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Andrea constand who has said that cosby drugged and fondled her in 2004. She was the first person to publicly allege Sexual Assault by cosby but not the last. Were going to talk to one of those women tonight. Im going to start with gene casarez at the courtroom tonight. You were in that courtroom when bill cosby surrendered. Tell us what happened. In that very small courtroom. You walk in the door and theres the courtroom. This is Montgomery County, pennsylvania. Its close to philadelphia but its a small town in and of itself and bill cosby was not late for the arraignment. He walked in with his attorney by his side looking really good, actually. But he it appeared he couldnt see well. And his attorney was helping him along stepbystep up to the front to the defense table. He sat down and it was just not long after that that the magistrate judge took her seat and we all began the proceeding. It was very short and constitutionally based asking him if he understood the charges against him. And he said that he did. Which of course, is indecent aggravated, indecent assault and she went on to say she set the bail at 1 million and 10 had to be paid and there are conditions, you must have no contact with the alleged victim and give up his passport. And his attorney had his passport in his hand and gave the pass port of bill cosby directly to the prosecutor so she could just take it. And then the judge went on and bill cosby had to sign some papers. He again was told he could not have contact with the alleged victim. Early on in 2004 2005, he called her asking if they could work this out. But at that point when the judge said again, you can have no contact. He said no contact with who . And she said with the accuser, with the alleged victim. Do you understand this, mr. Cosby . He said yes. A big smile on his face, but very professional. Bill cosby was professional. But also in a sense like Something Like this happened every day. The seriousness of being charged with felonies did not really appear on his face. But before you knew it, it was over. She said good luck, mr. Cosby, he said thank you in a big booming voice in the courtroom and he was helped out. This incident, the alleged incident happened back in 2004. Why is this all happening now . Well, its very interesting to think about this. Because first of all the statute of limitations, believe it or not, 12 years in pennsylvania. And that is extraordinarily long. But because of that they were allowed to still bring these charges. It will be 12 years between january and february of 2016. Secondly, he said in the press conference today, the upcoming District Attorneying that the deposition that was unsealed this summer really led to new evidence. But if you listen to what he said, new evidence because of other alleged victims. Well they had come out on cnn months before that. But he attributes that deposition where there were questions of the other alleged victims as being in part that new evidence. We first learned today and we had never heard before the contents of the statement that bill cosby gave to the police back in 2005. Its part of the probable cause affidavit. And cosby admits sexual contact with Andrea Constand saying, though, it with was consensual. That was not that new in the current deposition that was unsealed. He said that to the police which would have been given to the District Attorney in 2005, back then. But charges were not brought because the District Attorney said we do not have the evidence. Is the new evidence simply the other accusers and whether or not they will be able to testify in court, not about Andrea Constand but about their own stories is up to the judge. New election and new District Attorney, he brought charges. The next time he is in court is in january or february. Could other accusers be called to testify even though their cases are older, jean . Quite possibly. Its up to the judge. It would be prior bad acts and this can be allowed in a court when there are strikingly similar situations that have never been prosecuted but because the facts are so similar the judge can allow it to come in to show that there is an absence of accident, to show the intent of bill cosby in general, and its not to prove that he did anything to Andrea Constand but to show the state of mind of bill cosby throughout the years and throughout his life. Jean, thank you very much. I want to bring in kyah thompson. She is one of at least 50 women who have accused cosby. You probably thought you never would have seen this day come. I like to say survivors. Have you been waiting for this and what is your reaction to it . Yes, shocked. And happy. Prayers answered. Do you think people finally believe you now . Does this sort of cement that for you . Well, they have more tools to work with for forming their own opinions now. As i understand you know, i was at home watching it on Television Getting ready to come into work. Your father heard the news first, correct, and he told you . Correct. What happened . Yes. Sort of a happy dance. And i called a fellow survivor. And immediately started my my phone started blowing up with the other women. And its been a big day, don. So lets tell your story, okay . So you came to new york. You wanted to be a model and an actress. How did you meet bill cosby, what was that initial relationship like . Sure. Ill preface by saying im from the washington, d. C. Area. Lived in maryland, gaithersburg. I graduated high school a year early and was modeling in the d. C. Area and had been asking my mother. I was modeling since i was 15. Can i go to manhattan and model . No, no, no. I took it upon myself with a girlfriend and bought a round trip ticket to manhattan for the day. Knowing that i would get back and theyd never know. And i went to faces, one of the top ten agencies, it said in a book, to go to. Overed by sue charny. She managed Janice Dickinson and other survivors. Within that time span i was sent to a studio in queens where they filmed the cosby show where i met him. I had teared in my eyes. Mom didnt know i was there. My mother, Judith Thompson was the director of a maternal childhood unit in gaithersburg. He phoned her. She didnt know i was out of the washington metropolitan area. We watched his show every thursday and had albums. His voice he assured her he would take care of you and you should move to new york. And he would look after you, right . Then, and then also when my parents met came up to meet him before i moved. I was 17. My mother and father and i ate dinner at his house. We were there many hours listening to these assurances. Kyah, at first you choose to remain anonymous with your allegations and others did as well. But earlier this year you went public. What changed for you . Hmm. Le i suppose i just got brave. Im not sure exactly what detail changed. But i decided i really dont know exactly, don. Its been quite a whirlwind. Im glad i made the choice, though. Cosby maintains that any sexual acts were consensual. What do you say to that . No. Certainly regarding the actual act, the audience can google. I dont choose to relive it any more. However, he no. Would be my answer to that. Simply. You said that you watched every thursday and we all did, you know, back in the day. I watched in college. We all watched. What did he represent to you . My fathers name is bill. Great sense of humor. He was a father figure as he was for many of us who are survivors. An icon for the africanamerican community. Made it all the more difficult to come forward as, you know, the programming there was harsh and reactions, to this day, can be very harsh. But now, i feel that really for the africanamerican community, he owes us to be honest. He owes us to see what it is like for someone who has done wrong to own up and hopefully try to shape up. He owes the people of color that. Did you and all of us. You said your dad found out first. Did you see the video of him going in and out of the courthouse and the mug shot . Just here in studios. And i was speaking with someone earlier about him being in court. I know this blind card is going to come up. And i mentioned he will have a cane and someone on each elbow. And i was right. I certainly am not insensitive to handicaps. But lets look at 50 years of a pattern by a perpetrator and not those issues. What do you want to see happen to him . Lets just be honest mr. Cosby, honesty, just own your actions please at this point. The other thing id like to say before we go. Before all of these interviews end there is a disclaimer saying that mr. Cosby has denied all allegations. I believe there is a community comedian, d. L. Hughley, i listened to an interview and he has never denied any allegation. The most words he has given is a comment to a. P. About scuttling the report. His lawyers have denied the allegations. Im not interested in seeing him face to face or hearing that well, yes, the truth. But he never denied allegations from his lips. His attorneys do speak for him. But what would you like to see happen to him . Again, id like him to own up. You know, i think it would curtail a lot of bad karma on his part, on his person, but you know, thats all i have. Im not as i said earlier on a cnn interview, this is now in the hands of a higher power. Kaya thompson, thank you for coming in. Thank you, don. Bill cosbys own words may be the strongest evidence in the case against him. My interview with cosby in 2013 and what he said that may have gotten him in trouble. We were in a german dance group. I wore lederhosen. So i just started poking around on ancestry. Then, i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. It turns out im scottish. So, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. Woman after woman after woman. At least 50 accused bill cosby but he never faced criminal charges until today. He faces three felony charges of aggravated and indecent assault and free on 1 million bond. His attorneys say the case is unjustified and vow to fight it. Gloria allred is with me tonight. And also tom mesereau. Its good to have both of you with me. Gloria im going to go to you first. How are your clients reacting to this . I have been receiving emails and many of them are very, very happy that Andrea Constand is going to be able to get her day in court in the criminal justice system. For most of them they are going to be denied that opportunity to have their day in court. Because its too late because of the statute of limitations and they cannot have their matter prosecuted even if a d. A. Felt there was evidence sufficient to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt and its too late to file a civil lawsuit because of the statute of limitations. But they are happy for andrea. And we want mr. Cosby to have a fair trial. But andrea has the right as well. Did you ever think you would see this day, gloria . I wasnt sure because even though we have been litigating a civil lawsuit on behalf of judy huth who alleges she was 15 years old when she was victimized at the playboy mansion, the burden of proof is so much higher in a criminal case than in a civil case. There needs to be proof beyond a reasonable doubt which this d. A. Feels that he has. In a civil case, much less proof is required. So i wasnt sure whether or not a criminal case would be filed against mr. Cosby. Okay. Tom, i want to play this. Cosbys attorney released this statement today. A charge by the Montgomery County District Attorneys office comes as no surprise on the heels of the hotly contested election. We intend to mount a vigorous defense and expect that mr. Cosby will be exonerated by a court of law. If you are representing him, how would you be preparing right now to defend cosby . First of all i want to make clear i dont know the evidence in the case, never met mr. Cosby or the accuser or any of ms. Allreds clients. A lot of things trouble me today. This media frenzy reminds me of the Michael Jackson case. As soon as he was charged every Major Network was doing a special on him, all of them negative. All said he settled casers for money and couldnt prevail in any criminal courtroom. The allegations were other accusers would step forward that he had a propensity to do this. This is reminding me of the past of 11 years ago. The fact that this d. A. Ran on a platform that she was going to prosecute mr. Cosby and then filed a case a few days before the statute ran out is disturbing. It begins as a political football. Are you saying there is a rush to judgment and innocent until Proven Guilty . It looks like a political motivation to get this filed based on a campaign pledge. Can you imagine if this d. A. Ran in four years and was attacked for not going after mr. Cosby . I think there was a political motivation to file the case. And let me also say this, my understanding that the accuser in this case, entered into a confidential civil settlement with mr. Cosby. Every confidential civil settlement i have heard of involved a payment of money in return for signing a Settlement Agreement where you acknowledge that the defendant does nod admit any wrong doing. In this happened in this case and i were cross examining this person, the first thing i would ask is what is more important to you, money or principle . Did you take money and walk away confidentially or did you take it to a jury and do it publicly . I would go from there okay . I suspect that her taking money in return for a confidential settlement is going to haunt her throughout the case if thats what she did. Lets talk about that. In his opinion about deciding o unseal this deposition, the judge cited in an interview i did in 2013. When i asked cosby about leaders in the africanamerican community. Take a look at this. I think it has to come from the same place i think it has to come from the universities. I think women strongly because when you see 70 in research that says theyre the leaders of the household, what we need is for people to realize i want to raise my kid. I want to go back and get and get that responsibility. I want every loud voice you hear yelling about something and saying, well, you just you lost us, you became a millionaire. The reason im giving you this information is because i was living in the projects. I was not taking care of myself in terms of managing my education and once the door opened and i saw, quote, unquote, the light, ive started to become very successful. And that judge said that because cosby did interviews with me and members of media and spoke at universities the pound cake speech is noted in 2004 as well, lets listen to that. These are not political criminals. These are people stealing cocacola, people getting shot in the back of the head over a piece of pound cake. And then we all run out and were outraged. The cops shouldnt have shot him. What the hell was he doing when w the pound cake in his hand. All of these are noted by the judge who said that cosby had, quote, voluntarily narrowed the zone of privacy. Do you agree with the judge . And i want to get glorias opinion. I need to know more facts. Why was the deposition sealed . Was it part of a settlement . Did both sides agree it would be sealed in return for the money. If both sides agreed to seal it it should have remained sealed. I dont know what the expectations were or what the agreement was. Judge rthe judge decided to t least excerpts of the deposition to be made public and i think that was the right decision. As a result of some of those excerpts of mr. Cosbys testifying under oath in the deposition in the Andrea Constand lawsuit, you know, public learned that mr. Cosby admitted under oath using quaaludes with the intent to have sex with some women. He did not say that when he was asked, did the women agree or was that without their knowledge, without their consent . His attorney objected to the question. He did not answer that question, nonetheless, some of that now has been in the Public Domain and i think rightfully so. Do you think it should have been sealed . Is it un im sorry to interrupt. Is it unusual to unseal a document if there was a settlement, is it unusual for a judge to unseal a document that has been sealed . Well, you know, this judge decided that it was appropriate for this to be made public. There was an issue of whether the sealing or protective order had expired anyway. In any event he did that. As to the deposition we took of mr. Cosby in october there is a protective order on that and a motion to compel, a second deposition of mr. Cosby we had to file that under seal as well. Whether the judge will in fact unseal it, whether he will lift the protective order on the deposition at any point i dont know. But it is definitely within the discretion of the court. Stand by. When we come back i want to know what you think of the things that bill cosbys accusers have told me. Announcer its time to make room for the new mattress models during sleep trains huge year end Clearance Sale. For a limited time, save hundreds on tempurpedic mattresses. Get the most highly recommended bed in america at closeout prices. Plus, get interestfree financing and sameday delivery. Why wait for the new models . Sleep trains year end Clearance Sale is on now superior service, best selection, lowest price guaranteed sleep train [train horn] your ticket to a better nights sleep. Andrea constand was the first of bill cosbys accusers to go public but there are many more who are telling their story. Gloria, to you first, i want you to listen to a special i did with many of the survivors last january. He has the same m. O. With all of us. He identifies a vulnerable victim. He then gets them alone or lures them into a place, sometimes where other people are in proximity. He drugs them. He does his thing with him with them. And sometimes he waits for them to wake up so he has more contempt. He still has supporters. Thats a good point because the man could not possibly be acting alone. What i mean by that is the man has power and wealth and fame. And has many people an impenetrable circle, many layers of circles of people that are protecting him that has created this hermetically sealed bubble of protection. The special that we did. Gloria, what do the survivors say about this . Do they believe more people were involved . Do any of them remember others being involved or present . Well, you know, if as in when any are witnesses and are asked under oath they can answer under oath. I would rather not reveal what i know. But i would like to respond to what tom said and his suggestion that some how that andrea did this for money, if in fact she did accept a financial settlement as a result of the civil lawsuit which by the way is quite common. I have many cases that we settle. There is a financial settlement and a confidentiality clause and a criminal case as well. Nothing wrong with that. Victims have options. They have both options. They can exercise one or the other or both if a d. A. Will prosecute. They have every right to the so. They shouldnt be attacked for seeking compensation for their therapy and medical bills and pain and suffering. They are empowered if they do that and they have every right to do that and i resent any suggestion by any defense attorney and many make the suggestion that somehow they only did it for money. Most victims i know would rather not have been victimized and not have to file a civil suit. How do you respond to that, tom . First of all, many celebrities are victims of false accusations and they will pay to spare their family. Michael jackson admitted he paid almost 20 million to spare his family and o. J. Simpson type situation. He went to trial and was exonerated of every allegations. He was completely cleared. I would like to know who ms. Allreds clients like 40 years ago. Did they go to parties where drugs were handed out . Why did they approach mr. Cosby . What did they get out of the relationship . They need to get investigated and they have to be questioned to find out what happened and what didnt happen. This is 40 years later and they are all making these accusations. Something seems wrong to me. Listen, tom it doesnt seem wrong to me at all. There are about 50 accusers now. Surely they cant all be looking for money. Well, theyre most of them are not going to be able to sue its too late. What are they looking for . Who are they . What were they like 40 years ago. What do they intend to get from their relationship in how did they behave . Drugs were being handed out in parties and clubs left and right. People were using them freely. It was a Different Society then. Im not involved in this case. But im skeptical of this many women jumping on the band wagon 40 years later when times have changed long after they could have made claims to the police and whatever. I dont think something seems wrong at all. Have any of your clients been contacted to testify . Im not at liberty to reveal whether there has been contact with law enforcement. But my clients have indicated to me that they are willing to testify if as in when their testimony is sought, if that testimony is considered to be relevant or admissible in the criminal case. You can see what tom is doing which is what most Defense Attorneys would do which is try to blame the victim and try to make suggestions about the victim. We understand that is how the became is played especially when they are up against a celebrity who has money, power, and fame. Who is known and thought of as a respected father figure. This is why some of them didnt come out some years ago. Because they were afraid they would be attacked. But now its a different time. They now have courage. Some did tell their friends and family years ago. Some did in fact telco workers and may have told therapists and others. I have spoken to them. I have spoken to not only all of my clients personally but many more who have called me and not spoken out publicly but who are willing to testify if as in when their testimony is required. I admire them. They are willing to endure the riggers of all kinds of things. But its mr. Cosby who is on trial. He better be ready. Its not going to be fun and games for him and not a laughing matter. Tom, you said you have not been contacted about the case. But, where would you proceed from here if you were representing bill cosby . On the stand, a plea deal, continue on . First of all, gloria puts up a smoke screen. Fatty afterbuckle in the 1930s was accused of rape. It was a fantastic trial. They could have gone to the police and a lot of prosecutors would have wanted to bring a high profile case against a celebrity. But in answer to your question there has to be a thorough investigation into these women. Everything has to be checked. He is presumed innocent until proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. And this freeding frenzy has the potential to deny him that presumption of innocence. And his lawyers have a right to find out who the accusers are and what skeletons lie in their closets. That has to be the last word. You are saying that he is the real victim, bill cosby. I dont buy that. I dont expect you to. When we come back, the fall of an icon. If you had a dollar for every dollar Car Insurance Companies Say theyll save you by switching, youd have like a ton of dollars. But how are they saving you those dollars . A lot of Companies Might answer um. Or no comment. Then theres esurance born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. So whatever they save, you save hassle, time, paper work, hair tearing out and, yes, especially dollars. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance. Backed by allstate. Click or call. If you happened to be around in the 80s, the cosby show was mustsee tv. That picture is different today with cosby facing Sexual Assault charges. Joining me now to talk about the fall of an icon is cnn contributor Michelle Turner and anchor of entertainment tonight. Nischelle, do you remember this . Look. You see a long time ago before you were born i prayed that god would give me a son to carry on the family name and you were born. And i watched you do things. And many times i have wanted to ask you not to tell anyone who you are. And last night was one of those times. I can see my mom saying that to me. I can still laugh at it. What happened to that guy . Can we still love that bill cosby despite what we know now . If im being honest i was a superfan of the cosby show i have seen every episode three times over and i was uneasy watching that. I was. It is hard sometimes to separate the man from the character. Thats what we are seeing so much of right thousand. Bill cosbys achievements in television cannot be taken away. We have to say that. The cosby show revived television sitcoms in the 1980s. It was a trail blazing program. For five seasons in a row it was just that good. Two of those episodes, the one we are showing right here and the gordon gartrail episodes were two of the best episodes of television that have ever been done. But we see a much different bill cosby now. And we see people separating themselves from him. In a rapid fire motion. The house of cards that has happened with him has been awesome to watch and i dont say awesome in a great way but in a wow way to watch this happen. We didnt have a dvr or tivo. We had vhs recorders. But we would be in the quad or having beers. We have to get home to watch cosby show. What doesnt happen that much any more. What is the dinner table conversation tonight . Im not sure if the parents with children today are having the same conversations that we would have had with our parents back in the day. This generation is removed from the bill cosby we grew up idolizing who was quote, unquote americas day. In our day it would be a sad conversation and a lot of what happened, why . This man for much of america he was americas dad but its for black folks and people of color in our community that image of cosby show and bill cosby and having this wonderful great family, that sat very deep for a lot of us. Either we felt like the representation of africanamericans on television was unrepresented or misguided. So to see this, it really brought a sense of pruide to us. Those conversations along with fat albert and picture pages and uptown saturday night. All of those things made bill cosby who we saw him to be in his mind. These days im not sure what the conversation would be at the dinner table. I think it would be i think kids are saying who is this man and why what did he do . Its interesting because i lived in this subdivision outside of Southern University and all of the people it was just like the cosby show and we had not seen that on television. There is our neighborhood finally on the tv. And look at ebony magazine. You saw the shattered cover. Bill cosby has been the symbol of every black man brought by racist society with the help of mercenary and vengeful women. How do you feel about that . Bevinly johnson who has come out as one of bill cosbys accusers kind of said the same thing herself before she decided to speak out. She said it took a long time to tell her story because she didnt want to be one of those women bringing down a black man. Those are real conversations that people are having. If you are being honest you have heard that conversation a lot throughout this whole process. And people were really slow to come to the party of thinking that this could actually have happened. I mean, people really didnt want to believe it especially the people in the black community. Even my mother after a long time called me and said do you really think he could have done this . It was all a demoralizing thing to try and wrap your brain around. It still is. Because we dont have an outcome yet. And bill cosby has filed a defamation lawsuit against several of the women who accused him. Who knows what will happen with this. Nischelle, so glad to have you on the show. I watch you every night. Continue the great work on e. T. Thanks, doll. Always good to see you. Thanks, byebye. When we come back, steve jobs was a giant in his field. You know the legend but what about the man . Hear the real story. Thats next. L be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. 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It was really thrilling. Steve inspired us to and taught us to work hard and make a difference in the world. And it was just a blast to be able to do that. I want to take a look at this film, a look at this film and its looking inside the original macintosh computer. Here it is it. One of the things that steve thought was important and jerry manic facilitated. There are all the people, the original group that signed the machine. Theres steve jobs right in the middle. My name is over here. Why did you do that . Because the people that worked on it consider themselves and i certainly consider them artists. These are the people that under different circumstances would be painters and poets but this new medium has appeared in which to express themselves and that is in computing. What is it like to hear you say you are an artist . Steve is an artist. I love art and consider myself an artist as well a lot of the team did. I felt a pang hearing his voice like that. That was the steve i know. He was infamous. He would tear you down as easily as he could inspire you. A clip of the film talking about working for the legend. Its easy to make chaos and if you are comfortable with it you can use it as a tool. He used a vast number of irritating tools to get others involved in his schemes. He is seducing you. He is vilifying you and hes ignoring you. Youre in one of those three states. Was that your experience . Yeah, thats a pretty good quote. Steve could be seductive but he could be amazingly difficult. I know that you think that much has been made of maybe the negative parts of his personality or persona. But do you think you have to be a jerk to be successful . Absolutely not. I think a great example is steve wozniak. He is one of the kindest and most generous people i have met. You dont have to be a jerk although you have to be tough to be a good businessman. You know, its interesting to watch when you look at the original video, the earlier video of him and you look at him after he became sick, hes so frail. Were you involved during that time . I wasnt involved at apple but i stayed friendly with steve, and yeah, it was just a sad, horrible thing to watch him wither away like that over the course of a few years. What do you think he would think of todays apple . Do you think hed be satisfied . I think he would be amazed at the financial success. I think he would have some complaints, though, about their recent products. Andy wait a minute, what products . Well, just some of apple music, is an example of one that i think is a bit messed up or way you have to charge the rechargeable mouse, you have to stick the connecter in the bottom so its unusable. Just Little Things he would have taken care of . Yeah, yes, steve paid huge attention to the smallest details and you can see that fading away from apple a bit since hes been gone. Thank you very much. Andy, appreciate it. Youre welcome. Happy new year. To you as well. Steve jobs the man in the machine airs sunday night at 9 00 eastern. We will be right back. If you had a dollar for every dollar Car Insurance Companies Say theyll save you by switching, youd have like a ton of dollars. But how are they saving you those dollars . A lot of Companies Might answer um. Or no comment. Then theres esurance born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. So whatever they save, you save hassle, time, paper work, hair tearing out and, yes, especially dollars. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance. Backed by allstate. Click or call. For the new mattress models its time to make room during sleep trains huge year end Clearance Sale. 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Thanks for watching all of this year and make sure you are here tomorrow night for new years eve live with Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin starting at 8 00 eastern. You know kathy wont have anything interesting to say. Join us to ring in the new year from new orleans starting at 12 30. 12 30. Ac360 starts right now. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com good evening. Im jim sciutto in for anderson. We begin tonight with breaking news. As the year ends, a Terror Threat looms. Top u. S. Security officials briefed president obama about a threat originating overseas, of possible attacks here in the u. S. On three cities, new york, washington, and los angeles. We should point out Officials Say the threat is uncorroborated at this point based on a Single Source it do n

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