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What the hell is wrong with you people . Congresswoman omar, she fled somalia when she was eight years old and is and has been a u. S. Citizen for a long time. At the same time this comes on the day that the Trump Administration informed congress that it will only accept 15,000 refugees this fiscal year, thats a historic low for the country. Why, explaining it the administration said its a, quote, to prioritize the safety and wellbeing of americans. How Many Americans are the children, the grandchildren and great grandchildren of refugees . There are also concerns this morning about the message that the president is sending planning massive rallies in the state of wisconsin despite, look at the graph there, a surge in coronavirus cases there. Those rallies defying his own task forces advice. What all the doctors say about how to keep safe for instance next right there. Wisconsin has the third highest rate of new infections in the country. We begin with cnns john harwood at the white house. John, the president , and this contrast was stark yesterday, right . This sort of milquetoast words he used about White Supremacists and a very blatant, open, exless police it attack on a sitting congresswoman of color, ilhan omar. Reporter jim, it was remarkable that the president went there so explicitly after he had caused heartburn for his campaign and for his party in the debate by so obviously refusion to condemn white supremacy. That the was embarrassing. Its embarrassing in the context of modern politics but what the president did at that rally is very surprising. Hes been very consistent on his message on these issues for the last four years and he and his party share a common strategy which is to appeal almost exclusively and rely almost exclusively on white votes to win elections. That the worked much better back when white voters were 90 boston of the electorate a few decades ago. Now demographic change in the country has taken that share down to about 70 of the vote. After barack obama won a second term in 2012, republicans entertained the idea of trying to broaden their appeal beyond white voters in a more aggressive way, but donald trump seized control of the 2016 campaign, took the party more aggressively down the same path that it had been on and republicans continue to follow him. Dont go anywhere, john. Lets bring in our senior political reporter from the guardian. Good to have you. Daniel, you guys have been doing a lot of important reporting on this. Being from minnesota i know how some of those comments can play and he was in largely white duluth, minnesota, miles away from where the largest white population is in minnesota. I want to hear your thoughts with the president doing this again and again especially after following his comments in the debate. This follows a key strategy for his campaign to find a boogieman for his Reelection Campaign and his argument, someone to sort of argue that this is the person that my supporters need to real against and right now and last night in minnesota his bet was that congresswoman omar is that person. Its an extension of sort of an antagonism republicans at large have expressed towards members of the squad, that group of Young Democratic lawmakers with very liberal points of view on some of the major policy points that were facing right now, but trump in particular likes to hit omar, and like you said, pope, its no coincidence that he did this in front of a largely white audience in minnesota. John, its cnns reporting that the president s own advisers, Campaign Advisers believes he damaged himself with his comments in the tuesday debate, particularly refusing to call out White Supremacists. After an event like that last night, anyone in his circle telling him thats not the path to take, or is this the strategy the campaign has decided on and will stick to . Its very clearly the strategy that President Trump has decided on and hes running the ship and the one that controls what happens in the white house. Hes the one who controls what happens in the campaign, and weve seen the people who challenge him tend to get cast aside. The president , again, has continued to double down on strategies that look controversial to others. Theres a certain internal lodge nick his mind. Hes somebody whose racial antagonism has been a very consistent theme of his life before he was a politician and now as a politician. No reason to think that hes going to change that. Daniel, how significant the way tim scott, the only black republican in the senate responded, because usually hes very in line with the president but i thought him saying, you know, if the president doesnt correct these remarks then he meant it essentially on White Supremacists. What does that mean to you . You know, he does weigh in in situations like this and there have been more than one in the last few years, and it really gives license for other republicans to to agree with senator scott but not criticize and that opens up a runway for other republicans to do that. As senator barrasso just did explicitly with jim in no uncertain terms. Gentlemen, thank you. Nice to have you. John, thanks for the great reporting. Thanks. A federal judge in montana dismissed the Trump Campaigns efforts to prevent that state from issuing mailin ballots for the 2020 election. The judge calling the complaints over mailin fraud, quote, a fiction. This as President Trump continues though to ramp up his attacks on the integrity of the election, something my next guest says could have a major impact not just on the vote itself but on the republican party. Ben ginsburg is a Top Republican election lawyer who has represented four republican candidates. Mr. Ginsburg, thanks for taking the time this morning. Thanks for having me. Big picture. I want to go big here first because there are a lot of folks watching who may have voted already or will be voting soon. Can our elections system withstand the sitting president s ongoing assault on its integrity saying that it will be a fraud lent election, attacking ballots and mailin ballots in particular without evidence contradicting the fbi director. Can the system weather this . Yes. The system can weather that. It does depend on the good faith and the smart judgments of lots of individuals around the country, but the country as a whole has always taken great pride in its elections. It is the cornerstone of our democracy and you can see that by the positions the president is placing republicans, you can see republicans sort of thinking, well, there is more at stake over the long term than just sort of unsubstantiated allegations by the president. Yeah. And to your point, you talk about the risks in particular to republicans in tight races. Lets say they come out ahead but not by a big margin. Has the president given an opportunity to their opponents to say this shall not stand . He has. Look, the president s rhetoric about the results not being reliable is something he thinks he needs apparently because hes looking at the current polls showing him behind, but in every election cycle there will be some close races, and a republican who is ahead by a narrow margin is going to have to explain why his margin or her margin should stand. Mmhmm. No question. Okay. The other public attacks from the president , notably a new cornell study, says that the president is a prime source of disinformation on the vote, but you also have legal efforts now, numerous lawsuits in a number of states, things like preventing the counting of mailin ballots after november 3rd. Where do these challenges stand and arguably are they had the bigger threat, right, to votes being counted than the Public Comments . Well, as we do litigation in this country, there are 50 different states with 50 different sets of laws, and in this case about 40 different sets of cases, so it varies tremendously. What you cited in montana which has been true in other cases, the president s allegations of fraud now have to be proven in court, and i know from my years of looking for this that that proof is not going to exist. We saw what happened in 2000. Im old enough to remember where you had just in a couple of counties in one state a massive influx of battles over ballots, the hanging chad, et cetera. The Trump Campaign has set up a legal team to spring into action to challenge results, et cetera. I wonder. Should americans prepare for a National Version of what we saw in florida in 2000 . I think what will happen this time is actually pretty different for florida. Florida was kind of a random case of the state coming in close and being outcome determinative of who won. Theres not a great chance of that. What youll see in 2020 is the influx of the great influx of an sentee ballots which will make the actual counting and tabulation of votes delayed before we ever know if you get to a floridatype situation where the result is so close that there will be a recount. Understood. Ben, its good to hear to say the system in your judge, and you know it well, can withstand it. I think people can need and hear that. Appreciate your time. Jim, thank you. Covid cases are really spiking in the state of wisconsin so why is the president Still Holding two rallies there this weekend . Also, united and American Airlines preparing to cut 32,000 jobs today. What about delta . An exclusive interview with the ceo is ahead, and also this. They give me 30 days, and im just thinking about my kids. Where do i go with my kids . These poor families. A fight to keep their homes in the midst of a pandemic. Imagine yourself with your children in their shoes. Well have more. Ddlers. Achoo . Do your sneezes turn heads . Try zyrtec. It starts working hard at hour one. And works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. Zyrtec muddle no more. Im a talking dog. The other issue. Oh. Im scratching like crazy. Youve got some allergic itch with skin inflammation. Apoquel can work on that itch in as little as 4 hours, whether its a new or chronic problem. And apoquels treated over 8 million dogs. Nice. And. The talking dog thing . 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Paul casey director of the hospital at bellin hospital in green bay, wisconsin. Good morning to you both. Dr. Casey, if i could begin with you. Record deaths in wisconsin from covid yesterday. Record hospitalizations. Your hospital is one of the cities where the president is going to hold a rally this weekend. What do you expect the Public Health implications of that to be . Well, those of us in the medical community are very worried about that. Im on a number of teams that help the hospital organize or instant command team and we specifically talked about that this morning. Were very concerned about any large gathering, not only weddings, funerals, but much less a very large rally with a bunch of people together without masks. Weve seen data where event can become super spreader events. Dr. Millette, were seeing in new york, new york was the epicenter of this and then got a handle on this, and ive been there and its nice to see it open up again but knot now seeing spikes particularly in brooklyn and queens areas. Whats leading to this, and in your view can a lid be put on it . Is it a way to do it, or is the city looking at a more broader shoutdown then . Well, as nonreligious and religious holidays are rolling in, americans are starting to have more larger gatherings, especially here in new york city, and now were seeing an uptick in the confirmed cases of coronavirus. I think whats happen to ounce is that its very important to pinpoint and identify the clusters to see where the cases are coming from, and thats what Rapid Testing and also stressing the importance of compliance. Compliance is viteal, and another thing that can happen to help decrease the number of cases in new york city with the current spikes is to stress to the Community Leaders that the Community Leaders should stress the importance of compliance to their communities. Right now we dont want to go back to where we were in march. Yeah. But if Community Leaders can actively stress to their to their community about compliance with the current coronavirus guidelines then, of course, we can get through this again without going back to what we had in march. Dr. Millette, whats so sad about this uptick here in new york, i live in brooklyn, i have kids who if to school in brooklyn and they are in school five days a week, and we as parents are all in our community bracing for schools to close. Like were scared now because of these upticks and i just wonder if theres a message that you have for anyone gathering in large groups because if it goes too high all of us will have to be back in home. I mean, im concerned. I have a large family and they are trying to figure out ways to prepare for thanksgiving and christmas and kwanzaa but i stress to them like everyone else right now that this is not the time for us to gather in such large crowds because were still in the pandemic. We still havent gotten through the hunchlgs and so with the flu season coming up as well actually were here in the flu season. Theres an overlap between both viruses so it will be very difficult for Health Care Professionals to differentiate between the two viruses so we have to keep that in mind. We dont want a double whammy with the flu virus and coronavirus and more uptick with coronavirus at hand still. I suggest to everyone just please by all means wear a mask, physical distancing is still important. Avoid large gatherings. If you plan on having thanksgiving, christmas or even a religious celebration, try to do it virtually. I know its hard and very difficult and were all accustomed to doing things as our norm but right now we really need to take advantage of virtual gatherings as we speak. Dr. Casey, you know, those key elements have been consistent throughout, right . Wear a mask, wash your hands, socially distance, dont go to big events, et cetera, but the fact is large portions of the country are not follow those simple guidelines, and the president , among others, right, is encouraging folks not to do so by, for instance, holding rallies where you are. I just wonder from a Public Health perspective what turns it around . Do folks need Shock Therapy . Do they need to see a big spike to change . Where are we as a country to consistently follow medical nea were hoping that our community has reached National Attention and will get people to wake up because the reason you saw my graph from a very days ago, early on in march and april we had a nice bellshaped curve and we thought we dodged a bullet because by june we were down to one inpatient in my hospital and then you saw the fourth of july come around. People got together with family and friends and it started to rise then and then came labor day, and the covid fatigue. We understand that, but this spike were seeing in brown county wisconsin should be a wakeup call to anyone who lives here that our community is facing a crisis. On one of my meetings this morning we learned it was a Community Wide Public Health and hospital meeting and currently one hospital out of four in green bay has more patients than the entire city had at our peak in april. Wow. Wow. Thats a concerning measure of this. The listen, thanks to both of you. We know youre fighting this every day in way that few are. We appreciate it and lets keep up the conversation. Thank you. Thank you much. Thank you both. So this could be, looks like this will be the worst day of job losses in aviation history. American and united set to lay off tens of thousands as Congress Fails to reach a funding extension for the airlines. Deltas ceo ed bastion joins us next. You try to stay ahead of the mess but scrubbing still takes time. Now theres powerwash dish spray its the faster way to clean as you go just spray, wipe and rinse it cleans grease five times faster dawn powerwash. Spray, wipe, rinse. Tonight, ill be eating a veggie cheeseburger on ciabatta, no tomatoes. [hard a] tonight. Ill be eating four cheese tortellini with extra tomatoes. [full emphasis on the soft a] so its come to this . [doorbell chimes] thank you. [doorbell chimes] bravo. Careful, hamill. Daddys not here to save you. Oh i am my daddy. Wait, what . What are you talking about . Welcome back. Well, unfortunately, today is looks like it will be the worst day of job losses in the history of aviation. Between united and american alone, 32,000 jobs could be gone as of today as congress has failed to reach a new aid deal. Delta ceo ed bastion joins us exclusively this morning. Good morning, ed. Good morning, poppy. Good to be with you. Good to have you. I know that as of today you are able to avoid any furloughs or layoffs, but i wonder how long that can last if you dont get more money from congress. Well, we are facing an issue with respect to about 1,900 pilots. We have figured out for all of our other groups through efforts that they have made to take unpaid leeves of an sense thousands and tens of thousands throughout the summer, early retirement opportunities, weve been able to avoid furloughs in all of our other work groups through the end of the year and well into next year as well. Im confident of that, but with our pilots were still working on a strategy to be able to hopefully get to that same outcome, but if we cant, certainly the assistance from congress would be helpful in avoid is those furloughs as well. So Congress Getting a new deal together could save 1,900 pilot jobs at delta. Absolutely. Okay. So a question a lot of people have and i certainly have is when and if you ever get back to normal. Youve still got passenger loads at still at about 30 , and some are asking does injecting taxpayer money into the airlines right now make sense, or is it delaying the inevitable . What do you say to them . Well, the Industry First and foremost is an essential industry to our economy, to our nation, and weve had our people out working throughout the pandemic, providing really vital services. At the time we got the first cares act, we all thought we would hopefully be in a better position relative to the virus than we are today. Were not. If if we dont get the support from congress, we will be required as an industry to furlough tens of thousands of workers, it takes a long time in our industry to get people back up, trained in all the various categories, plus also very importantly were flying to a lot of small cities because of the cares act that were being provided that otherwise would lose service, so, you know, were keeping our nations infrastructure in place and hopefully in six months time well be in a better spot. Were not going to be through this virus. No question about it, but well be at least in a more stable position to start to see how the recovery is taking shape. I mean, thats important especially about the smaller cities, et cetera, because in this memo you wrote to employees this morning you wrote, unfortunately, as of today congress has not acted to continue protection for airline employees. There are some, as you know, ed, who are restaurant owners, venue owners, who are going through dire times as well, and they are looking at the airline struggles and saying, hey, they already got one package, looks like they are going to get another one, what about us . What do you say to them . Well, you know, its hard to compare one industry to the next. I think thats the role of our national leaders. The restaurants, i completely agree. Our restaurants are Small Business owners and do have other packages and other opportunities to provide maintenance of their businesses, but this is this is a tough time for all of us, and when you think about all of the training and all of the requirements and the skills in pilgt an aircraft and maintaining aircraft, if you lay people off, it takes quite a while before you can get back up and running. Restaurants a littles yes, but im not trying to compare it and put the airlines ahead of anybody else. Ed, it just seems to me like testing, Rapid Testing that is widespread do make such a difference in getting people to feel secure flying again, and i wonder i know youve got this partnership and youve got cvs and the mayo clinic on Rapid Testing for employees. United is going to offer rapid tests at a cost for people going to a had a, american talking about similar moves. Will delta be offering rapid tests soon for flyers . We will be. Were working on that. I dont know, hawaii, for example, has got at 72hour requirement to present a negative test in order to avoid quarantine when you get to a had a. Thats a relatively new opening of an island. We already have that in place. Theres several other islands and some of the smaller International Markets that were flying to today, but to get real scale going back across to europe, into asia and to south america, its going to require two things. Going to require testing it and going to require tracing. The authorities are going to be able to have information as to transit from a trace standpoint and monitoring if anyone came in contact with a covid individual, they would want to know everyone and i think tracing is real important. Were working on that also. Antigen testing is coming to mark. Its rapid. Its relatively low cost. Certainly something that were going to and were working with the cdc. Were working with International Authorities as to how to get some pilots up, because what we need to do is we need to get a couple of these markets open and then start to see how it works and when we can learn from it to open other markets. Do you foresee a day when its a condition to get on a delta flight to take a ross perot covid test . Is that the case that could be reality six months, a year from now . Either a rapid test or evidence of a vaccine or some type of form to so that everyone knows they have all been protected, and its its maybe not as important only to the people on the plane, poppy, but really to avoid quarantines. Yeah. The thing thats Holding Traffic back internationally also, and you know in new york, are the quarantine measures, and no one is going to be flying to europe in the spring if they are uncertain whether they can do anything or how long they have to stay or if they are able to enjoy their trip an conduct business. The testing is critical to avoid those quash teens. What about masks . You have been so outspoken on masks. Youve banned 400plus people from flying delta again because they have refused to wear masks and last time we spoke in july you had communication with the white house had. You talked to the white house and you want a National Mask mandate. Have you called the president or the white house again on that, because the faa could do it today. They could say again getting on a plane has to wear a mask. Yeah. The administration has decided that they are not going to put in a mandate and thats their decision. At delta were mandating it. Do you think its a wrong decision . Im not trying to criticize the administration, but i do think masks are essential and you listen to the cdc and they will tell you. Its one of the most important forms of protection that we can all v. Fortunately on our planes our team has done a great job and what weve found over time here, pope, is that customers are policing that themselves. If someone gets on a plane and isnt wearing a mask customers will speak to their fellow customer and say, hey, i need you to wear that to protect me, so i think as a society were getting more comfortable with wearing masks, but were enforcing it. Theres no question about it. Ed, if you had known back in february, early february what we now know the president told Journalist Bob Woodward about how contagious and deadly and covid spread, if you knew that on february 7th when the president said it, would things have changed for delta you . Mandated masks april 30th, among first to do so, but i guess im asking if you had known sooner would you have done that sooner . If we had known looking back, of course, we would have mandated masks. We would have done a number of things. You know, its important that note that we stopped flying to china in late january, so while the president put his own restrictions in place, we had already taken our own steps to to stop flying to china, stop accepting traffic from china a couple weeks earlier than that. Ed, final question to you. Last time on this program we talked about the moves you had made on race and diversity and you said very candidly we need to do more. We need more black leaders. You said you were ashamed more had not been done sooner, and i know theres been a lot of steps youve taken since and youve been real vocal about this in the company, and i wonder what your response is to this. In response the chairman of deltas pilot union wrote a letter to all of the pilots and said that its causing distraction and its not something that delta should focus off. He writes our Company Leadership has decided to weigh in to many social issues in our society today. The discussions of these have no place in our workplace. The what do you say to that . Well, i think there is theres two sides to that question. First of all, absolutely. When youre in the being cockpit, we should not be talking about anything controversial, the lack of distraction is critical and our pilots are professionals and they manage that down, but the reality is that we live in a big world. Our society, and we have seen evidence that we can do better. We know we can do better and we are going to do better and while there may be parts of society that may take offense or take objection to and becoming uncomfortable with the topics were discussing, Racial Injustice and systemic racism are things we know exist and its our responsibility as Business Leaders to take the steps that we need to counteract them to protect all of our employees, not just some of our employees. One of the things ive been very transparent about, pope is that weve got a pretty big disconnect between our top leaders in our company who are black and the number of employees who work at delta who are black. We can do better than that. We are going to do better than that. Thank you for leading on this, ed. Good luck. Thank you, poppy. Well be right back. We live in uncertain times. However, there is one thing you can be certain of. The men and woman of the United States postal service. We are here to deliver your cards, packages and prescriptions. 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A licensed humana sales agent will walk you through your options, answer any questions you have and help you enroll over the phone. Plans with a zero dollar monthly plan premium are available in many areas. Call now and well also send this free guide. Humana, a more human way to healthcare. Welcome back. President trump is claiming that joe biden will cancel the remaining president ial debates. Thats not true. The in fact, shortly after tuesday nights debate the Biden Campaign publicly confirmed hes committed to participating, thats a fact. Thank you for the important fact check on that, jim. What may be different though is how the debates look and how they sound and if you can actually hear any answers, folks. The president ial commission on debates says they are considering changes to the format after the first one devolved into chaos. Jessica dean is following the story, so, jess, whats going to be different . Reporter well, we dont know the exact specifics yet, poppy and jim but we do know that the commission has said that they have to make some structural changes, that they want to facilitate a better conversation and that in order to do that they need to do that they announced changes yesterday. They said once they make the decisions they will be announcing them shortly. Listen to what joe biden said about the debate Going Forward on the trail yesterday. I just hope theres a way in which the Debate Commission can control the ability of us to answer the question without interruptions. Reporter now, biden went on to call trumps performance in the debate a national embarrassment. For their part the Trump Campaign says they are averse to rule changes, they dont want any rule changes in the middle of all of this, but it looks like were waiting to hear what the commission decides. How will they enforce this and make this happen . All questions that have to be answered. The Biden Campaign claims it had the best fundraising race just after the debate. One, is that true . Have we seen the data and how does that compare to 2016 for Hillary Clinton . Right. So that is exactly what the Biden Campaign is saying. These are massive numbers, jim. You guys know. You follow politics and youve covered it for a long time. The Biden Campaign said that it raised 21. 5 million in the day after the debate, the biggest date that they said that they have had, on top of 10 million that they said they raised from 9 00 p. M. To 12 00 a. M. On the negotiate of the debate so that combined, a little over 31 million in just over one day, and to give you a little perspective on that. Thats more than biden was raising in some entire quarters earlier in this race. Jessica dean. Were getting close, and sometimes that money can matter in these races. Thanks very much. The new jen original series first ladies tells the stories of six remarkable women who were second to none. It appears with an intimate portrait of michelle obama, 6 00 p. M. Eastern time only on cnn. In ohio a Convention Center is now a courtroom. Hundreds of people every day fighting to save their homes because of covid. You will want to see this piece next. Versus the other guys. Clearly, velveeta melts creamier. Stayingtakes a plan. Ur game thats why at aetna, we take a total, connected approach to your health and wellness. With Medicare Advantage plans designed to surround you with the care you need every day. Aetna Medicare Advantage plans. The unfair money bail system. He, accused of rape. While he, accused of stealing 5. The stanford rapist could afford bail; got out the same day. The Senior Citizen could not; forced to wait in jail nearly a year. Voting yes on prop 25 ends this failed system, replacing it with one based on public safety. Because the size of your wallet shouldnt determine whether or not youre in jail. Vote yes on prop 25 to end money bail. Look, if you think the economic pain in this country is is over, listen to the numbers. Just heartbreaking. 837,000 more americans filed for first time unemployment last week. Millions in total remain out of work. This, of course, because of the pandemic. Millions who have to figure out how to put food on the table and crucially how to keep a roof over their heads. Thats right. Millions with children, but for many they are fighting to save their homes in this pandemic, and the problem is growing so much one city is using its Convention Center as an eviction court. Our Senior National correspondent kyung lah has been all over shining a light on these evictions. Whats happened here . Reporter four weeks ago the cdc Eviction Moratorium went into effect, a National Moratorium. The intent is to keep people in their homes during this pandemic, but as we found in columbus, ohio, thats not whats happening. In columbus, ohio, the city Convention Center is now the courtroom. And youre occupying this property. Reporter this space chosen to socially distance crowds during the pandemic. 118 re vickss are on the docket today. Among them, emu conte. I work in the nursing home and when i got infected with the covid. Reporter shecontracted the virus in june at the nursing home where she worked. The u. S. Resident and immigrant from sierra leone was out of work for two months and shes working as a Home Health Care aid making 12 an hour. Not enough to pay the rent that she owes. They give me 30 days. Im just thinking about my kids. Where am i going to go with my kids . Reporter everywhere you turn a different face shares an economic plight that landed them here. Why did you do that . For nonpayment of rent. Reporter cases filed against tenants despite a National Moratorium on most evictions until the end of the year. The public often thinks a moratorium that nothing is happening. Is that the case . Absolutely not here, and i dont believe in any other places at this point. There are cases being filed every day still. Reporter the Legal Aid Society of columbus says most tenants dont know about the moratorium or how to get the federal protection n. Columbus Financial Aid and pro bono lawyers sit on the wing of the court judge. These run precedented times from my perspective. Reporter working to get the moratorium information to families like turner family. Im sorry. Its just scary because this is like our first apartment, like were new really to adulthood. Reporter they are new parents afraid to comfort 8monthold doubter in the public air in the pan demic. Everything was going so perfect until it just wasnt. Reporter both of you lost your jobs . Yeah. Reporter that was in march. Rodney turner just got a new job two weeks ago but they are months behind on rent. Its just really overwhelming, and and scary because we dont know, you know, whats going to happen in there. They could say weve got to move out in a week and we dont know. Reporter the tenants we meet today wont know if they can stay in their homes until yet another Court Appearance next week. This single mother heads home. The Health Care Worker has friends that care for her children every day while she cares for the elderly. This is my daughter. Reporter she is grateful for her small home. My apartment is nice, as you can see. Reporter she just needs to find a way to stay. Last week in columbus, ohio, according to the court, eviction files for this week were the highest that they have been since the pandemic gan, and something else, pope and jim. Jim you were just talking about those unemployment numbers. The people in our story are employed. They are newly employed. They are part of the economic recovery. They are just behind in their bills, so thats something to keep in mind as you look at this data coming out. You wonder where homelessness starts. It starts in that courtroom there, right, for many families. So glad to have you on the story. Thanks. Thanks to all of you for joining us today. Well see you back here tomorrow morning. Im poppy harlow. And im jim sciutto. Newsroom with john king starts right after a short break. Medicine is mau with soothing honeylicious taste. Nyquil honey. The nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever best sleep with a cold medicine. Keeping your oysters growing while keeping your business growing has you swamped. you need to hire i need indeed indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base so you can start hiring right away. Claim your seventyfivedollar credit when you post your first job at indeed. Com promo vicks vapopatch. Easy to wear with soothing vicks vapors for her, for you, for the whole family. Trusted soothing vapors, from vicks good morning, mr. Sun. Good morning, blair. [ chuckles ] whoo. Im gonna grow big and strong. Yes, you are. Im gonna get this place all clean. Ill give you a hand. And im gonna put lisa on crutches wait, what . Said shes gonna need crutches. She fell pretty hard. You might want to clean that up, girl. Excuse us. When owning a Small Business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. And im gonna eh, eh, eh. Donny, no. Oh. The unfair money bail system. He, accused of rape. While he, accused of stealing 5. The stanford rapist could afford bail; got out the same day. The Senior Citizen could not; forced to wait in jail nearly a year. Voting yes on prop 25 ends this failed system, replacing it with one based on public safety. Because the size of your wallet shouldnt determine whether or not youre in jail. Vote yes on prop 25 to end money bail. Vote yes on prop 25 they do one of the most deven in normal times. S, our frontline Health Care Workers. And when these heroes lack the resources they need, that risky job gets ten times harder. Prop fifteen makes corporations pay their fair share. To invest in our communities, in our clinics, in the essential workers who treat everyone rich, poor, and inbetween. Whether its this pandemic or the next health crisis, vote yes on prop fifteen. For all of us. Top of the hour. Hello to our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im john king in washington. Thanks for sharing your day with us. The money pouring into the Biden Campaign and to its democratic allies, this just as a mini panic sets in among republicans who think that President Trump is making an already Difficult Campaign climate even worse. The president heads soon to new jersey to his golf club. His team is hoping that it sinks in that his first debate performance was anything but the

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