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Of staff Reince Priebus. Thats right. Youll hear from him in his own words in just a moment, but the headline here is that he says if reince wants to explain hes not a leaker, let him do that. Scaramucci was calling in to cnn to explain a very confusing statement he made on twitter last night. In light of which is a felony i will be contacting the fbi and justice department, swamp. And he tagged chief of staff Reince Priebus. Now, he appears to be blaming priebus for the leak of this information, which by the way appears to be totally Public Information on the public record. Heres part of the conversation that ensued this morning between Anthony Scaramucci and our chris cuomo. This is right after, by the way, scaramucci says he got off the phone with the president. Its absolutely, completely and totally reprehensible. And as you know from the italian expression, the fish stinks from the head down. I can tell you two fish that dont stink, thats me and the president. I dont like the activity thats going on in the white house. I dont like what theyre doing to my friend. I dont like what theyre doing to the president of the United States or fair fellow colleagues in the west wing. Now, if you want to talk about the chief of staff, we have had odds, we have had differences. When i said we were brothers from the podium thats because were rough. Some brothers are like cane and able. Other brothers can fight with each other and get along. I dont know if this is reparable or not, that will be up to the president. But hes the chief of staff. Hes responsible for understanding and uncovering and helping me do that inside the white house, which is why i put that tweet out last night. When the journalists who actually know who the leakers are, like ryan lizza, they know the leakers, jonathan swain, they know who the leakers are, i respect them for not telling me because i understand and respect journalistic integrity. However, when i put out a tweet and i put reinces name in the tweet, theyre all making the assumption that its him because journalists know who the leakers are. So if reince wants to explain that hes not a leaker, let him do that. These tweets seem to indicate a problem that didnt start today. And im not talking about the leaking. It is well known, Anthony Scaramucci, that Reince Priebus was against you getting a job in the administration. Youve talked about it privately with reporters. He has denied it, but there are tons of reports that that denial is hollow. And when you named him in the tweet, it seems to call that. Where is your head on that situation . What do you believe the reality to be . Because it seems much more like cane and able than it does brother who is can get along . Heres what i believe, after running two reasonably Successful Companies and one which the entire world knows im about to sell for 180 million, heres what i know, when youre running a Successful Company or an organization, you can take this human equation to the bank. Under confidence plus insecurity always equals paranoia and back stabbing. So what you have to do as a manager is you have to go through the process and the system and figure out where the back stabbing is coming from. That will lead you to the people that are insecure or under confident. If you cant bolster them and make them better, then you have to remove them from the process because then it becomes addition by subtraction. Thats what i know. Understood. So i dont want to talk about anybody specifically because were on a Live Television wire, but the people know. The journalists know. You know the young kids on the coms team are taking a lot of heat from me right now, they know, chris. The people know. You know who knows . The president of the United States. The president of the United States, again, whether you guys like the guy, dislike the guy, hes the smartest person that ive ever worked for. So let vanity fair write about that. I honestly dont care. He has intuition, he has judgment and he has a temperament in a way that i have never seen. Last night we were having dinner, i told his wife, i looked over to the first lady and i said i forgot how much fun i used to have when i hung out with him on the campaign trail. Okay. Hes a very interesting and very unique guy. There are people inside the administration that think it is their job to save america from this president. Reince priebus name is connected to this every time it comes out. Reince, reince, reince, Reince Priebus can speak to you about that and he can address that himself. All right. We will ask him. People know my history between me and reince. Yes. Okay. I can speak for my own actions. Hes going to need to speak for his own actions. Lets talk about all of that. Because theres quite a bit to unpack. Jackie kucinich is here, david swerdlick, jackie, this is the head of all White House Communications who does not report to Reince Priebus, reports right to the president publicly knifing Reince Priebus on Live Television this morning saying reince can come out. He can explain himself. What is going on . What are the implications . What you said at the beginning there, this is someone the president has made, he doesnt have to report to reince. Anthony scaramucci reports straight to the president. So in some ways the president did set up this rival dynamic because usually the president the Communications Director would report to the chief of staff, for whatever reason that chain of command was broken. So it does set up this power struggle between two people that very clearly really dont think much of each other. Now, the danger here is the president i wouldnt be surprised if he kind of likes this back and forth, but to go from cane and able to itchy and scratchy where they blow each other up, thats not entirely impossible. Remember when steve bannon and Reince Priebus were fighting. The president got tired of that. So it seems like these two either someones going to have to leave or theyre going to have to work it out. Whether its a distraction they want right now, eventually weve seen this in the past, the president does get tired of this. For both cane and able and itchy and scratchy, for the record, it ends badly for one of them always. Yes, it does end badly. Which i think is part of the issue here. And ka tlan, the other part of the issue here is Anthony Scaramucci made clear he got on the phone with chris cuomo just after getting off the phone with the president of the United States. Is it fair to believe that the president sanctions this public attack on his own chief of staff . Well, that was the really significant point to me is they had this conversation and trump gave scaramucci his blessing to go on cnn and talk about these kinds of things. Whats really striking here is the way in which priebus is left twisting in the wind. Weve seen the similar thing happening with Jeff Sessions here. But its a very different scenario. There would be significant political backlash for firing Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, not to mention all the legal questions that would come of it. Firing Reince Priebus would not be all that surprising and i dont think it would induce the same political backlash here. So its really interesting in the way in which they are having this conversation publicly really leaving priebus out to dry here saying he can defend himself, im not going to do that. But also raising questions about Reince Priebus without letting him defend himself. You know, david, she makes a good point. I was live on air when he named Reince Priebus chief of staff and steve bannon advisor many thought it was cut down the middle he didnt want reince as his chief of staff but sort of to appease the establishment of the party. So youre Reince Priebus this morning. Youve had your orange juice. Hopefully it was spiked maybe. Maybe a screwdriver. Baileys and cereal. There you go. And you are not tweeting anything. You are not saying anything. You are thinking what, david . So i think youre thinking what caitlin just said. There wont be a political outcry if hes ultimately fired because hes not like sessions who has all his former Senate Colleagues to sort of rally around him. And he is seen as this establishment figure. And trumps sort of base of support comes from the antiestablishment wing of the republican party. But at the same time i think youre thinking lets see how this plays out, dont jump on twitter, dont immediately react and make just like sessions make the president make a move on you as opposed to capitulating. Thats what i would do if i were him although i cant imagine being in his shoes in the first place. Can i just say one thing though about scaramucci, which is this, i think the white house is quickly wasting him as a resource. If you go back to last friday he gave that affable nimble press conference where he introduced himself, introduced Sarah Huckabee sanders as the new press secretary, kind of said, look, spicers arm is tired, were going to the bullpen for middle relief. And now theyve already theyre starting to use him up and make him the story in the same way that spicer was the story. And i dont think thats going to go down well for the white house. When you say they, is it they or he . The question i have, jackie, im old enough to remember when the president didnt like other people becoming stars within the white house. And Anthony Scaramucci just called into new day for half an hour. While he claimed its all about the president , he talked about himself an awful lot. I know an awful lot about the neighborhood where Anthony Scaramucci grew up. Yeah, and chris cuomo apparently. That too. But look, how do you think the president will look upon this . The president okayed this. He made that very clear. I dont know how many times scaramucci said during the course of that interview that he had spoken to the president that morning and that the president had said go ahead and call in. So clearly at this point this is sanctioned. And that hes been okayed because one thing seems very clear is Anthony Scaramucci has a direct line to this president. Uhhuh. And is very comfortable, you know, telling everyone that. And showing that hes ready to go to bat against anyone for him and for himself. It seems like he wants to make it very clear inside this white house that he wont be pushed around. That said, i think davids right. There is a little bit its curious that theyre using him in this way so early in his tenure. You know, caitlin, one word we have not uttered yet on this broadcast 11 minutes and 18 seconds in, is russia. I wonder if theres some sort of strategy here from the white house. You know, its the president whos just been banging on this leaks drum over and over and over attacking Jeff Sessions for not doing enough on leaks. And Anthony Scaramucci is all about leaks. Is there Something Else here . Is there a strategy here take the focus away from that and talk about leaks and get everyone focused on that . Well, certainly the president feels under siege with everything going on with russia. Remember, thats kind of the Sticking Point of course with Jeff Sessions and all of these other things going on. He doesnt feel, at least publicly from weve seen from interviews that he is being defended, most importantly not being defended on air. And so to jackies point, scaramucci goes out there and speaks the language of the president. You heard over and over and over again the way in which he was praising the president , the smartest person he knew. Right. You know, the top strategist. He has command, which was what scaramucci was trying to say, of this white house, when we know outside of course its chaotic. Whats important here about the chief of staff scenario is that this comes in the middle of these russia probes, in the middle of a huge health care battle, biggest legislative battle right now and a host of other things, not to mention the policy introduced yesterday on Trans Service members without a plan to implement it. So if the public is wondering why all this matters, i think thats really important to consider. You know, david, quick last word. Does Reince Priebus survive until august. Were july 27th right now . Well, i kind of feel like they did they, sorry, poppy, the they is the white house team, i think they did sean spicer a favor by giving him sort of a window to exit while he could make it look like he was outraged about being replaced rather than him just being drummed out because they didnt like the way he was doing his job. I think that this may be the same kind of situation for the chief of staff, Reince Priebus, where hes not been effective, but theyre going to make it a situation where he can get out of there out of a fight, a personal fight with scaramucci rather than simply being dismissed for not doing his job. Not even 9 15 yet so stay tuned, everyone. Thanks so much. You know, next hour were going to have ryan lizza on with us to share his side of the story. He was part of this twitter back and forth all night with Anthony Scaramucci and really a player in this drama. So stay tuned for that. Happening now on capitol hill, there is this Senate Hearing digging into russian meddling in the election. There is a key witness right now testifying, william browder, personally knows the russian lawyer who met with donald trump jr. In the controversial sitdown last summer. Hes on capitol hill with more. This is part deux, part two of the hearing, what is significant about browder . He is an individual at one point one of the largest investors in russia and he has firsthand knowledge of alleged corruption with the russian government, about Vladimir Putin and instrumental in pushing the magnitsky act that became law here in the u. S. In 2012. And something that russia now wants to repeal. But in addition to all of that he has firsthand knowledge of some of the players who are in that trump tower meeting on june 2016 with donald trump jr. , with Paul Manafort, with jared kushner, with other russians, that same meeting of course weve been reporting about how donald trump jr. Was promised dirt from russians in an effort that he was told by the russian government to help his fathers campaign. Now, one of the key questions that investigators are looking at right now is whether or not those russians in the room were connected to the russian government, were in any way directed by Vladimir Putin and its one thing that the kremlin has strongly denied bill browder in this testimony almost certainly will talk about lawyer Natalia Veselnistkaya who is alleged to have ties to the kremlin, something that the kremlin again denies. What will bill browder say about his knowledge of this lawyer . Thats a key question lawmakers plan to probe as they learn more about this trump tower meeting. And of course this committee too still wants to talk to Paul Manafort and donald trump jr. Right now thats going to be done privately. The question is will that happen publicly some time in the coming weeks, guys. Manu raju on the hill. Thank you very much for that. Another big day ahead for health care. Minutes from now senators kick off what could be a grueling day as they fight on the future of health care in this country, a marathon series of votes. Ahead, this is the gop plan still unclear at best. All right, blind sided by the president s transgender ban, now the president is asking the white house how do you expect us to implement this . Plus, chaos at the Ohio State Fair when a spinning ride breaks apart. One person has died. It just flew off. The whole thing flew off. Her leg hit her leg just flew her whole leg and then took her out and he wasnt breathing. I like russo. His on off splits are the best here. Yeah, but his offensive win shares didnt even break 4. Come on, check out that stopandpop what do you think . My tradeoff analytics indicate no one creates more space on offense. This allows him to nail a jumper from a densely populated urban area. What youre trying to say is from way downtown . I am still learning. I can see that. I am still learning. The nations largest Senior Living referral service. For the past five years, ive spoken with hundreds of families and visited senior care communities around the country and ive got to tell you, todays Senior Livingnd communities are better than tever. Ou, todays Senior Living communities are better than ever. These days, there are amazing amenities like movie theaters, texercise rooms and swimmingg pools, public cafes, bars and, bistros. Exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros. Even pet care services. And nobody understands your options like the advisors at a place for mom. 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Skinny repeal does not fulfill the promise of repeal and replace obamacare on day one at all, but its sort of their last shot right now . Its something. And i think thats better than nothing, at least as leaders look at it. And they think its something they might be able to get the requisite number of votes to move this forward. Poppy and john, you know this well, repeal and replace put on the floor couple nights ago, that went down in flames. Nine republicans voted against it. Repeal only went down in flames as well. Seven republicans voting against it. They need to find something they can pass. Thats why theyve essentially gotten to this point. What is the skinny repeal actual proposal . Repeal is the individual mandate, repeals employer mandate, repeals medical device tax, things republicans agree should go away. They have agreement on that. But the issue here is this, guys, if thats what they end up passing, what does it get them to . It gets them to a Conference Committee with the house of representatives, house conservatives have already made clear they dont like just the skinny repeal. How do they get to the point where they make the tough decisions . As weve talked about for weeks on end here, the dynamic where is expansion states are, conservatives are on regulations, the divide that is so very real there this doesnt do anything to amend that or help that along. How is anything going to change in the future . So i think thats possibly a question for another time. Right now what leaders care about behind the scenes trying to get to 50, whatever that looks like, thats what theyre going to try and put on the floor. At the very end of what will be a very long process, guys, ill warn you the senate will gavel into session at 10 00 a. M. It wont gavel out of session again until they have a final vote, at least likely, which means probably some time tomorrow morning. So wheaties, power bars, gatorade, gallons of coffee in the works for sure. Yeah. My favorite kind of cocktail. Phil mattingly, thanks for your report. Let me go to you first, Jackie Kucinich on this one. The president basically pleading with his team, get this thing done. Listen. Pursue the steps necessary to revitalize american industry, including repealing and replacing obamacare. We better get that done, fellas, please, mike, we need that so badly. They do. How badly, jackie . If they dont get it, then what for this white house . I mean, its a promise broken. Now, the president has he hasnt accepted responsibility for this bill going past. You can see him blaming congress for this that Mitch Mcconnell and friends cant get this done. That said, going into 2018, going into any sort of negotiations on tax reform, this would significantly weaken this white house if they arent able to push help push this through. And one of the ways, david, theyre now reportedly pushing this through is threatening senators in the states they come from who are opposed to it. Theres reporting out of alaska that the interior department, the interior secretary called the alaskan senators saying, hey, if Lisa Murkowski continues to fight this, you guys are going to lose out. What do you make of that . What i make of it is that senator murkowski has shown over the last number of years that shes not afraid of the white house and shes not afraid of the leadership in her own party. Shes not scared of president trump. And he is not responding well to that. Can i just say that whether senators are voting for this or against this, they understand that skinny repeal is like repealing dinner without repealing dessert. They know theyre going to be stuck with the result of that if they keep this going. Thats why they dont want to move on it. Its like i could actually support that though, david. I think a lot of people could support i dont know, its like when i order a diet coke at mcdonalds with my fries. Caitlin, to you, it worked though with dean heller, the public shaming, yes, dean heller is very, very at risk of his seat, its a swing state, why does the white house think that will work with someone like murkowski whos not up until 2022 . You bring up a great point. Dean hellor is in a separate category because hes up for reelection next year and is vulnerable, perhaps, to persuasion either by his own governor or by donald trump who are very different stances on this. But think of someone like murkowski who was just reelected, someone like rob portman who is also just reelected, actually ran ahead of the president by about seven or eight points i believe in the state of ohio. And others just dont see the political incentive from the president. They see the political incentive from their constituents. And that shows to me that the president has not figured out yet six months in how to really entice these lawmakers his way. Hes using these kinds of bullying tactics but doesnt have the understanding of their exact circumstances and constituencies. All right. Thanks so much, guys, from health care now to jobs. 3,000 of them at least, apple supplier foxconn announcing possibly a new manufacturing plant in wisconsin. No one better to talk about this than our chief Business Correspondent Christine Romans joins us before the bell. This is great for folks in wisconsin but a big discrepancy on how many jobs . 3,000 to maybe 13,000, lets talk about the deal here. This is a win for the president s promise. Its a promise kept from this president. Foxconn, taiwanese manufacturer is coming to wisconsin. The ceo says foxconn will invest 10 billion in an lcd panel plant. He was flanked by wisconsins Governor Scott walker, House Speaker paul ryan. By the way this will be located in ryans district. Foxconn is an Electronics Manufacturing power house assembling products from apple and microsoft. From chinese factories employs nearly 1 Million People in asia. And the president is taking credit for foxconns investment, part of his effort to revive u. S. Manufacturing. The chairman of foxconn, he teased he would be bringing production to the u. S. Shortly after inauguration. Now, this ceo has promised that before with little results. For example, in 2013 foxconn announced a 30 million plant in pennsylvania, it still has not been built. Big difference wisconsin is offering generous tax incentives totalling as much as 3 billion. Governor scott walker says the project will create 13,000 jobs by the year 2020. That would cost the state about 230,000 per job. However, foxconn is a bit more conservative with its job estimate. The company says it will create 3,000 jobs, 3,000 with potential of generating 13,000. A great story on cnn money right now about the history of this company. Foxconn you may recall in 2011 was criticized when there was a rash of suicides there. And the ceo at the time said were going to try to move away from the Business Model of low wage workers to robots, so you dont have these social problems. Be interesting to see what develops in wisconsin. Christine romans, thank you very much. All right. We have our eye on the white house this morning. Theres a very public battle playing out. The new Communications Director saying the chief of staff should explain if hes not a leaker. Will Reince Priebus respond . We are waiting to hear. Also, a lot of questions this morning after the president bans transgender people from serving in any capacity in the military at all. The pentagon, no heads up to them, they want some answers. How are we expected to do this, mr. President . Next. upbeat dance music bell ringing on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. All right. This morning the pentagon wants answers one day after it was blind sided by the president s decision to ban transgender people from serving in the military. So now the pentagon is asking the white house for a formal written directive of what theyre supposed to do next on this transgender policy so that the military can start implementing it. Lets go to the pentagon. Thats where we find our barbara starr. Barbara, you got your hands this morning on a fascinating memo from the chief of naval personnel to everyone below him saying what . Well, he is beginning to lay out like the other services are the questions at hand. And thats why the pentagon is asking the white house for some direction. What is the real intent of the president s tweet . Military policy by twitter is not really the way the u. S. Military works. They want specific direction from the commander in chief. They want him to put pen to paper and say what his intent really is. And one of the key questions that were seeing emerge now is does the president intend for transgendered persons who are currently serving to forcibly be pushed out of active duty, to be pushed out of the military. Will they get honorable discharges if thats what he wants so they can continue to get retirement and medical benefits based on their years of service. So, the chief of naval personnel, and i think we can assume the other personnel chiefs pretty much doing the same thing, laying it out for the fleet in this memo we obtained. The admiral saying a couple of key things here. We have some of this data to show you. He is saying that no personnel action, no discharges, no personnel actions will be taken until theres guidance from the white house. Medical care will continue for transgendered persons currently receiving medical care, their medical care will not be cut off. It will continue until there are some decisions about a way ahead. On the question of it being unclear what happens to those serving, the chief of personnel making it abundantly clear that the intent and the direction is all those who serve will continue to be treated with dignity and respect, that there will be no change in that until all of this is sorted out. John, poppy. It seems like its like that, the white house is saying ask the pentagon, pentagon saying white house tell us what to do. And there are a lot of folks serving this country caught in the middle. Barbara starr, thank you for the reporting. Sure. Democratic congressman joe kennedy says the president has, quote, abandoned the Transgender Community with this move. Hell join us next. And the White House Communications director says the chief of staff needs to explain himself and he can decide whether to say is he a leaker. This morning we are waiting to hear from Reince Priebus. Will he respond . Stay with us. Duncan just protected his family with a 500,000 Life Insurance policy. How much do you think it cost him . 100 a month . 75 . 50 . Actually, duncan got his 500,000 for under 28 a month. Less than 1 a day his secret . Selectquote. In just minutes a selectquote agent will comparison shop nearly a dozen highly rated Life Insurance companies, and give you a choice of your five best rates. Duncans wife cassie got a 750,000 policy for under 21 per month. Give your family the security it needs, at a price you can afford. Since 1985, selectquote has saved over a million families millions of dollars on Life Insurance. A public battle getting even more public and playing out live on the airwaves this morning, a batt battle royale. Lalt last night the Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci seemed to go aefr Reince Priebus writing in light of the leak of my Financial Disclosure info, which is a felony, ill be contacting the fbi and justice department, swamp, but the important part here, he tagged Reince Priebus, seeming to blame him. Scaramucci on tv with cnn this morning added to that. If reince wants to explain that hes not a leaker, let him do that. We want to discuss the goings on in the United States of america right now which includes the goings on inside the west wing. Joining us congressman joe kennedy iii, democratic congressman from the commonwealth of massachusetts. Congressman, thank you so much for joining us. I know, you know, you dont work in the white house or run the white house, but were all watching whats going on there this morning. I wonder if we can get your reaction to this backstabbing or frontstabbing from the Communications Director to the chief of staff . Look, its not the way to run a rodeo, certainly not the way to run a white house. I think the challenge that youre seeing play out on the airwaves today is something that weve seen in very real terms and have impacts here on capitol hill where many of us are trying to address the real concerns that are confronting American Families across our country. The debates we need to be having, not about whether some white house staffer leaked something or whether the press was able enough to log on to a website and get a public disclosure. The fact this is what the white house is choosing to focus on rather than a north Korea Nuclear program, rather than real attempts to actually strengthen our Health Care System and not take Health Care Away from lowest estimate is 10, highest estimate 30 million americans trying to make sure we maintain our military strength and not kicking thousands of our men and women in uniform out of the military Service Without even a decency of a heads up. Those are the real debates we should be having. Its not surprising at all in my mind that the white house would rather distract off of that and end up putting Something Like this forward. But its a charade that distracts from where the real attention needs to be and what we should be doing. You mentioned the president s announcement yesterday 24 hours ago that all transgender men and women, all transgender individuals have no place serving in any capacity in the military and you chair the Congressional Transgender Equality Task force. The pentagon is saying this morning we didnt know this was coming and we cant implement it until you, the white house, tell us that you want us to do that. What is your reaction to this new policy handed down from the president . Look, our troops, men and women in uniform do not discriminate. They step forward and they pledge to give their lives to protect every single american. Not a question of race. Not a question of gender. Gender identity, not a question of religion or belief. To protect us all. What the president did yesterday indicate hes not going to expressly dedicate himself to showing that same decency and dignity in return. Its dangerous. It gets the fundamental values i think in our country about not just just inclusivity and people willing to step forward saying i want to serve, we want that talent, we want that devotion, and without any sort of engagement in any real substantive debate by which, let me be clear, there isnt one to try to exclude people that are willing to serve and are ablebodied from the military with a tweet without discussing it with the pentagon, without discussing it with capitol hill decided to go it alone. And in doing so left thousands of american Service Members stranded and waiting in the wings. Thats not the way you treat our military. And it doesnt make our country any stronger. Congressman, were going to move you along to another subject keeping you on your toes this morning. I want to talk about health care. Right now in the senate theyre talking about the socalled skinny repeal getting rid of some of the mandates but not really changing anything else. Could you accept any kind of deal down the line that would remove the mandates but leave Medicaid Expansion, which you care deeply about, in place . So lets be clear, first off, about what skinny repeal actually is. Skinny repeal is a way to destroy individual market and destroy what health care actually is in this country and is another way of setting up the fundamental core of what every single republican proposal has been so far about setting up a system for the healthy and wealthy and another system for everybody else. With the proposal of skinny repeal means if you are healthy and well off, maybe you dont need insurance right now, but for everybody that does, your premiums are going to skyrocket. Its indicated that by some estimates cbo has said 16 Million People would lose access to their health insurance. And premiums grow by as much as 20 year on year. That is not the way you actually address the real Health Concerns that americans have across the country. And there are real concerns here. Voting for this whatever the end results going to be in the senate of what that bill looks like, which by the way senators dont even know yet, but whatever that looks like means that its going to come back to the house to engage in a conference where we cut republicans in the house cut medicaid by over 800 billion. So to say that voting on this doesnt touch medicaid means that its going to come to the house and its going to come back and youre going to destroy it. Johns point is as it stands the skinny repeal wouldnt touch the Medicaid Expansion that it is now. But before you go, i do want to get you also on this because we thought it was interesting as we read some of your comments about the president over the past six months youve been very critical of him, but youve been a little more conservative in your criticism, a different calculation than some of your democratic colleagues have taken, like senator tim kaine for example calling some of these actions treasonness. Youve said you have to recognize that he was elected because theres a large portion of our country that felt, that believes that our system of government is not working for them. What approach should your party be taking to this president . So i think a couple of things. One, youre right, the skinny repeal doesnt address medicaid. But this is a step in a process. And the next step absolutely will. So we got to focus on that. That does link to the broader question you ask about what democrats and what our government at large needs to do. And that is dwraesz the concerns of our people. I think if you zoom out far enough you see a passion, a concern, a worry, a fear from folks on the left, folks on the right and a lot of folks in the middle that say our government isnt addressing their concerns. And so theyre doing what they can to try to make their feelings known to congress. And youre ending up in this gridlock. The most frustrating part about this from my perspective is on a lot of these issues there are in fact sufficient votes in the house of representatives to move issues along that actually address the vast majority of these substantive concerns. We cant get there. There are plenty of democrats that have made a pledge to try to make sure every single american gets access to quality Affordable Accessible Health care, thats what we want to do. That doesnt mean gutting it or taking Health Care Away from up to 30 Million People. That means trying to build on the progress weve seen. When youre looking at Immigration Reform, theres there was an Immigration Reform bill in my first year here that had veto proof majority in the senate, we couldnt even get a vote on it in the house. There are solutions here that we can move forward, give us the chance to do it. So far we havent had it. Congressman Joseph Kennedy iii from massachusetts, thanks so much for being with us. Thanks for having me, guys, appreciate it. Deadly accident at the Ohio State Fair, people sent flying up into the air on one of the most popular rides. The witnesses clearly shaken. And i heard a girl scream help and i look over and i seen someone fly out. And then i seen it slap to the ground. Offer from the bank today. Whuuuuuat . You never just get one offer. Go to lendingtree. Com and shop multiple loan offers for free free . Yeah. Could save thousands. You should probably buy me dinner. No. Go to lendingtree. Com for a new home loan or refinance. Receive up to five free offers and choose the loan thats right for you. Our average customer could lower their monthly bills by over three hundred dollars. Go to lendingtree. Com right now. So, the Ohio State Fair reopened this morning, but all rides remain closed after a deadly malfunction. The accident was caught on video. We are only going to show part of it because it is terrifying and graphic. One person was kill and several others hurt when a piece of the fire ball ride broke off. Ohio governor, john kasich is traveling to visit the sight today. He is ordering an inspection. For the latest on this tragic event, ryan . Reporter just terrifying. The people standing in line had to witness this. You can tell how upset they were when you hear the sounds in the background. The fair is back open. As you see behind me, nothing is rolling. The rides are shut down. People are upset about the victims. Tragedy at the Ohio State Fair captured on this dramatic video showing the fire ball spinning and swinging before a piece of the structure breaks off, sending riders flying. Some fell 2030 feet on to the concrete below. I heard a girl scream help and saw her fly out and went to the ground. Reporter the accident, leaving at least one dead and injuring several others, including some who are in critical condition. Cnn affiliate reports the victims range in age from 1341. Stuck in a hole. You know, you put over you, they was stuck in it. They couldnt move. This girls mom, i just remember the little girls face, she was screaming for her mom. Reporter police on scene pushing fare goers back so medics could treat the injured. This was a great force and a great mechanism, consistent with a high speed Motor Vehicle crash with an injection. Reporter the cause, unclear. It was inspected multiple times in the last two days by multiple groups. My children, by grandchildren ride this equipment. Our guys do not rush through this. We look at it and take care of it and pretend its our own. Reporter Governor John Kasich offering condolences. Its a very tough day, a tough night for people of our state. The fair is about the best thing in life. Tonight, with this accident, it becomes a terrible, terrible tragedy. Reporter something to think about, this is fair season throughout the country. Theres another ride like this in california. That ride has been shut down as the inspection continues to find out exactly what happened. Just tragic. Ryan young for us in ohio. Thanks so much, ryan. Horrifying pictures and stories. Anthony scaramucci indicating that Reince Priebus, accusing him of being a leaker. We are waiting to hear from reince. Will he respond . Stay with us. So nice, so nice. Sweet, sweet st. Thomas nice. So nice, so nice. St. Croix full of pure vibes. So nice, so nice. St. John a real paradise. So nice, so nice. Book three nights and receive 300 in spending credits. 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