimes people overplay the race card, in this particular instance, its glaringly obvious, if hes not racist himself, hes said something thats racially insensitive. Im the only one on the show thats talked to steve king about this. I am limited to 140 characters. He said i would do it over, unless we adopt those babies. Chris cuomo, he said he would say it again. He doesnt take back what he said. A year ago, a year ago. This is the same person. Could adopt those babies. This is the same person that said he was trying to figure out what subgroups outside of white actually contributed to civilization. I dont want you to be a superhero, i dont want andre bauer to be a superhero and adopt babies. I want you to have the courage to stand up and fight racism and hate and xenophobia. As reprehensible as steve king is, you at least got to give it to him, to bakaris point, he hasnt changed his principles, he has not changed his values, he has been a big et and a racist and a xenophobe all of his Public Service life. Him doubling down on his comments, at least you can say about the guy he knows where he stands. You cannot say that about every single republican leader out there, who has not denounced him, walked back those comments. That is going to haunt the Republican Party in the long run. Sometimes you have too call it for what it is. And you cannot defend everything because someone happens to be a republican or someone happens to be a democrat or happens to be your president. If they Say Something stupid, bigoted, racist, call it for what it is, you dont have to defend it every time, and do back flips to make an excuse for what they said. One other thing. I have to go. Hes prolife and pointing out that we have a lets go to break, jack. We need a snow shuffle. You dont nice try, jack. Not helping. Theres a big storm coming here, were going to talk about that. Well be back. Ntee your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Smart kid. Indeed. Its good to be in, good hands. Including the fullsized introducingsprintercedesbenz family of vans. And the midsized metris. If these are your wingtips. If this is your gourmet latte. Then these are your vans. Vans for professionals. Strictly professionals. Best commercial van residual value according to alg and starting at just 25,995. Mercedesbenz. Vans. Born to run. But shouldnt it be about firsts . D in zeros. And seconds. How about adding a third . We think theres a bajillion ways to measure success. 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