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Clear that he wants witnesses to come forward in his defense, in a potential senate trial. That was the message from the white house lifting Affairs Director speaking with reporters where he said the president wants his case to be fully made in the senate. So its clear, jim, that even as things are still going on in the house, the white house is very much beginning to prepare the president s defense for a potential senate trial. And that is where the white houses focus is really shifting. Jeremy diamond, thank you so much. We wait to hear from the House Speaker. Dana bash is here. Good morning. Nice to have you in person. In the words of jerry connolly, about nancy pelosi, she doesnt follow parades. She leads them. Very well put. Where is this parade going . The key word in that is lead. She, obviously, understands her role. Maybe better than most. Maybe historically as a leader and the history of this moment is not lost on her. Remember, she came to this reluctantly. Really came to this notion of impeachment reluctantly. The pressure was on her by a lot of democrats, by the base to not give up their majority. Not just say, okay, we have a majority but were not doing anything to hold the president accountable. Shes taken methodically taken her caucus through the process. They are at a point now where she has to, you know, check in with her and her caucus and with the country because this is so much about Public Opinion which, if you look at the polls, if you see where the caucus is and, more importantly, maybe the republicans, it hasnt moved at all. And so she has to get out there and tell the public, this is where we are. And this is where were going. But just as manu was hearing, i am hearing, dont speculate on how specific she will get when she gives this announcement. But were at a really critical point. Of course. Jim . Manu raju, as we wait for pelosi to come to the podium there, is there any doubt, manu, that she says were going to move forward with the next steps of impeachment . It would be a big surprise if she suddenly decided to back off at this moment because shes listening to her caucus. Shes talking to her colleagues, and there are very few democrats who do not believe the president should be impeached or move forward to drafting those articles of impeachment because right now as we saw on the vote to formalize the proceedings in the inquiry proceedings, just two democrats defected and more and more democrats raised alarms as revelations came out through the course of this investigation. So the will for the Democratic Caucus to impeach the president has only gotten stronger. For her to back off at this point would be really, really surprising. Particularly her language, too, has gotten more aggressive. She tweeted the president was a threat to democracy and she did not believe the president should be impeached being a threat to democracy. That would be a big surprise. Thats a very good point, manu. She chooses every word very carefully. Dana, but her message last night in that meeting that manu reported on earlier to democrats in the house was, be disciplined because she has heard and everyone the country has heard her bring up al greens words about impeaching the president long ago. Jerry nadlers own words about the three things you need to impeach, one being bipartisan support of the American People, coming back to haunt him a little bit in the hearing yesterday. Thats exactly right. And that has when you talk about discipline, its the words but its also how theyre going to approach these articles of impeachment. Its hard to imagine shes going to get super specific when we hear from her in just moments. Were not sure. But broadly what she is hearing is a mix. Here she is. Lets listen to the House Speaker nancy pelosi. Good morning. Let us begin where our founders began in 1776. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another. With those words, our founders courageously began our declaration of independence from an oppressive monarch for among other grievances the kings refusal to follow rightfully passed laws. In the course of todays events, it becomes necessary for us to address, among other grievances, the president s failure to faithfully execute the law. When crafting the constitution, the founders feared the return of a monarchy in america. And having just fought a war of independence, they specifically feared the prospect of a king president corrupted by foreign influence. During the constitutional convention, james madison, the architect of the constitution, warned that a president might betray his trust to foreign powers which might prove fatal to the republic. Another founder, governor morufeared that a president may be bribed by a greater interest to betray his trust. He emphasized that this magistrate is not a king. The people are the king. They, therefore, created a constitutional remedy to protect against a dangerous or corrupt leader. Impeachment. Unless the constitution contained an impeachment provision, one founder warned, a president might, quote, spare no effort or means whatsoever to get himself reelected. Similarly, george mason insisted at a president who procured his appointment in his first instance through improper and corrupt acts might repeat his guilt and return to power. During the debate over impeachment at the constitutional convention, george mason also asked, shall any man be above justice . Shall that man be above it who can commit the most extensive injustice . In his great wisdom, he knew that injustice committed by the president erodes the rule of law. The very idea that a fair justice, which is the bedrock of our democracy. And if we allow a president to be above the law, we do so surely at the peril of our republic. In america, no one is above the law. Over the past few weeks, through the Intelligence Committee working with the Foreign Affairs and oversight committees, the American People have heard the testimony of truly patriotic career public servants, distinguished diplomats and decorated war heroes. Some of the president s own appointees. The facts are uncontested. The president abused his power for his own personal political benefit at the expense of our National Security, by withholding military aid and crucial Oval Office Meeting in exchange for an announcement of an investigation into his political rival. Yesterday the Judiciary Committee at the Judiciary Committee, the American People heard testimony from leading american constitutional scholars who illuminated without a doubt that the president s actions are a profound violation of the public trust. The president s actions have seriously violated the constitution, especially when he says and acts upon the belief article 2 says i can do whatever i want. No. His wrongdoing strikes at the very heart of our constitution. A separation of powers, three coequal branches, each a check and balance on the other. A republic, if we can keep it said benjamin franklin. Our democracy is at stake. The president leaves us no choice but to act because he is trying to corrupt, once again, the election for his own benefit. The president has engaged in abuse of power undermining our National Security and jeopardizing the integrity of our elections. His actions are in defiance of the vision of our founders, and the oath of office that he takes to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States. Sadly, but with confidence and humility, with allegiance to our founders and a heart full of love for america, today i am asking our chairman to proceed with articles of impeachment. I commend our Committee Chairs and our members for their somber approach to actions which i wish the president had not made necessary. In signing the declaration of independence, our founders invoked a Firm Reliance on divine providence. Democrats, too, are prayerful, and we will proceed in a manner worthy of our oath of office to support and defend the constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us god. Thank you. There you have the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, and with those words there, today i am asking our chairman to proceed with articles of impeachment. She begins with a reference to history and notnotably, dana ba noting the declaration of independence from an oppressive monarch as she goes on to justify the impeachment proceeding with the impeachment of donald trump. Also saying, i think this was notable, too, dana. Hes trying to corrupt the election once again. Once again to his own benefit. A reference there back to 2016 as well. Your reaction, dana . Yeah, look, the big picture, what she is doing is resetting the table. Reminding the public of why she allowed the House Democrats to go there reluctantly on her part in the first place a few months ago and explaining why she wants the committees to go to the next step. We knew this was extremely likely that this was going to happen, meaning that the committee the Judiciary Committee in particular would start to write the articles of impeachment but she, obviously, as the speaker of the house felt the need to come out and explain that in the context of where this country started and where she hopes it will go. And one other thing. Yes, she talked about the electionses. She talked about the fact the president that if we allow the president to be above the law, we do it at the peril of the public. She also talked about the fact that article 2 does not, as the president suggests, suggest he has ultimate power but theres a separation of power. She didnt say what the articles of impeachment will be but in those two sort of ideas, shes laying out abuse of power, a, and, b, obstruction of congress. Manu nancy pelosi making history just now with those words. She will be on cnn tonight for a special cnn town hall, 9 00, with jake tapper. Shell get all sorts of questions on what we just heard from her. Let me began where she began and that is at the beginning, right . She said, let us begin where our founders began in 1776 and quoted ben franklin and others and led up to the nurkews, im asking our chairman to draft articles of impeachment. But the laying of the history before making that announcement. Thats in line with what we were hearing out of the house Judiciary Committee yesterday. That proceeding with several experts, three attorneys, three law experts saying exactly that. The president , in their view, violated the constitution. Something the founders would not have stood for and the founders would expect the house would impeach in a situation like this. The one witness provided by the republicans disagreed. Its a signal the democrats want to start moving on the next phase. Its all but certain President Trump will be impeached now that she made these remarks. Theres virtually no doubt thats going to happen. Its been clear that up until this point that should happen. But everyone was waiting from the signal from the speaker that they just got. Now as dana noted, the next discussion is going to be about exactly how many articles of impeachment the president is going to face. Obstruction of congress, almost certainly will be one of them. Abuse of power also very likely to be another one. Could they add bribery to that as well . That seems likely as well. The question ultimately will be, what do they do about the Mueller Report. The evidence cleaned and the Mueller Report, those episodes of obstruction of justice. Will those tenoped sos or some of those be referenced . That came up in the hearing yesterday. A lot of democrats believe they should go that route. We would be looking at three articles of impeachment for the president but those discussions will continue behind the scenes with a handful of people. The speaker, jerry nad der, likely adam schiff and well see that decision in the coming days. The possibleity of a perjury charge has been raised. That factored into the clinton impeachment. Did President Trump lie in his written answers to the special counsel . Jeremy diamond, you have the president tweeting out today an, i dare you, go ahead, impeach me now. Theres been some back and forth as to whether the president sees this as politically beneficial to him. Rally the base. Or ultimately damaging. Im curious. Youve covered the white house for some time. How does the president actually view this prospect . Well, jim it took the president some time to actually accept the fact that he likely was going to be impeached. There was some game there of the president saying, look, i could benefit from this. Maybe daring democrats to do it. At the end of the day, the president does not want to be impeached because of how this will play with his legacy. Making him only one of three president s to actually be formally impeached by the house of representatives. That is not something the president wants. Thats not a blemish the president wants on his record. What weve seen from the house is an acceptance that the president was going to be impeached and a turn towards preparing for his trial in the senate. White house lawyers have been preparing to mount a robust defense for the president , acknowledging the fact that senators were going to move forward with a full and complete trial of the president in the senate once those articles of impeachment are sent over there. We are getting a little reaction from stephanie grisham, the White House Press secretary. She just tweeted that Speaker Pelosi and the democrats should be ashamd and arguing that the president has done nothing but lead our country resulting in a booming economy, more jobs, a stronger military. The white house is going to also turn this conversation to try and focus on the president s achievements. There was a split screen moment earlier this week that the president was at least initially relishing which was, while this house Judiciary Committee hearing was taking place, the president was abroad representing the country in london during the nato summit. We saw a very different message there ultimately with the mocking he faced from several other World Leaders. But again, this is not something that the president wants and now it is clear that the president will likely be impeached. And that is not something that he is looking forward to facing. Phil mautsi imattingly, to t manu made about whether or not the articles of impeachment will include stuff from the Mueller Report, including those ten potential obstructive acts by the president laid out, this is what struck me from nancy pelosi that made me think thats maybe more likely than not. Quote, the president leaves us no choice but to act because he is trying to corrupt once again the election for his own benefit. We heard something similar from jerry nadler in his opening remarks yesterday. This is a serious debate inside the Democratic Caucus. No question about that. There are front line democrats who many of them are freshmen. Many of them won seats President Trump won in 2016. Very late comers to the impeachment idea. They came on very late. And the reason they came on late is specifically because of what they saw with ukraine. They werent there when mueller testified or when muellers report came out. And theyve made clear behind the scenes theyd like to keep this narrow. This is the thing to keep an eye on in the days ahead. How they draft the articles of impeachment is interesting. I think its clear some of them will pass the house but how they address the scope, how they address the scale and how they address members that have long thought that mueller needs to be included in this. Obstruction of Justice Needs to be included with this as that compares with those wary of going too far. Is something theyre going to have to figure out. As manu noted, we all assumed this was going to be the case. The speaker laying the stake in the ground, giving the historical precedent and relevance to this was an important moment. But the real questions and debates inside the Democratic Caucus about what those articles will look like will take place over the next few days. Dana bash, i am sure ive been speaking to republican congressmen over the last days and weeks to see if they have an open mind beyond their Public Comments saying theyre with the president. Privately, do they have an open mind to answering these articles of impeachment . It seems that door is closing perhaps, not entirely closed, but with your view, is this almost certainly a Party Line Vote . Almost certainly a Party Line Vote. We could get surprised by one of the almost 20 House Republicans who are retiring, but weve got no indication thats the case yet. And if anything, the attempt by the House Democratic leadership and the committee to take the public through an understanding by gathering evidence, by making a report, by doing public hearings, by convincing them has not worked. Again, this is based on Public Opinion polling, but more importantly, based on what these republicans are hearing back home from their constituents. The one thing related to this but i want to add to what phil and manu were saying about how critical this phase is about how the articles of impeachment, not just how many but how theyre crafted. I agree that it struck me when she said that the president leaves us no choice but talks about how he could corrupt the election again. Its entirely possible that that phrase or that notion would be part of an article of impeachment of abuse of power dealing with ukraine. And the reason is because, like phil was saying, i am also hearing from the most important majoritymakers. The House Democrats who are in very big trump districts. Even this morning, i was communicating with one. Make it narrow. Make it quick, and lets move on. And she is hearing that. Shes hearing other things from the more liberal members but that is important to keeping the House Majority which is no small thing. No small thing at all. Dana, thank you all. Everyone, stay where you are. A momentous moment this weekend. We will speak to a member, a democratic member of the house Judiciary Committee coming up. All eyes on that committee for the next steps. What will the articles of impeachment look like . 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And cnn chief National Correspondent john king. John, if i could begin with you, just on the next political steps here, as we look at this, Public Opinion does not appear to have moved significantly during those public hearings. And republican unity solidified it seemed during that time. Is there any sign based on your reporting with people you speak to that that breaks or is this Party Line Vote were headed for most likely . Democrats are hoping, as they continue this proceeding, the democrats are hoping as this continues that you have the articles of impeachment. You have the speaker taking a front and center role. They are hoping that Public Opinion grows with them. They would also tell you, yes, they have not moved it so far since the beginning of the hearings. However, they believe theyre in a stronger position than when, and julian remembers this well, when the republicans impeached bill clinton, the public was against it. Support was in the high 20s or 30s. The public was against it. Democrats believe they have to make their case and if they can bring more people with them, good. They believe in 90 or more of their districts theyre safe. In a House District that nancy pelosi is worried about maybe 15 or 20 members. Does she give them leeway to vote no . She is very critical to her to keep defections to a minimum. She knows there will be a few. Hoping to keep it to one hand. If it gets on to a second hand to keep it on six or eight. Thats important to send a message the democrats are unified and to see if that message affects any republicans. What struck me today in her careful statement was just the flashback. It was Newt Gingrich versus bill clinton. This is nancy pelosi versus donald trump. Yes, theres the substance and the articles and the process to go ahead. But as america deals with this very sober fact. Put names aside, parties aside, thats a huge historic deal. Who leads the conversation . And Speaker Pelosi, someone the republicans had tried to vilify and sideline as a vulnerability for the democrats, she is the glue that holds them together. Just as the president is holding the republicans together in very different ways. But you have these two dominant figures in american politics who are going to be the face of the argument as we go into this process. And hes expressed respect for nancy pelosi the last few months. Julian epstein because you were the judicial counsel during the last impeachment this country went through, what would your advice be in terms of the scope. Theyre drafting them now. Do they keep it narrow . Do they stick with ukraine . Do they broaden it out and include the potential obstructive acts laid out in the Mueller Report . I think they should clearly keep it narrow to the ukraine matter and keep it on what i think was a bribery or shakedown scheme as one article and an obstruction article as the second. I think to johns point, and john is exactly right on. In 1998, the republicans lost the argument by about 73 to 28 in terms of Public Opinion polls. Largely because the public thought that republicans were being political and they were way out in front of the facts. And so they lost the argument. I think the democrats were losing the argument on the mueller inquiry because i think earlier this year the democrats did get out in front of the facts and when the mueller inquiry didnt quite so the conspiracy or russian collusion as clearly as they wanted, that middle third of the public lost faith and tuned out. And then what happened with ukraine was we had a giant reset. And nancy pelosi kind of who had previously been a passively aggressive in her opposition to impeachment, kind of took the reins with an iron fist and exerted a lot more discipline and the facts were much more compelling on the ukraine matter. What the democrats have shown is much more discipline in kind of their rhetoric, their somber tone and not sounding as political as they did during the mueller inquiry. And thats been very good. The numbers on impeachment have moved to about 56 believing that the president has committed impeachable offenses but only about 47 want to see the president removed. So the democrats havent quite gotten to where they need to get to in terms of winning the public argument but theyre a lot further than they were in september and thats because of the discipline that nancy pelosi has exerted. The more narrow they can keep this focused on the ukraine matter where there seems to be consensus in the entire calk urks i think the better off the democrats will be. But for political reasons and particularly because of some of the more extreme voices on the left, they may feel they need a third article on things like emoluments or the mueller investigation, obstruction issues, to satisfy the base elements of the Democratic Party. In 1998, the republicans voted four articles out of the committee but only two passed the house. The smart money is on keeping this narrow. Jennifer rogers, constitutionally, and as we saw nancy pelosi utter those historic words just 30 minutes ago, she made a constitutional argument going back to the declaration of independence as well that this, in her words, his wrongdoing strikes at the very heart of our constitution. You had Jonathan Turley yesterday speaking as a republican witness saying, okay, these things not appropriate but they havent proven their case. Youre a lawyer. Have they made a constitutional case for his removal . They have, absolutely. The evidence has been really compelling as Speaker Pelosi also said. And its a challenge to make this case here. In a regular, criminal Corruption Case you always have to explain to the jury why this is important, why it matters when Public Officials put their own interests above the Public Interest because it wastes taxpayer money, it leads to improper and inappropriate and bad decisionmaking in government. Here the stakes are even higher. The trick is to make everyone understand, and what nancy pelosi said went towards this point, why its so problematic for the president to abuse his power in this way to undermine our election because it subverts the will, the true free will of voters and makes us less safe. And thats why i disagree a little bit that they should keep it so narrow. I think they need to establish a pattern of behavior from this president in order to get him removed. This is not something that can be seen in isolation but something hes seen before and will be something that hell continue to do if they dont act now. John king back to you. Once we get the articles, the process moves forward in the Judiciary Committee and it is tomorrow the white house has to decide if theyll play ball or if theyll not do anything until a senate trial. What are you hearing . The white house is sending clear signals that its inclination is to play no ball, if you want to use that, with the house and wait until what it says if it wants to be a fair senate trial. The senate controlled by republicans. Thats an unpredictable process as well because first you have to create the rules so senators dont get to jump up and give speeches whenever they want. Its a triallike procedure. But you have a republican majority. To jennifers point and julians point in this debate about how broad the articles could go, look at the articles of the moment. They have to proceed as of today assuming this is an alldemocratic enterprise. That democrats will vote to impeach the president. Theres zero evidence that any republicans are prepared to break. They may get the vote of justin amash, the former republican turned independent. So they have to proceed under the idea that theyll not have any republican support and that the president will not be convicted and removed in the senate because the math today is pretty clear. That does not clean things wont change if they make a compelling case, but heading into an Election Year to the point of keeping this tirkght, the speak wants to keep it tight to keep the democrats together. The tighter, the shorter the articles of impeachment, the more democratic support on the floor so democrats can say theyre trying to do the right thing. To jennifers point about leading the argument. One of the president s defenses here, if you will, is theres so much disruption in the age of trump. So many things that provoke outrage among democrats and the trump base loves. One challenge is to make the case this is different. This isnt the president blowing something up on twitter or the president saying, can we build a moat at the u. S. mexico border. Can we shoot them in the legs . So making the case this is not just typical trump is different, trump disruptive. Its critical to the courts of Public Opinion. I would take slight issue with the notion of that jennifer was suggesting. I understand her point from a legal poingt of view of showinga pattern by bringing in the legal argument on the russia investigation. The democrats havent done an exhaustive set of hearings on really the four of the ten instances in which mueller pointed to all of the requirements of obstruction being satisfied in the Mueller Report. There were four real serious ones. But the democrats havent really done a lot of exhaustive hearings on that. Secondly, as john points out, it divides the Democratic Party. The moderates in the Democratic Party werent really on board with impeachment on the obstruction that we saw in the Mueller Report. Youre looking at something thats going to be divisive. From a political point view of, i dont think its advisable but will nancy pelosi have to satisfy that part of the caucus by having something that, you know, some of the democrats can vote for and others can vote against . Thank you all so much. Julian, john, jennifer, we appreciate it. Well talk next, right here, with a member of the house Judiciary Committee. Dont go anywhere. Dont get mad. Get e trade, dawg. You wanna see something thatamazing . Ing. Go to hilton instead of a travel site and youll experience a whole new range of emotions like. The relaxing feeling of knowing youre getting the best price. Thesell work. The utter delight of free wifi. Oh man this is the best part. Isnt that you . Yeah. 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Democrats are officially crafting articles of impeachment against the president. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi making it official just moments ago. The facts are uncontested. The president abused his power for his own personal political benefit. One who serves on the house Judiciary Committee. Good morning, congressman. I appreciate your time this morning. What do you think the articles of impeachment against the president should be . Well, they certainly will include the abuse of power and the obstruction of congress. Its possible well get to obstruction of justice, but we are a team. The Democratic Caucus, the Judiciary Committee, were all working as a team and we will see what Speaker Pelosi and her team come up with and then well support it. Do you believe anything from the Mueller Report should be included in those articles . What i believe and what the team proposes are maybe two different things. And im on the team. What do you believe, sir . I believe that the Democratic Caucus and Speaker Pelosi are leading america in the right direction, standing up for our constitution and oath of office and standing in the feet of the Founding Fathers and well proceed as a team. Can you elaborate at all on that . It sounds to me like youre saying leadership wants to keep this narrow focused on ukraine. You may feel differently . No, what im saying is im going to work with leadership. I have been an agitator to bring impeachment to the floor. Its been a circuitous route but at this point we all need to Work Together and win this game for america. I understand your point. Lets move on. One of the three tenets that chairman nadler set out a year ago when on msnbc to move forward with impeachment is bipartisanship. Here is what he said. You have to be able to think before at the beginning of the impeachment process that the evidence is so clear of offenses so grave that once youve laid out all the evidence, a good fraction of the opposition voters will say, will reluctantly admit to themselves, they have to do it. Otherwise it would tear the country apart. At least publicly, not a single republican member of either chamber has voiced support for impeaching the president and removing him from office. Not a single republican member voted with the democrats on the rules for impeachment. Are you concerned that third threshold laid out by chairman nadler himself has not been met . Chairman nadler is thinking of a Republican Party that had members like howard baker, barry goldwater, what they call rockefeller republicans. They no longer exist. With that as a fact, you should not have expected republicans to follow the facts and abide by their oath. Instead theyre following donald trump and pledging an oath to him. Its a different Republican Party than jerry nadler was talking about. We should not let this unfortunate demise of the Republican Party veto and stymie what is the correct thing to do for america and what the Founding Fathers dictate. That is impeachment of this president. But he made that Statement Last november when the Republican Party was then what it is now, congressman. He knew the makeup of republicans in congress and still said you have to have this if you want to move forward with impeachment. And the polling hasnt moved at all. Polling has moved. Thats not true. 70 of americans favor this impeachment inquiry. 50 of americans believe he should be impeached and removed from office. Okay. 7 are undecided. Thats a pretty bad position for the president. So congressman, i hear we have to do our oath to continue with the truth and we dont need to be impeded by a cult group that supports donald trump. Just to lay out the facts for everyone. Youre right and im right. Were talking about different polls. Youre right on the 70 . The abc News Washington post polling. Im talking about the cnn polling. Prehouse Intel Committee hearings and it showed it remaining at 50 . Lets move on to something final question i have for you. Not exactly on this, but related. And it really, really struck me and that is the retirement of congressman denny heck. He wrote a post about it yesterday. And what struck me is the words he used about why hes choosing to leave congress. The countless hours that i have spent investigating Russian Election interference and the impeachment inquiry have rendered my soul weary. He goes on to say, success seems to be measured by how many twitter followers one has which are largely gained by saying increasingly outrageous things. The more personal the better. They are simply too many hyperbollic adjectives, too few nouns. Civility is out. Compromise is out. All or nothing is in. Do you ever feel like that . Have you considered retiring because of it . I havent considered retiring, but i have been frustrated and disappointed and sometimes have periods where i get a little down because every day theres a new revelation of something awful thats happened up here. Mostly provided by trump, and hes the cause of the twitter and a lot of the vitriol. But there are republicans, too. And its difficult to watch them march down like lemmings to the sea. It is very disillusioning. But we have a speaker thats calling on impeachment of a president who are experts, who are the experts have said exactly what the Founding Fathers feared. So progress is being made. Its slow. Its difficult to make progress in washington, but progress is being made. Congressman steve cohen, thank you for your time. Of course, we thank denny heck for serving in congress and wish him the best in his next chapter. Thank you so much. Youre welcome, poppy. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will take questions on impeachment. The 2020 election and a lot more all right here only in cnns live town hall. Jake tapper moderates it at 9 00 eastern. Cant think of better timing for that. Meanwhile, President Trump fu fuming, and the Prime Minister not apologizing. Canadas Justin Trudeau admits he was talking about the president on that hot mic, but hes not backing down. Re cooking and air frying now in one pot, and with tendercrisp technology, you can cook foods that are crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. The ninja foodi Pressure Cooker, the Pressure Cooker that crisps. Laso you can enjoy it even ifst youre sensitive. Se. Yet some say it isnt real milk. I guess those cows must actually be big dogs. Sit i said sit with truecar, to sell just enter your license plate and see your cars value in real time. Sports package and low mileage . Nice. Within minutes, youll have a true cash offer, and you can head to a dealership and get paid, today, right now. Before we talk about taxsaudreys expecting. New . 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Edwards, this is a president who has not been reluctant to retaliate for snubs in the past. I wonder if the Prime Minister, if canada is concerned that the president might take this as an opportunity to publish canada. Well, i mean i think that that is certainly a fear inside the government. Not just the Prime Minister, but the Opposition Party leaders, government officials themselves. I dont think that they expect that. I think that they expect to be able to smooth this over. But at the same time, canada is a relatively small country next to a giant. And 70 of our trading is with the United States. It is a long undefended border. Our National Defense to some extent defend on the United States. So there is a fear that if trump is very angry about this, that if it continues to be a thing and he wants to retaliate, tariffs for example, which hes done before. And that actually was the source of the last spat between Justin Trudeau and donald trump was tariffs and whether canada could retaliate. But those things do hurt the economy. That said, i dont think that among the general people in canada this doesnt really hurt Justin Trudeau. Does it work politically for him at all . Yeah, there sort of yes and no. In the short term, there is a tradition in canada because of those things i mentioned, how big the United States is, how small canada is, of respecting Prime Ministers when they show a little independence, when they stand up to the president of the United States. And that was true of refusing george w. Bushs appeal to join the secoiraq war and when justie dou trudeaus father had a bad relationship. So there is a tradition in canada of joining seeing our Prime Minister having a little spine and stand up to the president. I think in this case it also though looks a little catty possibly. You know, you stand in front of the cameras with him and smile and grin and then you go behind his back when you think trump called him twofaced. And trump is not popular amongst canadians. So when this was released, there were two reactions. One was of course hes laughing at him, right . He just came out of that press conference. Did you see it . Trump was going on forever about his own things and then confronting him and all of that. But then there is this especially from official channels and the editorial news pages that this fear is trump is thin skinned and carries grudges and maybe this could come back to didnt poont poke the be. It seemed clear as he spoke to macron an others that trudeau had a friendly audience. Edward, thanks very much for joining us. Senator Kamala Harris may have suspended her campaign to be president , but she might find herself right back in the 2020 race. Senator harris, as a running mate . Of course i would. Look, senator harris has the capacity to be anything she wants to be. Kamala harris could be on any democrats short list. She is smart, she is confident, she has this terrific voice. And then the question of who will win over her supporters. Erin lewis is here. Good to have you. So i guess if Hillary Clinton can be barack obama secretary of state, anything can be water under the bridge, even weird awkward tense debate moments. Who would benefit most from harris on their ticket, biden or warren, and who would he sshe s yes to . I think almost all of them would benefit. The day that she dropped out, trending on twitter was vp or a xwchl g, the idea that they is a National Quality candidate for almost any top job in politics and she would men ahelp any candidate. She is an energetic and sort of pleasant campaigner. She seems to enjoy what she does. And so that is what you mostly want a Vice President out there to do. And she is also pretty good with taking to her opponents. You also want a Vice President ial candidate to do that too. She probably helps warren more i would think actually. Because biden has done so well with africanamerican voters and held that support. Now that she is out, the top of the field and all of those who qualified for the debate are white. It is whiter and older. Kamala harris i remember and richer. Kamala harris i remember when she was in january talking about her team, she said you are not invisible and she announced that majority of her staff would be minorities. What does this say about america in 2019, what does this tell us and what does it mean for the Democratic Party . I dont know if it says anything about the country or even the party. It says something about this candidate and her ability or lack of ability to pull off what was a very promising start. She started with 20,000 people in oakland and had all this momentum and all of this possibility. But you dont are hayou don booker up there or only the end did she finally find her voice and say we need to he reassemble the obama coalition. I dont think that it was a winning strategy, but it was the only chance that she had and she should have said it from day one. And an interesting moment in ames, iowa, a beautiful wonderful place. Joe biden goes there and he gets called out by a voter who essentially says hey, this is the first time youve been to ames. Mayor Pete Buttigieg has been here. He is the shiny new thing. Joe biden extends his hand and said ill start off by saying i need your vote. Telling . That is how you campaign by the way. The wouldbe politicians that are out there. But it says more about buttigieg. Buttigieg is trying to frame himself as a midwestern candidate from a nearby state. So not surprisingly this person who says buttigieg has been here a lot, maybe a lot on television or radio, but nevertheless biden has a strategy that doesnt necessarily involve trying to win iowa. If he has a second place finish in iowa or new hampshire, wins big in South Carolina and nevada, he will be on his way. All right. Thank you, we appreciate it. Good morning, everyone. Top of the hour. This is a bigpoppy harlow. And im jim sciutto. We begin with the breaking news. A moment setting up a major clash between capitol hill and the sitting u. S. President. Sadly but with confidence and humility with a line of scrimmagiance to our founders and our hearts full of love for america, today im asking our chairman to proceed with articles of impeachment. Only the fourth time in our countrys history. Speaker nancy pelosi did not take questions at that moment. We do expect her to take questions just minutes from now when she spe

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