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Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com good morning. Im alison kosik. And im christi paul. It is 8 00 on the east coast. 5 00 for all you early birds out west, obviously. And its early. Yes. Start with negotiations going on this weekend to try and keep going off the fiscal cliff. The deadline is now just three days away. President obama is modestly optimistic. Our chief White House Correspondent Jessica Yellin has more on what needs to happen in order to make a deal. Reporter alison, christi, hi. The good news is things could have been worse. It doesnt seem to those of us watching from the sidelines as though time is running out, but congress does some of its best or at least its speediest work when the nations back is against the wall. After a Rare Oval Office meeting with top congressional leaders, the president said hes modestly optimistic a deal can come together. Emphasis on modestly. The American People are watching what we do here. Obviously, their patience is already thin. This is deja vu all over again. Reporter both sides left an agreement, at least over their next step. Well be, would go hard to try to see if we can get there in the next 24 hours. Whatever we come up with is going to be imperfect. Some people arent going to like it. Some will like it less, but thats where we are. Reporter on saturday they will try to agree on legislation preventing income tax, providing pay cuts to medicare providers and fixing the alternative tax. The president says an agreement must include an extension of Unemployment Benefits. Republicans called for a measure to overt and estate tax hike. Nobodys going to get 100 of what they want. Reporter on sunday, theyll try to get their senators to back the vote and schedule a vote. So the pressure is on for senator majority leader harry reid, and Mitch Mcconnell, be sure no republicans block the bill. For House Speaker john boehner to agree to bring it to a vote on the house floor and leader nancy pelosi to predict a huge number of democrats needed to pass it. But if that plan falling through then i will urge senator reid to bring to the floor a basic package for an up or down vote. Reporter the president s basic package has much more for democrats to like. So dont expect that to get very far, but all sides now agree the senate must first pass a bill before the house makes any kind of move. So all eyes will be on Mitch Mcconnell and harry reid and their negotiatorsoled up on capitol hill. The senate comes back into session at 1 00 on sunday. Christi, alison . And the cliffhanger continues. Jessica yellin, thanks. And january 1st is the deadline to make a deal on the fiscal cliff. For some states, its a day that a series of new laws are going to take effect. Let me get you clued in here. In california, talking more than 800 new laws, including one requiring apartments and condos to install Carbon Monoxide detectors. Separately, employers will no longer be able to ask job applicants for log ins to social media accounts, such as facebook and twitter. And the increase between 28 cents and 37 cents per hour affects more than 1 million lowincome earners. Thanks to laws that have lower minimum wage to keep price. And the price of stamps is set to go up . E, again, by a penny, on january 27th, which brings the price of sending firstclass mail to 46 cents. Well, the senate has also approved a fiveyear extension of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act allowinging the government to eavesdrop on overseas phone calls and emails from potential terrorists. They say its protected us from more attacks like 9 11. Others argue the bill could be abused. The bill is being sent to president obama and he is expected to sign it. And the states samesex marriage law went into effect at midnight. The first in line to tie the knot, and they say theyve been waiting years for this moment. Its very surreal still. We didnt we didnt expect all the cameras and everything tonight. We finally feel equal, and happy to live in maine. Its official now. After nine years, its its all good. Yep. Maine, Washington State approved samesex marriage, its already legal in d. C. And six other states. Lets turn to the weather. Face it, its affecting a huge chunk of the nation right now. Theres a lot of snow out there. In fact, snow currently covers more than half of the lower 48 states and unfortunately for some people, the storms not over yet. Lets bring in meteorologist Bonnie Schneider. Whats going to happen today . Alison and christi, looking at a brand new storm system that will give another onetwo punch to areas covered with snow. You mentioned the snow cover. We have almost 65 of the country covered with snow at this time. Look how far south. Into northern louisiana. Well, unfortunately or fortunately if youre off and looking for more snow youre going to get it. Look at whats happening. The snow stretches from ohio all the way to the northeast are and to the south heavy thunderstorms through eastern sections of North Carolina. As this energy works its way offshore, well be watching for the energy to travel from the midwest further off to the coast. Chicago, youre getting light snow at this hour. Youre getting plenty of snow across western pennsylvania, but i want to zoom into areas in the northeast where were expecting the snow to accumulate going through much of. Evening hours. So we have Winter Weather advisories across the heartland all the way down through the mountains of virginia, and then you can see, we have four to six inch bes for much of new york state as well as into connecticut and new york. Not necessarily new york city getting as hardhit with this storm. Several inches expected. Whats fastcinating when talkin about a noreaster system, as it develops off the coast, depending where the low pressure is centered, that will determine how much snow cities like boston and providence get. But the latest computer modelling are saying we could see six inches or more for the boston area. Thats why a winter storm warning is now in place. So the snow will begin later on today and continue through the night, and it may be something you have to plow or shovel out by the time we get to tomorrow morning. Well be watching this very closely. You can see that the Winter Weather advisory is a little less for the cape, because you have that ocean moisture and Ocean Temperatures a little bit milder and that influences whether you get snow or rain. Again, this looks like a powerful storm. Heres the computer model showing we could see over a foot of snow in parts of massachusetts and into rhode island. Its something to monitor closely. This is very common for new england, depending on the track and path of the storm, you really could see more of a rain event or more of a snow event. The latest forecasts, more of a snow event. Meantime, the last system, temperatures settled in with bitterly cold numbers. We have them into the 20s right now in altoona. Its right at freezing this morning in new york city. Thats why were expecting it to stay as snow. Philadelphia, youre at 33 degrees, and washington, d. C. At 39. Maybe more noticeable for us southerner, not used to temperatures around freezing, but thats what were seeing now. Its warmed up a bit in atlanta to 41, but temperatures will get colder. You can see 35 in memphis and mashville helping melt some of the snow thats falling across much of the midsouth. Christi, alison . Will we see any snow in atlanta . We saw snow flurries, early, i think yesterday or two days ago. So i dont think the moisture will catch up to the cold air in time, but, you know, this is only december. We still have months to go. I think well get some snow here. You dont want it, christi. Well, im from ohio. I mean, i miss it a little bit. Its exciting when it happens down here. It is. Everybody gets so excited. Dont they, bonnie . Oh, yeah. Bonnie, thank you so much. Okay. Weve got so much more for you this hour. Heres a look at whats coming up. A young woman wins a restraining order against her parents. Is this a case of abusive parents or an overlyentitled it child . You wont believe her complaint. Still waiting three days to go, and still no plan top avert the fiscal cliff. What will lawmakers do to save you from more taxes and fewer bin fits . And theyre back. Kathy griffin and Anderson Cooper ringing in new years eve, but why was kathy naked on a. C. s couch . Shes going to explain. So, this board gives me rates for progressive direct and other Car Insurance companies . Yes. But youre progressive, and theyre them. Yes. But theyre here. Yes. Are you. . There . Yes. No. Are you them . Im me. But those rates are for. Them. So them are here. Yes you want to run through it again . No, im good. You got it . Yes. Rates for us and them now thats progressive. Call or click today. [ male announcer ] when diarrhea hits, kaopectate stops it fast. Powerful liquid relief speeds to the source. Fast. [ male announcer ] stop the uhoh fast with kaopectate. Up high ok. Dont you have any usefull apps on that thing . Who do you think i am, quicken loans . At quicken loans, our amazingly useful mortgage calculator app allows you to quickly calculate your mortgage payment based on todays incredibly low interest rates. Right from your iphone or android smartphone. One more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. All morning youre looking at ireporter moments of 2012. This one we told you about a little while ago, didnt have the picture. We need to show you beth woods, what she got this year. Told in 2008 she wouldnt have children without medical help. Look at this guy. Her new son alex, so happy for her. Her birth was her birth moment of 2012. Beth, congratulations to you and your family. A hand some little guy. Its one of those weekends for investors, waiting and worrying, because lawmakers have just three days left to get a deal done in time to avoid the fiscal cliff, and thats what our focus issen ob this morning. For his part, president obama says hes modestly optimistic they can work things out. Even if a deal is thrown together, senator harry reid says what they come up with could be imperfect and some people arent going to like it. Bringen in independent New York Stock Exchange trader joining us from new york. Good to see you. Good to see you, alison. Thanks for having me. As you said, washington has been kicking the can down the road. So what are the chances of a real deal going through at the very last minute . Things sound a little more optimistic last night, if you listened to president obama. I think they have to sound optimistic. The last thing they want to do is not sound optimistic. Heres the problem. Weve come right to the 11th hour. The fact theres going to be a substantive deal that comes out in the 11th hour is probably nailed to zero. In my sense, its easier to go over the cliff. Then theres clarity, right . Taxes up, spending cut. The market will know what is going to happen. It can only get better from there, because then youll guess legislators that come to the table, that try to cut taxes and raise some spending and theyll argue it from a positive point of view and stand up and say, rah, rah, look what we did. Right . It wont get any worse if we go into the cliff. If theres a bandaid, confusion, no clarity. The market will probably react more negatively than actually going over the cliff. I think thats what investors have to be concerned about. Now, that being said, i dont think the markets going to crash by any sense, because i think theres a lot of money still on the sidelines that needs invested, but people have to understand the difference between the two outcomes. But if there is a bandaid measure, you dont think the markets going to sell off on that, because its going to create more uncertainty and confusion . I actually do think the market will sell off. Worse on a bandaid than over a fiscal cliff, because the bandaid just leaves it completely confusing, and no one can plan. Companies cant plan. People dont know what to do, and the impact is going to come on january 15th when people get their first paykplek and realize, oh, my god, what happened . So, therefore, i think what happens is that the market has more of a reaction with a bandaid than with the actual cliff. I know youre a betting man. What are you placing bets on . Bandaid, deal or no deal . Im betting actually, im hoping that we go over the cliff at this moment, because i think theres more clarity but im betting theyre going to come up with this lastminute deal which theyll try to present as look what we did, extended everybodys cuts another 60 day, and all its going to do is create more confusion. I think thats what theyll come up with and try to make themself look like theyve done the right thing when, in fact, i think its going to hurt the market more. Yikes. Ill look forward to that this week if that, in fact, happens. In a letter, ceos pressed leaders to reach a bipartisan deal to avoid massive tax hikes and across the board spending cuts that could lead to a recession. So, you know, what happens, lets say, if they actually do get a deal, though . You know, are we going to see the market really rally . And then what could be the focus for wall street after that . Listen, if we get a deal and we get a deal thats really substantive and realistic and that the market believes, i think absolutely the market will rally back. It will certainly rally back to the 1425, 1440 level. Not 1475 unless they pull a complete rabbit out of the hat and all along had a deal, just keeping it a secret from everyone, i dont any thats going to happen. But the market will certainly rally. Thats why every time one comes out and a optimistic you see the market try to take back some of the markets, because it wants a settlement, wants a resolution. The fact is, its not getting itened a the market will vote with its feet, what you saw happen this past week and on friday specifically. Kenny, how do you expect the markets to perform is the last train day in monday. How are you looking at if the markets to perform in 2013 and what were some of the good sectors some inguevestors misse out in in 2012. Setting up to be a good year, i think. Not only this fiscal cliff, the debt ceiling debate, which will hit us actually december 31st, we hit the ceiling, but theyve got extraordinary measures to take us through sometime in february. Theres going to be continued volatility, but, in fact, that will provide some opportunity for the longterm investor had hes got the stomach to live through that. That is key. 2013 right. In 2013, not only in the u. S. But the Global Economy is starting to certainly stabilize and get better. I would look for industrialtype names. Look for banks. We need money need financials. I like the banks. Energy, the shale gas story a big story in 2013. Look for sectors like that to kind of outperform in the new year. Finally, got to get this in. You are a foodie. You tweet out a daily recipe that i know i look forward to and have cooked some of the stuff youve put on this. Youve tweeted at your handle. Give us a perfect new years eve, please, one that will prepare us for the looming fiscal cliff . You know, youre killing me with that. Listen, ill give you a great dessert. A coffee cream dessert. A great new years eve dessert. Its simple to make, dark rum, espresso coffee, put it in a blender and then serve it in martini glasseses. Put them in the fridge, let it get nice and cold. After your dinner, pull it out, put coffee beans on top, serve it. Great dessert. Martini grass, enlass. Start with something sweet. I like it. Thanks for waking up early and joining us. Thanks. It may not be so easy to get money for that new car if washington drives us off the cliff. What no deal can mean for bank loans in 2013. And i am following him, by the way, on twitter. Good for you. In that second. All right, moving on, talking about the grief and anger in india. Protesters call for justice for a gang rape victim who has died now. Her case is galvanizing the nation. Well were going to take you live to new delhi. Stay close. 315 horsepower. Whats that in reindeerpower . 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If you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. If you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. It helps to have people around you. They say, youre much bigger than this. And you are. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. In india, the six suspects who gang raped a young woman and left her for dead are facing murder charges now because the 23yearold has died at a singapore hospital surrounded by her family. Some live pictures coming in to us right now, because in the wake of her death, protesters are filling the streets there in indias capital, as well as other cities. You see this candlelight vigil going on right now in new delhi. Cnn is at the protest site there. Joining us now by phone. Malika, first of all, whats the situation like there . These protests look peaceful. Have you heard any reports otherwise. Reporter it is a peaceful protest, right here at this candlelight vigil, a very smooth and peaceful protest. The police have been appealing for calm. Remember, last weekends protests were anything but peaceful and calm, they were quite violent. Today police have, police beefed up tremendously across the capitol. The protests, many have been here since 10 00 a. M. , and its now close to 7 00 p. M. In the evening, but throughout the day, the protests, theyve been loud, theyve been calm, but they have been very, very peaceful. I know protesters are calling the young victim lightning in hind dein hindu. Why has this become such a lightning rod in india . Reporter a really good point you raise. It has become a lightning rod here in india. I think mostly because of the sheer brutality of the case. This woman, this young woman was beaten so badly and raped six times, the men using an iron rod when they raped her. This is really you know, a nation of people that forced women to say, enough is enough. We are absolutely fed up with the way women are being treated india. We are fed up there isnt strict punishment for people who are responsible for attacks against women and this is real, its the sheer brutality of what happened that caused people to stand up and say, enough is enough. This time the government has to do something concrete about protecting its women. Are they when we talk about these protests, first of all, are there a lot of men at the protests . Yes. I must say, that i was very surprised. Ive been here for much of the day today, and at one stage in the afternoon, i think i actually think a number of men outnumbered, you know, the number of women over here. There are a huge number of men, and they thought it was very important for them to come out here, to be seen, make themselves heard, and the message they had, not all men are beasts. They realize its a horrible thing it really tragic, but there are a few bad you know, a few bad men shouldnt make a blanket statement and say all indian men are beasts. So they were here to make that point, and to say that they feel equally bad and terrible for whats happened and they, too, like the women in india, want a Safer Society for indias women. Malika, what have we learned about these suspects . Are their dent identities goinge released, especially now theyre theyre arrested . We know the names of five of them. One of them remains, his name has not been revealed yet, because hes underage. Hes a minor. And another announcement theyre going to press murder charges against these six suspects. And that they will go ahead and announce as early as next week. There is a lot of pressure on the police and the judicial system in india to press charges against these six people. The names were released a few days ago. Malika, thank you for the update its of what going on there. Now to other stories. Facing two choices. Hell or a political process. Lau laucktar raheemy met with russias foreign minister in moscow today. They urged and end to civil war. It is also more and more sectarian, and if we are not careful, if the syrians themselves are not careful it will be a conflict with really dire conflicts for the Syrian People. But its not clear if the Syrian Regime or the rebels are listening as tanks and gunfire continue to fill syrias streets today. Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi is calling for an end to violence. He said syrians president s regime has no place. He says a new constitution guarantees quality for all egyptians. One sheriff says he knows how to keep kids safe in school after the newtown shooting. How to protect Young Students in his county. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine you make me happy [ female announcer ] choose the same brand your mom trusted for you. Childrens tylenol, the 1 brand of pain and fever relief recommended by pediatricians and used by moms decade after decade. Trust duracell to power their donated toys . Duralock power preserve. It locks in power for up to 10 years in storage. Guaranteed. Duracell with duralock. Trusted everywhere. [ male announcer ] icy hot arthritis lotion. Powerful encapsulated menthol gets icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. Power past pain. How is saturday treating you so far at 8 30 now . Good breakfast. Good o. J. Welcome back, everybody. Im christi paul. And im alison kosik. Randi and victor are off today. Thanks for starting your day with us. Some stories we put an eye on this morning. Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio says his program is working so well he wants to use it in schools now. The Maricopa County sheriff, background here, used are aed volunteers to protect area malls during the holidays for the past 19 years and in that time, there have been no violent incidents reported. On friday, he announced that he does plan to deploy the armed volunteers to area schools now ow as well. And the woman at the center of the newtown charity scam case has been arrested. Apparently 37yearold bronx woman, nouel alba made a Facebook Page claiming to be the aunt of 6yearold victim noah pozner, one of the children killed in the connecticut shooting. She told donors money will go toe a funeral fund. If convicted, five years in jail and a massive 250,000 fine. And the sub wway incident i new york city. She pushed sunando sen to his death as the train approached in queens. Security cameras caught the woman fleeing the scene. Its the second subway murder this month in new york city. And some good news regarding former president george h. W. Bush. Despite remaining in the intensive care unit at a houston hospital, treated for an elevated feerch elevate ed fever. We have word hes improving. The 43rd president is alert and as always in good spirits. And russias top diplomat and envoy to syria both say the bloodshed in syria must end. [ shouting ] video from thursday when local opposition leaders say more than 150 people were killed. This morning, though, were learning theres talk of hope, of change, even a transitional government. Why . Because United Nations special envoy Lakhdar Brahimi is in moscow today meeting with high government level officials about syrian president bashir al assad. Hes been involved in a nearly twoyear civil war that has seen the death of nearly 40,000 people. Bring in a senior fellow at the Washington Institute for middle east policy. Thanks for being with us. We appreciate it. Lets talk about president Bashar Al Assads options even if he did, lets say, want to make it out hastily by syria. By some accounts i understand he wouldnt even be able to go. Why is that . Well, at this point, president assad has murdered so many of his own people, that its difficult for him to stay within the country, even in the homeland of his sect, on the syrian coast. Or for other countries to accept him, because they realize that in a postassad syria, a more democratic one, that the Syrian People are going to be very angry at whatever country holds president assad. And then, of course, theres the issue of his own personal security. You can just end up with a bullet in the back of his head, and thats why many believe hell simply go off to tehran, to syrias main alley. So they believe, what really are his Viable Options at this point, in your opinion . I think the assad regime cannot rule over the entire country much longer. The regime can pull back, stay in damascus, whether he does that voluntarily or not, who knows. Or go to the syrian coast, another option. Try and tough it out there, oh try and go into exile somewhere where someone will take them. Again, thats not clear. All are bad for the regime and were looking at a syria not ruled by the assad regime in over four decades. How hell go or how the regime will pull back or retract is hard to assume, but its coming soon. Youre talking about a death toll well over 40,000. Does the United Nations have an obligation to intervene . I think that the United Nations and a lot of other countries would have an obligation to intervene, you know. The United States has put down a red line for chemical weapons. The United Nations has tried to come up with a solution, but the problem is that politically the United States and russia are still still apart on this issue, and we dont have the Security Council resolution, and in one of the key issues, does president assad have to go or not . I cant imagine a scenario now that the Syrian Opposition would agree to president assad staying on or an interim government. In fact, youve noticed the head of the Syrian Opposition has rejected talk its with the regime that are coming out of moscow. All right. Andrew, thank you so much for giving us insight. Appreciate it. My pleasure. In chicago, the battle against crime is taking another grim turn. A firsthand look at what Police Officers are farrising there. Facing there. Chicago reached a chilling milestone when a man was killed on the citys west side thursday he became the citys 500th murder victim in 2012. Riding along with Police Officers earlier this year to see what its like being on the streets. Heres the report. Reporter theres a couple places i want to check out. Its a friday night on the streets of chicago in the englewood neighborhood. Joe patterson and leo schmidt have been cops here for 26 years. On these blocks, what you do is scan everything, and when they see youre a policeman, if theyre doing something wrong or got a gun, they start moving away or running. Gunshots fired reporter as we ride along, near constant reports of shots fired over the radio. A call comes in that gets their attention. 64 to loomis. Shots fired. Thats one block away from a police station. Reporter its also near a park, where in the morning, theres a Community Event planned. Someone with a gun there. We have people over there setting up. Reporter when we arrive, no sign of the person with the gun, and no time to linger. We leave at quickly as we arrive, because theres another call just a few blocks away. Man with a gun on 64, 44 bishop. Reporter several officers are there when we arrive. Theres a man in custody, and this gun, which was found in the house. Were still, would go. So hence the name of the game. Thats how we we stop the next shooting. Reporter this year the homicide rate in chicago is up about 30 , which is not what firstyear Police Superintendent Gary Mccarthy envisioned would happen when he took the job. Its playing out not as well as i anticipated. We expected to make much greater gains by this point. Reporter chicagos overall crime rate is actually down 10 from last year, and like other cities, the murder problem here is concentrated in a few specific areas. The entire city suffers when that violence happens, and this idea of, not in my backyard, is not okay. We have to make the entire city safe. Reporter mccarthys plan hes confident will work includes holding gang members in custody, taking back specific street corners will drugs are sold and using gang information to predict and stop retribution killings but he said he needs more help from it community. Law enforcement itself is not going to solve the gang problem or gun problem in chicago. Law enforcement is not going to fix the educational system or the poverty rate or any of those other things. Get closer to home now. Its starting to get late, boys. Reporter one thing we noticed on our ridealong, the amount of children on the streets after dark. 34 kids have been killed in the violence this year alone, including 7yearold heaven sutton, who was shot in the head while selling candy in her front yard. Juveniles are the ones getting shot. We got to get them home. Thats where the parents can help us a lot. Quite frankly, we need the parents to step up a little built more and take ownership, sincerely of their children, and raise them a little bit better. Stay here. Reporter at one point, they pull over two men driving a car with illegal tail pipes. Got a license . Reporter they approach with caution and get them out you. They end up being clean. No gang tattoos, just two young men out trying to have a good time. The men may feel like theyre being harassed. They say its a part of the job. Overall we do a good job, as a police department, and our numbers, although they might have dushled up a little bit, you dont know, by the end of the year we might have that taken irka of. Reporter easier said than done and more work to be done in every day. Ted rowlands, cnn, chicago. Okay, thanks, ted. Parents, you know you lurch your kids. You call to check on them, make sure theyre okay. One young woman says her parents went too far, though. She took them to court and she won. Her storys next. Copd makes it hard to breathe, but with advair, im breathing better. So now i can be in the scene. Advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. Unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an antiinflammatory and a longacting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. Advair wont replace fastacting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. People with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. Advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking advair. If youre still having difficulty breathing, ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. Get your first full prescription free and save on refills at advaircopd. Com. [music artist willy moon everybody well dont you know its me now . Yeah whos it, whos it huh . Willys back with a brand new beat now, yeah doin it doin it up heyyy yeah, tryin to bite my style heyyy yeah, how you like me now . Na na na na na na na na and everybody go uh and all morning long, were looking at your best moments of 2012. This photo comes to us from Human Resources directorgeneral fer xager who finished a seven day, 480 mile bike ride across iowa to capture this moment at the finish line. Congratulations. No kidding. Good for her. Okay. We know who they are. Maybe if youre bold youll admit youre one yourself. A helicopter parent. For one young woman in ohio it went toot far, though. She took legal action. A helicopter meaning youre hovering over your kids all the time. 21yearold College Honor student aubrey ireland said her parents would regularly travel 600 miles to visit her at school unannounced. Accused her of using drugs, being promiscuous and tracked her cell phone and computer use. She felt like a dog with a collar. And a judge agreed. Granting her a restraining order against her parents. Lets talk about this bizarre case with the one and only defense attorney joey jackson with us now. Good morning to you. Good morning, christi. Happy holidays to you. Happy holidays to you as well. Thank you for being here. So first of all, these were the girls parents. Of course they want to make sure that shes okay, but wheres that line . You know, legally, between being a concerned parent and now, i mean, they are truly dubbed legally stalkers. They are indeed. Listen, parents need to be concerned, and they should be concerned, but the facts here are ditch, and so when you look at parenting, yes, we all as parents want the best for our children, but its another thing to become obsessive and here the lines certainly were crossed according to the jump and, christi according to the facts. When you start installing monitoring devices, some parents want to check and see what children are doing. Traveling from kansas to ohio where your daughter is in school unannounced not saying anything and then go to her peers, in addition to administrators and are talking to administrators about, my daughter needs a Mental Health evaluation. Shes promiscuous, abusive. Engaged in assaultive behavior and its enough. So, therefore, the message here is, christi, the law applies equally to everyone, whether a friend, Family Member, you have to behave in accordance with certain protocol and that means what you do is, you dont cross that line, and you dont do things which cause threat, intimidation and fear in your daughter. Okay. We just want to point out that we do not have any confirmation as to the mental capabilities or incapabilities of either aubrey or her parents. We just want to point that out, first of all, but how do you prove that theyre crossing a line, legally, joey . Well, what happens is, that generally the court has a hearing, and oftentimes, as you know, theyll try to avoid a hearings as they did here, going to mediators saying, listen, work it out. If you could establish theres some kind of imminent danger or present danger or threatening behavior which causes you that fear and intimidation and you do feel unsafe, as she was able to establish, a judge would say, you know what . You deserve the order. Remember, also, christi, were not dealing with a criminal matter beyond a reasonable douse. The proof is different. Its a preponderance of the evidence. Is there a probability, likely youre feeling that way . More likely than not . Certainly she was able to show that on the facts of this case. Lets take a listen here to what aubrey said in an abc interview, specially talking about her parents paying for college. They basically thought that because they were paying for my College Tuition and Living Expenses that they could tell me what to do, who to hang out with and, you know, basically control all of my daily life. Now, her parents have requested apparently that she pay back that 66,000 they spent on her education. Could she be forced to do so . Listen, the bottom line is that one thing does not necessarily relate to the other. When it relates to stalking, and abusive behavior, christi, thats one thing and that was certainly within the courts jurisdiction. When talking about prior things that were paid for your daughter and then you say, because i cant control you anymore, i want to claw back and take that money. You know, its not likely as a result of that she should have to pay it back. Furthermore, christi, what we have to understand is that the whole issue of them paying had to do, you can argue with control. Here was a young woman affordedal multiple scholarships at multiple universities. She chose to pursue her dreams here. Her parents offered to pay. You wonder if it was predicated on control. Its not at all clearcut they can take back money they invested in their daughter just because they dont like the fact she cant be independent and they cant tell her exactly what to do. Quickly, they apparently were using Monitoring Software on her computer and her cell phone, and im wondering, is it legal to do that . Particularly when somebody hits 18, and shes an adult . Well, you know what . Thats an open question. The bottom line is that as a parent, certainly, you look at things a bit differently than you would another individual. Right . This is not a person who was a friend, a former relationship. These are parents who have an investment in their daughter. They want to see her do well. They want to see her progress. They want to see her flourishing, which she does. Here, ufr ho, the line was crossed, and youre not going to i dont think theres anything illegal about what they did. The only illegality relates to their behavior in general, which a court, because she was an adult, christi said, enough is enough. Let her live her life. Shes 21. Lets sort of cut the umbilical cord and let her live happily ever after, which i hope she will. Thank you. I want to switch gears. From a psychological standpoint, how harmful is this hovering over our children . Our job as a parent is the to work ourts out of a job. Thats what we have to understand. We want to be downsized. Interesting. So as parents, we have to see we want to given our children wings. If you open up a cocoon too quickly on a butterfly it will never get its wings the way it should. As parents, when moving them through childhood and into adulthood, really, by the time theyre 18 we want to have given them the skims s killed to suc their own. As parents tie their own success into their childrens success, sometimes they can get too involved which isnt healthy for anybody. In a recent interview, aubrey said her parents suffer from codependency disorder. We dont usually associate that with the parent child relationship, were ut is that is it common . In varying degrees. Sometimes you have to put a label on a lot of things. Do parents get too involved in their kids lives at times . E . They do at times. Theres a balance we have to strike. Thats the difficulty of sometimes finding that balance. Some kids need adding more support. Part of their temperament, maybe special needs issues or Merntal Health issues. Ship kids need to be prodded to be more independent. You have to look at the individual situations and we dont know the facts of this situation and who may have had what. Sometimes kids have issues, and in teenagehood, teenage years they grow out of. Could have scared the parents into wanting this extra control and sometimes parents are just too controlling. It could go both ways. Couldnt it . Absolutely. There are children codependent with their parents . Right. A term they use about kids who come out of helicopter parents called teacups and crispies. The teacups, those kids who are so fragile that they break when you push them into challenges and things. And chrisrispies are fried to m from too much control. Its been fostered in many ways. I understand the teacups, but the crispies . So much pressure to succeed, to succeed, to succeed, by the time they get to college theyre burns out and dont have the energy, dont have the drive. Theyre overstressing. That stress takes a toll on us neurochemically, too. Some people mentioned the point that shes an only child. Is it more prevalent, excuse me to have these issues in a family where there is only one child . There would be a trend innen tendency tons do that, because so up much of your energy is invested in that one child. You only have one chance to get it right, which can bring a lot into a fear of failure. We appreciate you being here. Thank you very much. Turning now to travel, and the best way to get a real taste of a country is through the local foods. Cnn ireport teamed up with travel and leisure magazine to create a global list of 100 places to eat like a local. Our Senior International correspondent ben wedemans in cairo to sample. Reporter im ben wedemans in cairo, egypt. If youre looking for something thats cheap, filling, nutritious and quintessentially egyptian, or so they say, abu tare is the place to go. Theres no reason here to ask for a menu, because theres only one item they serve here, and that is really, the working mans lunch here in egypt. Kushari. Its a very simple dish with rice, pasta, lentils, tomato sauce, a sort of garlic and vinegar sauce, and as you can see, they do a very brisk business here. Now, i said before that kushari isnt quintessentially an egyptian food, i discovered its not. It actually coming from an indian dish thats composed of rice, lentils, fried onions and chopped vegetables. Apparently introduced to egypt by the british army. So what we have here is the basic ingredients of the kushari, and what you do is add a bit of lemon to it. And some extra chickpeas, and what i like the most is the extra fried onions, which really do add to this dish. Plus, the tomato sauce. And if you so desire, there is vinegar and garlic sauce. Ill have some of that, and the hot sauce. The hot sauce, however, is seriously hot. As they say in arabic, [ speaking in Foreign Language ]. Bon appetit. Good. [ male announcer ] this december, remember what starts with adding a friend, could end with adding a close friend. The lexus december to remember sales event is on. Offering some of our best values of the year. This is the pursuit of perfection. Youves eve you know Anderson Cooper and Comedian Kathy Griffin are teaming up. A sneak peek what we may have in store for their new years eve special. Somebody tells me, im not sure this is true, somebody temperaturing me youre obsessed with wolf blitzer, yet every year its me talking to you guys, because im doing blitzers show. Im wondering, do you take it personally . Is there something to this . I have this. This is breaking news. I hahave have been warned to stay away from kathy griffin. Kathy griffin once asked to stay at my house in long island. Like a nice guy, i sent her a key, she wanted to go there a day in advance. To clean up the place. No. First of you a, she arrives, terribly disappointed. I think she thought it would be a house like in downtown abobea. There was no chef. Theres no chef. She arrives. While im on the news, during commercial breaks im receiving tweets not even tweets, actually Text Messages from her. Sexts. Naked pictures of her, draped over my couch. I think candy has done that on a regular basis. I had to get a wet vac there for a week. I said, why dont you have anderson what i sexted him on Election Night . She did. Send e me dirty messages for david gergen. Top that, crowley. Okay. See, and usually i it followup really well, but theres just no place to go with sexting david gergen. Im sorry. Theres just not the most comparesing thing was i actually showed david gergen the messages. Because she was pressuring me. Weird stuff. Expect bizarre and youd landiland iland outlandish is all i can say, the expressions on the faces is what makes it priceless. I cant wait to see what they have up their sleeve. Interesting. What do you have new years eve . Well my birthday is new years day. My parents are coming into town. Were going to a party. Its all fun. And you are getting ready for what else . The fiscal cliff. A fiscal cliff special coming up new years day. I have to go to bed early. Too bad. Sorry. The next hour of cnn saturday morning begins right now. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com good morning, everyone. Im alison kosik. And im chp cristi paul. We hope this saturdays been good to you so far. And hope coming from washington with negotiations going on this weekend between the two top senate leaders. Cnn radio capitol hill correspondent Lisa Desjardins is in washington. Good morning, lisa. You were on capitol hill yesterday for all of the Political Action between president obama, congressional leaders. Do you think were closer to a deal . Im hearing optimism from the president. Is that real or is that imagined . Reporter right. What do you say . Mod deftly or moderately optimistic he said . I think its for real. People have wanting to get to this point for even a chance at a deal. Thats where we are. Not a deal yet but theres a chance for a deal. Now two senators being the principal negotiators. Mitch mcdonaconnell and harry r. Harry reid said he is going to craft a bill with some of these items in it. Take a look. One of those starting point items, extending tax cuts for people making anything under 250,000 a year. Democrats have wanted that for a long time. Thats where harry reid will be starting things today. He also is planning to include an extension of Unemployment Benefits. The Unemployment Benefits actually run out today. That fiscal cliff weve already reached. That is going to be in this starting point deal. Now, things were less clear on. For example, the budget cuts that are impending for most of government, and also the debt ceiling. Those are two items that we think may not be in a deal. May be kicked down the road. Either those budget cuts will hit and will last, or there will be a different fix later. Thats where things seem to be right now, but those are a little bit more up in the air. Lisa, does that extension for tax cuts for everyone over 250,000, is that for households or for individuals . That 250,000 is for individuals. Okay, okay. I see. So how long do lawmakers have to make a deal at this point . Right. I just want to make sure were clear. They want to extend the tax cuts for people whose Family Income is under 250,000. So people making above that would see their taxes increase under that potential deal. So how long do they have . Well, until the very last minute, and maybe even beyond. The truth is, this deadline has always been seen at january 1st. Monday night, december 31st, but they can actually keep going, because january 1st being a federal holiday, markets closed. Buying them another day. January 2nd, markets reopen, but this congress can keep working until actually the 3rd, alison, because thats when the new Congress Takes its seat, noon on january 3rd. If this Congress Wants the deal done, they have until then. Even after that, of course, the new congress could take up the remnants of a new deal. Unfortunately, weve got deadline after deadline, i know these eck tos would like to get it done in the next week, though. We shall see. Thank you very much. Known at the wilmington ten. s in 1972 convicted of fire bombing a Grocery Store in wilmington, North Carolina during riots, spaed by the shooting of a black teenager by police. The group want tos fully pardoned by the North Carolina governor. The convictions were thrown out because of perjury and prosecutorial misconduct but the records never cleared. Purdue said shell make a decision next week. In new york city, police are asking for your help finding this woman. Take a look at your screen here. She was seen running from a subway station thursday evening after witnesses saw her push a man under the tracks as a train entered the station. The victim has been identified at 46yearold sue naunld oh na. The second time in ahas been put of a train. The win the weather just will not quick. Heavy winds, rain, tornadoes and snow, some parts of country are bracing for another round. Meter theologist Bonnie Schneider is tracking it all for us. Any good news . Snow lovers, most of the country is covered with it right now. Since the kid are still off from school, it might be a great thing. Lower 48 covered in snope as w,w as louisiana. So far, looking at a snowy start to the season. That may not be the best news for those driving today. I want to show you whats happening on our radar picture. A combination of rain, sleet and snoech across much of the eastern half of the nation. Take a look. Heavy thunderstorms through eastern North Carolina at this hour but really the big story of the day has to do with the snow. Its snowing from chicago to be cleveland, and then it will advance further east. We could be looking at a big snowmaker for the northeast. Specifically boston. Looking at the computer model its, depending how close this area of low pressure gets to the coast, we are likely to see heavy snow. Winter storm warnings are in place for the boston area, and accumulations are likely to be heavy. This is something you may be shoveling out tomorrow in the early hours. So looking at the map you can see we have three to five inching through western mass. Light snow for new york city. Advisories for the five borough, not into nassau or sussex county. Parts of providence and into boston everybody aen the cape, even though the cape is looking at less snow due to the warmer ocean temperature around it. Its not over yet. Still have more snow to contend with. Bonnie, glad youre on it. Thank you so much. Would you believe the whole world has been keeping up with the health of Nelson Mandela and a lot of rumors. His granddaughter would only speak with our nadya belichick. What youre about to hear about their grandfathers condition. Uhoh. [ male announcer ] when diarrhea hits, kaopectate stops it fast. Powerful liquid relief speeds to the source. Fast. [ male announcer ] stop the uhoh fast with kaopectate. A body at rest tends to stay at rest. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. But if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. Prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. Because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. Plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. Celebrex can be taken with or without food. 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Tell your doctor your medical history and find an Arthritis Treatment for you. Visit celebrex. Com and ask your doctor about celebrex. For a body in motion. All right. Al cnn exclusive for you now. New information on South African leader Nelson Mandela coming right from his very own granddaughter as they contacted and spoke exclusively to cnns Nadia Bilchik. Reporter over the last few weeks the entire world has been monitoring the treatment of your grandfather, Nelson Mandela, and he was released from hospital on wednesday. I know the two of you saw him this week. Could you describe his condition . Were just so happy that our grandfather is home after his hospital stay. Hes doing extremely well. Hes surrounded by the family. We actually just left this afternoon. We just saw him this afternoon with the kids, and he was happy to see the kids. So hes really, really been taken care of very, very well. Very, very well. And wed just like to thank the whole world for sending us messages and keeping us in their prayers. Were just so happy and happy that hes home. Hes doing extremely well. You said he was playing with the kids . Hes actually sitting up . Is he walking . Hes sitting up, but he was waving at the kids and smiling at the kids. Hes very alert. And hes very aware whats going on. So, yeah. Hes doing extremely well. Extremely well. You know, there have been so many speculations. Ship say released from hospital because there was nothing more they could do for him. And now ive even heard hell be waiting out his final days at home. Again, is some of the speculation, you know, anything you can tell us . I think the whole world just cares so much about him. I think, you know, as a family were very, very grateful for all the wellwishes that we get on a daily basis, especially when it um can comes to our grandfathers health, but at the same time its important for people to remember, they is 95, after all, and that once in a while he needs, you know, medical care, medical attention, and, you know, were very were very grateful, because hes surrounded by the best medical team. You know, hes very well taken care of and very comfortable and very happy. We spend a lot of time with him, see him a lot. We know that people worry and are concerned, but, you know, we just would like people to know that hes doing very well, hes in good spirits and very cheerful and very, very well taken care of. Youve told me that some of the media reporting, especially social media, youve said, has not been 100 accurate. Can you give me some examples of where it hasnt been, and how that makes you feel . You just said exactly now that hes going home, and living out his last final days. Thats absolutely not true. Our grandfather is well. It can be very, very hurtful for us to hear these messages that our grandfather is going to go home and go die. Its just insensitive. We just really would like to appeal to the social media and the media to just, pleads, be sen sensitive to our feelings and our grandfathers feelings as well. He still gets up in the morning, reads the newspaper. Hes also aware of what is being said about him. We would like to appeal to everybody to stop saying these things. Our grandfather is great and doing very well. Thank you both. Some of the things it ive heard, so much speculation because theres so much secrecy. Some people say, certainly reporter, say, why dont we know whats really going on . Do you think thats true . I think the point to remember is that he is he has every right to his privacy. Privacy. And as the family, we call on people, and we urge people to give us the privacy to be able to deal with whatever were going through as a family in private. Private. I think many people are afforded, you know, that simple right to just, you know if their Family Member is in the hospital, that they can deal with it privately. So i think it just boils down to the fact that its a private matter, and whatever goes on with him especially when it comes to his health should be dealt with privately, as a family. What happens to south africa when your grandfather, Nelson Mandela, is no longer physically with us . What does happen to south africa . I i think people need to remember that, you know, my grandfather played a huge role, and not only him, many other South Africans played a huge role to get us where we are now. I think, my grandfather said this when he was resigning from public life that, you know, it is now to South Africans to take this country forward. That a legacy like his should be carried by as many people as possible. Yes. And that i think generations like ours and generations to come are responsible, and its really up to us to really take it forward and take this country forward, and i think that, you know, we are in a very i think that our government is very capable, and there are many people who are very capable to do that job and to carry this country forward. So i have no doubt in my mind that at south africa, we will be fine, and that we cant put the weight of our country on one person. Were more than capable to take this country forward, and, you know, even as his grandchildren, you know, we want to be a part of that legacy in carrying our grandfathers legacy forward. Were proud and honored to come from this family and i think people should just remember that they, too, can do something themselves. Of course, Nadia Bilchik with that exclusive interview with Nelson Mandelas granddaughters. Were talking about the fiscal cliff. Will the bank loan you money if we go over the cliff . Talking with former fdic chairman sheila baird coming up. U. S. Possibly crosses over the fiscal cliff, thats our focus this morning, and if lawmakers fail to reach a deal, that would mean spending cuts and tax hikes for 88 of all american households come tuesday. Nvk, most americans will shell out and averages 3,500 a year in extra taxes but the Ripple Effect of the cliff wont just stop at taxes. Some fear banks will tighten up on consumer lending, meaning you might not be able to get the new loan for a car or a home. With me now is sheila bair, the former chairman of the fdic and author of the new book take the bullhe horns. Thanks for coming on with me. Thanks for having me. President obama met with Top Party Leaders friday saying he was moderately optimistic. With your washington negotiation experience, where do you really think they are in the process . Are you really any closer to a deal, or is this just more posturing . I think this whole mess is really embarrassing spectacle. This should have been resolved long ago, and i do think, actually, they are going to get a deal, but i think it will be more along the lines of kicking the can down the road. I dont think, at least from this point what im hearing, well get meaningful debt reduction. Certainly mot monthonot meaninx reform. Perhaps a permanent restructure of the tax reforms those making under 150,000. The payroll tax will go away. Thats going to impact a lot of workers. I think they will make some decisions this weekend. Theres a good chance it will pass and become law, but i dont thats the good news. The bad news is i dont think it many will have meaningful deficit reduction. I think this is just going to keep dragging on and on. In your book, you advocate for raising the Capital Gains tax, which could make wall street owe a lot more money than it does now. Yes. Right. Thats discussed as part of a fiscal cliff deal, but many believe that will end up hurting the economy, giving a disincentive to invest money . Was that just focused on the real wealthy . I hear that argument a lot. Number one is, im really tired of our tax policy decisions. You know, everything, being made by what the markets going to do in the next quarter. This is about aberration of the tax code and grossly unfair. Say they raise top tax rate to 39. 6 for those making more than 500,000. That means a lot of Small Businesses will are paying that nearly 40 marginal tax rate where you have billionaire private equity funds paying 15, 20, even 24, depending where they put it. Its not an issue of penalizing investment income. Its an issue of penalizing labor, and those who make their income through wages. Both are legitimate and both should be taxed at the same rate. So i do again, fundamental tax reform could solve this problem, but at least raising the Capital Gains rate would help address this anomaly and Susan Collins and Claire Mccaskill have a proposal to try to give Small Business owners, legitimate Small Business owners, relief from this rate. Its upsidedown, paying 15 , 20 and Small Businesses that do create jobs paying 39. 6 . I think this is a source of unfairness, its inefficient and we should be taxing all income at the same rate. And a fiscal cliff compromise wont happen with a sway and say with the negotiations. Right. How much do lobbying groups wind up turning the negotiations in a certain way to really make things sort of end up where we just started . Sort of going over again, Capital Gains is a good, wall street is heavily involved in trying to keep the rates as low as possible. So i think the lower Capital Gains rate is a good example. I think the lobbying pressure is significant, but also just the pull verifization, the political pull zerization weve seen in our country. No governing middle right now in the country. That the center, where you find the compromises and bill consensus to move forward, we just dont have that governing coalition here, and the president has tried to work with the congressional leadership, and i understand that, but the congressional leadership really are dealing more with their kind of hardline partisans. Theyre not negotiating from the middle either. I look back to the 1980s when i worked in the senate and we had Ronald Reagan as president and my old boss bob dole as majority leader. We did have governing coalitions. Something called the reagan democrats. Tip oneill worked with Ronald Reagan. One mp the reasons he did that, tip oneill was the speaker at the time, he knew there was a good chunk of centrist democrats who would switch over and vote with the president. So finding that middle, you know, if i were president obama i would be up on the hill. Thats what president reagan would do. Go up and meet the swing states, go to their afrsoffices, ask fo their vets. Susan collins, mark warner on the democratic side. Those are the folks that will provide the centrist core that we need to have a governing coalition in this country so we can move forward. Lets talk about how consumers will be affect the here. The Federal Reserve is currently keeping rates at historic lows trying to encourage boroughings if we go over the cliff, right now banks are hardly lending as much its a they really should be. What epps can lse can be done t banks to loan, especially if we do go over the cliff . You make deposits, make loans. Into a certain economy, at low rates, thats a challenges thing. It does make you risk. I think you know i actually think letting rates bump up a little bit. Let the market determine, and i think the market would put the rates up a little bit, it could actually help lending. Its counter intuitive, and i think more borrowers will come in if they thought rates would go up. I dont think its wellintentioned but i think its hurt lending, not helped them. And taking a lot of money and putting it in trading operations, the large companies. Thats something both the fed and other supervisors need to deal with. Good thoughts there. Thanks for coming on this morning. You bet. Sheila bair. More on the politics of this fiscal cliff hanger in our next hour. These negotiations are raising questions about leadership in the house. Could Speaker John Boehner be at risk of losing his position . At 10 00 well xl our washington panel. One last look at headlines coming up next. Can tow up to 9,600 pounds . 315 horsepower. Whats that in reindeerpower . [ laughs ] [ pencil scratches ] [ male announcer ] chevys giving more. 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A passenger plane overshot the runway at moscow airport as it was trying to land a little while ago. You see the plane broken in half there and see smoke billowing from it as well. We know two of the 12 people aboard were killed. At least three others suffered serious injuries. The russian red

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