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with people and people respond to her very well. >> oh, my god. it was overwhelming. everybody went crazy. >> breathtaking. >> it was just so awesome. >> she's perfect and beautiful and i love her. >> the thing that i think is wonderful about the duchess is that she has very much her own sense of self and her own sense of style. this is a big role that she has. and she always seems to get it right. >> i think if people are happy in their own lives, they will do well in the public eye as well it's very important. as far as i can see, she's doing it beautifully. >> i'm only sorry that william can't be here today. he would love it here. >> 12 months have now passed since kate middleton married the future king of england here at westminster abbey in london. i'm max foster. as cnn's royal correspondent, i've had a chance to watch kate close up. a senior royal source has told me that she's completed her induction and has graduated as a fully flejed member of the royal family. it's been quite a year. >> reporter: william and katherine has announced their engagement less than six months earlier. >> it's quite a daunting prospect. i'll take it in stride. >> when's the happy day? >> no idea. >> reporter: leaving little time to waste to prepare the palace, the abbey and all points in between for a fairytale wedding. >> we're like little ducks. calm in the water but feet going in the watt zbler she wanted to be like any other bride in charge of how her day would go. she was very keen as far as prince william that that would not be taken care of. she was incredibly hands on because she wanted it to be her day and it was her day. >> reporter: three mini buses lined up outside the hotel. lots of people going into the hotel. this is where i was on royal wedding day. the goring hotel is where the bride's family was staying. although i wasn't allowed this close on the day. there was a huge sense of excitement outside. the crowds. the media. everyone waiting to catch that very first glimpse. inside, kate middleton as she still was that morning, was getting ready for her date with destiny. as those around her recall. >> we were there 6:30 or so. we had -- up in her suite there was a real sense of calm, actually. she didn't expect to be treated any differently. that made me feel very relaxed and i was able to sort of get on with my job. she didn't want anything too over the top. she wanted to feel herself and hopefully that was reflected in the dress and in the hair. [ cheers and applause ] >> for a young bride, if you're not careful, the way you dress the hair, specially with a tee yarra, it can be quite ageing. that's something that we put a lot of thought into. all these little intrakasys that we did on katherine's hair, the twisting of the sides and sort of the fringe actually just gently coming other the forehead, that -- they are all elements that add to softening that kind of look. what i loved about that tiara is for me it actually had a quite modern feel to it. and kate chose it. and i just think that she couldn't have chosen anything better than that. >> i was lucky enough to be positioned right outside the front of westminster abbey. probably about 30 meters from the front door. i was seriously nervous, and i was just -- had to get this picture, the exposure, spot on. as they come out the front door, the crowd roared. you literally only had a matter of minutes, if that. they paused momentarily on the top of the steps and walked down to the carriage. >> the only word i could find to describe kate on her wedding day was forthless. i saw her in the abbey floating down the isle. she was just focused, totally focused as if she was saying i'm going to get this right. i'm definitely going to get this right. and she did. >> reporter: if there was one moment when perhaps it donned on kate just what she had become, it was the moment she walked on to the balcony at buckingham palace. wow, indeed. but overall, well, certainly not that anyone, even those close up, could see. >> within the minute i saw her in the morning right through to the end of the day, she was as composed as you could possibly imagine. i don't know where she gets her strength from. >> how did you do that with that amount of pressure? >> i don't know. she's very, very clever. and very special. >> reporter: still to come, learning from the past. >> this marriage must work. they can't go back to the '90s when they had three of the queen's children split up and got divorced. >> reporter: when "kate: duchess of cambridge" returns in a moment. we're here at walmart with the burtons, who love movies. let me show you something new. come on. walmart can now convert your favorite dvds from disc to digital. so you can watch them on your laptop, tablet, phone... anytime, anywhere. cool, huh? yea! yea! what'd you guys think that it would cost? i thought it'd be around $10. it's only $2 per disc. that's a great price. bring in your favorite dvds. see for yourself. boooom! [ host ] that's the walmart entertainment disc to digital service. visit the photo center at your local walmart to get started. that's my favorite part. to get started. see life in the best light. [music] transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. so you see everything the way it's meant to be seen. experience life well lit, ask for transitions adaptive lenses. without freshly-made pasta. you could also cut corners by making it without 100% real cheddar cheese. but wouldn't be stouffer's mac & cheese. just one of over 70 satisfying recipes for one from stouffer's. [ male announcer ] we began with the rx. ♪ then we turned the page, creating the rx hybrid. ♪ now we've turned the page again with the all-new rx f sport. ♪ this is the next chapter for the rx. this is the next chapter for lexus. this is the pursuit of perfection. mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. ♪ >> reporter: royal tours are a big deal for the british monarchy. queen of 15 sovereign states as well as the united kingdom. elizabeth ii has unveiled statues and planted trees around the world. when the occasions demanded it, as head of the commonwealth of more than 50 countries, she's gone the extra mile. buckingham palace knows its role. the queen oversees its british soft power in action, helping make sure britain still has clout on the world stage. but an 86-year-old monarch can't do it all on her own. and, besides, when there's a bona fide star in your midst, it's just a good idea to send them in your place. ♪ >> canada was a huge test for her. it was their first joint overseas tour. her first real public engagement on behalf of the royal family. >> welcome to the 2011 calgary stampede! >> she did not put a foot wrong. >> reporter: media interest was enormous. as were the numbers who turned out to see them. >> it was a very exhausting, very grueling tour. you know, hopping from one place to another. >> happy birthday, canada. ♪ >> in ottawa on canada day, it was the largest ever crowd they'd ever had, and it was a boiling hot day, and there she was in sort of -- all dressed up in long sleeves and a hat and just must have been awful to keep smiling like that. ♪ >> reporter: crowds screaming, will and kate, will and kate. >> reporter: from my vantage point, too, i was struck by her poise. but to get a real up-close sense of the duchess, nothing beats being one of the crowd. as this simple but revealing footage shot by a well wisher in new briunswick seems to capture so well. >> hello, very nice to meet you. oh, my gosh, hi. hello, hello, nice to meet you. hi, girls. >> welcome to new brunswick. >> reporter: at one point, kate even agrees to pose for a photo. handing the camera to her senior aide. provoking some disapproving looks from one of the security officers. throughout the trip, as throughout the year, her mentor, her main coach, was william. >> you really saw in canada a lot of the time in engagements he was guiding her, often physically guiding her through engagements, always checking to see how she was coping, always checking to see if she was handling walk abouts okay on her side of the crowd. >> william is totally in control of everything. he's seen what happened to his mother, and he doesn't want that to happen to his wife. >> reporter: the legacy of diana, princess of wales, continues to cast a shadow over britain's royals. given little say or support by the palace in how things were done, her marriage to prince charles was not a happy one. >> in the early days with diana, you'd see other members of the royal family quite peeved that diana was getting all the attention, all the photographers were clustered around her and ignore them. they didn't like it. and eventually her husband didn't like it either. but with kate, it's a little like let's hope -- this marriage must work. it's -- you know, they can't go back to tooe 90s when they had three of the queen's children split up and got divorced. >> reporter: kate does not shy away from the parallels with diana. she wears diana's engagement ring, for instance. i'm told she takes the comparisons as a compliment. but she's doing things her way. >> the fact that they have said we don't want a lot of flunkies around, we can do it all ourselves, we'll go to the supermarket, as a result they're bringing the monarchy much close tore the people. >> if the royals have never experienced rush hour traffic, we're geniuses at it here in los angeles, california. >> reporter: perhaps the challenge for kate and william going forward will be staying close to the people. when the people see them as superstars. as i saw firsthand when their north american tour wound up in california. the screams for the movie stars were substantial. but they were nothing compared to those that greeted the arrival of william and kate. here in los angeles, as nowhere else, a fairytale sells big. >> they've had so much scandal in their family, and now will and kate are taking over and she's beautiful and perfect. >> when i heard they were coming out here, i wasn't going to miss it for the world. they seem like such a down to earth, nice, young couple. i think they're going to bring respect back to the monarchy. i think they're going to save the monarchy, to be honest with you. >> reporter: never mind saving the monarchy. >> it's -- they're not getting from it in truth. they're giving. they are acting as magnets to try and get all of these executives here tonight. >> have you met the duke and duchess before? >> never. >> no? >> no. absolutely. they're people you don't meet. >> reporter: still to come -- >> she really has the potential of becoming the modern day jackie o. >> reporter: the style defines. when "kate: duchess of cambridge" concludes in a moment. no matter where you go. no matter what you do. when you're living with moderate to severe crohn's disease, there are times it feels like your life... revolves around your symptoms. if you're tired of going around in circles, it may be time to ask your gastroenterologist about humira. because with humira, remission is possible. humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications... but still experience the symptoms of 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time keeping this shoe in stock. >> reporter: it's called the duchess. whether it's cotour like this diane vonn fernsenburg dress, no one moves the market quite like kate. l.k. bennett's rapid expansion into the united states. five store openings in its first year with up to ten more planned for next year, has coincided with the emergence of the duchess of cambridge. >> when she wears it, the phone in our stores keeps ringing because customers seem to follow her, and then they want to wear the product that she's wearing. >> reporter: after kate wore this dress from british retailer reese when she and william met the obamas, it sold out within minutes. >> she champions british design, not just the designers, but all the way through. >> we're all writing every day about what she's wearing because there's no other story. if it keeps up like this with kate turning up and people just writing about what she wears, then she'll get a very shallow, trivial image. but that will change inevident pli, i think. because she'll be doing more interesting, more challenging jobs. >> reporter: those jobs really began earlier this year when kate embarked on her first solo engagements. as a new member of the royal family, there was never any doubt she would give her patron ij to a number of charities. the palace encouraged her to take her time choosing which ones. among the causes she settled on we are art therapy, addiction and children's hospices. >> early november, out of the blue, a telephone call, would we mind if she visited one of our hospices. >> you wouldn't mind at all, i'm sure. >> we thought about it and said, no, by all means. so she came along. she spent about four hours with us. it was clear when she arrived that she had done a lot of homework. >> we've read in more papers that she's going around looking at territories and her interests were art and art therapy. so we thought we should -- we wrote a letter and we explained what she did. she'd actually done her research. she'd already found the art room on the website. >> how much of an actual difference has it made having her on board? >> i had a fantastic conversation with somebody who was obviously, you know, they must have seen the charges we were ringing up. when we mentioned the duchess had given us her patronage, i want granted an interview. >> reporter: the people around her are clearly very impressed by how she's got on. when i talk to them, they describe her as strong-willed and professional. nothing much phafazes her, they tell me. the final test in this first year as a royal was the performance of her first public speech. and it epitomized kate, if it was done a bit slowly, perhaps even labored in places. that's because she was determined not to fluff it. >> when i first visited the hospice in malten, i had a preconceived idea as to what to expect. far from being a clinical, depressing place for sick children, it was a home. most importantly, it was a family home. a happy place of stability, support and care. it was a place of fun. >> reporter: but it's not really about oratory anyway. kate seems to connect with people in a more fundamental way, making a particular impression, i've seen, on young people. >> i mean, she's made me more interested in royalty, i think. more interested in the royal family. >> newcomers, definitely a big fan. >> i think because she came from an ordinary background, it makes us really interested. >> yeah. >> that she used to be like us. >> even though she's royal, she understands us as a person and we understand her. >> reporter: so the duchess of cambridge, the savior of the british monarchy. well, it's too early to say that. but as she and prince william settle in here at kensington palace where he lived as a boy, it's clear she has support from the top down. >> people forget the queen may be monarch. she's also a mother and a grandmother and a very human person. of course, she wants her grandson and her grandson's wife to be successful. and, of course, she offers help. and they'd be foolish not to take it. now, plainly, one can even looking from the outside, one can see what a good relationship actually exists there. >> they seem genuinely happy and comfortable in each other's company, whether it's watching a fashion show or visiting university or on a girl's day out. i think the queen is delighted that her grandson has married someone who he seems so well suited to. who has been able to adapt to conditions in the royal family and that new role. >> reporter: as for kate's father-in-law, prince charles, well, he and kate are very close, i'm told. they make secret visits to the opera and art galleries together. sharing a passion for the arts that neither william nor harry truly share. for joint engagements they've developed something of a double act. he, the old duffer. she, the competent young woman. everyone, it seems, is desperate to make sure history doesn't repeat itself. because no matter how appealing the fairytale, alternative storylines do exist. >> it's a hard, horrible life. i mean, everybody thinks it's wonderful. oh, you have a luxurious life. no, you don't. it's a golden prison that you live in for the rest of your days. but kate's opted for it and she must know what she's in for. because she knew william for nine years. i figure she feels that it's worth it if you love the man enough, you'll put up with it. >> i think she does enjoy it. she seems -- she seems very happy when she's out and about. you never get a sense of her being uncomfortable. she looks very easy in her own skin. i think she must be enjoying it. >> reporter: i hear you. can you hear me? >> reporter: kate middleton embarked on a remarkable journey a year ago. >> whatever you do is subject to publicity. whatever you wear is the subject of comment. it's not easy at all. >> reporter: as duchess of cambridge, she's now a global superstar. though she wears her power lightly. >> there is a respect that they have for who they are and where they are. even with all that you still got the sensitivity of the way they're holding hands and the smiles. >> reporter: history and the weight of expectations might seem daunting. but the young couple will take their time, determined to write this story themselves. there are a lot of warning lights and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning.. you can feel. introducing the all new cadillac xts, available with the patented safety alert seat. when there is danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all new cadillac xts has arrived. and it's bringing the future forward. >> reporter: then and now. at his happiest. in combat uniform. [ gunfire ]. >> down in the ditch full of mud. it's the way i am. i love it. >> reporter: then, now, a streak at the reverence. up for a laugh. one of the lads. with an eye out for the next party. >> he is a party prince. you know, he likes to go on holiday. he likes to have a drink. i think that's actually what people respond to with him. >> reporter: then and now. a son. and a brother. >> he did all the washing out. >> he does do a bit of the washing out. he leaves most of it in the sink. i come back in the morning and i have to wash it out. >> oh, the lies. >> reporter: prince harry is third in line to the british throne. four years ago, his grandmother, queen elizabeth ii sent him off to afghanistan to fight. this year, celebrating 60 years on the throne, she has a different kind of deployment in mind. she's sending harry on a royal tour to the caribbean. protocol and ceremony are to be properly observed, of course. but this will be, we're told, very prince harry. >> you can't sit there with a stiff upper lip with crossed arms and not get involved. i've never taken myself too seriously. >> reporter: so prince harry's arrived here in belize. it's a big test for him, really. he's going to define his own public role. it's the first time he's represented the queen abroad. it's a big thing for him and the palace. so let's see how he does here, how he shows his own personality. but at the same time, represents the queen, the head of state in the uk, but also in belize. ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, we have the arrival of his royal highness, prince harry of wales. >> reporter: p welcome is warm. the tresz code is relax sfwld we could not have asked for a better night than tonight. >> reporter: the prince has a buluvar to rename. and an audience to charm. >> when it became clear that i was to represent my grandmother in belize, my heart leapt. for a good reason. from the noisy corner here, more n noise on this side, please. it remains for me to name this street her majesty, queen elizabeth ii, boulevard. >> reporter: so the protocol and the party begins. ♪ >> reporter: with prince harry, say those who know him, what you see is what you get. >> there's no pretense to him. straightforwardly himself, he is. that is an incredibly charming personality. i think he's very much his mother's son. she's got very much the common touch. he's got that natural empathy. a very human touch that is just kind of straightforward and no pretense at all. >> reporter: that common touch was something his mother, the princess of wales, was always keen to foster. even as her marriage to charles was breaking up. >> diana! >> reporter: when harry lost his mother, before he'd even entered his teens, his composure, like that of his brother, was astonishing. as his father acknowledged in a speech less than three weeks after diana's death. >> thank you so much. thank you. >> i'm unbelievably proud of the children, william and harry. they've been quite remarkable. and i think they've handled an extraordinarily difficult time, as i'm sure all of you can imagine, with quite enormous character. and the greatest possible dignity. >> reporter: speaking on a trip to africa two years ago, harry made it clear that diana remains a very real presence in his life. and in that of his brother. >> whatever we do, wherever we are, whomever we're with, i particularly always wonder what she would think, what she would be doing if she was with us now, whether she would be sitting having a laugh, whether she would be in the gak ground sticking her tongue out, playing football with the children, all these things. that's i suppose what keeps us going every day. that thought of what would she be like if she was around today. >> reporter: the reaction harry provokes in the bahamas is reminiscent of the effect his mother could have. it's hard not to get swept away by it all. >> it's good for him to be here. some of us would never get to england. >> reporter: still to come, the military highs. >> all is well in the empire. >> reporter: and the nightclub lows. >> i was quite shocked, in fact. >> reporter: when "harry: the soldier prince" continues. we asked the furlow family to bring in their favorite dvds cause we want to show them something new. you ready? 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school, leading the parade. age 20, his father handed him over to the sandhurst military academy where britain trains its officer class. the regime here is unforgiving. one year later, and he was a commissioned officer. and desperately keen to serve on the front line. >> if they said, no, you can't go on the front line, then i wouldn't drag my sorry ass and i wouldn't be where i am now. because the last thing i want to do is have myself just sent away to iraq or wherever like that than to me be back home twidling my thumbs, what about david, what about derek. >> first, he was off to iraq. >> the decision has been taken by myself that he will deploy with his regiment in due course. >> reporter: two weeks later it was off. >> i have decided the risk to prince harry is too great. >> reporter: finally, with the media sworn to secrecy, he was deployed. if prince harry had wanted to get as far away as possible from his military base in britain, he h had succeeded. he found himself in the south of helmand province, working as a battlefield air controller, face to face with the taliban. >> they pop up their heads. they poke their heads up, and then that's it. if the guys are coming under a lot of fire, then i call the air. as soon as that comes up, they disappear and just jump down these holes or go into their bunkers. >> reporter: he also undertook foot patrols and embraced his anonymi anonymity. >> it's very nice to be sort of a normal person. and for once i think this is about as normal as i'm ever going to get. just walking around some of the locals or emp. they haven't got a clue. next door through these walls, it's got holes in it. the interpreters. they haven't got a clue. sit down and have a chat with them, have a cigarette with them. wish i could sit around and have a beer, but that doesn't happen around here. >> reporter: a few weeks later and harry had moved north. who is now with a skad ron of armored vehicles and still clearly in his element. >> i was going to get -- killer dog. not so friendly. >> reporter: on one occasion, and it was about to kros a waddy, a dry river bed, the patrol discovered a roadside bomb. >> an ied in a vulnerable point. perfect ambush point. >> reporter: still working as an air traffic controller, it was harry's job to bring in disposal unit. >> beautiful color. we waited about four hours for the eod team to come out. if you could possibly not land directly on it, it was a pretty weak through. between the helicopter land and the waddy which made our lives a lot easier, they came down. 12 of them. not entirely sure why so many. they were expecting a long night out. they got the job done, did a controlled explosion. and then we pulled out and -- well, looking back on it, essentially we saved, you know, numerous people's lives. whether it was ours or a.m.p. or just locals driving through that point. a good job well done. >> reporter: members of harry's squadron gave him a favorable appraisal. with the odd qualification. >> he's a prince. he's royalty. but he's also an officer. he's a good officer as well. the lads get on with him really well. >> he came with a little bit of a benefit. we do get little surprises tucked away here from other units. obviously they want a bit of face time with mr. wales. there's no problems whatsoever. >> it is fixed. he's just taking time-out. >> a naughty habit, when he gets in his bed at nighttime, leaving something just outside the bifvy. then he always calls somebody over. can you pass me that. he's absent minded. >> reporter: harry's time in afghanistan ended abruptly after word of his deployment leaked out. he was quickly brought home and immediately cho lly champing at to go back. >> i want to go out very, very soon. i don't intend on leaving the army. i think if the royals say to you, if you ask them, once you're back from operations everything's a bit of an anticlimax. as if you go back to your unit and there you are, day in, day out. same routine. nothing changes. and that's the way it is. at least in operations you're kept on your toes the whole time. that's what guys join up for, i fwes guess. just that sort of adrenaline. >> reporter: it was never in any doubt that his caribbean trip would include a visit to an army base. and perhaps it was inevitable that afghanistan, on the other side of the world, should still cast a shadow. today was meant to be the day we got a sense of the military prince. he's dressed up in his military gear. it's also the day six british soldiers were killed in afghanistan. so the whole event is being turned down. harry doesn't want to be seen to be having fun or any sort of action on a day that servicemen have been killed and service personnel. so he was due to go up this repel tower. the plan has now changed. he's just going to watch that going on. >> reporter: he does, though, take part in some shooting practice. >> i'll stand at the other end. >> reporter: reminding those of us in the press pack of his noted marksmanship. and as prince harry gets down to business, scoring a near perfect 39 out of 40, i find myself in conversation with an old mate of his from sandherst. lieutenant kay on mills. >> the prince harry i know is very dedicated. you may think, this is a prince, right? but he's really one of the guys. he's really one of the boys. he's dedicated. always gave 110%. always dug in when it's time to dig in. always get down to the grind and to the dirt. or platoon, as we know it. that group that we train with. we're still a very tight unit. we're on most of the social networks. >> reporter: you speak to him on facebook? >> he's not on that. when i get his number and from time to time his number will change, yep. >> reporter: you have a chat. what do people rib him about at sandhurst, being a royal. >> being a royal. harry potter series. >> reporter: you call him harry potter? >> sometimes. >> reporter: lieutenant mills had described an impressive fellow cadet to me. but this was also a period in prince harry's life when he made mistakes. in public. there were stories of drug taking. and heavy drinking. there were stories of brawling outside nightclubs. >> this is the first time i've ever seen prince harry. it's the first time i've ever photographed him. i was quite shocked, in fact. >> reporter: not forgetting the infamous occasion he went dressed as a nazi to a fancy dress party. >> it's another royal mess. once again, it's prince harry who's in the firing line. >> reporter: that earned him a rebuke from some of the country's senior politicians. >> the prince is showing such immaturity. >> i think a public apology is appropriate. >> i think this is all part of him kbroeing up, learning, perhaps not being aware of how much the media were going to scrutinize him. i think that probably is harry of the past. we haven't so far heard a gaffe from him for quite a long time. i think he's learned his lesson, actually. >> reporter: the call of duty. as "harry: the soldier prince" concludes in a moment. no matter where you go. no matter what you do. when you're living with moderate to severe crohn's disease, there are times it feels like your life... revolves around your symptoms. if you're tired of going around in circles, it may be time to ask your gastroenterologist about humira. because with humira, remission is possible. humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications... but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. 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play at their level. and understand what's kind of going on in their heads. as i say, you know, pick up a ball or just, you know, flick or stick his tongue out, whatever it might be. the way he engages is great. ♪ if you are nearby this isle, if you are nearby this isle ♪ >> reporter: children are the center of prince harry's charity, santabali which he sent up in 2006. the mountain kingdom in southern africa made a deep impression on harry when he spent two months there during a gap year after finishing school. >> i want to go somewhere where there's an aids problem centered in africa. somewhere nobody knows about. since then it's just -- it's been sort of love at first sight. >> losutu has one of the highest rates of hiv/aids infection in the world. the charity seeks to look after children orphaned by the disease. aids has also led to the rise of a terrible myth here, that sex with young children can cure sufferers of the disease. prince harry is spared none of the reality, listening intently. >> i would say sexual abuse is happening to children. >> it's just going to take time. you can't expect to see changes in three years. even though, as far as i'm concerned, coming here two or three times a year, whenever i can out of the army, the changes i see are fantastic. and the main of the changes you see are in the children. >> sentebale actually means forgetmenot. it's a memory of his mother. he's very con tem plative in certainly spending time with him in africa, you can see him really, really thinking about things. thinking about them both cerebrally but also in his heart. to make sure sentebale is on his way to doing that. >> reporter: one goal harry is desperately keen to achieve is to serve again in afghanistan. earlier this year, he completed his training as an apache helicopter pilot. if harry is deployed again, it's not expected to be done in secret. the palace doesn't believe he'll need extrasecurity. flying attack helicopters means harry will be largely anonymous. the apamp chi is a target for taliban fighters. crucially, harry's presence will not heighten the risk to anyone else. so britain's royal family now has two of its most senior members flying helicopters in the armed forces. the relationship between the two princes is extremely close. royal sources describe it as a double act set to last the rest of their lives. >> every morning i cook him and feed him mostly every day. i think he's done rather well. >> it's the army. we work harder. we haven't got much time. >> oh, gag. move on. i now move on to the griffin. >> pretty rich coming from a ginger. he's just very modest about it. he's doing very well. at the end of the day, though -- >> i don't think anyone really within the royal household sees prince harry as, you know, the spare heir. when they do things together, it has huge impact, whether it's an overseas tour to africa or whether, i think when you see them coming together for things like the royal family, you'll see them together at the jubilee this year. i think they have so much more impact together, and they're aware of that and they use that. >> reporter: the arrival of the duchess of cambridge into the family served only to strengthen those bonds. in fact, harry gets on so well with kate he's described her as his sister rather than sister-in-law. and in the course of making this program, cnn discovered that harry has now moved into an apartment at kensington palace where william and kate have already set up home. royal sources say harry would never see himself as a statesman. and, yet, that's exactly what the queen asked him to be when she sent him to the caribbean. in jamaica, as on the rest of the trip, he does it his way. >> her majesty has asked me to extend her great good wishes to you all and is sorry that she can't be here. so you're stuck with me. but don't worry, because every little thing's gonna be all right. >> reporter: meeting the prime minister who talked publicly a few weeks earlier about jay ma kay becoming a republic, harry d defuses any possibility embarrassment by suggesting a hug. >> you ended up hugging a jamaican prime minister. >> she hugged me. she did ask and she loves hugs. she hugged my father as well. >> reporter: by the end of the day this unorthodox 27-year-old statesman is feeling comfortable enough to gently flirt with the prime minister. >> my date for tonight. >> yes. >> reporter: as the trip comes to an end, the word from home is that the queen is very proud of what harry has achieved on this, his first trip representing her majesty overseas. it's likely nothing, not even serving with his regiment abroad rb will please the

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One ,Ways ,Fidelity ,House ,Goals ,Dad ,Investments ,Track ,America S Retirement Leader ,Ambition ,Guys ,Andrew ,Armed Forces ,Helicopters ,Navy ,War ,Air Force ,Falkland ,1982 ,Army ,Officer Cadet ,School ,Parade ,Though ,Search And Rescue ,20 ,Officer ,Sandhurst Military Academy ,Regime ,Officer Class ,Every Little Thing ,Ass ,Front Line ,The Front Line ,Regiment ,First ,Decision ,Derek ,My Thumbs ,David ,Risk ,Secrecy ,Taliban ,Battlefield Air Controller ,South ,Military Base ,Face To ,He H ,Helmand Province ,Heads ,Holes ,Heads Up ,Hair ,Fire ,Bunkers ,Foot ,Patrols ,Anonymi Anonymity ,We Haven T ,Chat ,Sit Down ,Locals ,Interpreters ,Doesn T ,Clue ,Wish ,Emp ,Walls ,Cigarette ,Beer ,Dog ,North ,Element ,Vehicles ,Killer ,Skad Ron ,Occasion ,Kros A Waddy ,Roadside Bomb ,Ied ,Dry River Bed ,Ambush Point ,Disposal Unit ,Air Traffic Controller ,Color ,Team ,Eod ,Helicopter Land ,Many ,Waddy ,Explosion ,Lamp ,Done ,Appraisal ,Squadron ,Qualification ,Time Out ,Problems ,Units ,Benefit 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