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As taylor tells lawmakers why he sent that text, democrats are working to protect the identity of the person who sparked the ukraine investigation, anonymous whistleblower. President trump says hes not sure that whistleblower should be protected and all of this happens as the new cnn poll this morning Shows Growing support for the impeachment inquiry. 50 of those asked say they think the president should be impeached and removed from office. And then in a disturbing tweet this morning, the president is now comparing the lawful impeachment probe to a lynching. A word, of course, that invokes racial terror, recalling the way thousands of black people were murdered in one of the darkest periods in American History. Manu raju is on capital hill. Kylie atwood joins us from washington. Kylie, you have an understanding of what it is that sondland excuse me. Sondland was about a week ago. Bill taylor is telling lawmakers behind closed doors, in particular, about his Text Messages with ambassador sondland. Yes. Ambassador volker wow, sorry. Theres a lot going on. Were both confused here. There are a lot of players. Ambassador bill taylor, current u. S. Ambassador to ukraine, one of the key witnesses, is going to lay out the chronology here when he speaks to lawmakers. That will be part of his opening statement. He got there on the ground at the u. S. Embassy in june. It wasnt until september that he sent that text message to the u. S. Embassy to the eu, ambassador sondland, saying it would be crazy to withhold Security Assistance for help with a political campaign. So, he is going to explain what transpired to make it so that he sent that text message. Now, one thing thats interesting about ambassador taylor here is that he is currently still serving as the u. S. Ambassador to ukraine. A source familiar with his testimony, tells me that he wants to keep that job. Hes headed back to ukraine tomorrow. Hes not looking to really get into a place where he becomes a celebrity of this whole impeachment inquiry. He wants to go back to the job. The question is that he could be one of the key people here because he was one of the folks who picked up on the fact that there may be a quid pro quo. He was told that he was wrong, that there was not a quid pro quo. What were going to learn today is why he even thought that in the first place. As i understand it, manu, he is not coming with those state department documents, that the state department has blocked many witnesses from bringing with them. Yes. This is expected to go all day long. Three committees, along with staff, will interview this witness. Democrats will have a chance, hour to question, republicans will have an hour to question, then 45 minutes, 45 minutes, 30 minutes, 30 minutes, until they exhaust all their questioning. Weve seen through all these witnesses that it lasts all day long as they exhaust their lines of questioning. But a key point theyll have to theyre zeroing in on, of course, is exactly why that military aid was when would. We heard from Gordon Sondland last week when he testified before these committees, he indicated that he wasnt clear why the white house had when would that money. He said he did not hear a specific reason why, when he talked to the president about that, all the president would say in a brief conversation was there was no quid pro quo. He wasnt able to verify that in any way. But he revealed that to bill taylor, saying that there was no quid pro quo. So the question is, what did bill taylor know about why that military aid was when would . Thats why kylies reporting is important there. It will detail the reasoning behind those Text Messages and what he may know or not know about why, ultimately, the white house when would that money. Poppy . Manu, thank you very much for that reporting. Appreciate it. Joining me now to discuss all of this, democratic congressm congressman, i suppose youre running there after this. Lets begin quickly with the key question. What are you going to ask him . Poppy, we have to understand why he thought that there was a quid pro quo, why did he believe that the president , the administration was going to withhold aid to ukraine . Did he believe this was for the president s benefit to investigate joe biden . Hes not coming with documents. And we dont have clarity on whether thats did the state department block him from bringing these documents that have been requested or is he just not bringing them . Do you believe that you will be able to fill those holes, congressman, without documents . I do. His text is so powerful that you led with, where he says that its crazy to even think about withholding this aid. I think hes going to be forthcoming. He is the current acting ambassador to ukraine and can really help to shed light on whether this policy toward ukraine has been driven by American National interests or whether the president has hijacked it for his own reelection in 2020 and outsourced it to rudy giuliani. Let me ask you about the whistleblower that brought this to the taepgs of the worattenti. The president asked if there was even a whistleblower, pointing to adam schiff, with no basis in fact. Does a whistleblower need protection, something laid out in u. S. Code. And it prompted Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer to send a letter to the acting dni and the icig to ask how are we protecting the whistleblower . Do you have concerns about the safety of the whistleblower, of the whistleblowers identity being outed . Poppy, i do. And i have concern for anyone who is testifying in sharing facts against the president or the administration. The president s behavior is exactly why we have a whistleblower protection statute. He is the most powerful person in the world. If someone is going to come and share information, they shouldnt fear retaliation from someone that powerful. And its just sad. Whatever you think about the investigation, whatever party youre from, we should respect peoples ability to come and share information without fear of retribution from people in power, whether thats a president of the United States, senator or congressman. Thats the essence of our democracy. I want to get you to explain something you said on a really interesting interview you did earlier this month on abc news on a podcast. You said this about the democrats in this impeachment inquiry. Quote, i do think that the way we conduct ourselves is going to matter. What did you mean . I think we have to be deliberate, fact based. We need to make sure were methodical. We shouldnt just be throwing out character assassination and make this not about the president s personality. We should make this about protecting our constitution and making sure no person can ask a foreign leader to investigate their rival. It sounds like you think that at least some of your fellow democrats are not doing that. Are they jumping the gun . No, im not i dont think that. Im just saying the approach we should take. And i actually believe chairman schiff has been taking that approach. Hes methodical, fact based. He doesnt personalize it. He doesnt have any agenda. Hes not running for president or trying to run for senate. Hes really doing his job and i think that is the approach that will serve us well. Let me ask you about election security, because this all boils down to, frankly, protecting our democracy from foreign interference in our elections, right . And part of that is Big Technology companies. You represent Silicon Valley. Your district is in Silicon Valley is in the heart of your district. Facebook Ceo Mark Zuckerberg said in an interview last night that russia, china are using more sophisticated tactics to try to interfere in u. S. Elections. Senator Elizabeth Warren said following that yesterday, quote, facebook has too much political power. Is she right . She is right that we need to have stronger antitrust laws but theyre two different issues. I just want your response to exactly what she said. And again ill quote. Facebook has too much political power. Is Elizabeth Warren right . Yes. The question is, how do you address that . What i would say is the way to address that is to have laws that strengthen our protection against election interference. Kevin mccarthy and i are working on that, where Tech Companies would be able to work with Law Enforcement agencies to help remove bots. And how do we strengthen antitrust law to make sure that Companies Like facebook or other Tech Companies can give an unfair premps to their platform . I agree they have too much power. I think you need nuanced regulation to address that. Okay. Finally, as you head into this questioning of bill taylor, as you have read these Text Messages, as we all have, between taylor and sondland and the call that they had, when sondland said call me to clarify whether there was this quid pro quo that taylor was so concerned about, what questions do you have for taylor about that phone call . One, i want to know why you have this need to put it on phone call. Usually when you say to someone dont put something in writing, you have something to hide. Did the administration have something to hide . Were there concerns that the administration wanted to link the aid to getting information on joe biden . And did he, in honesty, believe that thats what was going on, that our Foreign Policy to ukraine was being addict at a timed by the president wanting to get a leg up on joe biden for the 2020 campaign. Congressman khanna, well let you get in there. Its an important deposition. Thank you for your time. Thank you for having me, new americans support impeaching and his removal from office. You cant stay here, thats what iraq is says to u. S. Troops leaving syria. Facebook taking action against russian trolls. Critics say its not nearly enough. That my grandfather was a federal judge in guatemala. My grandfather used his legal degree and his knowledge to help people that were voiceless in his country. That put a fire in my heart. It made me realize where i got my passion for social justice. Bring your Family History to life like never before. Get started for free at ancestry. Com hi, im joan lunden. When my mother began forgetting things, we didnt know where to turn for more information. 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[phone ringing] baker architects. This is anna baker. At northwestern mutual, this is what our version of Financial Planning looks like. Tomorrow is important, but youre ready to bet on yourself today. Find an advisor at northwesternmutual. Com. President trump chose to compare the impeachment inquiry, a process clearly laid out in the u. S. Constitution to a lynching, a term that invokes a time in American History when black people were targeted by white mobs. Responding to the president s tweet with his own asking, quote, what the hell is wrong with you, telling the president to delete that tweet. With us this morning, boris sanchez. Boris, why use that term . Reporter hey, poppy. Remarkable choice of words from President Trump, and now hes spinning this myth of persecution in the most extreme and offensive way you can go. I want you to listen to representative karen bash. Of course, shes the head of the congressional black caucus, and spoke to manu raju. Whenever his back is against the wall, a racial bomb is what we know of him to throw. Reporter this is racist . Its consistent. Why would he use the term lynching . Why would you say that . Why do you think . He throws out race because he knows its red meat and he has done that consistently. Reporter shes making the point that President Trump feels like he is in a corner and is essentially launching these bombs to try to distract or try to create conflict, as he often does. On the other side, some republicans are defending the president , including jim jordan of ohio. He often said that the president is frustrated because of the way that democrats are moving forward in this impeachment inquiry process. Still to use the word lynching is remarkable, to say the least, poppy. Before you go, boris, he seems to be taking his frustration out on his fellow republicans, right . In that Cabinet Meeting and with others, talking about republicans, he thinks not sufficiently having his back in all of this. Coming at a very delicate time for the president. Keep in mind, the last few weeks have been rife with controversy. Hes hearing republicans criticize him with his call to the ukrainian president , withdrawal of troops from syria, his decision to host the g7 at doral, which he abandoned this weekend. Hes hearing them criticize him on these things as he needs them to be with him on this impeachment inquiry so his presidency doesnt end early. Poppy . Thank you, boris. You look at bill taylor, highly respected career diplomat, basically had to be dragged out of retirement to take this critical post and be convince bid pompeo and others that it was worth it, right, worth the risk . A dozen former state Department Officials tell us that he is going to be forthright and informative. Three reasons you lay out why you think this testimony is so imperative. Look, first, i mean, look who were talking about. A career diplomat who does not come in kind of encumbered by particular debts to trump. This is someone who is also there at the critical point, unlike ambassador yovanovitch, removed early in this process. Ambassador taylor was there throughout the height of this sustained Pressure Campaign on the ukrainian government. And third, we have his text message. I mean, he has clearly expressed concern that there was a quid pro quo going on, and now i think he can explain why. By the way, this is someone who has been in vietnam, kabul and served in iraq. It is also unlikely he will feel particularly intimidated by a congressional hearing room. Good point. His resume speaks for itself, kylie atwood. What is your reporting in terms of what hes going to say today . We know because as ron says, hes a very serious person. He is someone who is described as taking hard jobs. Hes not looking to make a splash. If anyone is going to actually make a splash, it may, indeed, be ambassador taylor. What weve learned is that today he will lay out a chronology of events. He got there on the ground at the u. S. Ambassador to ukraine in june. He has been there through today, through october. It was in Early September when he started sending Text Messages to the u. S. Ambassador to the eu, questioning the u. S. Security assistance and why it was being when would. And there are a number of Text Messages. And so what hes going to do is detail why he was sending those questions to ambassador sondland and also fill in some of the gaps. The conversations he was having in between sending those Text Messages, but we also know, poppy, that hes heading back to ukraine tomorrow. He wants to carry on. He wants to keep this hard work going because u. S. ukraine policy really needs a career professional behind them. He wants to remain that person. But it will be interesting to see the political implications after his testimony today. Ross, you are the impeachment expert. You have represented four different governors going through impeachment inquiries and actual impeachment. So our new poll, cnns new poll this morning says 6 of republicans, thats it, of American Voters think that President Trump should be impeached and removed from office but Chris Wallace sourced a very highly respected republican in washington, and he is not one to throw out, that person says if he is impeached in the house. My take is that number is really high. 20 . Removal by the senate if, things stay as they are now, is very, very unlikely. There are things that the president could take from this poll that are sort of encouraging. Like what . Republicans, for example, are sticking. Trump has done a great job playing to his base, engaging his base and making sure they stick. So far they have. If i were him, though, i would be concerned about sort of the undecided, middle of the road voters. Those folks are key. Because it is true that republican senators will be worried about primaries in their race and worried about getting their base out to vote. For that reason theyre going to want to stick with the president. Theyre also going to be concerned about winning reelection. For that, theyll need the middle of the road voters. The other point i make is that impeachments, im always concerned about the wild card. The thing that we dont know now that could come up theres plenty of potential for wild card here. We also had senator blumenthal on. We were talking about the emolumentes clause of the even temporarily announcing that you were going to host the g7 at your own hotel, you are profiting from the presidency. Their argument is from publicity, advertising, not even an exchange of money. What do you make of that argument . Also do you think that ties into the broader impeachment inquiry in a way that hurts the president or that could hurt the democrats by looking as though theyre going after sort of a kitchen sink approach . I think thats the big danger. I think that argument is a bit of a stretch. I think thats the democrats House Democrats big danger here, is that it looks as if theyre pursuing a kitchen sink, the best strategy is to stay focused and focus on the most serious things at issue. Focus on the ukraine issue. One of the reasons i think bill taylors testimony is so important today is not just the quid pro quo discussion. Its that they specifically mention the quid pro quo for campaign help. Yeah. That makes it much more serious. Ron, help me understand why the president is attacking the u. S. Constitution on multiple fronts in the last 24 hours. I know why hes doing it. He doesnt like what it says. It doesnt play well for him. Does it actually play among voters . If you actually stand there and you say the emolumentes clause is phony when its not, does it win him political points with his base . Look, with his base, his argument is that the system is rigged against you, that you are under threat from elites who sustain you and minorities are coming to take your jobs. I am the one to protect you. Whats that . Yeah. His argument is that i alone can fix it. I am the human wall who can protect you against all these forces that are conspiring to kind of marginalize you in society. You look at the polling, poppy, cnn poll today, 50 support impeachment and removal. That is significantly higher than gallup ever reached during the clinton fight. Reached during nixon except the very final poll before he resigned and probably a few points who disapprove of the president say they support his removal. That could move up as this debate goes on, particularly among college whites. The support for removal or not is basically converging with his approval rating. And what that means is that those democrats in the marginal districts will have to take a vote. You know, thats going to be tight in their district and, as we say, republicans will face a tough choice in the senate. Even if he survives this, youre talking about 90 or more potentially by the end, people say they disapprove of him, acts so egregious, he should be removed from office. Or he could run around and say i was acquitted by the senate. There was also that. Great reporting, guys. Kylie, thank you for getting all that have on taylor for us. We appreciate it. Cease fire in syria is set to end in a few hours. This, as u. S. Troops leaving there are told they cannot stay in neighboring iraq, which is where they are going. Barbara starr is next to explain. If youre on medicare, remember, the annual Enrollment Period is here. The time to choose your medicare coverage. 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And we have protected them. Weve taken very good care of them. And i hope theyre going to watch over isis. Barbara starr joins us again from the pentagon. At least for now the official line is that u. S. Troops cannot stay in iraq as they head there from syria. What does this mean . Well, what were looking at is several hundred u. S. Troops crossed the border into the relative safety of northwestern ir iraq, as they left seara. This was always the designated place they were going to go. Iraqi government putting out a statement saying they are allowed to come in there, but they are simply not allowed to stay. To talk to the iraqis about this and try to work it out. There may be a situation here where the Iraqi Government has issued the statement pretty much for domestic political consumption thats one theory. Its always tough for that government to be seen as just having an open door to the u. S. Military. But theres a deeper issue here. Do you still need troops in that region to u. S. Troops, to fight isis, to conduct surveillance, to know where isis is and in President Trumps desire to help protect the oil fields. So even if the troops stay for a while, they will eventual ly coe home. When they come home, a big question, what will their mission be as they are in iraq . Thats the other big question. And its an important one. Barbara, thank you so much from the pentagon for us this morning. Sure. There is a lot going on today. Here is a quick look at what to watch. Top democrats raising new concerns about protecting the whistleblowers identity as the president , once again, goes on the attack. Former director of national intelligence, james clapper, is with me next to discuss. Wow thats ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. Its a situp, banana bend at the waist im tryin keep it up. Youll get there. Whoahoahoa 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. Is just like our originalhn sandwiches. Only littler. 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This, as Top Democrats raise new concerns about protecting the identity of the whistleblower, whose complaint about President Trumps ukraine call sparked the entire impeachment inquiry. With me now to discuss all these developments, james clapper. Good morning, director clapper. Good morning. Bill taylor, widely respected career diplomat behind closed doors. Remember, it was he who texted this to the president s Eu Ambassador in september. Quote, as i said on the phone, i think it is crazy to withhold Security Assistance for help with a political complain. He was told by sondland to call him. We know sondland conferred with the president over the phone about what to say in response. How big of a potential threat to the presidency is this testimony from bill taylor today . I think its pretty damning already, just based on the revelation of the text exchanges that ambassador taylor was part of. So, i dont know how he can walk those back. Right. So its potentially quite damn i damning. But i also observed that i think what he will say is krob ra active. In other words, supportive of previous testimonies. And what we already know from the whistleblower complaint itself, as well as the memo of the conversation published by the white house of the actual phone call between the president and president zelensky of ukraine. I would like to spend time talking about the whistleblower. Were in uncharted territory, right . The statute that protects whistleblowers in this country, the way it is written, never even considered someone blow in the whistle on the president or having to protect the whistleblower or a whistleblower from a president. But here is what the president said about that person yesterday. The whistleblower gave a false account. Now you have to say, well, do we have to protect somebody that gave a false account . You know, these whistleblowers, they have them like theyre angels, okay . So do we have to protect somebody that gave a totally false account of my conversation . What do you make of that . Well, first of all, its wrong. The first point is the law requires, and this is what was done in this case, the Intelligence Community Inspector General within 14 days to corroborate the content of the whistleblower complaint, which he did. He found it credible and urgent. You are required to protect whistleblowers, no matter the voracity of what they allege. The reason for that is to ensure that wrongdoing, fraud, waste, abuse, moral, ethical lapses, whatever that, there is a legitimate and protected conduit for employees to convey that to appropriate authorities. In this case, the Inspector General of the ig and, in turn, the congress. Director clapper, is there any reason to believe that the president may know who the whistleblower is . Well, he may not know, but just as loath as i am in any way to identifying the whistleblower, but just based on whats been in the media i dont know him. I dont know who it is. But given his home agency, his or her apparent home Agency Affiliation and apparently on rotation to the nsc and an expert on ukraine, well, thats fairly small population of people. So its hard for me to believe that somebody in the white house doesnt know who it is. Now, if they are if people in the white house are shielding that or insulating the president from that, good on them for doing that. How small population of people are we talking about here . Because go ahead. Well, not very many. Use all your fingers on both hands and not use all the fingers, i guess. If you do the diagram, its not that many people. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer wrote this letter to the acting dni and acting icig saying tell us what youre doing to protect this person. Do you have confidence that this person is being protected to the utmost extent . What protections are in place to ensure that . Well, i believe i know, because i talked with them about it and witnessed his testimony. Acting director of intelligence joe mcguire is strongly committed to protecting the anonymity of the whistleblower. I assume theyre pulling out all the stops. I would rather not speculate on it. But im quite sure that the Intelligence Community and specifically the dni, acting dni is doing all he can to protect him. And, finally, we heard the president in those comments yesterday, even, allude to the possibility completely unfounded not based in fact that it could be adam schiff. Just listen to what the president said. Was there actually an informant . Maybe the informant was schiff. It could be shifty schiff. In my opinion its schiff. Beyond the obvious, its not, whats the dangerous in that, that the sitting president of the United States saying that a sitting member of congress, chair of the house intelligence committee, could be the whistleblower . Well, first of all, i dont know how i mean, what this implies, i guess, is that somehow adam schiff was party to or listened in on the original conversation and then provided that to somebody in the Intelligence Community who then was going to write a whistleblower complaint, which on its face is absurd. Yeah. Its just another case of the president trying to change the narrative, distract, et cetera. But on its face, it doesnt director clapper, thank you for your expertise in all of this. I appreciate it. Thanks, poppy. We are learning that federal and state officials just met behind closed doors yesterday to talk facebook and the possibility of major antitrust case. Much more after the break. Chevys the only brand. To earn j. D. Power dependability awards. 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Talk to your advisor or consultant for investment risks and information. Talk to your advisor or consultant at bayer, were into the golden years. With better heart treatments, advanced brain disease research, and better ways to age gracefully. At bayer, this is why we science. In the human brain, billions of nefor people with parkinsons, some neurons change their tune, causing uncontrollable tremors. Now, abbott technology can target those exact neurons. Restoring control and harmony, once thought to belost forever. The most personal technology is technology with the power to change your life. All right. For the first time in ten years, israel may soon have a new leader. For the second time this year, israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has failed to form a new government. That opens up the door for his main rival, benny gantz. Netanyahu cannot convince gantz of a coalition government. State attorneys generals met to discuss a possible antitrust case against facebook. They met during a daylong session yesterday. This morning, congressman ro khanna atold me, yes, he agrees with Elizabeth Warren that, facebook has too much political pow power. Breaking this news left and right, joining me now, how significant is that, that you have lawmakers meeting to look at antitrust law . Theyre moving forward on their investigation of facebook. We know that federal officials and state officials routinely collaborate. In this case, you know, you have some reservations by state officials who believe the federal government is not moving fast enough or quickly enough. Polling recently showed that i think its like over 70 of americans dont know that facebook owns instagram and whatsapp. They dont understand the total power and reach that they have. Mark zuckerberg is talking. Hes out. Hes doing a series of interviews. We saw him on fox news, nbc last night. One thing that struck me about his interview last night was the defense he gave for facebook, allowing false political ads to continue running on the platform. Lets listen to that for a moment. Do you feel like youre giving a green light to politicians that no, look lie, lie, lie . I believe that that it is important for people to be able to hear and see what politicians are saying. I think that when they do that, that speech will be heavily scrutinized by other journalists, by other people. And the wall street journal reported this morning there has been discussion within facebook, at least they were thinking, do we just not run political ads completely . Right. And thats something that zuckerberg mentioned when he gave a speech at georgetown university, defending his companys position on this. Obviously, facebook has been caught up in with senator warren, running for president where warren called out facebooks policy not sending politicians ads to thirdparty Fact Checkers and, in fact, warren took out an ad on facebook. A false one to make the point. Exactly, a false one to make the point, saying falsely that facebook endorsed President Trump for reelection. Of course, we know thats not true. But warrens point was, this underscores how facebook continues to allow politicians to lie on the platform. It feels like something is changing in washington, whether its representative ro khanna. Silicon valley is in his district. He was against breaking them up when i talked to him in july. Today hes saying that they have too much political power. It seems to me as though there is a bipartisan change. I wonder if you think it is a sea change that facebook is up against in washington. Well see that tomorrow where zuckerberg will be testifying in front of the Financial Service house committee. I think we can expect a lot of pushback from lawmakers about things like political ads and facebooks role in shape iing o political discourse. There was an important announcement overnight by facebook saying that they removed fake accounts created by russian, china bots, et cetera. Its taken down several accounts that they believe are listeninged from russian operatives who are trying to spread the same disinformation we saw in 2016. Those ads im sorry, those accounts were spreading memes and images that are meant to sow discord among americans. You have some targeting of even Vice President joe biden. Thank you very much, brian. Good to have you. Well see what happens in that hearing tomorrow. Appreciate it so much. Top american diplomat in ukraine right now is behind closed doors, testifying before congress. He has been there for more than an hour. What insight will bill taylor give to house investigators in the impeachment inquiry . Stay with us for that. Well see you back here tomorrow morning. When i called usaa, it was that voice asking me, is your daughter ok . Thats where i felt relief. Were the rivera family and we plan to be with usaa for life. See how much you can save with usaa insurance. It made her feel proud. They saw us, they recognized us. Ancestry® specifically showed the regions that my family was from. The state of jalisco. The city of guadalajara. The results were a reflection of our family and the results were really human. I feel proud about my identity. Greater details. Richer stories. And now with health insights. Get your dna kit at ancestry. Com. Man how can i deliver superior longterm results . It begins with a distinctive approach to managing money. That for over 85 years has focused on keeping confidence up when markets are down. An approach where Portfolio Managers work well independently. 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