On back in new york writing this beautiful introduction for us which included Hillary Clinton and, of course, Chelsea Clinton introducing her mother tonight. But were going to discuss all of it with my political dream team here, Bakari Sellers is here, kevin madden is here, Maria Cardona and mr. David tala. Lets listen to a little bit of Hillary Clinton tonight. None of us with caisse raids a family, build a community, or lift a country totally alone. America needs every one of us to lend our energy, our talents, our ambition tomakering our nation better and stronger. Thats why stronger together is not just a lesson from our history, its not just a slogan for our campaign. Its a guiding principal for the country weve always been and the future were going to build. A country where the economy works for everyone, not just those at the top. You can get a good job and send your kids to a good school no matter what zip code you live in had. A country where all our children can dream and those dreams are with within reach. Where families are strong, communities are safe, and yes, where love trumps hate. That that is a country were fighting for. Thats the future were working toward. And so humility, determination, ask boundless confidence in americas promise that i accept your nomination for president of the United States i mean this in the best way possible. I think tonight was ladies night. Especially when she said, what is it, sign me up if deal me in. Deal me in. What did you think . How did she do . I thought she did very well. My favorite moment of the night was her walking out. You could see her just soaking it all up. And it completely made me tear up. I thought her speech was very good. I will say i would have preferred reading this. And the reason why i say that is because the text was just on point. There was no there was no flaws in this text. Hillary clinton does not execute on delivery always. There were some one liners she got donald trump so well. One of my favorites was you have to stand up to bullies and the reason why is not because it was one of the punchier ones. It was damning because the Republican Party nominated someone that we have to go all the way elementary with. We have to say, you have to stand up fully. Thats a lesson you learn as a small child. Okay. All right. Whats your reaction, mariam . I thought she did incredible liberal well. I thought she knocked it out of the park. She did what she needed to do. I thought her delivery was good because we know shes not an exceptional orator, right . She wasnt trying to outdo all the other exceptional orators that we saw this week. The things she talked about, i if felt like she was wrapping herself around and this is ironic in american patriotism and american exceptionalism and she was doing it in way that was bringing everybody together, everybody being a part of it. Bakari. I think she realized how high the bar was. I mean, this week we had michelle obama, we had barack obama, we had bill clinton, her husband. She understood the challenge before her and she did extremely, extremely well. One of the things that Hillary Clintons has down that a lot of people dont give her credit for is she fully embraces who she is. She embraces her limitations. She embraces what she does well. She is actually in this contest not only the better orator, because donald trump sometimes goes this way and that way. But she is phenomenal when shes in the the crowd was cheering her name. She involved herself in that moment. And listen, this was history. Great. I have to say part of the time the crowd was cheering her name, that was drowning out the one delegation in california. And that made it even more difficult because what you saw when you were in there was people popping up in neon colors and she had to move through that. She hammed it well. Maria said it best. She did what she had to do. Kevin. First of all, i feel like im crashing a family picnic here. So thank you. Thats why i save you for last. Thank you for having me. A couple observations. First, i think the historical nature of the moment was very apparent. Not only did the candidate herself soak it this, but i think everybody in the room felt it. And i think that probably transformed, i think, over to a lot of the folks that were watching at home. I think she did what she needed to do. I dont think i agree, shes not the best jor raorator. So they want to not necessarily exceed expectations, but meet expectations. In that sense, i think she did it. Also, the contrast that she tried to draw which was a positive, optimistic message against what you saw last week against donald trump which was a dark depiction of america, i think that was very apparent. I always wonder how it plays inside the hall and outside the hall. In the hall, i thought she landed some really good lines. People were really with her in the hall. I wasnt watching from home, so im not sure how it played. But thats why we have dave here. People watched and it was a heavily watched democratic audience. An instant poll of people that watched the speech, and you do have to add those two notes of caution. This is not a poll representation of america or the state of the race. Its about people who tuned in. So the second note is, will people who tune into a Hillary Clinton democratic nomination acceptance speech are going to skew overwhelmingly pro hillary and pro democrat. But that being said, to marias point, did she hit her mark . Take a look at the positive reaction she got tonight from speech watchers, among those that watched the speech. Very positive was 71 . Wow. Somewhat positive, 12 . 15 . And negative, 12 . How does that compare to were going to get to that in a moment. But take a look at how people before the speech thought favorably of her to after watching the speech what her favorbility is. So 73 had a favorable opinion of Hillary Clinton before the speech, again, showing you what a pro hillary audience this was. But she bumped up her favorables among these supporters by 5 points. So after watching the speech, she did some improvement. Does that mean she hit her mark . Certainly hit one of her marks, no doubt. Now you want to compare how donald trump did with his speech watching audience last week. She did better. 71 you saw had had a positive reaction. His was 57 very positive. A week ago among his speech watching audience. Now, one thing we saw is that this audience that watched the speech tonight was more democratic, more pro hillary than was a republican pro trump audience last week. Both audiences were pro . Both were skewed in the direction of their candidate. Hers was even more so. This is how she ended her speech and then well discuss that. And though we may not live to see the glory as the song from the musical hamilton goes, let us gladly join the fight. Let our legacy be about planting seeds in a garden you never get to see. That is why were here, not just in this hall, but on this earth. The founders that showed us that and so have many others since. They were drawn together by love of country and the selfless passion to build Something Better for all who follow. That is the story of america and we begin a new chapter tonight. Yes, the world is watching what we do. Yes, americas destiny is ours to choose. So lets be stronger together, my fellow americans. Lets look to the future with courage and confidence. Lets build a better tomorrow for our beloved children and our beloved country. And when we do, america will be greater than ever. Thank you and may god bless you and the United States of america. To kevin maddens point, this is a very inclusive speech, right . Look on the bright side of america. America is great because america is good was one of her lines, angela rye. Right. And i think the one thing she did very, very well, we talked about some of the one liners, some of those zingers. The fact that she could say plainly, hillarys way, there is no other donald trump. This sit. She drew contrast without throwing tremendous amounts of shade. She made it very, very clear what were dealing with, what were up against ask why shes the better candidate. She also talked about temperment. Let me play this. Look at this. A president should respect the men and women who risk their lives to serve our country. Including including captain khan and the sons of tim kaine and mike pence, both marines. So just ask yourself, you really think donald trump has the temper many to be commander in chi chief . Donald trump cant even handle the rough and tumble of a president ial campaign. When hes gotten a tough question from a reporter, when hes challenged in a debate, when he see aes protester at a rally, imagine, if you dare, imagine imagine him in the oval office face ago real crisis. A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. I cant put it i cant put it any better than Jackie Kennedy did after the cuban missile crisis. She said that what worried president kennedy during that very dangerous time was that a war might be started not by big men with selfcontrol and restraint, but by little men, the ones moved by fear and pride. Well, kevin, angela said she didnt throw shade. We know what that means. I thought, though, that was pretty suggestive. Angela hit on something that i think is important. Whats unique about the presidency is the way that people look at it as a as a rostru you m from which you can unite the country, particularly from times of crisis, but overall and using elections to bring people together i think is a pretty powerful notion. So i think that attempt for clinton to appeal to that was a smart one. I think probably one of the most devastating critiques that she laid out during this speech was that temperment one. Even some of Donald Trumps most ardent supporters great question about his temperment and being in office. And that, i think, is something that right now, even if you look at the polls, david can probably back me up on this, the question of who has the better temperament, Hillary Clinton wins like 2 1 on na question. So i think youll see much more of that. The question going on in the campaign is hillary has this relatebility and she was serving pass uniter in this particular speech. And she did so in this moment. The question is whether or not she can continue to do that throughout this campaign. Oftentimes some of her worst instincts comes out and she can get very devicive and get reactionary about republicans that criticize her and attack her. That will be interesting to watch. When we come back, more here live from the cnn grill, right here in philadelphia. Tonight or this morning, i forget its morning time, youre watching cnns live coverage of the Democratic National convention. Well be with right back. My fellow americans. They say were a nation divided. Thats not true. We agree on a lot. Like paul rudd. Everybody loves paul rudd. I didnt know this was going to happen you know what else everyone loves . Emojis. No. Beer thats why were forming the bud light party. Just wait till you see our caucus. Weve got the biggest caucus in the country ooooeeeyyyyy im really inspired right now. America has seen the light. 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Sweet caroline good times never seemed so good by the way, were on live tv. Sweet caroline good times never seemed is so good so good so good id be inclined to believe they never would sweet caroline whew i cannot believe this happened. Okay. Where were we . Temperament. Wolf blitzer, brianna, thank you. Thank you, brianna. Thank you, wolf blitzer. Thank you, crowd. And were good night, everybody. No, were kidding. Back now with my political dream team. What were we discussing . Hillary clinton, temperament. Angela, bakari, david, maria all here with us now. One of the most, i thought, important moments for the crowd that land really well was when she talked about guns. Lets listen. Americas strength doesnt come from lashing out. It relies on smarts, judgment, cool resolve and the precise and strategic application of power and thats the kind of commander in chief i pledge to be. And if were serious about keeping our country safe, we also cant afford to have a president who is in the pocket of the gun lobby. Im not here to repeal the Second Amendment. Im not here to take away your guns. I just dont want you to be shot by someone who shouldnt have a gun in the first place. Maria cardona, these been a big talking issue. That moment landed well in the crowd. How do you think it played with america . Well, well see. But i think one of the ways that she did this so brilliantly is that it was an absolute dire direct you know, she was refuting what donald trump said about her when has been a complete lie. She didnt do it angrily. She didnt do it loudly. She did it methodically and she did it in a way that i think gave americans it gave them a way not to worry about what they were talking about. The if you were one of those americans who owns a gun and worry about having her take it away. I think the reason maria said well see is because there is a genuine concern that that talk that is antiSecond Amendment, that it it alien ates certain voters. It was a negative declaration saying here is what i wont do. I really disagree with kevin. Hillary clinton did something today that i wish barack obama would have done. But just take this head on. But the preface of this and what she said was that maybe Hillary Clinton may people hedge on that. Maybe she will take away your guns. This is 7 1 2 years and were still waiting on barack obama to show up and take away your guns. Thats not happening, people. His term is almost over and he didnt take anybodys guns away. Im a concealed weapons permit voter and a democrat from south carolina. This is a very, very big deal, yes, in the top part of florida, in virginia, in north carolina, in georgia. This is a very important issue. I saw her taking it somewhere else. I literally wanted her to look at the camera and say im not trying to take away your guns. I dont want to do that. What i do want are common sense solutions. He said very clearly that what i dont want is for people who shouldnt have guns to have them. What about to kevin points when she said im not going to do it and they think thats exactly what shes going to do. My point is she came and proactively and affirmatively refuted it so she could get rid of that lie. It is a lie and a lot of Trump Supporters go on air and say that. I think the most Common Thread there is most people, regardless of where you are on the idealogical spectrum, you know that there are some people that should not have access to guns. Kevin is not a Trump Supporters. And hes very i would say very thoughtful in his thinking and delivery when it comes to these things. He seems to think it may not play so well with voters and voters may think shes going to do exactly that. What do you think . Certainly its not going to stop her political opponentes from saying she will. That will go on. What i think is fascinating about the politics of what she said is where the Democratic Party has come on this issue now because there is none of her predecessors as democratic nominees would have taken that issue on, straight on like that. But because her path to the white house is the Obama Coalition and making sure that all these democrats turn out, 80s a whole different calculation. Theres no more fear on her part about turning off you disagree with me. I disagree with you. This is not try angulation. You dont know the party moved on this issue . The president of the United States, his presidency is going to be dictated through the lens of the fact that he speaks 12 times. Hes spoken 12 times after mass murders in this country. Its not that the party is moved, its that the country has moved. Because of the simple fact that every other time you look, you have dallas, officers gunned down who were shot through bullet proof vests, you have in orlando somebody who should not have that artillery or in charles to know where you have a loopho loophole. People who were very conservative and very pro Second Amendment and, you know, the nra has a lot of influence over i have but, you know what they believe that is but those are but those are people that Hillary Clinton is never going to get, anyway. But but so but hang on. To davids point about the party has moved but the country has moved, and the reason why democratic voters are not all that worried about this, i was talking about lets see what republicans do, lets see what is talked about this, 90 of americans are where the Democratic Party is on common sense solutions. But they dont always the thing is most powerful about this issue is they believe its a fundamental right. Its not a question of whether or not were voting for or against. Its whether you believe this in that fundamental right. And the second part of this which makes it tough for democratic strategies is the voters that are the most animate odd this issue are in favor of the Second Amendment, without a doubt. What will we be seeing after this break . You never know. Thats why you have to stick with us through the break and throughout the morning here at cnn tonight this morning, this afternoon with don lemon. Live from the cnn grill at the Democratic National convention in philadelphia. Is it over yet . That song, by the way, wore everybody out. It got quiet. Discount. Because safe drivers cost less to insure, which saves money. They let you pay your bill electronically, which saves postage, which saves money. They settle claims quickly, which saves time, which saves money. And they offer home and auto insurance, so you can bundle your policies, which saves money. Esurance was born online and built to save. And when they save, you save. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance, an allstate company. Click or call. I im so in love with you not today. Not today. Dude. Do make me ooh, go ahead. I love that. What is going on here . You didnt know we were on . I have to give them the new kids on the block and its after hours. Oh, were live at the Democratic National convention. Oh, oops, i did it again. I did it again no, thats not happening. So were back here in philadelphia. I dont know what is going on. Were just so happy that its almost over, were down to the dirty 30 when it comes to this hour and we have another hour after this. But i do want ta to talk about it. Chelsea clinton was very low key, right . Were going to get to kelsey in a moment. But her mom talked about breaking that Glass Ceiling which i thought was a big moment for everyone, not just for women, but for everyone. Here it is. And with your help, i will carry all of your voices and stories with me to the white house. And you heard yeah, you heard from republicans and independents who are supporting our campaign. Well, i will be a president for democrats, republicans, independents, for the struggling, the striving, the successful, for all those who vote for me and for those who dont. For all americans together. Tonight tonight, weve reached a milestone in our nations march toward a more perfect union. The first time that a major party has dominated e e ed nomi woman for pd president. Standing here as my mothers daughter and my daughters mother, im so happy this day has come. Im happy for grandmothers and little girls and everybody in between. Im happy for boys and men because when anybody barrier falls in america, it clears the way for everyone. After all, when there are no ceilings, the sky is the limit. So, kevin, after your own admission, you say last week was a little doom and gloom, i dont know if a lot doom and dmroom. Many people didnt see it that way. This is a very inclusive message. Should conservative eggs or republicans be worried or concerned . Well, look, i think the goal of the Trump Campaign was to tap into a lot of anger and anxiety taking place in the country. They kept saying over and over 70 of the country believes were on the wrong track and they wanted to offer a diagnosis of a lot of the problems and align themselves with some of that anxiety. What this speech went to do was to draw a contrast in a way that offers to accept some of the challenges that the country faces but offer solutions. I think the strategy that they have here, the contrast, seize the optimism, to be the more aspirational candidate and that choice will work more favorably for them come november. I wonder let me get this in, david. I wonder how much Chelsea Clinton, if at all, helped her mother. Here is chelsly clinton telling why shes going to vote for Hillary Clinton. This november, im voting for a woman who is my role model as a mother and as an advocate. A woman who has spent her entire life fighting for families and children. Im voting for the progressive who will protect our planet from Climate Change and our communities from gun violence. Who will reform our criminal Justice System and who knows that womens rights are human rights. And who knows that lgbt rights are human rights. Here at home and around the world. Im voting for a fighter who never, ever gives up and who believes that we can always do better when we come together and we work together. I hope that my children will some day be as proud of me as a i am of my mom. So, maria, you have a daughter. As a mom, what were you thinking . Did she help . I do think she helped. And it related. It absolutely related. My daughter is so excited about this whole moment, she was watching this. But it was very special because what we saw, i thought, was a very intimate moment where chelsea it was kind of like she was talking to one of her best friends about why she was so proud of her mother. She was subdued. She was quiet. But i think ta drew in the audience to really listen to what were her reasons as to why she really wanted america to agree that her mother was going be the best person not just the best commander in chief, but the best person to take care of americas children. And i thought for moms everywhere that was so quickly, she wasnt boring . I dont think she was. I dont think she have boringing at all. And you cant compare her to obama, which i know a lot of people are trying to do. Well shes not a stellar performer. No. It was a trying speech. Youre on camera, by the way, angela. I think that in the room with the energy level because of her voice and the way she delivered the speech, she was it was a methodical delivery. And i think that everybody anywhere, i mean, youre talking to adults, many of which have chirp. They want their children to just appreciate their mother or father the way that she did. And i think people would be proud of that. Good point. I think every parent sitting at home watching that wishes one day they could have their kid give that speech. The most fascinating part during that speech was the backstage picture of Hillary Clinton looking at the monitor backstage watching chelsea make these remarks. Well get that. That is something every parent can understand. Lets get that up. Before we go to break. Oh, sorry. I didnt mean to no, thats all right. Let me know. Anyways, when we come back, bakari there it is. Oh. Oh. Oh. Thats what im talking about. Every parent can relate to that. But it would have been great if she was peeking out of the side when no one knew. This is a great picture. Bakari is going to moonwalk when we come back and do his Michael Jackson impersonation, thriller. Oh, youre doing it, too . Live from philly. Oh. Whatcha doin . Just checking my free credit score at credit karma. What the . . . Youre welcome. I just helped you dodge a bullet. But i was just checking my. Shhh. Dont you know that checking your credit score lowers it just be cool. Actually, checking your credit score with credit karma doesnt affect it at all. Are you sure . Positive. So i guess i can just check my credit score then . Oooh check out credit karma today. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. Sorry about that. How do robots work . You need a team. Working together. Doing all kinds of jobs. And the best place to find the job thats right for you is on the worlds numberone job site. Indeed. How the world works. Were back now live from the cnn grill. The time night of the Democratic National convention where one of the most powerful moments of the evening came when the father of a Muslim American. Back with me now, my political dream team and peter beinart. I want to take a listen now as the father of captain khan, a Muslim American who was killed while serving in iraq. Hillary clinton was right when she called my son the best of america. If it was up to donald trump, he never would have been in america. Donald trump, youre asking americans to trust you with their future. Let me ask you, have you even read the United States constitution . I will i will gladly lend you my copy. In this document, look for the words look for the words liberty and equal protection of law. Have you ever been to arlington cemete cemetery . Go look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending United States of america. You will see all faith, genders and ethnicities. You have sacrificed nothing and no one. So, pete we shall i was on the floor. There were people crying. There was a woman next to me wearing a hijab who was enthralled by this. Do you think this moment stands out . I think it was the most important moment of the cop vengz. I was crying. I think it was the most important moment because the most fundamentally unamerican thing, the most dangerous thing that donald trump has done is to take a vulnerable religious minority and make it the scapegoat for america i have to say as an americanjew listen to go to that man with his thick accent saying that he understood america better than donald trump does, better than ta blustering billionaire who claims that people arent of his religion and people who theyre not real americans, that man showed donald trump what america really is. And for all of us who can identify with people who have been made scape goats because theyre on the of the wrong religion and people who said they dont belong, it was an incredible molt. And the fact that Hillary Clinton campaign put his wife on with a hijab, i give them enormous credit for that. That says a lot. It was a stark contrast to the message we heard last week. This is one of the more politically persuasive arguments we made by anyone at the conventions and it wasnt delivered by someone who is not a politician. Sacrifice, liberty, the constitution, those are republican messages being delivered at a Democratic National convention. That was why i think it was a particularly effective moment and probable one of the highlights. What did you think of that, as a conservative . As a conservative, i think one of the most disqualifying things of donald trump is what he said about having a muslim man. It countered everything we believe as a party and its counter to the fundamental tenants of our constitution. And to have that i think to have that delivered by something somebody like that gentleman in a way that was it was very effective. It wasnt counter to the party overall, though. Because in the republican primary webs in our exit poll, it had overwhelming support state after state after state by republican primary voters. So its not counter to the modern day Republican Party. But the distinction i would make there is there are strong differences within the party, though. Thats right. Well be right back from philadelphia. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. [ tires screech ] flo [ ghost voice ] oooo [ laughs ] jaaaaamie, the name your price tool can show you Coverage Options to fit your budget. Tell me something i dont know oh ohhh she slimed me. Which i probably shouldve seen coming. [ laughs ] back to now live at the cnn grill in philadelphia. Tonight has been one of inclusion. Making history tonight a woman speaking at a convention a transgender woman and thats sara mcbride. She joins us now with the political dream team. How do you feel after your speech tonight getting up there . Well, it was a huge honor to have the opportunity to share my story and educate the country of what it is like to be transgender but i think this Historic Convention has been about it and stand in stark contrast in cleveland which was about division, discrimination and fear. You talked about who eventually became your husband, a transgender man who you fell in love with, but then he developed cancer and then died a couple of weeks after you got married . Four days. Four days. How are you doing . That was just in 2014 . I think about andy every day and i am so lucky to have had him in my life. Im a better person, a family member, and friend because of the lessons that andy taught me. I talked about this in my speech. His passing demonstrated to me that every day matters where it comes to building a world where every person can live at the fullest. He came out at a young age and had more of his life to live it full but because of this he had less than a quarter. What do you want people to know about transgender. I remember being in orlando and i dont want people to take it the wrong way, but i spoke to a transgender and i talked about the lgbt, and what do you want people to know . I wanted people to know behind the transgender rights are real people who hurt when theyre mocked and discriminate ed against and i can so often they are reduced to caricatures. I think they think it is just someone who wants to put on a dress or pants and its not what it is. I spent every single hour of every single day thinking about it. My coming out was the product of incredible soul searching. Put the picture up. Tell us about this picture. Well once i got off the stage i met up with my parents and frankly when i saw my dad i just burst into tears and i think the reason why that happened was because when i came out my parents were so afraid. They were so worried that my professional life was over, that i would be rejected by people and i think for them to see an entire arena full of people stand up and applaud and affirm my dignity, i think it sent a message for them that at least for them its going to be okay and walking out to my parents i broke down. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being have brave. It is such an honor to meet you. Thank you very having me. Sara mcbride. From the cnn grill. Well be right back. The party is over in philadelphia not really. The party is

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