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Marilou danley has spoken to Las Vegas Police as well as the fbi. They have many questions, to say the least. We also have new video of the horror of the shooting. Look at this. This was taken by a city worker who helped get people out. [ bleep ]. Those are shots. Run, those are shots. Run. Dont walk. Run. Go. Go. Go. Everybody go. Go, run. Keep your head down. Go. Keep your head down, go. Everybody go. Many new developments we are following this morning. Lets begin the hour with jean casarez. Jean . Authorities are trying to figure out who this killer is. They do believe he was a wealthy gambler at one point on a real estate application he wrote that he gambles about 1 million per year. The current home he lived in mesquite, nevada, he paid cash for. He has had real estate deals selling and buying for years now. He sold an apartment complex in california for 3. 5 million at one point. Well while they are developing the profile of this man, they also now have a timeline. They established through body cam video and closed circuit video that shooting lasted for ten minutes. The barrage of bullets from 10 005 p. M. Sunday night to 10 15 sunday night. Two minutes later thats when the first two officers reached the 32nd floor of the hotel and one minute later at 10 18, thats when the Security Guard ventured out along the hallway by himself, saw a hotel room ajar, stopped, and thats when 200 rounds of ammunition went through that door, only shooting nim his leg, but it was discovered at that point by Law Enforcement officers that there were cameras, cameras set up on that food cart and also later they found a camera that was in the peephole. They realized they could not make a move until the s. W. A. T. Team arrived. At the same time they realized that the bullets had stopped. So what they did, they started evacuating rooms along that hallway, Tactical Unit goss the in the hallway and at 11 20 thats when the s. W. A. T. Team made entry and they saw that perpetrator was there dead on the floor. Now Law Enforcement says their working theory is that with everything from his car to his hotel room to his homes in mesquite and reno area, that he just couldnt have done all this by himself. Look at this. I mean, you look at the weapon obtaining, the different amounts of tannerite available, do you think this was all accomplished on his own . Selfvalue, face value . You got to make the assumption he had to have some help at some point. Reporter they are also looking at the ogden hotel, downtown las vegas, really a condominium complex, but a week ago there was a concert there and they believe that he checked in and theyre searching all the Surveillance Video to see who he was with and what he brought in. Poppy, john. Jean casarez for us in las vegas, so many questions about the girlfriend who is talking to investigators now. So what is she saying . Jessica snyder here with that. Jessica . John, the shooters girlfriend saying she is devastated by the deaths and to that end, we know that danley, she is cooperating with authorities and been interviewed by fbi agents. Shes talking with Las Vegas Police. All of that since she arrived back from the philippines in los angeles tuesday night. Now she had been overseas since september 15th. Her lawyer read a statement explaining that Stephen Paddock is the one who purchased her plane ticket, overseas to the philippines, just about two weeks before the attack, and he insists that she did not know anything about his plans. He never said anything to me or took any action that i was aware of that i understood in any way to be a warning that something horrible like this was going to happen. I was grateful but honestly i was worried that first the unexpected trip home and then the money was a way of breaking up with me. It never occurred to me in any way whatsoever that he was planning violence against anyone. Reporter so again it was paddock who bought his girlfriend maria danley the Airline Ticket overseas. Danleys sisters, theyre in australia and theyve spoken out saying that paddock sent her away so she wouldnt, quote, interfere with the planning. Danleys stepdaughter from a previous marriage, she is also coming to danleys defense. With the guns we consume, being in his house, that he didnt take those guns there after she went to the philippines. Reporter but we know paddock had at least 47 firearms and we know that at least 33 of them had been stockpiled in his house since last fall, so danley, she lived with him at his home in mesquite, nevada. Investigators are likely going to take a second look at the statements saying she knew nothing since the attack required such extensive planning on paddocks part. Thank you very much. Joining us now cnn Law Enforcement analyst former Philadelphia Police commissioner Charles Ramsey here and cnn senior Law Enforcement analyst former fbi assistant director tom fuentes. Thank you for being here. Tom, let me start with you and what we heard from the sheriff, that this, the assumption has to be, he said, this was not carried out alone. Now he talked about how difficult it is to take 10 bags full of big guns upstairs but aside from that, do you think he and his team are seeing Something Else that tells them that this shooter may not have acted alone . Thats a good question, poppy. I was surprised to hear them express that opinion when he chastised the reporters for forming opinions of their own. Its a little bit taken aback, he said were assuming there was somebody, when we dont know if that is based on something. If there is investigative information that he was being assisted, then im still surprised he would say it. Just go after that person, exhaust every possible lead to disprove that possible theory. You have nothing to lose by exhausting all leads and be sure there was no other assistance. As far as individually carrying all those guns and doing that, thats very possible. Hotels in las vegas have the valet service. They meet your car or they meet your taxi when youre coming in. He could easily have had people help him and he had several days to bring that equipment up into that room. So i dont think its completely out of the question that he could do it by himself if he wanted to. You know, commissioner, i suppose the difference between saying, he must have had help and we see evidence, specific evidence, that he had help. But if there is someone that they believe was involved at some point in assisting with this, how much of a threat would that person be and what level of urgency is there in terms of Public Safety for finding that individual . Well, you know, help can take a variety of forms. I mean, people could have helped, you know, maybe obtained tannerite or Something Else but had no idea he was planning on doing what he wound up doing. So im not really clear on what they mean by having help. But i do know that they have access to a lot of information that we simply do not have. Weve got a hard drive from the computer, youve got video from the hotel, youve got the interview with the livein girlfriend. All these things are things that we dont necessarily know, but sheriff lombardo and others in the investigation would know. I know joe lombardo very well, hes a good friend, and hes as solid as they come. I think as the days unfold well start to see a different picture profile of this individual. Right now youre hearing about how great a guy he was. Clearly thats not the case. So i think as days go on, that profile will get darker and darker when we start digging into this guy. What do you think in terms of what the commissioner said on a different profile . Now, i agree. The commissioner is exactly right. You know, were going to learn a lot more about paddock than we know now or what weve been hearing. You know, we heard from family members and his girlfriend and others that he was a really good guy, but, you know, more and more information will come out that maybe hes not so good. The problem is wow. You have somebody 64 years old with no real criminal record other than maybe he mistreated his girlfriend in coffee shops and bullied people or did things like that, there are a lot of people that do that and dont go out and kill 58 people, so, you know, we will learn more. The question is we want to learn more from an evidentiary standpoint if its going to link other people to this conspiracy. And one thing we know for sure the guy was a monster, evil pure and simple, no matter what else is discovered about him, that much will be included. Commissioner as to the profile of this guy, theres some interesting i dont know if theyre contradictions but the fact that he bought more than 30 weapons in the last year, you have the fact that he had been going to other concerts, maybe scoping out other opportunities or dry runs perhaps, but then you have what the commissioner said that in this instance where he did murder so many people, it appears he made plans to escape. How do those different factors contribute to the profile . Well they dont. This guy hasnt fit traditional profile yet. Not reason to think were not going to uncover more stuff that doesnt fit the profile. Maybe he did in his mind, which was clearly deranged, think he could escape but hes in one position firing that many rounds for ten minutes how could you think you could waltz out of the room and get away. Its not logical. But hes not a logical person. Hes deranged. So there are a lot of things that well uncover that may not necessarily fit neatly but hes probably giving people down at the fbi behavioral science unit fits trying to figure this guy out because he does not fit what we have traditionally thought of as a person who would commit this kind of crime. What about the fact, tom, in his car, the sheriff is saying they found 50 pounds of explosives, 1600 rounds of ammunition, knowing that he thought he could or wanted to escape, does that tell you that perhaps he was planning on a secondary target, planning to get away and strike somewhere else . Sure. He could have been planning other targets and we dont know and probably will never know what compelled him to attack on this particular day at that particular event. When las vegas hosts these kinds of events on a continuing basis, as we said, he scoped out another concert a week or two earlier. So there was nothing if he was going to use those explosives he had enough time to put them in the position where he could have so we dont understand exactly what happened there. I think and the commissioner is right, were trying to apply logic and reason and rationale thinking to someone who clearly is not logical, rationale. He was very capable of putting together all this weaponry and pulling the trigger but that doesnt mean that he thinks like any of us do and trying to unravel his brain is going to be, you know, maybe impossible. All right. Charles and tom, thanks so much for your expertise here. Appreciate you being with us. Big discussion right now about guns, specifically the guns used to murder so many people in las vegas. New thoughts about making the bump stocks which turned these guns into machine guns, illegal, and maybe some bipartisan support here. Also, remarkable stories of survivor and heroism including the hotel Security Guard who approached the shooters room unarmed, even after he had been shot, he stayed to help. Now that man being recognized rightly so for his courage under fire. That story ahead. I had frequent heartburn, but my doctor recommended. Prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. Just 1 pill each morning, 24 hours and zero heartburn. Its been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10. Straight years, and its still recommended today. Use as directed. Lets get the lady of the house back on her feet. And help her feel more strength and energy in just two weeks. Yaaay the complete balanced nutrition of ensure with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. Ensure. Always be you. Hi. So i just got off the phone with our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. So the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight. Four weeks without the car. Okay, yep. Good night. 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This is the device, bump stocks are the device used in the Las Vegas Massacre that enabled the killer to make his guns fire basically like machine guns. Sunlen serfaty in washington and there are flu developments over last few minutes. Thats right, john. I would describe it as being [ inaudible ] by republicans here. They are certainly for potentially looking into this legislation on bump stock proposed by senator Dianne Feinstein and adding to the list of republicans who are opening the door, considering this legislation, spoker of the house paul ryan indicating in a radio interview he could get on board with at least looking at the legislation and said, quote, clearly this is something we need to look into. As ive been talking to republicans up here on capitol hill this week, this certainly is the sentiment that does seem to be growing. Many republicans admitting they dont know much about bump stocks but theyre willing to learn more and they certainly are intrigued by the idea by senator Dianne Feinstein that its worth looking more into. We also heard from senator tom cotton, a republican senator, who said he is open to entertaining the idea of regulating these. So it certainly is significant youre hearing from many republicans and many republicans from the republican leadership. As we said speaker of the house paul ryan also senator john cornyn, the Number Two Senate republican, saying he thinks this should be held up to a hearing, that the Senate Judiciary should look into that, but the reality checks of all of it, even though there is tepid interest from republicans here, there still are no republican cosponsors on the bill to regulate bump stock that has 26 democratic supporters on there, signers on there, but no republicans formally signed on yet and, of course, no hearings schedule. Mitch mcconnell has not said how he feels about this. We all know after the immediate aftermath of las vegas said its too early to politicize this issue and believed its too early to look at legislation. A lot of movement up here, some momentum but not sure yet if that will translate into anything real. John and poppy. Could this be a rare moment of agreement. Sunlen serfaty, thanks so much. Dive in deeper, one democratic congressman member of the house is proposing a similar measure to Dianne Feinstein. He has 140 cosponsors. Rhode island congressman David Cicilline, thanks for being with us. 140 cosponsors right now, any republicans . No. Actually, 148 cosponsors. I am in active discussion with five or six of my republican colleagues who are reviewing the bill. I think there is bipartisan interest, but just to remind your viewers this is a device that allows you to convert a semiautomatic weapon to essentially function as a machine gun capable of discharging 400 to 800 bullets a minute. A common sense proposal. Im hopeful it will be a bipartisan effort. Right now its only democrats on my bill but im working hard to persuade some of my republican colleagues to join the effort. What do you think youre got a number of your republican colleagues on the senate side. Senator johnson saying i have no problem banning those, paul ryan saying we should look at this and there should be hearings. Do you feel like, congressman, this could be the moment . This would not be be comprehensive Gun Legislation but would be something . Does it feel different this time to you . I mean, it, obviously, doesnt solve the larger issue of the epidemic of gun violence in our country but one specific thing we can do to address this very challenging bill that youll be able to turn a semiautomatic weapon into a machine gun. I think it would be a great moment to show the country we can Work Together in a bipartisan way to address this issue and maybe it will lead to more Work Together on not only gun safety but other issues. But i think this is a moment, the worst shooting in u. S. History, the magnitude of the devastation i think really shook the country and they expect congress to do something about it and at the very least, banning these bump stocks is a first step. You know, Kellyanne Conway the president s adviser and breitbart and others have said these bump stocks were approved or at least allowed to go forward during the Obama Administration. So i guess two questions here was the Obama Administration wrong . Did they make a mistake . Number two, does that have any pert nence to whether or not they should be banned right now . I think its irrelevant but certainly in 2010, atf made a ruling that made the use of bump stocks legal. I think that was a mistake then. It could be corrected legislatively or, obviously, by the agency. But i think the important thing is we need to ban bump stocks. Theyre dangerous, they allow people to basically have the ability to use a machine gun, weve seen the consequences of it in nevada, and i think the atf ruling was wrong. I wish it were reversed. The legislation that ive proposed and introduced with 148 colleagues will accomplish that. All right. Lets get your take on some of these other issues that are certainly in the headlines as well. You sit on the House Foreign Affairs committee. Your counterpart senator corker had a stark assessment yesterday of who it is in the administration that protects this country, separates this country from chaos. Listen to him. I think secretary tillerson, secretary mattis, and chief of staff kelly are those people that help separate our country from chaos. And i support them very much. He did not mention the president and he actually went on later to say there are other people in the administration who do not do that, who do not separate this country from chaos. Do you agree with the sentiment . I think theres no question that the three individuals mentioned are people that many of us in the Congress Look to maintain some stability in this administration. The president has, sadly, brought tremendous chaos not only internationally but on domestic issues as well. Fortunately hes surrounded by a few people who i think have deep respect of the congress and seem to be helping to maintain some stability, but, you know, this is very challenging when the president of the United States is not the figure that either the country or world looks to to provide the kind of stability and leadership we need in a challenging time in our country and in the world. So i think the senators observations are fair and i thinkp its alarming thats the conclusion that many people have drawn. So the secretary of state yesterday, he denied he ever threatened to resigned or talked out of resigning but he didnt deny he called the president of the United States a moron. My question to you is, you know, how can he credibly go negotiate with foreign leaders or foreign diplomats . Why would another diplomat take him seriously as a spokesman for an administration when he thinks the leader or said the leader, if he said the leader was a moron. This is a serious issue. Look, im not so interested in the internal squabbling in the white house and the disagreements that happen in private. But i do think that the importance of the secretary of state having a full confidence of the president and that foreign leaders knowing that when the secretary of state speaks he speaks for the United States and for the president of the United States, and to the extent that relationship is divided or challenged, it makes it much more difficult to do the important diplomatic work around the world. This is a serious issue and im not sure what the resolution of it is. We cannot have the secretary of state not being perceived as the spokesperson and the representative of our country and of the president in these diplomatic efforts. This is very, very disturbing and presents very serious challenges. Congressman David Cicilline we appreciate your time. Let us know if you get republicans to sign on. Im working on it. The minute you get one tell us. It will be a significant development. Absolutely. Thank you. To the victims next, 172 people remain in the hospital this morning in the wake of sundays Las Vegas Massacre. Of those, 29 are still in Critical Condition. Out of this tragedy so many stories of heroism. Scott mcclain joins us from las vegas with that. Scott . Hey, john and poppy. So one of those stories of heroism the Security Guard at mandalay bay who ran up to the 32nd floor and was the first one to come into contact with the shooter. Jesus cam pose. He was shot in the leg. But despite that, he didnt lay down. He continued to help police get into that room and he continued to clear rooms himself. He was credited with distracting the shooter for at least some time, which likely saved some lives. Heres what the sheriff here in las vegas said about him yesterday. His bravery was amazing because he remained with our officers providing them the key pass to access the door and actually continued to help them clear rooms until our officers demanded he go seek medical attention. So amazingly campos is out of the hospital but he will have to go back in for surgery to take the bullet out of his leg. Now on the ground at the concert venue, obviously, there are plenty of other survival stories including the one from addison short, an 18yearold, young woman, who was shot in the leg. Shes lucky that she ran into a guy named jamie jackson, who saw that her boot was soaked threw with blood, took it off, used a belt to try to stop some of the bleeding using it as a tourniquet. Because of where she was shot she couldnt walk or run so he literally took her, put her over his shoulder and ran her to safety. She ended up getting to the hospital in the back of a taxi. But after that, jackson didnt actually know what happened to short until his motherinlaw saw an interview with her on Anderson Cooper on cnn and they were able to be reunited. Heres what happened during the reunion. You have no idea how much i appreciate you guys. Im glad we could help. Im glad youre okay. Thank you. We were worried. I know. I was worried about you guys too. I was hoping you guys were okay. Whats also interesting here is that shorts mother is actually a Police Officer in las vegas who usually signs up to work at this Country Music festival. She signed up this year as well but didnt get any shifts. Her daughter is, obviously, pretty thankful she wasnt there and that she wasnt in harms way. John mclean for us, thank you so much. Keep us posted again. 29 people remain in Critical Condition this morning, we appreciate it. When we come back, u. S. Special forces killed while rooting out terrorists in africa. Live at the pentagon with the mission, the ambush, all of that is ahead. Im only in my 60s. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. So when i found out medicare doesnt pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. Then i got a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if youre eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. Call now and find out about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesnt pay. And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. To me, relationships matter. Ive been with my doctor for 12 years. Now i know ill be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, youll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. 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Three members of the green beret killed, two others injured in an ambush near the mali niger border. The pentagon is searching for the attackers. Lets go to the pentagon and our correspondent Barbara Starr joins us. What happened and any trace this morning of those that carried out this attack . This is the word that everybody is waiting for, john and poppy, good morning, very Significant Developments overnight. As you say, three u. S. Green berets killed in action, two wounded, the wounded have been evacuated to the Military Hospital in germany where so many from the front lines have been treated over the years. They are said to be in stable condition. This team of green berets was working with local Nigerian Forces in this remote area. Their mission out there is to help advise and assist local forces to go against al qaeda elements and other insurgent elements that the local forces are trying to fight in this remote area of west africa. Its been an Ongoing Mission because its such a remote area. Its not publicized a lot. A lot of people dont know that u. S. Troops are out there, but they have been there in small teams off and on over the years and it is a mission with some risk. Right now, what we know, is that u. S. And other forces in the region are conducting and continuing to conduct operations at this hour. They are looking for whoever perpetrated the attack against them. Were not getting any word from the pentagon yet on anything further about how that part of the operation is going. But very, very difficult for the green berets and the military families this morning. Three u. S. Military members killed in action in this very remote area. John, poppy . Barbara starr at the pentagon, keep us posted. Thank you for that. Meantime the republican chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee Says there is still a lot more work to do to try to figure out whether or not there was any collusion with the russians during the 2016 election. The committee is expanding its probe with plans to conduct more than two dozen new interviews after they reached a conclusion that Intelligence Community did months ago that russia did, in fact, meddle in the 2016 election. Shimon joins us from washington. The two leaders of the Intelligence Committee offered no big reveal yesterday in their press conference as they say they are unable to answer the key question of collusion. The committee as you say has interviewed over 100 people and say they plan to continue interviews and now the new issue for them is how facebook and twitter were used to discourse, divide and target key voters in states largely undecided. The question about the effect of these facebook ads, now the big focus before the committee and twitter and facebook say they will appear before the committee on november 1st. Up with key issue the committee agreed on russia meddled in the election no vice there, and the number two at the fbi, andy mccabe, the Deputy Director offered some rare candor on this yesterday speaking at a conference and heres what he had to say. I think that in some ways we were surprised by the activity, but in other ways we should not have been. We sort of should have seen this coming. The fact is that russians have been targeting us with everything they have over the last 50 years in an unremitting way. Right. And the russians, the targeting, the meddling into the election, is certainly the continued concern for the fbi and the Intelligence Community. The threat from the russians, if they plan to continue, what intelligence officials have told us, what the fbi has told us, but the big question on how we defend ourselves remains unanswered. Shimon, how does this all effect the announcement, the News Conference from the Intelligence Community and the revelations in so far as there were any, how does that affect the Mueller Investigation no. Thats a good question. The Senate Intelligence committee does not want to in any way interfere in that investigation and weve seen that through some of the witnesses that they brought before the committee. They in some ways worked with muler on some of the key questions, some of the witnesses they were going to bring before them, but mueller really, and the special counsel are the ones going to ultimately decide where this goes in terms of criminal charges and as weve been reporting the two key people right now Paul Manafort the former chairman of the trump campaign, and michael flynn, the former National Security adviser, are both the big focus of the grand jury and weve been told witnesses continue to go before the grand jury and we just dont know, you know, these grand jury proceedings are so secret, we just dont know when mueller plans to conclude that investigation. But, you know, there is activity ongoing, witnesses almost weekly abei appearing before the grand jury. Shimon in washington, thanks for your reporting. Were learning about, of course, all of those lost in the Las Vegas Massacre. One of them, a mother, a mother of four, a mother of a six week old baby, as well as one her sons you see there, her son will join us next to help remember his mom. When did you see the sign . When i needed to jumpstart sales. Build attendance for an event. Help people find their way. Fastsigns designed new directional signage. And got them back on track. Get started at fastsigns. Com. Sometthats when he needs the way ovicks vaporub. s sleep. And got them back on track. Proven cough medicine. With 8 hours of vapors. So he can sleep. Vicks vaporub. Goodnight coughs. On your screen youre looking at rosa with one of her sons, the mother of four children in las vegas with her fiance to celebrate a friends birthday. She was attending the Country Music concert. She made it to the hospital but did not survive. With us her eldest son marcus. Thank you for being here. We want to remember your mother, four kids, six week old baby at home, youre now the oldest really helping lead your family through this. Tell us about your mom . You know, she was such a hard worker, a fighter, everything she did inspired us. Just to be a better person. Its going to be hard without her. You have a 1yearold sister, a six week old baby brother. Its going to be up to you to tell them about their mother, about your mother. What do you want them to know . That everything that she did she fought for. I remember when she was paralyzed, having my brother, she had a blood clot in her spine, and the doctor said she would never walk again and she proved everyone wrong. She was able to walk after that she ran half marathons and did everything she could, always fought for us. So i want them to remember just how much of a fighter she was and how much she worked and how she provided for us. We have a picture we can pull up of her with your younger brother chris in his football gear. Hes 13 years old and he said his favorite moments were hearing his mother cheer him on from the stands in his football games. What is it like for him right now and for you as you comfort him . Its really hard for him. You know, she was always his biggest supporter and everything that he did, if its just from playing video games to being on the field, just to doing homework inspired him to do everything. Im always going to be there for my brother. I love him a lot. And were always going to stick together. Your mother, i know, would count on you to do just that. It was your birthday yesterday. Marcus. What was it like to spend your birthday without your mother . It was really hard at first, but just the way that everyone came together to support me, friends, family, from both sides, people i have hardly talked to, came just to support me. In the last two days thats what everyone has been doing. It could be someone i havent talked to for three years, came to talk to me for two hours. People ive been with every day just came for, you know, the whole day to spend time with me. Its really hard without her, but its its comforting having everyone here. But it sucks it has to take this to have everyone come together and be one big family. Of course it does. When, you know, when this is no longer in the headlines and the news cameras are no longer there, what do you want people to be talking about . What do you what conversations do you want this country to be having . Everything good, you know. It sucks seeing headlines having like mass shootings, massive deaths, big earthquakes, major deaths. Its sad to see that when you turn on the news now. I would rather have it being local person helps out homeless or something nice in the news, you know. It sucks to turn on the news and see all sadness and everything. I would rather just all be happiness. Happiness like your mother gave you. It sounds like there was so much strength there. Do you remember the last great time you had with her, the moment youll try to remember most Going Forward . Every moment was great with her. I remember the last moment, she took us to outback actually, she picked us up from school, and she said you know where do you want to go eat and instantly my brother said lets go to mcdonalds, somewhere fast food, to pick it up real quick but she insisted lets go to outback and have a nice dinner and i remember after outback she took me to get my haircut and it took us 45 minutes to get the car seat out so i could sit down, but, yeah, it will be a great moment i will always remember, spending time with her. Even if it was five minutes to three days or the whole month, just yeah, every moment with her was a great woman. That is a dedicated mom, indeed, glad you had that time together. Were thinking about you, were thinking about your siblings, thank you for sharing a bit about your mom with us. Thank you. Her name was rocio guillen. A mother of four. She will not be forgotten. You can avoid extra calories trifrom cooking r. With too much butter and oil. Introducing new pam spray pump. With 1 gram of fat and ten calories per serving plus the superior nonstick you love. Hashtag omeletgoals new pam spray pump. And when youod sugar is a replace one meal. Choices. Or snack a day with glucerna. Made with carbsteady. To help minimize blood sugar spikes. You can really feel it. Now with 30 less carbs and sugars. Glucerna. Ltry align probiotic. N your digestive system . For a nonstop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. Get 24 7 digestive support, with align. The 1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. Also in kids chewables. Our recent online sales success seems a little. Strange . Nk na. Ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. Theyre affordable and fast. Maybe too affordable and fast. What if. 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Dont wait, call unitedhealthcare or go online to enroll in aarp medicarecomplete. Sfx mnemonic what is an answer and how can you measure the value of one . Today trusted answers from trusted sources are rare and precious commodities. Theyre out there but finding them on your own has never been harder. Its why at Thomson Reuters we provide you with the intelligence, technology, and Human Expertise you need to find trusted answers. The answer company. Thomson reuters. One of the nfls biggest stars facing a firestorm deservedly after comments he made to a female reporter. Coy wire has more on this mornings Bleacher Report. When berman told me this story i couldnt actually believe it really happened but it did. Yeah. Its unbelievable and infuriating, you know, to say the least, poppy and john. Good morning. This Bleacher Report presented by the 2018 ford f150. Were talking about panthers quarterback cam newton under fire for this response to a female reporter. Devin fun chess seems to really embrace the physicality of his routes and making getting those extra yards. Does that give you a little bit of an enjoyment to see him truck sticking people out there . Its funny to hear females talk about routes, like. Its funny. Panthers spokesman said newton and the reporter Jourdan Rodrigue spoke afterwards and said newton expressed regret but rodrigue said newton did not apologize. A beat writer for the Charlotte Observer and she said, quote, i was dismayed by his response not only belittled me but countless other women before me and beside me who work in similar jobs. The panthers have an open locker room and we will see if cam newton makes himself available for that. Lets move on to a celebration from the minnesota lynx, o outlasting the sparks last night. The lings lost last year to the sparks. Sweet revenge. Minnesota ties the comets with a record four wnba titles. Unlv will wear special black helmets when they play San Diego State in las vegas on saturday. The decal will be a red ribbon with las vegas printed on it. The team is going to hand out stickers of that ribben to fans at the game to honor the victims and the First Responders in a ceremony before the game. All of unlv sport teams this year will wear the ribbon in some form or fashion on their uniform for the rest of the season. The Arizona Diamondbacks held a moment of silence before their game last night honoring the life of christian daughtutea victim of the las vegas shooting. Arizona was taking on the Colorado Rockies in the National League wild card game. And wild it was. Relief pitcher Archie Bradley hit a triple in the seventh inning knocking in two runs, 25yearold bearded wonder from oklahoma hadnt had a hit all season the diamondbacks advance with a victory and face the dodgers starting tomorrow in los angeles on our Sister Network tbs. Poppy and john. Archie bradley. Red sox start today do you have them in three or four . Three. Thats your team. Our team. The right answer. Coy wire, thanks so much. Youre welcome. Thank you. Ahead, did someone help the las vegas shooter . Big questions from the sheriff right now. Theyre looking into that. Stay with us. For those who know what theyre really building. Always unstoppable. Burning, pinsandneedles, of diabetic nerve pain these feet. Liked to style my dog as a kid. Loved motherhood, rain or shine. And were pumped to open my own salon. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and she prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. Common side effects dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs, and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Now i have less diabetic nerve pain. And i love grooming the next generation. Ask your doctor about lyrica. What is an answer and how can you measure the value of one . Today trusted answers from trusted sources are rare and precious commodities. Theyre out there but finding them on your own has never been harder. Its why at Thomson Reuters we provide you with the intelligence, technology, and Human Expertise you need to find trusted answers. The answer company. Thomson reuters. Hello. Im kate bolduan. Two Big Questions this morning in las vegas as authorities try to make sense of a senseless act. What turned a 64yearold gambler into a cold, meticulous killer, and did he have help . Get down. Get the [ bleep ]. Those are shots. Run, those are shots. Run. Dont walk. Run, go. Go. Go. Everybody go

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