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On black drivers or the police . Is. And now, two plots to build and use a bomb in the u. S. And we will get to what that means for you and me and all americans. And the stunning things that we are learning about the copilot of german cowings. And we will go to miguel marquez, and bowing to a tremendous amount of are pressure, the governors of indiana and arkansas signed a fix into the law, but one local business is becoming the focal point of this business and what is going on . Well it is a pizza shop two hours from indianapolis and they were interviewed by a local station, and the young woman there, ms. Oconnor said that when asked if they would serve a gay wedding, and pizza for a gay wedding, and she said nope our religious beliefs would not allow that the, and so we want this bill to pass, and of course then the twitter storm, and the social media storm ensued. A young woman was actually the source of it and they had to shutdown because of the threats they were receiving, and the police did make an arrest to one woman who tweeted something to the effect of who is go ging to help me burn down the memories pizza, and she was charged with making a threat. And then in an amazing way that the our modern world does they started, somebody started the go fund me account for these individuals individuals and i am changing it now on my phone, and it changes about, oh up another 1,000 and 33993,445 has been raised in about 24 hours, don. New money coming in. And this new law, does it force people to serve gay people against their religious beliefs . Well, it is hard question to answer. Look it is no statewide protection for the gays and lez bi lezby ians, and so in a sense, any business could turn away any gay or lesbian for a wedding or any other service and it has to be tested in the courts, and it is not really the way that people act normally and so it is not clear that it would be the case. And so it is not clear what the effect of this law would have on this business. Most likely it would go on as usual with people just not really asking those questions, and probably not ordering pizza for a wedding. Oh boy, we thought it was over and now it is just beginning. Miguel marquez will keep an yieye on that story. And now, lets get on expertise. I am joined by attorney david boyes and along with his colleague fought successfully to overturn californias proposition 8 which banned samesex marriage and david, thank you for joining us. Good ooef ngevening. As we talked a bt that pizza shop, and it comes down to the individuals, and in the same Sex Supreme Court case marriage, and now the pizza shop owner is the poster children for proponents of the freedom of religious cases, and do they have a case that could end up in the Supreme Court for their rights . Well they dont have a case here that could end up in the Supreme Court. The issue as to the role of socalled religious freedom advocates in limiting our protection against discrimination is an important one, and it is going to be getting inkreescreasing attention. The misnomer is not to sell pizza to people that you dont like anymore than freedom of religion is to serve people that you dont like at the lunch counters. A lot of people in the 1960s said that they thought that god didnt want them to serve blacks and whites together, and that didnt stop people from requiring them to integrate lunch counters and this is not an issue about religious freedom. Religious freedom is about believing what you want to believe, and being able to worship the way that you want to the wor thip worship, and not who you want to sell pizza to. And mike pence said after signing the bill indiana is rightly celebrated about the pro business environment, and Hoosier Hospitality is not a slogan, it is a way of life. It is no question that large and Small Businesses recognize that in order to be successful you have to be opening and welcoming, and not only because the people that you discriminate against it wont be your customers, but because americans generally dont want to do business with people who discriminate. And so when you get known as a business that discriminates or known as as being in a state that discriminates, it is bad for business and not just bad for lgbt business, but bad in general, because people dont want to do business with somebody who is discriminating. And angies, and apple sales force who was giving employees 50,000 to relocate and if all of these companies who had not spoken up and would change have come so quickly . I would have hope that it would have come and being a realist, it probably would not have come so quickly, and particularly in the republican state, and republicans listen to business. Democrats listen to business too, but maybe the republicans listen more. And so particularly in the states like arkansas right now and indiana, businesses stepping up and stepping up for what is really right. I think it played a very Important Role and they should be commended for it. And you noeknow he is outspoken and im talking about charles bashgrk ly, sir charles barkley, and he had a whole lot to say about it a moment ago with my colleague chris cuomo, and listen to this. Well, any time you see discrimination, you have to stand up for it, because they are trying the mako make it strictly about gay rights, but what is next, if they have a muslim customer come in there, and somebody come in a military and they are against the war, and we have to be careful, because any form of discrimination you have to check it typically of the south, where i i am from and all of the red necks hide behind the bible and that sis what the south is behind, they hide behind the bible, and it is strictly about the discrimination. I have had a lot of supporters on the show, and they say it is about protecting the religious beliefs and not discrimination and yet they did not want to add the protection of the gays and lesbians into the bill and what is your take on this . Well the protecting the religious freedoms does not mean protecting discrimination. And there is not a religion that i know of that says that we dont serve pizza or flowers or cakes to people that we disagree with. Religion is about love and inclusiveness, and yes, people ought to be free to worship the way they want and yes, they should be free to have their own beliefs i but they should not try to impose them on other people and discriminate in the way they do business, and that is not what market economy is about, and not what the equal country is about, and trying to confuse this with religious freedom as sir charles says, that has it backwards. People have used religion over and over again to justify discrimination against africanamerican africanamericans, against women women, against people they did not agree with against people of different religions, against people of different backgrounds, and that is a false religion but not religious freedom. And i want to tauklk about the case against the boy scouts and the Supreme Court is going to take up marriage again, and do you think that marriage will soon be the law of the land, and the entire United States, because that is going to be a firestorm among the conservatives. I do think it is going to be the law of the land, and i dont think that it is going to be a firestorm. If you look at what has happened in virginia where we represented a couple that we represented in getting the right to marry, in florida where other lawyers did the same thing, and in utah and in all over the country, people have won the freedom to marry and the sky has not fallen, and there has not been any firestorm, and life goes on in florida, and life goes on in alabama, and in utah and virginia, and just like it did before, and people are getting married, and the only thing is that now more people are able to marry the person they love and yes, i think that there is National Marriage equality but there is not going to be a firestorm. And now while i have you on, the new york boy scout chapter has hired a outwardly gay man, and that is against the policies, so listen to him. What i need the boy scout cans to change is not only to have allowing gay members into the organization, but i want them to accept them, because there is a difference of acceptance and, you know a tolerance. That is pascal tessier, and he is prepared to fight. Will he win . Yes i think that he will, and indeed, he has already won, because he has been hired by the boy scouts to be a scout leader in one of their major camps in new york city this summer. I think that it is a important step for the boy scouts, and it is an important step for the country to move beyond that pattern of past discrimination tandand the boy scouts, particularly the new york council is to be applauded and congratulated for taking this step. David boies, thank you, and appreciate it. Thank you. And now, a debate between sally cohen and ben ferguson. And also a blow to terrorism, two new york women arrested for plotting and planning to detonate a bomb right here in the United States. If you dont think hashtag love dad when you think aarp, then you dont know aarp. Our aarp tek Program Helps people find better ways to Better Connect with each other. Find more real possibilities at aarp. 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This is how e local the topic is and you have a person who answered honestly about participating, and had to shutdown the shop and now another pizza shop who had to deal with Death Threats and people threatening to burn down the building and people coming to the side. You should not be persecuted for giving your honest opinion about Something Like this and obviously, there rare people online now who want to destroy the pizza and the familys life and make sure they dont ever make another dime. And sally . And people have donated almost as well as 400,000 as well well. Good. It is up to 400,000 now if you look at it. That is amazing. What is happening to the pizza shop is a shame. Look, the irony here is that what folks who are pushing for reform, who are pushing for gay rights, all they want is for people to live their lives and be who they are and run their businesses and us all exist together and i thought it was kind of the idea of create our nation and go after any business for what they are doing for their business is wrong, and i would have rather seen the gay folks flock to the pizza place, and politely bring them business and make them understand that it is a good thing to support everyone in the community, and i hope it turns around. It is a sad statement on the kind of outrage culture. And sally you want the kumbaya, and in the real world you know it is not going to happen. Come on man, you know that i do believe that the majority of the americans, and the majority of the republicans, and 30 of the evangelical millennials support the Marriage Equality and the Strong Majority of americans do not believe that you should discriminate in who you serve pizza to or rent a room to, and that sounds pretty kumbaya to to me. And majority of americans are fair and not bigots, and the loudest voices are not always the majority and so lets move on and talk about this, sally, because he mentioned hypotheticals, and a lot has been written about the hypotheticals and the pizzas and the cakes and the flowers, and brightbart included you in a hypothetical hypothetical, sally with a muslim baker, indiana bob, and it says that sally believes it is unconstitutional for the government to force her to alter the product, inspirational speeches that is a way that violates violates her beliefs and her rights but yet thaey want bob to alter his craft and deliver his business product, wedding cakes, in a way that violates his beliefs and First Amendment rights. Did he he get it right . No, before i turn this into a e kon seminar, look, if this is a way to discriminate and if i ran a bakery and anyone said look i want to buy the standard issue 8 inch chocolate cake that i sell to anyone i have to sell it. And if they say i want you to write on the cake, a political message that you disagree with in this example, and they wanted me to go speaking to abortion group, i dont have to do that, because it is not protected. This is not the First Amendment and the government is not compelling people and look we let businesses discriminate no shirt, no shoes, no service, but we dont discriminate on the basis of race, religion or gender, and that is what this is about. And sally, there is a difference of looking at what the pizza owner said when he did the interview. I dont think that any of the people involved in the situations around the country are saying that they dont ben, before you answer that it was a hypothetical and asked him, and there is a woman who owns it, and no, i would not do it. And it did not happen. Nothing happen ded. And look at the and after hobby lobby, and people said, this case that is about contraception and that is not going to be applied to denying the services to gay people, and oh, look, it is, and then. So ben you did your own hypothetical experiment on the radio show today, and tell me what happened, and sum it up fast. I wanted to know how toll the rant the gay lesbian, transjend transgender and Bisexual Community would be so i asked if we could rent their facility. For what . So listen i will set it up and said hi i want to rent your venue, and i gave a date. What is it for . And i said, a traditional marriage rally, and the first man told me to go blank my myself and blankety blank, and that is the thing, and that is legal. And this is the point he should be able to tell me that, because his life and what he believes in obviously it is not in favor of the traditional marriage and the same way that a business whether it is a photographer or whether it is be someone who bakes a cake should be able to participate in the ceremony. So ben, should a motel not have to rent a room to unmarried heterosexual couple if they refuse to . Most hotels, they just want to rent a room. And yes no . Well, the traditional christianbased hoetel, that should be your decision. And my answer is no. That is illegal discrimination, and if you dont like it, then get out of the hotel business. And ben, you should have asked if they wanted a traditional wedding or reception, because anything for a party, you would have been welcomed. And that is saying no to that. And saying if it was a Republican Convention they would have said no. And thank you, ben and sally. Thank you, don. Thank you, guys. See you soon. And foil inging a homegrown terror plot. Two new york city women under arrest and accused of planning to detonate a bomb in the u. S. The switch to tmobile is on. Even verizon customers are seeing the light. Tmobile has americas fastest 4g lte network. From the bay area to the big apple. And more data capacity per customer. Need one more reason . Well even buy out your contract. Ready set switch. To the data strong network. When the moments spontaneous, why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. 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Major developments on two fronts in the fight against terrorism, an american citizen who planned to strike American Forces overseas was deported from pakistan and now in federal custody. A and two women from new york city accused of planning to build a bomb that would detonate here at home. We have a report from jason alexander, and we will begin with jason, and another plot unkovr bid uncovered by the joint task force and the nypd and tell us what the women were planning. Reporter according to the criminal complaint, noelle velentzas, and she is married and has a young daughter in Elementary School and asia siddiqui, and they were plotting to use a weapon of mass destruction and basically improvised explosive device and ied, and these two women from queens who lived together had visited the home depot, and picking up the bombmaking supplies and picking up propane gas tanks, and Pressure Cookers inspired by the boston bombing as well, and the goal, don, was to learn how to make a bomb and detonate it from a distance rather than being a suicide bomber in terms of the targets they wanted to target the military personnel, police officer, and not quote, unquote regular people or civilians. Again, this is according to the complant. Shortly a while ago siddiquis attorney came out in front of the courthouse where the two made their first appearance and he spoke to the media and he said he would not try it in front of the press, but do it in the courtroom, and you can listen to that very quickly. My client will enter a plea of not guilty even when there is an indictment, and she and i will address everything in the courtroom where it belongs, and even though you are very interested, a that is about it. So the next Court Appearance don, that is going to be on may 4th. Don. All right. Thank you, jason. Alexander field is another terror suspect related to the two female and unrelated i should say to the two female plotters also in custody tonight. Tell us a bt that case. Sure, don. It is muhammad alfaric born in texas and deport eded to pakistan where he is accused of supporting al qaeda, and he is charged with conspiring with al qaeda to provide materiel and personnel to al qaeda, and he wanted to achieve martyrdom, and he traveled to pakistan in 2007 with two fellow students from the university of manitoba in canada and the Authorities Say that the men went to pakistan and one of the companions became involved in al qaeda and training there, and there they were providing weapons and training with three men in the u. S. To unleash a Suicide Attack in the new york subway attack, and that was foil and two of the men pleaded guilty and they have been cooperating with the authorities which has helped to shed light on this situation. He is now in the u. S. Court, and he did not enter a plea, don. Thank you, alexandra field and Jason Carroll as well. Now, lets talk more about the Terror Threat with Michael Weiss who is Foreign Policy and now lebanon columnist, and two roommates here michael, plotting for a bomb, and they could be your neighbors, and how sophisticated were the woman . Well i read the complaint, and they were not sophisticated at all, and they were amateurs and they were trying to make a bomb and ied using propane tanks which is difficult to do. And the process of radicalization occurred over the space of seven or eight year and not overnight, and not like they read a isis propaganda manual and decided to do it, and they were deeply influenced by the chief propaganda chief of aqap and that is the most or the midable Al Qaeda Group in the region, and there have the most of making personal contact with those jihadis who want to make spectaculars and im reminded of the socalled underwear bomber who went to meet with the al qaeda cleric there who instructed him to then make a circuitous route to the United States to blow up an airliner. And you say it is not sophisticated, but as we saw with the Boston Marathon bombers yes, thaey can get luck kishgs and in fact, they were keen on learning how to use the Pressure Cookers to construct the bombs there, and im not trying to diminish the threat but they were not hardened and trained jihadis and they had not spent time in the camp, and knew exactly what they were doing. And this is a terror magazine, and right here, it says something that she wrote for the magazine in 2009. She said and what is the exact quote, she said no excuse no excuse to sit back and wait for the skies to rain martyrdom and taste the truth through fists and slit throats, and this is all over the internet and how often does this information ma materialize and why shouldnt you know that . Shouldnt the well, the difficulty is that there is so much of this all over the internet and she was writing, and one of the defendants was writing jihadi post and submitting it to the samir khans blog and so this is the virtual portals makes it very, very hard of who is to track as a credible threat and who is making the noises and some people dont post under their own name but anonymously, and so, yes, this person should have been under surveillance, and i believe that she was, and i must say it is a success, and yet again for the fbi on the Counter Terrorism here at home. And so this person is writing, and how confident are you that our terror officials are picking up on these potential threats . Look we have been incredibly and miraculously lucky since 9 11 and now and i keep emphasizing the point, and it is not a matter of one International Terrorist organization trying to strike at the u. S. Homeland and two, and they are competing against each other, and the way they are doing it is this who can strike a dagger into the heart of the crusader empire, that is is a measure of success, so this is the way they are recruiting. And lets talk about yemen falling, because since yemen has begun to fall apart, i wonder if we have lost some valuable intelligence and sources there, and are they able to detect some americans going there to learn and prakctice jihadi and then come back to america to Plan Properties . Well, this is a great concern when the houthis took the yemeni capital, and now we have lost our intelligence footprint, and our intelligence has pulled out, and there has been some intelligence sharing that is waging the airstrikes b, but the problem is that when we send in a drone or aircraft we need credible actors on the ground to coordinate the intelligence and so you need the u. S. Forces which is what we have in iraq now, and in syria the air strikes are not successful, because we dont have those forces, but we had kurdish liaisons liaisons in kair kaba nrgsi, but that is it. And are we becoming more effective . No you are seeing a sectarian war spilling out into the region. And we are finding them about one per month is the clip. Okay. Coming up, i will ask a former cop of tracking the women for years, and why arrest them now. And we will also look at the days of the actions of the copilot who crashed the germanwings aircraft. Of the Art Technology and warranty parts keep your vehicle running right. Its no wonder we sold more than 3. 5 million tires last year and durning the big tire event get a 120 mail in rebate on 4 select tires. The two women arrested in new york city for allegedly trying to carry out the attacks in the u. S. Are the latest examples of the disturbing trend of homegrown terrorism, and the next guest was on the front lines of terrorism in new york city the police chief bernard keric, and from jailer to Police Commissioner and then inmate and then it has your inmate number on the front of the book, and we will talk about that in a moment, and we will talk about the terror plot. These women, they have been watched by the fbi since 2007 and why arrest them now . Evidently, there is something that the fbi saw, felt or heard that felt that there may be an imminent threat and that may be what happens that you may watch the people for years, and in this case it is actually years and they talk about something, and they lead the fbi to lead that something is going to happen, and at that point, you have to make a desig, do you cut it off or let them go, or do you let them go and take a chance of losing them in the process, and in this case, the decision was made, and they took them. And do you think that the investigation was about to be revealed in some way . Yes, it happens. It happens. And the complaint says that they are recently purchased propane gas tank and could that have been the trigger, do you think . Well, i dont think so. I think that Michael Weiss is right. You know that the propane tank stuff is a hard discharge capability but the Pressure Cooker stuff, and some of the conversations that they were having could have led the investigators to have believed that it was imminent. And one of them searched for on the phone how to research and spot an undercover cop, and things she searched for bombs, and lessons, and he or she, a informant of the ten hfpoint checklist, and could undercover cops have been in danger because of these . Yes, that is the trend s thats that we face now, the lone wolf trends that is what we are facing you know and these people like this, they are getting a lot of the influence from abroad and a lot of the influence through the social media, and that i have access to thousands of documents on the internet and luckily as michael said earlier, luckily, they have pick d up picked up on it, and the problem is that, don, some times, you are going to miss one, and you only have to miss one, and it is going to be a deadly problem. And rafael ramos who died with the partner last year they even talked about target inging their funerals for Police Officers. Yeah absolutely. Nobody should be surprised by this. Nobody nobody. You know, they have been talkingb about it for years. They say they are coming and they say that there is a jihad, and so when stuff like this happens, and you see the people watching this saying oh my god, i cant believe it. Why not . They said they were going to do it, and talking about it all of the time, and it is all over the social media. I was on this show, and on cnn one morning and i talked about it isis on the show, and by the time i got off, my twitter account lit up by isis people talking about what i said and so they are watching. They are watching. And so now, you and i talk about racial issues talking about policing and we have you on to talk about, that and last night i talked to Isaiah Washington and he talked about chris rock who says that he has been pulled over three times in seven weeks. And so isaiah responded with the hashtag saying adapt, and that he e needed to adapt somehow. Listen to our conversation. What would you have chris rock do . Why does he need to change and how should he change . I feel that he needs to look at the area that he is in and maybe visit with the local Police Officers in that community, because i got pulled over so many times they should have h memorized my drivers license plate. He should do that reach out to the local Police Officers, and question why they are pulling him out. Okay. Why should black people have to act differently and meet with the police sufficient officers . No they shouldnt. Adam thing, there is nobody in the country should have to adapt to anything. And nobody should be stopped because they are black or latino or whatever. And, you know, i will say this look when i was up in harlem and in spanish harlem or Washington Heights and buying drugs as a cop, and i had hair period but it was down the middle of my back, and i had a big goatee and seven Diamond Rings and i walked into the spots, and the cops would stop me, because i looked out of place. That is what happens sometimes. And so you would write about your experiences in your new book, and it is called from the jailer to jailed. And my journey from the police inmate to jailer. And so you talk about it, and when you talk about Washington Heights, and being in prison changed the way you felt about the way that things happen on the streets, and the sentencing of people of color. I put a lot of people in prison and bad guys, and real bad guys, people who tried to kill me and my partner and i seize seized millions of proceeds from them and then when i went to priz prison one of the first black men i talked to told me he was doing 10 years for conspiracy of possession of five grams of cocaine cocaine, and you know what that is . Two sugar packs ark and and you put a kid in prison for ten years for two sugar grams, and nobody realizes that is a firsttime lowlevel drug offend erer in trouble before, and never been in trouble, and now he is getting an education of how to lie, cheat, steal, manipulate and gamble and now he is learning that when you get in the verbal argument with somebody, you have to cut them or beat them down, and is that what i want back in society . Why are those kids not treated in the drug courts and why a major disparity of the black arrests . And don, i have you didnt know that before you went in . No. I am all for putting the bad people away and bad people. These young kids and doing what we are doing today, we are locking up commercial fishermen for god sakes who catch too many fish. It is crazy. And from jailer to jailed from Police Commissioner and to inmate. Thank you. Don, thank you. Always a pleasure. We will be right back. This kind of confidence . At your ford dealer. 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A french pros kuecutor says today that lubitz voluntarily brought the plane down. Translator to override the speed alarm, he would have adjusted the speed of the plane, and so is he was alive and conscious up to the moment of the impact, and we are almost certain. Reporter the investigators recovered the charred flight data recorder buried in the ground. The data will show whether the plane was on auto pilot or whether he manned the controls all of the way down. The speed of the plane, the altitude and the power of the plane, and all of the elements are vital to s a serascertain the truth. Reporter a Law Enforcement force says that after a severe depressive episode in 2009 he relapsed in late 2014 and just before the crash, he was shopping around for doctors seeing at least five including a sleep specialist and eye doctor and neuropsychologist, and lubitz apparently told some doctor doctors that he was fearful of losing his pilots license because of the medical issues which is a leading motive for the deadly crash. And a Law Enforcement source close to the investigation says that investigators actually interviewed the pilot who flew with Andreas Lubitz the day before the crash, and the pilot said that he acted totally normal and nothing out of the ordinary and the question remains why he did what he did. Pamela brown cnn, dusseldorf germany. Thank you, pamela. Im joined by roger cohen, and industry consultant who has spent four decades in the industry and mr. Cohen, thank you for joining me and i appreciate it and investigators have six days of evidence showing that he had six days of evidence that he was trying to gather data about this and so s is there anything that lufthansa could have done to prevent this crash . Well don, i could not have any speculation on that, but here in the United States, we are in the safest age of aviation because of the pilots and the faa, and i can say that the new frontier of aviation is looking at the Human Behavior and on that score, what we have learned is that everybody can do a much better job Due Diligence of trying to address that. That is going to be taking aa real shift in the industry, and maybe goes beyond the industry and maybe even in health karcare. That brings out a good point. I know that here in the country i have been told that therapists when they see a patient who has a potential risk to Public Safety that it is theyre required by law to notify Law Enforcement, and i cannot think of a bigger Public Safety and people who are more responsible for Public Safety than people in the airline industry. With hundreds of people on board with lives at stake. Yes, with 24,000 flights in this country everyday. And so what it really speaks to is that there needs to be probably a better balance here in the country privacy which i firmly believe in, but also Public Safety particular lyly here. All right. Lets move on, because i know that you are friends with mile ss obrien, and miles has made some good points this week about how pilots are treated and including noting that the pilot and the crash did not have time to go to the bathroom before taking off, and what can the industry do in the industry to improve the conditions for pilot . Don, again, because of the great safety record, and because the credit goes to all of the parties involved, everybody ha has a role the play in improving that. That pilots need to be more forth coming and whether they are fit to fly, and when they are not feeling well, and airlines do have nonpunitive policies on this but they need to do a better job of monitoring and screening pilot, and the government also needs to create an environment where that is where disclosure is discouraged, and is encouraged and not punished by making this gotcha mentality, and we got you to do this and aiming it at the airline or the pilot, and that is why we have a great safety record, but you have to protect all of the information, and frankly from the press, from congress, from everybody else, because that is how we have the great record. Okay. I have to run, thank you so much. Thank you. We will be right back. Reinventing how we do business so businesses can reinvent the world. 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