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To recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton. Most of the emails were personal and duplicates of what was already seen. Thats according to Law Enforcement officials. So where does this latest bombshell leave us . With just two days to go until election day and what does this say about the fbi. Lets get to evan perez and mark preston. Philip bump and david swirdlek with us as well. A new letter from comey. Another grenade on the campaign trail today. Another surprise. A three paragraph letter to ebb members of congress in which he says essentially, never mind. The letter he sent ten days ago started a new part of the investigation. What it meant is that fbi agents have been working around the clock for ten days. They have been reviewing the emails, thousands of emails. And at the end of it all they determined that most of it was stuff they had seen before. A lot of duplicates and personal emails. The letter in part reads like this from comey. It says since my letter the fbi Investigative Team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails from a device obtained in relation to an investigation. During the process we reviewed the communications to and from Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state. Based on our review we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in july with respect to secretary clinton. What this means, don, is as far as the fbi is concerned and as far as Hillary Clinton is concerned, this investigation is now over. There are still a few things they want to do. Still trying to figure out how the emails managed to get on a laptop that belonged to Anthony Weiner. They will probably need to interview huma abedin once more to figure out if she can explain that. She told her lawyers, they said on her behalf she has no idea how the emails got on this computer because she said she didnt use it. Thats part of the mystery that remains here. For Hillary Clinton this means she can close this chapter at least for now. Less than 48 hours before election day. Where does this leave clinton and trump . A couple of things. Its taken a little bit of air out of the trump momentum he received from the comey letter but is it too late . People have already voted. About 37 Million People in 39 states cast early ballots. Just go back to when the letter was released. Donald trump was saying look in some states you can change your vote. Change your vote. Most of those states we are seeing you can no longer change your vote. For Hillary Clinton she needs to stay on message and talk about her message for the future and hope her surrogates in the news media and word of mouth can help carry the message that shes been exonerated again by the fbi. I dont think shell want to keep speaking about it. We havent seen her discuss it personally. We dont expect her to do so. But the fact of the matter is there was a lot of damage done because of the letter. It has been rectified in some ways. It could be too late. Three states to look at. Michigan, New Hampshire, pennsylvania. No early vote in those states now. Hillary clinton is doing a big rally in pennsylvania. They will be in michigan tomorrow. So the fact is can you persuade some voters who might have been on the fence about you if youre Hillary Clinton based upon this fbi letter . Michigan, New Hampshire and pennsylvania. Philip bump with that. Word of the email review nine days ago turned a race looking like an overwhelming win with significant down ballot pick ups into one she could lose now. Do you think there is time to regain momentum in two days . Yeah. I think the comey letter is a little bit over rated. The original letter . Yes. We saw on the post abc tracking poll donald trump was already gaining and Hillary Clinton regained a lot of momentum in this void period as well. The early vote mark was talking about is the case. A lot of people have gone to vote. We are seeing a lot of big surges of latino and black voter at the tail end of the election. Not voters going out to vote for donald trump because of the first comey letter. Particularly because early voters tend to be more partisan according to research done. That said, in the last hour he doesnt think hes good to have email before that. The only question on this, most peoples opinions. I was in pennsylvania today. The opinions from folks are if you like Hillary Clinton. If you already like donald trump, the worst thing is if people are a little less i clined to cast a ballot on tuesday. I know you have insight into how the election is turning out. Whatter you seeing in early voting in terms of white electorate versus minorities. I echo what my colleague philip bump said. In florida, nevada, North Carolina. Latino voting is up in early voting. Thats a good sign for the Clinton Campaign. Like philip was saying earlier in the week. The narrative is about a decrease in black voting in terms of votes already cast in early voting. That has shifted over the last couple of days. You are also seeing as philip noted that polling is going up prior to director comeys letter nine days ago. Now things have stabilized since the letter came out. What i would say again is the Trump Campaign probably over played their hand nine days ago when donald trump was on the stump saying this is like water investigate. This would trigger a constitutional crisis. It doesnt look good for them. Its sealed off that message for them with comey coming out and saying kind of nothing to see here. We told you we were looking into it. On the other hand, the Clinton Campaign, if the next two days are wasted talking about emails rather than trying to get back to a Closing Argument that highlights what secretary clinton wants to offer to her core supporters thats probably not good either. Both campaigns in danger of over playing this. Trumps campaign is calling the investigation into question here, asking how the fbi could have gotten through 650,000 emails. Explain how they did it. First of all, the 650,000 number that was leaked to one publication, no one knows how many documents there were. So i dont think we should take it as gospel. There are such things as computers that people actually can use to program and identify which letters, which emails are worth reading. I have no doubt that the fbi has done what they said they did. They have no interest in lying about how many emails they reviewed. The larger question is why are they talking about this investigation when jim comey never should have disclosed it in the first place. There is a reason why the fbi doesnt disclose partial results of investigations. There are reasons why he doesnt disclose investigations of political figures shortly before political campaigns. It is precisely for those reasons that jim comey should not have done this in the first place. Perhaps hes ameliorated some of it with the letter today. Should have followed Justice Department policy from the beginning. We shouldnt talk about this at all. I could add there is nothing indicating that there was 650,000 emails that really were pertinent here. We are talking about tens of thousands of emails. Certainly nothing in 650,000 number that donald trump and his folks have been using. As far as the review was concerned our producer was told by a source in the end this didnt involve bringing in the other intelligence agencies to review whatever classified information was found. That tells us that this wasnt even a close call. Decide that they were duplicates, personal or wasnt that big of a deal. It turns out in these ten days they could do a lot of work. They used software around the clock. They were able to remove all the Anthony Weiner stuff they didnt want to look at for this investigation. They looked at a smaller subset. Not 650,000 and others have been saying. Seems like a lot of other emails. I have to ask you. Is there anything to that . There is truth that there are fbi agents who have been taking a look at allegations against the clinton foundation. What we are told from folks we have been talking to and we have been looking into this for a year. We have talked to folks in the Justice Department as well as the fbi. Prosecutors and lawyers at the fbi both looked at what the fbi have been able to turn up. So far they believe they are still looking at allegations that basically came from a book clinton cash which was an Opposition Research book thinly researched and thats what they have turned up. They havent turned up more than that. Its not even a full blown investigation. Still stuck in the assessment stage because the agents and investigators havent been able to get much more. Is this going to die . Probably not. Congress will be able to look at this. Some of them have said already they are going to keep looking at this. If Hillary Clinton was elected on tuesday you can bet the issue wont die. From a book. Evan, what about the Trump Foundation . Its being looked at by the new York Attorney general. We know the fbi does have several trumprelated investigations of people who are either supporters of people who are affiliated previously with the campaign. Those are in the same boat as the clinton foundation. I would put them in the same place. Turning into very much. All for nought a lot of it. When we look at the National Polls since the original comey letters havent changed much. What about the battlegrounds . To button up the letter, one is that comey himself, we dont think he did it maliciously. Now he has angered both sides. Democrats and republicans. We can question what he did but the fact is we dont think it was done maliciously necessarily. Jeffrey and others know him better. As far as the political fall out, i dont see how we dont say it hasnt had an effect on the campaign. Thats all we have been talking about for eight or nine days. Her supporters get upset with it. Thats the story. If you look at the battleground States Philip is right. We have seen an increase in the hispanic vote. Specifically in florida its about 105 increase in the numbers of votes cast from 2008 to 2016. You know in nevada they have also seen a High Percentage although we dont have specific numbers because the state doesnt release specific numbers when it comes to ethnicity. The fact is we have seen the democratic machine able to get out the hispanic vote. The question is we have seen the polls tightening in the battleground states. And well see what happens on election night. I have to say though i think Hillary Clinton has a clearer path to victory than donald trump. Its not as if donald trump has 280 electoral votes and is protecting it at this point. Hillary clinton according to our estimates is at 268 now. Only needs to win one state at that point to get over the threshold. Its a fight to the wire. Not as if Hillary Clinton is in a deficit now to donald trump. I want you to compare and contrast the travel schedules. That tells us a lot. We want to look at where they are going as an indicator. It only makes sense, right . Its important to point out Hillary Clinton has tailored her schedule over the past several weeks to be rotating around where early voting is happening as opposed to election day voting. There is an excuse they use which is the reason they are going to michigan and pennsylvania, those are states voting on tuesday where the other states have been voting for weeks. There is validity to that. That said they are nervous about the states. There is reason to be on that. Donald trump is hopscotching all over. Im skeptical thats done based on sound polling and an assessment of where we could do the most good. If he comes close in minnesota then im not going to make promises, but who knows . Thats baffling. Hes all over the place in a way thats a little harder to pin down to a pattern. It suggests the states we have been talking about for weeks are states putting a big focus on. To marks point the map hasnt changed, shifted toward donald trump but hasnt changed to the extent that now Hillary Clinton is in panic mode. Having covered hanging chads and all of that in 2000. You have been at it for a bit here. For the last couple of days this is unprecedented to see someone from the Justice Department coming out and having an impact on a president ial race. It is not uncommon to have political figures. What is unusual is to have the fbi director injecting himself at the very last minute. Now two weeks ago or nine days ago it was anticlinton. Now a pro clinton announcement. This is not how the fbi operates. One of the bigger stories thats gotten swept up in all of this is the Voting Rights act. This is the first election since the Voting Rights act has been destroyed by the United States Supreme Court in 2013. One of the reasons why you might see a smaller africanamerican turn out especially in early voting in North Carolina is republican legislatures have limited early voting. They are allowed to do it because the Voting Rights act no longer applies. Other legal issues have a big impact on how this election is unfolding. Thank you, everyone. I appreciate it. Stay with cnn for all day coverage on election day. Every race across the country starts on tuesday. When we come back, the new trump that has one senator saying its not just a dog whistle. Its a German Shepherd whistle. Today i want to show you some internet videos. 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How is this possible . announcer vo so buy a pixel, only on verizon, and get up to 400 back. And right now get 20 gigs and four lines for just 160 with no surprise overages. All on americas best network. Not even two days before election day. Joining me now the former Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina supporting donald trump. A clinton supporter, scott any hughes a trump supporter, matt lewis, defense attorney alan dershowitz, author of a guide for unaroused voters. We had been talking about the whole email situation and comey coming out today and talking to the panel. My Previous Panel about whether this changes the momentum. You believe that it hasnt been a close race, as close as people think it is. Is that so . 18 months ago its amazing how we have come full circle like donald trump came out and was running when he came down the escalator. He said we are going to build a wall. The irony is that the wall between donald trump and the white house is built by hispanic voters. One thing we are seeing is an operation. I love the individuals who built the narratives which have been crumbling around us. What we have seen the Clinton Campaign do from the beginning of voting is get their voters to the polls. They have had 25,000 more africanamericans, thats before today. Thats before souls to the polls sunday in florida. Versus 2012 with barack obama. The way it will break down, she has an obama coalition. It will be slightly different. Donald trumps biggest obstacle has been demographics on day one. Whats going to beat donald trump is the fact that the country and i have said it numerous times the country is getting browner. Donald trump wont fare well. They have learned about hispanic voting in places about the demographics. Its a different demographic than in 2012 than in 2008 and the electorate is browning. I dont think they ever didnt see a big challenge. Clearly for years the Republican Party had a tougher and tougher challenge with the demographic shift. They have to continue to grow the party. Hes expanded the base in other areas. We know the minority vote had turn out as well in the past. They have made up for the shortfall. Had he realized they would build a wall when they send their rapists, racists and criminals, do you think he would have changed it . It didnt play well with latino voters. Hes kind of locked in what he firmly believes in. I dont think he moves a lot based on the way the political wind is blowing. The stupid thing for trump is i dont think this is mutually exclusive. Donald trump is tapping into some really good political things amongst working class workers. And Blue Collar Workers in rust belt states. You dont have to be a racist or antisemitic to get the votes. Hes talking about protectionist trade policies. Not my cup of tea. Its resonating. If he could have had that. Attracted the Blue Collar Workers without being so offensive to minorities. If you look at what people say they love about donald trump you saw it throughout the primaries. One of the top things was hes not politically correct, right . It was precisely the fact he was willing to go beyond other republicans in the way he talked about muslims. In the way he talked about latinos that was part of what people loved about him. Im not sure he can disassociate the populism of donald trump you like. The problem is. You might be right in terms of winning the republican primary. Thats a structural fundamental problem the Republican Party and conservative movement has to address. Once the general election starts in earnest, i think donald trump could have become a populist, protectionist sort of rust belt blue collar guy without offending and alienating the minorities. He doesnt know how to do that though. The reality is you referenced it several times. The black jeopardy skit on saturday night live was brilliant because there are more things that bond us and weave us together than separate. You are at 100 right. He could have tapped into that. He could have tapped into the fact that, yes, there are inner city communities struggling but black people arent afraid of getting shot walking out of their front doors to get a loaf of bread. One and the same. The evangelical vote. Hes been fortunate. One, because they said jesus forgives donald trump for some reason when it came to Hillary Clintons husband jesus didnt forgive him. However the interesting thing is evangelical voters are only supporting trump because they dont want a woman president. Not because hes a world authority. Thats the issue. We are all for having a female president. I dont want Hillary Clinton to be that president. Im all for it. Thats a false story. Let her finish. Im supporting donald trump. Thats not the issue. When it comes to immigration, maybe the focus should have been better about jobs that were leaving the country. Thats not true. Jobs in the United States being replaced. People within the housing industry, the guarding. Thats not true. Undocumented people. Thats not true. Really . What about a Housing Construction site. Its zero. Actually negative. The ones that are here who are illegal. They are undocumented workers. Undocumented. Right now scotty is illustrating a point. There is some form of hate. For those of us who want to protect american jobs, i want to make sure the workers are first. Whats wrong with that . I hear that. There is a lot of xenophobia in that. We tried to disassociate donald trump from the rest of the party but thats not accurate. When you have paul ryan and Jason Chaffetz who prop him up on a regular basis for paul ryan to say that something he said was the textbook definition of racism talking about the judge but still supporting him, thats beyond cowardice. When we had the nevada gop chair. There are more never trump conservatives than republicans. If this was happening on the left on the democratic side like kanye west or some sort of fringe democrat. Dont give him ideas, please. I bet you i bet you would not see prominent liberal can you use Bernie Sanders . Hes a populist candidate. Hes a socialist. Im talking about somebody like sean penn. He holds radical views. My theory is if there is a radical democrat who won the nomination i doubt ultd see pundits and liberal commentators stand up and refuse. Thats a hypothetical. What we can tell you now is the reason that donald trump is where he is and the reason the Republican Party is where they are is because the Republican Leadership has completely failed not their party but the country. When you have mitch mcconnell, when you have the individuals who do the i will vote for him but not endorse him. I dont know what that is. We have a democrat criticizing the republicans house. I agree we have issues within the republican house. But take care of your own first. Let the republicans handle our own now. Sp we are about to be president of the United States. You dont know that yet. Im sorry. Mr. Trump accumulated more votes in the primaries. We are seeing higher voter turnout amongst them. In ohio, North Carolina. Ohio. Thats not true. Youre not denying there is a divide in the Republican Party. There is a divide. That started in 2008 before you had donald trump even running. You had the grassroots separating from the elitist within the party. Actually this is a scary point, i would say. Donald trump didnt cause this problem. Hes a manifestation. I understand that. What you didnt see were people saying im not going to support the nominee. Right. I will support the party. I dont agree with what they say. People got behind those candidates. Donald trump didnt start this. The problem is if donald trump loses on tuesday the problem doesnt go away. Even if donald trump. Even if he won it doesnt go away. The problem started long before donald trump. When your hero ronald reagan. Here we go. Go down that road, please. Blame reagan. Works well for your party. In oxford, mississippi. When reagan talked about strong bucks getting their welfare to buy cadillacs. There are good things reagan did but be honest. Playing on white fears of africanamericans and increasingly of latinos isnt something donald trump invented. It has been core to the Republican Partys success. I would say both Political Parties have had a less than terrific record over the course. Thats an obfuscating way of saying it. It became a less racist party. Harry reid has said things i wouldnt say. A less racist party as the Republican Party was becoming more racist. It has a president ial candidate. He was a democrat. Hillary clinton went to his wedding. Hes a liberal. Democrats are not excited to vote for someone who will ban muslims. They werent excited either. She had to cheat bernie to get it. Come on, andre. Thats an interesting note. Well talk about antisemitism after the break. Ers open up a lot of dawn. Tough on grease. Yet gentle. Dawn helps open. Something even bigger. Go to facebook. Com, dawn saves wildlife. My bladder leakage made me feel like i couldnt be the father that i wanted to be. Now i use depend. I can move the way i really want. Unlike the bargain brand, depend fitflex underwear is more flexible to move with you. Reconnect with the life youve been missing. Get a free sample at depend. Com. Reconnect with the life youve been missing. Now that fedex has helped us we could focus on bigger issues, like our passive aggressive environment. Were not passive aggressive. Hey, hey, hey, there are no bad suggestions here. No matter how lame they are. Well said, ann. Ive always admired how you just say whats in your head, without thinking. Very brave. Good point ted. Youre living proof that looks arent everything. Thank you. 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Massive illegal immigration and economic and foreign policies that have bled our country dry. The political establishment has brought about the destruction of our factories and our jobs. As they flee to mexico, china and other countries all around the world. Its a global power structure thats responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities. Many people see this as having antisemitic overtones. Do you . I dont think donald trump is an antisemimite. Im not sure he knows three of the people featured in the ad are, quote, jewish bankers. To his alt right supporters and there are many of those. This is red meat. It plays into the oldest antisemitic trope that jewish bankerers control the world 57bd they are making life difficult for you and if we can get rid of this conglomerate of bank jewish bankers we would be living good lives. Donald trump ought to be careful. This is not the first time it happened. It was another example of something he didnt intend. The alt right. We have to be concerned about that. The finger of responsibility has to point to the Trump Campaign. They should not have allowed that inference to be drawn by some of the extremist supporters. I dont think we wants to alienate the altright. The ad features money with photos of george sor oh, s janet yellen and lloyd blankfein. Senator al franken calls the new ad a German Shepherd whistle. Watch this. Well, when i saw the ad i thought that this was something of a German Shepherd whistle. A dog whistle. To sort of the a Certain Group in the United States. I think im jewish. Maybe im sensitive to it. It clearly has elders of zion feel to it. International banking crisis. A plot or conspiracy. Then a number of jews. Whats your reaction . Im with alan on this one. You know, look. A lot of whats in the ad, think, is true and resonates with a lot of americans who arent antisemitic or racist but feel like their way of life is slipping away. Maybe the factory closed down in michigan or something. Donald trump, the way he wins is by talking about, hes the change agent and an outsider running against the establishment. Hes tapping into the antifree trade protectionist thing Bernie Sanders tapped into. You can call it antiglobalism. Some people think its a code word for antisemitism. I think the thing is its about sensitivity. I will give them the benefit of the doubt. They have a track record of crossing the line. It is a slippery slope. You can also not disregard the Management Team over there now. One of his senior advisers, roger stone. They got their chops delving in. They are not playing footsie with racists but engage them, embrace them and have given them a platform. You see their fingerprints on the ad. That is steve bannon. Kelly anne conway probably didnt create that. If she saw the ad before it went up she was probably like, take it down. Steve bannon is a major problem with the discourse in this country. Hes defended almost everything or found a way to talk around it when it is something. Every one of his kids is engaged or married to a jewish person. Just because you have jewish relatives or friends. Interestingly even Adolph Hitler protected her. That doctor in vienna throughout world war ii. I would like to give it for Donald Trumps benefit. Hes campaigning today with ted nugent whos responsible for gun control and had a bunch of guys with israeli flags on them. Hes using the term America First associated with charles lindbergh, a notorious antisemimite. He continually referred to john stewart as jon leibowitz. This is ridiculous to paint donald trump as antisemitic. Hes complicit with them. He has children, grandchildren that are jewish. Not distant relatives. They are in his family. Whats interesting is 31 countries now in the u. N. Dont recognize israel as a jewish state. A lot of those gave money to the clinton foundation. Hillary clinton herself has accepted. Hillary clinton did nothing for cries like saudi arabia to have peace. Thats antisemitic now. The question Hillary Clinton versus donald trump on who will protect israel. Its easy on that one. Could we not go down the rabbit hole . Donald trump before he was running for president talked about having a black accountant with a lazy gene and preferred guys with yamulkas to count his money. Its about money. It seems more positive. Its still racism. Its religious bigotry. I want you to respond to this. This is fareed zakaria. Watch this. Trump seems to believe deeply in ethnic stereotypes. He boasts of his own blood line and compares it to breeding racehorses. In a 1991 book one of his associates described him as horrified to see africanamericans in his Accounting Department at two hotels saying, black guys counting my money . I hate it. The only kinds of people i want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Trump acknowledged it later in a playboy interview before walking it back years later in a 1999 interview calling it nonsense. Whats your reaction . His big problem is he talks about the blacks love me, the latinos love me. He doesnt understand all groups are composed of individuals. You know, you can be as much of a stereotyper if its good. Jews counting money isnt an insult. Its a positive thing. Of course if you combine it with jewish bankers controlling the world it is a negative thing. I dont want to see a victory for the altright in this election. I dont want to see the ku klux klan and the nazi party cheering when the election is over. Im afraid if donald trump wins this election, this will be seen as a victory for the altright, the hard right. Even if hes not pandering to them and i think he is, i think the combination of his stereotyping and the fact that it would be claimed as a victory for some of the worst elements in American Society is very, very dangerous. The antidefamation league. This is important. They put up a statement saying all candidates need to be especially responsible and offer century sere ideas and policy proposals not conjuring conspiracy theories. That said, i want to ask you this. The campaign insists there is a hidden vote and some people might be afraid or embarrassed to tell pollsters they are voting for trump. Is that the reason why . Might be painted as bigoted. I say one thing and you jump on and stereotype a group. They say we are not for stereotypes but we have seen it and a lot goes back to Hillary Clinton calling aus basket of deplorables and the crowd laughing. You say you are a trump supporter but everything in the world is applied to us. This is an old lesson thats used against mitt romney, used against john mccain. Its been used against republicans time and again. Donald trump, i think, was one of the things that i a peeled to him. Hes been bullied for so long. Do you think they should be more careful. Once again we are having the conversation about race and we have had this conversation about hate for the last year and a half. It is all about what the candidates are focused on or trying to focus on. Thats what the American People deserve. Scott made a good point and bill maher talked about it this week. When republicans boy scout. We made a mistake. When reagan is accused of being as i are aist on the panel. The distinction granted. This is my point here. This is my point. Its what youre saying. Even the most kind conservatives are portrayed as evil my sojnistic. Now donald trump comes along. Hes a jerk and may be an s. O. B. , but hes our s. O. B. They are defending the indefensible in some cases. Thats part of the story. Does that mean its not true about some aspects of what someone may be saying, their personality or beliefs because donald trump might be worse on the issue . Maybe there were things. Could be a nice bigot. Democrats cried wolf. A lot of go ahead. Actually, i agree. If you look back over time. John mccain and mitt romney, i think they would have been bad president s. John mccain is a great human being. You didnt say it at the time. I just want to be extremely clear. Yes, donald trump is a different element. I think you are a basket of adorables. Aw. More importantly, we are not saying that every one of you guys or anything like that. We are saying you have to be comfortable supporting one. I think its important that its a balance of this conversation. Lets remember that antisemitism isnt the exclusive reserve of the hard right. It also resides on the hard left. We see a lot of it from the British Labor party, in black lives matter whose platform now thats crazy, alan. That israel is a genocide country that singles out only that country. No other country. We have to condemn bigotry on the hard right and hard left and try to return america to the vibrant center where good conservatives and good liberals can argue about policy instead of extremists on both sides stereotyping, exaggerating and demonizing. Which is what he just did with black lives matter. When we come back some of Donald Trumps supporters taking up arms. How many are there and are they dangerous . I love getting more for less. Thats why this control enthusiast rents from national. Where i can skip the counter. And choose any car in the aisle. On average, four out of every five rentals at national is a free upgrade. Getting a fullsize and paying for a midsize . Whoa, oh, whoa, whoa, lovin every minute of it. As the boys from loverboy so eloquently noted. 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One of them is the Georgia Security force. Theyre training with automatic weapons preparing for a day they fear a president Hillary Clinton may take their guns away. Lets discuss with our reporter from the times and former assistant director of the fbi. You went to visit this group and wrote an incredible piece and tell me about the research and your report. I was trying to find someone from the far right who supported donald trump and i went through several militia groups trying to get somebody to talk to them. Most of them wouldnt but i finally came across this group and they said i was welcome to come down when they did what they call a Field Training exercise and they go out into the woods and fire their weapons getting ready for the day that hillary is going to come get their guns. What did your Research Show you about their train something what was the Training Like . The training was doing low crawl, climbing over obstacles a lot of target practice and clearing rooms. They set up this sort of imaginary system of rooms where they would practice knocking down doors and going in and clearing out enemy fighter who is are basically paper targets. Okay. Its basically sort of a Marine Infantry Training course. Let me read this. This is from your piece. The Georgia Security force someone of the scores of extremist militias nationwide that rallied around trump. But no single issue motivates militia men more than guns and the belief that Hillary Clinton is plotting to take them away. Mr. Trump says he wants to make America Great again, he and his roughly 50 local militia men are enthralled. And they believe it is stolen for them. Their america is one where christianity is taught in schools and abortion is illegal and immigrants hail from europe and not far away muslim lands. So my question is are these folks considered on the fringes of their communities down there or do they have a lot of people around them that feel the sail way . Theres a lot of people around them that feel the same way. I would say within the overall Militia Movement these people arent particularly extreme. I wouldnt call them neo nazis or even white supremicists. Theyre white nationalists and the big issue is guns and fear of losing their guns and secondly they are afraid of muslims and they think Syrian Refugees are all secretly isis fighters coming in to set up training camps. How prevalent are groups like these in the United States . How many are they and are they dangerous . Well, back in the 80s there were somewhere around 800 groups like that. The fbis eye on them has always been in the context of potential domestic terrorism and hate crime like activities. Theyre somewhere between 200 and 250, maybe as many as 30 but theres various they run the whole spectrum of ideology. I dont think you can place them in one particular ideology. What were watching though or what the fbi is watching for is when they move out of the First Amendment realm if you will for assembly and speech to effect their a dee wrolg. I want to ask you about their training now. What are they training for. They have been doing this since the 80s. They dont like the federal government. They think the government is in their lives to the extreme. They think theyre protecting their way of life. Part of that is guns and part of it is just other issues if you will. Some of them are you can almost classify as hate groups but very few of them actually make that leap from that type of a dee wrolg to actually effecting violence and doing things through violent means. Youll see spin off individuals like Timothy Mcvey from time to time but these folks went to sleep in the late 90s and we havent heard that much over the last ten or 15 years. So youre hearing about them now. Theres a lot of confederate flags in those photos. Yeah. No question. There is an ideology there. They like their guns. They do they do up their membership and recruit membership by saying that people are going to take their guns away. Thats something thats been going on for years. They sprung up during the reagan years and bush years. Im not sure that it involves politics more than what they think is protecting their way of life from the government. We watched them carefully and very aggressively pursued them during my tenure in the fbi. For 8 years they believed that president obama would come for their guns. The president tried and failed to get modest gun measures passed during his presidency. Why do they believe clinton would come for their gun. They said the only reason president obama hasnt gotten their guns is they have been vigilant and stood up and now they say hillary is going to be even worse. I tried to point out to them that Hillary Clinton has not said she was going to take peoples guns away and hasnt said anything of that sort. They say she may not have said it but thats her secret plan. These people are paranoid and suspicious and live in this universe of this that things are are going to go to hell when clinton gets elected. Considering the climate around this campaign with its rigged against you system, some Trump Supporters have been predicting violence in the aftermath of the election if trump doesnt win. Is that a concern of yours . Well, when i was talking to this group they all predicted that there will be unrest at the very least and possibly violence from both sides. They said, you know, they claim black lives matter is getting ready to go out in the streets if donald trump is elected and if Hillary Clinton is elected they say said of the other militias will be out in the streets and they said if hillary makes any move at all to place any restrictions on gun or alabama you in addition ownership theyll be marching by the millions with their guns to washington d. C. Thank you very much. Thank you. This is cnn breaking news. It is midnight on the east coast and that means we are in the final 24 hours before millions of voters begin going to the polls. This is cnn tonight. This unprecedented race is almost over but we have one more bombshell tonight. Fbi director james comey sending a letter to congress saying investigators found nothing in the recently discovered he emails that would lead them to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton. Most of those emails

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