Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow 20160910

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Last night i was grossly generalistic. That is never a good idea. I regret saying half. That was wrong. She goes on to say, quote, its deplorable trump bhlt his campaign largely on prejudice and paranoia and given a National Platform to hateful views and Voices Including Retweeting Fringe Bigots of a few dozen followers and spreading their message to 11 Million People. Donald trump responding in another statement saying isnt it disgraceful that Hillary Clinton makes the worst mistake of the political season and instead of owning up to this grotesque attack on American Voters she tries to turn it around with a pathetic rehash of the words and insults used in her failing campaign. Clintons comments generating strong reaction. Certainly a lot to talk about here with our political paneling. Joining me now, a. Scott boldin. And scotty nell hughes, political writer. Thank you both for being here. Thank you for having me. Trump also tweeted this. While hillary said horrible things about my supporters and while many of her voters will never vote for me, i still respect them all. Look you have had some democrats coming out, scott, calling this a Business Mistake for clinton. You had bob beckel who managed mon dales campaign in 84 saying on cnn this morning it is the wrong thing to same you had balboas Director Auto of rap Rapid Response saying basket of deplorables reminds me of binders full of women. How big of a miss was this for clinton . It certainly wasnt the best language and she said she was wrong and regrets it. She came out within 24 hours to do that. Thats a good move. Lets be clear. What she is doubling down on is the fact his supporters are in those two groups. While she shouldnt paint that with a broad brush they do exist and she was really talking at those who think they have been left behind economically and she is trying to draw that distinction and say i have got an economic plan, a job plan. Consider me because those other buckets of xenophobia and racism and sexism and all of those other ones, that makes a lot of those voters uncomfortable. She is trying to reach the alternative. I dont know why republicans arent accepting her regret and saying she was wrong about it. She was admitting it was wrong of her. Something that donald trump never does. She did. And donald trump is not known for saying he regrets things. That is true. Let me ask scott this one question, do you believe there are extreme fringes on both sides of the aisle . Correct. Are you interviewing me now . Okay. I just want to ask you a question. Do you think there are extreme leftists. I think there are far more extremes that have been brought into the mainstream of the Republican Party with donald trump than there could ever be with the democrats under Hillary Clinton. There is your answer. Scott, if thats the point why shouldnt clinton just stand by her comment . Because i am not aware of any extreme support for Hillary Clinton. I dont know who all her supporters are. There may be. But she certainly hasnt accepted it and brought it mainstream. How has donald trump accepted it . He has accepted it by hiring the ceo of breitbart, mr. Bannon, who peddles in the altright, who peddles in White Supremacy and white nationalism. Its clear. This is all documented. Let me say this, donald trump has driven this racially divisive dialogue from day one. All the democrats and Hillary Clinton have done is respond to it and point it out. They are going to continue to point it out its racially divisive, its offensive and its not the real america. Scotty nell, scott is talking about the things like the comments like the comment about the judge of hispanic heritage. The ban on muslims, the Comment Donald Made In June of year and talked about mexicans as rapists and murderers. And birthers as well. He hasnt seen any of these extreme factions come out and endorsing Hillary Clinton. Let me educate you. John book tell the National Chair of the communist party u. S. A. Came out and endorsed Hillary Clinton. This is a marxist socialist page for clinton. I would say a lot of those people who encourage the targeting of Police Officers are supportingic had. Do i broad brush or does donald trump broad brush all of her supporters as being that extreme leftist . No. That is rude. It is wrong. It does not help find solutions to the problems we have in america. Scottie, i think you are bringing up an important point. And there is a distinction to be made here. Is the candidate responsible for everyone who supports them on either side . No. But is there an expectation and responsibility of the candidate to denounce factions, extreme factions on both sides . Absolutely. And we have not and we have not heard Hillary Clinton denounce the endorsement of the communist party u. S. A. That happened this week. We have also not heard donald trump denounce any of his supporters who say, and echo who he has said for years up until a year ago, questioning whether obama, President Obama, was born in this country, saying that for example, he sent investigators to hawaii and, quote, you wouldnt believe what they found. His camp came out this week and says they believe the president was born here. He still has not. Well, and that is as we are continuing to develop. All this what, what did you say scotty. You heard donald trump open the conversation in 20126789 im going to bring up the old history. Its not trump that brought up the birthers. It goes back to 2012 of barack obama running for illinois senator. And went on to Hillary Clinton. Scottie, i wish you wouldnt do that. Because then i have to stop and make it very clear cnn reported in 2008 it was not Hillary Clinton you just said Hillary Clinton. Who are you talking about specifically. It was a Hillary Clinton supporter. Who . He was the he is the one person that brought it up. Who. I dont have his name in front of me, poppy. But a a Hillary Clinton supporter in 2008 who passed this around. We had this argument a week ago. Thats not what im pointing out here. What im pointing out is that if you are going to sit there and hold donald trump accountable for bringing up the issue of the birther, then are those same supporters going to hold Hillary Clinton accountability for barack obama. In his campaign the shameful smear tickets of posting the pictures when he visited kenya, he put on the full garb, the traditional. And Hillary Clinton said we are not the one making a big deal, you are making it racist. Obama Campaign Said this was a Smear Campaign by Hillary Clinton. Before i get skok back in here. Scottie, there were people around Hillary Clinton in 2008. Not members of her campaign, not Hillary Clinton herself who did talk about an email about where barack obama was born, not Hillary Clinton. Not her campaign. I never said her particularly. You used her name. Let me just say this very quickly. Moving on. Let me say this quickly. Because in 2011 and 2012, and even more recently, donald trump drove this narrative of the birther movement, that somehow the first africanamerican president wasnt born here. He put up 5 million. He sent investigators. Back to the issue at hand, and the news of the day, donald trump came out and he tweeted this, right. He tweeted you know whats deplorable, Attacking Hospital Record Working Americans upset because their jobs have been sent abroad by politicians like Hillary Clinton. Scott, mike pence uttered the same words moments ago saying these are hard working americans, arent people in a basket of anything. Is this Hillary Clinton putting herself on the side of sort the ultimate insider and looking like she doesnt understand average america . Not at all. As a matter of fact, if you listen to her discussion at that funds raiser, she talks more about those who believe they have been left behind economically and giving them a choice than she does about the altright and those phobia buckets of phobia that make up part of Donald Trumps campaign. So, no, not at all. Not at all. Final thoughts, scottie. Once again, its Hillary Clinton going to denounce the National Chair of the communist party u. S. A. A leftist extreme wing of the Democratic Party who has endorsed her. Is donald trump going to admit that the president of the United States of america was born in the u. S. Not a surrogate, but donald trump. All he has to do is admit it. He cant do it. You dont know that yet. He has had years to do it. Once the Birth Certificate i have got to leave it there. Scottie nell, scott, thank you. Watch cnn State Of The Union tomorrow morning. An exclusive interview with Hillary Clinton. Chris cuomo sits down with her. That is tomorrow 9 00 a. M. And pacific only here on cnn. Up next, breaking news, the man two w. H. O. Tried to agency as nate Ronald Reagan today released from a hospital and a free man. Also people who serve our country in uniform have been deported to mexico waiting to see if they can return to america as citizens. Kyung lah reports on that. Stay with us. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that. I wont stop until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75 Skin Clearance at 3 months. While the majority saw 90 clearance. Do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. 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Richard brock takes a look back at the shooting that shocked the country. It was march 30th, 1981, and john himpgly wanted to assassinate president Ronald Reagan. Hinckley waited outside the Washington Hilton Hotel with a revolver as reagan exhibited following a speech. He fired six times. A u. S. Secret Service Agent and a Police Officer were injured. President ial Press Secretary james brady was shot in the head. President reagan was hit by a bullet that ricochetted off a limousine, the Bullet Lodging in his chest. And he was rushed to the hospital. Hinckley was charged with attempted assassination. And to the amazement of much of the country was found not guilty by reason of insanity. Why did he do it . Hinckley was obsessed with teenage actress jodie foster. He is written her letters, phoned her, stalked her on a campus in connecticut. He believed that only by killing a president would he be able to impress foster. Hinckley was then confined at st. Elizabeths hospital in washington for nearly 35 years. Eventually he was given supervised release privileges to see his parents in virginia. Prosecutors at several points said he was not fit to be out. However, eventually, a federal judge declared that he was not threat to himself or others. There were many ramifications to hinckleys attempted assassination. One of them, the brady bill, named in honor of james brady, the president ial Press Secretary seriously wounded in the assassination attempt. Brady died in 2014, his death was declared a homicide. But John Hinckley would not be charged with that death because he had already been found not guilty by reason of insanity. Richard roth reporting there. Ahead, the United States military is made up of many people who are not citizens. Many of them still live in the country for which they fought. Yet others live in fear of one thing. According to the aclu there are thousands of other u. S. Service Men And Women who could end up right here, deported out of the United States. These veterans are starting to hear something from donald trump they hope could keep it from coming to that. We will tell you what next, live in the cnn newsroom. E a typicale credit card, you only earn double miles when you buy stuff from that airline. Wait. Is this where you typically shop . You should be getting double miles on every purchase switch. To the capital one venture card. With venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day. Not just. dismissively airline purchases. Seriously. Double miles. Everywhere. Whats in your wallet . Be overwhelming and complicated. Thats why at Cancer Treatment centers of america, every patient gets their own care manager, to coordinate every aspect of their care. Its a long journey, its very complicated and we try to help them through that. We are available 24 7. 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Experience the thrill of the lexus is f sport. Because the ultimate expression of power, is control. This is the pursuit of perfection. One thing we know is that hundreds of veterans who fought in the United States military are no longer allowed to return to this country. Why . Because they were undocumented immigrants. But this week, donald trump said something interesting. He said that he would consider whether or not to allow undocumented immigrants to openly serve in the u. S. Military. Cnns kyung lah reports. Reporter how many years has it take tony get to this point . I have been deported since 2004. A little bit over ten years. Reporter more than ten years in mexico to finally get into this line for a mexican passport, the first in a very long series of steps to try and return to what he calls home. But not to mexico. To america. Hector served five and a half years in the u. S. Army honorably dischar discharged. Life has been difficult after the military. He was in a car where another passenger fired a weapon. He was deported. Is this what you thought would happen when you left the military . No. I never thought that i would be deported. I thought immigration would be for somebody like my uncle thats coming across and gets caught. Reporter its not. U. S. Veterans who run into legal troubles are also deported under current u. S. Immigration laws. With now donald trump now suggesting he would look at undocumented military members with an open mind, it is a surprising and welcome turn for him. I dont approve of what he said about mexicans and immigrants. But i do approve of anybody wanting to get veterans home. Will he do it . I dont know. I really dont think so. Reporter Daniel Torrez doesnt buy Donald Trumps promise. He was a Lance Corporal in the u. S. Marines fighting in Ground Combat in iraq. He was honorably discharged. How did the military figure out you were undocumented. After i got back from iraq i volunteered for a one year deployment to afghanistan. Reporter thats when the military found out his papers were safe. Why would you lie to the military . I wanted to say i had done something for the country, done something to earn my place this the United States. Reporter lying was enough to get deport. He pled his case in a u. S. Court and just this week became one of the few grantsed his u. S. Citizenship. It is a path others hope they will travel. There are more than 300 deported u. S. Vets in his database. According to the aclu there are thousands of other u. S. ServiceMen And Women who could end up right here, deported out of the United States in this exact same situation. He now has new hope. After years of fighting, he has a court date to argue for his citizenship. Step one, a mexican passport. Are you hopeful . Im hopeful. Im excited. I love my country. I love my daughter. And i just cant wait to be home. Kyung lah reporting. Coming up next, politics and Hillary Clinton apologizing in a Statement Today saying she grets calling half of trumps supporters in a basket of, quote, deplorables. But she is standing by her premise saying she wont stop calling out bigotry and racism and those who Support Donald Trump from those camps. But how do africanamericans feel . Is she calling out racism or creating a greater divide . Hear from both sides next. Does your mouth often feel dry . A dry mouth can cause cavities and bad breath. Over 400 medications can cause a dry mouth. Thats why theres biotene. Biotene can provide soothing dry mouth relief. And it keeps your mouth refreshed too. Remember while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isnt. Biotene, for people who suffer from dry mouth symptoms. The first paint that kills bacteria. Sherwinwilliams paint shield continuously kills 99. 9 of bacteria. Totally breakthrough. Surprisingly the same. And its only avaiblble at sherwinwilliams. 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Hillary clinton saying today she regrets calling, quote half of Donald Trumps spoerltders from a, Quote Basket Of Deplorables. But insist that she will not stop calling out bigotry and racist rit rhetoric. In a new statement clinton notes his remarks about a muslim Gold Star Family and his false claims that president barack obama may not have been born in the United States. Clinton is also responding to trump tweeting that he respects all of clintons supporters. Clinton tweeting in response, quote, except for africanamericans, muslims, latinos, immigrants, women, veterans, and any socalled losers or dummies. This is an election that has sparked many conversations about race and minorities. So what impact could this have . With we now is clinton supporter a. Scott boldin. Also with us is paris denard, former white house director of black outreach and a trump supporter. Thank you both for being here. Its interesting paris. Lets get to something, i think we can pull it up on the screen here. Donald trump retweeted it may be the first time he retweeted President Obama. But he retweeted something President Obama tweeted in 2012. We need a president who is fighting for all americans not one who writes off nearly half the country. That is what President Obama tweeted in 2012, and donald trump just retweeted it. How big of a mess is this for Hillary Clinton, assuming you think it is . And is this a correct response from donald trump . Do you think this pushes his narrative further . Is this the right way to go at it . Yeah, poppy. I think this is just a deplorable moment for secretary clinton and shows how desperate they are on the campaign. To have her say this in a scripted moment that was approved by the campaign. Had to have been. It was on the teleprompter for her to say this and discount and show her disdain for 14 million or half of the 14 Million People who voted for mr. Trump. I think mr. Trumps response, being the retweeting of President Obama was president ial and showed that he took the higher road because when you become president of the United States of america, you become president of all the American People. Not just the republicans that voted you in or the democrats that voted you in or the africanamericans that helped you get there. Its all americans. And so its important for second clinton to realize that and to respect the fact that maybe just because people dont agree with you, they are not horrible people. We are not racist, we are not sexist, we just have a difference of opinion. Guys do we have this tweet . If the team in the control room can pull it up we dont have it. Let me read it again. Donald trump, scott, retweeting President Obama, who tweeted in 2012, we need a president who is fighting for all americans, not one who writes off nearly half the country. This puts Hillary Clinton in a tough position, scott, does it not, given that she said half of Trump Supporters are in a Quote Basket Of Deplorables and talked about people who are racist, xenophobic. She said yes i shouldnt have said half. How tough of a corner is she in. Doesnt put her in a tough corner. Run the videos and the history of the Donald Trump Campaign which is rooted in racial hatred. Birther movement, attack on muslims, mexican judge, building the wall, you name it he has an attack. The White Nationalist movement that are supporting them, awful this is baked into what you get with donald trump. And all the democrats and Hillary Clinton are doing are reacting to what is documented evidence, what is a big part of his campaign. She was wrong about painting a brad brush. Of course she was. But within 24 hours she said it was wrong and she said she regretted doing that. Yet the republicans, who never do that, and donald trump, who never does that, still are unaccepting of that. She is not in a bad position because 65 or more of all American Voters believe that donald trump is connected to racist views or is racist himself. They didnt get it from out of the air. Paris, respond to that. I mean clinton days say she regrets saying half and that she is standing by her premise, she will continue to talk about racism and bigotry on behalf of the Trump Campaign in her opinion. As a trump supporter, as an africanamerican trump supporter, blubl that there is do you believe there there is you you know a Significant Group that supports your candidate who are racists, who are xenophobic . Who are sexist . I dont know them. And i think that any time that that has come up in the media, mr. Trump has denounced them and disavowed any organization or person that has been affiliated with that. We cannot act as if the Democrat Party or clinton supporters are absolved somehow of all racist or sexist or people on the democrat side. At the end of the day what i believe this is is a distraction. We have seen in recent days and weeks that mr. Trump has had an increased effort to engage with the Africanamerican Community and because of, that weve seen a recent Economist Poll as well as an nbc poll that mr. Trump is at 8 with the africanamerican vote. So this is a distraction. But this is a distraction. And i believe at the end of the day, the American People will say you know what, mr. Trump is not a racist. And the people support him, more importantly the people who support him, these are average americans, soldiers, veterans, just Everyday Americans that are supporting him are not the way she is trying to declare them to be. These thats deplorable. The polling that meets Cnn Standards Has donald trump polling at 2 among africanamerican. The 8 , it is a survey monkey poll, an on line poll that doesnt meet your standards. Paris, one second. Outside of that, why Scott Call Out Trump Supporters . Why do that . That plays right into the Donald Trumps hands. That gave him the ability to retweet what the president said, by talking about and writing off half of americans in that way. Why not just go after the candidate . Well, she certainly should not have talked about those supporters. She should have talked about that group and the second group because she was really talking about the second group who believe they have been left behind economically. That is a smart strategy because many of them are uncomfortable with the racially divisive tone as well as an important part of the Trump Campaign that is the all the white and the White Nationalists who are big supporters of his. That is a smart strategy but she shouldnt have painted them with a broad brush and regrets that. Thats wrong in any venue. Thank you both. Coming up next, two Film Makers Making A documentary about a firefighter. One of the First Responders on september 11th. The images they captured at what became ground zero, the only images from inside the buildings. It is extraordinary. It is something you will see on cnn this weekend. The story from the brothers who were Inside The Twin Towers filming this all on 9 11, next. How i stay active. And to keep up this pace, i need the right nutrition. So i drink boost®. Boost® complete nutritional drink has 26 Essential Vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones, and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. In three delicious flavors. Im not about to swim in the slow lane. Stay strong. Stay active with boost®. I use whats already inside me to reach my goals. So i liked when my doctor told me that i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating whats within me with onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. 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I just didnt want to film them. It was like no one no one should see this. Well, the French Film Make remembers brothers. They are here with me now. Gideon and jewels are the Executive Producers of the film as well. Thank you both for being here. Thank you. You have updated the film. We will get to that in a moment. This first aired a year after 9 11. The reason you were down there is because you were here to film a documentary on a rookie firefighter. And it was 9 11, and you are down there with him as he is running into the building to try to save what would be countless lives saved despite 3,000 lives lost on 9 11. Why do you think it was important, jewels, for why is it important for people to see this footage inside . In a way, after filming three months with these amazing people, they First Responders, the firefighters, filming from the inside, i think gives a unique Point Of View to especially this new generation, which is so visual. And 15 years later a lot of the new generation were either not born or too young to remember it. I think for people to see it, see from the inside what the firefighters live, what they fought through to save among about 20,000 people, some people say is amazing. I think it gives you a renewed sense of i know for me of being grateful what they do every day, but on that day in particular. Joules, you also said i didnt help anyone, i didnt save anyone, but i could film. That was the only thing i had. I had my camera. I was you know, i was there without really a purpose except one that i could do, which was to document what was going on without realizing that this would become historic footage. But i knew that the moment i would stop filming i would go crazy because of the worry for my brother, the worry for what was happening. It was almost like a defense mechanism. To keep filming. Its also important to remember 15 years later the impact of 9 11 still lives on with all of the victims, all of the Family Members. No one that was in this city or this country will ever forget. And the Fire Fighters are still dealing with the effects, dying of cancer from the air they breathed that day. I mean, this is still perpetuating. It is incredible to for people to discover that 9 11 still kills, even today. And its terrifying too, for First Responders that have to go to Health Checkups annually that its like a lottery for them. They never know what they are going to get. If its going to be the red flag of this horrible cancer that already so many have died of. I mean just inside the wall of metro tech, which is fdny headquarters in brooklyn, you now have a special wall with 117 names of firefighters who passed away due to cancers related to 9 11. You have updated the film. And you have gone back to speak with the Family Members of the victims who died, the First Responders who died. What strikes you the most from the stories they have shared with you now 15 years after their unimaginable loss. I think unfortunately we have lost another fire fighter. The retired chief who came back from home that morning to help. As he said, these were my city, my towers, my men. And died recently of 9 11 cancers. But i think one of the most inspiring story that we followed were these socalled legacy kids. These are children of firefighters who have died either in the towers or because of 9 11 through cancers. And who have decided themselves to become firefighters. We follow three of them. One is Josephine Smith the daughter of an amazing firefighter called kevan smith. And two others. And to show that level of dedication, to want to do the same thing that unfortunately cost their father in that case their life is a tribute to what they do. Its remarkable. Exactly. Its remarkable. To both of you, you, gideon, first, having been in the towers on 9 11, the day that they fell, how has that changed how you experience this day every single year in how do you experience 9 11 with that memory . With that its very simple, whenever i feel sad, depressed, worried, i think of that day and the courage of those First Responders. And it lifts me up. And it works every time. Really . When you have witnessed so much courage and heroism, there is no way you can complain about life. And not wanting to find a solution. Thats a pretty remarkable thing that thats what you take away from it, not all of the loss and the pain and the horror. But you saw the beauty and the resolve of people to save others. Yes. You always see that. I think thats the big lesson weve learn. At the moment when the world seems the darkest, thats where you have this rave light, this ray of hope that comes. For us, it was these First Responders that saved us, or Everyday Americans or people in the tower saving each other and helping each other. I personally cannot wait to see the film. It airs tomorrow night. Thank you both for sharing your story with us. Again, 9 11, 15 years later airs tomorrow night at 8 00 p. M. Coming up live in the cnn newsroom, from the projects of brooklyn to a billionaire ceo. Howard schultz found incredible success in this country. But i wanted to know if he believes the American Dream is still alive in america today. Are we at a stage in america where your zip code determines your destiny for too many people. The future of the country and the promise of america and the American Dream cant be only accessible to people of privilege who are white who live in the right zip code. Amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. Sleep number beds adjust on both sides for your best sleep ever. 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Ibgard calms the angry gut. Available at cvs, walgreens and rite aid. In this weeks american opportunity, he is now a billionaire, but starbucks Ceo Howard Schultz was born in the projects in brooklyn. I wanted to know, does he believe that children born into the same situation today would have the opportunity that he had to succeed . So lets talk about where youre from. Sure. Would you have the opportunity today that you did then to achieve all of this . Well, you know, i grew up in kenarsy and the projects. As difficult and as hard as it was, it imprinted all of us who came from that part of the world a unique set of values and understanding that we live on the other side of the tracks. But my mother felt very deeply that our station in life did not define our future. And i think the question youre asking is a very important one, especially as its framed around where were here today. There is almost 6 million young people in america today, ages from 16 to 24, mostly africanamerican and hispanic who are not working or going to school labeled as opportunity youth. There are so many people in america, one out of six, going hungry every night. I think we have a situation where the chances and the percentages of those young people versus when i was a young boy, i think are a lot less to succeed. The question is, that is not an absolute. We are better than this. We must do things differently and we must have Real Solutions and a lot less partisanship. I was looking back at a call, Fareed Zakari wrote back in 2016, the quality of opportunity. It sounds that every year of exposure to a better environment, a better neighborhood for a kid improves their chances of success in a very material way. Just living in a little bit better place. Are we at a stage in america where your zip code determines your destiny for far too many people . I think the statistics and the evidence would certainly point to that direction. But, again, this is something the status quo is not something we should be accepting. We need to transform the Economic Issues that have created this kind of gap. The future of the country and the promise of america and the American Dream cant be only accessible to people of privilege who are white, who live in the right zip code. The other issue is that we are foregoing, so much talent, so much resources, so many people who all they want is an opportunity who can contribute to our society, who can pay taxes, who can build great families, who can buy a home. But if we fracture the hope and the promise of what the country has been built on, by leaving so many people behind, the country and the promise of america will not come true. So lets talk about some of the things that starbucks has done to try to achieve that. Ultimately, youre responsible to your shareholders. Yes. And to your board. At the same time, a few years ago, you partnered with asu and their Online College and now cover entire College Tuition for employees as they continue working at the starbucks to get a degree online. You have for years given full Health Benefits to anyone who works 20 hours or more, halftime, really. You just raised wages 5 to 15 for employees. You guys dont publicly disclose what you pay in terms of the wages, because it differs from state to state. Above minimum wage in every city in america. But those things cost a lot of money. And i just how do you square the two, when ultimately, you have to answer to your shareholders. And i know some have is called you out before. Well, i think, first off, the price of admission to significantly engage in this kind of social Impact Initiatives is Financial Performance. And the company has performed remarkably well n. 1987, 11 stores and 100 employees. Today 25,000 stores, 300,000 employees and a market cap of almost 90 billion. So we have performed. The question is, how and why have we performed. We have performed because we have achieved the fraj balance. We have also said that we must significantly make investment in our people and the communities we serve. We would have lower attrition, higher performance and the equity of the starbucks brand would grow. Not because of advertising or promotion. But because of the authenticity of the experience. How do you know that . When youre getting ready to report your earnings, how do you know that its been additive to the company and i mean, it has to make a profit at some point. How do you square the two . First off, the Financial Performance of the company would indicate that the equity of the brand that what ive just told you is indicative in terms of what we are saying. But i think we do a fair amount of research, domestically and around the world, and i think starbucks is the kind of company and brand that people have come to trust. Now, with that comes expectations that we cant always meet. Were not perfect, we cant do everything. But i think we are living at a time right now, and this is so vitally important where the Rules Of Engagement for a Public Company today are very different. What i mean by that is, you cant come to work every day with the sole interest of only making money. You are not going to attract and retain great people. Your customers are not going to embrace that. You must demonstrate auto then with Great Auto Thenty and truth that youre in business to do lots of things, including giving back to your people and serving your community. The result of all of that, even in a country like china, where we have 2,500 stores, has come true. And this is a universal language of trying to do the right thing. You can see much more off our interview with howard schultz. Just go to cnn money. Com american opportunity. Were going to take a quick break. Well be right back. 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Stay with me right here, because smerconish is next. Im michael smerconish, live from philly. Labor day is behind us. There are now just 58 days until november 8. But yesterday, early ballots were mailed in north carolina. So were in the home stretch. Where do things stand . Drowning in a sea of negative activity with both candidates saying new, shocking things just last night. You could put half of trumps supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. She could walk into this arena right now and shoot somebody with 20

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