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Door because pruitts security broke in to check on him after he didnt answer his phone. Cnns Abby Phillips joins us live from west palm beach, florida, where the president is spending the easter weekend there on palm beach island. Good morning to you. There is a lot going on. Thats right. Good morning. Just another day and another problem with one of the president s cabinet members. The Environmental Protection agency had scott pruitt as under fire today over his spending on a condo in washington, d. C. The fact that he paid what seems to be below market rate for that condo, about 50 a night. But only for the nights that he stayed there. As well below what people say you ought to be paying on capitol hill in that area for a nightly stay in a room there. But scott pruitt is just dealing with several of these issues with ethics. A couple of days ago there was some questions raised about his use of a 24 7 security detail not only when he is on official business but also whether he was on personal travel and now this. White house aides are frustrated. They called pruitt and other cabinet members in several weeks ago and asked them be up front with us about what is coming down the pike when it comes to ethics problems. We dont want to learn about this in the newspaper. But in this case, thats exactly how many in the white house found out about this problem. And theyre not happy about it. President trump is not happy with the distractions coming from his cabinet and already he has pushed out several cabinet members last year. Tom price over some spending issues. And just this past week David Shulkin had issues with how he spent taxpayer dollars. So here scott pruitt is on thin ice with this white house. And its not clear how long its going to go on. The epa, however, has defended him saying that his use of this condo was appropriate. All right. Abby, with all of that that you discussed and all thats going on in the world, the president is up and tweeting about the cost of postage and amazon. Thats right. The president is back attacking amazon again. But this time he made it clear what the issue with that Company Really is about. He accused amazon of scamming the Postal Service. But he also said this bit about the Washington Post which is not owned by amazon but owned by jeff bezos. He said the failing New York Times reports the size of the companys lobbying staff ballooned and that does not include the fake Washington Post which is used as a lobbyist and should so register. So the president here making it clear that his critique about amazon is really about the Washington Post which often writes stories he finds unflattering and when it comes to his business and his business conflicts. The president has made this critique sending amazon stocks tumbling in the last week. But obviously there are questions being raised now about whether the company is being unfairly targeted. He is accusing the company of not paying sales tax. Amazon does, in fact, pay sales tax and the Postal Service also says that they find the arrangement with amazon to be mute aol mutually beneficial. Syria, russia, Stormy Daniels and hes focused on postage. Ron brownstein is with us and the bureau chief for the Washington Times lynn sweet. Good morning to you. I want to show that full screen here we have again of the five people who have had some questions raised about discrepancies in travel, in spending, with furniture, with this condo now with scott pruitt. I look at that, ron, and i think what is striking about this may be the scope. 14 months into this presidency, is this isolated to the president Trumps Administration or lets face it, surely this is not the first time things discrepancies like this have happened. No, its not the first time, of course. The magnitude of it is extraordinary. And i think we are watching a real time confirmation of the saying that fish rots from the head. The president has really set the tone. He set the tone when he broke with years of tradition by refusing to release his tax returns. They refused to release the logs of white house visitors. He hired his immediate family members. He spends a lot of time the at his own properties. lo he allows other institutions to hold events at his properties. He set a tone that has encouraged this kind of disdain really for the traditional ethical bound r ethical boundaries on many different fronts. It is the way the government interacts with lobbyists, both stories converging with scott pruitt. Scott pruitt is really of all the cabinet agencies perhaps hes been at the forefront of undoing efforts by the Obama Administration, particularly in the areas of climate change. Just next week they are scheduled to roll back the historic agreement between the Obama Administration and the Auto Industry to improve fuel economy in cars and trucks. So i think this is a story where really all the different ethical questions converge and it just shows you how deeply this kind of culture is. And one last point. It shows you that the decision by Congressional Republicans not to impose more oversight bites new the end. They are the ones going to be on the front line of defending this behavior in november. If they were rigorous about surveilling the way the administration was behaving to begin with, youd have less xan scandals coming forward. I want to look at the fact that in the last two weeks we have got the economic, foreign policy, National Security sectors all losing their leaders. Now were talking about scott pruitt again. Listen to a trump supporter about what she had to say about that a little while ago. President was elected to be a disruptor. And when things are not working as he wants, as he expects them, i expect him to make changes that will work. Thats what he wants to be successful. Remember, this is a man that gave up his private life to do this. Hes not receiving any pay. Hes doing it for the better of america. He wants to make America Great again. And we know the president does not like to fail. So i trusted him that hes doing the right thing and he will make the right decisions. So, lynn, is this disrupting the swamp, so to speak, or is there something deeper here . Well, i think its a little of both. There is no reason that no matter what your intent and regulations, to deregulate, to wipe out everything obama did or bush did or clinton did, that is still different in the essential ethics question that you dont take gifts. You dont do extravagant travel. Lets put that in one bucket of lapses that rinne dependeare in the policy. No matter who you, what your political beliefs are. Youre not supposed to take impermissible gifts and should have at that level some sensitivity to even the optics of the situation which is something that is noted in ethics law. You are supposed to be aware of how things look in order to show the taxpayers that youre not wasting their money. So these serial lapses from the president on down and not being above the rules, of not making the letter of the law and going past that is whats at issue here. Its not whether or not you believe in the trump policies per se. Its what theyre doing on the ethical front. I think that is a way to focus this conversation where you dont have to get into whether or not you believe in trump policies because even if pruitt is forced to resign or fired, lets put out there this question. Wouldnt his replacement also be intent on doing the same dismantling of the policies as pru it . Pruitt . Would they, ron . Certainly after you see all the firings and people walking away from the administration in the last several weeks, would anybody really come in, do you think, a new appointee and try to pull the same shenanigans . Lynn separates two separate questions, the ethical behavior and the policy direction. Although, they do converge. What youre seeing in so many of these really across the board in the federal regulatory authorities whether its Consumer Protection or, you know, the dealing with financial agencies or Occupational Safety or and certainly above all, in the environment, the argument has been from trump that the that in essence business knows best. And that the government has been too adversarial and business should have a bigger say in determining the way it is regulated in the public interest. I think once that is your north star, almost inevitably you are going to get into these kinds of questions about the way in which you are interacting with those lobbyists as you make those decisions. So i think shes right that no matter who comes in, you know, the direction is set. On the other hand, i also think that they are having trouble filling these jobs with i mean if you look at the first 14 months of the trump administration, both the way he may turn on you, the kind of erratic nature of the policy making and clear process, its hard to believe that republican ateam or bteam is really interested in this. You can, i think see in the kind of appointments that have come in the white house, larry kudlow, john bolton, may be very fine people. But they are not someone that anybody else on that stage would have had on the inner circle when we look back at the republican debates in 2015. Were looking at some video now, excuse me, of President Trump arriving at his golf club. We understand its been i want to say 138 visits to one of his properties since hes become president. Lynn, is there at any point where these visits are going to get in the way of the effectiveness of his administration, what hes doing, credibility, especially when you look back at the comments he made about president obama and saying im not going to be on the golf course every weekend . Well, he is. So how many more examples of trump you know, this is a serial hypocrisy going on almost every weekend. And this is expensive. This constant weekend travel to either his properties in new jersey or florida cost the taxpayers a lot of money. Past president s have often been criticized for their travel on vacations or on, you know, president obama and mrs. Obama got enormous amount of criticism one time for taking a plane to new york for recreational weekend. That was an incident that had what legs for weeks. Now every weekend, every weekend the president goes to one of his other properties. That is, again, because ron, i like to separate issues. The other interesting thing is just in how trump operates, in all his time in washington, hes only gone out maybe three or four times when hes left the white house to go to some place other than a property. And thats been usually to a hotel or a facility where there is a dinner or an event. So one other thing, just think. You have a president that is so insulated that when he hasnt gone to a National Park in a year, he hasnt visited except for an airplane hanger or event where he gives a speech or a venue, you know, maybe a factory, hasnt even explored the glorious golf course thats are around washington, d. C. He is that clustered from experiencing anything out of his own bubble. Can i just real, real quick. I just take this back to Congressional Republicans that i think brought there on themselves. Sending the signal really from increasingly over time that theyre not going to perform real oversight. I think President Trump and the administration is basically viewed they can get away with almost anything. And ultimately, it is the people in congress that are going to be on the front line if there is a backlash against this. And by sending that signal, they have brought more trouble on themselves. I got you. Ron brownsteen and lynn sweet, always good to you have here. Thank you. Coming up, new insight into the 2016 Police Shooting death of alton sterling. What never before seen video is now revealing about the officer who killed sterling. Also, new details in the Police Shooting death of stephon clark. Why his family is saying an autopsy report proves that police are lying. Im very proud of the fact that i served. I was a c130 mechanic in the corps, so im not happy unless my hands are dirty. Between running a business and four kids, were busy. Auto insurance, homeowners insurance, Life Insurance policies. Knowing that usaa will always have my back. Thats just one less thing you have to worry about. I couldnt imagine going anywhere else. Theyre like a friend of the family. We are the cochran family, and well be usaa members for life. Save by bundling usaa home and auto insurance. Get a quote today. New disturbing video of Alton Sterlings death. Were getting a clear picture before a white Police Officer shot him six times killing him outside of a baton rouge convenience store. We want to warn you that the video youre about to see is disturbing. We dont want you to be caught off guard here. Kaly is joining us. This is hard to watch. It is. Good morning to you. With the help now of two of the officers body cams and the Surveillance Video from the store, we have a more clear and complete account of the encounter between the officers and sterling, the moments that his life was lost and the moments that followed. I want to warn you one more time, this video that we received from the Baton Rouge Police department is disturbing. Reporter graphic and disturbing new video. Stop. What did i do . What i did . Dont plof or imove or ill. Showing the controversial shooting death of alton sterling in 2016. The baton rouge chief of Police Officers Blaine Salamoni who shot him six times during a struggle with him will be fired over his actions. The violation of command of temper has been sustained. Officer Blaine Salamoni is terminated from the Baton Rouge Police department. Reporter this week he refused to answer any questions during a disciplinary hearing the chief said while howie lake, the other officer involved answered them all. Lake who the chief said made mistakes but controlled his temper during the encounter was given a three day unpaid suspension. Two different perspectives and one officer did not follow the tactics, training, professionalism and organizational standards. Reporter the police chief making it clear, their administrative investigation was separate from the federal criminal charges both officers were already cleared of. The Police Department released four videos from the night of the shooting including this Surveillance Footage from the sss convenience store. That is sterling at the front of the store sitting at a table where he is selling cds. Minutes into the tape, he is seen conducting a transaction with an unidentified man. He removes a gun from the front pocket followed by money from the same pocket. Within seconds, sterling is seen jokingly making a shooting motion towards the man. That night police were initially called to the asss con veesss c store. Watch closely as things escalate quickly. From salamonis perspective, you can see a struggle and then his gun is on sterlings head. Dont you move or ill shoot you in your head. Do you hear me . What did i do . Hold out of play. Youre hurting my arm. Sterling was then pinned to the ground and tased twice. Get on the ground. Get on the ground pop him again, howie. Before being fatally shot. Previously released cell phone videos recorded byebye standers show at this point in the encounter, he believed sterling was armed. A gun was recovered from sterlings body. But the federal and state investigations determined that officers actions were reasonable and come prove that sterling wasnt reaching for a gun. Thank you so much for that report from baton rouge. Meanwhile, in sacramento, the leaders of black lives matter gathered outside city hall last night demanding justice for stephon clark. Black lives they matter black lives they matter clark was an unarmed man then when he was killed by police. This is 13 days ago. According to an independent autopsy, the 22yearold was shot eight times, six of those in the back. An attorney for the clark family argues that that krikts tcontrae narrative that he was moving towards them when they fired. They thought the cell phone he was holding was a gun. This investigation is on going. And its now day three of a student protest at howard university, a group of students have staged a sit in completely taking over an Administration Building on campus there after the schools employees were accused of pocketing Financial Aid over a nine year period. They say they wont leave until demands are met. One of which is the resignation of the universitys president. Cnn correspondent is following this story for us. What are you learning this morning . Three days now and the students say theyre not going anywhere until demands are met. This protest here, the students essentially occupying this Administration Building about 350 according to organizers staying strong right now and partly in response to the Financial Aid scandal. And there is a report that reveals the misappropriation of Financial Aid funds over a period of nine years. Some University Employees were receiving grants from school to attend classes while also receiving tuition remission. According to university statement, basically they earned more money than the tuition costs so they would pocket that difference, specific amounts though havent been revealed. The university saying that reform has happened. That has taken place following an investigation and giving students to Financial Aid budgets. Many students saying this is the tip of the iceberg. Look at the list of demands they posted outside of that Administration Building. They include everything from wanting the student body to have a vote in matters that are taken up by university officials. They want to disarm Police Officers on campus or at least Campus Police and also hiring of more counsellors and finally, holding faculty accountable for certain language and actions against those students and ultimately the resignation of the University President and their board of trustees who say that some of those concerns are inaccurate. So day three now and the students say until demands are met, they wont be going anywhere. All right. Thank you so much. Russia is expelling diplomats from 23 Different Countries now after, of course, those countries kicked ow russi out russian diplomats. The question is how far is this going to go . Whoooo. Going somewhere . Heres some advice. Tripadvisor now searches more. Than 200 booking sites to find the hotel you want and save you up to 30 . Trust this birds words. Tripadvisor. Internet providers promise Business Owners a lot. Lets see who delivers more. Comcast business offers fast gigspeeds across our network. At t doesnt. 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And other countries join the uk in expelling russian diplomats. The u. S. Close down the russian consulate in washington state. Then russia reciprocated getting rid of diplomats in russia and enclosing the u. S. Consulate there in st. Petersburg. Do you expect the u. S. And other countries will now again reciprocate and this goes on and on or is this the end at least as related to the nerve agent attack, the end of the expulsions . My guess is its probably the end, at least of this round, meaning that, you know, something could always happen a little bit later. But this is a really interesting situation in that i think for the first time in a long time you have just not individual back and forth bilateral, you know, the russians throw out one american diplomat and we throw out a russian diplomat. This time you have the west actually actsi actually acting as a group. You have a bunch of countries getting together and protesting russias attack on Great Britain which is really significant. I think probably a bit of a surprise, frankly, to putin. So with this exodus with the diplomats, is there any concern regarding a security or an intel hole any longer in russia . Well, you know, in the short term, the western countries tend to lose a little bit more when you have these back and forths. The russians always have more diplomats and therefore, assumedly, more Intelligence Officers in their target countries like the United States and Great Britain. The primary goal is to divide the west. This is a bit of a miscalculation. The west has come together against him. With one exception and that is that donald trump, the president of the United States remains silent on this. And thats a signal that putin will read and take a look at very carefully. Steve, we had a russia expert on earlier this morning who says that russias testing of this as the u. S. Calls it, this satan two Intercontinental Ballistic Missile was hyped. What is your view of this test of this missile, also in the context of what were hearing from the president about these discussions over an arms race, the cold war phrase now potentially going weapon for weapon with russia . Im going to have a tendency to agree its hyped on russias side. This is russias attempt, oftentimes very successful, to concern the west. You hear it a lot in peoples interviews. We have to be careful of an escalation, you know, spiral of, you know, difficulties with russia. And i think its what russia that plays well into russias hands. Its what putin wants. It forces at least psychologically the west to say wow, we better take russia into consideration when, in fact, thats probably a lot less true than many people think. We actually dont need russia for a lot of Different Things going on in the world. But russia would like very much to stay at the table. All right. Steve hall, so appreciate you taking the time to be with us. Thank you, sir. Lets take you to oklahoma where teachers there got a 6,000 pay raise but they plan to strike anyway. Joining us next, president of oklahoma education association, alicia priest, she spent more than a decade teaching in oklahoma schools. Shes going to talk to us about what its going to take to stop the strike. Is your tax Service Getting you everything you deserve . Switch to Jackson Hewitt. Say goodbye to your old tax service and get 200. Thats right 200. It pays to switch. Visit Jackson Hewitt today. I. Prilosec otc 7 years ago,my doctor recommended. 5 years ago, last week. Just 1 pill each morning, 24 hours and zero heartburn. Its been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10. Straight years, and its still recommended today. Use as directed. Pay us more or we walk. That is the message from the oklahoma teachers who got a 6100 pay raise. They say its not enough. Theyre planning to strike on monday. Lets put the money into perspective. Oklahoma is 49th in the nation in teacher salaries. There is according to the National Education association. The average salary for a high schoolteacher, 42,460 a year. That is almost 19,000 less than the National Average according to the bureau of labor statistics. Joining me now, president of the oklahoma education association, alicia priest. Thank you so much for being with us. So let me ask you first and foremost, i know you received 6100. Was that a one year was that an annual increase or spread out over a number of years . Thats an average annual increase. But this is about much more than teacher pay. Its about making sure that we get funds into our classrooms. Right. And lets take a look at some of the things you are dealing with here. We have video of i think it is a chair that somebody sent from the oklahoma teachers from one of the schools there. Its broken. Im assuming this is a chair that they require students to sit in every day. Is this common for what you see . Or is this an exaggeration of what you are dealing with in your School System . Its unfortunately common. Weve been cut over 28 in the last ten years in Education Funding. And our schools just cant maintain all of the supplies, instructional materials, textbooks, even, you know, copy paper. Copies are limb itted ited in so 30 a week. What is your biggest need . Most dire need for your students . For our students, we have to have qualified, certified teachers in the classroom in front of them. We have to have support professionals that are also qualified and able to make a livable wage. And we have to have those resources for to reduce class size so that teachers can be oneonone with students. We have to have textbooks. We dont even have full sets of textbooks. Some of the textbooks are 20 years old or more. So we have all kinds of financial hardships because of these funding cuts. So were asking for 10,000, as i understand it. A 10,000 raise for teachers over the next three years. It starts with 6100. Is that a good starting point for you . And do you have any idea what the next two years beyond that would bring . Its a good starting point. And our legislature put funding with that. Unfortunately, theyve backed out some of that funding. So we are not quite sure how theyre going to pay for it if they continue to take the funding away. All right. So we know that the bill the lawmakers passed this week, does it include additional Education Funding for the schools other than teacher pay . It included a small raise for support our bus drivers, cafeteria workers, maintenance workers. And then it included 50 million for those funds to buy textbooks and curriculum and instruction and reintroduce things that have class thats have been cut in our schools like the fine arts, world languages, advance placement classes, things like that. So 50 million will buy less than one textbook per student in oklahoma. So its not a real way to fund education. So what is the number that you need . What is the number that you all are saying this is what is going to get us out of the strike zone and back into the schools . Well, we will be back in the schools when our members tell us to. So what we need is our legislature to fully fund what weve asked for which is in relation to the operational costs of the schools. 200 million over three years to rehire those teachers, reintroduce those course work and make sure our children have the materials they need to be successful in the future. All right. Alicia priest, im sorry we ran out of time. Thank you for taking the time to talk to us here. We know they will be still on strike on monday. We have to see where this goes, victor. Thank you. Still to come, bill cosbys attorneys revealing new details in cosbys Sexual Assault case and the retrial is set to begin next week. We have more on that ahead. We believe in a fit for all. Maybellines fit me foundation. 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This week cnn hero is a chef from dallas who left a top restaurant and successful career to help stop that revolving door. I remember consciously thinking that the system is rigged. Based on choices that were made for him, not by him. The color of his skin, the part of town that he was born into, the schools that he had access to and i just thought its not fair. He deserves every chance that i had. And i thought if youre not willing to do something yourself, then youre a hypocrite. So either put up or shut up. That was it for me. Yeah. To see just how chad is doing, go to cnnheroes. Com. If you know someone who deserves to be a cnn hero, nominate them. We learned a little bit about the victim and also the lead attorney for bill cosby from the very beginning. And right after last junes mistrial, he sat down with me and this is the first time we have the full interview from him. But it was Andrea Constan that went forward to police that went public in 2005 to say bill cosby drugged and sexually assaulted me. Reporter diana is an dree yaess older sister and she spoke exclusively with cnn about her sister who she describes as private and centered. Shes very spiritual and shes calm. Shes humble. Shes honest. Reporter and shes also a life long athlete. She played soccer and she played basketball. Reporter she chose to focus on basketball as she grew taller. Andrea is 6 feet. Reporter 6 feet . Yes. Her basketball skills are unbelievable. I think she was in grade 12 and different universities started coming forward, offering andrea scholarships. Reporter andrea played four years of division one ball at the university of arizona. It was followed by two years of pro ball in europe. Her goal, to play for the wnba. But it didnt happen. How traumatic was that for her . I think it was something, yeah, she really did want. But that path did not work out for her. And she moved along to the next path. Reporter in 2001, she decided it was time to make a career off the courts. So she accepted an Administration Job with the Womens Basketball team at philadelphias temple university. A path that led her to the very center of bill cosbys world. The defense says, of course, any interaction between andrea and bill cosby was consensual. Christy, we dont know how long this jury selection is going to take because in the span of six months, this is a whole new world. Youve got the me too movement. You have jury selection in Montgomery County which is where bill cosby is basically from. Hes the hometown boy. Hes loved and adored. He has been in that area. So it will be interesting to see if people have such strong opinions that they cannot set it aside to be fair and impartial. Yeah, if they can seat a jury there. Thank you so much. Thanks. Of course. And her cnn special report, the case against cosby does air tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. All right. Saturday motivation in his difference makers featuring sister jean. Victor, we have championship coaches, olympic gold medalist. This week its 98yearold woman theyre calling sincinderella. She is wearing velcro sneak aernz the biggest star of this years final four. Thats coming up. We get so busy, day to day. We dont get the chance to connect. I think surprising my mom with a night ski trip would just be the biggest gift that i could give her. Director lets make that happen. Shes gonna be so excited. Introducing the suv equipped to make your firstever happen. The firstever Ford Ecosport is here. That i served. Of the fact i was a c130 mechanic in the corps, so im not happy unless my hands are dirty. Between running a business and four kids, were busy. Auto insurance, homeowners insurance, Life Insurance policies. Knowing that usaa will always have my back. Thats just one less thing you have to worry about. I couldnt imagine going anywhere else. Theyre like a friend of the family. 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And each one of us makes a difference in this world. God bless us. Go ramblers. And amen. Amen you dont have to go traveling with the basketball team. You dont have to be getting up doing all the interviews for tv. Why is this important to you . Why do you do this . I just have fun. You know, i have a lot of fun. I want to go one step further myself by encouraging students to do that. I have to give them the example that i do that too. What was one of your favorite moments of this tournament . The first game that ingraham made almost from the nba line. And it was great. And the one that Clayton Custer made. Too. I said to him after the game, clayton, i wasnt sure about the ball going into the basket. It wabbled around. He said sister jean, want sure it was going to make it either. I said well, im really glad you tried it. Sister jean, what do you want your legacy to be . That i really made some kind of an impact on their lives. Because if a life makes a difference, then you have to make an impact. And i just want them to know that i love them. Im happy. Im a happy person. I have a lot of fun. And id like that to even to the guys i say, enjoy what youre doing on the court. Then youre more relaxed. Victor, i told sister jean i interviewed pro sports but i was nervous to interview her. I said youre a celebrity. And she said, i know. She had to correct a reporter that said loyolas story is national. She said, no, were international. 98 years old. Quite the inspiration. Yes, she s thank you. That was awesome. All right. So a florida pilot kissed the tarmac after surviving this landing at an airport here. Id do the same thing. He was coming in for a landing when the landing gear malfunctioned. Look at. This he was forced to make that Emergency Landing nose first on the tarmac. The pilot and the passenger not injured, thankfully. The ntsb and faa investigating that crash there. So glad everybody is all right. Yes. We always appreciate spending time with you on saturday and sunday mornings. Thank you for making us part of your morning. We hope you make good memories this holiday weekend. There is much more ahead on cnn newsroom. We turn it over to ryan nobles. Good morning to you. Good morning to you. Thank you so much. Its 11 00 on the east coast. Im ryan nobles. Newsroom starts right now. And after a period of relative quiet from the president , donald trump is lashing out at amazon again. Criticizing the companys Business Practices and tax payments, tweeting, while were on the subject, it is reported that the u. S. Post office will lose 1. 50 on average for each package it delivers for amazon. That amounts to billions of dollars. The failing New York Times reports that the size of the companys lobbying staff has ballooned and that does not include the fake Washington Post which is used as a lobbyist and should so register. If the po increased the parcel rates, amazon shipping koflcost would rise by 2. 6 billion. The post Office Scam Must stop. Amazon must pay real costs and taxes now. Abby philip traveling with the president. She is in palm beach this morning. There is a lot the president could be focus

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