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Reporter thats right, john. It has been six days since rob porter first resigned. There has been a myriad of questions over the white houses handling of this and which officials knew about the allegations long before they became public. But now were also getting a lot of questions as to where the president truly stands on this issue because if you look at his public statements, hes been very dismissive of the allegations and defensive of rob porter, but aides say the president is actually quite critical of rob porter in private, calling him a sick puppy, but now aides are wondering why there are those two different conflicting stances from the president , one in public, and one in private. And aides are telling me theyre wondering where the president true ly stands on this issue. And if so hes critical of porter in private, why is he not making that sentiment made public in his tweets and in his remarks . So those questions are surfacing, those questions also about how the chief of staff john kelly handled all of this, even though several top aides were on television yesterday defending him, and saying the president has confidence in not only him, but also the Communications Director hope hicks, who is romantically involved with porter. All of these questions really engulfing the white house here as we stretch into a new week, john. And were going to see the president here in the next hour and well be watching to see if he has anything new to say about rob porter and the disturbing allegations. Kaitlan collins for us at the white house. Again, we will hear from the president in a bit. Well bring you there live when it happens. Joining us now is democratic congressman don byer of virginia, thank you for being with us. Kellyanne conway was on television with cnn yesterday. And this is how she justifies what happened inside the white house when it comes to rob porter. Lets listen. I think people should look at the result as to how this is handled. What is the result . The result is that one week ago rob porter was a top aide to President Trump and today hes out of the white house. Rob porter, hes gone. Case closed. Is that the end of the story for you . No, it cant be. We have to be concerned. The white House Counsel don mcgann knew about the allegations a year ago. John kelly was informed by the counsel back in the fall when he inquired about the interim security clearance. It is amazing they let this go on for so very long. And it is also amazing that both hope hicks and chief of staff kelly were very much defending rob porter at the very beginning. Amazing how and why and to what end. Amazing from a societal standpoint that they knew someone accused of Domestic Abuse was in there or amazing because of security concerns over the fact that rob porter could not and apparently was never going to get full security clearance. Never going to get. And it raises all the other people that are there with intim security clearances including jared kushner. On both sides, how can you tolerate having somebody there with these obvious serious Domestic Abuse allegations and also how do you give him access to top secret information, at the right hand of the president. Were hearing from the white house this morning, our reporter kaitlan collins, saying the president has been calling rob porter a sick puppy behind closed doors today. Condemning him in his actions behind closed doors. Yet publicly saying something different. How do you explain that . There is a lot of inconsistenc inconsistencies. One thing that probably has been most concerning was the president s very defensive tweets over the weekend about due process and how just because youve been accused doesnt mean youre guilty, which is true. But when you get this preponderance of evidence, whether it is a Senate Candidate in alabama or a secretary to the president , you have to take it seriously. Should john kelly go, the chief of staff . Should the president fire john kelly . I think so. If you were my chief of staff, i would let him go. When you add up all the other things, calling the dreamers lazy, false allegations about congressman frederica wilson, civil war failure to compromise, there are too many bad things through the hes been saying and doing. This i think is the straw that breaks the camels back. Do you see john kelly as someone who brought order to the white house . People look at kelly as someone who changed the way at least the systems work inside. It is both. It is more orderly and yet it is still a white house in chaos. It may not be totally his fault. But i think were seeing real character issues with john kelly too, and certainly a lack of judgment keeping rob porter close to we are was. Infrastructure plan is being unveiled shortly, we will hear from the president in just a few minutes. 1. 5 trillion total, but really it is 200 billion in federal funding. Is this something where you think that democrats should work with the white house on . Yes. Although it is not real credible so far. The president promises to slash transit funding everywhere, which is incredibly important for our cities. And after we added 1. 5 trillion minimum in the tax cut, and blew it up again with the budget deal over the weekend, how are we really going to find any more money, how much more debt do we have to put the American People in . We have to come up with a credible Revenue Source to pay for infrastructure and that does seem something that the president is willing to do. Gas tax, would you support a gas tax . Absolutely. I think the American People will too. Because theyll be getting so much more back. Not just the infrastructure we need, but putting the people who most need jobs back to work too. Immigration will get to the senate floor tonight. Mitch mcconnell promised an open debate and apparently this is going to happen. We do not know yet what this will look like. We do not really know what the first thing proposed and debated will be. What are you counting on from your Senate Colleagues . My assumption is that what comes over from the senate will probably be a reasonable compromise. You know, have to get 60 votes. And it will be something that most House Democrats and republicans can live with. The fear is that paul ryan wont put the senate bill on the floor. Hes likely to put something much more punitive, Something Like the goodlatte bill, which looks like it was written by steven miller. Thats what were likely to see. Thats one of the reasons why so Many Democrats voted no on the funding bill last week, because we thought it was the only leverage we had to get a good immigration bill in the house. But what could you could you accept some funding for the wall . Yes, i think so. I dont think 20 billion . I dont know what the number is, but i think democrats are willing to compromise. They just dont want to see something that is so whole heartedly punitive on the immigration policy we had the last 50 years. Diversity lottery, could you accept changes to that . Changes, yes. Elimination, no. If you totally eliminate the diversity lottery, then people from the less affluent countries, especially i think s subsaharan africa, will never have a chance to come to the united states. Do you trust Chuck Schumer to negotiate a good deal on behalf of democrats. This has been an issue for House Democrats who have not liked the deals cut by schumer on some of these issues . I do trust him. I think the deal he negotiated last week on the budget with the discretionary domestic spending was a very good deal for democratic values. So, yeah, i think we should give him the benefit of the doubt. I certainly think that hes in a better position to get a moderate immigration bill than we are with this 240 to 190 ratio in the house. Well watch very closely what happens there tonight. Congressman don beyer of virginia, thank you for being with us. Happening right now, the obamas, back on the public stage. Youre looking at live pictures. This is the unveiling of their official portraits that will hang inside the National Gallery. Cnns kate bennett standing by with what were seeing right now. Kate . So, john this is probably the most anticipated unveiling of president ial portraits and first lady portraits we had so far to date. The obamas picked really contemporary artists to paint their portraits for former president Barack Obamas painting. He chose kahinda wily who mainly depicts africanamerican men in the poses of the old masters. He juxtaposes contemporary culture with former heroic poses. Here were seeing Michelle Obama come to the stage. She selected the woman there in the glasses, amy sherlold. Here comes the former president barack obama. So cheerily, not just were anxious to see them, but the art world has really been very anxious to see these very different president ial portraits. I think you bring up a great point here, kate. As were watching this live unfold before our very eyes here, it is an interesting political moment because we just dont hear from the former president and first lady all that much, particularly not in washington, d. C. , just down the street from the white house, but artistic artistically, these are fascinating. Likely to be very different kinds of official portraits. Very interesting to see. Were so used to seeing portraits that look lifelike, right . Like the goal of portraits is to look like the person. We saw that in george bush, we saw that in the clintons. And this is going to be very different, wily paints with wallpaper backgrounds and bold colors and sherold, the subjects she paints in gray scale, she says to remove the color of her subjects so we see them just as the people they are. So there is an underlying hint there of social justice as well. As you said, this is really going to be a very marked difference in these president ial portraits that will hang in the National Portrait gallery here in washington. All right, kate, stand by. Were going to take a quick break. When we come back, well see these portraits for the very first time and we will also hear from the former president and former first lady. We dont hear from them much. This will be fascinating. Stick around. Hey, need fast heartburn relief . Try cool mint zantac. It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. 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Thats the secretary of the Smithsonian David sporten. Behind him, people you may recognize. Former president barack obama, former first lady Michelle Obama. This is the official unveiling of their official portraits that will hang in the National Gallery. We will see the portrait of Michelle Obama any second. And then both the former first lady and former president will speak. That unusual in and of itself. We dont hear from them much, particularly not in washington so close to the white house. We will bring you there, the minute that happens. Were going to keep our eye on this throughout the morning. The portraits, by the way, also fascinating from artistic perspective as well. The Young Artists who have painted these notable and different you know what, i think were about to see the portrait. Take a look. [ applause ] we will hear from Michelle Obama now. Good morning, everyone. Lets just start by saying, wow, again. Let me just take a minute. It is amazing. Wow. How are you all doing . It is a pleasure and an honor to be here in this Beautiful Museum with all of you today. Let me start, of course, by thanking secretary sporten and kim for their remarks and for their outstanding leadership and everything they have done to support us, to support the arts over these many, many years. I also want to recognize all of our dear friends and colleagues and our team members and family who are here with us today, too many to mention. Joe and i know jills in traffic. Thank you. Thank you, all, for being here. We love you. Hi mom. Whats going on . What do you think . Pretty nice, isnt it . I see so many people that i could thank, people who have been with us on this journey. We love you all. Thank you for taking the time. I have to tell you that as i stand here today, with all of you, and look at this amazing portrait that will hang among so many iconic figures, i am a little overwhelmed to say the least. I have so many thoughts and feelings rolling around inside of me now. I am humbled. I am honored. Im proud. But most of all i am so incredibly grateful to all the people who came before me in this journey. The folks who built the Foundation Upon which i stand. As you may have guessed, i dont think there is anybody in my family who has ever had a portrait done, let alone a portrait that will be hanging in the National Gallery. At least as far as i know, mom. But all those folks who helped me be here today, theyre with us physically and they are with us in spirit. Im thinking about my grandparents. Rebecca and pernell shields, south side, as he is known now throughout the nation. Livan and Frazer Robinson junior. They were all intelligent, highly capable men and women. They have the kind of talent and work ethic that usually destines people for greatness. But their dreams and aspirations were limited because of the color of their skin. Im, of course, thinking about my dad, Frazer Robinson iii. Man who sacrificed everything to give me and my brother opportunities he never dreamed for himself. And, of course, im thinking about my mommy, marion robinson, who is sitting in the front row, supporting us like she has always done. Always putting herself last on her list so that he she could give me and craig and our children everything that makes today possible. Im also thinking about all of the young people, particularly girls and girls of color who in years ahead will come to this place and they will look up and they will see an image of someone who looks like them, hanging on the wall, of this Great American institution. Yeah. [ applause ] and i know the kind of impact that will have on their lives. Because i was one of those girls. And when i think about those future generations and generations past, i think, again, wow, wow, what an incredible journey we are on together in this country. We have come so far. And, yes, as we see today, we still have a lot more work to do, but we have every reason to be hopeful and proud. And i am truly grateful to have had the opportunity to stand alongside my husband and play a very small part in that history and in that future. But im even more proud of the extraordinary woman and artist who made this portrait possible. Amy sherald. [ applause ] i have more to say about you, girl. Now, barack and i have the privilege of considering a number of outstanding portraitists and i want to thank bill allemann, them ma goldman, michael smith, our team, we love you guys, i know youre out there, who guided us every step of the way. There you go. Of course i could see you guys. But thank you. They guided us through every step of the way, through this process. We never could have done this without you, because you not only know your craft and all these folks, but you know us intimately, you knew what we were looking for and what we wanted to say. So thank you, three, the dynamic trio. And with their help, we narrow down the field to a few key artists who barack and i then interviewed. And each of these artists had to walk into the oval office, yikes, and i almost wanted to start off each conversation by apologizing for putting them through this process. I mean, just to get this job they had to come to the white house, to the oval office, and get grilled by the president and first lady. Im sorry. Im so sorry. So it wasnt lost on us how unnerving this experience was for each and every one of them. When amy came in, and it was her turn, i have to admit that i was intrigued. I was intrigued before she walked into the room. I had seen her work and i was blown away by the boldness of her colors and the uniqueness of her subject matter. So i was wondering who is this woman . And she is so cute too. And then she walked in, and she was fly and poised and i wanted to stare at her for a minute. She had this lightness and freshness of personality. She was hip and cool in that totally expected, unexpected kind of way. And within the first few sentences of our conversation, i knew she was the one for me and maybe it was the moment she came in and she looked at barack and said, mr. President , im really excited to be here, and i know im being considered for both portraits, she said, but mrs. Obama, she physically turned to me, and she said, im really hoping that you and i can work togeth together. And after that, she and i, we started talking and barack kind of faded into the wood work and, you know, there was an instant connection that kind of sister girl connection i had with this woman and that was true all the way through the process. Which is a good thing, because when someone is doing your portrait, they spend hours staring at you. Yikes. It is very intimate, the experience. So you really have to trust the person and feel comfortable enough to let yourself go. And amy made that possible for me. We had that connection. So today, i want to thank amy for being willing to put herself through this process. Especially after it was leaked, i just felt for you, girl. You know, to have to do that, right . To paint a portrait of michelle and barack obama is like cooking thanksgiving dinner for strangers. Everybody has an idea of what thanksgiving dinner is supposed to taste like. The dressing that you love is the dressing that you love. You dont want other stuff in it. And thats what it is like. People people know what they feel and think and how they see us. So amy had to interpret that and do it under the spotlight. So i can only imagine that it has been a little stressful for her. But she has handled it with all with remarkable poise and grace, which i think tells you a lot about who she is. She is obviously a woman of extraordinary talent. And it is thrilling to see her getting the recognition she deserves with all of the awards, the calls from museums and buyers lining up to purchase her work. But even more important, amy is a woman of extraordinary character and strength. Her path has been strewn with obstacle after obstacle. She faced life threatening medical conditions of her own. She has made tremendous sacrifices to care for the people she loves. She has endured the heart break of losing some of those that she has loved and all through it she kept going. All along she stayed faithful to her gifts. She refused to give up on what she had to offer to the world. And as a result, she is well on her way to distinguishing herself as one of the great artists of her generation. It was a total joy. [ applause ] it was a total joy to work with you, amy. I am so pleased and honored and proud of you. So it is my honor to introduce amy to all of you today. The woman who created this beautiful portrait, amy sherald. [ applause ] youve been listening to Michelle Obama, the former first lady, at the unveiling of her first portrait. Her reaction was wow, wow, when she saw it. It is a fascinating beautiful work of art by the artist amy sherald who paints in gray tones when she has africanamerican subjects. She likes to say it is her subversive comment on race and she gets to include the viewer as well in that comment. Look at that right there. Joining me now to talk about this and the news of the day, matt pfizer, Alice Stewart and brian fallon. Alice, first to you, Michelle Obama noted shes the first person in her family that had a portrait that will hang in the National Gallery. I think all of us could say the same thing about that. She also noted the fact that young girls, particularly girls of color, can now go to the National Gallery, look up and see someone who looks like them hanging on the walls there. And thats a tremendous legacy for her to have. And one thing that i disagree with what she said, she said she had a small part in the success of this administration. She had a huge part in the success of this administration with her program she worked on herself, and also the support that she gave to the president was just tremendous. And i think it is phenomenal that they have someone to paint them, someone they were comfortable with, someone they knew would capture who they were. I was involved in the portrait process for governor huckabee and nancy harris was the artist. She followed us around for quite some time and virtually moved to little rock to get the painting done and it is a very personal process. And it was great to hear Michelle Obama talk about how they were able to have this rapport, which really comes out in the portrait. It is really beautiful painting. You know, brian fallon, like all of us, because we cover so much politics, i was listening very carefully to see if there was any subtle message that the former first lady would make there. I did pick up on one sentence and really one sentence only. She said, as we sit here today, we have a lot more work to do. She was saying. I wonder if in the context of what were seeing in washington today she was trying to send a message there. I dont know, john. I think even if Hillary Clinton were president today, i think she might have the same observation because i think the obamas throughout the eight years of the historic presidency were always well aware that as huge and historic a step as Barack Obamas election represented, the country still has a ways to go with tackling the problem of institutional racism. And so i think that it is always refreshing to see the obamas out there. It is a reminder we dont need to live like this. Dont need to be part of this white knuckled resistance where we wake up to some new headache. And it is a reminder that we can have a president and first lady we as a country regardless of party are proud of and carry themselves with grise and dace dignity and a sense of purpose. They have kept a low profile because theyre not trying theyre trying to abide by the president of letting the next person do the job. But i think some of the commentary there is unspoken with just the way they present themselves. Well hear from former president obama shortly as we get to see his portrait for the first time, very different type of artist in a very different take. Well see i think i stretched the limits of our abilities as art critics here. Ill shift back to politics for a moment to talk about where we are today. Well hear from the current president , President Trump very shortly, as he unveils his infrastructure plan and holds a meeting. But this comes as there are growing questions from his own staff about the message that hes been sending the last few days about Domestic Abuse. Yeah. It is sort of remarkable the different messages that we get. There is messages that he is concerned with john kelly, and his reaction to rob porter. But President Trump himself both on friday, in comments and on saturday in his tweets, was defending rob porter. In his own reaction was similar to the one that john kelly had had. So i think that the fact that the story dragged on for so long on a staffer who a week ago probably most americans had not heard of is an indication of how the white house mishandled this on a week where they want to start and get momentum on some of their other priorities with the senate starting debate on immigration, with the president trying to unveil an immigration plan and budget, all talk still around rob porter, which is how mishandled the situation has been for the white house. And, again, were looking now, this is the secretary of the smithsonian introducing the portrait of president obama that will be unveiled any second. As soon as president obama stands up and walks over, we will take that for you and bring it to you live. Lets stick on the obamas for a second if we can. Brian, quickly, we are in 2018, the election season is more or less upon us. Maybe more than less even all these months in advance. How much do you see him being involved . I think that the demand for him will be intense. The question will be how much does he decide to put himself out there . I think hes always been a president that has a great sense of history. And i think his actions as president were always guided by trying to project into the future about how historians judge his actions. He was proud of the fact he didnt live by the i did to day news cycles and make determinations based on those considerations. I think how hes conducting himself in this post presidency, hes doing so with an eye to history. I dont think that i dont think hell be out there as much as, say, bill clinton was, bill clinton in his post presidency was a permanent fixture. I think president obama is finding a way to make a contributing contribution to the work of his foundation, he certainly is highly involved in the redistricting project that eric holder is standing up. But it remains to be seen exactly how much hell take to the stump and be seen, put himself in the scenario where hes seen as actively challenging and taking on donald trump. Alice stewart, from your perspective, from the republican perspective, if youre running a campaign, you know, are you afraid when former president obama comes to town . I think it would be something that would be troubling. Because he is so well liked. Hes someone that people connect with, that is how he was elected president. Thats how he was reelected president. Hes someone that people when it comes to the main thing that is the most important for any political candidate is their ability to connect, that is barack obama. And if he were able to go out in the stump for any democrat candidate and throw his weight and support behind someone alice, alice, lets take a look right now. This is the official portrait of president obama. Striking portrait, thats kehinde wiley, the artist there, known for his vibrant colors as you can see, also known for drawing his subjects ain sort o classic poses. Really very interesting to see with the lush background there as well. Lets listen. Good morning, everybody. It is wonderful to see all of you. How about that . Thats pretty sharp. It is my great honor to be here. And i want to thank secretary sporten and kim for your outstanding leadership at a couple of the crown jewels of American Life and your extraordinary stewardship. I want to thank everybody who is here. Michelle and i are so grateful for the friends and family and the former staff and current staff who have taken the time to be here and honor us in this way. And soak in the extraordinary art that were seeing here. It means so much to us. And i hope youre aware of that. We miss you guys. And [ applause ] we miss you guys, and we miss the way those who worked with us on this incredible journey carried yourselves and worked so hard to make this country a better place. Amy, i want to thank you for so spectacularly capturing the grace and beauty and intelligence and charm and hot ness of the woman that i love. Special shoutout to my man joe bid biden. [ applause ] even more special shoutout to my motherinlaw, who in additi addition who in addition to providing the hotness jeans, also has been such an extraordinary rock and foundation stump for our family. And we are so, so grateful to her. We love her so much. Like michelle, i have never had a portrait done of myself. I mean, the hope poster by chef was cool but i didnt sit for it. Nobody in my family tree as far as i can tell had a portrait done. I do have my High School Yearbook picture. Which is no great shakes. And so when i heard that this was part of the tradition, i didnt quite know what to do. Michelle and i were somewhat confused, we were lucky to have some extraordinary friends and people with exquisite taste, bill allemann, Thelma Golden who gave us the assist and helped us to consider a whole range of artists. And we had an immediate connection with the two artists that are sitting here today. I think it is fair to say that kehinde and i bonded, maybe not in the same way this whole sister girl, you know, thing. We shook hands. We were, you know, we had a nice conversation. He and i make different sartorial decisions. But what we did find was that we had certain things in common. Both of us had american mothers who raised us, with extraordinary love and support. Both of us had african fathers who were absent from our lives, and in some ways our journeys involved searching for them and figuring out what that meant. I ended up writing about that journey and channeling it into the work that i did because i cannot paint. Im sure that kehindes journey reflected some of those feelings in his art. What i was always struck by whenever i saw his portraits, was the degree to which they challenged our conventional views of power and privilege. And the way that he would take extraordinary care and precision and vision in recognizing the beauty and the grace and the dignity of people who were so often invisible in our lives. And put them on a grand stage. On a grand scale. And force us to look and see them in ways that so often they were not. People that michelle referred to, people in our families, people who helped to build this country. People who helped build this capital, people who to this day are making sure that this place is clean at night and serving food, and taking out the garbage, and doing all the other stuff that makes this country work. So often out of sight and out of mind. Kehinde lifted them up. And gave them a platform. And said they belonged at the center of American Life. And that was something that moved me deeply because in my small way, thats part of what i believe politics should be about. Is not simply celebrating the high and the mighty, expecting that the country unfolds from the top down, but rather that it comes from the bottom up. Families all across america who are who are working hard, and doing their best, and passing on the wisdom and the resilience and stories to their children in the hopes that their lives will be a little bit better. And so i was extraordinarily excited about working with kehinde. And lets face it, kehinde relative to amy was working at a disadvantage because his subject was less becoming. Not as fly. And i want to i want to say that it was although those michelle always used to joke, i am not somebody who is a great subject. I dont like posing. I get impatient. I look at my watch, i think this must be done. One of those pictures must have worked, why is this taking so long . So it is pretty torturous trying to just take a picture of me, much less paint a portrait. I will say that working with kehinde was a great joy. And his he and his team made it easy. Kehinde, in the tradition of a lot of great artists, actually cared to hear how i thought about it before doing exactly what he intended to do. There were a number of issues were trying to negotiate. I tried to negotiate less gray hair. And kehindes artist integrity would not allow him to do what i asked. I tried to negotiate smaller ears. Struck out on that as well. Maybe the one area where there were some concessions was as i said before kehindes art often takes ordinary people and elevates them, lifts them up. And puts them in these fairly elaborate settings. And so his initial impulse maybe in the work was to also elevate me and put me in these settings with partridges and septembceptd thrones and mounting me on horse s. And i had to explain that ive got enough political problems without you making me look like napoleon. We got to bring it down just a touch. And thats what he did. But it is hard, obviously, to judge something that is a portrait of you. But what i can say on unequivocally is that i am in awe of kehindes gifts and what he and amy have given to this country and to the world and we are both very grateful to have been the subject of their attention for this brief moment. So, mr. Kehinde wiley. [ applause ] listening to president obama at the official unveiling of his portrait that will hang in the National Gallery. The artist there is kehinde wiley, who does as the former president noted like to elevate his subjects, paint people in more classic heroic settings, though with former president obama he chose to paint him sitting in front of greenery, i should say. President obama did something that all husbands and sons inlaw should do, remark openly and quickly about the hotness of his wife and his motherinlaw in the speech as he was commenting on former first lady Michelle Obamas portrait. Im joined again by brian fallon, matt pfizer and Alice Stewart. Matt, ill start with you, only because of the outpouring on twitter the last ten minutes or so after the unveiling of the president s portraits. A lot of different interpretations of the former president sitting where he was in front of what he was. Your take, which i happen to read, sir. It is unique. And there has been some commentary of this being the white sox fan in front of wrigley at wrigley field, you know, the green tapestry in the back of wrigley. You know, it is different. It is unique. And i think the history of this being in that room, with all of the white president s, the history of having, we forget sometimes, you know, the first africanamerican president , and fitting as well. Unique and so i mean i think it stands out. And it is something that the president and the first lady both seem to like their paintings, which is important. I will note there will be official portraits that will hang inside the white house as well. Jeff zeleny, our friend, white house reporter, points out these may be more informal ones that will hang in the white house will be more formal. Little different take than we normally get here. Brian, i will note, as a democrat, former Campaign Official and democratic official, your smile the whole time youre watching president obama, the former first lady was notable in and of itself. Matt, alice, brian, thanks so much. We have a lot more to cover. Some breaking news on the north korea situation. Perhaps a new white house stance towards negotiations. Stick around. Today, innovation in the finger lakes is helping build the new new york. Once home to the worlds image center, new york state is now a leader in optics, photonics and imaging. Fueled by strong university partnerships, providing the worlds best talent. And supported with Workforce Development to create even more opportunities. All across new york state, were building the new new york. To grow your business with us in new york state, visit esd. Ny. Gov. To grow your business with us in new york state, but he hasoke up wwork to do. In. So he took aleve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. 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Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Team usa dominating the snowboarding competition at the olympics. While one figure skater did something no American Woman has ever done on olympic ice. Coy wire in pyeongchang with the very latest. Coy. Reporter hi, john. Sweet redemption for two american figure skaters who didnt make the cut for the last olympic games, adam rippon putting on a show, inspiring skate. How about teammate mariah nagasu landing the jaw dropping triple axel, something no other American Woman has ever done at the olympics. Those performances helped the u. S. Take bronze in the Team Figure Skating in backtoback olympic games. The dangerous winds postponed the womens snowboard slope style competition. Jamie anderson conquered both to repeat as olympic champion in the event. 17yearold snowboarding sensation chloe kim tweeted in between runs during halfpipe qualifiers she could go for some ice cream right now. Laid back california kid. The favorite for gold tonight. Chloes mom and dad immigrated to the u. S. From south korea, so it is insane she says to be competing in her first olympics here. Shes 52, 115 pounds, ruthless, seemingly fearless when she is shooting herself two stories high into the sky, spinning herself around. We wondered if there is anything this girls afraid of. Listen. I feel like im scared a lot of the times, like when im dropping in, im, like, okay, this could happen, that could happen. I think im the most scared when im, like, learning a new trick and i dont know what to expect. Or what im going to see. So usually that first trick is pretty scary. But after that, i dont really feel that much fear. Chloe could become the youngest american ever to win an olympic medal in snowboarding. I dont know about you, what you were doing in high school, but winning an olympic gold, i dont know. One thing you were doing, applying to harvard. Chloe kim is doing that too, shes must see tv later today. Shes way more qualified than i am. Not sure she understands what this whole being scared thing really means. I dont see it. She doesnt look scared at all. Coy wire, great to see you there in south korea. Thanks so much. We could see President Trump in just a few minutes. He will appear publicly. Will he comment again about former white house aide rob porter and the Domestic Abuse allegations against him . Will he make any new comments about the Domestic Abuse at all, his own staff confused on where he stands. The smoother the skin, the more comfortable you are in it. And now theres a new way to smooth. Introducing new venus platinum. A premium metal handle boosts control. 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