Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow 20160403

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Is sitting on an economic bubble, a financial bubble. Comments like that from the republican frontrunner for president can certainly rattle global markets. Asia opens in a few hours from now. Despite this gloomy economic view, the new york billionaire says if he is elected president , he alone could eliminate the 19 trillion National Debt in 8 years. Jason carroll is with me in wisconsin. Trump will hold a rally there in just a few hours. Lets talk first about this economic doom and gloom outlook. Is he explaining it all on the trail, sort of whats leading him to say this . Reporter well, i can certainly tell you listening to trumps speeches, being at trump town halls in the past, he talked about the economy, the need to improve the economy, the need to create jobs, to renegotiate trade deals with countries like china. Never heard him say the types of things he did to the Washington Post, headed for a recession, not to invest in the stock market. One of the things you learn when you cover trump is when he takes the stage, much of what he says is off the cuff. This is what people like about him, right, when he speaks off the cuff. Yesterday he was talking about christianity, and within the same breath talking nato. He talks off the cuff. When he speaks here later today, expect him to do more of that. In terms of predicting what he will say, a lot of people have given up predicting what trump will do next. You already have reaction from others within the party, right, the Republican Party to his comments specifically on the economy, that the u. S. Is sort of on the brink, right . Reporter right. Seems like every other day were asking for someone within the gop to give some sort of reaction about what trump said this time. We have the chairman of the Republican National committee weighing in on what trump said to the Washington Post. Well, certainly people are afraid in this country and theyre angry with a president that hasnt delivered. Whether youre on main street or whether youre in milwaukee, wisconsin or wherever youre from, things have not improved, so i think people are afraid and when theyre angry, sometimes people say things they regret, but the truth is that people are concerned about the future and every candidate is going to communicate their message differently. Reporter poppy, one thing thats interesting about that, notice he mentioned the word anger, angry there, a few times. What the Trump Campaign has to figure out is Going Forward how do you tap into that type of anger. A number of people waiting in line are angry, angry about things happening within the country. How do you tap into it. Do you tap into it running an Aggressive Campaign . Will that work in the midwest . Didnt work in minnesota. Some saying it is not working here in wisconsin where he is trailing behind ted cruz, trailing by 10 Percentage Points in some polls, poppy. Absolutely. Tuesday is a big day in ted cruzs camp, want to take that state away. Jason carroll, live in wisconsin. Thank you, jason. Legendary the Washington Post associate editor bob woodward and robert costa conducting that interview with trump. They described it as highly unusual and extremely candid. I think the real headline for me is what he said about the economy in a precarious situation that there is a bubble. But then we asked about what would be your advice as a stockbroker or somebody who provides tips on stock, and i was really surprised he said its terrible now. This is not the time to invest in the stock market. I was following economists, they say it is odd for a Major Party Nominee to make this kind of bleak statement about the american economy. In all your years of reporting, have you seen a nominee or Major Political candidate say this kind of thing about the economy . No. I mean, what they say is they may criticize the incumbent from the other party and say the economic policies are not working and i have better policies. But what trump was saying, that this is dreary. Lets get a reality check on trumps claims. Cnns Global Economic analyst with me, and assistant managing editor at time. Author of makers and takers, and also with us, political commentator, trump supporter, jeffrey lord. This is really, really important when you look at the fact that economy is issue one for republicans and democrats this election cycle. Let me begin with you, he said the 19 trillion National Debt could be eliminated in 8 years if he becomes president. But when you look at how you get there, you have to cut the 4 trillion annual budget in half, make it 2 trillion. And hes also pushing for what he describes as a very big tax cut. How realistic are the claims . Totally unrealistic. I think it is absolute fabulism. The fact that you renegotiate trade deals is also fiction. I am not saying we dont need to rethink the rules of free trade, a lot of people are talking about that, but the idea that the u. S. Acts in a vacuum, that china and europe dont have their own agenda, we can blanket way make new rules is fictional. Jeffrey lord, as a trump supporter, you heard Reince Priebus say to jake sometimes people say things they regret. Do you think your candidate should walk back these comments at all, should think a little more carefully before saying the United States is about to fall into a massive recession . No, i dont think so. I think what the American People, it is abundantly evident at this point, the American People want plain talk from their candidates. I think this is their attraction to donald trump, frankly i think it is the attraction to ted cruz. But he is not an economist. He is not he doesnt isnt part of the fed. But he is a businessman who has made great personal success here. When you look at the polls repeatedly, people in the polls said, there was a gallup poll said 64 of republican electorate gave him high marks on dealing with the economy as opposed to 20 for senator cruz. Time after time after time give him high marks. They give him high marks because they believe he has a competent understanding of the american economy. I am not questioning his success in business, right . I dont think anyone can do that. What i wonder is do you think what stood out to me most, the claim that he could eliminate National Debt, 19 trillion in 8 years. Can you do that . I think what he is proposing overall is looking at the entire situation differently. For example, he talks nato. I want to know specifically on this. I am giving a specific example. When he talks about nato, he is talking about decreasing our expenses by having other people pick up the slack. That in turn, those monies presumably would be applied to the debt. Thats just one small example. And im saying, whether nato, whether it is trade and other issues, he is talking about a different approach that saves us money that enables us to pay off the debt, which he believes is a serious question, could bankrupt the country. Ronna, on that point, there are others in the opposite party who have said the u. S. Is footing too much of the bill for a lot of this stuff. When he talked about the stock market and said it is inflated, he is is not the only one saying that. No, and hes essentially mouthing what carl icon said to the same tune, but it is nothing new. We have known for some time theres did i ver jans between the stock market and main street. I think he is taking a colonel of truth and twisting it to give misinformation. He is talking easy monetary policy. One of the reasons the feds had to keep rates low, there was gridlock in Congress Post 2008 in large part because of things the republicans which made it impossible to have real fiscal stimulus, we had to have monetary stimulus instead. We have things happening abroad that we cant control as much as he would like voters to believe. I think this idea that we are in a weak recovery is something both parties have to grapple with, wage stagnation, most dont feel recovery is as strong as it should be, it is something people are wondering about and we need answers. I dont think were getting them from trump. I want to get both of your takes on the unemployment claim. He said to the Washington Post unemployment is not 5 , it is in the 20 somewhere. If you look at the bureau of labor statistics and look at the actual numbers, last month it was just below 10 . Even when you include people that are not looking for work now but are out of work, so theyre not included in the official Unemployment Rate. Jeffrey, should he be more careful throwing out numbers like this . He threw out the number 42 a few weeks ago. I think, poppy, we have a lot of people in this country who believe based on their own experience that the Unemployment Rate is higher than it was. I happen to know somebody thats been looking for a job for three years and couldnt find one until just the other day, as a matter of fact. Theres a lot of anger out there. I think what youre dealing with is he is giving voice to a sentiment, thats helping fuel the trump phenomenon. Rana, reality check on unemployment . In some ways unemployment isnt the problem, it is the wage problem. We have seen unemployment come down in a meaningful way. What we havent seen is wage growth and thats in part due to loss of manufacturing jobs, growth in the service sector, complicated reasons we need to grapple with. No, the 20 number is fictional. Good to have you both on. A lot ahead this hour. Lets break it down. Wisconsin down to the wire. National frontrunners in both parties are facing potential losses in tuesday if you believe the polls. Are clinton and trump losing their mojo . Also, a deadly derailment. Frightening moments for hundreds of people on board an amtrak train outside philadelphia. Part of the train suddenly sliding off the tracks. We will take you live to the scene. And later, bill weir goes west to explore the mighty Colorado River. He will join me with a look at what he found. Stunning report. We will be right back. One crest 3d white smile. Is all it takes. To turn the tables. Crest 3d white toothpaste. Removes 5 times more stains. Than the red box. For a smile like that, crest 3d white. Is the way to whiten. 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Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Welcome back. We are two days away from the wisconsin primary. If the polls are any indication, the frontrunners on both sides are looking at a loss in that state. Latest apologies show donald trump trailing treads. And Hillary Clinton trailing Bernie Sanders by four points. With me now, the political reporter for Capital Times in wisconsin. Thank you for being with me. Im from minnesota. Youre from wisconsin. I hear they call it wisconsin nice. I thought it was minnesota nice. Ill just say theyre both nice. Thank you for being with me. Thank you. We will share the nice in a campaign thats not so nice these days. Lets begin with the republicans. Fascinates me, i think a lot of us, lot of people point to wisconsin as would be trump land. Youve got manufacturing hub, blue collar workers, you think antifree trade calls would resonate there. Cruz has the edge in polling, released an ad targeting trump on free trade. Im going to stand up for fair trade and bring our jobs back from china. We will see wages going up. Well see opportunity again. Well see a president who will stand with the people of wisconsin. And americans everywhere. Do you think cruz is picking up some of that would be antifree trade trump vote . Yeah, that was certainly his intent. That can work for him here. Trump is making the same play here as in many other states, going after the economy here, going after Governor Scott walkers record, certainly targeting people that are feeling like their jobs have been targeted and their lively hood is on the line. Ted cruz is coming in toward the end of a viable alternative. What about the evangelical vote. We looked at the exit polling from 2008 and 2012 in the primaries in wisconsin, and found 38 of the voters qualify themselves as evangelical. Is that part of whats tipping in favor of ted cruz or do you think thats not as important there . Its not something we hear about as much here in wisconsin but it is a strong ted cruz has been holding steadily in this 20, 30 area over the last few months. We are seeing him rise up to 40 polling now as candidates drop out and there arent some of the evangelical alternatives that have been there along the way until recently. Some have pointed to this as the worst week for the trump camp. What i think is interesting, weve seen a little change in his tune, right . He apologized in this interview with maureen doud for tweeting that unflattering picture of heidi cruz. He said if i had to do it over again, i wouldnt have done it. Is there a sense there has been somewhat of a turning away from trump in your state over the last week . I think so, and i dont know that it is necessarily the last week. This is the first exposure to some of the rhetoric that when you see it from farther away, maybe doesnt have as much impact. When he is coming here, saying these things in wisconsin, holding rallies and until recently refusing to apologize for things like that, hasnt been sitting well with people. Wisconsin conservatives particularly Pay Attention to talk radio here, plays a huge part. Talk radio has been antitrump and has been hammering a lot of this stuff, things that come across as not particularly civil or nice, and people are not responding very positively. All right. Well see what happens tuesday. Polls tell us one thing, what matters is what actually happens when the primary vote begins. It will be a busy week for you. Thank you so much. Thanks, poppy. Stay with cnn for full coverage of the wisconsin primaries. All day coverage begins tuesday here on cnn. Early sunday morning, amtrak ride ended in chaos and death. A live report from the scene where a train slammed into a backhoe that was sitting on the tracks. Thats next. Everything kids touch during cold and flu season sticks with them. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. Because no one kills germs better than clorox. Its everything youve always wanted. And you work hard to keep it that way. Sometimes, maybe too hard. Get claimrateguard® from allstate. It helps keep your homeowners rate from going up just because of a claim. Call an allstate agent first. 8884295722. Accident forgiveness from allstate will keep his rates from going up. But not his blood pressure. Michael james middle name. Not good. Get accident forgiveness from allstate and keep your rates from going up just because of an accident. And it starts the day you sign up. So whether its your car or home, let allstate help protect your rates. 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You know, you think about the roots and i think whats perplexing everyone, why was a backhoe sitting on the tracks knowing the schedule of the trains . Reporter exactly, poppy, thats the question Everyone Wants answered today after this accident. We have learned from a source close to the investigation that the two construction workers in or near that backhoe who were killed were amtrak construction workers, which raises the question of how they didnt know that was an active track and how the train didnt know there was construction going on in this stretch. Were in between the philadelphia and wilmington amtrak stations. I want you to take a look at the front of the train, poppy. You can see where the impact happened. Quite a noticeable impact to the front of the train to that engine of that first car. That engine was derailed from the train. As you mention, 341 passengers on board. 35 of them injured. None life threatening. All of them taken to hospitals or back to philadelphia where they were then given other ways to get to where they were going. You can see an active scene here. You see police here. Ntsb is arriving on scene. Amtrak is investigating. They want to know how this could have happened, why there was construction like this going on on an active track. Something of note. Some passengers that cnn talked to described moments leading up to the crash where they could see out the window, that it was incredibly dusty. One described it as a dust storm, it felt like they were riding over gravel. He said that was before the train came to an abrupt stop when clearly the accident happened. Another passenger who was farther back on the train, a 15yearold, told one of our affiliates about his experience. Take a listen. The train was like rumbling, then we got off track i guess. Then it was just a bunch of dust. Just dust everywhere. Then the train conductors, they were running to the front. There were people, they were bloody. It was an explosion. We got off track, then there was like a big explosion, then a fire, then window burst out. Some people were cut up. Reporter poppy, as you can see this has been happening all day long. You might be able to see now that this train is coming through. For awhile today service was shut down completely on this route. About an hour or so ago, they began to let trains come back through. Its limited service they say, and no word on what kind of impact this may have on tomorrows monday morning commute. There are 750,000 people that ride the amtrak trains on the northeast corridor route daily. This crash happened to train 89 on the palmetto route, headed to savannah, georgia. But this route is a key part of many peoples monday morning commute. It will be interesting to see what amtrak says and ntsb when they hold a press conference in a few minutes on whether or not the train tracks will be opened up for tomorrow morning, poppy. Two deaths, 35 injuries. The presser about to begin. We will get more from you next hour. Straight ahead, back to politics and the back and forth over big oil. Hillary clinton, Bernie Sanders tossing accusations at one another over how much money they may have taken from the fossil fuel industry. All of this ahead of the critical vote in wisconsin tuesday. What sanders told our jake tapper next. When in miami, check out the views on the water. Experience it like a local. Set up as a semi private vip experience. Customized ultimate tour. We start in miami, show a lot of landmarks. We go from star island, a lot of people refer to as millionaires row, see the celebrity homes, then make it from one island to the next. We have a fast boat to cover a lot of ground. Thats when the fun kicks in. We drop the hammer, kick it in gear. People think it is about the flash and glamor, theres a lot of history. Through a lot of ups and downs, besides the sheer beauty of it. Everhas a number. 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And six is greater than one. Flonase outperforms the 1 nondrowsy allergy pill. So you can seize those moments, wherever you find them. Flonase. Six is greater than one changes everything. Right now, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are locked in a pretty nasty back and forth over who got one money from the fossil fuel industry. And lobbyists or individuals who work in the industry. Sanders insisting 43 lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry gave maximum contributions to the clinton camp. Clinton pointing to sanders saying they both got money from individuals that work for the industry but not the companies themselves. Lets talk about this with bill press, host of the bill press show, Bernie Sanders supporter, also with me maria car donna, democratic strategist, Hillary Clinton supporter. Thank you both for being here. Let me point out that the Washington Post did a comprehensive back check of sanders claims. Let me read you part of that. Says the Sanders Campaign is exaggerating contributions clinton received from the oil and gas industry, in the context of her overall campaign, the contributions are hardly significant. It is especially misleading to count all funds raised by lobbyists with multiple clients as money, quote, unquote, given by the fossil fuel industry. They rated it, bill, three pinocchios. Here is how sanders responded when jake asked him about it this morning. Let the Voters Decide whether paid lobbyists who represent the fossil fuel industry, 43 of them, give maximum personal contributions to the Clinton Campaign and whether or not these same people are out in some cases bundling, trying to bring in even more money. I dont think that we are distorting reality. Thats the simple reality. Bill, i know youre a sanders supporter. Is that a sufficient enough answer when the Washington Post says these are three examples where this has been exaggerated, and he said let the voter decide . First of all, i dont know what the confusion here is. This is a matter of public record. The campaigns report contributions. If you look as i did yesterday at the reports from the Clinton Campaign, they report in different categories. I can go through them. Total of 4. 5 million received from lobbyists or people that work for the fossil fuel industry, to the campaign or to the super pac supporting Hillary Clinton. Bernie sanders, about 37,000. Did she get the money or not . Yes, she reported it. To compare apples to apples for viewers, how you look at the money, what people work for what company, the clinton camp received 308,000 from individuals that work for the fossil fuel industry, sanders camp 54,000. These are from individuals. It is against the law for companies to give to the candidate. You know what, after citizens united, i am not an expert in this, i dont think thats the case any longer. If you add up it is. They give to super pacs under citizens united, not to the candidate. Super pacs. 11 lobbyists bundle 1. 3 million for the Clinton Campaign. The super pac got 3,250,000 from fossil fuel industry, all reported. And bernie said on that tape, 43 lobbyists gave the max, 2700. The fact is they took it or not, you cant deny she took the money. It is not illegal. Theres nothing wrong with it. She took fossil fuel money. You say theres nothing wrong with it. Your candidate says there is something wrong with it, he is pointing his finger at her. Got to get in maria cardona. Heres the problem with it. Sanders Campaign Says she took significant money from oil and gas industry, thats false and has been debunked, not just by the Washington Post in giving him three pinocchios, by the New York Times Fact Checkers, npr Fact Checkers and others. The amount of money take enfrom workers in the oil and gas industry, 308,000, amounts to two tenths of one percent of the 199 million she raised overall. Sanders claimed she raised significant money from the oil and gas industry, it is completely false and categorically untrue. Lets start in the beginning. I am going to jump in here. The point the sanders camp is making, saying look, my opponent is beholden to this industry, i am not. Thats the point. Let me ask you this. The clinton team has said sanders camp is quote, unquote dispratt. Clinton went after then senator obama for taking the same donations. Even this ad. Lets play it. Youve seen the ad. I dont take money from Oil Companies. No candidate does. It has been against the law for 100 years. But barack obama accepted 200,000 from executives and employees of Oil Companies, every gallon of gas takes over 3 bucks from your pocket. Obama voted for the Bush Cheney Energy bill that put 6 billion in the pocket of big oil. Hillary voted against it. She will make Oil Companies pay to create new jobs and Clean Energy America needs. I am Hillary Clinton. Here is what else we know from the 2008 campaign. Pull up the numbers. Clinton camp then took 309,000, obama camp 222,000 from employees of fossil fuel industry. Given this, how effective can she be in the fight against sanders on this particular issue . I think she can be very effective. If youre going to compare what happened in 2008, we can say what she tried to do, which is what sanders is trying to do to her didnt work. Not going to work this time around when sanders is trying to do it to her. The fact of the matter is that the money she took from individual employees, not companies, is not significant in the overall scheme of things. And by the way, if youre going to criticize your opponent for not being pure on an issue, you better be darn sure youre pure. Having taken 54,000 from the same types of employees he criticizes Hillary Clinton for taking. Poppy, give me a shot, please. Number one, see where this started. It started when greenpeace went to all candidates and said will you sign a pledge not to take fossil fuel money. Bernie signed it, Martin Omalley signed it, Hillary Clinton refused to sign it. Maria talks about this 308,000. The total according to the candidates reports, according to center for responsive politics is 4. 5 million. Finally you have to differentiate that. If i can finish my point. The question senator sanders raises i think is legitimate one. Can you take money from an industry and then vote against th them. It is a serious question. Hillary clinton can absolutely say she can stand up to this industry. First of all, she doesnt take significant amount of money from them. Secondly, she has a stellar record fighting climate change, fighting drilling and all of the other priorities of the oil and gas industry. And she supported the Keystone Pipeline. The Keystone Pipeline was hillarys baby. I have to jump in to be clear for viewers, bill press, she said in 2010 as secretary of state i am inclined to support the Keystone Pipeline, but she was not a senator then. Thats right. Cant have it both ways, maria. In 2005 she voted for a bill approving more offshore drilling in the gulf of mexico. Going to leave it there. Going to take a break. Actually denied, for 125 years, drilling rights to the same industry. Cant have it both ways. We will keep talking about that. You can keep fighting during the commercial. Feel free. He will be back with us next hour. A very heated, important issue. Thank you both. Coming up next, a new beginning at the brussels airport. Recovery and reopening after the tragic, deadly terror attack that ripped through the airport. We will have a report from brussels next. Your body is a finely tuned instrument. Diarrhea can throw it out of rhythm. 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Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. For the First Time Since bombs went off at the brussels airport, planes are taking off. You hear a round of applause. Huge praise and a lot of excitement today watching the first plane take off since the attacks. Those planes started departing and landing this morning. The airport as you know has been closed since the suicide bombers blew themselves up inside departure hall on march 22nd. It was part of a widely coordinated terrorist attack on the belgian capital that killed 32 people. Alexandra field is in brussels this evening. Reporter poppy, big step forward, no doubt emotional step forward for a lot of people, especially those that work here day after day. This is the first time theyre letting passengers into the terminal. It was the first day back on the job for people that work at the airport in brussels. When they arrived, they were met by a heavy layer of security, police, members of the military, canines, all ensuring the reopening would be safe for passengers, safe for employees. First priority for everyone. There were just three flights that departed from the airport. This is an airport that usually handles 600 flights a day with 60,000 passengers. The beginning, the next few days here, theyll be operating at a much lower capacity. Built temporary installations to go through checkin and then go through security. Airport officials said they need to keep the crowd small to make sure everyone is safe. Theyll continue to build up capacity, add more flights and routes in the coming days. Airport Authorities Say to do the full repair work needed on that terminal where the bombings happened just 12 days ago, they need more time. Could be the end of june or beginning of july when the airport is fully reopened and operating again at maximum capacity. Poppy . Good sign to see it open. Thank you so much for that. Coming up next, switching gears, bill weir goes west for the next wonder list. He will tackle the mighty Colorado River. A very personal story for bill, coming up next. A number of years back i was staying in zimbabwe in the bush at this incredible Conservation Institute with a young orphaned elephant, both her parents were killed by poachers, unfortunately. I wish people had the experience that i had to hug this beautiful, intelligent, loving creature. That encounter inspired the actor to help save he will vael from the ivory trade. If people had the chance to make that connection, touch their tusks. Wild year for year of the elephant. It is our goal to make it the year of the elephant. More elephants are born than killed by poachers. 33,000 elephants are killed every year for ivory. Within seven years, the African Elephant could be extinct. The whole thing is about getting people to come join the herd. 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And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. On tonights episode of wonder list, bill weir travels civilians impact is becoming more and more apparent. A miale or two later, he turs to he rower. Here we go. Train coming overhead. Awesome. Good timing. They call it pin ball for all boats that bounce off the train trussle. Wow, look at this. Go, jack. If it werent for this train, the federal government might have damned the stretch of the colorado. So hes grateful. But he worries about derailments and dam failures and the kind of toxic mine leak that turned the animus river bright orange. Those are worst case accident type, but the thing that i worry about is the death from a thousand cuts. Taking a little bit more water and denver water takes another 10 , thats the kind of thing that would kill the river slowly. Bill weir is with me now. And its a beautiful episode and very personal episode for you. Well get to that in a miptnute. But the fight over water is something i never thought of. Goes back to the old west. Whiskey is for drinking, water is for fighting. In the old days whatever miner or rancher put that water to use, the rule of the river is they can use it forever. So you have ranchers out west whose water is more valuable than their land. And exploding suburbs, either from denver to albuquerque to salt lake city, san diego, if you live in those places, the water is coming out of the Colorado River and every year more and more people fighting over each precious drop. And also a huge fight to build resorts when you talk about the grand canyon part of all of it. To build trams. To me that seems impossible. You say no. No. In the 60s, we almost dammed the Colorado River. It made sense then. Or in the grand canyon especially. The jewel of our National Park system. And i asked some of the guys down there, could it happen today and they say, you know, politically it might if we get to a point where we really need that water. So, yeah, it goes back to when Teddy Roosevelt was trying to set aside these places. Everybody wants a peefiece of t p pie. And the episode ends with you talking about your father. My dad was a cop in milwaukee who wanted to be a cowboy. So in his 30s, he quit, moved there. Lived in this Beautiful Valley in a mobile home and he taught me to love nature. And when he passed away, he asked that i spread his ashes over the mountain. So this is a love letter to him and he taught me to appreciate the precious places. We said one day we would float the Colorado River before its gone and now is my chance and this one is for him. Beautiful episode. Tonight 10 00 eastern, only right here. Thank you. Appreciate it. Quick break and well be right back. It takes a lot of work. To run this business. But i really love it. Im on the move all day long. And sometimes, i just dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost® to get the nutrition that im missing. Boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a great taste. I dont plan on slowing down any time soon. Look for savings on boost® in your sunday paper. 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X1 customers get your voice remote by visiting xfinty. Com voiceremote. Top of the hour. 6 00 p. M. Peern eastern. President hial hopefuls are focused on wisconsin. The primary is there in just two days. Ted cruz will soon rally supporters in wisconsin. Some republicans believe a business which is victory for cruz who is currently leading in the polls there could redefine this race on the republican side. The frontrunner Donald Trump Tells the Washington Post that the United States is headed for a, quote, very massive recession. He says the u. S. Is sitting on an economic bubble, a financial bubble. Comments like that from the help frontrunner can rattle global markets. Asia opens in just a few hours. Despite the gloomy economic outliout l look, he says he could eliminate the 19 trillion debt this eight years. Lets go out to a Trump Campaign event. Is he doing more to

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