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Announcer this is cnn breaking news. Breaking news, protests spreading after donald trump pulls off one of the most stunning upset victories in american history. This is cnn tonight, im don lemon. Real estate mogul, reality tv star and now president elect, how donald trump did it when even a lot of republicans thought it was possible. Plus, hes promised to make America Great again, and will build a wall and have mexicans pay for if, ban muslims temperature rarel temporarily, and put Hillary Clinton in jail. How many of that will happen . Jason carol, jean casaris, outside the trump tower and ryan young antitrump protests in chicago. Paul verkamon joins us from los angeles. Jean cesarus, youre with the protesto protestors. Tell me whats going on. Reporter were at fifth avenue at 56th street. You can see behind me at trump tower. Everyone is still here, a little bit quieter. Theyll break out in chanting mainly against donald trump. Donald trump is not my president , theyre also chanting a lot of vulgarities about donald trump, vulgarities against mike pence and rudy giuliani, seeing signs mainly about donald trump, also seeing a sign several of them that said america has never been great. These people walked from union square. We walked with them 40 blocks to here, and this is where theyve been for the last few hours, but theyve just sort of have been staring at trump tower waiting to see if he will come out. We see different flags theyre waving. Weve seen lots of things. We saw Abraham Lincoln a few minutes ago, we just saw casper the friendly ghost. So just so much. But i think the hallmark is these people are protesting against donald trump, being elected as the next president , the 45th president and also this organization that really put this on, which is socialist advantage saying that the democrats let them down that if Bernie Sanders had been the nominee, that could have defeated donald trump, but the Democratic Party wasnt able to do it. So theres also that aspect to all of this just sort of a negativity about politics and the parties and definitely who is to be our next president. All right, jean, stand by. I want to bring in ryan young. There are big crowds in chicago, too. What are you seeing there . A huge crowd, don. We came around state street so we could show you the size of the crowd as people holed up their signs. You can see trump tower, one of the tallest buildings in chicago and right below it you have all of these protest obvious. They have a rap song while theyre plwalking that says f donald trump. Were going to watch this direction just so we can show you the side of this crowd. There were a few thousand people. This started around 5 00 and has been going on since then. This crowd continues to grow and sometimes it splits half. People went down lake shore drive and the police got involved at one point. Everything has remained peaceful. There are some who dont agree in terms of the protest. I wanted to and a real quick question. You said you dont mind people g protesting but youre frustrated with hour theyre blocking the streets. Theyre blocking the streets, burning flags, standing on buses, writing swear words all over buses. Its not helping. This is not helping. I wanted hillary to win more than anybody. And to stand out here and not have a call to action and not be specific, thats why were here where we are now because we havent been talking about policy, because we havent been being specific, because weve been talking about things that dont matter, things that about permsonality, not policy. I need hillary to stand up right now and walk in and south the United States of america and say, back when black people couldnt vote, right, how many years ago your vote would have been 1 3. Guess what, today, right now, it still is. You dont feel like this is a election . Donald trump win fair and square. Hillary had more votes. More human beings voted for hillary. We didnt get one vote. You didnt get a vote. Its just like back in the day when your vote was onethird. Just count the votes. Hillary, youre a lawyer. Walk in, go to the Supreme Court, i believe in you, hillary, ive been to rwanda, ive been to your hospital in rwanda, ive seen all the good youve done. Women need, minorities need you, we all need you, this country needs to you stand up and walk into the Supreme Court and say one vote equals one vote. Whats wrong with that . Whats the debate . You can definitely feel his passion out here, and theres other people who feel the same way. At one point you had people blocking the roads. Everything has remained peaceful and thousands of people still gathering but like you haeshd this man, very passionate about the idea he doesnt want hillary to stop. Thats john gerkovick, who went to africa with me as a cameraman. Thank you, john. Thank you very much, ryan. I want to get back to jason. You have been covering the trump team tonight. These protests are right in front of trump tower. Are they saying anything about this tonight . We havent heard anything from the Trump Campaign so far, but as i said earlier, tomorrows another day and perhaps we will hearing some about the protests were seeing in front of trump tower. A number of these protest ares still here on fifth avenue between 56th and 57th street, for the most part, throughout the night, the protests have been peaceful. We saw one man taken into custody, arrested just a short time ago. There were some reports of some folks throwing water bottles, as well as. But the number of people who were out here, they numbered by the thousands at one point in the intersection of fifth aefs and 57th street. One of those protestors, katie, we were talking about why you decided to join these people out here tonight. Im doing it because i was a hillary supporter. I canvassed yesterday, but mostly because the way he ran and what happened with comy and other things like that, i just dont think hes an appropriate i just dont think hes an appropriate leader for our country. He doesnt represent us and he scares me, frankly as a wam. Clearly he does represent a significant number in the cou country. I think he represents a point of view as a businessman. And what do you think that point of view is . Unfortunately, i think its racist, i think its a bit uneducated, but not by the fault of those people, but he wants sort of an archaic state of mind because like that has to do with ideals that arent our own, one group thats not the Greater America any longer. He did say yesterday what he wants to do now is represent people of all backgrounds, all ethnicities, cultures Going Forward and wants to try to unite this country, but as we look at the scene behind you here, a number of people who still clearly feel upset about the outcome. Is that something you think he can accomplish . I dont. I mean he said he was 99 respects women more than him, 99 does anything more than him. Everything he said hasnt been true, so hes not going to unite us, especially when so many people feel disenfranchised and this is one of protests across the city and many more planned and whats unfortunate is the police there was a man who was drunk and everyone there was begging him and pushing people he was a black man and we were begging him not to because we didnt want that to become the focus and we were scared if he got arrested something would happen to him. Its so deeprooted that i dont think someone like trump can fix stuff like that. I really dont. Katie, i want to thank you very much for you joining us. Appreciate that. Obviously a number of people on the streets tonight, not just in new york city, but places like chicago, and los angeles, some deep feelings of resentment about what happened, but you heard from the president elect. He has said that what he wants to do is to try to unify this country. You heard from Hillary Clinton, as well, who said that what she wants people to do is respect this president Going Forward, but clearly, still a lot of anger still existing in the streets tonight. Stand by, jason. I want to get to paul in los angeles. Whats happening there . Reporter well, don the march that started from city hall is winding through the streets of los angeles. Early your they brought out a huge papiermache head, that had been popular throughout california, as many people were taking their frustrations out on these pinniatas, and you can he people saying give peace a chance reporter they sort of feel this was not their choice and theyre stuck with it and a whole lot of people many latino are saying many relatives they believe could be deported. Our thrives began to end the day we become silent about the things that matter. If we dont fight, who is going to fight for us . People had to die for your freedom where were at today. We cant just do rallies. We have to fight back. There will be casualties on both sides. There will be because people have to die to make a change in this world. Trump, enough with your racism. Stop splitting families. Dont split my family. And youre fearful youre going to lose friends and relatives . A lot of friends, family, even all races, not just my hispanic culture, but the rest of the races. Dont take away our rights. You know, impeach donald trump, thats what he needs to get is impeached. All right, paul. Thank you very much. Thank you, paul. 99 should no one should be advocating violence. I want to bring in akhmed khana, an organizer from oakland, california. Hello to you. Hello. You helped organize a rally there. Tell us what the goals are behind these protests were seeing around the country tonig tonight. Yes, socialist alternative, which is a national organization, our branches are in oakland and berkeley, california, to help organize these protests. The goal is you know, its basically people are serious, not just that the results of the election last night, obviously, but the rhetoric of donald trump, which has been which has been completely appalling and hateful, and theres strong sense of fury at the Democratic Party, which many people feel sort of facilitated, Donald Trumps victory, so in general theres really a feeling of profound anger, and protestors are very peaceful. The goal is to raise awareness there are tens of millions of people who are simply fed up with the status quo. Ahmed, Nicholas Christoff made the point his side lost and we need to give the new president a chance and be right there if he does something wrong from this point forward. Do you see his point . Do i see a point . Nicholas christoff has his own views and i dont know the whole context of where hes coming from, but i would say i personally i cant speak for all the protestors here, i cannot speak for all the organizers, there are thousands of people in downtown oakland, but i can speak for myself, and the socialist alternative. We will not stop protesting either of the two major parties, actually, but certainly we will not stand by and watch donald trump continue to scare sort of pervey scandalous racist on latinos, his homo phobphobia, h mess mysogony. In a way i totally disagree with as you represented, Nicholas Christoffs comments, which team to believe theres fundamental process of these elections is somehow although somehow legitimate in many ways. Ahmed, what could president elect do to say or do to make you feel more comfortable with him being in the white house . By speaking for myself on behalf of my organization . You can speak for yourself or or on behalf of your organization. Okay. So, on behalf of myself theres really nothing donald trump could ever say that could make me feel more comfortable i think my feeling and that is the feeling also of socialist alternative is that we will there is no Common Ground between donald trump and what we stand for, which is which is independence of the two parties and also resistance to the falling racism and all of the things i just talked about, that donald trump has been more than you know more than willing to traffic in throughout this entire election psyche sglel and f cycle. And for your organization . I would say thats the position of my organization, as well. Thank you, ahmed. Thank you very much. Now i want to bring in mark preston and brian stelters, and mr. Jeffrey toobin and douglas brinkley. Mark, you know weve been seeing these protests happening around the country. Its definitely the right of these of these individuals to protest earlier today the president talked about the transition and he referenced what happened back in 2008. I want you to listen to this. I have instructed my team to follow the example president bu bushs team set to make sure this is a Successful Transition for the president elect, because we are now all rooting for his success, in uniting and leading the country. The peaceful transition of power is one of the hallmarks of our democracy, and over the next few months, we are going to show that to the world. So park looking at the protests tonight, do you think that well be able to have a peaceful transition of power that president is talking about . Yes. I mean look, i think by the time that donald trump is sworn in, in late january, it will be fine. People will be upset. Hes inflamed a lot of tension or has created a lot of tension among folks but the reality is werent we talking about donald trump saying this was a rigged process and he wasnt going to accept the outcome and there wasnt going to be a peaceful transition of power, but all the sudden, the other side is losing right now or has lost and is saying theyre not going to september the results, which just back to the whole idea is how divided we are and its really been masked over the years and as sgloirgloria borges to say youre talking about hypocri hypocrisy, as well. Absolutely, and that bandaid has been ripped off and the anger contained in washington, d. C. And new york that we dont see in Middle America although these are urban cities, everyones starting to see it. Theres a lot of helling and qui the only way is both sides need to come to the middle. Put these protests into perspective for us, douglas brinkley. I think a lot of this is the Bernie Sanders movement coming back. Theyve been doubly disappointed. They thought their candidate should have been the democratic fom nominee. I think mr. Trump should, when he meets president obama, should make an effort to talk to Bernie Sanders, maybe john lewis, some democrat democrats on capitol hill, just to take the temp with them. Donald trump needs to do some healing gesture this is week. I dont mean abandon his base. Im simply saying do a kind of listening tour to some people in washington, maybe visit the state department, talk to some people in the d. O. D. , also about Foreign Affairs in the next few weeks. Jeffrey toobin, you seem skeptical of that. There are a few hundred people in a country of 300 million people. What does donald trump care about the socialist disclosure or whatever this group is called . This is nothing. Do you see how he talks about protestors at his rallies . Its like get them out of here. He doesnt care. He won. The thing is should he care . No. Considering how people feel today . This is how he got elected. This is why he won. Is that hes a tough guy who doesnt care about opposition fltd he has he has an agenda, he has republicans in control of congress. Hes pushing his program. Hes going to have Hillary Clinton indicted. This is why this is what his base and his supporters want and this is what hes going to deliver to them. I just dont think its very complicated. Brian stelter, what do you think . Trump doesnt care about protesters but he cares about television. Hes likely been watching cable news throughout the day and when he sees people amassing against them, he may be interested in commenting. It will be one of the first tests on what the new trump is, now hes going to be more president ial since hes preside president elect . How many times have we seen the president is coming . Im with you on that. This was one of the biggest media failures of our generation, to not see this coming, to have under estimated the trump wave. It was one of the biggest failures, all the talking heads on television have a lot more soul searching. Just speaking for myself ive just begun that process. John king says that trump wave is a myth because less people voted this time than they did last time. Yes, and also i get frustrated reading about trumps america or clintons america. Its divided america. Thats the more honest rendering situation. What we missed is the rural roar, what wascoast, journalist convinced this wey were going t win. It took a long time to wrestle with the consequences. I want to play steve bannon speaking about what you just mentioned today. Hes from breitbart news, but listen. I think that the my analogy to the british commit, to the brexit movement, was really what the exit poll showed about peoples desire for change, right, and desire for, you know, real change, just not the type of change that gets talked about on cable tv. So thats when i felt that if this is correct, youll see it start to roll across what we call the core fore, which is the four we thought we had to win, to secure multiple paths to victory, which was florida, North Carolina, highway, aohio,s like michigan, would be this populous message. Mark, do you agree . This journalist, on the exit poll, was to try to get an understanding on the demographics. Bannon is referencing the exit poll, which is the poll that is taken after voters come out, after they cost their ballots, thats how fay figure these things out after the fact. If hes going to reference that number, don, then is he going to reference the number that 60 of the people who voted yesterday have an unfavorable opinion of donald trump . Is he going to reference the number that 63 of the people do not think that donald trump has a temperament to be president . So, i just its just an interesting its interesting as we all go through the sole searching th searching that bryans talking about, which is more than just soul searching, its a look into how were looking into analytic and if were too reliant on them. But the fact of the matter is we did under estimate something and we underestimated when you have 17,000 people at the rally theyre not all just there to see a celebrity. They actually believed in donald trump and they went to the polls and i think thats one of the things we all missed. Douglas brinkley, in terms of this election s this doing beats tr bea beats truman 2. 0 . This is a stunner, all the polls are wrong, people arent sure what to do. I think its these protestor helping. Its a natural outgrowth, and people trying to release steam of two years of battering each other. There are people that are meditating, people that are working out, people that are shuttingtelevision. Donald trump has the ability to start some kind of healing process. Barack obama has reached out a hand. Last night donald trump gave a perfect legitimate victory speech. He was very gracious to Hillary Clinton. He always praises the Bernie Sanders voters throughout the year. There might be an opportunity on the antinafta to reach out to a few democrats so i dont think we need to be so bleak and be in a dark waste land, an hilating view. It was historic, and unprecedented as we like to say at cnn, but weve got to just let trump do a few moves this week, see if hes willing to kind of try to heal the country a little bit. Jeff, this skeptic coming out again . I dont think its denialistic to recognize donald trump and the Republican Party. Theyre not they have very specific goals. You know they are going to overturn obamacare. They are going to limit environmental protections. They are going to cut taxes. This is i dont think thats nehilistic. Thats what the program is. Thats what the left said about Ronald Reagan and reagan came in, in 1980 with the evil empire and scare tactic and the cold war and ended up doing Nuclear Arms Agreements gorbach gorbachev, and ended up increasing medicare and social security, and ended up not trying to go after row roe v. Wade. For us to putt him in this rightwing cartoon, nothings going to get done, it limits the discourse. Quite the opposite. I dont think theres going to be any gridlock. The republicans have a clear path to implement their entire agenda. So i dont think gridlock is on the agenda at all here. I think this is the opposite of gridlock. I want to ask you about this. You and i have talked recently about you have to pay for programs, jeffrey, youve got go through congress or checks and balances are thrown out woot. This is not dictator trump that suddenly e americaned on the National Scene here. This was a jit American Election that did not have hacking that went on, that people voted, its been a big success and i just dont think its useful to be flipping everybody off like youre doing now, telling everybody i dont think its flipping people off. Wasting time and youve been beeping dead wrong about the whole election and about Hillary Clintons big win that was heading wasnt there. We need to give people a chance right now to just let them work out their frustrations for a week or two. Then you can write columns and do the prognosis of what trumps going to do before he does it. Can i just add what i think i under the desire to look forward, but in order to be able to have these conversations we need to know what really happened yesterday and the exit polls are not enough. 25,000 people is not enough. We need much Deeper Research into what the electorate was doing, thinking, feeling, and what i meaning democrats and republicans. We need to really know how much this was about resentment, class, gender. I dont feel like we have the foggyist idea yet. We say it was about anger and it was. I want to know a lot more about this electorate before we talk about whats going to happen in january. Thank you, gentlemen. When we come right back, what donald Trump Supporters want and why so Many Political experts middle today completely. At planters we know how to throw a remarkable holiday party. Just serve classy snacks and be a gracious host, no matter who shows up. Do you like nuts . Keeping the power lines clear,my job to protect public safety, while also protecting the environment. The Natural World is a beautiful thing, the work that we do helps us protect it. Public education is definitely a big part of our job, to teach our customers about the best type of trees to plant around the power lines. We want to keep the power on for our customers. We want to keep our community safe. This is our community, this is where we live. We need to make sure that we have a beautiful place for our children to live. Together, were building a better california. Donald trump tapping into the concerns of a group of votervotes who have been ignored until now. I want to bring in my new panel, thank you so much. So it was a stunning upset. Most people thought Hillary Clinton had it in the bag, including the polls and the pollsters. What did we miss . If you look at the ways the polls moved a few weeks there was a lot of volatility. Even the polls that had clinton up in different ways and regions and times, there was clearly a very unstable electorate and if you mixed the right things together at the right time, add that with her high ceiling, there was always an opportunity trump would breakthrough even in a small margin, and he did. Shed be up by a big number and down for him, it was pretty stable for him. Absolutely. He clearly had that core base of support. I like to say he had the core floor that he really wasnt going to go below and the question was always, was turnout going to dip low enough such he would be higher than Hillary Clinton. Why do you think so many voted for him in his concern about temperament and being ready to be the president . That was really high among voters. A lot of it the folks are representatives of the elites and a lot of trump support ares having seen them as having failed. A lot of people look at those traditional political norms over the past 20, 30 years and say if thats all thats going to produce maybe im going to go willing to go with the guy i hear that term, political elites. Who are the elites . Its obviously a very a m amorphous group. Is that people who live believe in College Degrees . Is that people who live in cities . Is that the elites . I think its folks who live in city, and especially on the coast. We have these soft of coastal cities that are a little bit better off, that are more financially successful, but that also have certain cultural sense abilities that make them immune to think somebody like trump could win in 2016. They live in a bubble. So tell me about your family, your community you grew up in and why do they feel disconnected from the rest of the country . I grew up in the southern ohio steelto town that is tryin to come back, but is struggling with the opoid crisis, and lost jobs and feel very frustrated and like things havent been going the right direction. Its not just economics. Theyve been frustrated as those who they perceive financial and political power. Its interesting because the guy who won, probably has more money than anyone they will ever know who has entered a political contest. Thats definitely true. And who lives in a tour on fifth avenue, who went to who is very highly educated, its just do you see what im saying . No, absolutely and i think it goes to show and you hear this when you talk to people who voted for donald trump, its not so much theyre so devoted to donald trump, or think hes a savior. Hes an agent of change and an average of protest against folks who they feel have really failed in government and so forth. What are you hearing now . What im hearing now is folks feel pretty vindicated. They believed in their man and thought donald trump had a chance. The media has written him off. In some ways folks feel vindicated and the worry i have eventually over the next two or three years hes going to have to deliver or people will feel more disconnected than before the election. And next time maybe someone who has some experience in government . I dont think its going to be another outsider, but really depends how the Republican Party reacts. Trump is going to be the president of the United States and if he leads in a certain way, if he encourages in constructive government, theres good chance the next time we have a disconnected working class they dont vote in a way that totally surprises a, lot of people. When you see these protests against the elected president , how do you think we can bring these two sides together . Is it incumbent upon him or both of us or what . I definitely think its going to be come incumbet. One of the reasons that people voted for donald trump, i believe, is that a lot of socalled elites didnt have a lot of empathy for people who lived in Middle America in the rust belt, but that really has to go in both directions so the people who are now the victors, the people who got their man elected, they should show a little bit of empathy to the fact folks are stressed by a Trump Presidency and if you have that bidirectional empathy we may bridge some of the gaps that exist. Thats tough, because im generalizing here. Many of them dont see the people who are throughout protesting as having a real cause to protest when the people who are out there protesting feel the same that they do, they dont have a choice. Sure. And someone is not representing them. So it would be great for them to have empathy but they just dont for the most part. Its i dont think they have empathy. Its i dont think they have a recognition these people have, very legitimate gripes, in the same way trump voters have legitimate gripes. My view is one of the things this election has taught us is that our political leaders really set the conversation so im hopeful trump will recognize he inherited this great divided country, and i think if he shows that his voters will follow his lead. Im sure some people had trouble voting for a woman but what really animated the folks back home, it doesnt strike me most of them were worried about electing a woman president. They were worried about someone serving a status quo. Heres the Vice President speaking with Joe Scarborough today. Were all asking about donald trump. Were talking about a guy who is connecting with those workers in scranton, pen pnsylvania, and w is connecting with those whiteworking class voters in a way you have in your entire career and in a way Hillary Clinton is not. You can just look at the numbers right now. That is is that . Thats why im going to be living in pennsylvania, ohio, michigan. Why is that . I i think its two reasons. One, i think the Democratic Party overall, hasnt spoken enough to those voters. Theyve done the right thing for the voter. They havent spoken to them. And i misspoke. That was july. That wasnt today. Whats the issue there and would biden have done any better you think . I think biden could have done a lot better because he at least recognized theres a lot of pain in these communities and what the Vice President said there is vani very true, that a lot of voters feel very ignored and wanted some be what recognized they were struggling and who sold a political narrative that was tailored to them. Trump was the only one who did in this election cycle. There have been many people who have written off the Trump Supporters as racists or bigots s. That fair. Is that fair . I certainly dont think the view of trumps voters are racist or bigots. One of the people that drove people from the mainstream institutions in the first place, of course some people are motivated by racism and voting for donald trump. The sense i guess most of the these folks are depend people and feel like they have very legitimate reasons and if you paint with two broader brush and you say your concerns dont matter, youre just an idiot or racist you play into the very worst part of our conversation. You predicted he would win the nomination . So did i. And he had an actual chance of becoming president. What made you think that . Mind was just people whispering, people saying, i kind of like that guy. They werent doing that about anybody else. Ill say the last week or so i lived in the mainstream bubble. I didnt think she would win in a landslide, but i thought she would win. Id been saying all along he had a chance to win, but within the last week, and all the polling, there was one night when all the consents were going on and they were talking about the polls and comey had come out with the second letter and i said maybe were going to are a madam president , but that was the only time i thought maybe his chances were had dwindled. Yeah and i guess i felt pretty much the same way. There was a certain amount of confidence, almost an arrogance that i had. I didnt vote for trump or hillary. I was almost saying look i told you so, hillarys going to win, and it shows in some ways i was in my own bubble and im guilty of some of the same things the e elites are guilty of. Up next Hillary Clinton urging her supporters to give donald trump the chance to lead this country but first Steven Colbert wondering how americas politics got so poisonous. We are more divided than ever as a nation. Do we still do we have this graphic from earlier before . According to the pew research center, they say they pose a threat to the nation, but you know what, everybody feels that way. And not only that, more than half of democrats say the Republican Party makes them afraid. 49 of do i have this right is it 49 of republicans say the same thing about the Democratic Party. So both sides are terrified of the other side. And i think thats why the voting booth has a curtain so you have someplace to hide after the elections over. So how did our politics get so poison us . I think its because we overdosed especially this year. We drank too much of the poison. You take a little bit of it so you can hate the other side. And it tastes kind of good. And you like how it feels. And theres gentle high to the condemnation, right . And you know youre right, right . You know youre right. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. 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Margaret hoover, bob becker, andy dean, and charles below, and andre bauer, and sally kohn, columnist for the daily beast. You spoke at an antitrump rally. Today trump said we owe him an open mind and a chance to lead. Will you be able to do that . Im not going to speak for the people at the rally. I can only speak for myself and you know its a little soon, im not going to lie. This is tough. This is tough. But i talk, andre. No, it i mean t really its this is rough. And i have to say, as i went to the rally, there were and the one i spoke with, but especially the one later that sort of morphed into the bigger rally in front of trump tauower, it was lot of love hate trump signs, the chal senlenge is them putti them into practice. They did so in part because people like me, the other half of the country hate them, disrespect them, a resentful towards them, and trump in turn did a very good job of mobilizing their resentment. Are you hateful . Do you hate them . Im waking up shocked and hurt and sad, but i know that hate as Martin Luther king said, hate does not drive out hate, love is the only thing that can do that and i think my challenge personally and im still struggling my challenge personally and to my brothers and sisters on the left is how do we move forward and really embody that idea that love trumps hate. I believe it still does, its just going to take us a little bit longer. We have to find ways and believe in those who voted trump and hope that love wins out. Charles, you know, donald trump did a good job of bringing out the White Working Class voter more than bush, romney and mccain. Could Hillary Clinton have done more to bring them to her side . I guess thats one option, right . One strategy would have been to focus more attention there. Another strategy would have been bring out more of her own base. A lot of people just stayed home. If you look at the raw members, he got fewer votes than romney, he got fewer votes than mccain. A lot of people simply stayed home. They just didnt like either one of the candidates, they were turned off by this race, thats a big thing. And when you have more people who would have otherwise supported her stayed home than him, this is the result that you get. How do you feel today . This is what this is the civic lesson. Elections have confidence. I learned from the my mother what i teach my daughter. My daughter voted for the very first time, you go every time, whether or not you like the person or not, whether or not theres somebody youre enthusiastic b you vote every time, all the way to the bottom of the ballot, right . You figure out who is on the bottom and if you cannot figure out, figure out which party you like best, which one stands for what you believe in and vote the party line, but you vote every time and if you do not, this is what happens. There are consequences to staying home. This is van jones last night. People have talked about a miracle. Im hearing about a nightmare. Its hard to be a parent tonight for a lot of us. You tell your kids, dont be a bully, you tell your kids, dont be a bigot, you tell your kids, do your homework and be prepared, and then you have this outcome and you have people putting children to bed tonight and they theyre afraid of breakfast. Theyre afraid of how do i explain this to my children. I have muslim friends test. I have families of immigrants that are terrified tonight. This was many things, this was a rebellion against the elites. True. It was a complete reinvention of politics and polls, its true. But it was also something else. Weve talked about everything but race tonight. Income, class, regions, not race. This was a whitelash, a whitelash against a changing country. It was a whitelash against a black president in part. And thats the part where the pain comes. Bob becker, whitelash. Im going to separate myself from brother van on this one. Look i have a lot of time after back operation to lay in bed and talk to people around the country and i think i analyzed this race as well as i could after 35 years in the business and i came up with the wrong answer. And i figured it out today finally and something van said is true here. If you look at North Carolina which is the most important swing state as far as im concerned, next blue state to be on the eastern seaboard i think after virginia, but in the suburban areas she did better than obama in some cases, in the suburbs did as well or a little better. And what we didnt do was look at polls for the rural area where trump didnt have that many more voters but his margins were unbelievably high. Were counties that cast 22,000 votes last time and may have been a margin of 3,000. Same amount of votes cast and now the margins with 10,000. Thats what made the difference. People that stayed at home may made up that difference. You and number of people had a visceral direction and you were going no and you were yes. Its offensive. Whitelash. Donald trump overperformed with 8 of africanamericans compared to mitt romney. Polling said 7 i remember. 13 of africanamerican males voted for trump and 14 of africanamerican females. 8 in aggregate. Its nothing to brag about. 2 . Doing better but media predicted a couple of things. Like crater with latinos. Better than romney. Predicted that markets would crater. Theyre up and media myths and van voenz represents a lot of it that race war is going to happen is offensive. Say this. Maria brought up a good point. After the elections we go back and correct the polling and averages of who voted and who didnt. Its believed that donald trump didnt do 29 , more like 18 with hispanics and maybe 7 or 8 with africanamericans which he was predicted. Romney got 6. Outperformed. But other things. Obsession i get is a media thing but American People looked for jobs and picked outsider. Thats what they wanted. And trump outworked Hillary Clinton. Did more rallies and had a harder schedule. When you win by a point in swing states like wisconsin and michigan, that hard work. Thats why he won. I dont know what walk of life you have to be in to think that race is a media fascination. Im sorry. No im sorry, i happen to live in this skin. Doing it for 46 years and tell you something, this is nothing to do with media, my job, any of that. Has everything to do with the fact that i know my history, i know my familys history and investigated that and written a whole book about it. Everything about that history has everything to do with race. Every moment along the way when they worked really hard, and they were prevented from transference of intergenerational wealth had everything to do with race. Nothing with the media. Didnt have tvs then. This concept that we are creating or somehow living in a past luxurating in a race obsession that is great for us because we feel good about is the most insulting thing i could ever hear. Thats a stretch. I got to just take it back to something van said. I think that if this had gone the other way, all of us would be sitting here saying we have to assume the best intentions of the people who won and gracious to people who lost. So you all know where i stood. Not a trump supporter, im a republican but got to give the guy runway. No idea how hes going to govern. Want him to do well, not fail. I think president obama struck perfectly the right tone here today by giving him the deference and respect of the institution and i know some of us disagree on that. He is the president elect and dont want him to fail. I dont know what it means. I dont want the president seat to fail. I respect the presidency. I do not respect now agree with mcconnell . I dont respect this man about to be the president and dont want that confused. I dont want america to fail. But i do not respect this american who is about to be the president. And dont try to force me to fall in line behind an inrepentant bigot. I wont do that. You dont have stand by. More in the next hour. Well be right back. Breaking news, protesters in the streets. In the wake of Donald Trumps election victory. This is cnn tonight, im don lemon and president elect meets with president obama in just a few hours in the white house. Just imagine it first black president of the United States side by side with a man who until a few weeks ago prefused to acknowledge president was born in the country. Can there be a smooth transition and will donald trump dismantle the

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