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Inadvertently have a black child. That mother joins us tonight exclusively. Also, why does the secret service seem to be having so much trouble protecting the president of the United States . Is there another case of race rearing its ugly head . What about this editorial cartoon in the Boston Herald . Do you think its racist . Well read them later. The case of Hannah Graham. Her High School Softball coach is with us tonight. He has an entirely different take on what you have not heard before. Well get into all of that. A busy news night. We are going to begin with ebola in america. The first person to be diagnosed with the disease in the United States. Hes identified as thomas eric dunn kahn. Hes a 42yearold liberian citizen in the states visiting family and friends. Elizabeth cohen joins us from dallas. How is the patient and what can you tell us about how he came here no the United States . Reporter hi, don. We are told the patient is doing better than when he went from critical to serious condition. Hes on the phone to talk to family. He is not out of the woods yet. He arrived in the u. S. September 20th. He flew from monrovia to brussels, then to dulles with a stop in between. We dont know. There are reports tonight that he was very ill. He was vomiting outside his home and enroute to the hospital. What can you tell us about that . Reporter you know, what we know is he arrived here at this hospital on september 25th and was ill. The hospital asked him, have you traveled to an ebola stricken country. He said yes, i just got back from liberia. That didnt go from the nurse who did the questioning on to the rest of the medical team. They let him go home. Two days later, hes back in an ambulance vomiting. You know, its obviously, as one official, he used the term, this is a screw up. They shouldnt let someone whos come back from liberia with the fever out of the hospital. You know, the hospital termed it as a communication issue. Its a big deal. We really hope the hospital figures out what happened so it doesnt happen again. Also disturbing is we know five children have been exposed to him while he was sick. They attend public schools. What can you tell us about them . Are they quarantined right now . They are not. The parents have been asked not to send their children to school. They have complied to that. Quarantined would mean they are stuck in their homes and cannot go out. These children are not ill. They do not have symptoms. You can only spread ebola once you are actually sick and have symptoms. If you are infected but healthy, you cannot spread the disease. Thats what we have been told over and over again. Public Health Experts say why would you want to quarantine someone incapable to spread a disease. They have to have their temperatures taken at least twice a day. Be watchful of symptoms. They are not contagious or a threat to anyone. Elizabeth, stand by. We have much, much more. In just a few minutes, our team will answer your questions about the risks and what you can do to avoid this deadly disease. Lets turn to the big story out of washington. Julia pearson giving up her tent to restore faith in the secret service and resign. It seems inevitable after the nightwielding intruder who ran in the front door of the white house. Lets bring in cnns correspondent jim macosta. Reporter two things pushed her out the door. The first was her testimony talking to sources inside the administration. Pearson failed to reassure people about her leadership. Some lawmakers on the House Oversight committee thought she was being evasive. The other factor, this was a big one, her failure to tell the white house about another Security Breach on september 16th. The white house told us about this today. This is when the president visited the cdc while he was there. A security contractor got on the elevator. The secret service did not know he was armed until he started to behave unprofessionally, im told. The fact he had a gun should have been reported immediately and it wasnt. Spoke with jason earlier and he called it, quote, a deception. Theres more video of the Omar Gonzalez incident than we previously thought. What is it . Reporter we understand it to be a White House Security video. According to the congressman taking the lead role, hes aware theres extensive footage of Omar Gonzalez during this incident on september 19th. Hes not seen the footage, but will be reviewed by the interim head. He was named today. Clancy has been retired, but well respected. The president called and thanked him for returning to service. He has a lot to unpack. He sure does. Thanks so much. Reporter you bet. Something strange happened in the Media Coverage of todays top stories. Somehow the secret Service Scandal and ebola became racially charged. The host of the ben ferguson show. Van, Julia Pierson resigned today. Did she jump or was she pushed . Its hard to say. I resigned from a white house post. Its the worst day of her life. Tough day for her. We have to give her credit. She stood up for herself. Once it was clear she would not be able to reassure congress, she stepped down. Whether jumped or push, she did it honorably. If she went, the problems would not get fixed. Can the problems get fixed even though shes gone . She knows about the agency. Here is the problem. You had problems with the last director. I dont know if playing whackamole with whose in charge. The mandate is too broad for the kind of world. They are not just protecting the president. They have a bunch of things on their plate. We have to have an agency 100 designed to focus on the threats a modern president is going to face. I dont think the secret service is designed now to do its job. Lets talk about whether or not there was a racial element to the secret Service Scandal. Today, on the view whoopee goldberg said the secret service has a problem protecting this president. Lets listen. Im kind of shocked. The one thing, you always see the secret service jumped in front of bullets. Somehow, they are like oh, somebody running on the rogue. So you want to call somebody to get him . Its like a step kind of thing. Nobody gets it. We are going to watch the whole thing. I mean, what are you waiting for . This is the president of the United States. So, ben, she used that. It was almost subliminal. She used the reference. She said they have a problem protecting him. What do you think she didnt come out and say it. How did you interpret it . This is Whoopi Goldberg doing what she does, standup. You dont joke about the secret service and not protecting the president of the United States of america without talking about the color of his skin. Thats their job. They take it seriously. Theres a lot of people that do that job every day, not knowing if they are going to come home. So, i think theres been serious issues. There is a lack of leadership. There needs to be a total overhaul of the secret service. To imply they are not protecting the way they should be because of the color of their skin, i think this is where the joke gets you laughs. Ifts not appropriate at all. You think she implied it . Sure. Okay. Van, what do you think . No, absolutely. Sorry. You said van, go ahead. I thought it was hilarious. I agree. Listen, the people who are part of secret service, they risk their lives every day. Its one of the most high stress jobs. Any second history could be made and not in a positive way. I think whoopi was speaking to a lot of peoples concern. I dont think about race, but how does somebody go wondering around the white house with weapons. I thought it was more humor than accusation of racism. It would not apply in that way, right . Okay, lets talk more about rals. I was in boston today. This ran in print and online. It shows president obama brushing his teeth in the white house and boehner in the bathroom saying have you tried the new watermelon toothpaste . To many, its racist because of the reference to watermelon. Hang on van. Go, go, go. Listen, i dont understand how that was supposed to be funny. That, i think, is very, very if its not racist, its so racially insensitive. This idea that black people eat watermelon. But the herald says we sincerely regret if we offended anyone. His sons girlfriend uses watermelon toothpaste. Its what came to mind. Even if they didnt know, its bad. Couldnt an editor have noticed this might be something thats offensive . I would love to hear bens comment on this. They even said can we change the flavor to raspberry . Dude, call your editors. You obviously know you are about to get in trouble. Your syndicate is saying can we change it to raspberry . I have never seen raspberry toothpaste my entire life. Thats when you should change it. To claim it was a total accident, its 2014. Seriously . You are a columnist, cartoonist, dealing with politics and being funny. You didnt see this coming . I dont buy it. For once, i agree with ben. Lets see if you agree on this. Lau laura ingram claims about how she blames president obama for ebola in the United States because he hasnt stopped flights coming in from africa because of his famil mealial ti with africa. Politics trumps security, safety, health security. I believe the failure to stop the planes from coming into sierra leon, there could be politics with that. O bo ma, connection with africa. He has an enormous amount of core ties to the african content. Hes mindful of his own Family History there. And id say bush did more for africa in the end than obama did. But come on, now we have a man visiting family members infected, being treated in dallas. Dont worry. No worries. Ben, you want to take a crack at this . Oh, my gosh. This is what you call stretching. When you look at the world, we are talking one person right now. In the United States of america, one person out of the millions that fly in and out. If you start having five, six, seven that turn into 30, 40, 50, 100, you have a legitimate argument to stop planes from coming in here. Right now, we have one human being. This one is extreme to say its because theres a connection. Hes not doing his job. I agree with that. Obviously was too cocky when he said it wasnt going to come here. This is a stretch for laura. To me, its worse than a stretch. Its stupid. This is low. The world health organization, nobody said we should be stopping planes from coming here, at this point. Ben is right about that. Thats not in anybodys mind. If you think its a bad policy, thats fine. What difference does it make where the president s dad is from . Why do they keep dragging that in . Its a smear campaign. Thats low. We are in a very serious situation in africa, in the world. We have to put forward good information, not bad information. All right guys, you agreed a lot tonight. There you go, peace and reconciliation. Well try not to let it happened in future. When we come back, your questions on ebola in america. Your Expert Medical Team is here with everything you need to know. An unbelievable story, a white mom sues a sperm bank after they give her sperm from a black donor. She joins us tonight, exclusively. Red lobsters endless shrimp is now the years largest variety of shrimp flavors like new woodgrilled sriracha shrimp or parmesan crusted shrimp scampi. As much as you like, any way you like hurry in and sea food differently. At tmobile, get 4 lines for just 100 bucks. With unlimited talk text and now up to 10gb of 4g lte data. Grab the hottest new phones. Get the best tradein value on your current phone guaranteed. Lets see the other guys beat that. Get 4 lines for 100 bucks. 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Call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired, have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine, or yellowing of skin or eyes. These could be signs of serious side effects. Are you down with crestor . Ask your doctor about crestor. We have new developments on the case of ebola in america. The mayor of dallas says Thomas Eric Duncan had contact with up to 20 people. The School Superintendent said five children had contact with duncan, but did not exhibit symptoms. A lot of americans are worried about the spread of obebola. We have dr. Sanjay gupta, the senior medical director. A staff writer for the Dallas Morning News and investigator for cdc and dr. Kent, a disease specialist in Kettering Center here in new york and contributor to the daily beast. At least five children were exposed to the ebola victim in texas after he exhibited symptoms. Talk about the exposure. How widespread could the exposure to ebola be . They want to identify the context for the gentleman known to have ebola. That means anybody he came in direct contact with over the period of time when he was sick. Its a fourday period, when he developed symptoms and got isolated. If none of those people get sick, they are going to monitor them for 21 days. Thats how long it can stay in your body before it causes symptoms. If they dont develop symptoms in 21 days, they are free and clear and the circle of exposure stops. If one of those people gets sick and is confirmed to get ebola, they have their own circle of exposure. Thats how it goes. You can imagine, its like a computer modelling. Each time somebody gets sick, you have to figure out all the contacts that person had. The hope is, none of these 20 or so people, i heard the same number, will develop the symptoms. Thats for 20 or so people is the entire total, right . So far . So far. Can you imagine, don, what you have to do, think about your life, the last four days. Tell me all the people you may have had direct contact with. Its not going to be the same because he was sick. Most likely, he was home in bed or trying to get into the hospital. Probably not as many contacts as if you are Walking Around the public place. You have to narrow that down. Dr. Yasmine, we have a viewer question. If its so hard to contract ebola, why are care workers dressed like hazmat workers . Good question. They are those most at risk of contracting ebola. It is very contagious, but you have to have direct contact with blood, feces, urinal and vomit. Its the family care givers and Health Care Workers most likely to be in contact with that. How long does it stay live on surfaces . It stays live on surfaces for several hours, if not a day or two. Its not necessarily transmissable from that. Being able to cultivate it off a surface is not the same thing as it being transmisable to the next person. I think its not an issue at all. The issue only is being in direct contact with blood and contaminated body fluids like we are saying for a period. It is not a casual glancing exposure at all. Can i add something . Sorry. No, go ahead. If he was vomiting and someone came in contact with that, does that make a difference . If the patient were vomiting, yeah. Vomit, i would count. Theres saliva in there. That counts. The amount of virus per unit of volume in blood is sky high. The amount of virus in every other body fluid is nowhere near that. The super contagious body come partment is blood. Its blood and blood. Spitting and sneezing and coughing, there is statistical tiny risk. We have to focus on the real thing, blood exposure over time to people who were not protected by a barrier. No problem. We wanted to get that in. Thats interesting to know that blood is so much higher. Meanwhile, sanjay, here is another question from jessica. Can we be confident that hospitals wont drop the ball Going Forward with miscommunication and failure to test as texas presbyterian did . Well, thats a good question. I mean, look, its a big health system. I would love to say with 100 confidence the ball will never be dropped again. Frankly, i was surprised it was dropped this time. What happened today, very historic, but not unexpected, i think. We have been knowing for some time this was likely to happen. A patient would show up in the United States and be diagnosed with oboe la. They have been prepping for this for months. We talk about vaccines and things. Asking a travel history, that is low hanging fruit, right . If we cant get that right, its a problem. I guess what i would say is that this, because this first case we had a couple missteps here, hopefully its a very clear message to Emergency Rooms around the country. They have to take this seriously and not make that mistake again. Yeah, maybe learn from that mistake. I want to ask this next question. I think we have a responsibility not to scare people. As you have been saying here, its really, really tough to get this. You have to get close to someone. Most likely, it is blood. With that caveat, angela asks this, what if the worse happens . What if is worse happened . Thats exactly the scenario Public Health agencies, local Public Health workers gear up for. What if there is further spread . Right now, they are doing all they can do. The two things you want to do, number one, stop the chain of transmission. You want to isolate that one case. Secondly, contact anyone this gentleman had direct contact with while he was infectious. They are gearing up, also, in case there is a spread of the disease. Cdc says the chances of that are very low. Neglected to read this, suns we have symptoms of ebola, is it too late . The thing is just wash your hands. Try not to get it. Preventive. Thank you doctors, we appreciate it. Thank you. When we come back, israel equates isis with hamas. The u. S. Government says not so fast. We are going to talk about it with the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Ll rings] [door bell rings] [phone rings] hello. Heh. Heh. Hehhehe. Tmobiles is the First National network to give you wifi calling. Now every wifi connection works like a tmobile tower. Its wifi unleashed. This is holly. Her long day of Outdoor Adventure starts with knee pain. And a choice. Take 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. Onward when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. 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Netanyahu equated isis with hamas. Lets talk about that. Thanks so much for being here. Great to meet you in person. Yes. Its a pleasure. We understand that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said isis is hamas, hamas is isis. Some middle easterners we had on the program said that goes too far. We kuwa equating them is not right. They have different ambitions or goals. We never said they were identical or twins. We said they were brothers. To quote him, he said they were ranchers from the same poisonous tree. They are both islamist, militant, violent. They believe in overcoming the modernization state. They both believe gays should be stoned, human rights shouldnt exist, we should return to some sort of premedieval primtism society that throws back and rejects all our concepts of freedom. Thats what they have in common. The u. S. Has a different opinion than Benjamin Netanyahu has. Jim responded, here is what she said. Obviously, we have designated both as terrorist organizations. Isis poses a different threat to western interests and the United States. Thats a fact. Is israel disappointed the u. S. Doesnt see it the same way that you do . Im not sure they have a big difference from us. Ultimately in the fight against isis over the summer, sorry, with hamas, the United States was supportive diplomatically, politically and helping us with the iron dome system. Hamas shot at our si value yans, 4,000 rockets. We would have had mass casualties. We have a Missile Defense system which america helped us put together. That saved countless lives. We keep talking about what Benjamin Netanyahu said. Maybe we should play it. Our hopes and the worlds hope for peace are in danger because everywhere we look, militant islam is on the march. Its not militants. Its not islam. Its militant islam. Typically, its first victims are other muslims, but its fair to no one. Among isis is included in that. What do you make of that, militant islam . Its important to remind people, the first victims are the muslims themselves. I think all people of good will or people who believe in freedom or democracy. Doesnt matter what their background is. We should unite in opposing these extremisms. Hamas in gaza, they are willing to sacrifice every last person on their extremist agenda. We have to say what they are. We have to fight against these extremists. The white house says it rules put in place fwi president last year to reduce civilian deaths does not apply to fighting isis. Fighting isis, somehow, the rules about civilian deaths, they can go by the wayside because its that important to fight isis. Israel was criticized so much for the civilian deaths. The president says this is different. Do you agree . I think we should we have an Israeli Parliament over gaza. Hes going for a hamas target. He wants to hit the target, not innocent civilians and trying to be as surgical as he can. Im sure its that way with americans now in operations in iraq and syria. Thats what we are share. You dont think there is a difference . Lets be clear. Isis and hamas and the other groups, whether its the Iranian Regime or hezbollah, they are the opposite. They say every civilian is a legitimate target for the crazy holy war. Thats what separates us from them. Great to see you. Thanks so much. Thanks for having me. Next, a white woman is suing a sperm bank for giving her sperm from an africanamerican donor. She says her biracial toddler is suffering prejudice in their all white town. We will speak to her exclusively. Beautiful child. Denver international is one of the busiest airports in the country. We operate just like a city, and that takes a lot of energy. We use natural gas throughout the airport for heating the entire terminal, generating electricity onsite, and fueling hundreds of vehicles. Were very focused on reducing our environmental impact. And natural gas is a big part of that commitment. Decidesing to get pregnant is a leap of faith, particularly, using a sperm donor. A woman did research on the donor and chose the one she believed would be the right fit. Imagine her shock when she realized they mixed up the sperm and she was pregnant with a child of a different race. The mother of now 2yearold mixed race girl, and she is joined by her attorney. Thank you for joining us. First to you, jennifer. Explain to us what happened here. You and your partner, amanda, you decide you want to start a family. You opt to use the services of a sperm bank. How did you learn that the sperm that you were pregnant with was from a black man, not a white man as you had ordered . Um, we actually, five months into the pregnancy, we called to try to get more virals for the second pregnancy for amanda. When i called to order that sperm and the virals, i asked them for 380 and they came back on the line and said i do believe we have sent you donor number 330, are you sure thats not what you asked for . I obviously said no, my donor number is 330 or 380. They came back on the line and said, well, unfortunately, i think we are errored up and sent you 330. Did they tell you then that the sperm you had gotten was from a black man . How did you find out . Once they did some, you know, my shock, you know, being the Different Number than i wanted, they said hold on. Lets go into your file and do more research. Came back on the line and then had asked me if i had requested an africanamerican donor. At that point, i said no, 380 was blond haired, blueeyed resembling my partner, amanda. They said we believe 330 is an africanamerican donor. We can no longer talk to you anymore. Wow. We are looking at pictures of you and your partner with your beautiful daughter. She seems adorable. Obviously, your issue is not with your daughter, you love her very much. Your issue is that you live in eastern ohio, in a town that you say is 98 white and racially insensitive. So, what has your daughters experience been like . Right. You know, honestly, we havent had much of any kind of racial issues in our town. Im not saying that uniontown is a racist town by in means. Im saying i want my child to be raised around people that maybe look like her and unfortunately, we are not going to get all of those assets there in uniontown, ohio. So, as of now, we havent we havent even scratched the surface of things we may see in the future. We are we want to prevent that from happening. We want her to grow up in a community where she feels accepted, feels like its normal to be who she is, walk down the streets and not have anything, anything skew that view. You give an example, even something as simple as a haircut for your daughter is not so simple. Right. Yeah. I mean we havent even dealt with a lot of issues as far as getting a haircut right now. Obviously, we are letting her grow her hair out as much as we can. But, those are just the small Little Things that we have to think about that maybe wasnt going to be even a thought. Having a girl, i was going to have to worry about i have short hair, so worry about how to put up a ponytail. I cant remember the last time i had to do that. Now, theres more complexity to it. I want her to know how to do it. They are the things i dont feel i am i have the background to even know. Its things we have to go out and research and talk to people and figure out how to do as simple as a daily chore of doing your hair. I understand that someone has to take responsibility. That was a pretty agreenlgous error. Kids are born with things. Thats part of parents. Right. Do you disagree . Kids are picked on for a number of things. If shes loved at home, why does it matter what other people say. When she gets older, she may read about this. How is she going to feel about this later . Yeah, you know, we rr always going to have that conversation, if i was here right now with a lawsuit. Shes going to know what she is and where she came from and how all this happened. So, that conversation was going to be had no matter what. Shes going to know that we love her unconditionally. Everybody around her loves her. So, i think shes going to know why we did what we did. The basis of the lawsuit and why we are doing what we are doing is so that somebody is held accountable. This isnt going to happen to anybody else. Speaking of that, how has the sperm bank responded . They havent. When i called, they said we can no longer talk to you. Hang up. Thats it. A few weeks later, i received a very small letter that said we are sorry for the mix up. Here is your refund of just the six viles we got wrong. Sorry about the mistake. That was it. Nobody has reached out. I think if that would have happened, first and foremost, even when the first conversation happened, if i showed compassion and ownership of this mistake, then we may not be sitting here. I dont know. You could have taken responsibility. Right. It doesnt feel. Yeah, i understand. Can you explain to us what you are seeking in the lawsuit . How do you put a price tag on a situation like this . Right. Well, first of all, good evening and thank you for sharing time with us. Midwest sperm bank committed the one error a sperm bank cannot commit. Moreover, its their complete arrogant disdain to do the right thing. We are asking they change policy so it never happens again. Number two, to provide compensation to receive the kind of counseling they will need Going Forward and also to relocate to an area that is more demographically in tune with their family. You know, uniontown is a wonderful town, wonderful people. We are up against a break. There are no biracial children and no mixed marriages. We need to relocate jennifer and her family to a town that offers that type of diverse culture. I wish we could talk longer. Theres so much i want to respond to. We are up against a break. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Good luck. Let us know what happens. Thank you. One of the things the lawsuit alleged is that the sperm bank takes notes, just handwritten notes. That was the mix up, 330 and 380. Some people say you know what, you have a healthy kid, why are you suing. The sperm bank needs to take responsibility, somewhere in the middle. She is happy with her child. Beautiful child. When we come back, the case of missing Hannah Graham. Breaking news on the suspect and why the High School Softball coach has doubts about the story, so far. I remember when i wouldnt give a little cut a second thought. When i didnt worry about the hepatitis c in my blood. When i didnt think twice about where i left my razor. 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To avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30tablet trial. Breaking news to report to you on the search for missing university of virginia student, Hannah Graham. Jesse matthew, the suspect was con necked to a Sexual Assault investigation in 2003, according to the pr director for Christopher Newport university where he was a student. They limit the information the university can provide. They are cooperating fully with Law Enforcement agencies. Meanwhile, they are using drones to search for him. We want to bring in a man who knows Hannah Graham well and has his doubts about some of the story so far. Craig was hannahs High School Football coach. Thank you for joining us. Describe hannah to me. What type of girl was she . Thank you for having us this evening. Well, Hannah Graham was a special girl. She is extremely smart, whitey, athletic. She was musically inclined. She shared in the saxophone state in virginia. She was cocaptain on the softball team, just a dream to be around. I was interested in how you described her. She was a band geek. She doesnt drink or party. We are curious to know how you reconcile the images we have now all seen on this surveillance tape of her where she looks intoxicated. I know you know the ones we are talking about. The ones, first in the dormitory where shes walking somewhere and the next one where shes out in the town looking disoriented and confused and police said intoxicated. How do you make sense of it . I cant make sense of it. It doesnt add up. None of the pictures makes any sense to me what so ever based on the child that i no. Hannah is straight laced. Very smart. Shes not going to be disoriented or lost in a town where shes been for a year. To me, theres foul play. Shes not a drinker. Shes not a party girl. Shes a 4. 0 or better, straight a student. What does foul play mean . To me, Something Else intervene, intentional or not intentional. To me, the alcohol she could have consumed could never have made her like this. She sprints around bases and slides in and scores runs. Theres no amount of alcohol that could make her act like that in a short period of time. I know you spoke to the parents i have not spoke to the parents. Not hannahs parents, the parents of one of the friends she was with the night she disappeared. What did they tell you . A close friend was with her and said they had a beer. That party ended at 11 00. At 11 30 hannah was going home, she was tired. The next thing we see, shes running around charlottesville lost, confused and dazed. Apparently, she was coerced in going to a second party. That doesnt leave a lot of time to be in the condition we are seeing, if there wasnt some other kind of something going on. Yeah. Again, this is a kid that, when i say band geek, i mean it in the most affectionate ways. This is a child that was going to change the world. This is a kid that was premed. Again, as a junior in high school, she took the s. A. T. S and scored so high and didnt have to take them again, with no practice. Craig, we appreciate your perspective. We havent heard this about hannah, yet. Its helpful to hear from someone that knows her so well. Thanks so much. Obviously, we are praying for a good outcome. Lets hope shes still around to change the world. Well be right back. Ugh. Heartburn. Did someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. They work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. Thats it for us tonight. Well be back tomorrow night. Ac 360 starts right now. Good evening. Thanks for joining us. One Security Breach too many. This run against the white house lawn, through the doorways triggered a chain of event that is cost the secret Service Agent her job. It did not talk about the other dysfunctions that might have caused a president his life. New allegations against the man charged in the disappearance of Hannah Graham. We are going to get to all that. We begin with all we have been learning. Some of it is ebola diagnosed this this country. Doctors, hospitals, Public Health

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