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0 saturday morning" begins now. good morning, i'm alison kosik. >> i'm victor blackwell. good to have you with us this morning. health officials in oklahoma are offering free hiv and hepatitis tests today to as many as 7,000 patients of dr. scott harrington, the dentist and oral surgeon has stopped practicing after health inspectors found what they called sickening conditions in his office including filthy rusty dental tools. >> they say some of his staffers were unlicensed and that he may have given patients expired drugs. susan candiotti is in tulsa this morning, good morning. how are today's screenings going to work? >> reporter: good morning. in about three hours from now as many 7,000 invited as you mentioned, they're expecting hundreds of people to show up as they begin these tests. people will register inside the building that you see over my shoulder, and then they will be taken in to give three blood samples, one for hepatitis b, for c, and the test also for hiv, and these are all people that are former patients of dr. scott harrington, who is currently facing 17 complaints filed by the state board of registry. it will take about two to three weeks for these former patients of his and current patients of his to get the test results, so it's going to be a very uneasy time for them, as you can imagine, and we spoke with one of the people who will be tested. >> we're all very concerned and you know, apprehensive. we just don't know until we actually do get tested whether or not -- it's one of those things but we're all very concerned. >> i'm sure they're all concerned, susan. they obviously had no idea this was going on. who found out about it? how did authorities discover this? >> reporter: well it came to light after a doctor noticed that his patient diagnosed with hiv and with hepatitis c and of course you always try to find out how did you contract this, and they traced his movements, his actions, his life back to a advise itd visit to the oral surgeon and that's when inspectors found deplorable conditions inside that office. dr. harrington has been unreachable by cnn, we've tried him, we've tried his lawyer. he does have a clean record according to authorities. he's been practicing for 35 years, but the state board of registry is very concerned and also the district attorney in tulsa is looking at the possibility of criminal charges that he might face as well as some of his dental assistants who were allegedly administering sedation to some of these patients without being properly licensed. >> susan i can only imagine what the patients are thinking right now, what they're going through as they wait for these results and get screened today. susan candiotti, thank you. two suspects have pleaded not guilty to charges they killed a chicago teenager days after she performed at president obama's festivities. hadiya pendleton was 15 years old, killed from a mile from the obama chicago home. police say the suspects wanted revenge against a rival gang and shot pendleton in a case of mistaken identity. the accused shooter faces more than 140 counts of murder, his attorney says that's extreme and that prosecutors are trying to get this case in the media. an update to a story, a phoenix judge sentenced george sand toerz ters to unsupervised probation. sanders says he shot her in november at her request as it an act of mercy. she had been suffering from multiple sclerosis for many years. a former nfl player is coming out and opening up about his sexuality for the first time, we're talking about kwame harris. he was outed in the media after an alleged fight with an ex-boyfriend. in an exclusive interview with cnn he talked about the challenges of hiding his sexuality in the nfl. >> you want to escape the stare, the turmoil and maybe your mind goes to dark places sometimes, but i would just say that i, i'm happy today. >> not one player currently in the nfl is openly gay but harris wants gay athletes to know they are not alone. nelson mandela is resting comfortably in the hospital this morning. statement from the president's office said he was admitted this week because of pneumonia. doctors say the treatment is going well and he's able to breathe without difficulty. the statement went on to say the presidency wishes to acknowledge and thank all who have been praying for and sending messages of support to him and his family. one of massachusetts's most wanted is behind bars after almost 35 years on the run. authorities say gary allen irving ran off in 1978 after he was convicted of raping three young women. new leads led police this week to a small town, gorham, maine, where they found irving, he's 52 now, watching tv with his wife and dwrand child. now to north korea, they say they are in a state of war with south korea. >> here's the response from the white house. "we take these threats seriously and remain in close contact with our south korean allies, but we would also note that north korea has a long history of bellicose rhetoric and threats and today's announcement follows that familiar pattern." >> jim clancy is live in seoul, south korea. is south korea on any special alert because of the threats from north korea? >> reporter: they have to be alert, on edge so to speak because they are used to this. i don't think the general population considers this threat. they've heard it all before, they believe they're being pressured once again by the north to get money, to get food, to get assistance that would help prop up the regime, but at the same time they do have to take it very seriously. this is a formidable military force. the countries had growing trade amounting to $2 billion next year, the north is threatening to cut that off. there is an industrial park right north of the demilitarized zone where some 120 south korean firms employ about 50,000 north koreans. the north koreans are upset because they think the south is ridiculing them. with all the threats they still keep it open but the regime they rake in millions of dollars in hard currency and don't want to give it up, that's what this is all about. the north is saying tonight they can cut that off. they're also saying they put their strategic missile forces on the highest state of alert. sound familiar? that's because that's exactly what they said about two days ago here, but they're repeating those threats, keeping the temperature dialed right up. victor, alison? >> jim, we saw the photographs just a few seconds ago of kim jong-un with four generals behind him and the map in the background talks about targets in the u.s. what is the likelihood that kim jong-un and his army could pull that off? >> in a word, zero. they cannot hit the u.s. mainland with what they have now. if they were to launch that missile that they put up to put a satellite in orbit, they'd have to leave it on the launch pad probably ten days as they fueled it up. they simply don't have the capability, they're too vulnerable, but they do have medium and long-range missiles with a range of about 1,300 miles the longest ones and that does put guam and japan within range, those missiles work and there are concerns over that, the concerns are over the more low level things they could do, the cyber attacks like we saw in the banks, the incident like the "cheonan" that was lost in 2010, those are things that south korea and the u.s. are keeping a close eye on tonight. >> jim clancy in seoul, south korea, for us, thank you. we've got much more ahead this hour. >> here is a look at what's coming up. the unthinkable crime in a small georgia town a 13-month-old baby shot dead in his stroller. police say they have their two suspects, so why have six people now been arrested? plus who's really responsible for michael jackson's death? his mom, catherine, says she knows, now she's suing for billions. and her mom didn't want her, so humans stepped in, ten of them, raising this adorable 2-month-old gorilla. wait until you see how they're doing it. 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