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It said, rocky mountaineer all aboard amazing. Watching tvs get sharper, youve had it tough. Bigger, smugger. And you . Rubbery buttons. Enter the x1 voice remote. Now when someone says. Show me funny movies. Watch discovery. Record this. Voila. Remotes, come out from the cushions, you are back. The x1 voice remote is here. Hi everyone, im poppy harlow in new york. 5 00 eastern. Thank you for joining us. A short time ago in philadelphia a formal arraignment for the man who unloaded a handgun into a patrol this week hitting and seriously wou lly wounding a po officer. The suspects name is Edward Archer and he confessed the gun he used was stolen from another Police Officer and also that he shot that man in the name of isis. The officer he attacked is alive but still in the hospital badly injured. Our Miguel Marquez is live in philadelphia with more on what happens next. Miguel . Reporter well, hes been transported to a correctional facility, he has been held on no bond, he hasnt been assigned a public defender yet, so it will probably be next week some time before all of those things started to get sorted out, but certainly, this is an individual in a lot of trouble. In addition to all the charges you mentioned, because he was previously convicted, there is several other charges related to his assault because he was brandishing and using a handgun, which a convict in this state isnt meant to do, so there will be a lot of lawyering to go, but here at the hospital we have the Police Officer who survived this, and he is still recovering from those very terrible wounds, despite being shot three times in the arm. At least 11 bullets total headed his way, some of them at point blank range. His left arm, though, quite in bad shape, the bone broken in one place, artery severed, lots of nerve damage, so it will be quite some time before officer Jesse Hartnett is back up and at it, but at least the wheels of justice are moving. Hes been now transferred to the correctional Holding Facility outside of philadelphia, where he will probably await a more formal arraignment in the days or weeks to come. Poppy . Miguel, lets talk more about that officer, though, and just as you described it last night to anderson cooper, just a miraculous job, really, that this officer did. Reporter it defies logic that he was able to do this. This is a Police Officer whos been on the force five years, hes 33 years old, he was in the coast guard before, this is a guy who was on a routine patrol in west philadelphia. He had his window down as they typically do so they can hear whats going on out there. Somebody flagged him down, he pulled over, stopped. As he stopped his car, it was Edward Archer who rushed him with a gun, with a. 9 millimeter handgun, semiautomatic, firing round after round, at one point his hand all the way in the window, and despite that, the officer was able to return fire, jumped out of his squad car, started to chase him down. Hit him in the butt, amazingly enough. Keep in mind, his left arm is useless at this point, hes running, shooting, and on the radio to dispatch all at the same time. They were able to catch him there at the scene, recover the gun, just an amazing story. How he survived this, he probably should play the lottery, probably win that nearly billion dollars now. I would love to see him win that tonight. Miguel, before i let you go, tell us about the man whos charged with all of this, because he did claim to police right after that this was in the name of isis, but can you decipher for us, you know, whether this was directed by isis, isis inspired, if this was all in his head, walk us through that. Reporter yeah, well this is the big question Law Enforcement officials are getting at. They are going through everything, his present and his past, all of his phones, computers, any sort of internet traffic he did. Is he tied to anything, that is the big question. Fbi did not have him on the radar previous to this. He did travel to the middle east, saudi arabia in 2011, and egypt the following year. The imams in the area where he lived and operated say they dont know who he is. His mother told the philadelphia enquirer that he was a devout muslim, but none of the imams knew who he was. She also said he suffered sort of problems, he hit his head several times apparently falling off a moped and playing football and he wasnt in sort of full control of his mental capacities, hes been speaking to himself, mumbling much lately. He was due to be sentenced in a previous conviction on monday, and he had told his mother that he felt the police were targeting him. So whether or not all of this conspired basically to create this in his head or whether he actually was in contact with somebody, either domestically or internationally, we are waiting to find out. Miguel marquez, thank you very much. As miguel just said, the fbi did not have this man on their radar and a big part of the investigation is looking for any potential real links he may have had with isis or is he just claiming to have had them. Lets bring in bob baer, our intelligence and security analyst, former cia operative. From what we know from what we just heard, bob, does this strike you as textbook home grown terrorism or strike you as a mentally disturbed paranoid man with a stolen gun . Well, poppy, it could be both. I mean, he clearly was interested in islam, traveling to saudi arabia is not a typical tourist destination. He was looking for some sort of calling, belief or whatever it was. Its hard to tell at this point, and he could have also been mentally unstable and this is precisely what the Islamic State is looking for, is people that are self recruited, but willing to pick up a gun and get into a fight with the police especially. So as far as the Islamic States concerned, it doesnt matter about his mental instability or his true beliefs, nor would they particularly need to direct him to this target, because theyve put out the call to attack people in uniform, and he did precisely that. This presents the same problem over and over again that were seeing in this country. Youve got 900 open investigations into potential terrorrelated issues here in the United States, youve got 64 of the American Public who doesnt agree with how the president is handling the isis threat. What, bob, can be done to prevent these guys . In this case he steals a gun from another officer, hes not on anyones radar for anything like this. How do you attack that . Well, poppy, this is the problem and this is what scares the fbi is these people essentially come out of nowhere. They are not looking for money, they can afford these guns or steal them. They know what the targets are. They dont need to check with raqqah, and unless they commit one overt act like buying a ticket to syria, theres not much the fbi can do about this and theyve been worried about this for years now and theres probably more than 900, could be in the thousands of these people that are prone to violence, prone to this bizarre interpretation of islam, which they think, you know, their martyrdom is serving some kind of divine cause. Yes, they are crazy, and i think the San Bernardino attackers were crazy, as well. Even the paris ones. Those targets were just random and there was pure bloodshed. All right, bob baer, thank you very much for the analysis. Well keep you posted as we learn more about this. We know multiple charges brought against this individual, the officer will survive but still in the hospital. Up next we have breaking news on mexican drug kingpin el chapo. He is back in custody. Will he be extradited to the United States . He wasnt last time and he escaped. Is it different this time . Breaking news on that next. All her aches and pains. And i said come to class, lets start walking together and i said and i bet you money youll be able to do that senior walk. That day i said ok its me and you girl, me and you i said if you need to stop, theres a bench well just hang out in the shade. She said absolutely not we are going to finish this race and we were the last ones in, but you know what . We finished the race. And she goes desiree, ill never quit walking. Ever glad i could help you plan for your retirement. Alright, kelly and promise me that youll try that taco place on south street. And we have portfolio planning tools to help you manage your ira. Yeah, youre old 401k give me your phone. The rollover consultants give you stepbystep help. No setup fees. Use your potion. Sorry, not you. My pleasure. Goodnight, tim. For all the confidence you need. Whos tim . Td ameritrade. You got this. You premium like clockwork. Month after month. 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Now big news about what will happen to the socalled drug kingpin el chapo. Rafael romo is live for us with more. This is all about extradition. Who will seek justice in this case . What do we know . Well, just a few moments ago the Mexican Attorney Generals Office issued a statement saying that they will, in fact, seek to extradite Joaquin El Chapo guzman. It was a question that those of us in the media were wondering about when he was captured yesterday morning. Will he be extradited. Well, this statement makes it very clear. I was just taking a look a few moments ago, it is a lengthy statement, but in essence it says that not only are they going to proceed with extradition, but that the United States as early as june 16 of last year presented a formal request for his extradition. Now, in june nobody had any idea that el chapo was planning an escape. Nobody knew what was going to happen in the following months, and the United States was already working with the Mexican Government to extradite this individual. Among the things i was able to read in the statement are the crimes for which the United States intends to bring el chapo to this country. Listen to this, criminal association, organized crime, Drug Trafficking, money laundering, homicide and legal possession of firearms, among others. Of course, the Mexican Attorney Generals Office says he will have the right to appeal, but it seems like they are determined to extradite him to the United States sooner rather than later, poppy. Stay with me, i want to bring in a cnn legal analyst for more on this. Looking at this from a perspective of someone who doesnt know a lot about this case, wait, why should the United States sort of have priority here to try him over mexico. Tell us. Well, mexico has an extradition treaty with the United States, had it for some time, but the extradition itself is ultimately a political issue. Heres why, the extradition of nationals is a discretionary matter for the Mexican Government. They could have elected to keep him. In fact, they could technically grant extradition and kept him first for prosecution and punishment, in other words to serve his term in mexico before they gave him back to the United States. So even though we have an extradition treaty with mexico, its ultimately more of a political issue because its really mexico could keep him or they could give him back. The fact they are giving him back go ahead. Danny, i gijust want to known what grounds is the United States trying him, for all the drugs imported to this country . So there are several different statutes. For the most part federal law requires some act, even in a conspiracy, be committed within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, within the United States, but there is a relatively recent statute, and guzman has been prosecuted in the past under section 959 that allows federal prosecutors to target drug traffickers who live and work abroad, who arent even in the United States. The u. S. Jurisdiction, the federal governments jurisdiction has expanded considerably in the last several years to include being able to prosecute those who live completely and wholly aprod, not just in the United States. Rafael, to you. Well, we have to remember, poppy, that there are at least eight states in the United States that have pending Drug Trafficking charges against Joaquin El Chapo guzman. States like texas, california, arizona, and then there are some other states on the list that may surprise you, new hampshire, for example, is one of those states. Also we have to remember that cities like chicago, for example, in chicago he was called public enemy number one because Joaquin El Chapo guzman was accused of making chicago his personal hub to distribute drugs, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, from chicago to other parts of the country, so you can bet your Bottom Dollar that the u. S. State department, im sorry, the u. S. Department of justice, has already been in touch with their mexican counterparts since the moment that el chapo was recaptured trying to find a way to expedite this extradition process, poppy. All right, thank you so much for the reporting. Danny for the legal analysis, i appreciate it. Much more on this ahead later this hour. But next, do Chicago Police need more oversight . My next guest has kept a very close eye on cooke county. She actually worked within cooke county in the government there, and she will have her take next. She wrote the book crook county. Ill ask her, can anything stop the anger and stop the violence in chicago . Next. In chicago, shocking new allegations in the Fatal Shooting death of an africanamerican teenager Laquan Mcdonald. Attorneys for the victims family are alleging that police tampered with witnesses to help protect their chicago Police Officer who shot and killed mcdonald. The case has ignited a flurry of protests in chicago over the last month. Our rosa flores has the latest. Reporter Chicago Police detained witnesses for hours, threatened them, and asked them to change their stories about what they saw when officer Jason Van Dyke shot and killed Laquan Mcdonald. All these allegations made by mcdonalds family attorneys and learned by cnn while scouring through more than 3,000 pages of emails obtained through a freedom of information request. There were at least three eyewitnesss that were in the drivethru of the burger king that were taken to a police station, separated, put in different rooms, and interviewed by police detectives, sergeants, lieutenants. Reporter Mcdonald Family Attorney Says one of those witnesses, a truck driver, told investigators he saw, quote, an execution. Another allegedly started screaming stop shooti ingshoot after hours of interrogation and no sign of release, he said police asked witnesses to change their stories. Code of silence, thats an accurate description of what happened here, quite frankly happens almost every page. Reporter the Police Reports also obtained by cnn state that witnesses and Police Officers on scene either didnt see the shooting or saw what van dyke alleged, that mcdonald raised his knife at van dyke, attempting to kill him. The release of the shooting video would later poke holes in his story. Family attorneys say that detectives, sergeants, lieutenants, were involved in the alleged intimidation of witnesses, and while the attorneys wont call it a coverup, it begs the question. If true, how high up did it go in the chain of command, and what does this mean to those involved . If these allegations could be substantiated, youre talking about not only administrative violations of policies and protocols and interviewing witnesses, speaking with them, getting the truth out of witnesses, but youre talking about potential criminal charges for manipulating witnesses, coercing witnesses, and intimidating them. Reporter the city of chicago responded in a statement saying, the Police Action surrounding this shooting are under investigation by the u. S. Department of justice for possible criminal charges and by the city Inspector General for possible disciplinary action. The public deserves answers to a number of important questions in this case and we eagerly await the findings of those investigations. Jason van dyke faces firstdegree murder charges and has pleaded not guilty. The Mcdonald Family Attorney Says hes in contact with witnesses and at least one has testified before a grand jury. Now lets make one thing very clear, no other Police Officer has been charged, but we do know that theres an ongoing federal investigation. Rosa flores, cnn, chicago. Rosa, thank you very much. We are going to talk a lot more about this with someone who intimately knows chicago and the Justice System there and the crisis that is facing the city ahead. Performance. Reimagined. Style. Reinvented. Sophistication. Redefined. Introducing the allnew lexus rx and rx hybrid. Agile handling. Available 12. 3inch navigation screen and panorama glass roof. Never has luxury been this expressive. This is the pursuit of perfection. You just heard rosa flores report on the allegations of the Chicago Police falsifying some witness accounts in the shooting death of 17yearold africanamerican Laquan Mcdonald. The Police Officer who fired 16 bullets and killed mcdonald has pleaded not guilty to a firstdegree murder charge. Lets talk more about this with Temple University assistant professor of criminal Justice Nicole gonzalez van cleave is with us, she wrote the book crook county, she used to work herself in the cook county prosecutors office. Thank you for being with me. Thank you so much for having me. To be clear, this is coming from the attorneys for the victim and the family saying that, look, some of these witnesses that saw the shooting of Laquan Mcdonald were basically bullied by officers into changing their account and making it an account that matched the officers account. What is your reaction to what they are saying is this. You know, this is a case that when i first heard it, my reaction was finally we have a case thats been caught on film. Finally, people can start breaking this code of, you know, violence and code of silence that has plagued the city and protected officers to kind of proceed in an abuse of power with prosecutors looking the other way, so many of these things did not surprise me at all. I worked at the Cook County States Attorneys Office in 1997 as a clerk, and that led to studying the criminal Justice System in cook county for over a decade, and what you saw were patterns of abuse. Prosecutors knowingly having officers kind of they call it test lying, shading cases or lying on cases, some as small as drug crimes, but in other cases, one interview that i did with a prosecutor, he says that, you know, he saw two officers and a suspect was shot and their stories didnt make sense, and every line of command when he tried to whistle blow, he was blocked and the case was taken away from him. So what i think of this is, this is kind of the worst kept secret in the nation, actually, and we need to keep looking at cook county and break up this code of silence and violence. Heres the thing, this comes at a time for chicago when you really need Law Enforcement so much, right, youre talking about so many murders, so much gun violence on the streets of chicago. The president brought it up time and time again in his cnn town hall guns in america this week. Youre so familiar with the system, how do you bridge the divide at a time when also you need to be looking inwards at the system and at that wrong doing . Right, i mean, we think a lot about, you know, Public Safety and that Police Officers are charged with, you know, Public Safety, but if policing is illegitimate, people will not feel comfortable calling the police and they dont believe they can rely on the police for safety, and we saw this. I think it was christmas where people called the police in chicago and they were shot. It was a domestic call, and thats under investigation. I mean these are the types of, you know, the broken trust between the police, you know, and the communities in cook county. The name of my book is called crook county and its not a pun i made up. The Community Calls the system, which includes the police, the prosecutors, and the judges that all look the other way, they call it crook county because they dont see the difference between the criminals, quote, unquote, on the streets and the criminality of the people that are supposed to be enforcing the law. Its a illegitimacy that needs to be handled. To be fair, its not fair to paint any organization or group or office with a broad brush, however, yes, there have been a number of allegations. So lets talk about the man at the top, the mayor, mayor Rahm Emmanuel, there have been calls for him to step down. That is not going to happen. Rahm emmanuel is not someone who walks away quietly. He has promised change. You said on this program last week that he is a, quote, mere footnote in a long, dark history in this city. What do you mean and what can he do to make things better . Well, i guess, you know, Rahm Emmanuel inherited a system that, you know, assists a criminal Justice System in his city that is defined by racial abuse. John burge, for example, tortured over 130 people, right, and that went on for decades. And prosecutors were continuing to take those cases, and some cases, you know, people were confessing under torture that reeked like war crimes and daley looked the other way and prosecuted those cases. Where is the justice . Rahm emanuel could have taken it upon himself to start to build trust with communities. He has three more years, he was just reelected. Right. And he was just reelected, yes, for sure, but it wasnt until the Laquan Mcdonald case that he really started talking about violence against communities of color and the poor. So its not just when an event explodes at you politically that its important. Its always been important to these communities. They have been victimized for decades, and the previous mayors and including rahm have not put it on the top of their political agenda. And that is where, i mean, he is a footnote, meaning he is continuing this kind of deep legacy of racism and violence that goes way back to mayor daly. You dont think its going to be any better now . You know, right now people are very angry, and the trust is breached, and, you know, the idea of crook county doesnt just paint with a broad brush the entire system, but when the public has lost confidence in its leaders, right, they need to be taken seriously. Their voices need to be taken seriously. Anita alvarez is still saying right now that she has done nothing wrong and shes adamant about that. She is saying that to chicago magazine, i have done nothing wrong. Her website says she protects victims, but what happens when the victim is quote, unquote, an unattractive victim, someone like Laquan Mcdonald, where its uncertain where he was violent or did have mental illness. He still deserved to have justice in that case. Anita alvarez cannot pick and choose. Nicole, i have to leave it there, i appreciate you coming on. Thank you very much. Thank you for having me. Coming up next, to politics, Donald Trumps taunt in iowa. In iowa, you know, you havent been good at picking the winners, folks. We have to pick a winner this time. Remember, hes trailing ted cruz in iowa. Looking at live pictures where hes speaking in clear lake, iowa. Also, hes hammering his biggest rival in the state. Well tell you all about it next. Where our next arrival is. Red carpet whoa toenail fungus . 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Stay strong. Stay active with boost®. Welcome back. You are looking at live pictures of two Major Political rallies we are keeping an eye on this hour. On the left of your screen, of course, not politically, you see donald trump speaking to a crowd in iowa just three weeks before the first in the nation caucuses. On the right of your screen, jeb bush rallying supporters in south carolina, home to the first in the south primary. Cnn politics reporter covering the trump campaign, went right after ted cruz, didnt he . Reporter thats right, poppy, never know what youre going to get at a donald trump rally. A couple of minutes ago you can see trump is still speaking behind me here in clear lake, iowa. He gave ted cruz the full birther treatment. Lets take a listen to what he said. He talked about the fact that ted cruz was born in canada and raising some questions about whether that makes him eligible to be president. So he was born in canada. Now john mccain had the same problem. The difference is, his two parents were both in the military, they were both in the military, and he was born on a military base, okay . I understand that. Its a military base, okay, what are you going to do, say mom and dad you should have taken me back home to be born, i cant run for president . He was born on a military base and i understand that. By the way, lawrence tried represented john mccain in that, he was troubled by it, bothered him, but he also understood it. He said with cruz its a problem. Now, if its a problem, they got to work it out. Because you cant give somebody a nomination i think were going to win, just so you understand. I dont want to be like a negative person and i dont want to win this way. I dont want to win this way. I want to win fair and square. Now, just a few days ago, poppy, i want to remind viewers, donald trump said i dont like this issue, i dont even like bringing it up. Clearly, hes had a change of heart. Yeah, bringing it up a lot. Well keep talking about it. Thank you so much there with trump in clear lake, iowa. Here to discuss, our cnn political commentators. Marc lamont hill, thank you both for being here. What do you make of this birther attack . I spoke to a constitutional lawyer yesterday who said it wouldnt hold up in the supreme court. Ted cruz was born to an american mother. Right. I mean, this is a creation by donald trump to just poke some kind of doubt into peoples minds about ted cruz because ted cruz was beating him in iowa. This is coming from donald trump who doesnt speak too kindly of losers, so if he loses in iowa, which its starting to look more and more like he will, then this becomes a whole different tone for him, because hes losing. So this is all distraction. And everyone knows this. Two solicitors general, both already come out and said this is not a legal issue, you know, hes eligible to be president of the United States, but its a distraction because were talking about this instead of policy, and thats where donald trump succeeds, because its all about entertainment and Conspiracy Theory instead of policy. Because he cant talk policy. Interesting point you bring up, right, mark, because states attorneys general could say were not going to put him on the ballot in the primary because were unsure of his citizenship and that could get elevated to the supreme court, so it could be more than a distraction. Is it an effective tactic . Not yet. Theres no sign that it will be. Ted cruz seems to be gaining in iowa, not losing in iowa, and donald trump at some point the bottom is going to let out of his campaign. Whether its in the primary or general election, you cant win by constantly playing to peoples fears rather than their hopes. You cant constantly call to the cheap seats and thats what donald trump has consistently done here. I didnt like birthism when it came to barack obama, plenty of reasons to critique ted cruz, birth certificate is not one of them. I say lets talk politics and issues. Donald trump is going to learn the hard way, if thats the case. Nationally lets look at this poll, new fox news poll, and nationally what youve got is 35 support there for trump. Jeb bush, hes at 4 support. To you, before we talk more about trump, whats going on with jeb bush, is it over, should he throw in the towel . He has tons of money, but look at the numbers. Money cant buy you class, money cannot convince voters to like you if they dont. Its obvious, poor jeb bush, ive been saying this a couple of months now, its over for him. A recent poll just came out to show hes losing ground with white male voters in the republican party. If you cant win them in the republican primary, its over for you. So i think were going to see jeb is going to be out right, marc . Come on. Jeb is only hanging on for a couple of reasons, one because its a bush and its embarrassing for his family legacy hes going to quit before theres even any votes, but also because he does have so much money that when campaigns dont really end, they end when you dont have anymore money and its drying up for jeb bush. He spent tens of millions of dollars on ad wars and campaigns and its done nothing, its over for jeb bush. Just started spending money on ads a week ago. Marc, most politicians would be afraid or probably not make fun of voters, but donald trump is not most politicians. Heres what he said today at a rally in iowa. And iowa, you know, you havent been good at picking the winners, folks, we have to pick a winner this time. Got to pick a winner. No, you havent been good. In fact, some people say, oh, it doesnt matter if you win iowa or not. Dont let them talk to you that way. You have not picked a lot of winners. And that will make me feel good only if i dont make it with iowa, you know that. Ill be saying that, they havent picked a winner in years. All right, but you know what, if you pick me, youre going to pick a winner, because were going to win. Im telling you. Marc, thats an interesting tactic, is it a smart tactic . Well, first, hes wrong. Barack obama won iowa, too, and i believe he became president twice. The problem isnt iowa doesnt pick winners, just doesnt pick republicans. The tactic donald trump is undertaking is an interesting one. Donald trump has an unconventional strategy. I sat here in july and august and said i guarantee his campaign will be over in october, i was wrong, many of us were wrong. Me, too. You said it on this program, my friend, you said it. We have to play it for our viewers. We need to. Donald trump is saying, look, what ive been doing has been working, i want to double down on it. The problem is, at some point voters get serious. Jeb bush knows that at some point donald trump might not be the choice. Ted cruz might not be the choice. Ben carson it appears is not the choice, at that point they might want somebody serious. I still dont think they choose jeb bush, but they could. Donald trump will continue to beat up on voters, tell them they get it wrong in the primary elections, and it works for them. Who knows. I have one minute left, i want you to weigh on this marco rubio, Chris Christie battle. That the kind of person we want to put on the stage against Hillary Clinton . I dont think so. Pat him on the head and cut his heart out. Chris has a very liberal record for republicans. Our next president needs to be someone who overturns all the damage barack obama has done to america, not continue it. 30second answer, to you, what do you make of this new battle . Well, i think this is the battle for new hampshire, Chris Christie has been gaining ground in new hampshire, spending a lot of time there, investing almost his entire campaign in new hampshire. Chris christie, im from jersey, tough guy, thats Chris Christies personality. Going after marco rubio this way, trying to make him look like hes a kid, that is a specific strategy because people think he looks young, hes not ready, so Chris Christie is not stupid. Thats why they are talking about marco rubios boots and things, trying to make him look effeminate. Its a perception, social perception creates reality. So i dont know if thats necessarily going to work, though. He could look like a bully and petty. Got to leave it there, thank you both. Always enjoy having you on. Thank you. Pleasure. While we debate who will win win the way to the white house, the current president is giving his final state of the Union Address on tuesday. Coverage begins here on cnn 7 00 p. M. Eastern. Quick break, well be right back. It was a Big Electronics show in las vegas this week, if you havent heard. The Consumer Electronics show. And the heads of all the Major Tech Companies were there, including aol ceo ted armstrong. He told me from there about what he called the most important technological revolution of our lifetime, which he claims will surpass the creation of the internet. We want to build really the most important biggest mobile Media Technology company. It was the reason we did the deal with verizon. Its the reason we did the deal to take over microsofts advertising and the reason we created Millennial Media which is one of the three top mobile advertising platforms. We really have one main vision for the future, which is that mobile and the machine, the second brain, the machine you carry around, is really going to drive everything in your life over the next two decades. And we want to be the company that delivers media on that platform. Clearly youre betting in an enormous way on mobile. Youve even gone so far, tim, as to say that mobile advertising will outpace and take over what print was and tv at their heyday, that it will be the most experiencive form of advertising ever. Really . Yes, well, mobile basically is a mirror copy of the person who is using the mobile device. As that machine gets smarter, networks get faster and content gets better. You know, for mobile, it really is, i would argue is most Important Media form in terms of our consumer. By 2020, its projected to grow between video and mobile video and mobile to almost 100 billion industry. So i think you can look forward five, ten, 15, 20 years and say its probably going to be the most important revolution in our lifetime. We thought was the internet, its probably going to be mobile . Really . If you think about it, 3 billion additional consumers coming on to the internet and directly on to mobile, really. And the second piece is that when you think about the way that advertising and media is delivered, its going from bulk to personalized and nothing is more personalalized than the machine that youre carrying around with you, and i think thats a really big opportunity. Following the 4. 4 billion acquisition of aol by verizon, a lot of people expected changes. They just didnt know what would change. Can you walk me through what has changed specifically on the content side. A lot of folks looking keenly at huffington post. Whats different now . Yeah, the biggest thing weve done is expanded internationally. If you look at the deal weve done with verizon and the deal with microsoft and with millennial, this of that is advertising focus, but a huge portion is content focused. Weve gone from being in 40 countries to over 50 countries with content and ad services. And in the content space, weve expanded dramatically on the consumer side. So we had 150 to 200 Million Consumers on our properties and around our content last year. This year were starting off with 700 million. Our goal by 2020 is to get to 12 billion consumers interacting with our content and our services. We see a very big Global Market developing. Earlier in 2015, you called any potential aol yahoo merger, deal, quote, a dead notion. That was before the recent turmoil at yahoo what would you do if you were sitting in Marisa Meyers seat right now . Last time i talked to you i said nothing was going to happen there. And i just want to, for credit, i was right. The second piece is, you know, we really have not been focused on yahoo weve been really focused on aol and having sat in a similar seat to the one that yahoo team is in in general, as i said earlier, our turnaround was filled with arduous times and a lot of need for focus. I think marisa and her team will do the job that theyre doing at yahoo and yahoo s a big, strong company, ive said that in the past. So im not really focused on yahoo im really focused on what i talked about building the mobile Media Company of the future. The cfo of verizon not too long ago suggested pretty coyly that it would look at yahoo if yahoo officially went up for sale. Are you saying, tim, that its out of the question . I think basically with any company that you asked us about or any strategy you asked us about, our job is to basically say well do whatever will make our company the strong nest the future. Right. I wouldnt comment on yahoo or topics on other companies. But i told you we have clear goals. We want to get to 2 billion consumers, and we want to get to the 20 billion of advertising in the next four or five years. So anything thats going to help us down that past is something that were going to focus on. But i would say the number one focus we have in which ive said throughout this interview is focused on aol strategy and i think we have a clear path on our own strategy. Well continue to focus on that. Tim armstrong, thank you for that. Coming up, are you feeling lucky tonight . If so, you have just a few more hours to get your powerball ticket. This is the largest jackpot, what are your chances . Iall across the state belthe economy is growing,day. With creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in the hudson valley, with world class biotech. And on long island, where great universities are creating next generation technologies. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow, today at business. Ny. Gov emotions are running high in france as a week of somber reflection continues honoring victims of two major terror attacks in 2015. Memorial ceremony was held earlier to pay tribute to the four lives lost during the attack on a kosher supermarket in paris a year ago, two days before that attack 12 people were killed in an assault on a satirical magazine charlie hebdo. It will proceed with the extradition of drugking el chapo. It confirms the United States government to request his extradition will be granted. Joaquin El Chapo Guzman is taken there into custody in the mexican state of sinoloa. Hes behind bars in the same maximum security prison he broke out of in july. And the largest lottery drawing in u. S. History takes place in, well, just about five hours time. The Powerball Jackpot is now 900 million. Theres no shortage of excitement. Were out with people hoping, hoping tonight may be their night. Reporter hey, poppy. 900 million. Its the biggest lotto jackpot ever in the u. S. Your chances of winning it, not so much. 1 in 292 million. Not so good. You have a better chance of being struck by lightning. Actually, you have a better chance of being struck by lightning while drowning instead of winning the lottery. Dont tell the people behind me buying these tickets that. One guy spent 2,000 on lotto tickets. 1,000 pieces of paper and no guarantee that hes going to win. If someone does win their takehome lump sum will equal 558 million, but thats before taxes. Still, not so shabby. You look a t t the jackpot. Its been growing since early in november. Theres been no winner. 18 drawings and no winner yet, although there is a drawing tonight. And there could be a winner to speak of in the morning. Now, there really is no tried and true way to win the lotto, but one mathematician says if you want to up your minuscule chance of winning, youre better off having the Computer Pick your numbers instead of choosing the numbers yourself. Good. Thats what i did. I let the computer choose my numbers. Im poppy harlow. Ill be back here in one hour. Well bring you a rare interview with a storytelling legend talking about his craft and his decision to walk off the stage for the final time this year. I find all of the things are fundamental in storytelling. Its what people gossip about. Its what we have to talk about. You know that voice. Garrison keillor. My conversation with him one hour from now. Before that smerconish begins right now. Im michael sher conish with lots to talk about today. Bernie sanders finally takes the offensive against Hillary Clinton by going after her husbands love life. And at Donald Trumps rally last night in muslim woman was ejected. And with the Iowa Caucuses just weeks away, new polls have ted cruz solidly in first despite new attempts to cast doubt on his u. S

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