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9 11. Yeah. Or Something Like that that would force them to do that again. First broadcast by news week. We are following all those developments. And the president s messaging strategy is clear. Seemingly ignore the facts, stoke fears. Is that strategy working with just days before voters hit the polls . We are on it. First our coverage begins with cnn clarissa ward. Some alarming, very Public Comments from the turkish president today calling out the saudis here, calling them liars in effect. Thats right, jim. It was a very strong and emphatic, at times even fiery speech. But specifically i think there were two main nuggets that really stand out as rushing the narrative forward a little bit about what happened to Jamal Khashoggi. He mentioned that a team from the saudi consulate who were apart carried out some kind of a mission in two forests on the day before Jamal Khashoggi went missing. This is interesting because, as you probably noticed over the past few days, there have been a number of searches in those forests. Turkish authorities zeroing in on them as a place of interest. Interesting an idea that the team of the consulate carried out a mission in those forests the day before the disappearance. The second thing that the president mentioned, which was also very interesting, is the idea that the cameras, surveillance cameras inside the consulate behind me that the operatives had disconnected them from the hard drive. That meant that the saudis were able to perpetuate this lie, that they could say their cameras were not recording that day. And it also explains why we never saw the saudis releasing the body double images. He also then fired off a list of questions why did they gather in istanbul . Who did they get their orders from . Why have they offered so many different statements . Why has the body not been found . And who is this local collaborator . You remember saudi officials saying they didnt know where the body because they handed it over to a local clollaborator. Still a lot more questions ahead, jim. Clarissa ward there following the story. Lets discuss with the former assistant attorney general, the author of dawn of the code war. Thanks, john, for taking the time this morning. First of all, your immense experience in National Security issues. When you look at this from your current seat, see the saudi story describing this as a rogue operation went wrong somehow, et cetera, but the evidence as released by the turks here, including what we learn today about the cameras being taken out of the consulate just before this happened, are you skeptical of the saudi explanation . I think there are two things going on here. One is the u. S. Relations with saudi, but the other is broader. And thats taking a step back and thinking about whats going on in the world right now, in the world of americas leadership. When you look at north koreas brazen assassination in malaysia, when you look at russias poisoning using brand weaponry on the streets of one of our closest allies, you wonder about americas leadership in the world and are we calling out what we stand for to create a safer world for everyone or are we creating an environment where the facts continue to come, but something that looks like an atrocious assassination of Media Journalists could take place. Let me ask you this. You dealt with international partners, some of them u. S. Friends. And some of them u. S. Friends, i imagine, allies where we had differences. Did you, in that role because of course you will hear from President Trump many times. You heard it from Jared Kushner yesterday. Listen, this is an important relationship. We have to keep that in mind, et cetera. Did you call out u. S. Allies before and say, hey, listen, were friends, were partners, but were not going to stand for this or that. America is at its best. Whats great about American Values is they are values that make the world better. What do we stand for . We stand for free elections, right . A free press, the rights of women to participate in social activities and countries. And, yes, there have been times where all highs do not share all of our values. But american president s have agreed that it is important. We are the only leader of the free world to articulate those values and explain where we differ. I remember, for instance, when we partnered with saudi arabia when we had shared interests in terms of preventing terrorist attacks and the loss of innocent civilian lives. We always disagreed, though, on the definition of what a terrorist was and what it means to abuse, for instance, social media. For us it had to do with conspireing to kill, not the views that you are expressing. Interesting. There is the difference right there. What could be the u. S. Role in the investigation here . For instance, is it a mistake that the u. S. Hasnt deployed the fbi . I know that Jamal Khashoggi was not a u. S. Citizen. He was a resident. His children, at least one of his children, is a u. S. Citizen. Should the fbi be involved . That is a harder question. When i was at the fbi working with them at the justice department, when actions took place overseas that werent really fbi jurisdiction and the fbi doesnt have the right to operate, you depend on is there a country that needs our assistance that asks the fbi in to aid in the investigation, especially here when it is not a u. S. Citizen. So often we were. And youd be for technical expertise. Might be dna analysis or a particular analysis of video. Here it seems like the turkish government has done a rather thorough investigation and continues to put out the findings of that investigation. So it would make sense, i think, to offer the assistance of the fbi. But then were somewhat dependant on whether turkey or saudi arabia accepts it. Thanks very much. It is a story we will continue to follow and look out for. Appreciate your time. Here at home, we are exactly two weeks ago today from the midterms and the president s political battle cry riddled with claims that frankly, often arent true, stoking fear with warnings like this one. Youre going to find ms13. You are going to find middle east esa eastern. Guess what . Were not allowing them in our country. Referring to the migrants marching north through mexico. Bill has been traveling with that caravan. He joins us now from mexico. So, bill, the president makes these claims about middle eastern terrorists and unidentified middle easterners, as well as gang members, et cetera. What have you seen makes up this group of migrants . Well, ill put it this way, jim. Gining up fear of the stranger is a tactic as old as politics. Thats what makes the teachings of kris so radical, the teachings of independence so radical, the concept of america. These folks are 7,000 now. How do you know the hearts of all of them . But what i have witnessed is touching humanity. People fleeing desperation at home with no other choice and are thinking about their children, wanting what most of us want, a Better Future for them. And you see it played out again and again. Here is another example. These are local mexicans who just came to the square to feed these folks. Today they are staying in this town about 50 miles north of the border to honor one of their own two died yesterday, who fell off a truck overcrowded as they all packed their way north. So, yeah, the insinuation and his tweet about unknown middle easterners, we know what that means. That implies terrorists. But these folks, theyre olive vo. Its going to take more than that to stop them. Bill, when you talk to them about the president s comments and accusations, how do they react . How do they feel about that . With exasperation. Ill give you an example here. I met a young man, one of the volunteers who helps protect these people and encourages them to clean up their trash and what t. I told him, the leader of the country you are headed towards wants to paint you as terrorists and criminals, and heres what he said. We are an honorable people. We are workers. You call a group of kids terrorists . A group of women who need help . Were asking for his support. Of course, we know he has no conscious. He is crazy. So there you go. Thats just one typical reaction. Most people say, look, he can say what he wants. We put our faith in god. We believe he will get us to a safer place. Were going to keep following the story. Another one of the president s claims that middleclass voters are getting a, quote, very major tax cut, according to the president. But hes now walking back the time line saying it will happen after the midterms. It is a promise he repeated several times in houston last night. Were going to be putting in a 10 tax cut for middle income families. Its going to be put in next year. 10 tax cut. Republicans passed the biggest tax cut and reform in history with massive tax cuts for the middle class. And now were adding 10 to those numbers. There werent actually massive tax cuts in that largely Corporate Tax cuts. Lets look at the president. So is there any truth to the president s claim that a middle class tax cut is in the works . Because i understand our colleagues on the hill have spoken to Republican Democratic tax makers and they seem as surprised by this as anyone. Jim, we have been making calls to people inside the administration and on the hill, and no one seems to know what the president is talking about or theyre just simply avoiding our questions altogether. I was making calls to treasury officials and National Economic counsel, Administration Officials as well. No one seems to have the details around this tax cut. Look, what is going on here is that the president realizes that democrats and other critics are out there saying that the tax cuts that were passed earlier this year really benefit the wealthy, helped corporate profits, helped ceos get bigger and bigger bonus. Meanwhile, the middle class hasnt had a wage increase if you factor in inflation for a long time. So the middle class and lower class hasnt seen the benefit really flow down to them. So hes trying to head off that criticism by floating this idea of a middle class tax cut with nothing to support it as far as we can see to date here, jim. Well, glad you are doing the fact check on that. We have been watching the markets this morning. Some rough signs from overseas. What are we expecting when the u. S. Markets open up in 16, 17 minutes. Investors are very nervous for a number of reasons. The impending trade war, rising interest rates, and the fact is that many in the market said, look, we just think corporate profits, the bedrock of the market, has peaked. That there is nowhere to go from here. And we saw a little bit of that in caterpillar, an Industrial Machine maker. It is a bellwether for the market. It came out this morning, beat expectations. But, yet, the stock fell because it warned of rising material costs as in part as a result of the steel and aluminum name tariffs. We will see more and more of this coming out. There is an overall sense of z pessimism. Were going to bring you that market when it opens up. Thanks so much. A not sovailed report. President obama hitting the campaign trail and hitting out at the current president. Plus, show down in moscow. This after President Trump vows to pull out of a knuclear weapos treat treaty. The secret service forced to break up a fistfight. What happened exactly . And seamless experience across web and tablet . 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And still get great coverage for you and your family. Call for a free quote today. You could save 782. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Sglrchl a former president taking a not so vailed shot on the other one. Here is one simple fact. This is a fact. This is not im just unlike some, i actually try to state facts. I believe in facts. All right . I believe in a fact based reality and a fact based politics. I dont believe in just making stuff up. I think you should like actually say to people whats true. Imagine that. These words are coming as President Trump tries to play to his base with out right falsehoods, warning of riots, complaining of conspiracies with little basis in reality. Joining me now rachel bade and congressional support er. You look. You see president obama there making what is a very basic statement. Facts are good things. Get cheers from the crowd. You see the president last night making, as he often does, some specious claims and gets cheers from the crowd. You covered american politics for some time. Thats where you are, right . In trumps base it works. Thats right. Republicans are really sort of changing up the Midterm Elections at the very last minute here. There has been this decision here in the white house and among Republican Leaders that tax cuts in the economy is not enough to excite their base. Theyre reaching for something else. Immigration work for the president in 2016 and republicans feel if they could frame this as an election on security and crime that they could win that issue. It is interesting because this is totally different than the way midterms typically play out. Usually it is local issues that dominate Midterm Elections or who is going to represent or who is going to control congress. So nationalizing this, well see if it works. But there is a number of latino districts, large latino populations that republicans are trying to hold right now. It will be interesting to see if him slamming these immigrants coming here actually had a backlash on those moderates. As you watch the caravan, it is an image. You see it playing out as an image that suits that message, right . Its hard to see it specifically in the numbers, but it does seem at least in the crowds where he goes within the base that this does fire them up. Yes. The president operating off the same play book he used in 2016, especially where immigration is such a central premise of his campaign. Lets not forget he declared northeast of the immigrants were rapists. It is his Administration Accountable for the nations broken immigration system. And the whole idea was that his zero tolerance policy of separating family at the border was going to deter immigrants from coming across the border. He has to answer why his methods havent worked. Why the wall hasnt been built. There are some conservatives that hold him to account and say where is that wall. And why the wall hasnt been built. Whats striking is dozens of political ads that republicans have put forth or groups that republicans put forth in 2018 and there is a lot of fear mongering among immigrants that focus on ms13 and linking immigrants to crime. What that shows us is that republican candidates have fully embraced the president s rhetoric and agenda on immigration. But the longterm ramifications for the party was hispanic voters. One of the speeches claimed is the idea there are middle eastern terrorists. There is no evidence of that. When you ask National Security officials, they cant back up that claim either. So when the president is challenged on some of these claims, one being there are riots in north kcarolina, lets look at the way they were answered. Many of the places in california want to get out of sanctuary cities. At the end of the day, he doesnt have to back up the claim, at least with his supporte supporters, which seem to be the focus of these comments. The thing about this is you can fact check the president on this all you want. Voters, republican voters, some of them. They will hear what they want to hear and they listen to the president over the media. He has a more favorable rating with republicans than we do. But the fact that the former president obama is speaking to this directly, that i support facts, shows just how big of an issue this is for the democrats. The president s Approval Rating is among the highest its been in a long time. The ballot that measures whether people want democrats or republicans to control the house has narrowed. If you go to swing districts specifically, theyre about even ru right now. The possibility of republicans keeping the house is actually there. This is becoming a problem. And, you know, the president will go out and continue making this about security and crime and it is working for him, regardless of facts. When you speak to democratic leaders, are they concerned that this Midterm Election is slipping away from them . I think they are concerned that there could be some degree of complacency, especially with this narrative that there is a blue wave coming in november. Ultimately, they still had to turn out these constituencies. Thats why there is a lot more effort around young people, africanamerican voters. But thats also why you are seeing president obama take an increased role in this campaign. Having said that he would have sat out on the sidelines as many former president s have done. His advisers say he feel this is is much bigger than the midterms. This is about the future of the nations trajectory. It is interesting that the president s Approval Rating, this current president s Approval Rating up to 47 . The average is somewhat below that. It is actually higher than president obamas was in the most recent Midterm Election. Imagine that. Democrats still are favored. They are a monstrous advantage right now. They are competing in 75 gop held seats, and they only need 23. A lot of retirees in those. Historically, Midterm Elections after a new president is elected favors the other party. Typically the party in power loses 30 seats. Well have to see if this fear mongering and immigration change of topic works for them. Thanks very much skblrchlg. The opening bell on wall street minutes away. It is not looking good. The futures numbers, particularly after events overseas. We will bring it to you live. Wall street is not looking good. Futures down ahead of the opening bell, way down. Cnn Business Correspondent back with me now. What are you expecting to see when trading opens in a few seconds from now. Reporter investors are focussed on the risk to this market. One of them being the impending trade war, the other one being rising interest rates. Im not talking about the international factor, like a slow down in chinese economic growth, not to mention an impending fiscal crisis in italy. You have those two factors hanging over things. Today thats the macro picture. On the micro picture. Caterpillar, an Industrial Machinery maker came out and warned of rising input costs, rising material costs and parts related to tariffs. So you have a perfect storm of reasons why people will want to investors and strategists will tell their clients to sell or pull the trigger and sell stocks today. Layer in on top of that this theory that we have reached a peak in corporate earnings, which is the bedrock of the market. If companies arent growing, that means investors are likely not going to keep their risk in the market. They may move it to other places. Thats right. The market is a leading indicator. Already down more than 400 points. We are going to continue to watch that. A high stakes show down over Nuclear Weapons. President trumps National Security adviser going head to head with the russian president vladimir putin. That happening just moments away. Tough talk between the u. S. And the kremlin. After President Trump suddenly announced plans this weekend to pull out of a decades Old Nuclear Weapons treaty. This comes after the u. S. And russia could solve a number of problems together. Cnn Senior International correspondent Matthew Chance is in moscow. Bolton and putin, what are they expected to discuss . Well, i mean, formally this meeting, jim, is all about u. S. National security adviser explaining to the russian president why the Trump Administration is taking this decision to pull out of the inf, the intermediate range Nuclear Forces treaty that limits medium range Nuclear Weapons in both the United States and russia. The u. S. Of course has put out its reasons why already. It said that first of all it believes russia violated that agreement by deploying cruise missiles that fall into that category. There is also a concern expressed in washington that china is not covered by this agreement and while the United States and russia are hampered from the developments of these weapons, china can go ahead and do whatever it wants in terms of these missiles and is doing so. John bolton having a range of meetings with russian officials. He will be explaining those details to the russian president. Earlier, a correspondent here had a quick word with john bolton as he was laying a wreath at the spot where a former russian opposition figure was gunned down. Take a listen to what he had to say. Are the russians understanding your reasoning when you explain it to them . I think their preference is that we not withdraw. But i think we have given them reasons why were going to do it and we understand their reasons quite clearly, which i think they fully appreciate from their perspective. I think the president could not have been clearer. Not just on saturday, but yesterday, as to what his decision is. I mean, in fairness, the russians have been pretty critical of the inf over the years as well. Putin gave a speech in which he criticized the inf because it was not international enough. It was just hampering the United States and russia from developing intermediate weapons, but allowing other countries from doing so. I think even though the russians are pretty disappointed they will be cut out in this way, i think there is an element amongst them that thinks maybe it is a good thing. Perhaps china can be covered in this kind of agreement in the future as well. Matthew chance there watching this for us. It is an important treaty. Europe certainly thinks it helps keep the peace. Tense moments for President Trump happening just outside the oval office. We will have the details next. [narrator] at athene, we think its time for the financial world to stop acting the same old way. In todays complex world, you need a partner that is driven to provide you with Better Solutions for these challenging times, one that is willing to disrupt the industry, and break free from conventional thinking. thudding we are a different kind of financial company. We are athene, and we are driven to do more. The Supreme Court blocked a deposition of commerce secretary of wilbur ross. They said it is, quote, rarely, if ever, justified. Joining me now with more is Supreme Court reporter. This was about his reasoning for putting a question about citizenship in the census. And the Supreme Court sat on this for several days. Last night they said they would block the deposition of wilbur ross from Going Forward for now. That is a partial win for the Trump Administration because they said it is a rare and unjustified move. This all comes from the decision last march to reinstate the Citizenship Question in the census. And the administration said it was going to do that. It hasnt been done since 1950. It was immediately challenged by several states and the groups. They said it was unlawful. What they wanted to do is sit down and interview or depose ross. Why say it is unlawful why . Because it will scare people away from taking part in the census . Right. They want to get at his rati rational. He said it was done to comply with the voting acts right. But they said the real reason was to scare nonvoters from coming forward. Thats why they wanted to talk to him and hear about it. But it wasnt a total loss for them. Because the court did say that other department of justice official could be deposed, as well as some discovery. But this was a win for the Trump Administration for now. Do we know if Brett Kavanaughs seat on the Supreme Court was a deciding vote on this . We dont know. Because this was an order. It was unsigned. And the only two justices who chose to come forward were neil gorsuch and clarence thomas. They said they think everything should have been blocked at this point. But john roberts is taking a very careful pass here. He knows this court is 54. It looks like he took some days to make sure there would be in big decent here. Did he intentionally hide what the vote was . This was an opinion. This was an emergency order that came forward, so you dont have to come forward. But it is notable that the only two partial dissents were those two justices. That means we dont officially know. But it would have been taken five justices to block this deposition. And it was because they wanted to be more of a blockage, not they wanted to go further. Okay. Always intriguing. White house chief of staff john kelly and Corey Lewandowski got into a heated argument in the west wing back in february with kelly at one point grabbing le w lewandowski by the collar. Just to confirm here, it got physical. It definitely got physical. This was first reported by the New York Times overnight. But the episode happened all the way back in february. There was a meeting in the oval office involving both men. This was at a time when the families of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School stooting we shooting were coming to the white house that day. But it doesnt appear this has anything to do with that issue. It had more to do with these men getting at each others throats over Corey Lewandowskis longstanding dislike of john kelly. The two men got into it after they left the oval office. According to our sources who confirmed the New York Times report, john kelly grabbed him by the lapel and tried to eject him from the white house. Now, these two men have had a long standing feud with each other. But it also is not the first time. In recent weeks, at least were hearing about john kellys temper. Last week he got into a shouting match with john bolton over the border issue, over migrants coming up from Central America to the southern border. And in the past john kelly has reportedly gotten into it with a chinese officials during a president ial trip overseas. So not the first time here for either of them. In light of that, call me suspicious, are these possibly intentional leaks to undermine john kelly . There are folks who trump allies who see kelly as not sufficiently supportive of the president. Yeah. I think this drama surrounding john kelly is never really over, even though he said he would sign on for another two years. There are people inside the white house and outside that are leaking information that could be seen as damaging to him out and to the public. It is part of an on yougoing po struggle here. John kelly is on the receiving end today, as he has been in recent weeks. Lets see if there is a president ial promise to investigate the source of these leaks. Abbie phillips at the white house. Thanks very much. A twoyearold girl unable to use her left arm and relying on family to get her around. The poll y the poliolike conditioning striking around the country and what the cdc is doing about it. Truecar is great for finding new cars. Youre smart, you already knew that. But its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. Now youre even smarter. This is truecar. Your insurance rates skyrocket you could fix it with a pen. How about using that pen to sign up for new insurance instead . For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. South l. A. Is very medically underserved. When the old hospital closed people in the community lived with untreated Health Problems for years. So, with the countys help we built a new hospital from the ground up and having citi as an early investor worked as a signal to others to invest. With citis help we built a wonderful Maternity Ward and we were able to purchase an mri machine. Weve made it possible for the people who live here to lead healthier lives and thats invaluable. Welcome back. Investigators are now looking into 155 confirmed and possible cases of a rare and mysterious condition similar to polio. The condition can cause muscle weakness, sudden paralysis, even. More troubling, the average patient with a confirmed case of this is 4 years old. Joining me now, elizabeth cohen. Elizabeth, numbers are small here. We should make that clear in a country of 300 million people. But as a parent, specifics are very worrying here. Absolutely, jim. This is a horrific disease. Even though its not a very common one, its still a horrific one. Its called acute placid myelitis. Children sometimes paralyzed overnight. Thats what happened to this girl in atlanta. She was a healthy, active 2yearold. Then suddenly, paralyzed from the neck down. A ventilator breathing for her. A double ear infection. And a really high fever of 103. Then, a few days went by. And she woke up and her arm was completely paralyzed. Randomly. And the night before, she was using it just an hour before. The diagnosis, acute placid myelitis. The first thing i said was what is that . Its very similar to a disease from long ago, polio. Like polio, afm is thought to be caused by a virus, but no one knows what virus and why it affects different children differently. Such a good job. For example, abigails siblings were sick at the same time she was, but they were never paralyzed. Across the country, the cdc reports 62 confirms cased of afm in 22 cases and 93 possible cases. In an outbreak in 2014, there were 120 confirmed cases. In 202016, 149 cases. Just a little bit to make it easier to balance, okay. Really heartbreaking. No parents should have ever to experience that, and what makes it worse is not the tubes, not the treatments. What makes it worse is not knowing what caused it. Princess snow white needs to be picked up. Its hard to know how abigail will do in the future, if shell ever be able to walk again on her own, and notice that she still doesnt use her left arm and her right arm is weak. We dont know a lot about the longterm prognosis of afm right now. Its something were learning about. Abigails parents are grateful their child is making progress. Yay. Good job. Against this horrific and mysterious illness. Now, not all children have made the progress that abigail has made. Some are still in wheelchairs, paralyzed below their neck. A ventilator breathing for them. Jim. So as parents, what symptoms should they look for and be concerned about to look out for this . And just to be, you know, out of an abundance of caution if they see anything similar . Right. So as you said before, this is very rare. We want to make that clear. Parents dont need to panic every time their child has a cold or fever. What they should look for is unexplained weakness or unexplained paralysis, cant use an arm or leg or a drooping of the face. Go and get medical attention quickly, and the parents have said to me that they actually have not had great experienced when they have gone to emergency rooms. Often, theyre pretty much always for the parents i have talked to, they have been sent home and told it was nothing. So parents may need to really advocate for their child and say hey, i heard about this new disease. Can we consider it . Thanks for keeping on top of it. Well continue to keep on top of this. President trumps big push to rally republicans ahead of the midterms. Fact checkers say the president getting even looser with the truth. Were digging into it. Well bring you the facts. [ upbeat music ] im ready to crush ap english. Im ready to do what no one on my block has done before. Forget that. What no one in the world has done before. All i need access, tools, connections. Highspeed connections. Is the world ready for me . Through internet essentials, comcast has connected more than sixmillion lowincome people to lowcost, highspeed internet at home. Im trying to do some homework here. So theyre ready for anything. Welcome back. We are exactly today two weeks away from election day. We want to know what is driving you to the polls this year. Were asking voters of all ages, all political stripes to share their reasons. A segment we call why im voting. Heres what you told us today. Definitely the constitution. Freedoms, freedom to have our voice be heard, like the freedom of speech, freedom of the Second Amendment to be able to protect ourselves. I think its important that we cover people that are uninsured and that we go back to helping people with mental Health Problems by opening facilities that they have a place to go besides jail. Democrats, they want to repeal the recent tax cuts. You know, democrats, if they get elected, theyre going to raise the minimum wage and put people like me out of a job. Theyre going to put Small Businesses out of a job. Theyre going to cause mass unemployment. Im a strong supporter of health care. Also collective bargaining. We just need to get everybody out there to vote. We need change. You hear it there. A lot of difference. We want to hear from you. If you can weigh in on the conversation, easiest way to do it, tell us what issues are pushing you to the polls. Post a video to instagram using the hashtag whyivotecnn. Good Tuesday Morning to you. Im jim sciutto in washington. This morning, turkeys president calls journalist Jamal Khashoggis death a preplanned ferocious murder. Thats a complete rejection of the saudi claim that the death was an accident, a rogue operation. Cia director gina haspel is in turkey today. A source saying shes there to address the investigation into khashoggis death. Also happening this hour. A showdown facetoface in moscow. U. S. National security adviser john bolton meading with vladimir putin. This after President Trump says he wants to withdraw from a key reagan era Nuclear Weapons treaty. This is all happening just two weeks before the

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