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Off . Weve had over 550,000 donations, just blowing everybody out of the water. And a message on black lives matter that may surprise you. Don, im going to say it straight and im going to hurt some feelings but this is the truth. Were going to get to all of that tonight but i want to begin with donald trump. Joining me is sam clovis, National Chairman of the trump campaign. Good evening. How are you doing . Im fine. How are you . Im good. Donald trump ended himself boycott of fox news. He was asked about his high unfavorability in the poll numbers. Ive done well at getting the unfavorables much better. If you look at new hampshire, im doing great, very positive. Iowa, the places that im going to a lot, south carolina, im doing great in that category. So i think when people see me, when they see i want to make America Great again, they all of a sudden say, you know, we really like him. So, sam, that was mr. Trumps response. What do you thinks behind these numbers . Well, i havent seen the numbers. I guess thats probably my fault for not having looked at those. Ephs busy all day working on a particular project for the campaign. I think it has a lot to do with the personality. Youre dealing with a person who is very direct, very bill clinton and theyre used to politician who is will say whatever they have to say to get elected and i think whats really impresses people when they get a chance to go to a rally with mr. Trump or be at a Campaign Event with mr. Trump, they find out this is really a sincere man, a man who speaks the truth and he speaks truth to power. I think thats whats really incredible here is that he is about empowering the American People to change the status quo in washington d. C. So youre saying that most of the candidates, most politicians pander. Yeah. I got to ask you though, your boss admitted to my colleague erin burnett, these are his words, that the attacks against his fellow candidates can be a little childish. The question is why then do it when youre the frontrunner . I think youd have to talk to mr. Trump about that. My position here is to make sure that we have a good set of policies and were building those and were rolling those out. Its to make sure we sin to have a great ground game building in all of the early states and were doing that and make sure we have the right hires and make sure were out there with the right message and talking to the American People in terms that they understand and not on to educate them but to help uplift them and to make sure that theyre aware that this is a campaign thats about the positive aspects of this country and about whats going to make this country great again. Do you think people you say people are showing up because hes authentic, hes not pandering. Do you think theyre hearing enough specifics . You know thats been a criticism. Im not the first one to ask you these questions. I think its fascinating that people continue to ask for specifics and then when we offer specifics, we get the living crap kicked out of us because we offer specifics they doesnnt ae with. Take a look at the tax plan. Its incredible. I was listening to people on your show last night, don, by the way that were sitting there talking about the fact that its trillions of dollars, we cant pay for it. What the people look at is theyre looking at a traditional, conventional view of reforming the tax code. Just simply cutting rates, that isnt what this tax plan is about. This tax plan is about streamlining the tax code, about refining the tax code, taking it down from an incredible 80,000 pages that is full of carveouts for special interest and then providing the best special interest, the American People, the best positive outcomes of that and getting rid of all of this pandering that goes out to special interest. Thats what this tax codes about. People have to stop thinking in conventional terms. When were offering ideas on the Second Amendment and were going to be offering ideas on health care and some of these other great issues that we have well, hes given hes done taxes but thats why we like to have a representative from all sides and a representative from the campaign. We had someone booked but he had a long day. Well have you today and him tomorrow and figure you can explain it. Take a look at this tweet from dump about rand paul. It says, prediction rand paul has been driven out of the race by my statements about him he will announce soon. 1 . Rand called donald trump a clown yesterday. Do you think this is why hes so focused now on rand paul, because of that comment . I think i saw something the other night that one of the comme commentators on another network that said name one instance where mr. Trump threw the first punch and that person could not find a single instance when that took place. And i think that what we really see in a race where we have a large number of people is we see a lot of sharm elbows. Ive been in political campaigns myself and i know the sharp elbows come out. Sometimes you have situations where somebody will Say Something and somebody will Say Something back and the issue is between them, but what happens is because the media are looking for anything to raise rating or to raise the titillation factor, rather than focusing on a campaign or may not be as organized as some people think or doing as well as some people think so rather than looking at structural and policy issues, they want to focus on the personal aspect. I think that frankly, it comes around to being just lazy. I just said we ask you about the specifics and then you said, well, then you ask us for more specific ps. Well, did you not see the specifics on the tax plan . Do you not understand of course. I thought that was a pretty good plan. Of course we did but of American People want to know what hes going to do if he wins and i think thats our job to do it. Im not arguing with you but we do at that sk about specifics and we do talk about policy here. Mr. Trump likes to talk about polls. Hes in a statistical tie now with dr. Ben carson. Mr. Trump even said this morning this is the ebb and flow, youre going to see an ebb and flow to the poll numbers. Do you think hes prepared for this tough battle ahead of him . Yes, i do. Frankly, that was one poll. If you look at the real clear politics average i think mr. Trump still holds a 6plus point lead across the index there. Look, ive been through this myself and i can be very up front about this, polls move dramatically at times depending on polling numbers. I teach statistics. My day job im a College Professor and a professor of economics, and i end up sometimes to have to teach statistics. And one of the things we teach in our statistics class is to make sure that you have an appropriate sample. And i looked at some of these polling numbers here and were looking at samples of under 300 people. And, don, youve been in this business long enough to know thats not a very representative sample. When you have margins of error of 6. 5 , thats not a very i dont know if you can call that trustworthy or not. I would prefer to see samples in the thousand frame or higher and a little closer margin of error. That says to me that weve done Due Diligence on the polling. If you can go out you can get 250 people at the mall if thats what you want to do. Well, people at the mall vote, too, sam. I understand what youre saying. I think as we move further along, youll start to see a bigger number of people, bigger sampling. Don, let me finish up here. I think your point is an excellent one, though. I think what were looking at is we are going to see an ebb and flow and were going to see a rise and fall, were going to see tightening and loosening and if we hang on every poll that comes out date y to day, i thin were going to miss the big picture. We ought to look at the big picture nationally and how each candidate is doing in each state and thats going to give us a representative picture. Are you talking to me or are you talking to donald trump . I know he looks at the polls every day. He mentions them in every interview. Well, frankly, its my job to look at them, too. All right, sam. I thank you for coming on. Talk to you soon. Sam clovis, cochairman of Donald Trumps campaign and policy adviser. Now, Mercedes Schlapp an and mercedes. I dont really know him. All of a sudden he attacks me about nothing but really attacked me quite viciously and i fought back. Again, im a counterpuncher. He hit me all of a sudden. Same thing with rand paul. Rand paul was so nice. Is calling him a clown, thats not president ial. Final question. Okay, listen, excuse me, bill. He was a member of the gang of eight, which was a disaster. He was totally weak on immigration. And thats fine. He hasnt changed. But its the clown stuff thats not fine. Last question. Okay, i can understand that. Okay, good. But he hit me very viciously. So right when he seems to accept that maybe calling the gop rival a clown isnt president ial, he still sticks to his guns about being attacked first. I dont know, though. It sounded like there at the end he may have acquiesced just a little bit, which is more than weve seen him acquiesce about anything. This stuff is all about style. Everybody has their different style. Donald trump has his style. His style is to be very brusqk, in your face. One of the other campaigns referred to donald trump as being the clown show, i think it was marco rubio. The freak so. Freak show. Is that unpresident ial . Yes, it is. The real difference is the style in which he does it. Its working for him. Maybe it rubs some people the wrong way but if it works, it works. Weve got the freak show, im sure the clown comment. Remember we had the jack ass comment, lindsay graham. You remember that . But you hear trump say he started it. It sounds like my house with my girls, mom, he hit me. It can be childish. The fact is this has become a campaign of personality and insult. It keeps us all in tuned on whats going on on the gop side of the race. Were not paying attention to whats going on on the democratic side of the race. Why . Because theyre rolling up their sleeves, throwing the punches. The problem is we have to go back to the issues. Governor jeb bush rolled out his energy plan. Were not covering that that much. Were focused on the fact that donald trump is going back and forth on calling marco rubio a clown. I think its not president ial. Van, should democrats being loving this . It kind of takes the edge off saying i can kind of just watch this go by a little bit. Youre split. When youre a democrat, you watch this stuff and you shake your head and think to yourself how can one person, fine, hes a billionaire, has the tv show, how can he drag an entire party down to insult comedy . And at the same time its terrifying because i do think the American People may be adapting to this kind of reality television, you know, survivor style of politics while actually there are things to discuss. I think bushs Energy Policy is that necessarily a bad thing, though . When you think about it . There are people now who are at least engaged in the process. Thats right. There are people watching real housewives, i guess theyre engaged, too. But i dont know if thats going to make the economy work any better. Van, im sure you have complained that more people vote on American Idol or the apprentice than actually go out and vote. Now those people are engaged so why are you complaining . Im only complaining because at a certain point, the insult comedy marathon, the gop thing, is actually masking real problems with the gop positions. Energy policy from bush, terrible. How can it be terrible . Come on, van. You want to talk about Bernie Sanders plan about adding trillions of dollars to the federal government and Hillary Clintons of adding more taxes . It a fight, charles. Its a fight. Trump wants to do 12 trillion worth of damage. I was upset with rubio with 3 trillion. Theres horrible policies going on but were not noticing that because were dealing with these crazy insults. This is bill clinton talking about the name calling as well. Listen to this. I think they believe that authenticity is created by making your campaign look as much like a Reality Tv Show as possible. I really do. And so they think that real voters have a limited band width for policies and i think when the field whittles down, it will get more serious. The American People deserve some sense of what the heck youre going to do if you actually get the job. The day after you kp take the oath of office, you cant level an insult or youre not on an episode of survivor. Bill clinton is a masterful politician. He assumes authenticity is something to be created and that right there sums up his entire political career. I think bill clinton started the reality show with the Monica Lewinsky scandal in the white house. Thats lovely. Wow. Go ahead. I would say theres a reason that obama called them the secretary of explaining stuff. Thats exactly whats going on. I would rather see bill clinton talking about the genome than donald trump calling people names. That was at the clint Global Initiative today by the way. He was brilliant and so was erin burnett. Thank you. Youre coming back . Were coming back. The interviews not over. This interview is over. Im going to sit down with donald trump oneonone right here tomorrow night. I want everybody to stick around. When we come right back, the candidate breathing Donald Trumps neck, ben carson, whose antimuslim comments dont seem to have hurt him. Are supporters putting their money where their mouths are . I 100 refuse to loick the boots of billionaires or millionaires or get into bed with special interest groups. [ applause ] the microsoft cloud gives our team the power to instantly deliver critical information to people, whenever they need it. Here at accuweather, we get up to 10 billion Data Requests every day. The cloud allows us to scale up so we can handle that volume. We can help keep people safe; and to us that feels really good. eeeeohmumohweh hush my darling. dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. hush my darling. man snoring dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. woman snoring take the roar out of snore. 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The latest National Poll from nbc news and the wall street journal puts him neck and neck with donald trump. Were joined by dean, columnist for the daily beast. Welcome, dean. You first. Dr. Carson was on the kelly file tonight. He was asked about your column where you say this campaign is the most racist weve seen in history. Heres his take. Well, isnt that what the leftist always do . When they cant find anything else to talk about, they drop back to racism. Thats their standard defense. And its so silly when you stop and think about it. You know, what ive talked about is about a system of living, which islam is. It has nothing to do with race. You know, there are people of lots of different races who embrace that. And as ive said before, it really doesnt matter what a persons religion is if, in fact, theyre willing to accept the american standards, american principles, American Values and to subjugate with religion. Hes saying the left is always going back to racism. Thats the fallback. Bigotry was the theme of my article, not racism, because im certainly aware of that muslim can be all different races. Thats not really the point. The point is ben carson now has said not about a muslim president or not the headline is gops 2015 festival of hate is already the most racist president ial campaign ever. To be blunt and candid, i dont write the headlines. I write the body of the argument, which is clearly about bigotry. I wish they were not spewing antimuslim, andy latino, jeb bush on black people want free stuff over the weekend. Ted cruz, a jihad against christians. You think this is worse than goldwater, worse than nixon . I think its changed. I put in my article do you think it worse than 2008 . People were saying theres so many races things being said about the obamas. That was much more coded. You didnt have president ial candidates you didnt have john mccain saying that. You have donald trump saying latino mexicans rapists and drug dealers are coming in. Ben car sson saying because of faith, i shouldnt have the same rights as other americans, gays are waging a jihad. As a muslim, let me give advice to the gop. You dont want to be defined by your worst examples in the extremists. Thats what theyre saying about muslims. Exactly. Im telling you im fighting that all the time. We are all fighting it. Go ahead, mercedes. Two points. Absolutely the gop, whoever the candidate is is going to need to broaden their coalition, bring in hispanics. Muslims on a lot of social issues are really more along the lines of republicans than democrats. Absolutely we need to build on that coalition and messaging matter, word matter. Can you also argue that hillary clinton, if you want to play it both sides, is she a bigot for going after christians because she believes they need to change their deep religious convictions because they dont agree on abortions . She never said that. Yes, she did. I dont remember her saying that. Im happy to send you the article. Yes, she did say that. Well take it. Charles, whats your take . Bigotry is a very, very serious thing. Its a very, very grayed issue. Belittling it and making a joke out of it and talking about it like this race is somehow bigoted because donald trump wants to enforce immigration laws reduces the value and the meaning of the word bigoted. I would suggest that maybe dan open up a history book and learn a little bit about the history in this country. I think thats unfair. The elections and bigotry and you would learn are you telling me its not bigotry to say muslims dont share the same values as americans . Youre saying it not bigotry hang on, one at a time. Are you saying its not bigotry to say that muslims have less rights because of our faith . I was deeply disturbed by dr. Carsons comment. Listen, everybody takes the same oath when you become the president , when you become any elected official to uphold the constitution. To start going through and picking out this group and that group we are especially concerned about you is totally unfair. We have muslims right now fighting in our military. We have muslims right now teaching in our schools who are doing a brilliant job. To suggest theres some special criteria they have to have that no one else has to have, thats not fair. Every religion has nutty principles and nutty people in it but were out of time. The man who says the black lives movement is stuck in 1965, well ask him what he means by that when we come back. 1965, well ask him what he [ horn honks melody ] well, well. If it isnt the belle of the ball. Gentlemen. You look well. Whats new, flo . Well, a name your price tool went missing last week. Name your what, now . It gives you Coverage Options based on your budget. I just hope whoever stole it knows that it only works at progressive. Com. So, you cant use it to just buy stuff . No. Im sorry, gustav. We have to go back to the pet store. [ gustav squawks ] hes gonna meet us there. The name your price tool. Still only at progressive. Com. Im a gas service my nrepresentative. N. Ive been with pg e nine years. As an employee of pg e you always put your best foot forward to provide reliable and safe service and be able to help the community. We always have the safety of our customers and the community in mind. My family is in oakland, my wifes family is in oakland so this is home to us. Being able to work in the community that i grew up in, customers feel like friends, neighbors and it makes it a little bit more special. Together, were building a better california. Black lives matter activists have become a force to be reckoned with on the campaign trail. In an article on the daily beast, the reporter says black lives matter activists are living in the past. I always found your articles fascinating. I think you said theyre living in 1965, 2015 sort of activists are living in 1965. Why do you say that . Because theres the idea that the black guys biggest problem is the one white cop. The black guy was in much mover danger of being killed than another black guy from the neighborhood. Everybody wants to focus on the white cop only, out of the sense that our job was to fight racism, which it was in 1965. Today if were talking about what ails the black community, racism is one thing, there is racism that happens between the black man and the cop but theres another huge problem about blacks killing other blacks. You say the group wants to talk about racism but its not interested in the truth. The truth is it not the biggest problem facing black america. Here is the statistics. This year alone chicago almost 80 of the People Killed have been black. In baltimore the figure is 216 black people versus 11 white. In philadelphia 200 black people versus 44 white, most by other black people. Do you think the organization is willfully ignoring this . Or is it just not their mission make. Maybe its just not their mission. It should be their mission. To have an organization in 2015 fighting only for the black lives that are taken by whites is arbitrary because were trying to improve conditions in the black community. And when it comes to murder, these people cant do everything. They cant change eat eating habits, and all the other things. Why would we focus on only murder by white cops . Were stug on the notion to continue the strug of the 1965, we have to focus on what white people are doing wrong. Theres this beautiful argument made that its the state murdering rather than citizens and its more important that the state does it. No. Thats throwing a Political Science term around. Imagine telling a woman in philadelphia who has lost two boys to gang warfare, well, thats really sad, mrs. Williams, but were more interested in what the state did. That doesnt make sense. Ive often thought that sometimes by focusing so much on white people, its almost sort of controlling because youre focused on what white people are doing to black people so much that you become obsessed with it. You create a brand new reality where to be black in 2015 is still to be living with the white persons foot on your neck. And, you know, thats an interesting idea, it can sell a lot of books but the truth of the matter is its different now. That doesnt mean racism is gone but its different. So why does this thing persist that you talk about, the essence of your article . Don, im going to say it straight and im going to hurt some feelings but this is the truth. A great many white people really dont want to be racist and they will allow what they say to depart from what they believe because they feel that the most important way they can show that theyre good people is to show theyre not racist. Theres that dissonance. I think for us because of the history of black america, for a lot of us theres a temptation to think the most interesting thing about being black being an authentically black person is to portray yourself as a sufferer and point to somebody doing your wrong rather than being an individual or being black in all sorts of ways. You have those two things combined and you have a situation where a lot of us are teaching one another not to tell the truth and not to deal with modern reality. Its a shame. Youd think wed be getting past it right now. When we come right back, what Elizabeth Warren says about black lives matter. Is she missing something very important . 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Call today or go online to schedule your Second Opinion here. Learn more at cancercenter. Com i want to get back to the black lives Matter Movement because Elizabeth Warren gave a fiery speech talking about racism in america and black lives matter. Listen to this. Listen to the brave powerful voices of todays generation of civil rights leaders, incredible voices, listen to them say if i die in police custody, know that i did not commit suicide. Watch them when they march through the streets, hands up, dont shoot, not to incite a riot but to fight for their lives, to fight for their lives. This is the reality that all of us must confront, as uncomfortable and as ugly as that reality may be. It comes to us once again to affirm that black lives matter, that black citizens matter, that black families matter. So many thought she spoke exactly the points black lives matter is trying to make. Do you think shes off the mark . No, but i think shes saying something true but is leaving something out. She knows good and well another problem all of us must face is that too many black men kill too many other black men in the same community and that they live under exactly that threat. She knows that but shes in a position where he feels shes not supposed to say it because what she thinks is most important as the politician she is that she isnt racist. Shes not unique in that but she knows deep down shes only telling half of the truth and she know what is shes talking about is not the main problem. If i were Elizabeth Warren, i would do the same thing. I get it. I can imagine what it would be like in 2015 and making public statements beep have to take the responsibility for telling the truth which is that its both the cops and that we also have to have a National Effort where we start working on the blackonblack crime within these communities, too. Thats real civil rights work today. You talk about performance versus action. You said the problem is not an america blind to racism or even an america that thinks race imis solely the nword, crossburnings and housing covenants, the problem is a progressive ideology on race that confuses performance with action. Shes doing exactly that. She is saying i am not a racist. I agree with the concerns you are expressing. I tend to think those are the Major Concerns facing the black community therefore im not racist. Thats performance. Thats not action. This isnt just her. If she were genuinely interested in these communities, she would say that really whats going on in terms of daytoday life is more the blackonblack crime and that problem deserves at least as much attention, even though that would mean turning away from racism for that part of the problem. Youre talking about people finessing words. You said elsewhere another finessing is to call a attention to stop the violence marches in black communities while turning a blind eye to the fact that indignation about cop murders is so vastly hotter and more sustained. All of those things doesnt make sense but youre supposed to pretend they do. It sounds better in a sentence than when you try to explain it. Say for example, the reason boys are californiaikilling eacr sneakers is because theyre having trouble finding a job. Imagine a white kid from scarsdale doing the same thing. We cant. Were not describing human beings. So what is the solution . You would suggest that black lives matter and other groups do what then . Its very simple. This business of saying, well, look, theres stop the violence marches. Its a first step but there isnt a national movement. Nobody is as upset about the blackonblack crime as they are about the one michael slegr, the one Darren Wilson. Do you propose they can be . Oh, yes. You look at a movie in the 1950s, a woman might say to her husband, you smoke too much. A movement coalesced so people stopped smoking as much. We need to think of it it as strange if a community is committing more effort to smoking out the kind of people who killed frid freddie gray rather than the kind of people killing one another, too. The idea that you would only focus on the white cop should seem strange. The fierceness of the black lives Matter Movement, we need to have that focused also on figuring something out with the cops so that nationwide we can get this minority of black men from killing one another all the tile. Theres no reason that couldnt happen. Were just not as interested because we think what were supposed to be fighting is what Darren Wilson has in his heart. But thats not the main thing hurting black communities now. Thats what we should focus on. Thats what activism is supposed to be in 2015. Don mcwhorter, thank you, sir. Thank you, don. 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It has 30 billion probiotic cultures. Feel lighter and more energized. Ultimate flora. More power to your gut. Lisa ling shows you a side of American Life no ones could from motorcycle gangs to models to children of imprisoned polygamist warren jeffs. Lisa ling joins me now in this freezing cold studio. I hope i can even speak. I love it like an ice box in here. The First Episode you tackle flds and you speak with the daughter of warren jeffs, right, who abused her. Warren jeffs allegedly has between 49 and 60 kids. Four of them have left the flds and are making shocking allegations and two of them agreed to talk to us on camera about what their father really is like and what he was like before he became the prophet. I should say alleged sexual abuse. But let look at part of it. Warrens abuse of the innocent began long before he became the prophet. He found his first victims at home under his own roof. When i was really young, probably between the ages of 4 and 6, it was at night, he came in my room. I kept saying, father, do you know what youre doing . Are you awake . And i was thinking theres got to be a reason because he teaches these strict principles of morals and everything. It just scared me. I tried to convince myself it didnt happen but all my life it came to my mind. I never told anybody. Why didnt you tell anyone . Because father knows best. To me he was so perfect theyve kept telling myself, this is this is not a father daughter relationship. Sexuality is not. I didnt feel luke i couike he speak up. Only he could have his say and i just had to go with it and carry on. This is the first time becky has publicly opened up about what her father did to her when she was just a little girl. Its common for child victims of sexual abuse to suppress their memories, keep quiet and internalize their feelings. For decades becky did just that until she learned she wasnt alone. What was it like . First of all, becky and roy jeffs, they havent been out of the flds that long. So theyre still trying to adjust to life outside of the flds. I man, they are like refugees from totalitarian states and yet they decided they needed to tell this story of what their father did to them when they were kids. They are not looking for publicity, are not wanting to write books but there are still so many people who believe that their father is the hand of god, including their own family members. What becky and roy are hoping is that somehow what theyre going to tell the world somehow gets back to them and even gets to their father because their father, warren jeffs, is still the only person who can change things for these people. I want to see more. Members live by this strict code that make it almost impossible for outsiders to go in, insiders or outsiders. At first short creek seems like any other town but it doesnt take long to notice the difference. Those are such big walled off compounds. You dont feel like can you live your life free live without being watched all the time. Im noticing all the windows are cold. Seems like they would be on red code lockdown, close the blinds, lock the doors, lock the windows. Dont be seen. Thats a security truck coming to check on us. You think theyre coming to check on us . I think people are monitoring and theyre watching, whats up . As soon as we saw people, they ran inside the house because they are forbidden from talking to the outside world. They are threatened with punishment. It still as closed as ever. I cant wait to see the whole thing. I wish we had more clips to play. You had amazing episodes. We talked before you came on the air at least one of them. Your previous conversation with your other guest made me think about this episode that we produced called fatherless towns. In so many households across america men are missing and particularly in africanamerican communities because so many of the fathers are locked up in jail. They are desperately trying to reconnect fathers with children. Theres a Fatherhood Program in this jail that culminates in a father daughter dance inside the jail and it is one of the most emotional, incredible things you will ever see. The thing is to incentivize these men to feel and experience and communicate with their daughters while sober, incentivize them to do right when they get out and become productive fathers when they do get out. Does it work . A couple of them have come out and theyve been doing this dance for years and i think its working. Thats episode number three. What else . We also got unprecedented access to the monkels motorcycle club, the federal government has had so much pete on motorcycle clubs and theyre the ones that the federal government has been targeting hardest. Lisa ling returns with this is life. 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And, yes, the big dog showed he could still bark. Oh, come on. Ive answered these questions for three days and im not here to practice politics. If i were sitting in your chair and you w

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