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Salad and frankly a tossed salad veering from subject to subject but there were big news crew tons inside saying a lot about his friend and fixer, Michael Cohen, maybe more than the president s lawyers would like him to say, almost definitely more than Michael Cohens lawyers would have liked him to say. He seemed to directly contradict past public statements on this matter and he had new positions on whether he will testify in the russia probe, all of this happening as the president s pick for v. A. Secretary is out. His epa chief is about to get grilled on capitol hill. A lot going on. Our abby phillip following all of this from the white house. That was an extraordinary stream of consciousness venting we just heard from the president , abby . Reporter it really was. It was reminiscent of a trump we saw on the campaign trail calling in to Cable Television giving an interview on all matter of subjects and throwing some new curveballs in a thorny legal issue that hes involved in. The president talked at length about his personal Attorney Michael Cohen and the relationship that he has with him. Take a listen to what he had to say. Michael is a business man, hes got a business, he also practices law. I would say probably the big thing is his business and theyre looking into something having to to with his business. I have nothing to do with his business, i can tell you. How much of your legal work was handled by Michael Cohen . As a percentage of my overall legal work, a tiny fraction, but my goal would represent me and represent me on some things. He represents me like with this crazy Stormy Daniels deal. He represented me and, you know, from what i see, he it absolutely nothing wrong. There were no Campaign Funds going then why is he pleading the fifth . Because hes got other things. Hes got businesses and from what i understand theyre looking at his businesses and i hope hes in great shape but hes got businesses and his lawyers probably told him to othat, but im not involved. Reporter now this directly undercuts the argument that his lawyers have been busy making in this Michael Cohen situation. Remember, the president s lawyers have been saying that there are documents that were seized by the fbi that pertain to Attorney Client privilege between the president and cohen but the president just said in that interview that Michael Cohen did very little legal work for him and that Michael Cohen he also acknowledged that Michael Cohen handled this Stormy Daniels situation for him perhaps suggesting that he knew about cohens work on his behalf when it comes to stormy. There was a lot there. In addition to that, the president had just several weeks ago talked about his relationship with cohen and said something radically different. Listen to this. Did you know about the 130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels . Then why did Michael Cohen make this if there was no you have to ask Michael Cohen. Michaels my attorney and youll have to ask michael. Reporter the president confirmed that he was recently told as cnn has reported by Rod Rosenstein that he is not the target of the probe that resulted in that raid on cohens office and home and the president seems to be reveling in that. He repeated that assertion this morning and suggested that the legal troubles that his personal attorney is in has to do with private business dealings that he has nothing to do with, but clearly Michael Cohen is being thrown directly underneath that bus by the president , someone who just weeks ago called him my attorney, john. Abby phillip at the white house. Lets try to understand what the president just did there intentionally or unintentionally. First, the law there and what the president s lawyers and Michael Cohens lawyer might have liked or not like him to say. He just did two things there at once. Number one, he said perfectly clearly for the first time, Michael Cohen represented me in this crazy Stormy Daniels thing. He hasnt said that before. He tried to wiggle out of it on air force one there. Other than that he really didnt do much for me. Hes a business man. What kind of problems does that create . Yes, john. I think hes complicated things for himself and for Michael Cohen, so by stating that Michael Cohen represented him on the Stormy Daniels case, perhaps hes trying to shield some of the communications he had about that but by acknowledging that he may have actually known about that payoff that creates the possibility that he may now be in jeopardy of Campaign Finance laws. They dont have to go to the campaign to be a contribution, they can be an in kind contribution if its made for the purpose of benefiting the campaign and his knowledge would go to that. The other thing hes done is really directly contradict what Michael Cohen has said publicly, which also now undercuts cohens credibility which could impact him in both his criminal and civil suits. Double whammy there. Its possible, this could come up today when Michael Cohen and his lawyers appear in court. The prosecutors have repeatedly argue that had cohen doesnt have many clients and that the work he does for his current clients, the three that have been mentioned in court is minimal. They had that line in one of their filings that said, weve had access to his email, for instance, and we didnt see any communication with trump. They have repeatedly argued that his citing of Attorney Client privilege with the documents that theyve seized is overblown and trump has now aided their argument in court by saying, well, he didnt really do much work for me any way and there is i believe theres a hearing today and itll be very interesting to see if the government cites trumps own words this morning on fox and friends in bolstering their arguments. They have before. They have a history of using the president s own comments which is why you think his lawyers would say be careful when you do these interviews. The president talked about the current russia investigation. Lets listen. They have a witch hunt against the president of the United States going on. Ive taken the position and i dont have to take this position and maybe ill change, that i will not be involved with the justice department. I will wait till this is over. Its a total its all lies and its a horrible thing thats going on. Im very disappointed in my justice department, but because of the fact that its going on and i think youll understand this, i have decided that i wont be involved. I may change my mind at some point because whats going on is a disgrace. Its an absolute disgrace. So matt lewis, at the very end there after going on and saying he wouldnt make any changes, he undercuts that. He says i may change my mind. Some people could maybe interpret this as obstruction of justice, as a warning, you know, communicating through the media a warning sign to officials in the department of justice that the president their boss is not pleased and that he may fire them, that would be one interpretation. Youre right about Something Else too, the republicans, Like Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell has said theres no need for us to have any sort of legislation that would protect Robert Mueller because the president has said hes not going to get rid of them, we dont believe hell get rid of them and today on fox and friends donald trump calls into question that assumption. He says i might change my mind at some point. You can look at the record right there. Asha, i want to clean up one thing on the Michael Cohen thing. Its interesting here because the two things he did there are at odds. He said Michael Cohen represented me on Stormy Daniels, which he hasnt said directly before and also said, hes mostly just a business man. By admitting that Michael Cohen represented him on Stormy Daniels, does that then mean that there communications on that matter, if they were any, that those would be protected by Attorney Client privilege . Not necessarily. If Michael Cohen was representing him on the Stormy Daniels matter, yes, presumptivelily there would be privilege over those communications, however it really depends on how those communications took place, if he waived his privilege, for example, by sharing any of those communications with a third party, they could still be seized by the government and, if any, of those communications concern an ongoing facilitation or concealment of criminal activity or anything that could be criminal activity, then there would be an exception to the privilege. It doesnt fully protect him even if he was representing him depending on the circumstances. Ryan, you were about to jump in. Just to what he was trying to say about the justice development. It wasnt that clear. Was he trying to say when he said im not going to be involved, was that some kind of indication about whether he would sit down for an interview with mueller . What did he mean . Thats a great point. Its open for interpretation. Later he did talk about whether he would sit down with Robert Mueller. He made clear its still up for discussion. He seemed to cast a little bit of doubt on that subject. Yeah, yeah. On the one hand, was he saying im not going to be involved in the justice department, im letting them do their investigation without interfering . Or was it some kind of veiled threat . One of the other extraordinary things and i made light of it at the beginning of the broadcast today, is that President Trump told everyone that he watched james comey, the town hall with james comey with Anderson Cooper that was on cnn last night, it took place at william and mary, he said he watched. Thank you for watching. It was fascinating to see what was said there. President trump continued to go after james comey and very specifically on this one issue of how many nights he spent in russia when he was at that mission universe pageant. James comey in a memo says that the president i guess twice, i didnt even spend a night there well now this is what the president says. He didnt write those memos accurately. He put a lot of phony stuff. For instance, i went to russia for a day or so, a day or two, because i own the Miss Universe pageant, i went there to watch it because it was near moscow. I go to russia. I didnt go Everybody Knows the planes are there. He said i didnt stay there. I stayed there very short period of time. His memo said i left immediately. I never said that. I never said i left immediately. , in fact, it does appear, by the way, that he it leave very quickly after the Miss Universe pageant. The issue was the night before if you look at the flight details and the travel records and listen to people who were there. Matt lewis, what you see there is donald trump interacting realtime with the information thats coming out in this memos and it comes down to a matter of credibility on this subject. Who are you going to believe . James comey or the president . Right and neither of these two figures right now are, you know, utterly believable. I think both of them have had problems and holes poked in their story, probably james comey has the better reputation of the two, but i want to go back to something you said earlier, john, which is donald trump should not be talking about this. He should not be talking about these things publicly and there have been multiple instances where he has said things on the record that actually put him in legal jeopardy or his policies in legal jeopardy. Remember the first thing he did when he became president is the socalled muslim ban, which, you know then he layered tried to say its not a muslim ban, but guess what . He had singled out that religious group in tweets that was used against him in some of the, you know, court decisions. Right here again, donald trump by sort of parsing language, by disputing what he may or may not have said to james comey, opens himself up down the road to future problems. There was a moment during this conversation where it seemed to veer deep into this subject matter, the fox news host, lets talk about kanye. It was a way to veer him into a safer place. Matt, ryan, dont go anywhere. Asha, thank you very much. There is so much going on. A big price to pay. The president now threatening the top democratic senator on the Veterans Affairs committee after the president s nominee has dropped out of the running. Plus epa chief, scott pruitt facing a grilling on capitol hill in just minutes, will another one of the president s cabinet members face possible doom. At t provides edgetoedge intelligence, covering virtually every part of your manufacturing business. So this wont happen. Because youve made sure this sensor and this machine are integrated. She can talk to him, yes. Atta, boy. 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You could save 782 when liberty stands with you. Liberty mutual insurance. Dr. Ronny jackson, the president s physician who was his nominee to be the next secretary of Veterans Affairs has pulled out. Backed off now the nomination, he will not be the nominee. The president is blaming what he calls obstructionist democrats for this, this after a number of allegations against dr. Jackson came to light and came to light through the top democrat on the Veterans Affairs Committee John tester. Listen to what the president said about senator tester. For tester to bring up stuff like candsy man and the kind of things he was saying and then say, these are just statements that are made, theres no proof of this and he has a perfect record. Hes got this beautiful record, unblemished. I think john tester has to have a big price to pay in montana once again, matt lewis with me. Dr. Jackson has withdrawn his nomination, which is big news this morning given how it all unfolded and there is still we dont know for sure whether these allegations against interest jackson are true. We know theyre made by multiple sources. We know they come out from john tester on this committee. We know the republicans on the committee delayed the confirmation process. Its very confusing at this point. Matt lewis, do you think making it political and saying john testers doing it for political reasons and that will hurt him, do you think that will have legs . Not really, no. I think that this is donald trump maybe trying to salvage something, maybe there could be some political gain in the u. S. Senate from this but basically as a national story, i dont think it resonates, because i dont think that this nominee was actually qualified for the job. I dont even know, if any, of these latest allegations are legitimate or not and they may, in fact, not be. Who knows. I do know that Ronny Jackson was not actually qualified to run the v. A. I think that in and of itself is, you know, deserves him to have withdrawed. In a sense, ryan, you can make the case as deflecting here, the president s deflecting on john tester because whether we dont know whether these allegations are true, we do know he wasnt vetted by the white house. If theyre not true, the white house didnt do him any favors. One, this is trumps fault. If youre going to nominate someone into the meat grinder of partisan politics in washington, do some vetting so you dont embarrass the person and embarrass yourself. I think trump has a point that the way that tester released this negative information in a press release with a lot of very, very serious anonymous accusations, that doesnt seem to me the way the process should work. The senate has a job in vetting these candidates. To do it the way he did outside of the formal process, that seemed unfair to the nominee. This guys now going back to work in the white house. I can read you a tweet. It says, this is from ivanka trump is a man of exceptionally character and intellect. We look forward to continue to see his warm smile each day at the white house. These allegations were very much about his Job Performance in the white house, about how he managed the office and really serious allegations about, you know, misconduct on the job and i dont know if its the navys responsibility now to look into that or if congress will continue to do it, but it does seem that enough stuff has been raised that, you know, the president s physician has some pretty serious allegations against him, that does seem like the sad thing here too is that this is yet another example of donald trump actually taking somebody who had a pretty sterling reputation. This guy was highly respected and regarded by president s obama and bush and i think in washington, d. C. , well thought of and now his reputation is in tatters, thats what happens. For some reason donald trump has this reverse midas effect on people that he interacts with and in some cases he is promoting people that are not qualified for the jobs because he likes them. He wanted his personal pilot to head the faa. This is a pattern of donald trump promoting people who are not qualified. Its a disservice to them. Youre not doing people a favor when you do it. Key midas in reverse, by the way, is a song by graham nash. The president in the white house made it seem like it was dr. Jackson that made this decision during this interview earlier this morning, he made clear he was thinking it would go this way for a while. Listen. I think well have somebody great, somebody thats more, you know look, the admiral is not a politician, which is what i like, by the way. Is your nominee somebody in politics right now . Somebody with political capability, yeah. So, the president obviously knew this was coming has someone else in mind, somebody with political capability. Matt lewis and ryan thank you for being with us. Were Just Moments Away from hearing from epa scott pruitt, a hearing on capitol hill, both democrats and republicans, they have a lot of questions for him on a long list of spending and ethics scandals. Well speak to one congressman who will be doing the questioning next. Were also moments away from the opening bell. Stick around. Lets get started. Show of hands. Who wants customizable options chains . Ones that make it fast and easy to analyze and take action . How about some of the lowest options fees . Are you raising your hand . Good then its time for power e trade the platform, price and service that gives you the edge you need. Alright one quick game of rock, paper, scissors. 1, 2, 3, go. E trade. The original place to invest online. Come fly with me, lets fly, lets fly away. Im the one clocking in. 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The administrator will be hammered on his long list of ethics, possible ethics violations. Cnn renee marsh on capitol hill. Reporter it will not be a walk in the park for scott pruitt. This hearing is supposed to focus on epas budget but a large chunk will be about tough questions on scott pruitt, those ethical questions you mentioned as well as other scandals. Were talking about that sweetheart deal from the lobbyist for that condo that he lived in for short peered, violating spending laws, violating a privacy pod within his office for 43,000, of course his first class flights as well as the 24 7 security. Ive been speaking to democrats and republicans here on capitol hill and they say that he should expect tough questions from both sides. Really, john, this hearing could be a moment where we see the erosion of gop support for scott pruitt on full display. It is interesting to know that pruitt, he actually denied the white house of giving him any prep for this hearing. He said no, thank you to that. It is cnn white house correspondents reporting that essentially they feel as if there are people within the administration who are working actively to get rid of him and so he said, no thank you, when they offered help in prepping for this hearing. It is also interesting to note that despite all the controversies that scott pruitt has been facing, hes been able to hang on to his job. We will be paying close attention to not so much what the democrats are asking him, but the tone and the questions from republicans, to see if the tide has indeed turned for scott pruitt, his hearing will get under way in just about 30 minutes from now and then this afternoon, he has another hearing. Back to you. Renee marsh on capitol hill. Thank you. Joining me now paul tonka whos a member of that committee. Thanks for being with us. You have already called on scott pruitt to resign even before this hearing, is there anything he could say in his testimony that would make you change your mind . Well, john, there was concern expressed by many of us via a letter that was sent and called for his resignation. I wish we could spend most of our time this morning talking about the huge profound cuts to epa, the lack reducing the opportunity and the ability of the agency to respond to the needs of communities, to children and families across our country, to protect this countrys environment, to provide for clean air and safe water and a sound environment, but the top of the equation, the very top, the leadership of this agency, brings many causes and concerns about his performance. There is this growing number of reports, an avalanche of reports about an abuse of power, unethical behavior, misconduct, disregard for the taxpayers money and certainly not embracing the Mission Statement of the agency and, really, resorting to a terrible outcome and so thats what well have to focus on here and whether he can respond in a way that will turn our thinking around, these charges are very strong, theyre very severe and would declare him unfit for this role. Internal epa documents indicates that the administrator might try to blame his staff for some of the things that have gone on, will that answer the questions to you . Well, basically, hes in charge. Hes the head of the agency. Whoever reports to him, that chain of command it ends and it begins with him and if there was this mismanagement, if there was this failure, it really falls on to his plate. There is apparently now some space between the administrator and the white house. The Administrators Office apparently is worried that the white house is trying to undercut him or create some distance there. The white house, you know, not giving full throated support to the administrator here. Do you see that space from where you sit, all tuberculosis a democratic Vantage Point in the house but is it something you witnessed . No. Quite honestly the air has been clouded and congested with all sorts of discord and reviews and lack of vetting, appropriate vetting and what were calling for here is a accountability, transparency, transparency soundness of leadership for an agency that is bearing great responsibility, not just for our generation but generations to come, and so its important that we have the right leadership. Its clear you have two issues with the administrator, number one, his policy. Number two, the ethics issues, though. Are you just using the ethics issues to try to undercut him because you disagree with his policy . No. He gets to pick the people he puts in positions. Basically, i think that both are very valid concerns but were not masking our concern for his lack of leadership and lack of embracing the epa Mission Statement. We have very serious concerns about his mismanagement. His ability to help some in this case, polluters rather than addressing the public good and Public Health documents, so we think hes bringing an imbalance to the job so thats very critical, but also i think the efforts, the problematic efforts to build a stronger environment is an important part of the equation and we want facts and science to be regarded, not disregarded. Do you anticipate that you will have republicans pressing him on the ethics issues, the ethics questions as well . At some point i got to believe that no matter what your political persuasion is, you see the failure here. The mismanagement of funds you know, the use of the tax dollar, public tax dollar to benefit your own growth, your own your own comfort zone, rather than working in a way that responds to the public advocacy that is so required at epa, to have the sound management. Weve made great progress. We have to go forward and make certain that these sweetheart deals where you get condos at a bargain price from a lobbyist that appears before the agency are not the outcome. Theres a lot of cloud here that needs to be undone and were going to start with that whole ethics review. We want ethical behavior at the top, the very top and we want the soundness of embracing the policies and Mission Statement of the epa. Congressman, im not sure if you had a chance to listen to the president of the United States. He did a rather long interview this morning where he talked about a number of subjects, among them his fixer and friends, Michael Cohen, who he now says did represent him on the Stormy Daniels matter but mostly is just a businessman and the president has nothing to do with his businesses. Does that answer the questions that you might have about his relationship with Michael Cohen . Not fully. I think theres a lot of drilling going on by mr. Mueller. I think we should let that go. We need to make certain that that drilling should continue for the sake of not only us in the present moment but generations to come. We need to learn from this and we need to have all the facts at our fingertips. Congressman, great to have you with us. Well be watching that hearing very closely. Thank you so much, john. A big day internationally as well. Just hours away from the first meeting of the two korean leaders in many, many years. President trump gives new details of the cia director secret meeting with kim jongun. Poor mouth breather. Allergies . Stuffy nose . Cant sleep . Take that. A breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. [ drum roll ]. Emily lapier from ames, iowa. This is emilys third nomination and first win. Um. So, just. Wow um, first of all, to my fellow nominees, it is an honor sharing the road with you. And of course, to the progressive snapshot app for giving good drivers the discounts no, i have to say it for giving good drivers the discounts they deserve. Safe driving for giving good drivers the discounts they deserve. Whats going on here . Um. Im babysitting. Thatll be 50 bucks. You said 30. Yeah, well it was 30 before my fees, like the pizzaordering fee and the dogsitting fee. And the rummage through your closet fee. Are those my heels . Yeah yeah, were the same size. In shoes. With tmobile taxes and fees are already included, so you get four unlimited lines for just 40 bucks each. You might or joints. Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. President trump and Emmanuel Macron have tried to launch new talks with iran and fast on the heels of the state visit. Emmanuel macron told reporters, theres a big risk that President Trump will pull out of the deal aimed at stopping iran from Building Nuclear weapons despite macrons best effort to keep that deal in fact. The side deal that President Trump wants would address issues beyond Nuclear Weapons including missile tests and possible carry the weight of a formal treaty. Joining me now, former new mexico governor, former u. N. Ambassador, bill richardson. Thanks so much for being with us. Any chance that iran would sit back down at the table and negotiate a new deal as President Trump seems to be suggesting right now . Well, i think theres a very small chance and that would be probably on missiles, probably because germany and france would lean heavily on iran and iran doesnt want any of their compensation from sanctions to diminish. Theres a slight chance, but my worry is that if we get out of the iran deal, its going to effect kim jongun. Hes going to say, how can i make a deal with the United States and another president can overturn it . So theres a lot riding on this decision the president has to make on may 12th right before the kim jongun summit. Well talk about kim jongun in just a minute there. What do you think would be the immediate practical effect if on may 12th, the United States says, the president says hes pulling out of the deal . Would it be all of a sudden he puts new sanctions on various parts of businesses, would iran immediately start trying to develop Nuclear Weapons again or would there be a period of i dont know a quasi calm . I think theres another option the president has and that is to postpone the decision for four months. Under the agreement this can happen. This would be the best outcome. In other words, wait to see for the kim jongun summit and then look at the issue again in four months and im sure the president will issue a lot of demands in those four months. That may be the best outcome. Unclear whether or not he wants it. Emmanuel macron does not think hes going that way. He thinks the president will pull out in just a few weeks. Let me play you something the president said just a few moments ago. This has to do with north korea and mike pompeos meeting with kim jongun. Listen. Mike pompeo did go there. He wasnt supposed to meet with kim jongun, but he did. You know, they arranged actually while he was there to say hello. We have incredible pictures of the two talking and meeting, which id love to release, if we can, id just do that. Was it just a hello, mr. President . No. They were with each other for more than an hour. They spoke and he also spoke with his counter parts in north korea. They had a great meeting. He then left. It was very, very secret, very, very quiet. Its much more than weve known right now than what weve known in that meeting. Based on your vast experience in these types of things, is that what should be happening heading up to the president ial meeting . Yeah, that is a good sign. When you go to north korea you dont know who youre meeting with. They usually give you a list that has lower level individuals and then suddenly, if they want to send you a message or the meeting is going well, you meet with a higher level person. Kim jongun, since he doesnt meet with anybody, except lately, that is a good sign, so im encouraged by that. Means that he is personally leading the negotiations, not leaving it to underlings and a nuclear negotiator. Thats a good sign. 20 seconds left, governor. The two koreas, the leaders meet within the next 24 hours. Whats your expectation out of this meeting . Well, a lot of ceremony scripted but i think lets watch what north korea asks for. They probably will be vague on denuclearization. They probably will want to get south korea on their side on trade concessions, on sanctions, saying to south korea, help us out on sanctions. Theyll to some human rights talk, family reunification, which is good. The big enigma is going to be can kim jongun go from International Pariah to International Statesman and hes moving in the right direction. It should be an interesting summit, but, its really the prelude to the main event which is President Trump and kim jongun. We will be watching that very closely. Thank you so much for being with us. Thank you. 72yearold expolice officer facing two capital murder charges in california today. Authorities believe that is a tiny fraction of the horrors committed by joseph james deangelo. Is alleged to be the infamous Golden State Killer responsible for dozen murders and 50 rapes. He was arrested after Police Matched dna from his home to crime scene evidence. We found the needle in the haystack and it was right here in sacramento. For the 51 ladies who were brutally raped in this crime scene sleep better tonight. He isnt coming through the window. Hes now in jail and hes history. Hes being held without bail in sacramento pending arraignment tomorrow. The president s pick to the Veterans Affairs secretary withdraws his nomination, launches into a fierce defense of Ronny Jackson, best selling author, fiction extraordinaire chief jake tapper joins us next. 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Between running a business and four kids, were busy. Knowing that usaa will always have my back. Thats just one less thing you have to worry about. We are the cochran family, and well be usaa members for life. All right, the presidnts embattled pick to be secretary is out. And the president talking about it this morning. Listen. He would have done a great job. Did you he has a tremendous heart. These are all false accusations. These are false theyre trying to destroy a man. By the way, i did say welcome to washington. Welcome to the swamp. Welcome to the world of politics. Sure. But for john tester to start bringing up stuff like candy man, and the kind of things he was saying, and then say, well, you know, these are just statements that are made, there is no proof of this. Here with me to discuss, host the lead and bestselling author, jake tapper. I find the case of dr. Ronny jackson to be extremely curious on several fronts here. President trump says welcome to washington. I think it is different than most things we have seen there. All these things come to light despite the glowing things that had been said before. We dont know if theyre true, but they seem to be corroborated by multiple sources. What is really going on here . Is this a case that the president at a certain level, the white house should have known these allegations at least existed . Yeah, look, this is the consequence of governing by gut. President trump nominated rear admiral jackson, he liked him, liked his performance at the press conference, and he thought he could do a good job. Based not on admiral jacksons ability to preside over a large bureaucracy, any experience, but just that he liked him. The administration sent up the nomination without the vetting that needs to be done. I get President Trumps desire to disrupt. And i get the idea and actually agree with him that washington, d. C. Should rethink the way we look at deploying troops or rethink the way we look at negotiating trade deals. But the establishment does do some things well. One of the things is you do your homework, you vet people, and you check out their record. On capitol hill, democrats and republicans on the Senate Veteran affairs committee, they got his nomination, started doing research on him, research that the white house should have done. It wasnt just democrats that sandbagged this nomination, it was democrats and republicans with serious concerns. And, again, like you, i dont know if the charges are true. Thats a lot of people saying a lot of negative things and theyre not just people off the street, people that work with admiral jackson, now a question, well, how did he get through the obama years without the glowing reports. Should he be back in the white house, the white house position, if any of these things are true, you bring up a good point, you cant vet and disrupt at the same time. What brings you to new york today say wonderful thing. It is your new book, the hell fire club, a work of fiction, i had a chance to read, i really, really did enjoy it. Youve been an early supporter. Talks about the 50s and politics and goes into a period that is fascinating. What i love about it is while this happened, you know, 60, 70 years ago, there are direct ties to today including linkage of actual characters. Roy cohen. He was the protege of senator joseph mccarthy. Theyre characters in the book. In real life, roy cohen went on to become a mentor to donald trump. There is a connective tissue. There is a connective thematic tissue in the sense that joe mccarthy was a disrupter. He went into washington to upset a lot of apple carts. And how did it end for him . Not so great. Not so hot. Because by the same way that i think establishment washington is trying to figure out how to deal with donald trump, the disruptive part that is positive as well as the disruptive part that is negative, the lying and the smearing, which mccarthy did as well ultimately caught up with him and one other interesting parallel, mccarthy and cohen were incredibly loyal to each other, the way you see donald trump and Michael Cohen be loyal to each other, that ended up being the undoing of mccarthy and cohen. Their loyalty ended up paving the way for people to destroy them. The book is the hell fire club, read it for education, not just on the 1950s, but washington and maybe now as well. Thank you. Moments from now, scott pruitt faces a grilling from house lawmakers. How will he defend really the questions and the scandals that have embroiled his tenure. If youd have told me three years ago. That wed be downloading in seconds, what used to take. Minutes. That guests would compliment our wifi. 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